Twi Language Course Student Demonstration
Abibi Tumi Kasa ( Afrikan Power Language)
Abibi Tumi Kasa Demonstration (Wed & Sat)
Twi Language Students Show What They Know!

Click on the link. Join us in the Sankofa Word Class/Conference room to hear some Afrikan Power Language.

Listen to student testimonies NOW!

2006! New Courses Starting Jan. Feb. Mar.

  • International Home School: Starts Jan. 4th (call 404.292.9002)
  • Afterschool: Starts February 20th; Register Now.!
  • Photography to Academic Excellence: Sat Classes
  • Afrikan Power Languages: Yoruba, Kikongo, Twi
  • The Science of Environmental Racism - Feb. Elective
  • Study Group: Let the Circle Be Unbroken - Jan. 28th
  • The Science of Environmental Racism - March
  • Black Body: The Science of Melanin - Wed. Seminars
  • Sacred Geometry - Wed. Seminars

Warriors and Healers
Jan. - Wash, DC Feb. - Harlem, NYC March - Atlanta, GA April - Chicago, IL

Other Youth Options


Please be our guest... this coming Wed. Jan 4th, 8-9 PM and Saturday, January 7th, 10 AM - 12 Noon.
You are invited to attend this FREE online-live student presentation.

  • Time to show what we know!
  • It's the Afrikan way!
  • It's the AYA way!

For 11 weeks we have been in the process of Re- Afrikanizing our tongues, our ears, our minds to continue the reAfrikanization of our hearts. For the last eleven weeks the Afrikan spirits have been actively battling the inculcated European ones. The Afrikan spirits are winning.
We want and need your presence and support to help us celebrate the victories and bolster the Afrikan spirits in us to continue winning, continue taking us back to black, back to the Afrikan way!

The Ploy!

One effective educational ploy that has undermined our freedom movements is to isolate the educational process from the community's view. While public and private schools (that we don't control) extol the goals that we cherish (critical thinking, social responsibility, academic preparation, etc.), they keep their educational processes isolated from our view. Even their results are shrouded in abstract numbers 98, 85, 69, or letters A, B, F and the like. What do these numbers really tell us about what the student is learning? What do they tell us about how far the student has come? How can we celebrate or condemn when we don't even know the starting point? What do these numbers and letters tell us about the student's awareness or skill to apply their learnings to improve our condition, vanquish our enemies, and restore our people?

AYA seeks to bring the community back into the center of the educational process. Our students - youth and adults are accountable to you - Afrikan people.

DATE: January 4th and Jan. 7th
TIME: 8-9 PM (1/4) and 10AM-12 Noon (1/7)
LOCATION: AYA's Online Communiversity w/ Soul!
BRING: Your Powerful Afrikan spirit
Click here to download link into online Assembly Auditorium


Started at Different Points

We all have started from different points along this re-Afrikanization language journey. Some had been exposed to Afrikan language words via their spiritual practices, some have been associated with Ghanaian communities for over 20 years, while others have never been back home and some have never done well at any language course.
In various ways all of us have been working to get over deeply implanted barriers to our embracing our ancestors' tongues as languages of power for our liberation and restoration.

In the words of my Mother- Tulenagwe, "we've come from a mighty long way." Sure, we have a long way to go, and, just for now, we want you to celebrate with us - celebrate the community we've created, celebrate the work we've put in, celebrate the psychological, emotional and spiritual battles we've won. Come to give us encouragement to win the rest.


Please attend and pass this link to other Afrikans!

We need you. We can't go higher without you.
Help us lift our instructors up too! They were Blacknificient!

  • When: Wednesday 8-9 PM EST and Saturday 10 AM-12 Noon EST.
  • Where: Online live from the comfort of your own home via the Internet.
Download the software by following this link: http://www.ayanetwork.net/conferencerooms/2/AYA SankofaWordConference.exe
If possible, test it ahead of time; check out the room anytime. Call 404.292.9002 if you need help.
If you just can't get to the Internet and have phone access, try our phone option below.
Limited phone access available by dialing (712) 580- 0100, then access code: 681671, then press the # key!

Questions and comments will be welcomed. C'mon; discover how easy it is. Bring your youth, too. After the presentations, we'll feature AYA's winter/spring line-up of courses.


Afiya & Wekesa Madzimoyo
AYA Educational Institute

phone: 404-292-9002

Forward email

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