Lectures Module

Use this module if you have course materials you would like to make available to your students.

As its name suggests, the Lectures module is a good place for materials that supplement a class meeting, or completely take the place of a class meeting in the case of on online class.  Examples include PowerPoint presentations or lecture notes.

Only teachers can post messages to this module. The Lectures module differs from the Handout/Notices module only in its name.

A more advanced use of this module is to attach a 'web site' - an interrelated series of web pages created on your own computer using a web design tool such as Dreamweaver.  These web sites can include graphics and other media, and can be very elaborate.  

The Lectures module is also a good place to post audio recordings of your classes, but you should also consider the Podcasts module for that purpose.  The Lectures module is the obvious place to post Lectern recordings.  Lectern is a Windows program that records your voice and your PowerPoint slides and any writing done on its whiteboard, for playback via the free RealPlayer software.