[Cover Image] OFFICERS The next session will be held with Mt. Shiloh M. B. Church, James City, N. C., October 15th, 1925, Rev. H. B. Moore, Pastor. PROCEEDINGS Morehead City, N. C., Oct. 16th, 1924 The New Bern Eastern M. B. Association convened in the St. Luke M. B. Church, Morehead City, N. C., on the above date. Rev. S. H. Barrow, pastor in charge. Rev. A. H. Dudley, Moderator presiding. The following officers were present:—Rev. A. H. Dudley, Moderator; S. F. Faison, Secretary; Revs. E. S. Gibbs and S. L. Mann, Members of the Executive Board; Rev. Dr. M. W. Wynn of the Trustee Board. Devotional exercises were conducted by Revs. S. L. Mann and E. C. Pigott. First hymn No. 86, “God moves in a mysterous way” by Rev. Pigott. Rev. Mann read the 3rd chapter of the 1st epistle of John. Prayer was offered by Rev. D. W. Dance. Second hymn No. 309, “My hope is built on nothing less” by Rev. E. C. Pigott. Prayer by Rev. L. C. Blackman. Then “I am not ashamed to own my Lord” was sung. Rev. Dr. W. H. A. Stallings offered prayer. “I am walking in the light” by Rev. S. L. Mann. The throne of grace was then addressed by Rev. N. H. Hargett. After which the Moderator arose and gave a lecture and declared the association open for business. Rev. N. H. Hargett arose and spoke in telling words for the upbuildign of the New Bern Association. Rev. E. C. Pigott responded and urged the brethren of the association to hold up Christ in Morehead City. Bros. H. H. Pender and C. W. Williams both spoke words of encouragement to the delegation. First in order was the enrollment of delegates and ministers, and the same were enrolled. It was moved and prevailed that all churcdes having any grievances should come to the Moderators seat and get a statement signed by the Moderator and Secretary, and take the same back to his church for satisfaction. This motion was pertaining to the association minutes of 1923. The amount received from delegates and ministers was $33.50. The association took recess until 2:30 P. M. FIRST DAY'S AFTERNOON SESSION The association reconvened at 2:30 with Rev. Dudley, Moderator presiding. Devotional exercises were conducted by Revs. J. H. Kornegay and Elijah James. 1st hymn No. 350, “I love thy kingdom Lord.” Prayer was offered by Bro. G. C. Moore. Bro. H. M. Stilley lined hymn “Father I stretch my hands to thee.” The Moderator then arose and declared the association opened and announced the Introductional sermon in order, the same to be delivered by Rev. R. Murray. Rev. Murray ascended the stand assisted by Rev. D. W. Dance, who lined hymn No. 422, “My soul be on thy guard.” Rev. Murray arose and took for his text 1st Samuel 16th chapter and 7th verse. Subject, “Is your heart right with God.” Text, “The Lord seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart.” Rev. Murray's sermon was plain and delivered in a graceful manner. Rev. Mann arose and sang “I have found a wonderful Saviour.” The Moderator arose and complimented the sermon. The roll of delegates and ministers was called and the minutes of the morning session were read and approved. On motion the association called the Secretary to explain about the delay of the minutes. The Secretary arose and made a statement concerning the minutes being delayed. He stated that all statements gone out concerning the minute money and by the order of the Moderator were untrue. He had the money but sickness and other things had hindered him from doing his duty, and that he request the association to forgive him, assuring them it would never occur again. By a motion the Secretary was forgiven unanimously for the delay of the minutes of 1923. Amount raised by delegates and ministers was $16.00, public collection $1.75, total 17.75. Benediction by the Moderator. FIRST DAY'S NIGHT SESSION Association reconvened at 7:30, with Rev. Grant Moye, Vice-Moderator presiding. 1st hymn No. 66 lined by Rev. J. H. Kornegay. Reading 22nd chapter of St. Matthew by Rev. Miles Jones. Prayer by Rev. P. B. Midgett. 2nd hymn No. 103 lined by Rev. Kornegay. The Moderator then arose and made a short talk and announced that after the Welcome Address the association would hold a short session. The choir sang one of the old Zion melodies and the welcome address was in order. On part of the church, Miss Emma K. Brown came forward and in a most graceful manner made the association all welcome. Then a few remarks by Rev. S. H. Barrow. Rev. Crain, the white baptist minister, was called upon, he arose and with his splendid manner made the entire delegation welcome to the city. Bro. C. H. T. Ellison, representing the A. M. E. Zion church, welcemed them to their homes, their food and their churches, and to all things pertaining to their happiness. Prof. W. S. King, the principal of the Graded School, welcomed them to their beautiful school and play ground, and also to lecture the children so as to help him hold up Jesus Christ before them. The choir rendered some of its excellent music and the Moderator arose and called upon Rev. Dr. W. H. A. Stallings to make the responding talk. Rev. Stallings arose and with his excellent power responded to the welcome addresses made to the association by mentioning each and every one. At this juncture the Temperance sermon was in order, the Moderator arose and introduced Rev. Wm. Anderson to preach the Temperance sermon. Rev. Anderson ascended the stand and lined hymn “A few more years shall roll,” and selected for his text 28th chapter of Isaiah, 7th verse, words “But they have also erred through wine and strong drinks and are out of the way.” Rev. Anderson courted his text from start to finish. He forced his argument principally upon prohibition enforcement. The choir then rendered some of its splendid music and a collection was lifted by Revs. N. F. Brooks and J. H. Crow amounting to $20.00 Delegates and ministers $48.50, total $68.50. The Home Committee then took charge and Rev. W. H. Pender dismissed the audience. SECOND DAY'S MORNING SESSION The association was called to order at 10 o'clock by Rev. Grant Moye, Vice-Moderator presiding. Devotional exercises were conducted by Revs. J. A. Stiles and W. T. Stancil. 1st hymn lined by Rev. Stiles. Reading the 11th chapter of 2nd Corinthians by Rev. Stancil. Prayer was offered by Rev. J. H. Crow, after which the Moderator arose and announced the association open and ready for business. Roll of delegates and ministers were called and minutes read and approved. Prof. C. F. Graves of the Roanoke Institute spoke in behalf of his school work. The Secretary then read the following committees: On Temperance:—Bros. M. F. Sawyer, T. G. Whitney, Amos Dudley, L. C. Blackman and Sister Marina Smith. On Grievances:—Revs. N. H. Hargett, J. H. Kennedy D. W. Dance, John Mann and J. J. Grantham. On Constituion:—Revs. W. H. Pender, E. C. Pigott, Bros. H. C. Covall, B. W. Best and P. Foy. Finance Committee:—M. M. Wiggins, G. C. Moore, Hyman Gay, G. S. Boomer and R. F. Moore. On Obituary—Revs. H. Jenkins, W. H. Pender, R. Murray, E. S. Gibbs and S. M. Clark. On Education:—Revs. E. J. Burrus, I. S. Branch, W. T. Stancil, H. H. Pender, B. W. Best. On Petitionary Letters:—Bros. J. T. Perry, Jas. Neal, Shade Heath, Revs. E. J. Burrus, John Harrell and Miles Jones. On Place:—Revs. P. B. Midgett, Z. V. Battle, C. W. Williams, Jas. Pasture, Ned Jones, A. Hargett, H. M. Stilley, Roma Little, James Keys. On Ordination:—Revs. E. S. Gibbs, I. S. Branch, Wm. Anderson, R. Gaskins, J. H. Crow, J. A. Stiles, J. L. Clark, S. L. Mann, W. A. Green. At this juncture Prof. Graves had to leave the Association. Revs. J. H. Crow and Grant Moye were appointed to lift a special collection for him, amount taken $15.05. By a metion the association donated $9.95 to make the total given him $25.00. Prof. Graves tendered his thanks to the association for the hospitality shown him in his petition for the Roanoke Institute. Amount taken from delegates and ministers $22.00. Benediction by Rev. J. P. Moore. SECOND DAY'S AFTERNOON SESSION The association was called to order at 2 o'clock by Rev. A. H. Dudley, Moderator presiding. Devotional exercises were conducted by Revs. W. A. Green and John Harrell. 1st hymn No. 491, lined by Rev. Green. Reading the 7th chapter of St. Matthew by Rev. Harrell. Prayer by Rev. J. L. Clark. Second hymn No. 293, after which the Moderator arose and declared the association open for business. Roll of delegates and ministers was called and absentees checked. Minutes were read and approved. Rev. R. Gaskins appeared before the body and after a few remarks stating his condition, it was moved and prevailed that the association donate his annual fees. The Executive Board made their report which was received and adopted. Trustee Board reported, same was adopted. The reading of Church Letters and $358.42 was found therein. The association then took recess, benediction by the Moderator. SECOND DAY'S NIGHT SESSION The association was called to order 7:30 by Rev. A. H. Dudley, Moderator. Devotional exercises were carried out in a general praise service. Singing, scripture reading and many prayers. Moderator announced the meeting open for business. Roll was called and minutes read and approved. The Moderator then announced the Missionary Sermon in order and same to be delivered by Rev. W. H. Pender. Rev. Pender ascended the stand and the choir broke out with its sweet music “My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus Christ's righteousness.” Rev. Pender arose and sang a few verses, text 28th chapter and 9th verse of “Goye therefore and teach all nations, baptizing them in my name” Subject “Missions.” Rev. Pender delivered his sermon with spiritual power and closed. “We are walking in the light” was sung by Rev. S. L. Mann. Revs. Stallings and Mann were called to lift the collection which amounted to $22.29. The Field Missionary, Bro. E. C. Pigott, made his report as follows:—I have made several visits to various churches over the field and in the midst of various circumstances and I have raised $33.61 and have brought the entire amount to the association. By a motion the report of Bro. Pigott was received and one-half of the money donated him for his expenses. Bro. Miles Jones came forward and reported as follows: I, one of your Field Missionaries, beg to submit you my report, I have gone over all the field this year to all churches that I could secure an appointment with and have brought to you $14.28 after I have taken out my expenses. I pray that our churches will make the way more clear next year and by so doing I will be able to do better. On motion the reports were received and a vote of thanks tendered the missionaries for their noble service rendered. Rev. J. D. McCray, of Goldsboro, was called upon to make remarks concerning the Union Reformer paper. He urged all to take to this little paper, an organ of the Baptist church Owing to the lateness of the hour the Moderator stated the association would look after Rev. McCray's matter Saturday. The Home Committee took charge and the association adjourned. Amount collected $71.18. Benediction by Moderator. THIRD DAY'S MORNING SESSION Association called to order by Moderator Dudley at ten o'clock. Devotional exercises were conducted by Revs. P. B. Midgett and J. P. Moore. First hymn Ho. 487. Reading 1st division of Psalms by Rev. Moore. Prayer by Bro. Milton Moore. Second hymn No. 490 lined by Rev. Midgett. The Moderator arose and after some remarks declared the association open for business. Roll was called and minutes read and approved. The question was asked by Rev. Stallings, How does the association stand on the churches acception of excluded members as full members of their church after being rightfully excluded? What is the ruling of the association? After a few remarks on the question, the Moderator deferred the question until a later hour, giving no decision on it now. Election of Officers was in order. On motion of Rev. M. W. Wynn that the rule be suspended and Rev. A. H. Dudley be elected Moderator by acclamation. Rev. Grant Moye was elected Vice-Moderator. H. H. Pender was elected Secretary. T. G. Whitney, Assistant Secretary. W. F. Bell, Institute Treasurer. J. R. Hill, Association Treasurer. It was moved and prevailed to donate Rev. Grant Moye $25.00 to purchase some books for school purposes. The Secretary, S. F. Faison, made a statement to the association as follows:—Dear brethren and sister, I feel very grateful to you for the past, as Secretary, I have served you all faithfully for 25 years, I did not expect to hold this great and honorable position as long as I have, but since you have seen fit to remove me, therefore I am perfectly satisfied at your action. When first elected to this position my prayer was to remain one-fifth of a century, but God has blessed me to have the honor of being your Secretary for 25 years, and since you have acted upon it as you have I can only say one thing to you, I thank God and praise you for what you have done for me. I further say to you if in any way I can be of service to you command me and I will be at your call. I can say to you with a clear conscience I have done my utmost for the upbuilding of the association, I have tried to take care of your interests to the best of my ability, I have been very careful in the handling of your money, therefore my conscience feels clear. At this point it was moved and prevailed that a vote of thanks be and is hereby extended to Bro. S. F. Faison for his noble service rendered the association for 25 years and that said association extend to him a certificate stating his standing in the association and a donation of $10.00 be handed him showing the association has not a spot or rinkle against him as Secretary. The motion was adopted by a unanimous vote of the association. Amount of collection $14.00. Benediction by Rev. W. A. Green. THIRD DAY'S AFTERNOON SESSION Association called to order at 2:30. Devotional exercises conducted by Revs. W. A. Green and Miles Jones. 1st hymn No. 86. Reading the 1st chapter of St. Mark by Rev. Jones. Prayer was offered by Rev. Wm, Alexander. Rev. Green sang “Lord I will go every step of the way.” The Moderator arose and announced that according to obligations made with the Womans Auxiliary they were to have to-day's afternoon and that all the delegation were urged to be with the sisters in their service. Sister Edith Keys, President of the Woman's Auxilary, took charge and made a few remarks and requested Rev. Robt. Murray to be with them and deliver the sermon. Rev. Murray preached a powerful sermon ending in a God's praising congregation. THIRD DAY'S NIGHT SESSION The night session was called to order at seven o'clock in a general praise service led by Rev. S. M. Clark. Prayer by Rev. Dr. Stallings, followed by Bro. G. C. Moore, et als. At 7:30 the Moderator called the association to order. Devotional exercises were conducted by Revs. J. L. Clark and J. W. Badger. First hymn No. 350 was sung by the choir. Reading the 15th division of Psalms. Prayer was offered by Bro. H. C. Coval. Second hymn No. 331, after which the Moderator announced the house ready for business. The Ordination Committee made their report as follows: We have examined the following applicants—Bros. T. E. Wright, W. T. Stancil and James Pasture, and after a fair and impartial examination we recommend them to the association for ordination. On motion the report was received and adopted. The Committee on Obituary reported as follows:—Since the sitting of the last association the hand of death has removed from our midst Rev. C. C. Cotton, and we recommend Revs. Robt. Murray, W. H. Pender, S. M. Clark and H. Jenkins to take part in the Eulogistic Services on Sunday at 2:00 P. M. On motion the same was received and adopted. The Temperance Committee made their report, see report. Received and adopted. Committee on Place of Meeting reported as follows:—This association will convene at Mt. Shiloh Baptist Church, Aurora, N. C., October 1925. Motion over-ruled and moved and prevailed this association convene in Mt. Shiloh Baptist Church, James City. The same was adopted. Committee on Petitionery Letters reported—We have no churches petitioning for membership. Report received. Rev. E. J. Burrus read a very interesting resolution, the same was received and referred to a committee, namely: Revs. W. H. Pender, B. W. Best, H. H. Pender, W. H. A. Stallings and G. Moye. The choir sang one of the beautiful hymns of zion and Rev. S. L. Mann ascended the stand to preach the Ordination sermon, text 68th division of Psalms 31st verse, “Princes shall come out of Egypt.” Second text Mark 15: 16, “Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel.” Bros. T. E. Wright, W. T. Stancil and James Pasture were publicly ordained and set apart to the work of the gospel. A collection was lifted to the amount of $8.00. The Woman's Auxiliary then made report which turned over to the association $77.35. The Star of Zion Mission Band sends greetings to the association and $2.00. The Old Saints Home also represented with $2.00. All represented by Sister Marina Smith. Total collected $89.35. Benediction by Moderator. SUNDAY MORNING SESSION The association was called to order at 11 o'clock by Rev. G. Moye, Vice-President, presiding. Devotional exercises were carried out by Revs. S. L. Mann and H. Jenkins. First hymn No. 502 lined by Rev. Mann. “How firm a foundation” was sung by the choir. Reading 2nd epistle of Paul to Calossians. Prayer was offered by Rev. H. Jenkins. Second hymn No. 667 “Jerusalem the golden.” After which the Vice-Moderator arose and introduced Rev. A. H. Dudley, Moderator, to preach. Rev. Dudley arose and made a short statement and sang “I am so glad I came unto the Lord.” Text Ezekiel 27: 4, “Hear ye the words of the Lord” Subject, Man's obedience to God. Rev. Dudley preached a powerful sermon. Rev. J. A. Stiles prayed. The choir sang and a collection was lifted by Revs. E. C. Pigott and H. H. Pender amounting to $46.32. Benediction by the Vice-Moderator. SUNDAY AFTERNOON SESSION Association was called to order at two o'clock for the purpose of eulogizing Rev. C. C. Cotton, with Rev. W. H. Pender acting Master of Ceremonies. After opening Rev. H. Jenkins was first to speak, he chose for his text Rev. _____ “Right blessed are the dead that die in the Lord, yea says the Spirit they shall rest from their labor and their good works shall follow them.” Rev. Jenkins held his audience for 40 minutes and closed. Followed by Rev. J. A. Stiles, “God is a God, and a God don't never change,” he then commenced his argument, and told how long he had known Rev. Cotton and of his ability as a minister, he also told of his combats of which he went through to make heaven his home. He closed his sermon and Rev. W. H. Pender lifted a collection amonting to $16.04. The Home Missions of Pilgrim Chapel Church represented by Rev. H. H. Pender, sends greetings to the association for educational purposes $15.00. By a motion the association donated to the Moderator the sum of $25.00. Association took a recess until 7 P. M. Benediction by Rev. W. H. Pender. SUNDAY NIGHT'S SESSION Association was called to order at 7:30, with Rev. Dudley, Moderator presiding. Devotional exercises were conducted by Revs. Elijah James and Miles Becton. First hymn No. 96. Reading 14th chap. of John by Rev. Becton. Prayer was offered. Singing by the choir, after which the Moderator arose and made a few remarks, and then introduced Miss Alice Bretton to sing a solo. He then introduced Rev. Grant Moye, Vice-Moderator, to preach the Educational Sermon. Rev. Moye ascended the stand and sang a few verses of that old time hymn “Down at the cross where my Saviour died,” then chose for his text Acts 7: 22, “Moses was learned in all the wisdom of the Egyptians, and was mighty in words and in deeds.” Subject, “True wisdom and where shall it be found” Rev. Moore preached a powerful sermon, full of thought and wisdom. He then closed and the choir furnished music. Collection amounted to $.___ It was moved and prevailed that a vote of thanks be extended to the people of Morehead City for their hospitality shown the Association during her four days stay. The old fashion hand shaking was carried out and the association adjourned. Thus ends the proceedings of the Fifty-ninth Annual Session of the New Bern Eastern M. B. Association. Rev. A. H. DUDLEY, Moderator.S. F. FAISON, Secretary. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES We the Home Mission Band of Pilgrims Chapel M. B. Church send greetings. We feel thankful that the Lord has again spared us to see another association. We trust that you will have a succssful session. Enclosed please find $15.00 for educational purposes. Sister Alice R. Pender, SecretarySister Frances Armon, PresidentH. H. Pender, Delegate COMMITTEE ON OBITUARY We your Committee on Obituary beg to report:—We find that Rev. C. C. Cotton departed this life since last association, and we have selected Rev. Miles Jones to line first hymn, Rev. W. H. Pender to read the scripture, Rev. S. M. Clark to pray, Eulogistic Sermon by Revs. H. Jenkins and J. M. Stiles. Rev. W. H. Pender, Master of Ceremonies. MISSIONARY REPORT Rev. E. C. Pigott, Missionary, reported as follows:—I have visited several churches this year, 1st meeting held at Mt. Pilgrim, Newport, raised $15.16, expenses $7.58, on hand $7.08. Second meeting at Beaufort, North River, Mt. Tabor, amount raised $18.20, expenses $10.00, on hand $8.20. Total raised at St. John, New Bern $7.00. I am reporting to you $15.38. E. C. Pigott, Missionary COMMITTEE ON CONSTITUTION We your Committee on Constitution beg to submit the following: That article No. 3 be amended so as to read Ordained Ministers pay $5.00, Licentiates $3.00, and Delegates 50c. Respectfully submitted,Rev. Dr. W. H. A. Stallings, Chmn.Rev. Dr. M. W. Wynn, Secretary COMMITTEE ON ORDINATION We your Committee on Ordination report as follows—We axamined three candidates. Bros. T. E. Wright, W. T. Stancil and Jas. Pasture. After giving them a fair trial we find them worthy of Ordination. We recommend singing by Rev. J. A. Stiles, reading by Rev. J. L. Clark, sermon by Rev. S. L. Mann, prayer by Rev. W. A. Green, presentation of the bible and hymn book by Rev. William Anderson. Rev. R. Gaskins, Chmn.Rev. J. A. Stiles, Sec'y COMMITTEE ON TEMPERANCE We your Committee on Temperance submit the following:—We recommend that all ministers, officers and members of this association should attend the S. S. and use their influence toward the abstainance of strong drinks and other useless habits, such as tobacco, snuff, etc. Second, that no minister be permitted to preach a Temperance sermon who indulges in the above habits. M. F. Sawyer, ChairmanT. G. Whitney, Secretary COMMITTEE ON GRIEVANCE We your Committee on Grievance report as follows:—We called our forces together but there has been no cry of grievance to come before us. We praise God's name for it. Respt., Rev. N. H. Hargett, Chmn.Rev. J. J. Grantham, Sec'y FINANCE COMMITTEE We your Finance Committee report as follows:—We have carefully examined all church letters that came before us and all other money in hand of the Trustees, and we find on hand up to the association $739.65, and also $709.66 up to Saturday, total $1449.31. Respectfully submitted,M. M. Wiggins, Chmn.G. S. Boomer, Secretary REPORT OF TRUSTEE BOARD We your Trustee Board of the Institute beg to submit our annual report as follows:—We met in the Star of Zion Baptist Church, Rec. 4th, 1923, first the Trustees went into organization, and Rev. M. W. Wynn was chosen Chairman, Rev. N. H. Hargett, Secretary. The amount of money in the hands of the Institute Treasurer was $737.65. Paid out for insurance on building $18.30, paid attorney R. W. Williamson $24.00 balance on interest and principal of the $1000 note. Paid $6.00 for circulars for the mid-year anniversary. Paid to Rev. Grant Moye $50.00 for school purposes to Roanoke Institute. Total paid out $98.30. On hand $639.35. Received from the mid-year anniversary $50.00, making a total of $689.65, plus $50.00 paid back by Rev. Moye $739.65. Respectfully,Rev. Dr. M. W. Wynn, Chmn.Rev. N. H. Hargett, Secretary EXECUTIVE BOARD We the Executive Board met in the Star of Zion Baptist Church, Dec. 4th, 1923, at 10:30 A. M. After opening by Bro. Trussie Johnson, the Chairman declared the meeting ready for business. The Moderator stated the object of this joint session of the Trustees and Executive Board. Rev. S. H. Barrow was then elected Chairman of the Board, Rev. W. H. Pender was elected Secretary. First in order the roll of both boards was called. It was then moved and prevailed that Rev. S. H. Barrow preside over both boards. Rev. W. H. Pender take the record for the Executive Board; S. F. Faison, Secretary, keep a record for the benefit of the minutes, and Secretary of Trustse Board take a record for the Trustee Board. It was ordered that Rev. W. H. Pender notify Rev. T. T. Williams, ex-Secretary of the Board, to turn over all books and documents belonging to the Board. The Institute Treasurer reported $663.90; Association Treasurer reported $8.00. Total $671.90. It was moved and prevailed that we have 1000 copies of minutes printed and distributed among the churches. Bro. Trussie Johnson made application for Ordination. After examining him he was recommended to the Board for Ordination, the same was set for 8 P. M. The committee was Revs. S. H. Barrow, A. H. Dudley, W. H. Pender, Wm. Anderson, Grant Moye, N. H. Hargett, H. Jenkins. A petition from the Woman's Auxiliary for a Mid-Year Anniversary to help raise money for the repairing of the A. & N. C. Institute. Moved and prevailed and the Star of Zion Church was fixed for the place of meeting, the date to be the 3rd Sunday in July, 1924, and the Moderator to inform the President of the fact. Moved and prevailed the Trustees have the mortgage to present it to the association. By a motion the school property is to be rented out for $50.00 per year. By a motion the $35.00 in hands of the Moderator be paid over to the Treasurer at once. Rev. Moses Griffin sent $2.00 on his fees. Bro. James Rhodes $3.00. Total collection of the Executive Board was $72.58. The expenses of the Executive Board were $30.50, Trustee Boards expenses were $32.08, expenses for Union $10.00, total expenses $72.58. We further report we met at St. Luke Baptist Church, March 29th and 30th, and examined Bros. E. C. Pigott, Miles Jones, J. W. Howell, Miles Becton, P. B. Midgett and ordained them. We also examined Rev. Wm. Alexander, a member of Star of Zion Church, New Bern. He came before us for investigation and acceptance as an ordained minister of the New Bern Eastern M. B. Association. After being highly recommended by the Moderator as pastor and delegate from the church we recommend the brother as an Ordained Minister coming from the A. M. E. Zion Church. Recommendation was overruled and Rev. Alexander ordered to go back to Star of Zion Church and come through the regular mode of the Missionary Baptist Church. Trustees reported that at the sitting of next association in 1925, Rev. Elias Gibbs will preach the Introductory Sermon, Rev. Herbert Hill the Temperance Sermon, Rev. T. T. Williams the Missionary Sermon, Rev. W. A. Green the Educational Sermon, Rev. Dr. M. W. Wynn the Doctrinal Sermon, Rev. Shade Barrow to preach at 11 A. M. Sunday. Respectfully submitted,Rev. S. H. Barrow, Chm. Ex. Bd.Rev. H. Pender, Sec'y Ex. Bd. We the Missionary Circle of Star of Zion send greetings:—We have been able to do a little work, we have given to the needy and are now enclising $2.00 to the association. We ask your prayers. Sister Marina Smith, Prest.Sister Mary E. Smyre, Sec. We the members of the Old Saints Home send greetings to the association and $2.00. We ask your prayers. Sister S. F. Williams, Prest. WOMANS AUXILIARY We the Womans auxiliary beg to submit for your consideration the following:—We received from the various churches in our Mid-Year Anniversary, viz: Star of Zion, New Bern $5.00; St. Luke, Morehead City $5.00; St. John, New Bern $5.00; Bethel, Riverdale $5.00; Pilgrim Chapel, Oriental $5.00; St. Peter's, Vandemere $5.00; St. Paul, New Bern $5.00; Mt. Shiloh, James City $2.50. Total from Church Auxiliaries $33.50. Amount received from the churches as follows:—Star of Zion $5; St. John $5; Pilgrim Chapel $5; St. Luke $5. Total $20.00. Amount received from members and delegates and public collection $26.77. Making a grand total of $80.27 from Mid-Year Anniversary. The expenses of the meeting were $17.50, paid over to the Institute $50.00. On hand in Auxiliary Treasury $7.77. We also collected from the various auxiliaries in its annual sitting this Oct. 1924 as follows:—Star of Zion. New Bern $5.25, St. Luke, Morehead City $10.25; Pilgrim Chapel, Oriental $5.25; Bethel Riverdale $5.00; St. John, New Bern $5.00; Antioch, Bachelor $3.00; St. Peter, Vandemere $2.50; St. Galilee, Maribel $2.75; St. Paul, New Bern $2.50; Mt. Shiloh, James City $2.00; St. Francis, Blount's Creek $1.00. Total from auxiliaries $44.50, from delegates and members $21.75, from public collection $10.85, grand total $77.10. Grand total for the year $157.37. We recommend that the association donate Sister Clara Hill the sum of $5.00. We also recommend that the association endorse Sister Mary Smyre for our Vice-President We further recommend that the Womans Auxiliary shall be made a separate body from the association, the same to hold its annual meeting at the time stated and make reports to the association annually. Respectfully submittedEdith Keys, PresidentRebecca Whitehead, Sec'yMarina Smith, TreasurerSarah F. Faison, Asst. Sec'yMary E. Smyre, Vice-Prest. DELEGATES AND MEMBERS ROLL ROLL OF ORDAINED MINISTERS Paid $5.00 Each HONOR ROLL 1924 LICENTIATE ROLL Paid $3.00 Each DELEGATES ROLL Paid 50c. Each CONSTITUTION Of the New Bern Eastern Missionary Baptist Association Article 1. This Association shall be denominated and known as the New Bern Eastern Missionary Baptist Association. Officers to be elected on the last day of the session. Art. 2. The object of this Association shall be the promotion of Christ's Kingdom among men; and the means of accomplishing this shall be in strict conformity to the New Testament. Art. 3. This Association shall be composed of Ministers and Delegates chosen by the Churches connected with it, each Church being entitled to 2 Delegates. The Ordained Ministers shall pay $5, Licentiates $3.00 and Delegates 50 cents when their names are enrolled, the money to be used for the benefit of the Institute only, and that any Delegate or Minister being absent when the roll is called they shall pay a fine of 10 cents, without a lawful excuse. There shall be twelve Trustees appointed who shall make their annual report of the financial condition of the Institute. Each Sabbath School will send a collection to the Association for the Institute. Art. 4. The Delegates from each Church shall bear a letter certifying to their appointment, and communicating information relative to the state of the Church. The Delegates from each Church shall bear a letter stating the condition of the Church, also number of members that have been ex-communicated, number that have been received by letter, number that have been baptized, number deceased, number dismissed by letter, number of males and number of female members, total number of membership and amount sent to the Association. The pastors and officers of each Church shall see that the proportions levied by the Association are collected and sent in to the Association annually for school purposes only. Art. 5. The officers of this Association shall be a Moderator, Vice-Moderator, Secretary and Corresponding Secretary, Executive Board, Trustee Board, and Treasurer, who shall be annually chosen from among its members by ballot or acclamation, a majority of the members voting, and continue in office until their successors are elected. All officers of this Association shall be responsible to this Association for their conduct, and shall report annually to this body. The duty of all of the officers of the Association shall be prescribed by the Association in its Constitution. Art. 6. It shall be the duty of the Moderator to enforce an observance of the Constitution, preserve order, appoint committees, decide all questions of order, give his opinion on any question under discussion after others have spoken, and give the casting vote in case of a tie. He shall be ex-officio chairman of all the boards. The duty of the Moderator shall be performed by the Vice-Moderator in the absence of the Moderator. The Vice-Moderator shall assist the Moderator in presiding. Art. 7. It shall be the duty of the Recording Secretary to record the proceedings of each annual session, and to superintend the printing and distribution of the minutes, to receive and take account of all monies sent up by the Churches at the Association, turning over the same to the Treasurer. All monies received by the Secreetary shall be turned over to the Treasurer of that fund for which it is designated. He shall report to the Association at its annual session the business he transacted in the absence of the body. Art. 8. It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to receive all funds sent by the Churches or collected during the session of this body, and disburse the same as ordered by the Association. He shall also make to the association an annual report of the condition of the Treasury, and he shall give a bond of security of the same. Art. 9. This Association shall appoint an Executive Committee consisting of not less than seven or more than nine members; which committee shall have the superintendence of Association missions and colportage. They shall have power to disburse all sums paid by the Treasurer of the Association for the objects under their charge and during intervals between the meetings of this body to receive and disburse funds for those objects, and to take such steps for their advancement as they shall deem advisable, and shall make an annual report to the Association of their doing. They shall have power to take up all grievances of the Churches and pastors composing this Association, and call them to trial, and give them a fair and scriptural trial, and if they fail to hear the advice of the Executive Committee, then they shall pass their judgment upon them, or they may withdraw the right hand of fellowship from them, and refer their charge to the Association. The expenses of the Executive Committee in taking up grievances of the Churches and pastors shall be paid by the parties concerned as far as possible, and shall not be borne by the Association General Funds, unless in the opinion of the body, the matter was of general interest to the Association. Art. 10. This Association shall not maintain fellowship with any of her Churches which neglect to preserve Gospel order, and if any Church patronize with the said Churches that are out of Gospel order, this Association shall call them to trial, and if they fail to hear to the Association, this Association shall deal with them according to the 18th chapter of St. Matthew. Art. 11. This Association may invite visitors and corresponding brethren to seats, and extend to them all the privileges of the Association except that of voting. Art. 12. The annual session of this Association shall commence on Thursday before the 3rd Lord's day in October, at such place as may be chosen. Art. 13.—By appointment of this Association there shall be an Introductory Sermon, a Temperance Sermon, an Educational Sermon, a Doctrinal Sermon and a Missionary Sermon. The Introductory Sermon shall be preached the first day at 10:00 o'clock A. M., before organizing. Art. 14. This Association shall not fellowship any church or pastor that shall receive lawfully ex-communicated members from any Church of the same faith and order, and the pastor of said Church that compose this Association shall give a letter of dismission to any member of their Church or Churches, to unite with any other Church of the same faith or order. Art. 15. This Association shall endorse three modes of dismission. 1st, By Letter.—A member may receive a letter of commendation or dismission from the Church of which he or she is a member and with the same unite with any other Church of the same faith and order, and when so united he or she is no longer a member of the former church. 2nd, By Expulsion.—When the Church in the exercise of its lawful discipline withdraws the hand of fellowship from any one of its members, he or she is thenceforth no longer a member, and no Church or pastor of this Association shall receive them. 3rd, By Death—The death of a member, of course, dissolves their connection here on earth. Art. 16. This Association recommends to her Churches that the Churches this Association is composed of shall from this date henceforth not elect or ordain any brother to deaconship that cannot read the Scriptures distinctly. No Church and pastor shall license or ordain any brother for the Ministry of the Gospel except he read the Scriptures distinctly. Art. 17. The Woman's Association and the Woman's Old Aged Society, working under the auspices of this Association. Resolved that they be made a part of this Association. Art. 18. The Trustee Board shall have the power to enter into articles of agreement with any corporation, individuals or friends for the success of the Atlantic and North Carolina Institute, provided, however, they shall not deed away the property of the Association without the consent of the body. Art. 19. The Executive Committee shall have no power whatever of the Trustee Board, and shall not in any way interfere with it in the discharge of its duty, nor any other general officer of the Association. Art. 20. There shall be no money paid out by the Association and Institute Treasurers only by an order drawn by the Secretaries and signed by the Chairmen of each Board and then endorsed by the Moderator and Secretary of the Association. Art. 21. Any Church or Churches who have been granted a letter or letters or petition, to join another or organize another Association, and when that has been done, such a Church or Churches are entirely out from under the jurisdiction or watch care of this Association, and before they can have any voice in this Association again, they must bring a petition or letter of recommendation from the Association they joined to this Association to join as though they had never been members of this Association. Art. 22. That the incorporators herein named and their associates shall be and remain, Trustees for the Institution, until their death, resignation, removal, or until their successors are elected. The incorporators shall be elected by the New Bern Eastern Missionary Baptist Association as follows:—One-third of the members of the Board for a term of two years, one-third of the members of the Board for a term of four years, and one-third of the members of the Board for a term of six years. The annual meeting of the Trustee Board shall be held after each annual sitting of the Association, and the Board shall not have power to change any restrictions put on the Institution by the Association. ORDER OF BUSINESS STATISTICAL TABLE "CHURCHES","CLERKS","DELEGATES","PASTOR","P. O. ADDRESS","Pastor's Salary","Church Extension","Baptized","Received by Letter","Restored","Dis. by Letter","Excommunicated","Deceased","Male Members","Female Members","Total Members","Amount sent Association","Value Church Property","S. S. Scholars","S. S. Teachers","State Missions","Foreign Missions","Sun. Pas. Present","Money from S. S.","SUPTS." "St. Anna","John Smith","R. F. Moore","E. S. Gibbs","Blount's Creek","145","50","...","...","...","...","1","...","20","30","50","$ 5 00","1800","...","...","...","...","12","...","..." "Mt. Shiloh","Z. V. Battle","Z. V. Battle","U. G. Privott","Aurora","2000","...","...","5","...","...","1","3","40","60","100","3 00","5000","115","5","...","...","12","...","W. T. Hamilton" "Pilgrim Chapel","J. T. Perry","J. T. Perry","J. H. Crow","James City","400","...","6","...","...","...","...","6","49","73","122","15 50","5000","...","...","...","$ 25","24","...","W. H. Moore" "Clay Bottom","L. A. Daniels","James Keys","I. S. Branch","Blount's Creek","165","...","5","...","...","...","...","...","13","47","60","11 00","500","...","...","...","...","12","...","..." "St. Luke","Robert Jones","P. Foy","W. W. Morning","New Bern, R 5","100","...","...","...","...","...","...","...","12","10","22","5 00","500","44","3","$ 15","...","...","...","Thos. Edmondson" "St. John","T. A. Carmon","J. H. Crow","J. H. Crow","Washington","500","...","2","1","...","...","...","2","11","15","26","5 00","700","50","4","...","...","22","...","John Gaston" "Mt. Zion","H. R. Wright","J. L. Wright","W. A. Green","Arapahoe","180","500","3","4","...","...","...","...","33","36","69","10 00","2500","44","4","...","...","12","...","Jos. L. Wright" "Mt. Shiloh","M. F. Sawyer","M. F. Sawyer","H. B. Moore","James City","358","1000","...","...","...","...","...","2","45","95","140","10 00","5000","75","7","5 00","6 00","11","...","M. F. Sawyer" "St. John","Wm. Ebrom","Caesar Small","A. H. Dudley","Aurora","...","...","9","...","...","...","...","1","20","30","63","10 00","...","...","...","...","...","...","...","Wm. Ebrom" "St. Francis","...","A. Moore","I. S. Branch","Blount's Creek","140","...","1","...","...","...","...","1","6","17","22","8 00","400","33","3","...","...","12","...","..." "1st Baptist","H. Ellis","J. C. Kineon","R. Gaskins","Maysville","125","50","3","...","...","...","...","2","10","13","23","8 00","2000","46","3","...","...","8","...","Jas. Carr" "Antioch","Mary Peed","Jos. Neal, Ned Jones","N. H. Hargett","Bachelor","130","...","4","...","...","...","3","2","17","34","51","8 00","2000","33","3","$ 11","...","12","...","Mary Peed" "St. Peter","Ida Jones","N. G. Moye","N. G. Moye","Vandemere","180","...","2","...","...","...","...","1","16","27","43","10 00","1500","29","3","...","...","12","...","S. A. Tatem" "Jerusalem","Bettie Blount","Chas. Williams","E. S. Gibbs","Washington","50","...","...","...","...","...","...","1","4","16","20","3 00","1000","...","...","...","...","...","...","..." "Green's Chapel","W. T. Stewart","W. T. Stewart","E. James","Reelsboro","72","...","...","...","...","...","...","...","6","12","18","9 00","500","49","3","...","...","12","...","Jas. Curman" "Mt. Pilgrim","Sam'l Brown","Samuel Brown","Wm. Anderson","Newport","120","...","3","...","...","...","...","2","4","11","15","10 00","800","23","2","...","...","12","...","Silas Campbell" "Bethel","C. C. Green","J. D. Davis","S. L. Stanford","Merritt","200","300","...","...","1","...","1","1","20","30","50","10 00","3000","36","4","...","...","12","...","John Davis" "Mt. Tabor","Jas. Smith","Carrie Benson","W. Green","Beaufort","150","...","4","1","...","...","...","1","26","25","51","10 00","2000","...","...","...","...","...","...","Carrie Benson" "Mt. Sinai","B. W. Best","B. W. Best","E. J. Burrus","Stonewall","180","...","5","...","...","...","...","1","47","60","99","10 00","1500","90","...","...","...","12","...","W. D. Best" "Queen Street","E. Hardesty","Lucy G. Chadwick","Wm. Anderson","Beaufort","300","...","5","...","...","...","...","1","15","15","30","14 00","4000","36","4","...","...","24","1 00","Lucy G. Chadwick" "St. Galilee","A. B. Stancil","W. H. Jones","C. C. Gillett","Maribel","200","25","7","...","...","...","...","1","10","30","40","5 00","1300","...","...","...","...","12","...","W. T. Stancil" "St. Luke","Amos. Dudley","Amos Dudley","S. H. Barrow","Morehead City","480","...","15","...","...","...","...","3","40","120","160","30 75","3000","135","6","$ 20","...","24","...","W. H. Brown" "Bethel","A. Thompson","H. M. Stilly","J. J. Grantham","Edwards","200","...","10","...","...","1","1","3","62","72","134","10 40","900","89","3","...","...","24","1 25","J. W. Ward" "West Branch","M. Moore","J. A. Stiles, M. Moore","J. A. Stiles","Aliance","150","...","1","13","...","...","3","1","17","33","50","6 00","1000","32","3","1 00","...","12","...","Israel Fisher" "Pilgrim Chapel","J. T. Perry","H. H. Pender","J. H. Crow","James City","400","...","...","...","...","...","...","...","...","...","...","21 50","5000","...","...","...","...","...","...","W. H. Moore" "Pilgrim Chapel","J. T. Sanders","A. Hargett","H. C. Hill","Oriental","308","...","6","...","...","...","4","1","60","100","160","30 55","3000","50","3","...","...","24","...","Marshall Keys" "St. Monica","M. M. Wiggins","M. M. Wiggins","N. W. Smith","Grimesland","100","75","...","2","...","...","...","...","10","20","30","16 12","1500","...","...","...","...","12","...","James Knight" "St. Peter","Ever Tyre","John Moore","I. S. Branch","Royall","150","...","12","...","...","...","...","...","12","39","51","10 00","600","46","3","...","...","12","1 00","S. Brown" "Green Hill","L. A. Hill","G. S. Boomer","M. B. Sanford","Bayboro","240","25","11","...","...","...","...","2","20","30","50","2 50","2500","100","3","...","...","12","...","R. Cradle" "St. Stephen's","Eliza Moore","R. F. Moore","P. Tuton","Bonnerton","...","...","...","...","...","...","...","...","4","6","10","3 00","150","...","...","...","...","12","...","..." "Heath Chapel","S. Heath","S. Hatch, R. Gaskins","R. Gaskins","Vanceboro","...","...","...","...","...","...","...","...","8","30","38","5 00","600","...","...","...","...","12","...","..." "St. Luke","Mary Bryant","E. S. Gibbs","E. S. Gibbs","Edward","100","...","...","...","...","...","...","...","...","...","...","...","...","...","...","...","...","...","...","..." "Macedonia","H. Webb","J. R. Hill","I. N. Elliott","New Bern","200","...","5","...","...","...","...","...","14","14","28","10 00","2000","...","...","...","...","...","...","Chas. Benton" "Mt. Pilgrim","J. C. Hargrove","H. Gay","R. Murray","Blount's Creek","140","...","16","4","...","...","4","...","30","54","84","13 50","2500","96","3","...","...","12","1 50","Willie Gay" "St. Stephens","W. H. Green","T. G. Whitney","D. W. Dance","Oriental","120","...","...","...","...","...","...","...","25","34","59","7 00","1000","71","2","...","...","12","...","T. G. Whitney" "St. Paul","J. J. Murphy","R. Hill","W. H. Pender","New Bern","100","...","...","...","...","3","2","...","8","13","21","8 00","...","21","2","...","...","24","...","R. H. Hill" "Bethel","R. Whitehead","S. Barrow","S. Barrow","New Bern","211","27","13","...","4","...","1","3","43","63","106","10 00","...","62","4","...","...","12","...","..." "St. John","S. F. Faison","W. F. Bell, S. F. Faison","W. H. A. Stallings","New Bern","980","...","...","...","...","...","...","...","...","...","...","35 00","...","...","...","...","...","28","...","S. F. Faison" "Star of Zion","A. T. Moore","G C Moore, H C Covall","A. H. Dudley","New Bern","1000","1500","7","3","...","...","2","3","110","335","475","25 00","4000","149","8","1 50","11 ½","40","...","M. Smith"