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There Is A River: Story and Songtellin’
Instructor: Kala JoJo
Weekend School
Part I Fall  Part II Spring
Saturday’s Sept. 20th - Nov 8th

Master story/song teller Kala JoJo joins the  AYA faculty to bring us 8 weeks of story/song telling instruction. The tall storyteller will help you drink from your river of stories that surround you - family stories, love stores, victory stories, etc. You will discover stories in the mist, the streams, the air, under your foot, in your child’s laughter, or your grand father’s cane.  A flood of stories is in and around you, flowing to you energizing your story and song-telling power. Kala will help you tap in to this source of entertaining, persuasive and healing power.

This is a call to students, teachers, parents, preachers, leaders, students, lawyers. Everyone talks, few tells stories that move us. It’s not because they can’t, everyone can. And at times, everyone does. Why leave it to chance. Our ancestors didn’t. Disney doesn’t, CNN doesn’t. We are competing with them for the hearts and minds of our children and our people.

We have the advantage, the creator gives us the primary position, then we surrender; we give it away; let others tell “the stories,” and wonder why we have strayed from the path. Come to the river.

Jump into the river of Afrikan storytellers that flows from before time to your future.  

Here are some key areas:

Who tells and why
Movement, gestures, facial expressions
Song & Stories
Performances / Demonstrations