[Cover Image] [Title Page Image] Next session will be held with Lakes Chapel Baptist Church, Atkinson, N. C., Pender County, commencing Thursday before the first Sunday in August, 1922. Every member of the different organizations is requested to pay twenty-five cents as representation fees. OFFICERS OF THE AUXILIARY. MEMBERS OF THE EXECUTIVE BOARD. MISSIONARIES. Sisters A. M. Hayes, M. M. Johnson, S. A. Spells, Kinnie Bronson and M. E. Hollingsworth. LIFE MEMBERS. Clarrissa Flynn, A. M. Hayes, Alice Fennell, M. E. Carr, Lydia Henry, R. McMillan, Sarah F. Marshall, Lucretia Fennell, Tena Fennell, M. A. Sellers, Molcy Carr, M. Burney, L. E. Webbs, Nancy Devane, Della Sellers, Molly Carr, Eliza Bordeaux, H. V. Loyd, Mary E. Evans, S. F. Sellers, I. Barnhill, A. J. Evans, M. E. Hollingsworth, Harriett Smith, Laura Corbett, M. Murphy, Rosetta Robinson, Josephine Evans, T. Marshall, Hannah Kea, Julia Beatty, R. T. Carr, Lou Fennell, Mahala Carr, C. Beatty, Susan Mills, Lizzie Newkirk, Josephine Jacobs, Annie Black, L. J. Wheeler, E. C. Williams, Senia Herring, Susan Gurganius, Susan Lewis, M. F. Bannerman, M. J. Spencer, O. C. Pearson, M. M. Johnson, Mary A. Hayes, Allie Newkirk, Eliza Corbett, Lou J. Fennell, Carrie Newkirk, E. Johnson, Ramalia Hill, S. M. Lovett, R. M. Barnhill, Josephine Keith, Rosa Holland, Mattie P. Sellers, Frances A. Smith, Mary E. Josephs, Clara Hayes, Bettie Herring, Ila Whitted, Margia Dixon, Pennie Lewis, Maggie Mills, Ella Herring, P. A. Newkirk, Josephine Leonard, Lizzie Evans, Charity Gregory, Floretta Smith, Mary A. Smith, J. Newkirk, M. E. Kelly, Mary J. Culbreth, L. J. Evans, Henrietta Bully, Annie L. Hills, Martha Fennell, P. Waters, S. J. Williams, Anna Chasten, Louis Mathis, E. Carr, Ida McGuire, M. F. Cooper, S. A. Spells, Kinnie Bronson, Fronie Carr, Delissie Carr, Malissa Kerr, Lela Melvin, Delico Kerr, Emma Brown, Bettie L. Boney, Lizzie Carroll, Ida McDonald, Katie Hayes, Lizzie Corbett, Alberta Peterson, H. J. Devane, Katie Miller, Nannie Cowans, Margie Briant, Anjulia Fennell, Cornelia Merritt, Millie Merritt, Polly M. Peterson, Ellen Merritt, Sarah Lee, Mamie Hayes, Quessie Lassiter, M. Keith, M. M. G. Corbett, Mary E. Herring, S. J. Hayes, Novella Corbett, M. Hayes, C. Mott, Meppie Jacobs, Armittie Butler, H. J. Moore, Hester Robinson, Philis Faison, Irene Maides, Sarah Dawson, Minnie Carr, M. J. Smith, Ella Best, Lillie Monroe, C. J. Sutton, Florence Fennell, A. J. Smith, A. L. Merritt, L. C. Blue, L. J. Hollingsworth, Nora Butler, Mary Butler, Caroline Royal, Bertha McDonalds, Lula Robinson, Della Spearman, M. B. Herring, Bessie Russ, Sarah Batts, L. J. Highsmith, H. E. Powell, E. Corbett, B. Darden, K. B. Herring, Rosa Baker, Maggie Keith, Ida Carr, Fannie Waters, Artelia Cromartie, Mary A. Boykins, Lula H. Hayes, Rosalee Rich, Annie L. Moore, Mittie Parker, Julia Brown, Lizzie Walker, Lillie Parker, Callie Bronson, Sarah Boney, Eliza Carr, Martha Teachey, Mattie Chasten, Emma Farrior, Frances Carroll, Ella Faison, Mary Chasten, M. A. Brown, Maggie Matthis, Effie Williams, Athalia Williams, Carrie M. Baggett, Lelon Williams, Mary L. Williams, Roy Brewington, Lula Baggett, Lillie Williams. PROCEEDINGS. Garland, N. C., August 4, 1921. The Missionary Baptist Daughters of Zion Auxiliary met with the first Baptist Church, Garland, in its forty-third annual session, Rev. Melvin Pastor, President A. M. Hayes presiding. The opening devotion was conducted by Sister Ellen C. Williams who lined hymn No. 315, “A Charge to keep I have,” etc. The same was sung with uplifted voices. The President read the 1st Division of Psalms. Rev. Lonnie Rayford led in fervent prayer. Second selection No. 417, “Am I a Soldier of the Cross,” &c. At this end the President arose and with a few preliminary remarks announced thirty minutes given for testimonials. “Once more we meet to pray,” &c., was sung. Then Sister A. M. Hayes arose and praised God for having kept her through another year. Followed by Sister Harriett Smith, Sister E. C. Williams, Sister H. Loyd, Sister Maggie Johnson, Sister M. F. Cooper, Sister Nanny Cowans, Sister C. Flynn, Sister Mahala Hills, Sister Mary M. Corbett. “Think of His Goodness to me,” was sung with the Spirit. Then Sister Mary Alice Boykin praised God for His goodness. Sister Sally Troy, Sister Amanda Merritt, Sister A. J. Evans, these all gave God the highest praise for His enduring mercies. “A charge to keep I have,” was hummed by the Sisters, and Oh! the Holy Ghost did fill our hearts to the brim, and I do believe everybody felt like giving praise to this Blessed Friend (Jesus) Who is the Giver of all good gifts. “Praise God from whom all blessings flow,” was sung and the praise service was ended. The President appointed the committee on hours of meeting: Sister Mayme Hayes, Deacon John Cooper, and Sister Corinnie Peterson. On Finance and Accounts: Sisters Nanny Cowans, M. M. G. Corbett and Sister Mary A. Smith. On Petitionary Letters Sister E. C. Williams, Sister Lula Evans, Sister S. A. Troy, Sister Maggie Kelly and Sister Hannah Kea. Business was suspended to hear the Introductory sermon by Rev. J. D. Cowan. Rev. J. H. Bryant alternate. Rev. Cowans and Rev. Bryant ascended the rostrum. Rev. Bryant opened divine service by lining hymn No. 107. “How sweet the name of Jesus sounds,” &c. He then read a portion of Matt. 25. Deacon Henry Lovett led in a soul-stirring prayer. Second hymn No. 520, “I love thy kingdom, Lord,” &c. Rev. Cowan then arose and with a few brief remarks prefaced his sermon. After which he announced as a text. Matt. 5:6. Words used: Let your light shine before men. Theme: Christ in our lives. He said: That to let our lights shine, we must invite Christ in our life and let Him shine through us, and when we have done this, our works will invite men and women to glorify our Father in heaven. He further said, “That there must be a complete change made to let Christ come in our lives. If the world saw no change, Christ had never entered our hearts. In fact, a Christian has no time to play in Satan's garden.” Suffice to say, the speaker made strong appeals for a whole-soul Christian life. Space will not permit me to write all the good words spoken by Rev. Cowans, but our hearts were opened to receive his instructions through which we trust every one will be led into a closer living with Christ. And when he was through saying, Rev. Royals led in a fervent prayer. “When my soul shall rest over yonder,” &c., was sung by the choir. After which Sister Lizzie Newkirk and Deacon John Cooper lifted a collection which amounted to $5. The session then stood adjourned for one hour and thirty minutes. Benediction by Rev. A. H. Dixon. THURSDAY—AFTERNOON SESSION. Devotional service was conducted by Sister Mary A. Smith and Sister Hannah Kea, who lined hymn No. 156, “How sweet the name of Jesus sounds,” &c. Sister Mary Smith read a portion of the fifth chapter of St. Matthew. Then prayer was offered by Rev. W. A. Melvin. Second hymn No. 149, “God moves in mysterious ways,” &c. The President in her usual manner cautioned the sisters how to conduct themselves as Christian women. She then announced the house in order for business. The minutes of the morning session were read, corrected and adopted. On motion the organizations were called and the delegates were enrolled as follows: The President then appointed the following committees: The Committee on Petitionary Letters came forward and reported. (See report.) The report was received and the delegates came forward and received the right hand of fellowship. Sister M. J. Smith and Sister M. M. Johnson were appointed to conduct praise service Friday morning. Prof. G. W. Herring was introduced. He came forward and said, “I am sure glad of this opportunity of speaking a few words to the women. I am sorry that I cannot be with you throughout the whole session, but I have enjoyed this much of your work. I am indeed proud of such noble women as I now behold. I want to tell you, that no race can rise higher than its women, so, ever let your aims be high and we as men will do all within our power help you in this great cause. I only ask you to be all you say you are. (Applause.) A standing vote of thanks was extended Prof. Herring for his eloquent remarks. The session stood adjourned to meet per program. Benediction by Rev. Melvin. THURSDAY NIGHT SESSION. 8:00 p. m.—The Auxiliary re-assembled. Rev. Rayford having been appointed to preach and the hour for service having arrived, Rev. Rayford ascended the rostrum with Rev. J. H. Briant alternate. Rev. Bryant opened divine service by lining hymn No. 126, “Alas! and did My Savior bleed,” &c. The same was sung with melody. Then a portion of the 14th chapter of Revelationss was read. Then Rev. Silas Carr led to the throne of Grace in prayer. Second hymn No. 131, “O for a closer walk with God,” &c. The Counsellor then arose and presented the speaker of the hour in the person of Rev. Lonnie Rayford from the Union Association. He arose and complimented himself for having the pleasure of meeting and speaking to a band of consecrated women. He said that I have heard of you, but have never met your faces before. I am about to say, the half has never been told. He then selected Nehemiah 4:6. Words used: And the people had a mind to work. The speaker said, That Nehemiah before entering upon the call of duty called God in question about himself, asking his protection and care. He further said, the work of Christ calls for the old and the young, the high and the low, the rich and the poor. Something for all to do. The walls are being torn down every day by wicked men and the call is to you, pass brick if you cannot spread mortar. The sermon was a strong one. Our hearts were made to rejoice while he broke the bread of life to us. The Choir chanted a beautiful melody. Then Rev. Bryant led in a fervent prayer. After which Deacon Butler and Sister M. M. Johnson lifted a collection amounting to $10.00. Then the pastor, Rev. Melvin, extended to the Auxiliary a cordial welcome. The same was responded to by Sister S. F. Sellars in words fittingly spoken. After a few brief remarks by the Counsellor the session adourned to meet per program. Doxology sung, benediction by Rev. A. H. Dixon. FRIDAY MORNING SESSION. Met per adjournment. Sister Hattie E. Powells and Sister Martha J. Smith conducted devotional service. Sister Smith lined hymn No. 145, “Blest be the tie that binds,” &c. Sister Powell read a portion of the eighth chapter of St. Mark. Then Deacon Henry Lovett led in a fervent prayer. Second selection No. 131, “O for a closer walk with God,” etc. Sister Molly Johnson prayed. “Then I'll trust in the Lord,” &c., was sung. After which the Bible lesson was taught by Sister S. F. Sellers. She selected the 2nd chapter of Titus. The whole chapter was read in concert. Then Sister Sellers beautifully explained the lesson, followed by Dr. W. H. Moore. At this end the minutes of the first days afternoon session were read and adopted. The Committee on Petitionary Letters reported. (See report.) The same was adopted. The delegates came forward and received the right hand of fellowship. The Committee on Education reported. (See report.) The report was adopted. Bro. John Cooper was appointed as mail carrier during the session. At this end business was suspended to hear the mission sermon by Dr. W. H. Moore. He ascended the rostrum with Rev. A. H. Dixon alternate. Rev. Dixon sang, “Have you been to Jesus for His cleansing power,” &c. Then the Counsellor presented the speaker in the person of Dr. Moore. He arose and invoked God's blessings upon the audience then announced as his text Acts 1:8. Words used: But ye shall receive power; after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you. We publish here in part Dr. Moore's sermon. He said, Jesus had risen from the dead, and had given His Apostles infallible proof of His resurrection. Having instructed them for forty days concerning the Kingdom of God, the time of His ascension was at hand. It seems that in his last interview with his disciples, they wished to know whether the kingdom was to be restored. He rebuked their curiosity, saying: It is not for you to know the time or the season, Acts 1:7. He, however, told them what was of greater personal interest to them. “But ye shall receive power.” This is a repetition of the idea expressed in Luke 24:49. The topic is: Spiritual power. That we may understand the nature of his power. Let us consider some of the most important elements: (1st.) Experimental knowledge of the Grace of God. Piety is a thing of the heart, and therefore, a matter of experience. The most extensive theoretical knowledge does not involve the power of which I speak. Paul refers to knowing the grace of God in truth. “This is the knowledge I mean.” It differs from speculative knowledge of divine things as much as knowledge of food. No one can properly use these words, who has not the knowledge of experience. He must know God as a Law-Giver, and himself as a transgressor. He must know himself as a sinner and Christ as a Savior. 2nd. Vigorous faith. (1) Faith in God. There must be a belief that Jehovah is the living God, Whose eye is upon us. We must live and act in His sight. (2) “Faith in unseen and eternal things.” In the only definition of faith we have in the Bible, is termed the evidence of things not seen. Without this faith, there is no spiritual power, without it the world sweeps everything before it. (3) Faith in Christ makes the believer cling to his Lord as all his salvation. (4) Faith in the success of efforts in the Lord's Cause. No man is prepared to engage in a work unless he believes it will succeed. Faith enlists all the energies of the soul; unbelief paralyzes them. 5. “Fervent Love”. We use also the term love in its enlarged sense as including: (1) Love to God. Which puts the soul in sympathy with his purposes. (2) Love to Christ and the interest of His kingdom. (3) Love to each other for Christ's sake. (4) Love to impenitent sinners. Let me pause here, Love is an element of great Spiritual power. Love can find a way to the heart when nothing else can. (6) “Ardent and Untiring Zeal.” He who has the power of which I speak is most deeply impressed with importance of the work in which he is engaged. (7). “This power comes from the Holy Spirit.” What says the text? True, the spirit supplied the Apostles with miraculous power of speaking with tongues. I refer however, to such power as has been described and which a Christian should possess. This power is of the spirit. It can be produced by no physical or mental means. Endured with power from on high, is the language of Jesus. It is not an earthly power. It comes from above. It puts earth and heaven in communication. (1) Spiritual power is the greatest need of this dayq. (2) We should cultivate a sense of dependence on the Holy Spirit. (3) We should pray for the Spirit. See Luke 11:13. Suffice to say this sermon was ably delivered. Dr. Moore's theme was the Spirit and the Spirit was truly felt by every possessor. Dr. Moore closed by singing, “If my father hold my hand I will go,” &c. After which Rev. W. A. Melvin led in a soul-stirring prayer. Then Deacon Johnson and Sister Annie McAlister lifted a collection which amounted to $15.75. The President appointed Sister Laura Bronson and Sister M. F. Bannerman to conduct praise service in the afternoon. Benediction by Rev. Mr. Robinson. FRIDAY AFTERNOON SESSION. Met per adjournment. Sister Bronson and Bannerman conducting services. Hymn No. 10 was sung. A portion of the third chapter of Titus was read. Sister A. M. Hayes led in prayer. “Come to Jesus,” was sung. Then the President made a few brief remarks and announced the house in order for business. The minutes of the Morning Session were read, corrected and adopted. The Counselor presented to the Auxiliary Rev. L. A. Rayford, Rev. J. H. Bryant, and Rev. K. E. Edwards. They came forward and spoke words of cheer. The Committee on Place reported. (See report.) The same was adopted. The Committee on Obituary reported. (See report). The report was adopted. The Committee on Temperance reported. (See report.) The same was received. At this end Rev. G. W. Carr, Rev. S. Carr, Rev. Hopkins and Rev. Halls were presented. Each spoke of their delight of being preesnt and paid high tribute to the Women's Work. Mrs. Boykin was also presented. She came forward and said, she was proud to meet with such consecrated women. She further said that she was a missionary for the orphanage at Winston-Salem. I am asking you to please remember the orphans which are at the mercy of the people. On motion we adjourned to meet per program. Doxology and benediction by Rev. Bryant. Sister S. F. Sellers begged leave of absence which was granted. FRIDAY NIGHT SESSION Met promptly at 8:30. Rev. H. T. Hopkins having been chosen to preach the educational sermon, ascended the sacred rostrum with Rev. Hall as alternate. Divine service was opened by lining hymn No. 151, “Father, I stretch my hands to thee”, &c. Rev. Hall led in prayer. Second hymn, “Am I a Soldier of the Cross,” &c., was sung. The Counsellor presented the speaker in the person of Rev. Hopkins. He arose and asked all to bow their heads in a few words of prayer. After which he announced as his text Gal. 6:4. Words used: Let every man prove his own work. The speaker proved in his argument that all must work out their own salvation or all will be utterly lost. He further said, “You must work while it is day for the night cometh and no man can work. Suffice to say the speaker did his best. And when he had finished saying Rev. Flowers led to the throne of Grace in prayer. The choir then chanted, “Since Jesus came into my heart,” &c. Deacon Junius Boykin and Sister Armittie Butler were called to lift a collection which amounted to $10.25. Sister Lucy Dixon and Sister Mary M. G. Corbett were chosen to lead praise service Saturday morning. The Counsellor then presented or rather introduced Rev. Flowers, the pastor of the A. M. E. Church. He came forward and expressed his delight in being present at this august body of women. He further said, that he di not have a selfish heart, but his heart was large and was willing to help whenever he saw the need of help in every way he could. I came not into the world to hinder but to help all I can. After some announcement by the President the session stood adjourned to meet per program. Benediction by Rev. Flowers. SATURDAY MORNING SESSION. Met per adjournment. Praise service was conducted by Sister M. G. Corbett and Sister Lucy Dixon, who lined hymn No. 492, “Amazing Grace, how sweet it sounds,” etc. Sister Mary Corbett read a portion of the 5th chapter of 1st Timothy. Sister Sally A. Troy led in prayer. “I heard the voice of Jesus saying Come unto me and rest,” &c. While we were singing and thinking of that voice, the Holy Spirit came and filled our hearts brim full. We were compelled to give praise to One who doeth all things well. The Bible Lesson was then read in concert, conducted by Sister M. M. Johnson from 1st division of the Psalms was selected. The lesson was beautifully illustrated by Sister Johnson and others. The President then announced the house in order for business. The minutes of the second day's afternoon session was read and adopted. The Committee on Petitionary Letters reported. (See report.) Their report was adopted and the members came forward and received the right hand of fellowship. The officers made their reports. (See reports.) These reports were adopted. Business was suspended to hear the women tell of the work of the Auxiliary led by the President. Space will not permit to tell all she said but some of the many things were, “Women, be true”; practice neatness in your homes. See that your husband's clothes are properly mended before closing out your week's work. Take time and sit at the table with him when he comes in from his work all tired and care-worn. Don't cook your food too fast, you might burn it before it's done. Love your children, comb the little one's hair, wash their dirty faces. Don't let your children romp about on the Sabbath Day. Take them with you to church. Pray with them at home. Tell them of Jesus love. My sisters, if you will do these things we will not have to cry so much about the doing of our children.” Sister Harriet Smith, said, Sister Hayes has said enough to you, “I am going to whip the men.” Brethren, you should love your wives. She does three fourths of the labor and she needs your care. She was very sweet to you when she was single. She ought to be the same or sweeter. Many a time when you are out in do-as-you-please land your poor wife is somewhere toiling for food and raiment for herself and your children. She said, God wants clean and spotless men as well as clean and spotless women. Sister S. A. Spell, Sister Cooper and Sister Merritt spoke on home government. Space will not permit us to put in print all the sister said, but we trust that the words spoken by these noble women, will be as bread cast upon the water. Shall be seen gathering in the wayfaring men, women and children into the fold of God. After singing “In the hollow of his hand,” the Counsellor made some very brief remarks which proved to be very helpful. The hour for the Charitable sermon being at hand Rev. J. M. Jenkins from Wilmington being present was asked to preach. He ascended the rostrum with Rev. Hall as alternate. Rev. Hall conducted divine service by lining hymn No. 214. Rev. Flowers offered prayer. “Must Jesus bear the Cross alone?” was sung. The Counsellor then presented the speaker of the hour. Rev. Jenkins arose and prepared his sermon by saying, the women are doing a great work in our country. He said, Sisters, you have my prayers and aid and my protection. May God's blessings ever crown your work with success. He announced as his text Jeremiah 36:22, last clause. Words used, And there was a fire burning on the hearth before him. The speaker made a strong appeal to the women to ever keep your fires burning on your hearth. Don't ever let it go out, but may it burn brighter and brighter every day until vice and crime will be swept from our homes and Christ shall reign supreme. Suffice to say, the sermon was full of gospel truths and enjoyed by its hearers and when he was through saying, Rev. N. H. Hall led to the throne of Grace in prayer. The choir chanted, “I know He is mine,” &c. Then Sister Lou Hayes and Brother Randolph Corbett lifted a collection which amounted to $10.55. Sister Bertha Holmes and M. M. Johnson were appointed to conduct praise service in the afternoon. After some remarks by the Counsellor the session stood adjourned to meet per program. Benediction by Rev. Royals. SATURDAY AFTERNOON SESSION. Re-assembled per adjournment. Sister M. M. Johnson opened divine service by lining hymn No. 5, “A charge to keep I have,” &c. After reading a portion of James 2nd chapter Rev. Jenkins offered prayer. After chanting, “I know he is mine,” &c., the President announced the house in order for business. The minutes of the morning session were read and adopted. Then the officers for the ensuing year were elected as follows: President—Sister A. M. Hayes, Acme, N. C. Vice-President—Sister A. J. Evans, Fayetteville, N. C. Recording Secreary—Sister M. E. Hollingsworth, Kerr, N. C., R. F. D. 1. Corresponding Secretary—Sister Nannie Cowans, Delway, N. C. Treasurer—Sister C. Flynn, Currie, R. F. D. 2, N. C. Counsellor—Rev. Hayes Peterson, Kelly, N. C. Missionaries— The missionary for the orphans home came forward and spoke words. A collection was given her to the amount of $3.50. Business being finished, “Blest be the tie that binds,” was sung. The sisters as they sang, clasped each others hands, saying as they looked into each others face, “God be with you till we meet again.” Benediction by the Counsellor. SATURDAY NIGHT SESSION. Met promptly at 8:30. It was requested by the members of the First Baptist, Garland, that the Auxiliary give a lamp march. Their request was granted. Each member retired and arrayed themselves in pure white suits and purple bows, formed a beautiful parade from and to the church, each daughter carrying her lamp. The sight was beautiful to behold. On marching in the church, the President called the house to order. Rev. T. L. Cowans opened divine praise by lining hymn No. 131, “O for a closer walk with God,” &c. Rev. G. W. Carr offered prayer. The choir chanted, “I'll be satisfied,” &c the Counsellor then presented the speaker for the hour in the person of Rev. A. H. Dixon, he having been chosen to preach the anniversary sermon for Zion. He arose and made a brief statement. then announced as his text Mat.. 5:16. Words used: “Let your light shine before men.” Theme Christian living. The speaker said unto Zion, God wants you to let your light shine for him every day. He doesn't want you to just let it shine when you are at the Church on Sunday and then let it be dark until the next Sunday or when the preacher comes, but let it shine every day and every hour of your life. The way of life may look dark and gloomy before you, “shine any how.” Your enemies may assail you, but shine on for Jesus. The world may say that you are not a true “daughter” but shine any how. Shine in the midst of gamblers, shine before the drunkard, shine in the midst of dissipations, O shine for Jesus. O shine until Jesus shall say unto you, Well done, you have shone faithful before men in this world. Come and join the angelic host where all will be light, peace and love.” Suffice to say the sermon was full of gospel truths. Each hearer was made to rejoice in the God of their salvation. The speaker was at his best. After which Brother Pridgen offered prayer. Sister Cooper sang “A charge to keep I have,” &c., seemingly that it was another day of Pentecost for there was much speaking and praising God. When there was a calm, Prof. Thos. J. T. L. Boykin and Sister L. Wright lifted a collection which amounted to $12.36. After some encouraging and inspiring remarks by the President and the Counsellor the most successful session of the Auxiliary, both spiritually and financially, adjourned to meet with Lakes Chapel Baptist Church out from Atkinson, N. C., Thursday before the first Sunday in August, 1922, D. V. Press on, Press on, O Pilgrim, Rejoicing in the Lord; Believing in His promise, And trusting in His word; Fear not, for He is with us, Whatever the Cross we bear; And soon beyond the swelling tide, Press on, Press on, O Pilgrim, Though clouds and storm may rise; The light that never faileth, Shines brightly in the skies, Press on where crowns await us, In yonder mansion fair; And soon beyond the swelling tide, We'll gather over there. SUNDAY MORNING. The Sunday School met promptly at 9:30. After going through the order of service the lesson of the day was taught by Rev. K. E. Edwards. The explanation upon the lesson proved satisfactory to all present. The President lifted a collection amounting to $3.50. Sunday school closed by the Superintendent. The hour having arrived for the eulogies of our departed dead, the Counsellor entered the rostrum accompanied by the Revs. present. Brother Benj. Boykin conducted devotional service by lining hymn No. 131, “That awful day will surely come,” &c. Rev. K. E. Edwards read a portion of the 15th chapter of the 1st Cor. A few minutes was spent in silent prayer. After which Rev. N. H. Hall offered prayer. Second choice, “Servants of God, well done,” &c. The Counsellor arose and made brief preliminary remarks then announced as his text Matt. 25:21. Words used, His Lord said unto him, well done, thou good and faithful servant; thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things; enter thou into the joy of thy Lord. The speaker told of the king passing through the country and leaving his goods with trustworthy servants. Two of these servants, said he, were industrious. They went to work immediately and put these goods or money to an exchange, then when the king returned he would not be angry, but would be pleased to see the interest taken in his goods for the king and themselves also. Upon the arrival of the king he found them still on the job. Then he said unto these, the words of the text. My friends, said he, the king only spoke these words to two of his servants. You will read the sentence of that slothful servant and learn his sentence. Time will not permit me to write the whole sermon. You may read the whole chapter for yourself then ask yourself the question, What will be my sentence when the King of glory comes to receive the talent He left with me? Suffice to say, these Sisters Rebecca Murphy, Priscilla Newkirk, Helen Howell, A. M. Bryant, Nora Henry and Luvinia Stringfield, heard the words, Well done, thou good and faithful servants. Enter thou into the joys of thy Lord. The man of God proved in his argument, that the Lord was coming again, not only looking for these sisters that have gone on, but for you as well as them, and it behooves us all to be ready when he comes. And when he was through saying Sister Hayes sang, “I belong to the king,” &c. Then prayer was offered by Bro. Benj. Boykin. After which a collection was lifted amounting to $14.00. A vote of thanks was extended to the members and friends around Garland, far and near, for their genial hospitality. Doxology was sung and benediction by the Counsellor. A. M. HAYES, President, Acme, N. C.M. E. HOLLINGSWORTH, Recording Secretary, Kerr, N. C. REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON HOURS OF MEETING. Sister President and Brother Counsellor: We, your Committee on Hours of Meeting, beg to submit the following report: Meet at 9:30, adjourn at 1:00; re-assemble at 2:00 o'clock p. m., adjourn at 5:00; meet at eight, adjourn at will. Humbly submitted,DEACON JNO. A. COOPER, SISTER MAYME HAYES, SISTER KINNIE BRONSON, Committee. REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON PETITIONARY LETTERS. Sister President and Brother Counsellor: We, your Committee, beg to submit the following organizations and delegates: St. Louis Chapel Baptist Church, Fayetteville, N. C., organized by the President and Secretary. Chapel Hill Baptist Church, Autryville, N. C., organized by Sister A. J. Evans and Sister M. E. Kelly. We further find Point Caswell the return of an old organization that has once been a part of us but for a lack of understanding withdrew from us. We recommend the reception of these organizations and the delegates fellow-shipped. We further find Sister Martha J. Smith paid 50c., Mary E. Sellers due 25c., Sister Margie Allen due 50c., Sister Bertha Spearman due 50c., Sister Robinson due 50c., Hattie Owens due 50c., Mattie Williams due 50c. COMMITTEE. REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON EDUCATION Sister President and Worthy Counsellor: We, your Committee on Education, beg to submit the following consideration. The subject to which we attempt to address ourselves now, we have come to deal with mind and matter. The word education came from another word, Educo, which means to draw out. The properties of greatness lie in the concrete and can only be obstructed by force. Man when a youth was born with sufficient element to produce any master of science and art. Education is a means by which this process is carried on. It lifts from the bedrock of youthful ignorance to a giant in power of thought and action. Education sharpens one's thoughts and produces a fountain of reason which all master minds employ to carry on the process of machinery from which achievement comes. Therefore, we recommend that this Auxiliary individually and collectively send their children to Burgaw N. & I. School or some other good school (having a Baptist principle), that they may be fitted for life. In your boys there are more Frederick Douglass, B. K. Bruce, Booker T. Washington, Dr. G. W. Lee and C. T. Walker, D.D., Philis Weathers and our own A. M. Hayes. Education is the means by which your children can be developed into great men and women. We further recommend to you that you educate your children for the pulpit, the Bar, for Doctors, for Statesmen, for Missionaries and for the home service. And such efforts will always be productive in man. Respectfully submitted,REV. W. H. MOORE, D.D., SISTER MARY M. JOHNSON, SISTER LAURA BRONSON, SISTER SARAH F. SELLERS, REV. SILAS CARR, Committee. REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON PLACE. We, your Committee on Place, beg to submit the following report: Received invitation for the next session (1922) of the Auxiliary, from Falling Run, Cumberland County, Lakes Chapel, and Pender County. After careful consideration we accepted the invitation from Lakes Chapel as our next meeting place. Humbly yours,HAVALA LOYD, MARY HALL, LELA MELVIN, MAGGIE KELLY, M. F. COOPER, KINNIE BRONSON, SALLY TROY, HARRIETT SMITH, MARY BERRY, MATTIE BEATY, B. B. HAYES ARMITTIE BUTLER, EFFIE WILLIAMS, NORA BUTLER, SARAH LEE, MARY E. HOLLINGSWORTH, LIZZIE NEWKIRK, LUCY DIXON, M. F. BANNERMAN, MARY A. BOYKIN, H. E. POWELL, RENA MATHIS, ETHEL HAYES, JOSEPHINE JACOBS, L. McALISTER, HATTIE OWEN, Committee. REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON MISSIONS. We, your Committee on Missions, beg to submit the following report: Whereas, the cry of so many are coming to us from foreign fields for the lack of food and raiment, and Whereas, our conditions here are better than the heathens in Africa and other foreign lands; therefore, be it Resolved, That this Auxiliary send up to the Lott Carey Convention the amount of penny collections raised by each organization yearly. Respectfully submitted,REV. J. D. COWANS, REV. LONNIE RAYFORD, BRO. T. R. COWANS, M. E. SELLERS, LULA ROBINSON, Committee. REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON OBITUARIES. Sister President and Worthy Counsellor: We, your Committee on Obituaries, beg to submit our report: Whereas, It has pleased the Almighty God to call from labor to reward the following sisters, viz: Rebecca Murphy, Priscilla Newkirk Helen Howell, A. M. Bryant, Nora Henry and Luvinia Stringfield. Be it Resolved, That we bow in humble submission to Him who doeth all things well. Resolved further, That business be suspended for fifteen minutes in memory of our departed dead. Respectfully submitted,ALBERTA PETERSON, A. J. EVANS, S. A. SPELLS, AMANDA MERRITT, LIZZIE CARROLL, Committee. REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON TEMPERANCE. Sister President and Brother Counsellor: We, your Committee on Temperance, beg to submit the following report: Whereas, wine, whiskey, tobacco, snuff, dancing, card playing, moving pictures, chewing gum and the prevailing style of dress, are destined to destroy the purity of our homes and degrade humanity. Be it Resolved, That we as Christians, use our influence against these evils. Be it Resolved further, That we as Christian women be more careful in our manner of dress, our very walk in the presence of evil, because many a time a wink of the eye will cause some one to fall. Resolved further, That we as the light of the world, hold our light high, that he that is in darkness may be constrained to follow. Respectfully submitted,C. FLYNN, MARTHA J. SMITH, ROY BREWINGTON, SARAH LEE, H. J. DEVANE, Committee. REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON FINANCE AND ACCOUNTS. Sister President and Worthy Counsellor: We, your Committee on Finance and Accounts beg to submit our report: Receipts. "","Representatation.","Missions." "Hayes Chapel","$4.00","$——" "Beaver Dam","1.50",".72" "Falling Run","5.75","——" "Moores Creek","7.25","1.25" "Little Field","5.00",".15" "Pleasant Hill","6.00","1.00" "Lakes Chapel","4.75","1.00" "Hawes Chapel","5.25","——" "Rosa Green","4.25","——" "Mount Pleasant","2.50","——" "Elizabeth","4.00","——" "1st Baptist, Ingold","6.00","——" "Royals Chapel","5.50","——" "Caintuck","5.00","——" "Andrews Chapel","3.00","——" "Mount Elam","2.75",".62" "Wilson Chapel","3.50","——" "Christian Chapel","6.75","——" "Macedonia","4.03","——" "Keiton's Chapel","5.00","2.00" "Bear Skin","3.75","1.25" "1st Baptist, Garland","4.00",".52" "Lewis Chapel","1.00","——" "Chapel Hill","1.00","——" "Little Piney Grove","2.75","——" "Point Caswell","1.00","——" "Public collection","91.35","8.51" "Life Members","4.25","——" "Brought forward","62.34","" "Grand total","$375.73","$17.02" Disbursements. "Paid to—","" "Dr. W. H. Moore, H. & F. M.","$12.00" "Rev. J. D. Cowans, for service","5.00" "Rev. J. M. Jenkins, for service","5.00" "Rev. W. A. Melvin, for service","5.00" "Sister Boykin, H. Missions","3.50" "Rev. J. H. Bryant for service","2.00" "Rev. L. A. Rayford for service","4.00" "Rev. Royals, for charity","5.00" "Rev. M. R. Robinson","3.50" "Sexton","2.00" "Bro. John D","2.00" "Anna Newton, charity","2.00" "President, for service","15.00" "Counsellor, for service","15.00" "Vice-President","3.00" "Corresponding Secretary","3.00" "M. E. Hollingsworth, minutes","10.00" "M. E. Hollingsworth, trav. exp.","2.65" "Sister Margaret, charity",".50" "Sister Cathers, charity",".50" "Sister Lucretia, charity",".50" "Sister Pennie Lewis, charity",".50" "Sister Nancy Devane, charity",")50" "Sister Olive Pearson, charity",".50" "Sister Molcy Carr, charity","1.00" "Sister Harriett Smith","1.00" "Sister C. Mott, charity",".50" "Sister C. Flynn, for service","2.25" "Sister Nannie Cowan, charity",".86" "Sister M. M. G. Corbett, charity",".86" "M. A. Smith",".86" "Sister Nan. Cowans, trav. exp.","2.14" "Total paid out","$102.12" "Balance in treasury","$173.61" Rescpectfully submitted,SISTER NANNIE COWAN, SISTER MARY G. CORBETT, SISTER MARY A. SMITH, Committee. REPORT OF THE EXECUTIVE BOARD. The Executive Board met with Mount Pleasant Baptist Church, subject to the call of the President, Friday before the third Sunday in April, 1921, at 2 o'clock. Devotional service was conducted by singing and reading the Scripture and prayer was offered after which a second hymn was sung. Thirty minutes was spent in praise and testimonial from the Zion sisters. Many good words were said by each sister as she testified of her determined pursuit. “Praise God from whom all blessings flow,” &c., was sung. Then the session stood adjourned for one hour. Benediction by Rev. J. D. Cowans. AFTERNOON SESSION. Re-assembled after refreshments. Praise service was conducted by Sister E. C. Williams who sang hymn No. 151, “Blest be the tie that binds,” &c. Reading a Scripture lesson then prayer was offered. After singing a spiritual anthem the President stated the object of our meeting at this place. She also counselled the Sisters as to how they must carry themselves as Christians. The roll of the Executive Board was called. Those present answering to their names and new ones put in place of absent ones. This being done Sister M. M. Johnson was elected Chairman of the Board and Sister Nannie Cowans was elected Secretary. The different organizations were then called and the health of each stated as follows: Each of the sisters brought good news from the fields. It was encouraging to know how the Lord is blessing the work of Zion and spreading the cause into the Western Union Association. “Come, O Come, right unto me,” &c., was sung. Then Rev. A. H. Dixon and Rev. J. D. Cowans discussed the two Piney Groves and why they existed. The matter was amicably settled by the Counsellor. The session then stood to meet at 8:30 to hear a sermon by Rev. W. T. Boykins Friday night. The hour having arrived Rev. A. H. Dixon opened Divine service by lining hymn No. 79, “There is a gate that stands ajar,” &c. He read a portion of the twenty-fifth chapter of Matthew. Rev. Peterson led in a fervent prayer. Then “Palms of Victory, Crowns of glory,” was sung. The Counsellor then presented the speaker in the person of Rev. Boykin. He arose and made brief preliminary remarks then announced as his text Matt. 28:7. And go quickly and tell my disciples that he is risen from the dead. Theme: go tell. Rev. Boykin brought to his hearers many good thoughts. He beautifully portrayed the life of our Savior. The hearts of many were made to rejoice while he broke the bread of life and when he had finished saying prayer was offered. Then a collection was lifted. This being done the session stood adjourned to meet at 9:30. SATURDAY MORNING SESSION. Met per adjournment. Praise service was conducted by Sister Mary Berry who lined hymn No. 112, “My soul be on thy guard,” &c. Sister M. F. Cooper read a portion of the 19th division of Psalms. Then offered prayer. Second selection, “Blest be the tie that binds,” &c. Then a Committee on Petitionary Letters was appointed as follows: Sister Lizzie Newkirk, S. A. Spells and M. E. Evans. Whilst waiting for the return of the Committee the President gave the Sisters a chance to speak of the work of the Auxiliary, led by Sister A. M. Hayes. Sister Hayes in her mild manner always tickles the ear and makes glad the heart when speaking. She was followed by Sister Harriett Smith, Amanda Merritt, M. E. Hollingsworth, Lizzie Newkirk, S. A. Spells and others. The Committee on Petitionary Letters came forward and reported as follows: We find Elizabeth Chapel seeking to become a part of us, having been properly organized by the President and Vice-President. We also had Sister Rosalie Rich, Annie L. Moore, Effie Williams, Athalia Williams, Carrie M. Baggett, Lelon Williams, Mary L. Williams, Roy Brewington, Lula Baggett seeking admission as Life Members, each paying 50 cents. Lillie Williams 50 cents. On motion, the report of the Committee was received and the delegates and Life Members given the right hand of fellowship. Andrews Chapel was represented by Sister Hattie E. Powell. The same was received without payment, suggested by the Counsellor. Business was then suspended to hear a sermon by Rev. J. D. Cowans, Rev. W. A. Melvin alternate. They ascended the rostrum and sang hymn No. 151, “Soldiers of Christ arise,” etc. After reading a Scripture lesson prayer was offered. After chanting a Spiritual anthem the Counsellor presented the speaker. Rev. Cowan aroes and complimented himself by having the privilege of being in your midst. I am always glad when I can speak a word for Jesus, said he; I have entirely sold out myself to Christ and His great cause. Suffice to say the speaker dived deep into God's treasures and brought out many good sayings. We all were greatly benefitted by having heard this noble sermon. After he had finished prayer was offered. Then a collection was lifted. After a few remarks by the Counsellor the session adjourned. Benediction by Rev. A. H. Dixon. SATURDAY AFTERNOON SESSION. Met per adjournment. Sister Ellen C. Wililams conducted praise service. At this end the Counsellor presented the deacons from the home and visiting churches. Each spoke very encouragingly of the Women's work. Those present were Deacon John Cooper, Deacon W. A. Rich, Deacon Butler, Deacon Henry Lovett, Rev. W. A. Melvin, Rev. K. E. Edwards, Rev. P. M. Lee and others. Business being finished preparation was made for annual sermon of Mount Pleasant Sisters. The time having arrived the sisters all arrayed themselves in robes of white, each carrying a lamp in hand representing the Five Virgins going out to meet the Bride Groom. After marching some distance from the church all returned and marched in the church placing the lamps in a semi-circle around the altar. The Counsellor prayed. Divine service was opened by singing “Am I am Soldier of the Cross?” &c. After reading a portion of the 25th chapter of Matthew prayer was offered. After singing a second selection the pastor presented the speaker of the hour in the person of Rev. H. Peterson whose text was Acts 5:39. The sermon was ably delivered, deep in doctrine, sound in speech, accompanied by the Holy Spirit, and enjoyed by his hearers. Prayer was offered at the close of the sermon. The choir then sang a spiritual song. Then a collection was lifted. After some brief remarks by the Counsellor the Session adjourned to meet with the sisters of the First Baptist, Garland, Thursday before the first Sunday in August, 1921, Garland, N. C. REPORT OF THE PRESIDENT. Sister Vice-President, Brother Counsellor and Co-Workers in the Lord: I am glad of the opportunity to submit my annual report. I was called to go out to Elizabeth Baptist church to organize a band of women in January. I wrote to the Recording Secretary and the Vice-President to meet me there. The Secretary failed to meet with us for some cause unknown. The Vice-President joined me at Deacon Henry Lovett's. We all went out to the church on Sunday. The pastor having died recently, seemingly, my visit was a God send to those people. I sang, read the scriptures, prayed, and lectured to them. They gave me a hearty donation. I was called to go out to Union Chapel Baptist Church. I went and organized a band of women at the above named place. I told how glad I was that they had decided to go with us. We felt that we could do them good if they would heed the call. They gave me a contribution. The first Sunday in May I was called to go out from Fayetteville at Lewis Chapel Baptist church. Sister M. E. Kelly, M. E. Hollingsworth and I answered the call. Rev. Boykin, the pastor, seemed to be very glad to have us organize in his church. After Sunday School and his service was over we had a word to the women. I am glad to say, that the Lord blessed our going out to that place. We organized and left them rejoicing in the Lord. They are here with us today. On leaving Lewis Chapel, we were called to Rev. C. T. Underwood's church by the sisters of that church. We were pressed for time yet we would hear the call of whom we thought to be the call of the faithful. We organized a band of women and they promised to meet us here today. They gave me a donation. From there I was called to Falling Run to join with the sisters in their anniversary. Surely the Lord was mighty in this place for I was made to fee; that I shall never leave this army of the Lord. I also met the Executive Board at Mount Pleasant this year which was quite a pleasant trip to me. The Sisters from the different organizations began to tell of the work done. I could but say the Lord surely is blessing the work of this Auxiliary. We had a most beautiful lamp march at night and an annual sermon by the Counsellor. Dear Sisters, as you all know that the Railroad fare is very, very high, so it cost me much to leave my home at Acme and visit these places mentioned, not forgetting to say, I gave alms to the poor and needy as I heard and saw their needs. For Mission cause I did not once turn away the call as I am trying to be more and more like my Savior. Give and give freely. Yours in Christ,ANNIE M. HAYES. VICE-PRESIDENT'S REPORT. Sister President and Brother Counsellor: I am truly glad to surrender my annual report. I have tried to do more for the cause of Christ this year than ever before. I went with the President to Elizabeth Baptist church and did all I could in helping the President to set forth this great cause. I met the Executive Board at Mount Pleasant where we had a glorious meeting. Hearing the call from Chapel Hill, Sisters Kelly, Lovett and I answered the call and went to their rescue. We organized a band of sixteen women, saying to us, when the roll is called up yonder I will be there. They gave us a hearty donation. I solicit your prayers that I may be found watching when He comes. Yours in Christ,ANNIE J. EVANS. REPORT OF THE CORRESPONDING SECRETARY. Sister President and Sisters: I am glad to submit my annual report. I have ever tried to be loyal to all duties assigned me. I notified the members to meet the Executive Board at Mount Pleasant Friday before the third Sunday in April. I tried to do as the holy women of old, prepare a place for the weary. So I heard of the President and Secretary coming to organize at Lewis Chapel. I met them in Fayetteville and took them out to a place where they would be cared for. I went with the Vice-President to Chapel Hill to organize a band of women there. I confess that I have been negilgent to my duty in the past, but now I have resolved within myself to do with all my might what my hands find to do. I ask the prayers of the faithful, that I may be all the Lord wants me to be. Yours for victory,M. E. KELLY. REPORT OF THE TREASURER. Sister President and worthy Counsellor: 1, your humble treasurer, am glad to submit my annual report. "I received from last year's session, held at Moore's Creek church","$ 143.50" "Paid out for printing minutes","25.00" "Paid to Burgaw School for brick","15.00" "Postage on money",".24" "Paid to Sister S. A. Spell, trav. exp. to the Western Union Conference","5.00" "Total paid out","$ 45.24" "Leaving on hand","$ 108.26" Yours in Christ,CLARISSA FLYNN, Treasurer REPORT OF THE COUNSELLOR. Sister President and Sisters: I assure you that it is a source of pleasure for me to submit my annual report. I have ever held the work of Zion as a sacred work. I have tried to keep vigilant watch over the flock as a good shepherd over his sheep. I wish to say that the Lord is blessing you as He did the women of old. The only thing for you to do as a body is to be just what you pretend to the world. Don't act the hypocrite, say and never do. If you want the Lord to bless you, you must say little and do more. I have met you whenever opportunity permitted. Having the work of the Brethren's Association upon me I could not come every time you called me. I am one to help and not to hinder. Your humble servant,REV H. PETERSON, Counsellor. REPORT OF SISTER M. F. COOPER. Sister President and Sisters: I am glad to submit to you my report as your missionary. Having sickness in my home I could not assume my work as early as I desired but I did my best under my present circumstances I visited Little Piney Grove and tried to reconcile them as a body. There was some misunderstanding between the two churches of which I was unable to decide. I asked them to meet the Executive Board at Mount Pleasant. I visited the First Baptist at Ingold. Circumstances prevented my having anything to say. I visited Mount Elam twice but did not have anything to say. The cause unknown to me. I visited Hayes Chapel and they kindly received me. They donated to me $3.00. I did what I could at my home and they gave me $3.00. Total raised from Piney Grove $2.00; Hayes $3.00; First Baptist, Garland, $3.00; amount raised on my visits $8.00. Humbly yours for success,MARY F. COOPER, Missionary. REPORT OF THE RECORDING SECRETARY. Sister President, Worthy Counsellor: I am glad to submit my annual report as Recording Secretary. Many things have happened since we left Moore's Creek. The Lord has been our Wonderful Counsellor. Not a minute has passed but what He was near to help in our needs. I am trying to be faithful in whatever duties are assigned me. I want to thank all for the honor conferred upon me, yet I feel that there is some among you that can do this work better than I.. I compiled the minutes and sent them to the press as soon as I possibly could. For printing the minutes the publisher charged thirty dollars. I asked him to be just as light on us as he could, as we were one among his old customers. At last he agreed to publish the minutes for twenty-five dollars. The publisher sends good luck greetings to you all. I tried to send a bundle to every organization. I failed to get them out to all. My number ran short before getting around to all. Postage on each package nothing less than five cents and not more than seven. I also drew from the treasurer twenty dollars. Fifteen, I paid to the Commencement for brick for the new building. Five I paid to Sister S. A. Spells for her traveling expenses to the Western Union Association. As your missionary, my work I count very little. My Sunday School and prayer services were not as bright as I desired to see them, so I spent much of my time at home. I went with the President to Lewis Chapel and did what I hope the Lord was well pleased with. They gave me a liberal donation of which we prayed God's blessings upon them. On leaving Lewis Chapel we headed for Friendship (Fayetteville) organizing a band of women at this place. We left them in the care of the deacons and pastor. Finding our trip not ended we chartered a car to take us to Falling Run church. Upon our arirval we found quite a number of the Sisters to greet us. As it was their anniversary we soon made ready. I am glad to say that the Holy Spirit did visit the meeting and gave quite a success. They gave us two dollars of which we divided equal. I met the Executive Board at Mount Pleasant. There we had a glorious time on meeting with Rev. K. E. Edwards. He requested me to meet with the sisters at his home (Clinton). I tried my utmost to meet as requested but failed. Seemingly, they had all that they could just now do, but hoped to become a part of us later on. My next call was Christian Chapel. I went and lectured and conducted a lamp-march for them. They gave me a liberal donation. I went to Tomahawk and tried to bring about a revival of the once organized band but failed. I conducted a lamp march at my home church on the first Sunday night in July, your Counsellor preaching our Anniversary sermon. Like Paul, where I could not go I wrote. I went to the N. E. & C. F. Convention and delivered the message you gave me in short. I am your humble servant.MARY E. HOLLINGSWORTH. The Executive Board will meet with Mount Elam Baptist Church, about six miles from Parkersburg, N. C., Friday before the first Sunday in April, 1922 D. V. A motion prevailed for 500 copies of the Minutes instead of 400. The committee will submit their report on Program at the Board meeting. Delegates sent to the Middle District Association: Sister A. M. Hayes, Western Union Association, Sister Nannie Cowans. Western Union Convention, M. E. Hollingsworth. N. E. & C. F. Convention, Sister Ellen Williams. CONSTITUTION. 1. This organization shall be known as the Woman's Baptist Daughters of Zion Auxiliary. 2. Its object shall be to promote and impress the Christ life, upon the young and the old, and to establish, encourage, maintain a home life, such as were the holy women of old. 3. This Auxiliary shall consist of Delegates and Life Members chosen from the different organizations being entitled to three delegates. 4. Any person may become a member of this Auxiliary, by a payment of fifty cents, who has been properly organized into a subordinate organization, and are living in submission to all the By-Laws and Constitution at home. 5. The delegates shall bear letters communicating information relative to the work being done in each organization. 6. This Auxiliary shall choose annually, a President, a Vice-President, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, Treasurer and a Counsellor, who shall continue in office until their successors are elected. 7. The Counsellor shall instruct them in the best way to be pursued in all transactions. The said Counsellor shall be an ordained minister. 8. It shall be the duty of the President to preside over all meetings, and see that a proper decorum is kept. In case of her absence the Vice-President shall act. 9. This Auxiliary shall elect Missionaries whose duty it shall be to visit newly organized organizations (unless set up by them) and see that they are properly organized and instruct them in the best way to be pursued in the transaction of their business. 10. The following committee shall be appointed at each annual session, First, Committee on Hours of Meeting; second, Committee on Finance and Account. Third, Committee on Place of Next Meeting of the Auxiliary. 11. Other Committees may be appointed whenever it shall be deemed prudent. 12. That the Treasurer pay out money by order of no individual or Board, unless signed or approved by the President and Secretary. 13. This Auxiliary shall have an Executive Board consisting of seven members chosen from this body annually, who shall be subject to the call of the president and suggest plans for the promotion of the work. 14. This Constitution shall be amended only by a two-thirds vote of the members present at any annual session; provided the proposed amendment is offered in the previous year and printed in the minutes. BY-LAWS. 1. This Auxiliary shall be opened by singing and prayer by the President or some one appointed by her. 2. The Minutes of the previous session shall be read, corrected and adopted. 3. Persons invited to seats in the bar shall have the privilege of speaking on any question but shall not vote. 4. Each person when rising to speak shall call the attention of the President to the point in question. 5. No speaker shall be interrupted when speaking, unless their remarks are foreign to the question under discussion. Any member may arise to a point of order, or the President may call her to the proposition under debate. 6. When two members arise at the same time and claim the floor, the President shall give preference to the one farthest off. 7. Members shall not speak more than twice upon the same question without permission. 8. A motion seconded shall be definitely stated by the President before discussion. 9. When a question is under debate, no motion or proposition shall be received except to adjourn, or lay on the table, to amend, to commit, to postpone to an indefinite time, which several notice shall have precedence in order in which they are stated. 10. No motion shall be withdrawn after discussion. 11. No member shall absent herself from the Auxiliary without permission from the body, and if any one shall do so their absence shall be noted in the minutes. 12. All questions except such as related to the Constitution shall be decided by a majority of votes. 13. The Auxiliary shall have a right to decide what subject shall be admitted for consideration. 14. A motion may be amended or divided into sections or withdrawn by the mover. 15. These By-Laws may be altered or amended at any session of the Auxiliary by a majority of votes. 16. Each officer shall pay annually the sum of twenty-five cents. ORDER OF BUSINESS.