No Idenity without memory concepts in psychology: Personality, Character, Personal Idenity, temprament 1. Lot of concepts and conversation are cultural bound. Depending on values, morals, beliefs to a specfic to a region or time or culture. Demon Posession (considered normal), Tagin Kufushu in Japan, Ivaliol - considered a reality, homosexuality and sadomasticistic removed from lable as mental health disorder. A lot depends on how the society views the behav 2. The preception of reality - Decarte- we (as observers) adn the world. There's s split. This is rejected in Eastern religions. Because it exists and not necessarily true, there's a problem. What constitutes reality Is there such a thing as reality 3. We don't have access to other people's mind and have to make a hidden subjective assumption that if it's another human being, it's like us. We are all the same. This is an untestible hypothesis. The concept of "personality" depends on a assumption about shared reality. Dissociative states we don't have access to reality and don't have agreement about what is reality. Is reality a crucial aspect of personality. Is continuity and memory crucial aspects of personality. 4. Me and "not me" : "the other" split - carries with it the subjective. I know what it is to be the other. there are goups like narcassists, psychopaths, etc. - these people are not like us. The creation of the other in the modern theory of mind. without other, there's no me. no personality, no 5. Medicallization of Pyschology 5. Brain imaging only provides correlation, but doesn't answer the question what causes what. Psych experiments can't be repeated. Many are based on self reporting. ---------------- Memory and Identity: No identity without memory -- Retrograd amnesia - dissociative states. unusual states where memory is disturbe significally. With those people,there is no identity. Identity vs. a sense of identity - Asense of identity is not the same as a sense of existing. zero memory = zero idenity --- Information and continuity.. a narrative, a storyline, a script, a movie, where a leads to b, b leads to c, so forth. If your memory is disjointed, Memroy is a tool where we gather info about our states and intergrate that into ourselves. Book: the smell opens the floodgates of memory. The memory makes the protagonist bondaries - ecosystem of memories Identity is a way or technique of intergrating information into a consistent narrative. With our personality, we take memory 1, 2, 15, 20 and put them into a story. There are big problem with that. The objects in Alice and Wonderland never stay the same, they move, they smere.. Memories are constantly in flux.. a lot like water. Memoies never stay in the same location - The tech of taking memories into a story that makes sense has strong limitations. It's not the identity that creats the story, it's the story that creates the identity. -Memories often make sense only to us. - I come "with a story" and choose memories to conform to the story that enhance it, prove it, butress it, and/or make it real or livable. So the choice of all our memories are selected to conform to "the story." Memories that don't fit the story will be ignored, suppressed, deleted. We'll even create false memoeries. #2: Our stories change as we - grow older, get married, become religious, etc. As our story changes, the memories change. We will invent false memories. If this is true in which sense... What we call identity and personality are stories, no personaliites, --- Personality is a outcome of Western Psychology. It's a branch of philosophy. We confuse language with reality. Not true. Memory is the foundation of identity: Alarm: Forget about 70% of what we learn very fast. memory can't be relied upon. 1990 - two types of memory: short term and long-term and short term is converted into long term. Rehersal and repetiation so often "Fraud" before Fraud you had them or you lost them. Then "repressed" you have it but can't find it. They are repressed because they have negative emotional content. A lot of what we call "forgetting is dissociating" 1927: Bela Zogonic - the encoding depends less on us, and more on the envirnoment. Before Blumaaa, all considered memory is just internal process. She told one group to rememory. The students who were interrupped remembered better. Long term memory seems to be a safety valve. 1932: Frederick ... we start with the basic memory and elaborate. We confabulate memories. We omit. We distort. Part knowledge. Part inference. "what would have made sense under those conditions." It's reasonalable that I ate meat with spagettie. (resonable speculation) 1947: We speculate about the past when we don't remember. 1947 not an object that you can assume that is absolutely true. Most memories contain confabulation and inference. Didn't make the leap. If memory is a problem then everything else psychology has a problem. Not a single area of psychology is not dependent on memory and accurate memory reporting. What is truama, what is idenity without memory. 1956 George Miller- The ram is limited. 7 chunks of memory. In pschology don't dare to go further. if our memory is limited; it's selective. How do you know that you're not missing out of key pieces info. Memory didn't represent truth, facts, - it's a piece of fiction and it's limited. Jerome Bruner: Let's catagorize it, it's easy for us to memory. Create Linkages and organize this: i.e. when facts are already arrange into a story or connected, pattern, etc. Rationalization: Inference is logical, confabualtion is reasable. No longer limited - can use patterns. -- In 1970 -- childhood abuse became big. The child with sexual abuse creates mental health problems in adults. When patients came to therapist, they try to find out if there had been any sexual abuse. (recovered memory, techniques, medicines, ) So many When you don't have memory it creates dissoance. People pleaser will invent a memory just for the therapist to be happy. Many law suits sued the therapist. Late 1970's Eliabeth Lofutus.. asked them to describe the accidents of videos. Different words triggered different memories (crashed vs. bumped). Was easy to introduce these false info into the question. She could hint or make suggestions and people would give her that answer. So as to satisfy her, the students make up memories - even if it contradicted with their memories. Depending on what happened to the student. after the video and interview, the memory changed. Also discovered that the memory depended on the emotions the students held. - not stable, like bread, like She asked it memory can be so mailable, what's the value of psychotheraphy, eyewiteness testimony, and doesn't have it own objective reality and stablity, what use does it have. Her work has been denied, rejected, etc. Claimed that she wrong. 1995 She was so mocked and ridiculed, so she conducted a Mall experiment. Give lost in the mall as a child. 1/4 of the students claimed that they got lost in the mall. They aruged with her. 2005 Susan Clancey: Alien adbuction proved that these were the exact false memories. FM are not fringe. They are the core. Confabulation, retroactive speculation. 1986.. John Ueland (traumatic memory) goes to long term. If we have truamatic false memory, it will have the same effect. You'll insist on it. Will have the same power as a real traumatic memory. Memory beginning to look shaky... Memory was in trouble. Gordon Bower - what you remember is affected by your mood- encoding and decoding and reconstruction. Happy state, you will remember happy things. when you are unhappy. ---- Summary: Memories are not an encyclopedia. They change all the time affected by emotion, etc. Wikipedia changes every day according to external forces. problem with the word: 2+2 = 4 is memory. I had bad food in a resturant. I almost drowned when I was a child. Why do we call all these things memory. Autographic .. Procedural... Episodic (triggered by time, location, etc.) events. Everytime you remember, you create a different story. We have many memories, all can be accessed, but not all available. We need a trigger to convert acessable memories to available memores due to sensory que like smells. Most memories are there, accessable but not available. Hypnotherapy helps make accessible memories available. ---- If you deal with categories, or containers, you'll obtain much more. --- Implicit or Emplicit ===== What would be identity if memory is so unreliable, corrupted, forced, change all the time. How can you be something that is stable, if they depend shaky memories. -- Identity is not solid. Not something tht exsists inside of us. Identity is a script, algorithm that takes as input and shapes. Identity is the story we tell ourselves about who we are. Identity and memores are constantly in flux. Life is about change. As life modifies itself, we adapt our memories, or identities. "Everythings flows" Neutonian. Sam is sam is sam. Sam is a river. He will not be the same person. We don't feel it because the change is very slow. Like the skin. Every -10 years we have an entirely new skin. If doesn't feel like it because it changes gradually. -- We're modifying our identity and personality and then memories. We create a new storyline of who we are. exactly the opposite. Idenity creates the memories to support our identity. Roger Brown: "Flash Bulb" memory - if such collective trauma that memory never changes. Where were you when Kennedy was associated, when the twin towers came down. These memories were stable! Urich disagreeded. The are they and stable because we repeated it over and over. Danille Shackter (story memories) Many erros in storing memories. Sometimes we delete importants. 1. The very act of taking it out of storage, changes is. 2. Block out. 3. 4. Have bias 5. So memories are persistent 6. Every generation is compared to the current technology. compare to a computer is current. -- Computer will it have a sense of existence. Will they have a sense of identity. computer will have fact based memory where memories are static. Our change all the time and make use changing memories. Robots will have to rely on "fixed" memories. If memories are unchanged. Our identity is because we are "fuzzy." Fuzzy logic Fuzzy neural networks ---- It's precisely because we are adaptable. Because it doesn't have fixed memories. Human being survived because we can lie, We must always invent our world. Our ambiguity, Our flexiblity, to deviate from truth and facts, imagingatins. We first create the ideas in our minds, the find and create the Must have introspection.