Team/Teacher Discussion

The teacher of a Manhattan classroom can divide students into teams for the purpose of completing team-based projects.  If your course involves team projects, you may want to enable the Team/Teacher Discussion module to provide a forum that makes it easy for you to exchange messages with each team.

The Team/Teacher Discussion module behaves like the Team Discussion module, except that the teacher is a member of all the teams.   When a teacher enters the Team/Teacher Discussion module, he'll see something like:

Teacher sees a list of all teams

After selecting Team A from the above page, the teacher is brought to a page where he can participate in a discussion with the students he has placed in that team.

If your course includes team-based projects, you may want to enable either the Team Discussion and/or the Team/Teacher Discussion module.  The first provides a place for team members to interact without you, while the latter allows the team to discuss things with their teacher.