[Cover Image] [Title Page Image] [Title Page Verso Image] To all that love the Lord, and labor for the advancement of His Kingdom on earth, this book is respectfully dedicated by the author. PREFACE. The world owes an everlasting debt to its unknown heroes—to its mute inglorious servers and saviours. When we see a splendid building lifting itself proudly into the sky we look up in admiration and exclaim, What a noble structure. We admire the lofty capstone and the broad and solid cornerstone with the inscriptions and its treasures; but too often we forget the most useful stones in the entire building, the humble buried foundation stones, yet on their granite shoulders all the iron and steel, all the wood and stone of the cloud-kissing structure rests. There are some lives that are as conspicuous as the cap stone and corner stone in a building. There are many more who, like the foundation stones, though useful, solid, indispensable, are comparatively inconspicuous, buried under a moss of humble duties, yet but for them what a wilderness of sin and savagery would be the world. One of these we honor here, a real hero who has steadily fought and built, like Nehemiah, with sword in one hand and trowel in the other, one who has created and not destroyed, who has built up and not destroyed. Born a slave, sternly denied the privilege of even reading the word of God, there was every thing to dishearten, but there are some natures whom despair cannot overcome, there is a courage that whips and chains cannot conquer, a manhood which no amount of oppression can beat down; such a dauntless spirit throbbed in the heart and flashed in the eye of this slave boy Feeling the need of Divine strength, he gave his heart to Christ, who in turn gave him the grandest commission mortal man can have, a commission from the nail-pierced hand to preach the gospel of reconciliation. Brother Jeter didn't rush into the ministry as soon as he felt called, he regarded the call as too sacred and high to be entered upon without due preparation; he accordingly earnestly prepared himself, taking first the English studies and then a theological course in Wayland Seminary and afterward privately studying Greek and Hebrew in order to be able to read the Old and New Testament in the original. Brother Jeter has been blessed in many ways, but to my mind the greatest, the most abiding, the richest blessing that ever came to him was when he won Miss Thomasina Hamilton of Brooklyn for a wife; born of culture and refinement, gifted and cultured herself, she has been in a notable way his helpmeet, helped him to build up himself, his family of eight splendid boys and girls, an orchestra and choir under one roof, a family of which any one might be proud and grateful. She has helped him more than falls to the lot of most women, to build up his church. There must be something noble in a man to call out such devotion and obedience and reverence in his own family, something true and grand in him to win the friendship of so large a circle of men and women in the community, the state, and all over the country who feel it an honor to know Mr. Jeter, and who wish for him many years of faithful service in a sphere of usefulness. He has served with a lover's fondness, with a hero's courage, with a martyr's constancy for more than a quarter of a century. CHARLES S. MORRIS. PASTOR HENRY N. JETER (Installed Pastor of Shiloh Baptist Church in 1875.) SHILOH BAPTIST CHURCH. THE SHILOH BAPTIST CHURCH was founded May 10th, 1864, by the late REV. EDMOND KELLEY, who was born a slave, May 23d, 1818, in the state of Tennessee. His father was Edmond Kelley, who was a native of Ireland. His mother's maiden name was Kitty White. Four children were born to them. HIS EARLY ADVANTAGES. Mr. Kelley was 16 years of age before he had mastered the alphabet. In 1833 he was hired out by his master to a man who taught a primary school. Edmond's chief duty was to wait on the table. The pupils formed an attachment for him and presented him with a copy of Webster's Spelling Book and gave him instruction therein. This required to be done secretly, as it was in violation of the laws of the Southern States, advantage being taken of the time when his employer was asleep. In referring to this he says: “So great was my desire for an education, that before retiring at night I would kneel down and pray to God to awaken me at 11 P. M. so I might study my lesson. Precisely at 11 an unseen hand seemed to shake me, and I would arise, and taking my book commence to study, in order that I might be ready to recite the next day.” In the year of our Lord 1838 he realized the need of a Saviour, giving his heart to God on the 16th day of April, and was baptized May 13th of that year. The year following, on the 19th of September, he was united in marriage to a Miss Walker. Six children were born to them. He was licensed from the Mission Baptist Church at Columbia, Tenn., in 1842, to preach, and on October 3d, 1843, was ordained as an evangelist. Since gaining his freedom he has traveled extensively, preaching and organizing churches in different States in the Union. Following are some of the churches organized by him: First Negro Baptist Church, Columbia, Tenn., 1843; 12th Baptist Church, Boston, Mass., 1848; Zion Baptist Church, Arlington, Va., 1866; Calvary Baptist Church, Haverhill, Mass., 1873; Calvary Baptist Church, Hartford, Conn., 1874, and the Myrtle Baptist Church, West Newton, Mass., 1874. Elder Kelley was distinguished as an organizer, possessing the happy faculty of going into a community, gathering together the Baptist material, organizing and starting them to work for the Lord. HIS EXPERIENCE IN ORGANIZING THE SHILOH BAPTIST CHURCH. When he came to this city in 1864, and informed Rev. C. H. Malcom, D. D., who at that time was pastor of the Second Baptist Church of this city, of his intention to organize a church to be known as the Shiloh Baptist Church, that gentleman advised him as follows: “Brother Kelley, before proceeding in the work of organizing the church you name. first ascertain how many Negro Baptists there are in Newport; second, how many Negro Baptist children; third, how many Negro persons are of Baptist proclivities; fourth, if you should decide to organize such a church, where you can get BIRTHPLACE OF SHILOH BAPTIST CHURCH a place in which to preach; fifth, who you can get to preach for the church; sixth, who will pay the expenses.” After having read the Doctor's letter, Elder Kelley returned it to the writer, feeling that it was incumbent upon him to organize the church, trusting to God for its growth and support. Having been successful in organizing so many churches, and seeing how God had blessed and sustained them, he knew very well that if he waited to inform himself on the points suggested in the Doctor's letter before entering upon the work, the church would stand a poor chance for organization. Other influences to hinder the organization were brought to bear upon him; but like Caleb and Joshua who, when they went up to spy out the land, had their eyes fixed upon the land and God's promise, and not upon the walled cities or the sons of Anak, Elder Kelley saw not the difficulties, but the contemplated church and God's promise to sustain and help him. The church was organized in a private house, No. 73 Levin Street, owned and occupied by the late Esther Brinley. When Elder Kelley called on Sister Brinley, making known his desire for a room in her house for the purpose of organizing a Baptist church, she replied as follows: “Well, dear sir, sixty years ago, when I was married, they called upon me soliciting the use of my house to organize a church in, and they have been calling upon me ever since, without accomplishing their purpose, and now you have come to add to the long list of failures. I have great faith in your intentions, but none in your judgment. You can have the room.” The room was prepared, and a meeting, comprising fifteen Baptists, was held April 26th, 1864. At this meeting resolutions were adopted, prominent among which were the following: 1st. Resolved, That this body be known in the future under the title of the Shiloh Baptist Church, of Newport, R. I. 2d. Resolved, That we adopt the Bible as our Creed first, and secondly, as a declaration of our principles and church covenant, the articles commonly known as the New Hampshire Confession of Faith. The meeting, after the transaction of necessary business, was adjourned to meet on May 10th, 1864, for organization of the church. This was effected on the above mentioned date, with a membership as follows, ORIGINAL MEMBERS. Regular service was held in this house until the attendance outgrew the accommodations, when a committee chosen to obtain a place of worship succeeded in securing for the purpose what was formerly the Seventh Day Baptist Church, on Barney Street, near Spring Street.** A card prepared by the Newport Historical Society states that this building was erected by the Seventh Day Baptists of Newport, in 1729. This body of Christians was organized in 1671, and are said to have been the first of that denomination in America. From 1839 to 1875 the building was occupied by various denominations. The original square pews (of which there were fourteen on the first floor), were removed in 1840, and modern slips substituted. The pulpit and sounding-board, the pulpit stairs, galleries, piers and panelling, remain as originally built. There is a tradition that when the British took possession of Newport in 1776, and desecrated all the places of worship except old Trinity, and this, by using them for riding schools and hospitals, this edifice was saved and guarded, through respect for the Decalogue found on the wall back of the pulpit. The clock, made about the year 1731, by William Claggett, a Newport clock maker, is still in good running order. On December 6th, 1864, the Shiloh Baptist Church was recognized as a regular Baptist church, continuing to worship in said meeting house about five years. Prayer and business meetings were often held in private houses during this time. Sister Phebe Babcock, who resided on School Street, often opened her house for the church to hold prayer and business meetings. FIRST PASTORATE Rev. WILLIAM JAMES BARNETT, a native of Africa, was the first pastor called. The call was accepted. Rev. Mr. Barnett was an able preacher, with rare gifts. When there was no other person to play the organ, he was wont, after giving out the hymn, to descend from the pulpit, located about five feet from the floor, ascend the winding steps to the gallery, fill the position of organist, return again to the pulpit and perform his duties as preacher. His pastorate was brief, extending over only four months. THE SECOND PASTOR. The late Brother THEODORE VALENTINE became the second pastor through the medium of an ecclesiastical council, called by the Shiloh Baptist Church. October 24th, 1865. The council was largely attended, the following named churches being represented: First Baptist, Newport; Twelfth Baptist, Boston; Salem Baptist. New Bedford; Central Baptist, Newport: Second Baptist, Newport; Shiloh Baptist, Newport: Congdon Street Baptist, Providence. The late Revs. Samuel Adlam and Richard Vaughn were made members of the council. The council was organized with Rev. Edmond Kelley as moderator, and the late Rev. C. E. Barrows, clerk Brother Valentine having passed a satisfactory examination, was ordained and installed pastor of the church, in which capacity he served about two years. FATHER VAUGHN'S ADMINISTRATION. REV. RICHARD VAUGHN often preached and administered the Lord's Supper, previous to the church securing its third pastor.** Father Vaughn was born a slave, in Blanford County, Virginia, in the year 1790. He belonged to the Peechy estate. Mrs. Peechy, in her will, arranged for his freedom when he should become of age. Accordingly at the age of 21 years he became free. He married Miss Agnes Hopes, of Yorktown, Virginia. There were ten children born unto them. Mrs. Charity Blake, of Newport, is a granddaughter of his. Father Vaughn was greatly respected by both white and colored. When Rev. C. H. Malcolm, D. D., was ordained to the gospel ministry in Philadelphia. Father Vaughn assisted in the ceremonies. The later years of his life were passed in Newport. Though quite aged and feeble he continued to preach and administer the Lord's supper occasionally at the Shiloh Baptist Church. Father Vaughn departed this life at the age of 81 years, December 31st, 1871. He was buried from the Second Baptist Church, in this city. The late Rev. L. A. Grimes, pastor of the Twelfth Baptist Church, Boston, a dear friend of Father Vaughn, assisted at the obsequies. FRIENDS IN NEED. Shiloh Baptist Church can never forget the valuable service rendered by two licensed brethren from the Central Baptist Church, Newport—the late Deacon S. S. Albro and Rev. Samuel I. Carr. These brethren were ready and willing to preach for the church whenever called upon. Deacon Albro supplied the pulpit of the church for about two years, refusing to accept any moneyed compensation. The interest that these dear brethren had in the church was deep and abiding. THE THIRD PASTOR. The third pastor of the church was REV. GEORGE HAMLIN.†† Mr. Hamlin was born in 1835, in Providence, R. I., where he was subsequently educated, graduating from the High School. Later he received private instruction from the Professors of Brown University, it being at that time against the rules of the institution for a Negro person to recite in a class with the white students, which day, happily, is now past, the white and Negro students now reciting together.Mr. Hamlin was converted under Rev. Chauncey Leonard, baptized by him in May, 1854, and received into the Congdon Street Baptist Church. He was called to the pastorate in 1868, assuming charge on March 30 of that year, and closing his pastorate October 29th, 1871. In September, 1868, a Society was organized, known as the Shiloh Baptist Society, comprising all the male members of the church 21 years of age and over. The following named brethren were elected officers: President, the late Struffin Walker; Secretary, the late Esau Foster; Treasurer, the late Francis L. Girard. (Mr. Girard held the position of treasurer from that time until his death.) Directors: 1st, the late THE PRESENT EDIFICEINTERIOR OF PRESENT EDIFICE Nelson Taylor; 2d, Burrell Thornton. The object of this society was to be responsible for all the church property, and it was incorporated under the laws of the State of Rhode Island. A PERMANENT HOME. In 1868, during the pastorate of REV. MR. HAMLIN the members of Shiloh Church availed themselves of the opportunity to purchase their present house of worship, on the corner of School and Mary streets, from the Trinity Church corporation, at a cost of $2,000.** The building purchased was erected in 1798, under the will of the late Nathaniel Kay, for educational purposes. Many of the leading citizens of Newport attended school in this house. Among these was the late Joseph H. Hammett. Mr. Hammett was wont to relate many reminiscences of his school days in this edifice, one of which was, that the boys used to turn the bell upside down and fill it with dirt, turn the ink from the schoolmaster's bottle filling it with water, etc. On the 24th of February, 1869, the little band of Baptists who for five years had been without a place which they could call their own in which to worship God, removed from the Seventh Day Baptist meeting house to their present place of worship and dedicated it to the worship of Almighty God, the dedicatory sermon being preached by the late Rev. Samuel Adlam, a native of Bristol, England, and ex-pastor of the First Baptist Church of this city. PAYING FOR THE CHURCH EDIFICE. When they contracted for the purchase of the house, the church had not the first dollar toward paying for it. But they were rich in faith, believing that God would open the way and provide means for the liquidation of the debt. Nor were their hopes disappointed. In fourteen months from the time of the purchase they had raised and paid fifteen hundred dollars on their house of worship. In 1869 the church was received into the fellowship of the Narragansett Association. THE FOURTH PASTOR. September 16th, 1872, REV. ANANIAS BROWN** Mr. Brown was the son of the late Robert and Julia Brown, and was born in 1842, in the city of Richmond Va. His father was a slave, but his mother was a free woman. Under the laws of the State her children were free. There were sixteen children, eight of whom have died. Rev. A. Brown's father, mother and one sister have died (since 1891), viz., Robert and Julia Brown and Mary Ann Lyon. They have had one daughter born to them since 1891, Pauline Marcella Brown, born Feb. 2nd, 1892. Ananias, when about 17 years of age, realized his need of a Saviour and gave his heart to Christ. He was received into the First African Church in Richmond, having been baptized by Rev. Robert Ryland (white), President of Richmond College, and acting pastor of the above named church. Mr. Brown studied under the efficient and thorough teacher, Rev. G. M. P. King, D. D., then President of Wayland Seminary, Washington, D. C. September 19th, 1878, Mr. Brown was united in marriage with Miss Bettie D. Chappell, a cultured and refined lady, who proved herself a faithful and efficient helpmate to her husband. Eight children have been born to them, five boys and three girls. Rev. and Mrs. Brown reside at 121 South Green Street, Baltimore, Md. This is a piece of valuable property which he has purchased since his pastorate in that city; a happy home, that the ministers delight to visit, for the reason that Pastor Brown and his excellent wife render it so pleasant for the “Lord's prophets.” Mr. Brown has had great success in his present field in building up the church of Christ. In addition to his church work, he has for about 21 years edited, with much ability, a monthly paper, the “Baptist Messenger.” was by a unanimous vote of the members called to the pastorate of the Shiloh Baptist Church, which call he accepted, and was then ordained to the gospel ministry from the Cherry Street Baptist Church, Philadelphia, the late Rev. Theodore D. Miller, D. D., pastor, and assumed charge of the church the following month. He found but fourteen members of the church. These few faithful ones were found with their pastor in every good word and work, and the church prospered greatly under his ministry. REV. ANANIAS BROWN In 1873 the house of worship was renovated, at a cost of $1,600, every dollar of which was raised, and the house re-dedicated, with interesting exercises. Pastor Brown was impressed to observe watch-meeting the last night in December, 1873. The meeting was largely attended, and the services were marked by the presence of the Holy Spirit. Some expressed a desire to be saved and begin the new year for God. The indications warranted special religious services, which were continued by the pastor and church. The church was quickened, backsliders reclaimed, precious souls saved, and several were baptized and received into the fellowship of the church. THE LADIES' SOCIAL CIRCLE AND ITS WORK. About this time a society, known as the Ladies' Social Circle, was organized, the object of which was to assist the church. Persons of the opposite sex were not admitted to membership in the royal body. This society, since its formation, has furnished the church with two new carpets, a fine walnut pulpit suite, and a communion table, often supplied the church with coal when there was no money in the treasury with which to purchase it, besides all this, turned into the church treasury over seven hundred dollars, in clear cash. The society is doing a grand work. Death has invaded its ranks, removing its very estimable and devoted founder, president and treasurer, Mrs. Hannah M. Woodous, who departed this life on Sabbath afternoon, March 8th, 1891, at 5 o'clock. The Society greatly felt their loss, yet with submission they said, “Thy will be done.” We shall meet beyond the river, By-and-by, by-and-by. Miss Caroline Townsend, an efficient teacher in the Sunday school and a faithful member of the church, as Secretary. In November, 1874, Mr. Brown recived and accepted a call from the Leaden Hall Baptist Church, in Baltimore, Md., resigning the pastorate of Shiloh Baptist Church, and beginning his labors with his new charge in January, 1875. January 8th, 1875, by invitation of the members of the Shiloh Baptist Church, Newport, R. I., BRO. HENRY N. JETER** Henry N. Jeter was born in Charlotte County, Va., October 7, 1851. His parents, Ryland and Mary Jeter, had five children, three sons and two daughters. His father, two brothers and a sister have departed this life. In 1862, his father, who was a slave, was compelled by his owner to assist in throwing up breastworks to protect the Southern army, who were doing all in their power to keep the Negroes in bondage. Later, the same year, he was deliberately shot down by a Federal soldier because he expressed a desire to return home to visit his family. After the Emancipation Proclamation and surrender of General Lee, when about 14 years of age, Mr. Jeter's mother placed him with her brother, the late Frank Armistead, who carried on quite an extensive boot and shoe business in the city of Lynchburg, Va. While serving as an apprentice, knowing that he must do something for a living, and to help his mother, such was his desire for an education that he attended a night school, studying his lessons while engaged at his work, through the day, often spoiling his uncle's leather, being so much absorbed in the study of his book. In 1868 Mr. Jeter felt the need of a Saviour and the last words of his father as he grasped his hand, and the warm tears that dropped from his father's cheek upon his, saying “Be a good boy, and meet me in heaven.” seemed to impress him as never before. He gave his heart to Christ, and was buried with Him in baptism by the late Sampson White, then pastor of the first African Baptist Church in Lynchburg, Va., in April, 1868. There were at the same time some ninety others baptized. After following Christ in baptism, he was called of Him to proclaim His gospel, and in order that he might the better fit himself for the work, in October, 1869, he entered Wayland Seminary, in Washington, D. C., and spent about six years under Rev. G. M. P. King, D. D., a thorough, careful teacher and then President of the institution.December 24th, 1878, Rev. Mr. Jeter was married to Miss Thomasinia Hamilton, a very cultured and accomplished Christian lady, daughter of the late Thomas and Matilda Hamilton, of Brooklyn, N. Y. The ceremony was performed by Rev. William T. Dixon, the successful and esteemed pastor of Concord Baptist Church of Christ, Brooklyn. The late Thomas Hamilton was editor and proprietor of the “Anglo-African.” a weekly paper published in New York city.Mrs. Jeter, experienced and deeply interested in church work, has proved an invaluable help, not only to her husband, but the church and Sunday school, bringing together the young people, training them in singing, speaking, etc., giving concerts, thus raising a large amount of money for church work. Eleven children have been born unto them, five sons and six daughters, viz.: Octavia, Leonard, Nellie, Susie, Walter, May, Mary, Francis, Willie, Olive and Paul. May, Francis and Willie are in Heaven. came to preach for them, as a supply. After acting in that capacity for about five months, a call was extended to him to become its pastor. Believing that the Lord had a work for him to do in the little “City by the Sea,” he accepted, and was ordained June 24th, 1875. The following named churches were represented in the Council: First Church, Newport; First Church, Wickford, R. I. Elder Edmond Kelley was present, and his interest and watchful care over Shiloh reminded us of the Apostle Paul's interest in and solicitude for the churches organized by him. The Council was organized by the choice of Rev. N. M. Williams, D. D., the late pastor of the First Baptist Church, Wickford, as moderator, and the late Rev. C. E. Barrows, D. D., pastor of the First Church, Newport, clerk. After three hours' rigid examination of the candidate, the Council unanimously voted to ordain and install him pastor of the church. The ordination sermon was preached by Rev. H. C. Graves, D. D., ordaining prayer by Rev. Edmond Kelley, hand of fellowship by Rev. N. J. Wheeler, charge to the church by Rev. C. E. Barrows, D. D., charge to the candidate by Rev. N. M. Williams, D. D. The following month, July 4th, Rev. Mr. Jeter baptized for the first time, at Fort Greene, Newport, two persons, namely, Sisters Sarah Townsend and Julia Milliage. The first named has been one of the most faithful members of the church to this day. Rev. Mr. Jeter's experience in procuring an organ for the church: In 1876 the church stood very much in need of an organ, and was yet without the means for purchasing one. The pastor proposed to the members of the choir connected with the church to purchase the much needed instrument, paying for it by giving concerts, and afterwards presenting it to the church, the price of it being $200. This proposition meeting the approval of the choir, a local concert and entertainment was given, the net proceeds of which were $25. This was a fine start, and visions of speedy success in that line loomed grandly before their mental visions. But this was not to be, as the sequel will show. So great was their elation, that they decided to extend their operations abroad. Accordingly it was arranged to give a concert in the neighboring village of Wickford. With high hopes of success the pastor and his choir boarded the steamer Eolus and entered upon Wickford soil. There were eleven of them and their expenses were not light. After securing quarters for the night they repaired to the hall, where the choir sang in such excellent manner as to call down frequent and hearty applause from the audience, but the night being unfavorable the attendance was small, and after settling their board and lodging bill the next morning, they found themselves about $12 out. The pastor realized this misfortune and set-back to a greater extent than the other members of the company, it being through his suggestion that the enterprise was undertaken. This proved an effectual damper, and no further effort was made in the direction of paying for the organ by means of concerts. The organ, however, had been placed in the church, and a small sum paid on its cost. Some of the church officials were not feeling well in relation to it, for the reason that they had not been consulted in the matter of its purchase, saying that the young pastor and the choir had stepped beyond their boundary line. “What right,” said these, “had they to bring into the church an organ without our consent?” Then they began to make it unpleasant for the young pastor. What to do he did not know. It would never do to appeal to the church for so much as a dollar toward paying for the instrument then on their hands. While matters were in this condition, one afternoon we retired to our closet and prayed to the God of Heaven, who alone could see our way and bring us into the light. That same afternoon a gentleman and three ladies drove up to the door, and introducing themselves, inquired how we were getting on with the church in this new field. “For some time,” said they, “we have been thinking of you, and have come for the purpose of giving you fifty dollars, to help your church.” Notwithstanding we had prayed and asked God to help us, when the prayer was answered we were greatly surprised. Great joy and gladness this brought to the young pastor's soul. After informing them of our efforts toward paying for the organ, and our experience in Wickford, they gave me the privilege of using the fifty dollars toward that object. We turned into the treasury of the church twenty-five dollars of the amount, which act had considerable influence in quieting the opposition raised by some of the officials. With the endorsement of those dear friends who gave the fifty dollars, we were soon able to collect the amount requisite to wholly pay for the instrument, besides furnishing the choir with cane-seat chairs. One of the ladies above named departed this life in November, 1877, leaving a legacy of $1,000 to the Shiloh Baptist Church, to be safely invested and the income to be used toward paying the pastor's salary. She also left $100 to the pastor. The New England Baptist Missionary convention., which was organized in Providence, R. I., in 1874, held its third annual meeting with Shiloh, Newport, May, 1877, at which time the pastor of Shiloh Church was chosen corresponding secretary, in which capacity he served for three years. The present house of worship has been greatly improved since its purchase, having been enlarged in 1884, and a lecture room added to the main building, with a seating capacity of about one hundred. Over this was constructed apartments for a parsonage, the cost of the whole being about $5,000. We had about $700 with which to begin the work, and a church membership of only 68. In September, 1888, we paid the last dollar of indebtedness, which event was made the occasion of a week's service of thanksgiving and praise. The Shiloh Baptist Church owes much to the Rhode Island Baptist State Convention, for the assistance it has given her in the support of her pastors, as for many years the church was not able to pay these a living salary. In 1888 the church adopted the well understood weekly envelope system, thus becoming self-supporting. Whenever a Baptist church is started in a community, it encounters much opposition. This has been notably true in the instance of the Shiloh Baptist Church in this city. She has had many opposers, yet notwithstanding, she has grown ELDER E. M. MIX in numbers, influence and spiritual power. The Divine hand has led her and the everlasting arm has been around her all these years, and today she can truly say, the Lord is with us, “and the God of Jacob is our God.” Newport being a transient place, this church has been a feeder for other churches, and has representatives in many states in the Union. The revival of 1887 was the greatest in the history of the church. After the house of worship had been enlarged and the parsonage built, the church seemed to have become spiritually dead, and the pastor felt that his labors in Shiloh were done. Becoming discouraged, he wrote his resignation; but his helpmeet, who had great faith in God, used her influence and prevented his tendering it. Just at that dark hour God came in great power; the church was quickened, backsliders were reclaimed, sinners converted, and souls saved. The meetings were continued for ten weeks, six of which the pastor was assisted by Elder E. M. Mix, ** Elder E. M. Mix, a member of the Shiloh Baptist Church, was born in Harrington, Conn., in 1834. His father was Chauncy B. Mix, born in Connecticut, 1800; his mother was Lucinda Freeman, born in Torrington, Conn., 1805. Mr. and Mrs. Mix had a family of 14 children.Elder Edward M. Mix was converted in the winter of 1852. After a few months he backslid, but was reclaimed in Newfield in 1857. In 1856, on the 9th day of March. he married a Christian lady, a Miss Sarah Ann Freeman. Their union was a blessed one, and the fruit of this union was seven children. Mrs. Mix and her husband had great faith in prayer, and they kept a Faith Home, and in answer to their prayers persons were restored to health whom the doctors had given up to die.Mrs. Mix departed this life 1884. Elder Mix has a wonderful knowledge of the Scriptures, and is still living, being actively engaged in the service of his Master. who resided at that time in Torrington, Conn. Elder Mix is a person possessed of great faith in God and powerful in prayer. The meetings were so largely attended, that sometimes there was not room to accommodate the people. The influence of this revival was felt throughout the city, and during the time fifty persons were added to the church. August 6th, 1888, a beneficial soicety was organized, allowing $4 per week as sick benefits and $40 for funeral expenses. The object of the society, known as the Shiloh Baptist Relief Society, is to furnish the members of the church and congregation as much benefit as could be obtained outside, obviating the necessity of their connecting themselves with secular organizations to that end. ANNIVERSARY. In 1889 the church celebrated its 25th anniversary with appropriate services, continuing through one week, in which the following named brethren, invited for the purpose, participated: The late Rev. Edmond Kelley, of New Bedford, Mass.; A. Brown, of Baltimore, Md.; the late P. H. A. Braxton, of Baltimore, Md.; J. F. Jenifer, D. D., S. I. Carr, E. P. Tuller, W. I. Ward, J. A. L. Rich and M. Van Horne, and the late Deacon S. S. Albro. On this occasion the church presented the late Rev. Edmond Kelley with $25 in silver, as an expression of its appreciation of the interest manifested by him for the church during these twenty-five years. Over three hundred dollars was raised by the church. At a fair given by the sisters, Mrs. Kate Jozeff, president, nearly $200 was realized, making the entire amount about $500. In July of the same year, the Central Baptist Church in Jamestown kindly granted their meeting-house for the benefit of brethren and sisters who were stopping there during the summer months, Pastor H. N. Jeter going over and holding service from 4 to 5 P. M. every Sabbath. These services were well attended, and a mission was organized, known as The Shiloh Baptist Central Mission. In 1890 the church entertained the New England Baptist Missionary Convention, June 11 to 17, inclusive. This was the largest gathering ever known in that body of Christian workers, and one of the best services ever held. The reports from the various fields were unusually good and encouraging. Throughout the entire session the deep and abiding presence of the Master was manifested. The 126 delegates and visitors present carried away with them many pleasant memories. MY SOUTHERN TRIP IN 1889. On February 26th I left Newport for New York by steamer Old Colony, arriving there in due time on the following morning. I visited Brooklyn. On March 1st, in company with Mr. Matthias Dixon, I left for Washington. On Sunday, March 3rd, I preached at Nineteenth Street Church, Rev. W. H. Books, D. D., pastor. The following day being Inauguration Day, was a very lively one, notwithstanding the rain. The President, Benjamin Harrison, made a fine address. On March 7th I left Washington for Charleston, S. C., and arrived there between 12 and 1 p.m. on the following day. My host, Rev. J. L. Dart, made things very pleasant for me. The church over which he was pastor seated 1,200 persons. The colored population of Charleston was said to be about 35,000. From Charleston I went to Savannah, Ga., to visit the late Rev. A. Ellis, D. D., who was then having his church remodeled. From this city I visited Augusta, arriving there March 20th. Rev. J. W. Dunjee, pastor of the Union Baptist Church, was then engaged in a revival with Rev. Thomas L. Johnson, a returned missionary from Africa, and I assisted him for a week. Rev. Dunjee and I visited some of the business men. On the evening of March 21st I gave a Bible reading. The house was filled. I also preached on the following evening. The colored people possessed the finest cemetery of about fifty acres I had ever seen. On Sunday night, in company with Rev. J. W. White, editor of Georgia Baptist, at 11 o'clock, by train for Atlanta, arriving there at 6:30 next morning. In company with Rev. E. Carter, whom I had not met before, I visited Atlanta University, Spellman, and the Baptist seminaries. I left Atlanta, stopped at Chattanooga, Tenn. From there I next visited Abingdon, Va., reaching there on April 2, at 8 a.m. This was the home of my nucle, Mr. Wyatt Chappell. The Baptist pastor was engaged in erecting a church edifice. After spending a very pleasant time on April 5, at 8 a.m. I left for Lynchburg, arriving there about 2:20 p.m. Here I visited Rev. P. F. Morris, preached for him, visited Rev. Gordon's church, which was very fine, seating about 1,100 persons; also visited the Y. M. C. A. On April 7 I left Lynchburg at 1 a.m. for Washington, D. C.; arrived there on April 8th at 7 a.m., took 7:20 a.m. train for Philadelphia, Pa., arriving there at 10:45 a.m., leaving there at 4 p.m. for New York. On arriving at Brooklyn I learned of the death of my mother-in-law, who had just died. I attended the funeral and in company with my wife left for home April 12th, 5 p.m., reaching home Saturday morning, April 13. Soon after my return I wrote twelve letters giving an account of my trip South. These were addressed to my friend, Rev. Walter H. Brooks of Washington, D. C., through the columns of the Richmond Planet, Mr. J. W. Mitchell, editor. CLERKS. The following have served the church as clerks: Thomas B. Lunday, Charity Blake, the late Deacon F. L. Girard, Frank Curtis, George Jozeff, Irving Lewis Freeman, Mrs. T. H. Jeter, William Jackson, Octavia B. Yancey. DEACONS. The following persons have served the church as Deacons: The late Nelson Taylor, from 1864 to 1877; the late Esau Foster for about seven years. These, after having passed a satisfactory examination, were ordained Deacons by the late Rev. Edmond Kelley, assisted by the late Rev. Richard Vaughn. Francis Leonard Girard, was ordained Deacon Jan. 11th, 1866, making the third Deacon in the church. He was an honored member and a more faithful steward in God's house could not be found. Loyal to the church and the denomination he represented, a Baptist “dyed in the wool,” he was to the pastor what Hur and Aaron were to Moses, staying up his hands. He departed this life Feb. 7, 1897. His special calling was to present the financial needs of the church and urge the members to do their Christian duty in God's house. The late Minor Henderson was ordained May 5th, 1878. Tobias Edwards and Walter Weeden were ordained August 5th, 1888. Andrew J. Tabb was ordained April 6th, 1890. TREASURERS. The church has had but three treasurers, viz: The late Deacons Nelson Taylor and F. L. Girard. Deacon Girard served in this capacity with great acceptance twenty years. The present treasurer is Mr. Armstead Hurley, who makes a good treasurer. The following named persons have served as organists of the church and Sunday school: Mrs. Harriet Fisher, Mrs. Florence Washington, the late Mr. F. W. Marshall, Mr. Walter Langley, Miss Sophia Rice, Mr. Irving Freeman, Miss Ella Brown, Mrs. Fannie Brooks, Mrs. Octavia Dash, pastor's oldest daughter, Present Organist Miss Susie Jeter. The following named are among some of the faithful who have finished their work and gone to meet the church triumphant: Brethren Nelson Taylor, Struffron Walker, Esau Foster, Robert Williams, James Henderson, Sisters Catherine Johnson, Phebe Babcock, Fannie Johns, Josephine Pinion, Eliza Taylor, Nancy Eldridge, Lavinia Carter, Jane Burch, Hannah Perry, Matilda Smith, Clara H. Gooden, Mary Ann Thoroughgood, Susan Minniman, John Graham, F. L. Girard, Minor Henderson, Alfonso Perry, Oscar Ray, Kempton Ford, Sisters Henrietta Harris, Susan Thomas, Sarah Carter, Annie Elliot, Sophia Ruffin, Jennie Williams, Lydia Nellis Freeman, Winnie Rout, Ruth Ann Brown, Margaret Hamilton, Annie Lee, Hattie Curley. COVENANT. Having been led, as we believe, by the Spirit of God, to reeceive the Lord Jesus Christ as our Saviour, and on the profession of our faith, having been baptized in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, we do now in the presence of God, angels, and this assembly, most solemnly and joyfully enter into covenant with one another, as one body, in Christ. We engage, therefore, by the aid of the Holy Spirit, to walk together in Christian love; to strive for the advancement of this church, in knowledge, holiness and comfort; to promote its prosperity and spirituality; to sustain its worship, ordinances, discipline and doctrines; to contribute cheerfully and regularly to the support of the ministry, the expenses of the church, the relief of the poor, and the spread of the Gospel through all nations. We also engage to maintain family and secret devotion; to religiously educate our children; to seek the salvation of our kindred and acquaintances; to walk circumspectly in the world; to be just in our dealings, faithful in our engagements, and exemplary in our deportment; to avoid all tattling, backbiting and excessive anger; to abstain from the sale and use of intoxicating drinks as a beverage and to be zealous in our efforts to advance the kingdom of our Saviour. We further engage to watch over one another in brotherly love; to remember each other in prayer; to aid each other in sickness and distress; to cultivate Christian sympathy in feeling, and courtesy in speech; to be slow to take offence, but always ready for reconciliation, and mindful of the rules of our Saviour to secure it without delay. We moreover engage that when we remove from this place, we will as soon as possible unite with some other church, where we can carry out the spirit of this covenant and the principles of God's word. Now, in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, we do humbly submit to each and every one of these things and do hereby solemly promise to observe them, not in our own strength, being mindful of our own weakness, but through Christ, whose we are and whom we serve, to whom be glory in his church now and evermore. Amen. INVOCATION. Now the God of peace, who brought again from the dead the great Shepherd of the sheep with the blood of the eternal Covenant, even our Lord Jesus, make you perfect in every good thing to do his will, working in us that which is well-pleasing in his sight through Jesus Christ, to whom be the glory for ever and ever. Amen. CONSTITUTION. ARTICLE I. NAME. The name of this body shall be the SHILOH BAPTIST CHURCH. ARTICLE II. OFFICERS. SECTION I. The officers of this church shall consist of a Pastor, Deacons, Sunday School Superintendent, Clerk, Treasurer, and a Financial Secretary. SEC. 2. The term pastor means in the New Testament, an overseer. SEC. 3. His office is of Divine appointment, in that the relation between pastor and people is something more than a mere business contract, therefore it should not be lightly esteemed nor rudely severed. SEC. 4. The choice of a pastor shall be left to the wisdom of the church, and the duration of his services shall be determined only by the indications of Divine Providence. SEC. 5. If a change is desired upon the part of the church or pastor, three months' notice shall be given by both pastor and people, if required. ARTICLE III. SECTION I. The permanent officers of the church shall be the pastor and deacons. SEC. 2. The pastor, by right of his office, shall be moderator of all business meetings of the church and Board of Deacons. In his absence, preference shall be given to the senior deacon present. SEC. 3. The deacons shall be chosen from among the faithful, prudent and experienced members of the church, by a free vote of the members, and after having been proved and examined, duly ordained. SEC. 4. It shall be the duty of the deacons to assist at the administration of the ordinances of the church, appropriate the alms of the church for the relief of the poor, and with the pastor arrange for public worship, and advise and co-operate with him in all the interests of the church. SEC. 5. It shall be the duty of the deaconesses to assist in watching over the female members of the church, reporting to the pastor and deacons whenever necessary. SEC. 6. It shall be the duty of the clerk to keep a faithful record of all business meetings of the church, attend to all letters of dismission and recommendation and make an annual report to the church. The clerk shall perform any other special service that may be required by the church. The records shall include an annual register of all the members, baptisms, admissions, dismissals, removals, exclusions, and deaths, and for such service may receive such compensation as the church in its judgment may determine. SEC. 7. The clerk shall be responsible to the church for the performance of all said duties. All communications, to be valid, must be countersigned by the pastor. SEC. 8. The clerk shall be elected at the annual meetings of the church by a minority of the members present and it shall be lawful to elect a female to fill the position of clerk if the church so determine. If a change is desired on the part of the clerk or the church, two months' notice shall be given. ARTICLE IV. TREASURER. SECTION I. It shall be the duty of the treasurer to receive hold and transfer all the property and moneys of the church and society, according to the order of those bodies. SEC. 2. All bills against the church not exceeding seven dollars in amount, and all current expenses, he shall pay at his own discretion, taking a receipt for the same. Bills of more than seven dollars and not exceeding ten dollars, he shall not pay without the approval of the pastor and board of deacons. SEC. 3. It shall be the duty of the treasurer to render, at each regular business meeting of the church, an account of his receipts and disbursements, and at the annual meeting a duly audited account of the same in detail. SEC. 4. The treasurer shall be elected annually, a two-thirds vote of those present being sufficient to elect. SEC. 5. It shall be the duty of the financial secretary, with the treasurer, to count all the collections and record the amount before leaving the church, comparing his account with that of treasurer at the next regular business meeting of the church. ARTICLE V. SEXTON. SECTION I. The sexton shall be elected by the church at the annual meetings. SEC. 2. It shall be the duty of the Sexton to take care of the building and premises, keeping the meeting-house in excellent order. SEC. 3. The sexton must have the meeting house opened a half hour before each service, regulate the lights so as not to waste the gas. SEC. 4. He shall give strict attention and see that the meeting house is ventilated immediately after service, and during service, if necessary. SEC. 5. The sexton shall not leave his post while the church is open, without leaving some responsible person to perform his duties. SEC. 6. The sexton shall be paid for his services whatever the church may decide upon. If a change is desired upon the part of the sexton or church, one month's notice shall be given. ARTICLE VI. ORGANIST. SECTION I. The organist shall have charge of the organ, and shall be required to be always punctual at the opening of the services and at the choir rehearsals. SEC. 2. In case of sickness or absence, the organist shall provide a competent substitute. SEC. 3. The organist shall receive no extra compensation in cases of funerals. but for weddings and other occasions not necessarily a regular church service, may receive such sum or sums as the parties requiring such extra service shall deem just and proper. Should at any time a change be desired on the part of the organist or the church, two months' notice thereof shall be given. SEC. 4. The organist and choir shall at all times be under the direction of the pastor. SEC. 5. All persons filling responsible positions in the church shall be required to hold their places until filled by others, unless otherwise ordered by the church. ARTICLE VII. MEMBERS OF THE CHOIR. SECTION I. No person not a professing Christian shall be a member of the choir. SEC. 2. No member shall have a right to invite any one into the choir unless by permission of the pastor or chorister. SEC. 3. Members of the choir entering the church during the singing, shall not go into the choir until the singing of the hymn shall have been concluded. SEC. 4. Each member of the choir shall refrain from any exhibition of levity, or whispering, and avoid tardiness, or any other sort of indecorum. SEC. 5. Persistence in any of these offences will constitute sufficient cause for expulsion from the choir. ARTICLE VIII. MEMBERSHIP. SECTION I. Persons professing faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, desiring to unite with this church by baptism, or upon their experience, shall be examined by the pastor and deacons with reference to the evidence of their conversion, their views of Christian doctrine, and their Christian walk and conversation, and if approved by them, shall go before the church and relate their experience. SEC. 2. Persons having letters from Baptist churches of the same faith and order, shall present them to the pastor and deacons, who shall, if satisfactory, present them to the church. SEC. 3. Said persons are requested to be present for the purpose of answering any questions that may be deemed necessary. SEC. 4. Persons who have been members of Baptist churches and are unable to obtain letters from their churches, may be received on their Christian experience. SEC. 5. Members from other evangelical churches shall be received in the same manner as above stated, and previous immersion shall be regarded as valid. In the case of all other, immersion shall be deemed requisite. SEC. 6. No person shall be present while the vote is being taken on his or her reception. SEC. 7. Members from sister churches, on recommendation, may be received under watch care, for a term of six months, and be entitled to all the spiritual privileges of the church, and shall be expected to take envelopes and contribute regularly toward the support of the church. SEC. 8. The before-mentioned persons will be expected to conform to the customs and rules of the church. SEC. 9. If watch care members shall reside in our city for a longer period than six months, they will be expected to obtain letters and unite with us or some other sister church of the same faith and order. ARTICLE IX. DISMISSAL. SECTION I. Any member in good standing shall be entitled to a letter of dismission and recommendation to any church with which this church is in fellowship. SEC. 2. No member can withdraw from this church. He can only be dismissed by the action of the church; nor can one have his name dropped, nor be excluded at his request. SEC. 3. Members excluded may be restored to the fellowship of this church by confessing their errors and giving evidence of repentance. ATICLE X. AMENDMENTS TO THE CONSTITUTION. SECTION I. Any article in this constitution may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the members present at any regular church meeting, two months' notice having been previously given. SEC. 2. This constitution was adopted March 2d, 1891. BY-LAWS. ARTICLE I. BUSINESS MEETINGS. SECTION 1. There shall be six regular business meetings of the church, viz.: in December, February, April, June, August, and October; at such evenings in said months most convenient to pastor and church. The annual meeting coming in December, at which time the roll shall be called. All the members are expected to answer to their names in person or letter. Seven members shall constitute a quorum. SEC. 2. Persons, on recommendation of the pastor and deacons, may be received at any covenant meeting. SEC. 3. The pastor and deacons' meeting shall be held the last Tuesday in each and every month, unless otherwise ordered. SEC. 4. Special meetings for business may be called by the pastor or deacons. SEC. 5. The following shall be the order of business. ARTICLE II. CHURCH RULES. SECTION 1. Any member known to have published abroad the business of this church shall be subject to discipline. SEC. 2. Any member excluded from the fellowship of the church has a right to receive from the clerk a written statement of the charge. SEC. 3. The name of any person or persons excluded from the fellowship of this church shall not be announced from the pulpit until the expiration of thirty days from his or her expulsion. SEC. 4. It shall be the duty of every member in good standing to vote on one side or the other of a question. SEC. 5. The vote to receive a member must be unanimous. Persons voting in the negative must present their objections to the pastor and deacons at their next meeting, and they shall report to the church, whereupon the latter shall decide whether the objection is sufficient to warrant the rejection of the candidate. SEC. 6. It shall be the duty of members absent from the city to report to the church once in three months as to their Christian standing, likewise forwarding their church dues, neglecting which for twelve months, their names shall be erased from the regular list. SEC. 7. Members removing permanently from the city are expected to take letters of dismission to a church of the same faith and order, in the place where they expect to locate. SEC. 8. A pastor, on accepting the charge of this church, shall be required to become a member in three months' time. SEC. 9. The pastor shall receive such salary as may be agreed upon by the church and society. SEC. 10. The church shall allow the pastor one month's vacation annually, at such time as pastor and people may agree upon, and should the pastor fail to select some one to supply the pulpit during his absence the deacons or standing committee must. SEC. 11. All business meetings shall be announced from the pulpit, on the previous Sunday, unless otherwise ordered by the church. SEC. 12. This church shall not, without the consent of the pastor and deacons, be used for funerals or marriages of persons not having connection with the church. SEC. 13. This church shall not give any entertainments, nor allow the reading of any notices of the same, which are not strictly in keeping with the Christian profession. All entertainments given for its benefit shall be under the control of the church. SEC. 14. No member shall be allowed to attend any ball, theater, circus, horse race, or events of like character. Members violating this rule shall be dealt with by the church. SEC. 15. All members of this church in good standing shall enjoy equal rights and immunities therein. SEC. 16. The membership list of the church shall be sectionally divided, arranged in a suitable book, and placed in the hands of proper persons, whose duty it shall be to maintain a spiritual oversight over each person on the list, and report the result of the same at each monthly meeting of the pastor and deacons. SEC. 17. It shall be the duty of each and every member of this church to welcome strangers to the public services. SEC. 18. It shall be the duty of each and every member of this church to take envelopes for their weekly offerings, place in the same whatever sum they have agreed to give, and every Sunday seal it and bring it to the church. SEC. 19. Any member five weeks or more in arrears in his or her weekly offerings, shall be debarred the privilege of speaking or voting in the business meetings, except by special vote of the church. SEC. 20. It shall be the duty of each and every member of this church to give regularly to the cause of Missions and other benevolent objects. 1. In every case of divorce of any member of this church on any but the one scriptural ground, the divorce shall be regarded only as a legal separation, and marriage to another person shall constitute ground for exclusion. 2. No member of this church shall be allowed to bring a charge of a personal nature against another member, until he has taken the steps enjoined by the Saviour, in Matt xviii, 15, 16: Moreover if thy brother shall trespass against thee, go and tell him his fault between thee and him alone; if he shall hear thee, thou has gained thy brother. But if he will not hear thee, then take with thee one or two more, that in the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established. 3. It is the indispensable duty of every member to contribute to the support of the gospel and the expenses of the church, according to his evident ability, and any member who refuses to do this, evinces a covetous spirit. “The covetous, whom the Lord abhorreth,” (Ps. x. 3; I Cor. v. 9-11.) Any case of neglect of this duty shall be investigated by the church and treated as a case of church discipline. 4. Any member or members of this church neglecting to observe the Lords' supper for three sucessive months, will be looked upon as covenant breakers. Such cases shall be investigated by the deacons, for said absence, who if they find no satisfactory reasons, shall recommend church discipline. 5. Members willingly neglecting their prayer meetings and the preaching services, shall be considered as furnishing sufficient ground for church discipline. 6. A public offense is one not against any particular individual, but against the whole church, an injury to the cause of piety, a reproach to the gospel, and a scandal. The following constitute the more common causes of public oftenses: 1, False Doctrine.—Holding doctrines fundamentally false and contrary to the faith of the church and of the word of God: 2 John i. 10, 11: If there come any unto you, and bring not his doctrine, receive him not into your house, neither bid him God speed; for he that biddeth him God speed, is partaker of his evil deeds. Gal. 1. 9: As we said before, so say I now again, if any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed. 2, Disregard of Authority.—When a member refuses to regard the authority and submit to the requirements of the church: Matt. xviii. 17: And if he shall neglect to hear them, tell it unto the church; but if he neglect to hear the church, let him be unto thee as an heathen man and a publican. Thes. v. 14: Now we exhort you, brethren, warn them that are unruly, comfort the feebleminded, support the weak, be patient toward all men. 3, Contention and Strife.—When a member is factious, ferments discord, stirs up strife and becomes a leader of evil, disturbing or destroying the peace of the church: Rom. xvi, 17: Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offenses, contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them. 4, Immoral Conduct.—Such acts and practices are inconsistent with that rectitude and purity of life, which the gospel inculcates and requires. (See 1 Cor. V: 11.) 5, Disorderly Walk.—Such a course of conduct or habit of life as is contrary to and in subversion of the professed faith and established order of this church. It does not necessarily imply immorality of conduct: 2 Thes. iii. 6: Now we command you, brethren, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye withdraw yourselves from every brother that walketh disorderly, and not after the tradition which he received of us. 6, Arrogant Conduct.—When a member, in a spirit of pride and arrogance, assumes authority which does not belong to him, and undertakes to domineer over the members and to rule the church: 3 John i. 9. 10: I wrote unto the church; but Diotrephes, who loveth to have the pre-eminence among them, receiveth us not. Wherefore, if I come, I will remember his deeds which he doeth, prating against us with malicious words; and not content therewith, neither doth he himself receive the brethren, and forbiddeth them that would, and casteth them out of the church. 7, Going to Law.—The going to law with brethren “before unbelievers” and the prosecution of each other before civil tribunals, instead of settling their difficulties “before the saints.” This was severely censured by the Apostle and deserves to be made a cause of discipline in every church: 1 Cor. vi. 5—7: I speak to your shame. Is it so, that there is not a wise man among you? No, not one that shall be able to judge between his brethren? but brother goeth to law with brother, and that before the unbelievers. Now, therefore, there is utterly a fault among you, because ye go to law one with another. Why do ye not rather take wrong? Why do ye not rather suffer yourselves to be defrauded? THOSE WHO HAVE REMEMBERED THE CHURCH WITH THEIR SUBSTANCE. Dec. 25th, 1864, Brother Gilbert Tompkins presented to the church two silver goblets, and at the same time the late Deacon Oliver Read, of Second Baptist Church, presented two silver plates. The late Keturah Girard, wife of the Deacon F. L. Girard, a member of the Union Congregational Church, in 1871 presented the church with a silver flagon. Mrs. Betsey Rock, a sister of Mrs. Girard, then a member of the Union Church, the same year presented to the church a fine communion tablecloth. This cloth is in good condition, and is still used on communion occasions. Brother Lewis Johns presented the church chandelier in 1873. BEQUESTS. The late Sister Sarah Warren, a member of the church, bequeathed $300; the late Mrs. Maria Fitts $1,000; the late Hannah Minniman $1,000 in memory of her daughter, who died intestate, all of which is safely invested. She was a faithful member and often spoke of leaving what she had to the church. Her mother surviving her, decided to carry out her daughter's wishes. After the decease of the old lady the will was contested by two men who claimed to be the children of Susan's half sister, and after a long, trying and expensive litigation, the case was decided in their favor, the court thus depriving the church of what Susan desired and intended it should have. May this prove a lesson to those who have failed to make their wills. The late Joseph M. Hammett bequeathed to the church $500 to be safely invested, and the income therefrom “applied annually to affording the children connected with the Sunday school an opportunity to take the country air and to have a picnic, or some like healthy and rational enjoyment.” Mr. Hammett was a brother of the late Mrs. Maria Fitts. The late Mrs. Hannah M. Woodous, recently deceased, bequeathed the church $25. Mrs. Susan Thomas bequeathed the church $25. Mrs. Henrietta Harris bequeathed the church $25. Miss Sarah Carter bequeathed the church $30. Mrs. Susan E. Fitts bequeathed the church $1,000.00, the income thereof to go to the support of the pastor, and also $100.00 to the pastor. THE SUNDAY SCHOOL. The Shiloh Baptist Sunday school was organized about one year subsequent to that of the church, and for a number of years was almost wholly cared for by members of the white Baptist churches. Mrs. Rev. Charles Howard Malcom, D. D., for some time taught one of its classes. Brother A. J. Ward, a layman of the Central Baptist church, was for three years superintendent of the school. The late Rev. Samuel Adlam, for many years the beloved pastor of the First Baptist church in this city, manifested a very deep interest in the school, acting for about three years as its secretary. RAPID GROWTH OF THE SCHOOL. When the present pastor took charge of the church, January, 1875, there were less than a dozen children whom we could really claim as Baptists: in fact there could not be found fifteen children among the members of the church and congregation. There were, until the split in 1894, about one hundred and fifteen children whose parents were members of the church and congregation. Shiloh has been greatly blessed in this respect. Now if the parents had been true to their denomination and assisted the teachers in instilling into the minds of their children what they believed, it would have been only a question of time when the Shiloh Baptist Church in Newport would have been a mighty power for Christ. The Quarterly Reviews are very profitable, inasmuch as the school aims to commit to memory all the scriptures studied during the quarter. Sabbath school prayer meeting is held the first Sabbath of each month. Many of the Sunday school are Christians. The following are now serving as officers and teachers of the school, in addition to those already named: Superintendent, Rev. H. N. Jeter. Secretary, Librarian and Organist, Miss Ida Hurley, Mr. A. Tate and Master Walter Jeter. Treasurer, Mr. Armstead Hurley. Teacher, Caroline Townsend, and Assistant Superintendent. The school number about 45 persons. CONSTITUTION. ARTICLE I. NAME. SECTION 1. The name of this body shall be THE SHILOH BAPTIST SUNDAY SCHOOL. ARTICLE II. OFFICERS. SECTION 1. The Sunday school shall be considered as a department of this church work, and not as a separate organization, and as such it shall be subject to any action of the church. Its officers shall consist of a Superintendent, Secretary, Treasurer and Librarian. SEC. 2. The pastor of the church shall be pastor of the Sunday School, and have a general oversight of its affairs. SEC. 3. The pastor, Superintendent, Secretary, Librarian, Treasurer and teachers shall constitute the Advisory Board of the Sunday School, to which the Superintendent shall refer all important questions for decision. SEC. 4. The Superintendent shall be a member of this church, and no person shall be eligible to the position of officer or teacher, who is not a member of a regular Baptist church. SEC. 5. The Superintendent shall be chosen by the church, and he shall conduct the meeting for the election of the remainder of the officers and, with the counsel of the advisory board, nominate all teachers. SEC. 6. The annual meeting shall be held on the Thursday before the second Sunday in May, unless otherwise ordered. At this meeting the officers shall be chosen by ballot. All members of the school fifteen years of age and upward, shall be privileged to vote at these meetings. SEC. 7. The Superintendent, with the counsel of the advisory board, shall have the general government and direction of the school, with the power to remove and appoint teachers. SEC. 8. The Secretary shall keep a record of the names of teachers and scholars, with their residences, the number in attendance each Sunday, admission, dismission, baptisms and deaths, and make a report of the same at the annual meeting of the church. SEC. 9. The Librarian shall, with the counsel of the Superintendent and the advisory board, have the general management of the library, keeping a strict account of the number of books therein, and the number given out from time to time, with the names of those taking them. SEC. 10. No book shall be kept out of the library for a longer time than two weeks. SEC. 11. The Treasurer shall receive all moneys attaining to the school, pay such bills as may be approved by the advisory board, and present a report in writing at the annual meeting of the school. SEC. 12. A visiting committee shall be appointed by the Superintendent, whose duty it shall be to look after all scholars whose continued absence may be reported by the teachers, and give account of them to the Superintendent. SEC. 13. It shall be the duty of each and every teacher to be present every Sunday, if possible, at the opening of the school, and, 1, when unable to be present provide a substitute, or notify the Superintendent the previous Sunday, or during the week; and, 2, see that order is observed in the class. SEC. 14. The Superintendent shall have power to fill any office that may become vacant previous to the expiration of the term. SEC. 15. This school shall meet every Sunday, the sessions being from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m., for the study of the Scriptures, and it shall be the duty of every member of the church with whom it is possible to be present and occupy this hour in the study of God's Holy Word. ARTICLE III. AMENDMENTS. SECTION 1. Any of these articles may be altered or amended by a two-thirds vote of the members present at any regular church meeting, providing two months notice shall have been given. The church observed the seventeenth anniversary of the pastor's ordination and installation at which time special services were held. Rev. Dr. Brooks of Washington, D. C., delivered the following sermon on Long Pastorate. The church and congregation presented the pastor with a purse of $150.00, with which he bought a Remington typewriter and desk. [Newport Mercury, Aug. 20, 1892.] THE PASTOR'S SEVENTEENTH ANNIVERSARY. Rev. H. N. Jeter preached his seventeenth annual sermon as pastor of the Shiloh Baptist Church Sunday, taking for his text the following words found in Luke x: 7: “And in the same house remain, eating and drinking such things as they give: for the laborer is worthy of his hire.” There was a large congregation present and the discourse, which was an appropriate resume of seventeen years' labor, was listened to with interest. He began his remarks by showing what men in business have accomplished by remaining faithfully and continuously at their adopted vocations and then went on to show what seventeen years faith and perseverance had accomplished for his church. Nearly every year during that period additions to the membership had been made and also improvements to the house of worship. This could not have been, had not pastor and church remained together, working faithfully to this end. [Newport Mercury, Aug. 27, 1892.] LONG PASTORATE. Rev. Walter H. Brooks, D. D., of Washington, made the principal address, the subject of which was Long Pastorates: The work and influence of the true, zealous, able minister of the gospel has everything to do with the peace and general well-being of the community. He moulds life and character by his words, his deeds, his influence. There are no walks of life where good is not felt. In the family, in business circles, in the halls of legislation, in the battle for bread, in the dispensing of justice, in the meting out of mercy and charity, in fine, in everything pertaining to this life, as well as the life beyond, the minister of the gospel of Jesus Christ wields a telling influence, an influence infinitely more potent than that exercised by any other of the world's benefactors. Indeed, the churches that possess staying powers, and are characterized by genuine progress are, as I have observed, those where long pastorates have been the rule, and not the exception. 1. In the first place, long pastorates necessitate the vigilant keeping of one's good name and influence, and thus tends to the development of purity of character. The man of unsound character may be pastor of many churches by wisely resigning the field in which his reputation and usefulness have perished at his own hands, as often as he has accepted a new charge, but the man of God who proposes, as God will, to remain with his people, and have his influence and power grow with the growth of the children and young men of his flock and be the spiritual adviser and instructor of sire and son for a generation or more, must, in the spirit of true obedience to God, “take heed to himself,” guarding the sacredness of his person and reputation with eternal vigilance. 2. Long pastorates necessitate patience, forbearance, gentleness, love, discretion, in high degree, and, of course, tend to ennoble and beautify the life in which these graces abound. 3. The long pastorate necessitates the constant study of God's word. The man of short pastorate views may exhaust his stock of religious knowledge in the preaching of his hundred or his five hundred sermons, and resign and preach them over again and again in new fields, but the man who proposes to remain with his people indefinitely must renew his strength daily in delving into the depths of the exhaustless mine of inspired truth, and in bringing therefrom new truths, new impressions for his waiting people. 4. Long pastorates necessitate an humbling of one's self in the exercise of faith and prayer in order to tide over those seasons of spiritual drought which sometimes overtake a church. The man who believes in short pastorates resigns at REV. WALTER H. BROOKS, D. D. such a time, leaving those to whom he once administered in divine things to fare as they may. The pastor who proposes to remain, weeps before God night and day on account of the unfruitfulness of his people and pleads with High Heaven to to grant to him and his people a refreshing from the Lord. His prayers avail much. But I must not overlook the fact that long pastorates are beneficial to the people as well as to the preacher. 5. If it tends to make the preacher a better and nobler man, it tends also to keep before the congregation and general public an example of Christian worth, a man of established character and ability in whom all may safely confide, and to whom all may look for sympathy and advice in the day of their trouble, as well as for religious instruction and guidance. 6. Then, too, long pastorates which compel the minister to do more extensive and laborious work in the study of Scrpiture than short pastorates, in turn make the people the wiser and better informed for this continuous work in getting out new material with old tools in the hands of an old, but skilful, and untiring laborer. 7. Moreover, the prayers and tears which mark the long pastorate, as the outgrowth of spiritual unfruitfulness on the part of the church, awaken in the people a deep sense of their sin and folly, bring them to repentance and secure under God the blessings of Heaven. Rev. Walter Henderson Brooks, D. D., the eloquent preacher and pastor of the 19th Street Baptist Church, Washington. D. C., was born in Richmond, Va., August 30th, 1851. Both of his parents were slaves, belonging to a farm in Chesterfield County, Va. In 1859 his mother's master died, and arrangements were made to sell her and her six children, she being allowed to select a purchaser if she could find one. By the aid of a white friend, Mr. Brooks bought his wife and two of the youngest children, one of them being the late Robert Peel Brooks. Walter H. Brooks and his oldest brother were bought by Turpin and Yarborough, who were at that time large manufacturers of tobacco in Richmond, Va. Walter worked with this firm for three years. The war in 1861 affected the tobacco trade in Virginia unfavorably, and many of the tobacco merchants found it necessary to sell or hire out many of their slaves. Walter and his brother David were hired by their mother, who managed each quarter of the year to pay the amount of hire agreed upon. For three years Walter and David worked in restaurants and hotels. In this way they helped their mother to pay their hire. Walter passed through these years without learning to play cards or to drink intoxicating liquors. In April, 1865, a payment was due for his hire and the money had been saved to be paid to his master; but on the 3rd day of April, in said year, on the morning of that day that the money was to be paid, the streets of Richmond were filled with Union soldiers, and human slavery was brought to an end. Walter learned his letters while a slave boy. For a short time he attended a primary school in Richmond taught by a young Northern lady. In 1866 he had received but one year's instruction. He attended a school for a short time in Rhode Island. His father then sent him to Lincoln University, Chester County, Pa. Here he remained seven years, graduating with the class of 1872. After his collegiate course he took a year's course in theology. During his second year in the university he accepted Christ as his Saviour and joined the Presbyterian Church, and subsequently he was made an elder in that Church. It was then his intention to enter the ministry of that denomination, but in the Spring of 1873 his mind had undergone a change regarding the subject of Baptism, so he joined the Baptist Church. After this he was appointed clerk in the Postoffice in Richmond, Va. He held this position a short time, resigning in May, 1874, and accepted a position under the American Baptist Publication Society to labor in the State of Virginia, organizing and fostering churches and Sunday schools. In December, 1876, he was ordained to the work of the Gospel ministry. He accepted a call to the Second Baptist Church in Richmond April, 1877. There was at this time a large debt on the church. During his pastorate he succeeded in paying off the entire debt, which was a heavy burden on the church. In June, 1880, he was sent as a fraternal messenger for the Virginia Baptist Convention to the Baptist General Association, then in session in Petersburgh, Va., he being the first negro delegate that had ever been received by them. He resigned the charge of the Second Baptist Church in September, 1880, and in October of that year accepted, for the second time, service in the American Publication Society, and at once went to New Orleans to commence work, remaining until the Summer of 1882. Then on account of failing he returned to Virginia. On the 12th of November, 1882, he accepted a call to the pastorate of the Nineteenth Street Baptist Church, Washington, D. C. This church was indebted to the amount of $5,600 when he took charge. In less time than four years he had succeeded in liquidating every dollar of indebtedness, and then went to work and purchased additional ground and enlarged the church and repaired it at a cost of $30,000. This has been nearly paid off. In 1889 he was sent as a delegate to the World's Sunday School Convention that met in London, England, in the Summer of that year. The church building is one of the finest in the city of Washington, and seats about 1,200 persons. It is in a most flourishing condition under the pastorate of Rev. Walter Henderson Brooks, D. D., who is acknowledged to be one of the leading pulpit orators in the Baptist denomination. THE PASTOR'S TRIP TO THE WORLD'S FAIR, OCTOBER, 1893. I left home October 4th, 1893, on steamer Pilgrim for New York, enroute to Chicago, to visit the World's Fair. At 10:30 a.m. Thursday I boarded train at Grand Central depot, New York, reaching Chicago the next day at 5 p.m. It was the longest continuous ride I have ever made. I was guest of Rev. W. A. Burch, D. D. I remained in that great city one week, visiting the World's Fair grounds, and the late Armour's stock yard and slaughter house. It is both awful and wonderful to see the men kill the hogs, cattle and sheep. There were brought in the day I was there 1,800 beeves, 1,700 sheep, 1,200 hogs. That day 5,000 hogs were killed and 1,600 cattle. On the 13th of October I left at 8:02 a.m. on the “Big Four” for Cincinnati, which is 307 miles from Chicago. I arrived at Cincinnati at 7 p.m. and was the guest of the late Rev. P. F. Fossett. I remained with and preached for him over Sunday. He had a lovely home and a very dear wife and niece. I left Wednesday, Oct. 19th, 8 a.m., for home, via Pittsburg and Philadelphia, arriving at the latter city at 6:40 p.m. The following day I arrived in New York at 7:43 a.m., and reached home Friday morning, October 20th. PASTOR AND MRS. JETER'S FIFTEENTH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY. On the evening of Dec. 25th, 1893, the church observed the fifteenth anniversary of the wedding of Pastor and Mrs. Jeter. The affair was held in the church, which was tastefully decorated with potted plants and cut flowers by Deacon and Mrs. A. J. Tabb, who were then members of the church and who had the affair in charge, and under their excellent management the reception was a grand one. It being a crystal wedding Pastor and Mrs. Jeter were the recipients of many handsome presents. Rev. S. I. Carr made an interesting address on this occasion. CHURCH TROUBLE OF 1894. In February of said year there was special religious interest manifested in the church and special meetings were held for several weeks, the pastor preaching every evening. A large number professed a hope in Christ. The pastor being overworked was brought down by nervous prostration at the same time he was financial agent for the Virginia Seminary; he collected for said institution about $1,000.00. On the 12th of the following month one Joseph Murphy, so-called an evangelist, came from the Congdon Street Baptist Church, Providence, where he had been engaged by the late Rev. J. O. Johnson, who was then pastor of the above named church. Through the recommendation of Rev. Johnson I invited him to come and assist me with my meetings. He assisted me through the month of March. In May my physician advised me to give up everything and go away for a rest. Murphy offered to supply the pulpit during my vacation. During my absence he seemed to have bewitched some of the leading members of the church, who I thought were true in heart and entered into conspiracy to unsettle me. On my return home I found the plans well laid. I made these facts known to the church officials. I found that the majority of them were on his side. I was then compelled to seek advice from the Baptist local pastors. They met and advised Murphy to leave town for the peace of the church. He promised he would, but finding that a large number of the church, mostly those who came in the church under him, with him, he made up his mind to stay and fight it out. A special meeting of the church was held and at this meeting it was told how unbecoming he had acted, but it made no impression upon his followers. They cried out, “Away, away, with Jeter, let's have Murphy.” Just as the Jews did in the time of Christ, “Release Barrabas and let him go free, but crucify Christ.” Then we were compelled to appeal to the Abyssinian Baptist Church, New York, of which Murphy was then a member. Pastor Wynn had his church call a council of ministers and delegates from other Baptist churches, numbering forty or more. When the charges were presented against Murphy respecting his conduct in Newport there were other charges then brought by some of these delegates which were sufficient in themselves to put him behind the bars. What a pity these brethren allowed him to pass and come to Newport and said nothing about them until then. He was deposed from the Christian ministry, his ordination papers revoked, then excluded from the fellowship of the church and published in the newspapers. This seemed to have enraged his Newport followers. Then they made up their minds to “get even” by excluding me from the church. They asked me to hand in my resignation, and on my refusal they met and excluded me and declared the pulpit vacant. I appealed to the authorities of the city for protection, which they readily gave me by sending an officer to keep them from taking me out of the pulpit. The late Miner Henderson arose after Pastor Jeter's sermon and said: “Brethren I have a confession to make. I cannot pray to God and fight His church. I have been misled. I ask forgiveness.” He then broke down in tears. Sunday morning, August, 1894. A committee of the leading ministers of the State were called and the whole matter was laid before them. And the following is their advice: THE RECENT DIFFICULTIES IN THE SHILOH BAPTIST CHURCH. A very large committee from the Rhode Island Baptist State Convention met a short time since at the Shiloh Baptist Church in this city, to consider certain difficulties which have arisen in that church, and to give fraternal counsel in regard to the trouble. After a full hearing of the aggrieved parties, and a careful consideration of the facts presented, a sub-committee was appointed to formulate and make known the conclusions reached. The report was drawn up by Rev. Dr. King of Providence, and was laid before the church by the Rev. Randolph Sunday night. It is as follows: The committee appointed by the board of the Rhode Island State Convention, in response to the request of the Shiloh Bap-Baptist Church of Newport, to consider the painful differences and misunderstandings now existing in the church, which are not only destroying its peace and its good name, but are even imperiling its existence, do hereby after anxious and prayerful deliberation present their report, containing such fraternal suggestions and counsels as seem to them wise, and necessary for the restoration of harmony and prosperity to this, until recently, united and happy church of Christ. We regret exceedingly that any trouble has sprung up among you, and disturbed the happy relations which have existed for so many years between this pastor and people. The prosperity of this church in the past has been due to the faithful and wise, self-denying and efficient labors of the pastor, supported by the willing and affectionate co-operation of the people. It is not too much to say that the pastor, by a wisdom and fidelity that have won the confidence of his brethren in the ministry and the respect and generous sympathy of the entire community, has by the blessing of God made this church what it is, and led it on to the the large success which it has achieved. He has been enabled to raise more than $5,000 invested in this valuable property, has gathered a large and self-supporting congregation, and has maintained from the first day of his pastorate until now an unblemished character as a Christian minister. The success of this church, however, the pastor could not have achieved alone. We are glad to believe that the officers and members of the church have stood by the pastor, and have loved the church, and have labored constantly and self-denyingly to promote its spiritual and material interests, and to preserve its good name in the community. It has been a united service, and pastor and people have rejoiced together in the blessing of the great head of the church upon their prayers and labors. But now all this happy condition of things is changed. Confidence has been destroyed, hearts have become alienated, suspicion and division and strife have come among you. An unchristian spirit has been allowed to enter and find expression here, and the fair name of this church is being stained with dishonor, and its influence for Christ is crippled, while the world looks on in derision, and the heart of the loving and adorable Saviour is filled with grief over the conduct of his professed followers. Surely, these things ought not to be. We are not called upon to pronounce judgment upon the character and conduct of the evangelist whose coming seems to have been the occasion of the painful division which has occurred among you. But we do say that his coming was the most unfortunate thing that could have happened; and while we do not think that any one should be charged with intentional wrong-doing in securing his services, we would warn all pastors and churches against introducing into their pulpits any man upon whose character even a suspicion rests. It is possible that the division, thus originated, may have been intensified by a misunderstanding as to the rights and prerogatives of the pastor and the deacons respectively. The pastor is by divine appointment and ordination the shepherd and leader of the flock, and while he should consult the deacons and seek to take them into his confidence he is amenable not to the deacons but to the church, which is the body of Christ, and from which, under Christ, he receives his authority and commission. On the other hand, the deacons should reasonably defer to the pastor's judgment and wishes, should guard sacredly his honor and that of his family, should faithfully sustain him in his efforts to preserve the purity and promote the prosperity of the church, and in case of any difference of opinion between them they should always be careful not to act as a board arrayed against the pastor, but as individual members of the church, so that there may be no antagonism of authority within a church of Christ. Moreover, the church is supreme, and must be the judge of its meetings and of its acts. The clerk is simply the servant of the church, virtually sworn to keep an accurate record of its doings and to carry out its will, whether he approves or not. If he can not conscientiously perform the duties of his office, his only alternative is to vacate his office, and make room for some person who can. A forgetfulness of these plain New Testament principles will breed perpetual trouble in any church. Having given to both sides a full and impartial hearing, each in the presence of the other, with opportunity for question and reply, while we perceive that some things have been said which ought not to have been said, and in a spirit which ought not to have been cherished by the followers of Jesus Christ, we are inclined to believe that the division has been aggravated by a misunderstanding and unintentional misrepresentation of each other's language and motives, and we are thoroughly convinced that the causes of the division are too trivial and too unimportant to keep long apart those who truly love our Lord Jesus Christ, and are laboring for the prosperity of his kingdom. We are exceedingly glad that the causes of this trouble are no more serious, and deep-rooted, and far-reaching. We are confident that nothing has been said or done on either side which, if duly acknowledged (and we are all liable to do wrong, and should be quick to acknowledge it), may not be forgiven and forgotten, by brethren in Christ, whose hearts have been touched by the spirit and the love of God. To continue to cherish ill-feeling and resentment would be both un-Christian and unmanly. It is possible that the pastor, feeling deeply wronged by one whom he had invited to his confidence, to his pulpit and to the sanctity of his home, and deeply solicitous for the purity of that pulpit, which he had sacredly guarded for nineteen years, may have demanded measures which seemed to some of his brethren summary, if not unnecessary. It is possible that some of his brethren, not realizing the nature and depth of that wrong, may have opposed the pastor a little more strongly than was wise or just. But, brethren, these things are now in the past. They ought not to be festering sores. They ought not even to leave any scars. The voice of humble confession should purify the atmosphere of the church. The hand of confidence and fellowship, with which you have so long greeted each other, should be again extended and received. Your prayers should again go up together at the mercy-seat for the peace and prosperity of Zion. All alienation and division should melt away before the warmth of a glowing love for Christ and this church. The exhortation of the aged apostle should touch every heart: “Beloved, let us love one another, for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God. He that loveth not, knoweth not God; for God is love.” In this way you will enjoy once more, and preserve among yourselves, that sacred possession, “the unity of the spirit in the bond of peace.” And this you can do, and this you will do, if you are Christ's disciples. For, brethren, this church must not be split asunder, its good name destroyed, and the cause of Christ thereby permanently injured in this community. In case of such a calamity the Rhode Island Baptist State Convention, which holds this property in trust for the Shiloh Baptist Church, would be compelled to determine which member of the torn body is the Shiloh Baptist Church and should occupy this property. But may God mercifully avert such a calamity, and give to you once more a spirit of mutual confidence, love and harmony. By the memory of God's gracious dealings with you, by the thought of the great possibilities of usefulness and growth which are now in your hands as never before, by your love for Christ and this church of Christ, and by Christ's great love for you, patient and forgiving still, we counsel and beseech you all to hold together and work together, rallying as with one heart around this sacred church, and holding aloft the banner of the cross and carrying it forward to new victories. The ministry of your pastor has been exceptionally long, faithful and successful. In the Providence of God and in the natural order of things, it may not be much longer continued. May you all stand by him, in loyalty to him and to Christ, whose minister he is, and by your prayers, your sympathy and co-operation, which you have solemnly pledged to him, make the balance of his ministry among you the brightest and best of all his years. And finally, brethren, “grieve not the holy spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption. Let all bitterness and wrath and clamor and evil speaking be put away from you, with all malice; and be ye kind one to another, tender-hearted forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you.” HENRY M. KING, WARREN RANDOLPH, A. B. M'CRILLIS, Committee.Newport, R. I., August 12, 1894. After this committee met and gave the Heavenly advice, which is found above, in a special church meeting, I advised them to take the advice of the committee and I would resign, as I didn't want a split in the church as there are so many little bodies of the Negro Baptists in New England that are living at a dying rate, caused by just such a spirit as was manifested by the followers of Murphy. But the advice of the committee and my advice had no more effect on them than water on a duck's back. Their determination was to exclude me and “get even,” as they said, because Murphy had been excluded. Thus they did after the advice of the committee and the statement that I made that I would resign. Another committee had to be called and this is their finding: To the Shiloh Baptist Church of Newport: In compliance with the request of certain of your members, to the Rhode Island Baptist State Convention for advice, the Convention appointed the undersigned a committee. After a full and impartial hearing of all concerned the committee report. As to who constitute the church there can be but one answer. All the members taken together, but only such members as comply with the rules and regulations of the church are entitled to a vote, and we advise any of the present members who do not intend to co-operate in the harmonious work of the church to withdraw therefrom. We are unanimously agreed that the action voted by part of the church at a meeting held Sept. 28th, 1894, was not taken in a legal manner or in a Christian spirit, and therefore is null and void, the meeting not being called according to the rules and regulations of the church and was in no proper sense a church meeting. And we are of the opinion that your present pastor, Henry N. Jeter, has for many years been a faithful and conscientious Christian worker and pastor and of great service to your church and the cause of Christ and that there has been nothing shown to us derogatory to his moral or ministerial character. We are compelled to censure the conduct of William Jackson, as clerk of the church, in assuming authority which does not belong to his office, viz.: refusing in more than one instance to record the action of the church which he did not approve and refusing to allow members of the church to inspect the records, and we advise that he return at once to the church all books and papers belonging to it, and that the church proceed to elect a new clerk who will faithfully discharge the duties of that position. We are also compelled to say that it is abundantly shown that Rev. L. Rhue, Gideon Spence and Deacons A. J. Tabb, Tobias Edwards and Walter Weeden, while denying that they have been engaged in open conspiracy against the pastor, have failed to co-operate with him, and have “fermented discord and stirred up strife,” and have therefore rendered themselves amenable to the charge contained in Art. 6 No. 3 of the “Offences and Discipline” of the Shiloh Baptist church. We recommend that they humbly confess their error and ask forgiveness acording to the worthy example of one of the senior deacons, Deacon Minor Henderson. We recommend that from this time all business meetings be called properly and be conducted in a Christian spirit and that every member seek to possess and exhibit a spirit of Christian love and labor for the harmony and peace of the church. And, finally, we earnestly hope that your conduct in the future will be such that the Rhode Island Baptist State Convention, the legally constituted trustees of the church property, by the voluntary request and deliberate vote of the Shiloh Baptist Society, will not be forced to take action with reference to taking possession of the property. HENRY M. KING, Pastor of First Baptist Church, Providence,STEPHEN G. MASON, A. B. M'CRILLIS, WARREN RANDOLPH, Pastor Central Baptist Church, Newport,SAMUEL T. DOUGLASS, Committee.Oct. 6th, 1894. When this communication was read to the church the leading spirit arose up and invited the followers of Murphy to go with him, saying, “that they would have a church of their own, and no longer be under the white people,” and thus a large number followed him and organized themselves into a church known as the Mt. Olivet Baptist Church of Newport. They have never made any acknowledgment for the course that they took and never received any letter from their mother church, though they were asked to get right with God and their brethren and get their letters. Murphy sued me for $2,000.00, his charge being “slander.” His followers urged him to fight me in court, and they fought me in church, trying by so doing to kill me out. We then looked up Murphy's character and standing for defense. We found one witness who had had him arrested three times. The second witness, of whom he had borrowed money and a watch, never paid back the money or returned the watch, and besides led astray the witness' niece, but fortunately for Murphy these witnesses didn't have chance to testify because the case was thrown out of court. He is now an expressman in New Bedford, Mass., and frequents the barroom. After organizing themselves into a church they called a council for recognition. Said council consisted of Revs. Powell, pastor of Emmanuel Church, New Haven, Conn.; Gay, pastor of Baptist Church, Hartford, Conn.; Wm. H. Scott, who had just resigned the pastorate of the Calvary Baptist Church of Boston, Mass., and Spencer Harris and Davenport of Philadelphia. These last three were all without charges. Not a minister or church in the state were at the counsel. Notices were sent to several of the churches, but they planned not to have the pastors receive them until the afternoon before the council met, which was the following morning. Thus you see this was a political trick as the churches wouldn't have time to appoint delegates. This is the order in which said church stands today. This course is what they consider an independent Baptist church. The Baptist church is independent to do right, not wrong. And while we have nothing in our hearts against these brethren we feel that we owe it to the denomination to let the truth be known to the Baptists at large, as there is so much disorder, something should be done to stop it. We are praying that they may become reconciled to the mother church and be received into the Baptist Association in the State. TRIP TO WASHINGTON, 1897. Thursday evening, April 22d, I, my wife and six children, boarded steamer Priscilla for New York After arriving in said city next morning we went to Brooklyn, where we remained until May 7, then we went to Baltimore, Md., as guests of Rev. A. Brown. After spending a very pleasant time here we left May 10 for Washington, D. C. While in Washington we were the guest of Dr. A. W. Shields, who made it very pleasant for us. We visited the White House, where I in company with my son Walter, called on the president, and visited the Capitol, the Monument, Art Gallery, Congressional Library, Zoological Gardens and other places of interest. We left Washington May 21st and came back to Baltimore, leaving Baltimore May 27. We stopped at Philadelphia, leaving that afternoon for Elizabeth, N. J. We were the guest of Rev. and Mrs. Joseph Bailey, where we stayed until June 4th. Then we left for home, where we arrived the morning of June 5th. We gave instrumental and vocal concerts in these several places. While we were away some needed repairs were made to the parsonage and the new door and window added to the church. JUBILEE WEEK, SUNDAY, AUGUST 21, 1898. One hundredth anniversary of the edifice of the Shiloh Baptist Church, the 34th year of the church organization, the 33rd year of the organization of Sunday school, 29th year of the incorporation of the Shiloh Baptist Society, 25th anniversary of the Ladies' Social Circle, 23d anniversary of the ordination and settlement of the present pastor, the 10th anniversary of the Shiloh Baptist Relief Society, 3d anniversary of the Sunday School Mission Band, the 2d anniversary of the Young People's Shiloh Circle. The church was decorated with flowers from Gibson Brothers. During the week the following pastors took part in the programme: Rev. W. H. Brooks, D. D., Washington, D. C., Sunday evening; Monday evening, Revs. George H. Cutter, George Whitfield Mead and W. H. Brooks, D. D. Tuesday evening, Revs. Warren Randolph, D. D., and Konrad K. Hartwig. Wednesday evening Revs. Byron Gunner, D. P. Brown, Elijah Richardson and P. M. Vinton, D. D., Thursday evening, Revs. J. H. Allen and Brewer G. Boardman, Mr. A. J. Ward and Col. J. W. Horton. Friday evening, Revs. Emory H. Porter, Edgar S. Kilpatrick and Charles S. Morris of West Newton, Mass. Sunday morning, Rev. C. S. Morris. Afternoon, Rev. F. B. Rose, chaplain of U. S. Training Station. During the above services the following musicians sang and played: Madame John Weeden, vocal solo. Mr. T. A. Spencer, organist of First Presbyterian Church, organ selection. Mrs. Carrie Doty Spooner, vocal solo. Mr. Augustus H. Swan, vocal solo, with Mr. John Rogers, organist of United Congregational Church, accompanying. Mr. H. W. Rankin, vocal solo, Mr. K. C. Grant, organist of First Baptist Church, accompanying. Miss Ella Kay Martland, vocal solo, Mr. Alfred G. Langley accompanying, and Miss Florence G. Carley vocal solo. In 1898 I was elected moderator of the Narragansett Baptist Association. Out of 27 churches Shiloh was the only Negro church in the association. For 15 years I was a member of the executive board of the Rhode Island Baptist Convention. MY WONDERFUL EXPERIENCE OF 1899. Saturday morning, Feb. 4, 1899, about 10 o'clock I was walking my parlor floor greatly discouraged respecting my work in Newport. My church spiritually was at a very low ebb. I requested my daughter to play and sing for me this hymn “No Not One.” When she came to the third verse, which is, “There's not an hour that he's not near us, no not one, no not one. No night so dark but his love can cheer us, no not one, no not one,” I heard as it were the rumbling of the chariot wheels. I looked toward the southeast and I saw a white chariot, with Christ in it, laden with the blessings, coming towards me. I received a blessing which I haven't found language to describe. The following hymn, which the Holy Spirit enabled me to write, expressed my condition. Not long ago I was walking my floor, Ride on, Jesus, Ride on. With a hung down head and a burdened heart, Ride on, Jesus, Ride on. CHORUS: Ride on, Ride on, Ride on, Jesus, Ride on. I heard the Chariot wheels rolling on, Ride on, Jesus, Ride on. I looked to the east and behold! I saw, Ride on, Jesus, Ride on. I saw my Jesus coming this way, Ride on, Jesus, Ride on. CHORUS: Is anybody here with a burdened heart? Oh servants of the living God, Ride on, Jesus, Ride on. Get you ready for the coming Lord, Ride on, Jesus, Ride on. CHORUS: Is anybody here with a burdened heart? Ride on, Jesus, Ride on. He comes with blessings for the burdened heart, Ride on, Jesus, Ride on. CHORUS: Oh receive the gift and you will be free, Ride on, Jesus, Ride on. He is free indeed, Whom the Son sets free, Ride on, Jesus, Ride on. CHORUS: For one week I preached on the love of Christ and his power. The church was greatly revived and souls saved. There is a history connected with this experience, which, I believe, is worthy of note, viz.: A committee from Rhode Island Baptist State Convention had been appointed and was to meet on the 6th of February to see if they couldn't bring about a reconciliation between Shiloh (the mother church) and Mt. Olivet, as it is very evident that two Negro Baptist Churches in a small place like Newport are unnecessary. A committee of ten with their pastors, five from Shiloh and five from Mt. Olivet met the committee from the R. I. B. S. C. in the vestry of the Central Baptist Church. The late Warren Randolph, D. D., was pastor Feb. 6, and after a long conference the committee adjourned without accomplishing anything, for the same spirit that was seen in those brethren when they left the church was still to be seen in them. The blessing I received on the 4th prepared me to do anything for the advancement of the cause of Christ, and I expressed my willingness to resign if that would bring about a reconciliation. For eight weeks special services were held in Shiloh, the Holy Spirit manifesting himself in pastor and people with great power. The Holy Spirit furnished me not only my text, but subject matter. MEMORIAL SERVICE IN HONOR OF THE LATE WARREN RANDOLPH, D. D., AT SHILOH BAPTIST CHURCH, SUNDAY, DEC. 31, 1899. The following is a synopsis of Pastor Jeter's discourse on the life and services of the late Warren Randolph, D. D. After a brief history of his birth and graduation from Brown University in 1851, the speaker said that Dr. Randolph was in constant pastoral work from the time of his graduation, serving some of the leading churches in the Baptist denomination up to 1870, when his health failed him, and he, in company with the late John Albert Broadus, D. D., LL. D., spent about a year in foreign travel. They went as far as Egypt and Palestine. Dr. Randolph was a careful observer and gave the public the benefit of his travel on his return in the way of a lecture, which was rich and full of information. This trip proved to be the recuperation of his health. He was then appointed as Sunday school secretary for the American Baptist Publication Society. He served in that capacity for about six years. During these years he travelled among my race. Here he came close to us and showed such deep interest in the negro that we became to love him and appreciate what he was doing to elevate us. If you would know how dear Dr. Randolph was REV. WARREN RANDOLPH, D. D. to the negro Baptists, go to Richmond and to other large Southern cities where he travelled in their interest and secured missionaries whose work it was to organize Sunday schools and distribute religious literature. The speaker spoke of Rev. Walter H. Brooks, D. D., now pastor of a large church in Washington, D. C., whom Rev. Randolph secured in the service. In 1872 the late Dr. Randolph was appointed by a Sunday school convention, representing the Evangelical denominations of the United States and Canada, to select lessons for a seven years' course for the study of the Bible. He represented the Baptists on the committee. This effort was so successful that before the seven years had expired it was estimated that about 80,000,000 of persons were reaping the advantages of these lessons. Dr. Randolph was a member and secretary of this international committee for about twenty-five years. In 1879 he was called to the pastorate of the Central Baptist Church in this city. From that time until the day of his death, the speaker said, he found Dr. Randolph to be a friend in need and in deed to the Shiloh Baptist Church and its pastor. Dr. Randolph was great in prayer. He knew God. In the twenty-five years and six months that the speaker knew him he never knew him to speak an unkind word respecting any one. He was a man of sweet spirit. Dr. Randolph is not dead, but is only sleeping. In the resurrection morning those who are faithful shall meet him. Rev. H. N. Jeter in his discourse quoted the words of Rev. Walter H. Brooks of Washington, D. C., who said: “Truly a good man has gone. For twenty-five years and more I have had the honor and pleasure of knowing Dr. Randolph. He was a man of sweet spirit, and at no time did I see in him any of the unbrotherly feeling that sometime manifests itself in the relations sustained by Christians of different races. It was my pleasure about ten years ago to cross the ocean with him, as the World's Sunday School Convention met in London. I found in the close contact of ocean travel the same as I found him in his church and in his home; a man without guile, a Christian of pure soul who didn't withdraw himself from his brother of sable hue. God bless his memory. I heartily sympathize with you and his church.” He also quoted words of Rev. C. A. Maryott of Wickford, R. I., who said: “Dr. Randolph was a noble man, whose loss will be widely and deeply felt.” Following the pastor's sermon, the church adopted the following resolutions: Your committee that was appointed this morning to prepare resolutions on the late Dr. Warren Randolph beg to report. Whereas, the sudden departure of Rev. Warren Randolph, D. D., on Dec. 13, from labor to an eternal inheritance, the Baptist denomination sustains a great loss. The international Sunday school lesson committee loses one of the original members; the Central Baptist Church in this city, which he had so faithfully served for twenty years and six months, loses a loyal pastor, a wise counsellor, an able preacher and a sympathizing friend; the Shiloh Church in this city with her pastor sustain a great loss, We, as a church, shall never forget the year 1894, when we had to pass through a great trial, how the late Dr. Randolph was to us a careful adviser and true friend. We remember with much gratitude the six years of faithful service he spent in the interest of our race while he was secretary of the Sunday School Department of the American Baptist Publication Society. During these years he travelled among our churches in the Southern States securing some of the best men in our denomination and appointed them as missionaries to organize Sunday schools where there were none and foster those already in existence. Here we learned to love him for his manifested interest for us as a denomination and race. Resolved, That we, the members of the Shiloh Baptist Church of Newport, shall ever hold in sacred memory the name and service of the late Warren Randolph, D. D. Second, that we bear to the bereaved family our deepest sympathy in their great loss and sore affliction. Third, that these resolutions be recorded in the minute book of this church, that the generation to come may know the late Warren Randolph, D. D., was a true friend to the negro. And we further Resolve, That a copy of these resolutions be sent to Mrs. Randolph and daughter. PASTOR H. N. JETER,A. HURLEY,MISS OCTAVIA B. YANCY. RESOLUTIONS ON MRS. FITTS. WHEREAS, In the departure from this life of Mrs. Susan E. Fitts this church, her pastor and also the public sustain a great loss, for she in her lifetime was ever seeking to help those who were in need. She gladdened so many sad hearts by her deeds of love and kindness. The poor found in her a true friend. In her departure, from labor to reward, the Shiloh Baptist Church, along with other churches, sustains a great loss. Also the pastor of our church along with so many others in this city and elsewhere sustains a great loss, for we found in her a friend in need and a friend indeed. Therefore, Resolved, That this church express its deep sympathy for the dear husband. Mr. Daniel B. Fitts and Miss Mary Dewick, and that we shall ever pray to our Heavenly Father to give the bereaved family sustaining grace in this hour of sore affliction. Resolved, Further, that a copy of these resolutions be sent to the dear husband and Miss Mary Dewick, and also be spread upon the church records. Read and adopted by the church July 1st, 1900. HENRY N. JETER, Pastor.MISS OCTAVIA B. YANCY, Church Clerk. Here lies the remains of one of the noblest Christian women that ever breathed the breath of life. She knew no one by his color, race, or previous condition. She had the spirit of our blessed Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, who came into this world to save all mankind. She and her late sainted sister, Maria, her brother Joseph and her husband, made it possible for me to remain in this city to this day. Had it not been for them I would have gone long, long ago from Newport. They were the angels of mercy sent to me in answer to prayer when I was in great trouble twenty-five years ago. I hadn't seen or heard that there were such persons in Newport prior to that visit they made me and through the tender mercy of God manifested in their hearts delivered me from under a burden that was destroying my peace on the account of the financial burden that my little struggling church was then under. Ever since that time this dear family have themselves been friends in deed and in truth. Christian friends, when God gives you friends in answer to prayer they will be friends indeed. When the late evangelist, that great man Moody, held his first meetings in Boston, I was sent there by this dear family at their expense, to remain a week and get the benefit of those meetings that I might be better fitted to do the work for God in this city. All of these years I have never seen any change in them toward my church or my poor and oppressed race. At her request, and the request of her dear husband, I, with my daughters, made frequent visits to her home and there sang, read the Bible and prayed. During her illness she said, “This isn't my home; I want to go home.” We then sang, “My Heavenly home is bright and fair,” and while we sang and played she clapped her hands and was so full of peace and joy. Sunday, June 17th, in the morning, between 10 and 11 o'clock, we sang again, “Nearer My God To Thee.” She revived during this hour and as I took her hand to say good-bye she whispered to THE HAMMETT AND FITTS FAMILIESTrue friends of Shiloh. me to hold down my ear, and as I did she said “Thank Sister Jeter for the chicken broth, couldn't take much of it. God bless you, God bless you.” This was her benediction upon me. These were the last words that she spoke distinctly. About ten minutes to 3 p.m. that day that spirit that was so Christ-like left the body and went to that home that Christ had gone to prepare for her. Miss Mary, a part of your heart is gone. Bro. Fitts, your dearest friend is resting in the sweet bye and bye. Dear friends, you who were with her in her last hours, can bear witness to all I have said. The churches and the poor of the city have lost a dear friend. Sister Susan E. Fitts, sleep on until the resurrection morning and then we shall meet to part no more. REVIEWING A QUARTER CENTURY. (REV. H. N. JETER'S ANNIVERSARY SERMON AT THE SHILOH BAPTIST CHURCH.) In the morning, June 24, the Shiloh Baptist Church was very elaborately and tastefully decorated, by Mr. Herbert Townsend, with potted plants, the compliments of Mr. Gibson, florist, cut flowers from the different friends of the church, and banners with Scripture mottoes upon them, made by Mrs. Jeter. The banner over the pulpit was very appropriate for the service, which read as follows: “No Weapon That Is Formed Against Thee Shall Prosper.” * * * Neither be afraid. Is there a God beside me?” Isaiah liv, 17. On the south side of the church, in the audience room, there was arranged on a silver background the figures “1875” made of little purple violets, the flowers being the gift of Mr. Eugene Schreier, and on the north side, on the same order, the figures “1900.” On an easel on the platform the portrait of Pastor Jeter was placed, and on the table in front of the pulpit the photographs of the late Mrs. Maria Fitts, the late Mrs. Susan E. Fitts, the late Mr. Joseph M. Hammett, Mr. D. B. Fitts and Miss Mary Dewick, were placed, the friends of the church and pastor, who made it possible for him to remain here all these years. TWENTY-FIFTH ANNIVERSARY SERMON. My very dear members, brethren and friends of Christ, this day is the greatest to me in all the history of my life. Twenty-five years ago today, at 2:30 p.m., I stood in this aisle two hours and twenty-five minutes being examined by an ecclesiastical council, consisting of the following named persons, representing their respective churches: The late Rev. C. E. Barrows, D. D., pastor of the First Church of this city, which was organized in the year of our Lord 1638, 262 years ago. My text is: “Then Samuel took a stone and set it between Mizpah and then called the name of it Ebenezer, saying, hitherto hath the Lord helped us. Having therefore obtained the help of God, I continue unto this day, witnessing both to small and great, saying none other things than those which the prophets and Moses did say should come.” (1 Sam. 7-12; Acts 26-27). Subject: “The Secret of True Success.” In his introductory remarks he referred to the Children's Home and the gift of the late Mr. Frank Hammett to said home, which they would receive after the death of the late Joseph Hammett. Negro children were debarred from this home, by an arrangement of one prominent professor of Christianity. The late Joseph Hammett said to me that his brother wasn't aware of this, had he known it, he wouldn't have left them a cent, and he declared that he would live ten years longer to keep them out of it. Mr. Joseph Hammett made no pretension to Christianity. The speaker then dwelt to some extent on race prejudice and said there is one thing that he admired in the Catholic Church that no distinction was made on account of a man's color or condition. The black, the white, the poor, the rich, all go to one altar. God bless that church for believing “that out of one blood God created all men to dwell upon the face of the earth, and that whosoever feared Him and served Him were accepted with him.” Long live the Pope and the priests for their Christ life spirit in this respect. The work accomplished in these years is as follows: Sermons preached by the pastor, 2,364. Visits made by him, 10,091. Prayer meetings conducted, 1,840. Received into the fellowship of the church: By baptism, 170: by experience, 83; by letter, 50; total, 303. United in marriage, 49 couples. Funerals attended, 221. MASONIC HALL, SUNDAY EVENING. The hall was tastefully decorated by the High and Grammar Schools, and it was filled with friends and members of the church interested in the services. There was a fancy basket of pink and green crepe and tissue paper decorated in silver crescents and purple violets with a large bow of lavender and silver paper of violets and roses. This basket sat on the table to receive the silver offering for the pastor in appreciation for these 25 years of service. On the platform were Revs. Henry Moran Stone, rector of Trinity Church, Rev. C. H. Porter, pastor of Channing Memorial Church, Ernest Dennen, the assistant rector of Trinity, Charles S. Morris, the returned missionary from Africa and the pastor who had been in Newport 25 years and 6 months. PROGRAMME. Rev. Charles S. Morris, late Missionary to Cape Town. South Africa, conducted the services during the anniversary week. REV. AND MRS. CHARLES S. MORRIS AND BABY Rev. Charles Satchell Morris was born in Louisville, Ky., just at the close of the Civil War, Sept. 26, 1865. His parents and grandparents had been free and enjoyed exceptional advantages both of means and education. His great-grandfather on his father's side was an Englishman, who, having chosen a beautiful mulatto for his wife, lived true to her, and at their death their remains were buried side by side. His great-grandmother on his mother's side was a half sister to Martha Washington. Her husband was an Englishman by the name of Satchell. His mother was educated at Oberlin College, Ohio, before the war. His grandfather had the unique but dangerous distinction of voting for Wm. Henry Harrison in Kentucky in 1840. It cost him his residence in the state. The Whips won, and the knowledge that a free colored man, although almost white, had helped elect him, so incensed the Democrats that Mr. Morris had to almost give away his valuable properties and hastily leave the State. Rev. Charles Satchell Morris after graduating with the highest honors from the colored High School at Louisville as valedictorian of his class, went to Washington to study at Howard University. Here he renewed the acquaintance with the family of Hon. Frederick Douglass. His mother and Mr. Douglass' daughter were formerly friends at Oberlin. In the national campaign of '88, although Mr. Morris was scarcely more than a boy, he was assigned by the National Republican Committee to speak with Mr. Douglass in all the doubtful States. It was in this his first public appearance that the young orator made a national reputation. Mr. Douglass would divide time with him and introduce him as “the young Fred Douglass, an orator with a heart of fire and a tongue of flame.” In these political meetings the young speaker would sweep everything before him, so that Mr. Douglass would say to the audience: “Wait till I get through; thunder and lightning is behind me.” During the Harrison administration Mr. Morris was appointed to several lucrative positions, among them that of a gauger in the internal revenue service, also inspector of immigrants at the port of New York. In the campaign of '92 he was assistant secretary of the National Republican Convention that met at Minneapolis. He also spoke the same night with Major McKinley at the great National Slogan Meeting in Buffalo in '92. While at Ann Arbor, Mich., studying law he felt called to enter the ministry. The immediate cause of this was the sudden death of his wife, a granddaughter of Mr. Douglass, to whom he had been married less than a year. Mr. Morris desiring to thoroughly fit himself for the ministry, entered Newton Seminary in the Fall of '96. While here the National Republican Committee offered him $60 a week to begin with (he had formerly received $200), if he would take the stump for McKinley, but feeling that a minister ought not to engage in political campaigns, he declined. He was elected chairman of the Massachusetts State Prohibition Convention, and regularly every year he was nominated for the Legislature by the Prohibition party of the city of Newton. During his second year at Newton he won the first prize at an oratorical contest in the State of Massachusetts, $25. This entitled him to compete for the national prize of $75 which he won at Pittsburg over the contestants of all other States. In 1897, July 7th, Mr. Morris married Miss Sadie Eugenia Waterman, a beautiful young lady of Charleston, S. C. In July of 1899 Mr. Morris having felt called to Africa, resigned his church at West Newton and refused flattering offers of large churches in Boston and New York, and sailed for Cape Town, South Africa. From there he sailed up the East Coast among the Zulus and then back to Cape Town and up the West Coast. While in Africa he received into the Baptist Church the leaders of an entire denomination, called the African Native Church, whom he baptized, thus adding to the Baptist Communion in South Africa about 1,257 souls. Since the return of Mr. Morris to America he has spent his time going about among the church North and South, stirring them up on the subject of missions. It was while engaged in this work that he electrified the Southern Baptist Convention at Hot Springs. This Convention is composed of the leading white Baptist churches of the South. Mr. Morris was given but five minutes in which to speak to them. He so thrilled them with his eloquence that they voted to give him all the time he wanted, and at the conclusion of his address Dr. T. T. Eaton, the gifted pastor of the leading Baptist Church in Louisville, Ky., came forward with five silver dollars, saying: “I move we give Brother Morris a collection here now.” In a few moments from every quarter of the great hall the vast congregation came, crowding up to lay down $109 at the speaker's feet. Such a thing was never heard of before in all the South. Mr. Morris hopes to go to Africa as soon as he can raise the funds as an industrial missionary, taking his happy little family with him. His brave wife is willing and ready to second all the efforts of her husband to preach the Gospel to every creature. Scripture reading by Rev. H. M. Stone, Col. I, and offering the following invovation: O God, the protector of all that trust in Thee, without whom nothing is strong, nothing is holy, visit, we pray Thee, this congregation with Thy love and favor, enlighten their minds more and more with the light of the everlasing gospel, increase in them true religion, nourish them with the sense of Thy benignant nearness, and make them to grow stronger in Thy strength and loyal in Thy love. And grant, O Lord, to him, Thy servant, who has labored so long and faithfully among them in Thy name, a blessing and refreshment on this day. Make him to know and feel that his REV. H. M. STONE work is approved by Thee, and accepted, and give him eyes to see the spiritual fruit of all his toil and a heart to thank Thee for that Thou hast vouchsafed to work through him in this his ministry of success. We beseech Thee to lend Thy benediction on this anniversary of his coming and to inspire his future work with continued grace and power; through Jesus Christ, our Lord. The pastor spoke as follows: Fellow citizens of Newport and friends at large—It wasn't my intention to have anything to say this evening as you will see that my name doesn't appear on the programme, but the wise Spirit used a certain gentleman in the person of Mr. W. A. Wright, whom I have great regard, yesterday morning, to suggest that by all means I should have something to say as the people came there to see me, and when I come to consider that these friends came to see a minister who had been in Newport at a single church 25 years and 6 months, this was an unusual thing in these days to find a church that would endure a man so many years, and a city that would look upon a man that long. After thanking the large audience for their presence, said that we get knowledge DR. M. LAWRENCE TYREE from the study of books and nature, but we could only get experience by staying long in a place, as I had done. I was but half of a man when I came to Newport. I remember reading in the blessed book, He that findeth a wife, findeth a good thing and obtaineth favor of the Lord, and I felt greatly favored as they could see the number of Jeter children helping to furnish the music this evening. Speaking of the debt of gratitude I felt that I owed the Summer residents who had helped the church in its struggle, naming many of them, and among them were the late Mr. Cornelius Vanderbilt, Mr. John Foster, Mr. John Nicholas Brown, Mrs. E. A. Gammell and others. The speaker said that there were quite a list of those who lived who had also helped him, but he had reason for not calling their names. Dr. M. Lawrence Tyree and also Dr. Harry Jackson made timely remarks on the subject, “The Importance of Young Men Attending the Sunday School and Other Religious Services.” Rev. Porter spoke as follows: I am very happy in being here tonight—happy to join with you in this bright and cheerful service, happy to join my congratulations REV. C. H. PORTER, JR. to your pastor with your own. I honor your minister for his long and useful pastorate, and congratulate him on rounding out 25 years of service in the gospel ministry. I congratulate you that you have had his faithful ministry so long; it speaks well for your loyalty and your allegiance. I am glad of all the good work you have done together, and rejoice at all the genuine personal and public service which has been the good fruit of your common labor. With all my heart I wish you many more years of happy, useful life together in the work of Shiloh Baptist Church. I speak for myself and also on behalf of the Channing Memorial Church. I bring you my people's greeting; their good wishes for your future. Before sitting down there is one word I must add. I must say “Amen” to the earnest appeal made by the two earlier speakers of the evening. The chiefest duty in any community and in every church is to reach, to guard, to lift up the young—especially, perhaps, the young men. It is also the hardest duty, for no others have so many persuasions to forsake their religious home. Look about you. Count your churches; then count the evil haunts up and down the streets. Contrast their power over our young men. See their comparative enticement and allurement according to the taste and recognition of the world! What are we doing about it? How much of our best and most earnest effort are we spending to guard our young men from these evils? How much are we sarificing to preserve their manhood? May we be pledged to a more faithful service tonight. God grant that the inspiration of this anniversary may give you new zeal for your work; may it unite pastor and people in closer taste and comradeship to the opening work of many more years consecrated to the work of God and Christ among men. REV. C. H. PORTER, JR., Pastor of Channing Memorial Church, Newport, R. I. THE GOOD WORK AT SHILOH. THE JETER ANNIVERSARY CONTINUES TO INTEREST MANY PEOPLE. June 25, 1900—Addresses were made by Rev. George Whitfield Mead, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church of this city, and Chaplain Cassard, U. S. N. June 26—Addresses by Revs. Brewer G. Boardman and Thomas E. Chandler. The first speaker was Rev. Brewer G. Boardman, pastor of the First Baptist Church, who said in part In congratulating you on this significant and memorable occasion, full of interesting reminiscences and hallowed memories for pastor and people, my message is respecting a forward movement. For this purpose let me bring to you the words put into the mouth of a great leader in time of peril, with which he was to rally, stimulate and lead to victory a disheartened people. The words are “Go Forward,” found in Exodus 14-15. The Hebrew nation was just emerging from old history and past experience and was entering new experiences to make new history. Life's ideal and reality were dawning upon their waking vision. Behind them was an enemy merciless and cruel. Before them the Red Sea of tested faith, and beyond that the wilderness of trial and temptation. Between life's desired accomplishment and life's reality were obstacles and difficulties dark and defiant. Beyond the Red Sea and wilderness was Caanan and crowned achievement. In the name of God Moses commanded to “Go Forward.” This is a message fresh and forceful today. The successful life is not one devoid of difficulties, but that one which meets and masters difficulties. Let this be the watchword in your coming efforts and history. Advance all REV. BREWER G. BOARDMAN along the line of Christian activity. The voice of the twenty-five years past and the voice of the coming era in the dawning new century unite in bidding you “Go Forward.” Move on from accomplishment under divine leadership to higher and better things. Your safety is in going forward. To stand still is to be defeated. To go back is to enter into bondage. Failure to go forward will paralyze our energies dwarf our minds and hearts and shrivel our souls. Go forward in honest use of the strength, endowments and possessions you have, and God will supplement and multiply these with His own unfailing strength and grace. He asks: “Have not I sent thee?” He assures: “Lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world.” REV. BREWER G. BOARDMAN, Pastor of First Baptist Church, Newport, R. I. Rev. Byron Gunner, pastor of the Union Congregational Church, spoke from the text, in Luke x, 20: “Notwithstanding, in this rejoice not, that the spirits are subject unto you, but REV. BYRON GUNNER rather rejoice because your names are written in Heaven.” Mr. Gunner said in part: “Upon such a joyous occasion I esteem it a privilege to extend to you, with my own, the fraternal greetings and hearty congratulations of the Union Congregational Church. It is our sincere wish and most earnest prayer that the choicest blessings of our Heavenly Father, in which you have most abundantly shared during the past 25 years, may continue with ever increasing fullness to crown your labors of love. And may your beloved and faithful pastor, and his ever-increasing household, be granted the satisfaction of many more years of blessed usefulness; may goodness and mercy continue to follow you all the days of your life, and may you dwell in the house of the Lord forever.” Passing to his theme the speaker said that Christ had shown his disciples that the chief reason for their joy was not in their possession of new and mighty power but in the blessed fact that their names had been recorded in the Book of Life, as His servants commissioned to do His work. He cautioned and warned them against that which might cause them to be puffed up and to think too highly of themselves; he wished to keep them humble in spirit. There is nothing wrong in rejoicing in success and in the possession and exercise of newly acquired powers, but there are other sources of joy that are far more excellent. Christ would have his followers rejoice in what He has done for them rather than what He has permitted them to do for Him. It is far better to be a humble, unknown child of the King than to be famous for mighty deeds without our calling and election being sure. He would have His followers learn that it is wiser to build on character than on works. What we are is of greater importance to us, to the world, to the Kingdom of God, than what we have done or shall ever do. “I have heard,” the speaker said, “your pastor recounting the visits to the sick, the funerals, services and prayer meetings attended, the number of sermons he had preached during the 25 years of his ministry in this city. It was a remarkable record. I rejoiced with him in it. But the fact that Brother Jeter, after living in this wicked city for a quarter of a century, enjoys today an untarnished reputation for piety, integrity and purity of heart and life, to my mind affords far more occasion for joyful congratulations than the excellent service he has been enabled to render in this city. * * * * It reflects great credit on Mr. Jeter, and upon his family and upon the race, that he has spent a quarter of a century in Newport, and until this day he and all his household, from the cradle to the oldest member of the family, without exception, have sustained a reputation for piety and purity that is untarnished. And this fact should be the occasion of our most joyous congratulations. And let us all build on character rather than on works and then our joy will be complete and unending.” Rev. E. A. Wheeler, who was pastor in East Greenwich, when I took charge here, stopped on his way to New York and in very fitting words congratulated the church and pastor for their long union, during the anniversary week June 24 - July 28. BROTHERS AND SISTERS: The message I bring you from the Methodist Episcopal Church on this your pleasant anniversary is found in St. Paul's letter to the Collosians, first chapter and twenty-seventh verse: “This Mystery is Christ in you the hope of Glory.” The Mystery here spoken of is briefly explained. We will look at the last word first. 1. “Glory.” Our conception of spiritual things are taken quite largely from the phenomenal temporal. The boy knows what this word means. Kings and emperors of the nations of the earth have known of the power of this word. If we look out into Nature we shall see splendid examples of the glory. The stars forever singing as they shine all proclaim the hand that made them is divine. But for the true meaning of this word glory we must look away to the things which God is preparing for them that love Him. But of what shall the glory of Heaven consist? We shall put off the mortal, put on the immortal body, enjoy a conscious existence with Heavenly associations forever. It is when the immortal soul, redeemed by Jesus Christ, enters Heaven and is ushered into the presence of God and sees the height and depth of being, of Heaven, of eternity, of peace, that it will realize the weight of this one word “Glory.” 2. The Hope of Glory. To the word glory the apostle adds the word “Hope.” Hope is the desire of some good with at least a slight expectation of receiving that good. When you lay your sacred dead in the grave you look forward to the Heavenly meeting. Hope is life's antidote. It counteracts the poisoning influence of discouragement. It is the bow of promise on the storm clouds of sorrow. 3. The apostle says that “Christ is the hope of glory.” Jesus Christ occupies an unique position in the history of the human race. A study of the Scriptures, especially of his acts, prophecy and deeds, also of St. Paul's experience and statements, will show that he stands head and shoulders above every prophet, philanthropist or reformer in the entire annals of history. He is the King of Kings, and Lord of Lords, the Lord God Omnipotent. In no other name is there salvation. He alone of all is the hope of glory. Jesus by highest Heaven adored, Jesus the everlasting Lord. 4. But we must notice again. The apostle says: “Christ in you the hope of glory.” The ever-present and indwelling Christ is the only hope of glory. The abiding presence of the Holy Spirit is then our assurance of Heaven. REV. T. E. CHANDLER, Pastor of the First M. E. Church, Newport. Rev. C. A. Maryott of Wickford said he was present by reason of appointment of the Providence Ministers' Conference. He read the resolutions passed by the Conference, June 25, as follows: Resolutions adopted by the Providence Baptist Ministers' Conference, June 25, 1900: WHEREAS, Our brother, Rev. H. N. Jeter, has served the Shiloh Baptist Church, Newport, in a continuous pastorate of twenty-five years, Resolved, That we express our appreciation of the long and valuable service of the pastor, and that we extend our congratulations to both the pastor and the church; Resolved, That our best wishes and prayers shall still follow them that the Lord's blessing may attend them in the future; Resolved, That Rev. B. G. Boardman and Rev. C. A. Maryott attend the anniversary in our behalf. C. A. MARYOTT, Committee. Mr. Maryott is the president of the Narragansett Ministers' Conference and also secretary of the Rhode Island Baptist State Convention. He referred to the unusually long relation that had existed between the pastor and people, how much it meant to either party, to the community, neighboring churches and to the ministry. The success of pastoral and church work can not always be reckoned in figures. Very much of the best work in personal Christian culture and church development and extension is in quiet seed-sowing and careful cultivation, while the harvests are left for the future. One sows and another reaps. He referred to the relation between the convention and the Shiloh church. This has been helpful to the church in many ways. Only a part of the time has the church been self-supporting. The Convention Board has appropriated sometimes $100, sometimes $200 a year toward the support of the pastor. The Board has sent committees to give advice whenever desired and to render any service that seemed necessary. The convention has held the property of the Shiloh Society in trust for the benefit of the society by request of the society, in view of any possible future contingency. The brethren in the ministry, the churches and their organizations, of which you form your part, are friends and well wishers. He was glad to express the sincere congratulations of brethren in the ministry and the churches represented by him and the prayers of them all for the pastor and the church in all the ways God may be pleased to lead all of you. In conclusion he presented 25 silver dollars to Pastor Jeter from his brethren. THE CONFERENCE SENDS SILVER—SHILOH CHURCH ADOPTS FLATTERING RESOLUTIONS. Rev. C. A. Maryott, representing the Baptist Ministers' Conference of Rhode Island, addressed the gathering, and, besides bringing the resolutions adopted by the Conference, presented Rev. Mr. Jeter with a money offering in silver, a dollar from each minister in the Conference. Rev. Mr. Boardman of the First Baptist Church presented the offering of Shiloh Church, and Rev. Mr. Morris presented the resolutions of the Shiloh Church, which were as follows: WHEREAS, Rev. Henry N. Jeter has served the Shiloh Baptist Church with rare zeal and fidelity for a quarter of a century, devoting all his energies to the upbuilding of the church both temporally and spiritually, enlarging and improving the church building, adding the parsonage, securing an endowment of $2,500, receiving into the church by experience, letter and baptism, 303 souls. WHEREAS, During all these years of storm and sunshine he has faithfully preached Jesus Christ and Him crucified as the power of God into salvation to every one that believeth, maintaining a stainless character and an unblemished reputation secure in his confidence in God and in the esteem of his fellow citizens, his pulpit and his home always open to his brethren whom he has always delighted to serve. WHEREAS, We have not only had the unwearied services of Brother Jeter, but of his entire family—his children in the choir and his beloved and faithful wife in arranging many entertainments and in the beautiful mottoes that adorn our church walls. Wherefore be it Resolved, That we the members of Shiloh Baptist Church and congregation do hereby record our deep gratitude to God for the happy relation of pastor and people entered into a quarter of a century ago. Resolved, That we tender our dear pastor these resolutions as a token of our loving esteem for him and his beloved family who have all so long and faithfully served us. Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be spread on the records of the church and be published in the Watchman Banner, American Baptist and the Newport papers as a token of our deep and abiding regard for one who has given us the unselfish and tireless devotion of the best years of his life. Respectfully submitted, MISS OCTAVIA B. YANCY, Church Clerk.ARMSTEAD HURLEY, STEPHEN G. PAYNE, JAMES RAY, ANDREW TATE, MISS C. L. TOWNSEND, Committee for the Church. Regrets were received from Rev. Dr. King of Providence, congratulations from Rev. Messrs. Osterhout of Providence and Dixon of Brooklyn, and from Wilcox and Congdon of Providence, while the Congdon Street Church of Providence sent a offering of $10 and the pastor sent his congratulations. June 27th—Addresses by Revs. Byron Gunner and S. I. Carr. St. John xxi, 16.—The three question of Jesus to His apostle Peter correspond to the three denials of his Lord. The result was the full restoration to apostleship. The first question. REV. E. H. PORTER “Lovest thou me?” was startling. The second was reproachful, the third was inexpressibly sad. The first question meant, “Do you really love me?” The second, “Am I quite sure that you do?” The third, “Are you quite sure yourself?” It is the second question that I want to consider with you tonight. “Love thou me?” I am not quite sure whether you do or not.” Why should our Lord question our love to Him? Because (1) our thoughts and (2) our actions are against it. We do not think we do not act as those who really love Him. Our words, our deeds, are not wholly consistent with our love to Him. He says to each one, “Make thee sure of thy love,” (1) by word—yes, yes; (2) by deed—do my will. Let our whole life be an answer to His question of reproach. Assure Him that our love is true; not mere expression of the lips in words of endearment or sentimentalism, but in words of tender devotion, and, above all, in deeds of heartfelt gratitude for all His love for us. REV. E. H. PORTER. Rector of Emmanuel P. E. Church, Newport, R. I. Rev. S. I. Carr spoke as follows: It was my privilege to preach for the Shiloh Church when only sixteen members worshiped in the Barney Street Meeting House, now owned by the Newport Historical Society. I deemed it a great privilege to ascend those winding stairs, stand in the high pulpit with the old sounding board above me, the decalogue on the wall behind me, and preach to this little struggling band. I have on my mind one especially who served Shiloh in its infancy—Rev. Richard Vaughn. At that time I did not dream that, after the lapse of twenty-five years, I would join in such services as I do tonight and see Shiloh in such a flourishing condition. God was then preparing one who should in after years become the efficient pastor of Shiloh. Since my first acquaintance with Brother Jeter he has been a close and true friend of mine; he and his entire family have ever manifested to me and mine the utmost kindness and courtesy and always remembered me in his social gatherings. And now, Mr. Jeter, let the past twenty-five years of God's goodness stimulate your zeal in all your future service strengthen your faith in God's all-wise providence, and when you and I, Brethren Barrows, Kelly and others shall meet by and by in the Better Land we will celebrate together the marriage supper of the Lamb. REV. S. I. CARR. LETTERS OF CONGRATULATIONS AND REGRETS. 18 OAK ST., PROVIDENCE, R. I., June 26, 1900.My Dear Brother Jeter: Please accept my congratulations upon auspicious occasion you are celebrating. Dr. Bright, the distinguished editor of the Examiner, of New York, used to say that he was glad to take off his hat to a man who had been pastor of the same church for twenty-five years. You are that man, and if Dr. Bright were still living I would ask him to make haste and take off his hat to you. As he is not living I now take mine off, and make my bow to my fortunate and honored brother at Newport. May your heart abide in strength, and the richest of heaven's blessings rest upon you and yours; and may the years that lie before you be the brightest and best of your life. Please have some one read for me at one of your services. Numbers 6:24—26 verses. The Lord bless thee, and keep thee; the Lord make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee. The Lord lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace. Fraternally yours,J. V. OSTERHOUT. Lines written for the twenty-fifth anniversary of the ordination and installation of Rev. H. N. Jeter, June, 1900. BY MRS. C. S. MORRIS. I. Five and twenty years ago Servant of God, you were ordained, To go about your master's work As long as life and health remained. II. Your work has been a noble one And many souls to you were given, If no reward on earth you get It will be your's in heaven. III. Toil on dear brother, Do not despair, For Jesus will help you The burden to bear. IV. Your life has been spent For your Saviour's work, For you were too noble Your duty to shirk. V. These twenty-five years You have labored for God, Through storm and through sunshine You've been true to your word. VI. At the day of rejoicing When your crown shall be given, It shall shine with bright jewels Resplendent in heaven. VII. Then labor on, and may success, Attend you as the by-gone days Until from earth you're called away To join with Him in endless praise. PROVIDENCE, R. I., June 28, 1900.Dear Brother Jeter: The brethren who were present at the prayer meeting a few evenings ago voted to send you ($10) ten dollars as an anniversary donation. I was appointed to bring it, but because of the threatening storm, I send it by registered letter. Enclosed herewith find $10.00. I hope your remaining years in the Gospel ministry may be blest in bringing many souls out of darkness into the marvellous light. I hope your church may become a great power for good in your city. God bless you and your's. For Congdon Street Baptist Church, J. H. PRESLEY, Pastor.PROVIDENCE, R. I., June 28, 1900. Dear Brother Jeter: I congratulate you on your twenty-five years of service in Newport and hope you will be able to accomplish many more years of good work there. So wishing you God speed, I enclose a small gift. Yours very truly,C. F. WILCOX. BROOKLYN, N. Y., June 27, 1900. The Concord Baptist Church of Christ, with the pastor, sends Christian greetings to the pastor, Rev. Henry N. Jeter, of the Shiloh Baptist Church, Newport, R. I., and do devoutly pray God ever bless pastor and church, and as you have esteemed him highly in love for his work's sake, may his latest years be crowned with abundant success, the Holy Spirit often refreshing you with showers from on high, and your growth as pastor and church be renewed. Fraternally yours in behalf of the Church, WILLIAM T. DIXON, Pastor.Peter H. Fisher, Church Clerk. REV. HENRY M. KING FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH, Providence, June 23, 1900.Rev. H. N. Jeter, Pastor of Shiloh Baptist Church of Newport: My Dear Brother: I fear it will not be possible for me to accept of your kind invitation to be present at any of the services commenorating the twenty-fifth anniversary of your settlement in Newport. But I cannot refrain from expressing to you and to your people my warm congratulations that your ministry among them has been so long continued and has been attended by so many tokens of the Divine favor and blessing. May your services during the coming week be full of rich enjoyment, and may the memories of twenty-five years of united labor serve to bind your hearts more closely together, and consecrate you all anew to the great work which God has given you to do in Newport. Sincerely yours,HENRY M. KING. Pastor of First Baptist Church, Providence, R. I. NEWPORT, R. I., July 2, 1900.Rev. H. N. Jeter: DEAR SIR—I regret very much that I could not be present at your twenty-fifth anniversary of your labors in the Christian ministry, and pray that the seed sown by you may yield 100 fold, and that success may attend you during the rest of your life. Please accept this small favor of $10.00, from your friend, WM. HAMILTON. AS I LEAD SO SHALT THOU FOLLOW. Whether pastures green await thee Or the sterile stony plain; Whether flow the living waters Or the earth doth pant for rain; Whether mountain rough and mighty To be climbed before thee stand; Whether valley soft and fertile Or the soil be scorching sand; Whether strong and brawny muscle Or faint heart and quaking form; Whether young and gay surround thee Or the sad and poor forlorn; Whether health and fortune bless thee Or thy heart be faint and sore; Whether love and peace caress thee Or earth's seeming joys be o'er; Follow thou in paths I bid thee I am Truth—The Life—The Way. Five and twenty years behind us Sheep and shepherd go as one Over hill and plain and valley; As he leads they follow on. This the secret of this union: Loving hearts and hands performing Deeds of labor and of love. Shirking never—come whatever To undo what faith has done. Pastor and his people happy When in union they obey What the order from high Heaven Bids them exercise each day. As Christ led, the pastor followed And the people joined their hands To support him in his effort To fulfill the blest command. So, tonight, on this occasion, Gather friends within this place, To help celebrate the union Of this pastor and this church. Let us faithful be and follow As Christ may in love direct, Trusting Him in joy or sorrow, May his grace, his charge protect. Pastor, people, we bid you God-speed In the future joy be thine; As the stars above in Heaven May you with the ransomed shine. June 28—Reception to pastor. Music furnished by Messrs. Herbert Townsend, vocal solo; John Greene, violin solo, and instrumental music by Jeter Family. Poems composed by Mrs. C. S. Morris and H. N. Jeter were read on this occasion. Revs. Richardson of Mt. Olivet Baptist Church and C. H. Smith of Thames St. M. E. Church delivered addresses. June 29—Reception continued. Revs. J. Frank Fleming, pastor of Second Baptist Church, and Emery H. Porter, rector of Emmanuel P. E. Church. July 1—Sermon by Rev. N. J. Wheeler, after which the pastor's resignation letter was read. Synopsis of Rev. N. J. Wheeler's sermon: The Spirit also helpeth our infirmities.” Rom. 8:26. The word translated “helpeth” is one of the apostle's suggestive picture words and means taketh hold along with us. The Holy Spirit does this. 1. In respect to our mental infirmities, or to aid us to a right understanding of God's word. Herein he is our teacher. Himself the author of the Bible, he is ever ready to help us to an understanding of its teachings, but we must go to Him with open, unprejudiced minds. 2. In respect to our carnal infirmities, using carnal in the sense of our old, sinful nature, and the conflict with this nature as the apostle depicts it in the seventh chapter of epistle to the Romans. In this respect the Holy Spirit is our sanctifier. In regeneration he acts independently of us; but in sanctification he acts in union with us. Through him our lives may be, and ought to be, a succession of glorious victories over our old nature. 3. In respect to our spiritual infirmities, and especially in the matter of prayer, as the apostle notices in the context. Herein the Holy Spirit is our advocate or intercessor. And with such an intercessor before the court of Heaven we may rest assured of richest blessings. 4. In respect to our bodily infirmities, especially those incident to old age and sickness. Multitudes of martyrs have triumphed and sung praises to God in the midst of greatest physical agonies through the Spirit's help. The same is true of multitudes whose bodies have been racked with pain by disease. The Holy Spirit is also waiting to efficiently work with sinners who will surrender to him. It is he who is convincing of sin, and he would have every one confess sin and look to Jesus for salvation with just the conviction he is working in the con- REV. N. J. WHEELER, June 28—Baptist Ministers' Conference sent silver (25 silver dollars) as gift to Pastor Jeter, and also resolutions. Rev. Richard Carroll of Columbia, S. C., sent $5.00 and his congratulations. RESOLUTIONS OF THANKS. WHEREAS, In the twenty-fifth anniversary services of our pastor's ordination and installation to the gospel ministry from June 24th to July 1st, 1900, and, WHEREAS, So many of the friends of the church and our dear pastor, Rev. Henry N. Jeter, did so much to make the week's service a success. Be it Resolved, That a special vote of thanks from this church be tendered the following persons: The Baptist Conference of Ministers of the State and their donation of silver. The pastors of the several local churches, Congdon Street Baptist Church, Providence, for donation of $10. Rev. J. L. Dart, of Charleston, S. C., for silver nut set. Mr. John Vars tuning piano. The Masonic Hall Committee for the use of the hall. Herald office for job printing and their full report of the week's service. Mercury for job printing and their report. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Glover a gold sugar shell and silver tongs. Daily News for their report. Gibson Brothers for flowers. Messrs. Rogers & Plummer for piano. Mr. Fred Burton for moving piano. Mr. C. Guinn for expressing the flowers. Mr. W. P. Clarke & Son for donating a box of Ray envelopes. Those who assisted in the choir and also those who assisted the Jeter family on the musical programme. Mr. Hart for donating silver paper. Messrs. W. H. Townsend, Utley & Steward, ushers. Mr. J. S. Fizz for his valuable service. Mr. and Mrs. A. Y. Hudson for present and kindness. The Stone Mill Lodge for their presence in a body. Mr. J. Covell for donation. Mr. Wright of the Central Telephone Co., for kindness. Mr. Eugene Schreier for flowers. Mr. W. Herbert Townsend for music and decorating. Messrs. A. C. Titus & Co., A. C. Landers, Henry C. Johnson and brothers. High School for allowing their decorations to remain in hall. Mr. D. Campbell for use of Grammar School flags. Dr. Tyree for silver mug and spoon from battleship Maine. Mr. John S. Langley for camp chairs. And all who so kindly donated to make it a success. Resolved, Further, that a copy of these resolutions be recorded on the church records. Respectfully submitted,OCTAVIA YANCY, Church Clerk.ARMSTEAD HURLEY, STEPHEN G. PAYNE, JAMES RAY, ANDREW TATE, MISS C. L. TOWNSEND, Committee for the Church. SHILOH BAPTIST CHURCH. DEAR BRETHREN: In reply to your earnest request asking me to withdraw my resignation that was to take effect Oct. 7, 1900, allow me to say that I fully intended, when I offered my resignation, to leave when the time expired; but I find since I tendered it our friends outside the church, all that I have come in contact with, have expressed an earnest desire along with you for me to remain with you as your pastor. The voice of the people, I believe, is the voice of God. You and the good citizens who are interested in the welfare of Shiloh have caused me to feel that the time hasn't yet come for me to leave Newport, that there is still work for me in the church and in the community at large. Therefore, after carefully considering these things, I have decided to withdraw my resignation, with the understanding that the essential work that was mentioned in the resignation be undertaken by us and completed. Feeling confident that I have your prayers and hearty co-operation in everything pertaining to the welfare of Shiloh, I remain, your pastor, HENRY N. JETER. NOTICE. During the publication of this book the Shiloh Baptist Church is undergoing necessary extensive interior and exterior repairs including a new Baptistry, new flooring and ceiling decorations. A new Estey Organ has also been added. Hon. Mahlon Van Horne, graduated A. B., 1868, Lincoln University, Pennsylvania, attended Theological school, Princeton, N. J., was principal of the Zion School, Charleston, S. C., for three years—a school of 900 pupils and 15 teachers—and has since been pastor of the Union Congregational Church, Newport, R. I., which he built. He served nearly twenty years on the school board and was a member of Rhode Island legislature HON. MAHLON VAN HORNE for three consecutive terms. Is at present United States consul at St. Thomas, D. W. I. M. Alonzo Van Horne, D. D. S., son of Rev. Mahlon Van Horne, was born Dec. 9, 1871, at Newport, R. I. Graduated from public school in 1885; attended Rogers high school two years, after which was an employe in the Newport postoffice. Grauated in 1889 from Bryant & Stratton's Business College. From 1891 to 1893 was clerk in office of collector of port, Galveston, Tex. Attended Howard University Dental College, sessions 26 to 28, 1893-6, and graduated D. D. S. in 1896; since which he has practiced dentistry at Newport. Present address, 47 John street. Owing to his large increase of business Dr. Van Horne has just purchased a complete electrical apparatus, running his dental appliances as well as lighting his office, and is prepared to do any work in his profession. Dea. Andrew J. Tabb, the seventh son of and the youngest of a family of thirteen children of John and Martha Tabb, was born in Petersburg, Va., Aug. 15, 1842. His parents were the slaves of Benjamin Harrison, Jr. This family kindly disposed toward their slaves were very well known, as they owned very large estates on the James River. In 1861 he was converted, M. ALONZO VAN HORNE, D. D. S. baptized and joined the Gilfield Baptist Church. This same year at the breaking out of the war, when the Twelfth Virginia regiment was ordered to the front, his mistress sent him on the street to give cold water to the soldiers. When Gen. Longstreet was stationed at Petersburg he became a waiter boy on his staff. A private to Col. Fairfax, who took him to the front with him. In June, 1863, at the Battle of Fort Hell, he made his way to the Union lines, remaining in the 115th Kentucky regiment until mustered off, 1866, after his return from Texas. In July, 1866, he became a private coachman and horse breaker for some of the best known men of Farquhar and Loudon counties. On Aug. 26, 1873, he married Miss Hattie A. Johnson of Leesburg. He moved to Baltimore, Md. His wife died in 1881. The lady by whom he was employed as coachman, Madame C. O'Donnell, who had recently returned from Paris, was a very wealthy widow having three children. She purchased a beautiful estate at Newport, R. I., at which place she spent three months, and the balance of the year was spent abroad. In 1881, while abroad, he was at that time the only man of his race in royal livery in this country or Europe. DEACON ANDREW J. TABB He witnessed in 1885 the largest funeral ever seen in Paris, being that of Victor Hugo, the great poet. Aug. 26, 1886, at Newport, R. I., he married Mrs. Charles Smith, a widow. Dea. Tabb has opened one of the largest livery stables and express business here, at 28 Edgar Street, where he resides, having the patronage of some of the wealthiest families coming to Newport. Mr. Jacob Dorsey was born June 17, 1821, at Mt. Pleasant, Harford County, Maryland. His father was Jacob Dorsey and his mother Celia Dorsey. Mr. and Mrs. Dorsey had a family of ten children, six sons and four daughters, of which family Mr. Dorsey is the only one living. In 1849 he married Miss Anna Denbey, and in 1851 he removed to Newport. Two daughters, viz., Celia Esther and Sidney Ann, were born to them. They both died in Newport. Mr. and Mrs. Dorsey have been in the confectionery business ever since they came to Newport, and they have a very valuable piece of real estate at 29 Warner street. MR. J. T. ALLEN Mr. J. T. Allen was born at Casual County, N. C., Nov. 22, 1867. His father was Robert Allen; his mother, Lucretia Allen. Ten children were born to them, eight sons and two daughters. His father was a prominent member and deacon of the High Street Baptist Church of Danville, Va., for fifteen years. Mr. J. T. Allen realized the need of a Saviour. He gave himself to Christ in 1884, was baptized by Rev. H. H. Mitchell, D. D.., who was then pastor of the High Street Baptist Church, where Mr. J. Allen united. He came to Newport Sept. 13, 1893, and he engaged in the restaurant and catering business. He has been the managing proprietor of the “HYGEIA SPA,” the well known summer cafe at Easton's Beach, where he has given satisfaction to the public. He has associated with him in his new business his brother, Mr. H. L. Allen, who is a distiguished baker. This new establishment is at 29 TOURO STREET, in the historic building at Perry Mansion, under the Lawrence Club, one of the most aristocratic clubs of the city. The guests while eating can look out on the Mall, where the statue of the Hero of Lake Erie, Commodore Perry, stands. This new establishment is fitted up with the latest improvements and three private dining-rooms. Those who visit his place of business will be so well served that they will repeat their visit. Stephen G. Payne was born in Amherst county, Virginia, fourth day of August, 1844. His father was Harry Payne; his mother, Lucy MR. STEPHEN G. PAYNE Payne. Six children were born to them, three sons and three daughters. Two daughters are now living in Lynchburg, two brothers and the other sister have departed this life. Stephen Payne was converted August 1869, and was baptized by the late Rev. Sampson White, and united with the Court Street Baptist Church of Lynchburg, Va. He was united in marriage to Miss Elizabeth Robinson, leaving Lynchburg in 1877 and came to Baltimore, Md., remaining there until June 27, 1882, and then he came to Newport, R. I. In 1883 he founded the Canonchet Lodge, No. 2439, of the Grand United Order of Odd Fellows. Until this time efforts were made to establish a lodge of this order, but with no success. Since his stay in Newport he has been in the livery business and also restaurant business. He is now at his residence, 112 BROADWAY, where he and his wife are proprietors of a tailoring establishment. Lillian Susie Fitts Jeter, the fourth child of Rev. and Mrs. H. N. Jeter, was born Saturday, July 11, 1885. She possesses a mind of much intellect. She has written a book entitled “Wilberforce Academy,” which she has dedicated to her mother, Mrs. Thomasinia H. Jeter. She is an agent for the Ladies' Home Journal, the Saturday Evening Post, the Monarch Book Company of Philadelphia, the Royal Manufacturing Company of Detroit, Michigan; the McCall Magazine of New York, MISS LILLIAN SUSIE FITTS JETER N. Y.; the Larkin Soap Company of Buffalo, N. Y.; the Bicycle Gum Company of Chicago, and several other companies. She graduates from the Coddington Grammar School next June. THE JETER FAMILY CONCERT. A good-sized audience greeted the family of Rev. H. N. Jeter of Newport, at Bell's Hall, on Tuesday evening and were greatly pleased with the musicale given by them. It was first-class in every respect, and many were the expressions of satisfaction dropped as the throng passed out of the hall. Leonard, the older son, has the learning of an experienced and well-cultured professional, while the two older daughters very modestly acted well their parts and were often encored by the appreciative audience. Master Walter only lacks the years to be an “old time” performer, lacking no grace to appear to advantage, even to the arranging of the skirts of his dress suit; while little Mary captivated the audience by her shy manners and superb accompaniments on the piano. The musicale was good in every respect.—Rev. P. D. Root, Wakefield, R. I. TESTIMONIALS. The Jeter family are born musicians. They play on different musical instruments and sing. They give concerts for churches and societies. Any Christian church can feel warranted in engaging them. “There was an audience of 800 persons at the Nineteenth Street Baptist Church to hear the Jeter Family.”—Washington Post. “Every one was delighted with the performance.”—New Bedford Mass., Standard. “The concert given last evening by the children of Rev. H. N. Jeter was attended by an audience which filled Masonic Hall to its fullest sitting capacity, with many standing, while others were unable to gain admission. The concert was thoroughly enjoyed; the excellent performances of the children in vocal selections and instrumental numbers were heartily applauded.”—Newport Daily News. MR. ARMSTEAD HURLEY Mr. Armstead Hurley was born in Culpepper county, Virginia, in 1854. His father was Stephen Hurley; his mother, Mildred Hurley. They were slaves until Lee's surrender. Armstead Hurley was converted in 1877 and was baptized and joined the Antioch Baptist Church of Culpepper county, Va. He is now a member of the Shiloh Baptist Church and also treasurer. He is a painter and glazier by profession. In 1886 he came to Newport, R. I., and has continued in his line of business, which has greatly increased, giving satisfaction to his customers. He is now prepared to take as large a contract as any painter in the city. At his place of business, on the corner of BRIDGE AND CROSS STREETS, he is able to furnish you with all painters' supplies, wall papers and every thing in this line of business. TELEPHONE CONNECTION, 129-2. THE JETER FAMILY Furnished rooms to let, with or without board, at “The West View” Cottage, Sergeant Morrell, Proprietor, Clarke St., Jamestown, R. I. SERGEANT B. F MORRELL, U. S. A. The following is a sketch of Ordance Sergeant B. F. Morrell in the United States Army: “I enlisted for the Ninth United States Cavalry on the 7th of November, 1867, as high private in the rear rank and served through most of the campaigns against the hostile Indians in Texas in which the regiment took part as a whole from 1867 to 1872, as well as a large number of scouting parties varying in the number of men engaged from two the three companies to ten or fifteen men. I participated in the engagement in the Horsehead mountains in 1868, when we completely routed the Indians with great slaughter, capturing their herds and all of their belongings. In this engagement I was mounted on a horse that had but lately been assigned to me, which had never been drilled or trained under fire, so when the command went into action and fired the first volley my horse became uncontrollable and darted away to the front, and in a few seconds I found myself about 200 yards directly in front of their firing line, where I was exposed to the greatest danger of being killed by our own men if not by the Indians. I very soon found that the control of my horse was of more vital importance than shooting at Indians just at that time, so I let my carbine swing by my side, while I gave my horse my undivided attention. When I could bring to bear sufficient strength against the powerful curb bit in his mouth I very soon brought him to a standstill. I then commenced to yell to the men to the rear of him to be careful how they fired, for the bullets whizzed around me thick and fast, but I was not struck. In this engagement I saw one of our men receive a wound from which he never fully recovered. It happened in this way: After the Indians had been driven from the field the man in question said to a comrade, ‘I am going to capture a squaw that I just saw trying to conceal herself a behind a bush over there,’ and rode off in the direction indicated. After he had gone 800 or 900 yards away he slowed up his horse and approached very cautiously a small musquito bush. We could not see the squaw, but knew by the man's actions that he did. He continued to approach the bush quite slowly until quite close to it, then stopped, and before we saw the squaw the man fell from his horse to the ground, and at the same instant the squaw mounted the horse and made good her escape to a nearby range of mountains. She was hotly pursued, but without avail. The squaw had a lance lying on the ground, and when the man was near enough to her to make sure of her aim, she lanced him clear through the left side, and he fell from his horse unconscious. “In the early spring of 1869 I was one of an escort of one corporal and eight privates, under command of Sergt. Emanuel Stance, Troop F, Ninth Cavalry, detailed to carry some orders from Fort McKavett, Texas, to Kickapoo Spring, about twenty-five miles distant. We made an early start, and the weather being cool and the horses fresh, we made such progress as to have covered about twenty miles of the journey by noon, and were just getting into a thickly wooded portion of the country, which extended to and beyond Kickapoo Spring. Just as we were about to enter the wooded country, we noticed to our right, and about a mile and a half away, a herd of horses being driven by about twenty men, who were apparently making strenuous efforts to get their herd into the woods, but the weather conditions prevented our seeing clearly whether the men were Indians or not, but, knowing the country as we did, we hardly expected to see anybody driving horses through there except Indians, so the sergeant lost no time in ordering his little force to prepare for action, and he made a bold dash for the herd, determined to satisfy himself as to who the party was. It did not take long to find out, and we soon opened fire on them at long range. They answered our fire and made only a feeble effort to check our advance, then scattered in all directions. Knowing that an attempt to pursue the Indians would be futile, Sergt. Stance turned his attention to corraling the herd, which by this time had become thoroughly stampeded. We succeeded in rounding up the herd, got the horses quieted down and drove them into Kickapoo Spring, where we attended to what was required of us there, went into camp for the night and guarded the captured horses with expectation of being attacked by the Indians to recover their loss, but they did not put in an appearance. Bright and early the next morning we started with our prize on the return trip to Fort McKavett, which point we reached early in the afternoon without incident and turned over to the government officer thirty-seven horses to be added to Uncle Sam's wealth, and for which Sergt. Stance was voted a medal of honor by congress. “In the summer of 1869 the Ninth Cavalry was ordered into the field for the purpose of subduing the fierce and warlike Comanches. It was known that this tribe was located somewhere on the Brazos river, and in its fertile valleys were the hunting and grazing grounds of the Comanches, and that by our entering those grounds the whereabouts of the Indians would speeedily be known, and that supposition was verified before we had been camped in one of those beautiful valleys twenty-four hours. Our command went into camp about 4 p. m. in a beautiful green valley on what the soldiers called the fresh fork of the Brazos river. In the command were ten companies of the Ninth Cavalry (colored) and one company of the Fourth Cavalry (white). We established outposts and pickets and settled down to await developments. We spent the night without incident. On the following morning, as a necessary precaution, the commander sent out a company for a reconnoissance of the country in our immediate vicinity. This company returned about 2 o'clock p. m. and reported that they had not seen any fresh signs of Indians anywhere. The company while scouting through the country came across two very large fat cattle on the Indian grazing grounds and drove them into camp. They had not been in camp an hour before they were both dressed and every man not on duty was broiling beef by numerous little camp fires. But the fun was very abruptly brought to an end, for firing was heard in the direction of our picket posts, and in a very short time our pickets came in as if fleeing from the wrath to come. Of course boots and saddles sounded and every man was soon under arms with horses saddled and in line ready for action. In the meantime the Indians had arrived in full force on a high range of hills overlooking the valley in which we were camped, where they dismounted, sat down on the ground and rested themselves and horses until we had made up our pack train and started on our march to the plain, when they mounted and located the point where we would ascend the plain and prepared to intercept our entrance. Owing to the formation of the country around this valley we were obliged to march out in column of fours and had strict orders not to fire a shot until the order were given, but as the head of the column neared the plain the Indians made a bold charge and opened fire. This was too much for the leading company, who opened a raking fire on the advancing Indians, who seemed dazed by the rapidity and continuation of fire from the repeating carbines and fell back to a distance more comfortable to themselves. As a result we were enabled to get into line of battle on the plain, and from 4 to 7 o'clock that afternoon witnessed some of the most beautiful maneuvers that could be performed by savage warriors in a skirmish line. A vast extent of level plain as far as the eye could reach, and those bold, athletic Comanche warriors maneuvering on horseback in front of us was a sight long to be remembered; I now remember them. While we were forming in line after reaching the plain the Indians recovered from the first shock of the attack and made a desperate effort to carry our position, but we made it so hot for them that they broke with some disorder. Of course we seized this opportunity to charge, with the hope of demoralizing them completely. It was during this charge that the man in line next to me on my left had his horse shot under him while charging at full speed. The horse fell on its side and died instantly. But, unfortunately for the man, the horse fell on his leg and held him fast to the ground. He yelled for help, but everybody was too much engaged just then to divide their attention, and the poor fellow was left to his fate. When quite a distance away I looked back and saw the man coming on foot and making about as good time as we were on horseback. The charge ended in a short time and the man soon overtook us. But he only had on one boot, the other one he left under the dead horse where he pulled out of it in his efforts to free himself from his perilous position. The Indians entertained us very interestingly until dark, when they were glad to retire. We bivouacked on the field that night and continued our advance the following morning, reaching the regular Indian village at noon, which we found guarded by three warriors and a lot of women and children. The women readily surrendered, but the warriors we had to kill, and the last of the three killed was the bravest man, or he made the greatest exhibition of stoicism that I ever witnessed. Two of the warriors were taking care of the herd of horses. They fought bravely, but were soon killed and the herd captured. The third warrior was in a large tent, but the front of it was open and he could be seen moving about in the tent, apparently getting together such things as he intended to carry with him. He appeared so indifferent to what was going on around him that we supposed he would surrender, but reckoned wrongly, for when he got ready he walked out of the tent with much deliberation as if he commanded all the troops present. He carried in his hand an old fashioned rifle and two revolvers in a belt around his waist. He fired the rifle at the nearest man in front of him and threw it down. He drew one of the revolvers from his belt and began firing, and continued until he emptied both of them. There were 75 or 100 men in a large circle around the warrior, but not a man wanted to kill him, although he had slightly wounded several men and horses. We gave him plenty of room until he had exhausted his ammunition, when we thought to close in on him and make him a prisoner, but the first man that got near enough to him he threw the empty revolver at the man, striking him on the head and inflicting an ugly and painful scalp wound. The next man to close in on him was a civilized Indian who was one of our guides, who wanted very much the honor of receiving the brave warrior's surrender, so he rode close to the warrior, pointed a revolver at his head and commanded him in the Comanche language to surrender. The warrior made no reply but like a flash grasped the revolver and wrested it from the civilized Indian and fired at him. The civilized Indian instinctively threw himself on the opposite side of his horse for protection, which saved his life, but in doing so he lost his balance and fell to the ground. The warrior instantly mounted the horse and attempted to escape, but just then there were several shots fired at him and he fell from his horse mortally wounded right by the side of one of his dead comrades. He managed to raise himself to his knees knees and fired the remaining shots from the captured revolver, and got from the dead warrior by his side a bow and arrows and continued to fire them as long as he could use himself, then without even a groan stretched himself on the ground and died in a few minutes. “After five years active campaigning with the Ninth Cavalry I found that I had enough of it. I then re-enlisted in the Twenty-fifth Infantry and was assigned by own request to Company A, stationed in the city of San Antonio, Texas. Being a veteran, with character excellent on my discharge, I was only a short time in the company before I was appointed corporal and acting quartermaster-sergeant of the post, and while I was still the junior corporal of the company the position of first sergeant became vacant, and to my great surprise I was promoted to that grade grade over all the sergeants and corporals in the company. While serving in the grade of first sergeant of my company at Fort Concho, Texas, in 1878, the post chaplain, who taught the school for the officers' children, broke down in health and could not teach. Fort Concho was a large post and was at that time the headquarters of the Tenth Cavalry, commanded by Gen. B. H. Grieson. When the subject of finding somebody to take the chaplain's place as teacher of the officers' children came up some thought it would be necessary to close the school, because some of the ladies thought it would be perfectly awful for their children to be taught by a colored man. But Gen. Grieson ordered the chaplain to select a competent man to teach the school and to send his name to his office. My name was sent to the office and I was detailed at once for that duty, and a copy of the order was sent to each officr who had children of school age. Gen. Grieson's two children came promptly to school the first day I taught, and all the rest of the officers' children followed suit. I continued to teach the school with perfect satisfaction to all concerned until my regiment was ordered to Dakota 1880. I had an average attendance of about thirty-five children, varying in age from six to fourteen years, all of whom are now young men and women, and some of the young men are commissioned officers in the regular army. I was the first colored man to teach a white school in Texas, and never heard of any other instance of the kind in the United States. “After reaching Dakota in 1880, Col. J. W. French, whose children were pupils in my school in Texas, was not so favorably impressed with the school at Fort Meade, Dakota, our new station, in spite of the fact that the teachers were white, and lost no time in arranging with me to continue the instruction of his children at home. This I did until I left Fort Meade in 1882. Lieut. J. W. French, Jr., who was wounded in an engagement in the Philippines in 1900, was one of my pupils from 1878 to 1882. While absent on six months' furlough, from December, 1882, to May, 1883. I was promoted to sergeant-major of the regiment, the headquarters of which was Fort Snelling, Minn. In 1880 I made application for the poistion of ordnance sergeant. I was the second colored man to my knowledge to make application for that position. The first was First Sergt. David Haskins of the Tenth Cavalry, whose application. I was informed, was returned to him mith an indorsement informing him that when they were ready to accept colored men in the ordnance corps his application would be considered. When I made my application I feared that I should receive the reply said to have been received by Sergt. Haskins, but it was received at the War Department and acknowledged in the usual form. “In 1882 I went to Washington to ascertain my chances for early promotion. I was well provided with excellent testimonials, endorsed by such noted soldiers as Gens. Sheridan and Terry, and, being endorsed by such, easily obtained an hour and a half interview with the adjutant-general of the army, and in that time succeeded in getting his promise to use his influence with the secretary of war to give me the benefit of the next vacancy in the grade of ordnance sergeant, although according to the rules of the department I could not hope to get my appointment for fifteen or sixteen years. But the adjutant-general failed to secure the approval of the secretary to any deviation from the rules of the department, and he so informed me. But I was not discouraged, for while I had not gotten all I wished, I had succeeded in gaining a powerful friend to my cause (the adjutant-general). I made a second trip to Washington in 1883, with no better results than first. I then decided to rest my case until we should have a change of administration, in 1885, when I made my third trip to Washington on the same mission. I found things more favorable to me and I received my promotion May 27 of that year, being the first colored man ever appointed ordnance sergeant in the United States army. After thirty years and eight months of continuous service I was placed on the retired list. B. F. MORRELL.” With such a record and the valuable service that Sergt. B. F. Morrell has rendered this country he should be honored with the position of commissioned officer. Our government owes him such a position, and were he a white man he would get from the United States government that which is justly due him. CONTENTS