Home. Math. Science. Social Studies. Language Arts. Electives. Weekend School.
Express Yo’ self! The foundational grammar, composition and African American Literature course is designed first and foremost get students draw from their Afrikan souls using words to transfer the images, sounds, experiences in their minds to ours.
Express Yo’ self!
Nobantu Ankoanda, Instructor
The course is designed for them to write and write a lot; and to speak and speak a lot. Afrikan and Afrikan Diasporian literature will spark their creativity and be the basis for many spoken and written word pieces. Students will also explore family stories as a source of inspiration.
Writing structure and mechanics will also become items to be mastered and played with. The text Write Source 2000: A Guide to Writing, Thinking and Learning will become a resource guide that students can go to time and time again as they produce



Short Stories


Note: we take care not to teach them to fear and or revere European people and/or culture, as we have them master the English language.
Home. Math. Science. Social Studies. Language Arts. Electives. Weekend School.