AYA Educational Institute has been known for years for its photography classes, spring break and summer camps. We are proud to announce our digital photography classes called Image-a-nation. These classes will be offered in our Mu Kanda online conference rooms and on special field trips. We invite and guide students to use their imagination to create images that they will enjoy and others will enjoy. In the process, we’ll also emphasize Afrikan memory, culture and identity. For youth, we use photography to stimulate academic excellence and social responsibility to the Black community first while they have fun and learn valuable photographic storytelling skills. For adults, we focus on storytelling and photographic skills that will help us re-experience and record the world around us. For many adults the bewildering array of digital camera options alone can be discouraging. We demystify the digital world so that they cameras can better be an extension of their own eyes, so they can better “Image-a-nation.” . Mu Kanda-our online communiversity with soul to teach many of our classes. The web is digital; it’s graphic; it’s pictures and sound, motion and interaction. It’s easy. What would have been difficult or complicated just a few years ago, is easily today. Making great pictures is within reach of almost every one. We can help make your photography experience even more enjoyable and successful from the comfort of your own home, office, bookstore or even coffee shop. .