[Cover Image] [Advertisement Image] OFFICERS PROCEEDINGS. EDWARDS, N. C., Nov, 28, 1918. In complying with a circular changing the New Bern Eastern M. B. Association on account of the great epidemic, the Spanish Influenza, from October to November 28, 1918 the New Bern Eastern M. B. Association convened with the Bethel Church, Edwards, N. C., Nov. 28, 1918, at 10:00 a. m., with the Moderator, Rev. A. H. Dudley presiding, Rev. M. B. Spruell Vice-Mod. Devotional exercises were conducted by Revs, I. Nixon and James Crooms. First hymn No. 202 by Rev. Crooms. Reading the 5th Chapter of St. Matthew by Rev. I. Nixon. Prayer was offered by Rev. Wm. Tuton. Second hymn No. 40, “Blest be the tie that binds” by Bro. Crooms; after which the moderator gave a lecture and declared the meeting open for business. Motioned and prevailed the Delegates' and members' names be enrolled, and the same was done. The Introductiona lSermon was in order and to be delivered by Rev. N. H. Hargett. Rev. Hargett ascended the stand, assisted by Rev. C. C. Gillett and lined hymn No. 555, “Awake my soul in joyful lays” by Rev. C. C. Gillett. Prayer by Rev T. M. Gaskill. “I love thy Church Oh God” by Rev. Gillett. Then Rev. Hargett arose and chose for his text, words: One Place; Subject, Come Together. When the Day of Pentecost all was upon one accord. Rev. Hargett preached a powerful sermon by which he made many hearts glad. “Jesus can make it all right” by Rev. C. C. Gillett. Responded to by the Moderator A. H. Dudley, Chairman of the Board Dr. M. W. Wynn. The Committee on Hours was appointed as follows: Romola Little, W. M. Moore, and Rev. John Murry. On Temperance: Bro. Miles Becton, J. H. Richardson, Matthew Griffins, Marina Smith. On Grievance: Rev. T. M. Gaskill, A. Couch, Shade Heath, N. H. Hargett, Caesar Smallwood, Rev. H. Jenkins, H. C. Coval. On Place of Meeting: Marshall Keys, J. A. Stells, R. Murry, P. C. Sanders, R. F. Moore. Dempsey Fisher, Miles Becton. On Education: Rev. W. H. Pender, Cleveland Moore, Rev. C. C. Gillett, E. M. Hardy, Elijah James. On Resolutions: J. R. Hill, W. F. Bell, F. D. Sanders, Daniel Tuton, W. H. Hardy. On Ordination: Revs. Dr. M. W. Wynn, T. M. Gaskill, E. S. Gibbs, H. Jenkins, W. H. Pender. Collections from all sources: The Committee on Hours made their report that this Association meet at 10:00 a. m., adjourn at 12:00 noon. Re- convene at 2:00 p. m., adjourn at 4:00 p. m. Meet at 7:00 p. m., adjourn at pleasure. Respectfully submitted,Wm. Moore, Romola Little, John Murry. Committee. Adjourn at pleasure. Benediction by Rev. Dr. Wynn. FIRST DAY — AFTERNOON SESSION. The First Day Afternoon Session was called to order by the Moderator, A. H. Dudley, at 2:45 p. m. Devotional Exercises were conducted by Rev. F. T. Thomas and Matthew Griffins. First hymn No. 212, “There is a fountain filled with blood,” by Rev. Griffins. Reading the 3rd Chapter of Matthew by Rev. Thomas. A soul stirring prayer by Rev. J. O. Badger. Second hymn No. 242, “Am I a soldier of the cross?” by Bro. Griffins. After which the Moderator declared the meeting open for business. By motion the Delegates' and Ministers' roll be called and absentees checked. By motion the minutes were read and approved. Motion prevailed that all church letters be read, and nineteen church letters were read and approved containing $167.57 There being no further business the Association took recess. Benediction by the Vice-Moderator, Rev. M. B. Spruell. FIRST DAY— NIGHT SESSION. The N.E.M.B. Association was called to order at 7:00 p. m., Rev. A. H. Dudley, Moderator, presiding. Devotional Exercises were conducted by Revs. I. S. Branch and T. M. Gaskill. First hymn, “Jesus thou art a sinner's friend,” by Rev. I. S. Branch. Reading the 4th Epistle of Paul to Peter, by Rev. T. M. Gaskill. Prayer was offered by Rev. F. D. Sanders. Second hymn No. 543, “Amazing Grace how sweet the sound,” by Rev. Branch. After which the Moderator arose and introduced Rev. S. M. Spencer, Ex-Moderator of the N. E. M. B. Association and member of the Executive Board of the Hyde County Association, to preach the Temperance Sermon. Rev. Spencer arose, assisted by Rev. T. M. Gaskill, chose for his text the 10th Chapter of Paul to the Hebrews. Words: Let us hold fast to the profession of our faith., Rev. Spencer delivered a powerful sermon, bringing good news and glad tidings to all, which ended into a God's praying congregation. “When the Saints come marching in,” was sung by the Moderator. After congratulating the sermon by the Moderator, he then asked Revs. John Murry and Robert Murry to lift the collection, which amounted to $15 16. The Welcome address was next in order, and Rev. John Murry, the pastor, arose and in a few remarks made the Association welcome to every thing in their power pertaining to happiness while in this city of Edwards, N. C. Rev. Murray made a powerful talk which was responded to by Rev. W. H. Pender. The following Committees were appointed: On Finance: Rev. B. W. Williams, T. G. Whitney, W. H. Jones, L. C. Blacklege, W. M. Gibbs, A. Rodman, F. T. Thomas, Marshall Keys. On Petitionary Letters: Hymon Gay, J. O. Badger, William Moore. There being no further business the Committee on Homes took charge and the Association adjourned at pleasure. Benediction by Rev. M. B. Spruell Vice-Moderator. SECOND DAY — MORNING SESSION. The N. E. M. B. Association was called to order at 10:00 a. m., November 29, 1918, Rev. M. B. Spruell Vice-Moderator presiding. Devotional Exercises were conducted by Rev's John Mann and W. H. Hardy. First hymn No. 623, “Oh for a heart to praise my God,” by Rev. John Mann. Reading the 37th Psalm of David by Rev. W. H. Hardy. Prayer was offered by Bro. John H. Richardson. Second hymn No. 640, “Blest be the tie that binds,” by Rev. W. H. Hardy. After which the Moderator declared the Association open for business. Delegates' and Ministers' names were called and absentees checked. Minutes of the night session were read and approved. Reading of church letters were in order and four churches represented in the Association with $22.00. The Pledge Roll for the Institute was opened and the following named Bros. paid their pledges: The following are the names of those who pledged to pay on or before Oct. 1919: The Association took recess until 1:00 p. m. W. H. Pender. SECOND DAY —AFTERNOON SESSION. The New Bern E. M. B. Association re-convened at 1:30 p. m., Rev. A. H. Dudley Moderator, presiding. Devotional Exercises were conducted by Rev, J. O. Badger and L. C. Blackwell. First hymn No. 507 lined by Rev. Blackwell. Reading the 8th Chapter of Paul to the Romans by Rev. Badger, also prayer was offered by Bro. J. O. Badger. Second hymn No. 6, “Come we that love the Lord, ” by Rev. Blackwell. After which the Moderator declared the meeting open for business. Reading of church letters, and one church was represented to the amount of $5.00. Report of Committees: The Missionary, Bro. Elijah James, came forward and reported that he had made only a few visits this year, and had collected $23.52. Report was received and a vote of thanks extended to Bro. James for his excellent work as a Missionary, and also by a vote Bro. James was allowed $10.00. Motion Prevailed. Bro. James arose and said he was interested in the school work, and he felt that the Institute should have all of the money. So upon his statement he subscribed and donated $10.00 to the Institute for school purposes. The Educational Committee was the next in order, and the same was received and adopted. The Committee on Grievances reported that they had one case before them pertaining to one Mets Spruell, and after examining the same they referred it to the bearer. Report was received and adopted. The Committee on Resolutions made their report. The same was referred back to the Committee for its approval. The Committee on Obituary was then appointed: Revs Dr. M. W. Wynn, H. Jenkins, John Mann, S. T. King, I. S. Branch, S. L. Mann. The Committee on Temperance reported. Report received and adopted. Committee on Place of Meeting reported that this Association will convene in St. Luke's Church, Morehead City, N. C. Thursday before the 3rd Lord's Day in October, 1919. Report was received and adopted. The Trustees of the A. & N. C Institute reported and the same was received and adopted. The receipts are as follows: The Association took recess. Benediction by Rev. M. B. Spruell. SECOND DAY —NIGHT SESSION. The New Bern E. M. B. Association was called to order by Rev. M. B. Spruell, Vice-Moderator, presiding Devotional Exercises were conducted by Revs. I. S. Branch and J. H. Richardson. First hymn No. 708, “Am I a soldier of the Cross,” by Rev. I. S. Branch, reading the 9th Chapter of St. John. Prayer was offered by Rev. I. Nixion. Second hymn. “I am so glad I have on my traveling shoes,” by Rev. R. Murry. After which the Moderator declared the meeting open for business. The Moderator stated that the Educational Sermon was the next to be delivered by Rev. C. C. Gillett, but owing to his physical inability he had declined in favor of Rev. W. H. Pender. Rev. W. H. Pender arose, assisted by Rev. Bro. Williams, and lined hymn “Amazing grace how sweet the sound.Reading the 4th Chapter of St. Matthew by Rev. B. W. Williams. Prayer was offered by Rev. S. L. Mann. “See how I did my Lord and he never said a word,” by Rev. Williams. Rev. Pender then ascended the stand. Text 37th Chapter of Ezekiel, 3rd verse. Words: “Can these bonds live?” Subject: “Wind blow like it use to blow. ” Rev. Pender held his audience spell-bound for 50 minutes. His sermon was well pointed and one suitable to the occasion. He also delivered it with power which ended into a God's praising meeting. The Throne of Grace was powerfully addressed by Rev. C. C. Gillett. “Get right with God,” was sung by Rev. S. L. Mann. Then the Vice-Moderator arose and sang “Nearer my God to thee,” complimented upon the sermon, then introduced Rev. A. H. Dudley the Moderator to deliver the Annual Address. Rev. Dudley arose and requested all to bow down in prayer while he asked God's blessing upon the work. Then sang “Why should we start and fear to die.” Rev. Dudley then proceeded to deliver his address. After a deliberation of about 60 minutes he came to a close. The address was wonderful, and the same was delivered with great applause. Rev. C. C. Gillett arose and sang “By and by when the morning comes.” Rev. Dr. M. W. Wynn was called to respond to the same. By a motion that the Moderator's address be received and spread upon the face of the minutes word by word. By a motion that all of the Association officers be re-elected except Bro. R. R. Davis who is Treasurer, and that Bro. J. R. Hill would be inserted in his place, and also Revs. A. L. E. Weeks, J. R. Hill, E. J. Burrus and H. Dudley members of the Board, and that we recommend Revs. W. H. Pender, S. L. Mann, H. Jenkins, J. T. York be inserted on the Board in their stead. The motion was received, carried and adopted. The officers elected are as follows: Moderator, Rev. A. H. Dudley; Vice-Moderator, Rev. M. B. Spruell; Secretary, S. F. Faison; Assistant Secretary. H. H. Pender; Treasurer, J. R. Hill; Institute Treasurer, W. F. Bell; Executive Board, Revs. Dr. M. W. Wynn, T. T. Williams, W. H. Pender, S. L. Mann, H. Jenkins, J. T. York and T. M. Gaskill. The officers of the the Woman's Auxiliary is as follows: Sister Edith Keys, President; Sister S. F. Williams, Vice-President, Sister Marina Smith, Treasurer: Sister M. F. Spruell, Secretary; Sister Delia Hill, Assistant Secretary. It was moved and prevailed that Rev. Elijah James be made a Special Missionary upon the field in addition to the Executive Board. The Association adjourned at pleasure. Benediction by Moderator. THIRD DAY —MORNING SESSION. The New Bern E. M. B. Association was called to order at 10.00 a. m. , and Rev. A. H. Dudley, Moderator, presiding. Devotional Exercises were carried out in a general praise meeting led by all the Sisters. First hymn was lined by the Moderator, “Am I born to die?” Then a soul stirring prayer by Bro. A. Jordan. Then Bro. Howard arose and lined hymn 640, “Blest be the tie that binds. ” Reading the 28th Chapter of St. Matthew by Rev. F. T. Thomas. Prayer by Rev. R. Murry. “When the Saints are marching in” was sung by Rev. Thomas. After which the Moderator announced the meeting open for business. The Moderator then gave a lecture and requested Rev. B. W. Williams to preach. Rev. B. W. Williams arose and chose for his text the 18th Chapter of St. John, 3rd verse. Words: My kingdom is not of this world. Rev. Williams Delivered an excellent sermon. Then the Moderator arose and sang “Some body is calling me. The reading of church letters were in order and two church letters were represented including one petitionary church St. Stephens of Bonnerton, N. C., $14 54. The Committee on Petitionary Letters reported one church, and that they recommended the said church by the name of St. Stephens be received and adopted to the Association. There being no further business the Association took recess. Benediction by Rev. Wm. Tuton. THIRD DAY —AFTERNOON SESSION. The New Bern E. M. B. Association re-convened at 2:00 p. m., Rev. A. H. Dudley Moderator presiding. Praise Services were carried out by the Sisters who had a glorious time. Then the Moderator arose and introduced Bro. J. O. Badger and J. R. Howard two young ministers to preach and they were allowed 15 minutes each. Bro. Badger arose, text 3rd Chapter of St. Matthew. Words: Prepare the way of the Lord and make his path straight. Bro. Badger highly entertained the audience for fifteen minutes, followed by Bro J. R. Howard who put on the finishing touch. Then the Committee on Ordination reported that we have examined several applicants and referred them to further studies except Bro. J. O. Badger and Elijah James and those two Brethren we recommend them for ordination, and the said ordination to take place Saturday night by the following ministers: First hymn lined by Rev. H. Jenkins. Reading by Rev. T. M. Gaskill. Opening prayer by Rev. Wm. Tuton. Sermon by Rev. S. L. Mann. Charges to be given by Rev. Dr. M. W. Wynn. Ordination prayer by Rev. H. Jenkins. The report was received and adopted. The Committee on Obituary reported that since the sitting of our Association 1917 we find that the hand of God has removed from us three of our Brothers namely: Revs. H. Dudley died May 25th, 1918, A. Cheek died sometime during the year and I. S. Best departed this life about November 24th, 1918. We recommend the Eulogistic Services to take place Sunday at 3:00 p. m. by Revs. H. Jenkins, S. L. Mann, A. H. Dudley and M. W. Wynn. Report was received and adopted. The Finance Committee made their report. See report received and adopted. The Home Missionary Board then represented: 1st Home Mission Band St. John, New Bern, N. C., sends greeting to the Association and $1.00, Sister Hannah Queen President, Sister Marina Bell Secretary. Home Mission Band of Star of Zion sends geeting $2.00, represented by Sister Marina Smith President Home Mission Board of Antioch. Adams Creek sends geetings $2.00, represented by Sister Marina Smith, Sister Maggie Morris President and Sister Lugenie Prichard Secretary. Election of Delegates (Corresponding) Rev. Dr. M. W. Wynn was elected Corresponding Delegate to the Trent River Oaky Grove Association. There being no further business the Association adjourned. Collections $5.50, Church letters $15.60 Total $21.10. THIRD DAY —NIGHT SESSION. The Third day night session was called to order by the Moderator, Rev. A. H. Dudley. Devotional Exercises were conducted into a general praise meeting by the Association. The Moderator stated that in the midst of various things that had happened to us during the year, God has spared many of us to see each other face to face, and that he would allow one hour to hear from the various Brothers and Sisters in a general praise meeting. Many of the Sisters and Brothers spoke in good terms and told of their excellent experience what God had done for them. After which time the Ordination Board took charge and proceeded to business. Rev. H. Jenkins ascended the stand, lined hymn No. 800, “Go preach my gospel says the Lord.” Reading the 4th Epistle of Paul to Timothy by Rev. T. M. Gaskill. Prayer by Rev. T. M. Gaskill. Prayer by Rev. Wm. Tuton. Second hymn No. 102. After which Rev. S. L. Mann arose and chose for his text the 16th Chapter of St. Mark 15th and 16th verses. Words: Go ye into all the world and preach the Gospel unto every creature. He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved, and he that believeth not shall be damned. Rev. Mann delivered a fine sermon, one that fitted the occasion. The Board then took charge and proceeded to ordination. Rev. H. Jenkins then prayed the ordination prayer. Rev. Dr. M. W. Wynn gave the charges. Rev. A. H. Dudley presented the Bibles and hymn books by which closed the ordination of Revs. Bros. J. O. Badger and Elijah James of Oriental and New Port, N. C.. The Association took recess. Benediction by Moderator. FOURTH DAY —MORNING SESSION. The fourth day morning session was called to order by the Moderator, Rev. A. H. Dudley, presiding. First hymn No. 703,“Am I a soldier of the cross?” by Rev. S. L. Mann, reading the 10th Chapter of St. Matthew. Prayer was offered by Rev. John Mann. Second hymn No. 704, “My soul be on thy guard,” by Rev. Mann. After which Rev. T. M. Gaskill ascended the stand to deliver the Doctrinal Sermon, Text 9th Chapter of St. Luke, 35th verse. Words: This is my beloved Son hear him. Rev. Gaskill delivered a wonderful sermon, explaining fully the Doctrine of the Baptist Church. “Get right with God,” was sung by Rev. S. L. Mann. After which a collection was raised by the Moderator amounting to $61.00. The Association took a recess. Dismissed by Rev. Alonza Moore of Bonnerton, N. C. FOURTH DAY —AFTERNOON SESSION. The New Bern E. M. B. Association was called to order by the Moderator, A. H. Dudley at 3:00 p. m. for the purpose of Eulogizing the funeral of the late Brother Rev. H. Dudley, Rev. Andrew Cheek and Rev. I. S. Best. First hymn No. 942. “Servant of God well done, ” by Rev. S. L. Mann, reading the Scripture lesson, and the throne of grace was addressed by Rev. Robt. Murry. Second hymn No. 931, “Why should we start and fear to die?” by Rev. Mann. Then Rev. H. Jenkins arose and selected for his text the 5th Chapter. 2nd Corinthians and 10th verse. Words: For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ. Subject men and angels attend the trial. Rev. Jenkins quoted Rev. H. Dudley's ministerial mission, for forty odd years he had been preaching, He told of the many combats that Rev. Dudley had come in contact with. He also spoke words in good tone for Rev. Cheek and I. S. Best, followed by Rev. S. L. Mann who arose and highly complimented the text that Rev. Jenkins took, and spoke intelligent words in behalf of the deceased Brothers. Rev. Dr. M. W. Wynn arose and closed the Eulogy. Dr. Wynn stated his wonderful experience he had with Rev. H. Dudley during his lifetime. The services were then closed. Dismission by the Moderator, A. H. Dudley. FOURTH DAY —NIGHT SESSION. The fourth day night Session was called to order by the Moderator. Devotional Exercises were conducted by Rev. F. T. Thomas and H. Q. Pope. First hymn 986, “On Jordan's stormy banks I stand,” by Rev. Thomas. Reading 5th Chapter of St. Matthew by Rev. Pope. Prayer was offered by Rev. H. C. Pope. Second hymn No. 931, “Why should we start and fear to die,” by Rev. Thomas. Then A. H. Dudley, Moderator, arose and sang, “Saved by his power divine.” Text 22nd Chapter of John, 22nd verse. Words: “Receive I pray thee the law from his mouth and lay up his words in thine hearts.” Subject, are we what the law requires of us? Rev. Dudley preached a wonderful sermon. One long to be remembered. Prayer was offered by Rev. S. King. “Get right with God” by Rev. H. C. Pope. Collection lifted by Revs. John Murry and Robt. Murry amounting to $7.50. After which time the Moderator gave a lecture and thanked the good people of Edwards and their surrounding friends for their kind treatment. It was moved and carried that a vote of thanks be and is extended to the people of Edwards, N. C., and the surrounding neighbors at large, including the good white people, for their kind hospitality shown us during our four days' stay in the village. Thus ended the proceedings of the New Bern E. M. B. Association of North Carolina. “God be with you till we meet again.” All joined in a hearty hand shake and closed the Association.Rev. A. H. Dudley, Moderator Presiding. S. F. Faison, Secretary. REPORTS. REPORT OF EXECUTIVE BOARD. We the Executive Board met at Star of Zion Church, New Bern, N. C. Jan. 8th, 1919, with Rev. Dr. M. W. Wynn Chairman. After Devotional Exercises the meeting was declared open. The Chairman stated the purpose of the meeting. Rev. J. T. York was appointed to preach the Temperance Sermon, Rev. T. T. Williams the Missionary Sermon, Rev. Dr. M. W. Wynn the Educational Sermon, Rev. J. H. Crow the Doctrinal Sermon Oct. 1919. Rev. T. M. Gaskill was re-appointed Field Missionary for the ensuing year. The amount collected by the Board was $74.91. The Board adjourned subject to Chairman's call. Rev. Dr. M. W. Wynn, Chairman.Rev. Thos. T. Williams, Secretary. COMMITTEES. We your Committee on Finance beg to submit the following: That we have carefully counted over all church letters and find therein two hundred and ninety-one dollars twelve cents ($291.12). Respectfully submitted for your consideration,Rev. B. W. Williams, Chairman, T. G. Whitney, Secretary. We your Committee on Obituary beg to submit the following: We have examined in the midst of our ranks and find that Rev. H. Dudley departed this life May 25th, 1918. Rev. A. Cheek died in Washington during the year. Rev. I. S. Best departed this life Nov. 25th, 1918, and that we recommend Revs. H. Jenkins, S. L. Mann, A. H. Dudley and M. W. Wynn to eulogize the said Brethren's funeral Sunday at 3:00 p. m. Adopted, Rev, Dr. M. W. Wynn, Chairman, Rev. I. Branch, Secretary. We your Committee on Petitionary Letters beg to submit to you that we have carefully examined one church that came before us by the name of St. Stephens at or near Aurora, and we find the said church eligible for membership, therefore we recommend it. Report received and adopted. Special Missionary report year ending Oct. 18. Brother Moderator and members, I your Special Missionary appointed to labor for the Institute at James City beg to submit to you I held my first Union Meeting at Queen Street Church in Beaufort and collected $16.16. gave to Church for expenses $5.50. Balance left $10.66. Second Union at New Port. Mt. Pilgrim Church raised $5 36 donated to the church $2 00. Balance in hand $3.36. Third Union Meeting was held at Morehead City in St. Luke's Church, the amount raised was $9.00. gave to the church $3.00. Balance in hand $6,00. 1 held my fourth Union Meeting at Oaky Grove Church at New Port and raised $8 02, gave to the church $2.50. Balance on hand $5.52, Total amount raised from all sources $38.52. 1 paid to the said churches for expenses $13 00. Paid to Rev. H. Dudley President of the Union $2.00. Leaving in my hands to-day $23.50. It was moved and carried that the report be received and Rev. Bro. James be re-appointed. Adopted. Respectfully submitted,Elijah James. We your Committee on Grievances beg to submit: We have carefully examined the charge against Rev. M. B. Spruell, and after a thorough examination we found it was not legal, hence we referred it back to the writer, and recommend the ten members that brought the charge go back to their church for satisfaction. Respectfully submitted,Rev. T. M. Gaskill, Chairman.N. H. Hargett, Secretary. We your Committee on Temperance beg to submit: Whereas we see the great need of Temperance being taught among our people we recommend that all ministers abstain from all intoxicating drinks, tobacco and such like, and that they teach the same to the people, and recommend that the parents teach it to their children. Respectfully, Miles Becton, Chairman,J. O. Badger, Secretary. We your Committee on Education beg to submit the following: Since we see the great need of preparing our ministers for a better ministry; that we recommend that each of our ministers prepare himself so as to be able to defend the Baptist Church, and we further recommend that each minister attend the Sunday School every Sunday, and we further recommend that each member of the church manifest the same interest in the Sunday School especially the Deacons and Officers. We recommend further that each church see that the Sunday School is represented in the Sunday School Convention of her Association. Respectfully submitted,E. M. Hardy, Chairman,W. H. Pender, Secretary. ORDAINED MINISTERS Who Paid $1.50 Each. LICENTIATE ROLL Who Paid $1.00 Each. DELEGATE ROLL Who Paid 50 Cents Each. HONORARY ROLL 1918 Who Paid 50 Cents Each. REPORT OF THE TRUSTEES OF THE ATLANTIC AND N. C. INDUSTRIAL INSTITUTE. The Annual report of the Trustees of the Atlantic and North Carolina Industrial Institute of James City, N. C., November 28th, 1918. Bro. Moderator, Officers and Delegates of this great Baptist gathering, known as the New Bern Eastern Missionary Baptist Association of N. C. We the Trustees of the said school beg leave to submit our annual report for this Associational and School year. From October 20th, 1917, to November 28th, 1918. Brethren and Sisters since we met last, there have been many changes throughout this world, and many hearts made to mourn on account of that great World's War just ended in which our sons, brothers, relatives, friends and neighbors all were interested. And again that great disease. called the Spanish Influenza, that shut us all out from churches six weeks. But among all the changes in life in this great nation of ours, the Lord has let some of us live to meet together again in these 376 days in this old Missionary Baptist Association of N. C., and we come up thanking Jesus Christ for letting us live to make our annual report to this Association. We have held two meetings this school year in the school building. The first meeting was Nov. 26th. 1917 to which Dr. A. B. Vincent met that day and opened the school to teach there three months at $75.00 per month, but owing to the cold winter, Dr. Vincent did not teach but two months, beginning Nov. 26th, 1917 and ending Jan. 30th, 1918. Rev. A. H. Dudley was appointed the Superintendent of the school land to tend it in 1918, and Bros. S. F. Faison, W. F. Bell and H. H. Pender were appointed a committee to furnish such necessary things to tend the land, farming utensils, manure, seeds, etc. The second meeting was September 18th, 1918. The Trustees do earnestly petition to this Association to grant them the privilege to borrow not to exceed one thousand ($1000) dollars to aid in building a Dormitory for our school, and repairing the main building before opening the school again. The Superintendent of the school land was allowed until he could gather all the crop before making his report of the farming business. The Trustees received from all sources this year for school purposes from October 20th, 1917 to November 28th, 1918 . . . . . $348 67 DISBURSEMENTS. The indebtedness of the school to be paid at this session: The balance due Faison, Bell and Pender for furnishing one ton of guano for White Potatoes @ $65.00. Two sacks Guano for Cotton @$53.00 —$11.60. Five bbls. of White Potatoes @$7.50 per bbl. $37.50. One Bushel Seed for Cotton $2.00. Three bbls. for Potatoes $1.80. Interest on stuff bought for the land $2.00. Drayage 75 cents. Parish Green for Potatoes 75 cents. Total $122.40. $50.00 paid, balance due $72.40. Grand total due for all expenses to date $115.05. All of which we submit for your consideration. Rev. T. T. Williams, Chairman of Trustees of said School. M. W. Wynn, Sec. said School. RESOLUTION PASSED AND ADOPTED IN THE ASSOCIATION NOVEMBER 1918. The Trustee Board of the A. & N. C. Institute having requested the Association to grant them the power to borrow One Thousand Dollars. The Association by unanimous vote granted their request to borrow not exceeding $1000 upon the A. & N. C. Institute Property. T. T. Williams Chairman. M. W. Wynn, Secretary. THE MODERATOR'S ADDRESS, A. H. DUDLEY. To the New Bern Eastern Missionary Baptist Association of North Carolina, Ladies and Gentlemen, Greeting: As companions and sojourners through the mazy labyrinth of human life, we are permitted to assemble again in our fifty-third Annual Session, to review as our custom the past year's work and to plan for and renew our efforts of efficient service for another year. We realize the fact that we are enjoying great blessings to be spared with a reasonable portion of health and strength sufficient to perform whatever duties may devolve upon us. When we think of the unrest of our people, the much commotion throughout our land, and the world-wide bloody wars with its horrors and destructions and too, the many accidents, disasters and dread diseases are hurling into eternity inconceivable numbers of human souls daily, how we should praise our Heavenly Father out of the fullness of our hearts who spares us for a good purpose. We should gladly spend our lives with much time and strength in His service. BRETHREN AND SISTERS. One year or more behind us with its joys and sorrows, its smiles and tears, its rain drops and sunbeams, have gone from us forever. It is also one more year's work for the great cause to which we are espoused. And certainly for the Master, and for the uplift of falling humanity, and our Association are scriptural and tends to help us to grow in love and knowledge of Him whose kingdom is founded on the universal brotherhood of man, and whom we have come to worship. BROTHERS AND SISTERS. If your minds have become fully actuated by the excellent system of moral and religious principles, and the many beautiful virtues of our Association, and you have been actively engaged in teaching the meaning of these Divine principles and truly sublime virtues by ways of lectures and exemplification of the object, thereby bringing your Association up to the standard of the right If this is true you have done much toward bringing about activity on the part of indifferent, uninformed, and neglected ones of our Association. But if you have not done this, then you have played the part of a hypocrite. We admit the roads over which we have passed during these twelve months have been so troublous, the difficulties so pronounced. We meet to-day in our fifty-third annual session. We should congratulate ourselves on belonging to an organization that has for its object such a noble cause. We admit the progress has been slow and very little has been accomplished. In all great events and revolution there are great agencies sometimes unobserved, when we compare the Churches, homes and people to-day with that of fifty-two years ago, and note the improvement along all lines, such as a more intelligent idea of worship, of Christian work of giving, of pure homes, and ask what has wrought this wonderful change. The answer comes the Churches and the Sunday Schools have been one of the principal agencies, the value of this work cannot be estimated in dollars and cents. Our modern Churches as it is sometimes called, is not a new idea, it is old as Cain and Abel. When our Saviour was upon earth, the people gathered in Churches on the Sabbath day to hear the Scriptures read and explained. Perhaps the only improvement that has been made is the classification, the Church and Sunday Schools are not for any particular class or age. An ideal Church or Sunday School is one in which all people are gathered, men, women and children and taught the word of God. All Baptist must be firm believers in the Churches and Sunday Schools. A Baptist Church is based on no creed or tradition. It is not governed by laws or regulations made by man. The New Testament is its constitution and rules of order. A Baptist Church is a pure democracy. All of its members have an equal voice in its government. As the prosperity of a Republic depends upon the intelligence of citizens, so the prosperity of a Baptist Church depends upon its members. Hence the importance of having the members trained in a Bible knowledge, and this work can not be done as well as in the Churches and Sunday Schools. Church and Sunday School workers are forces of light. Go into any church or a community where there is a well organized Sunday School, and you will find a working Church and well kept homes. The preacher and the teacher needs the sympathy and co-operation of the people, they are engaged in an unselfish work, they receive very small compensation for their services. Yet they go through the rain and snow, hot or cold, and sometimes hardly nowhere to lay their heads. But keeping in line with the Scriptures of our blessed Saviour, “The Foxes have holes and the birds of the air have nests, but the Son of man hath not where to lay his head.” But there is a reward greater than dollars and cents that comes to every faithful preacher and teacher, the reward of self improvement, and a consciousness of helping others. This Association is an indispensible organization. We are living in an age of organizations. Every thing is organized. In this Association our forces are brought together, a better understanding is secured, and more effective work is done. We get encouragement and inspiration from each other and thus become mutually helpful. What has been accomplished the year just closing? The reports to which you shall listen to will show progress along all lines of the work the Association has undertaken. We regret very much that on account of the great wide world war, and the high cost of living, and on account of the severe winter, the dreaded diseases and the limited funds for this object, more of our young women and men can not be helped We admit that the attendance of the school was poor. Yes, there are hundreds of young women and men who are standing out in the old field of ignorance with uplifted hands crying help, help. That means that they want an education. Can we listen to the cry of those ignorant young women and men and fold our arms and say they need no help. No, God forbid, Let us invest thousands of dollars for this object. A thousand dollars devoted to the education of our young women and men would be the best that the Association could make. Some things that should claim our immediate attention: (1) How to strengthen our school forces and made more efficient. Our public schools are being improved, the terms are being lengthened and the schools managed by more competant teachers. And in order that our schools may rush on to a greater success let us lengthen the terms by putting our hands down into our pockets and pay more money. We regret very much on account of the limited funds and the hard winter that we could not have but two month's term this year. The term was not so good as last years on account of the cold winter and the small attendance. We admit that there is a class of people who care very little for education. The problem with us is how best to reach this class who attends no school. We must become missionaries, going out into the highways and hedges and compelling them to come in. Brothers and Sisters, let us organize ourselves together and work for the Master's Kingdom, and for the uplift of falling humanity. Organization is necessary, Our County is organized. Not only should every County be organized, but every Township, and thus bring the work in touch with every home. But these organizations should not undertake to support missionaries and do independent work. They should do institute work, and plan to reach the unreached. Allow me to give you a little scope of the work. In early history of this Association, fifty-three years ago, the principle of its work was the organization of new Churches and Sunday Schools in destitute sections, and strengthening those in existence by introducing the right kind of work. Since that time this Association has been progressing. It bought four acres of land near James City, and has built a good house and do not owe one cent on it but what can be paid at any time. Now the work of this Association include definite Home Missions, Foreign Missions and education, and our young people are taught to contribute to all these objects. In relation to other bodies, this Association is an independent organization composed of Baptist Sunday School Conventions, Unions and Annual Life Members. It has a definite work field of operation. This is true, it is in hearty accord with every other religious body of the same faith, and extends a hand of fraternal greeting to every religious organization that has for its object the saving of the rising generation and uplift of humanity. To us the Divine command was given to publish a free salvation and to teach unto every nation what his will is toward us. We can carry out this command in a better way than to begin with the child whose tender heart has not been hardened by sin and disobedience. Here we may plant the seed of love and spiritual grace before this evil day comes, and before the years draw nigh when they say I have no pleasure in them. What a responsibility falls upon a Christian, to daily write our ideals of right or wrong. of love or hate upon an immortal soul. Although we utter not a word, the impression is there. Shall we scatter sunshine along life's dreary way, to cheer and bless and brighten every passing day? What does our institute mean: (1) A deeper and broader study of God's word. When we consider the kind of preachers and teachers we are compelled to employ, and the general lack of preparation which they have for their work, we can easily see that a large percentage of our so called preaching and teaching is a fruitless waste. But we can not afford this Current literature is filled with rightful teaching as to morals and the Christian life, and these teachings are readily and almost unconsciously absorbed by our young people. The old simple faith is being steadily but surely undermined, and many of our young people who ought to grow up into a strong Christian worker, are either drifting away from the Churches, or are becoming positively hostile to their doctrines. A mere pretence of Bible teaching will not avail, though our work must be insisted upon. Where the pastors are now indifferent, they should be aroused and brought to see the supreme necessity of taking hold of the work of instructing the people, so they may do more for the uplift of falling humanity, and the spread of the gospel among men. (2) The Churches and Sunday Schools means a more Scriptural evangelism. All critical observers are impressed with two things in our church life to-day. The one is that the old time revival meeting is fast losing its effectiveness, and the other is that the churches must more and more depend upon the Sunday Schools for their increase of members. As to the former, several reasons may be assigned; but it is sufficient to point to the fact that when a church now conducts a revival meeting sinners are conspicuous for their absence. Personal work is the modern method, and who is in such a favorable position for this work as the Churches and Sunday Schools? But the preachers we employ must be Scriptural. There should be laid in the child's mind a foundation of gospel facts. The Biblical way to Christ should be shown and then the appeal made to reason. (2) The opportunities offered: (1) For saving the next generation of men and women through the children of today. We have this opportunity NOW; we CANNOT have it always. Let us use it to the fullest advantage. (2) For helping the present generation of men and women. Only a few of our grown people know anything about the Bible. It is practically a sealed book to the masses of our people, and yet Christian life is dependent upon Christian knowledge. It is true to-day as it was in the days of Hosea, that God's people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. (3) Our responsibilities: No obligation is unimportant, while some are supremely important. Such is the responsibility of a preacher or a teacher. It is no trifling thing to have the care of an immortal soul committed to you. The imprint you place on the child's mind will last, and you have only a few brief years in which to do your work. We should all be perfectly upright in our Christian life; earnest in our Bible study, and serious in our preaching and teaching. (4) Preparation is required: The Preachers who fail to provide for preaching, or refuse or neglect to attend some school ought not to be allowed to preach. Let us notice Paul's message to Timothy 2:15. Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. Listen to me. The work is too serious to permit trifling on the part of anybody. The office of a preacher or teacher is no honorary place where they may display their charmes or talents, but a place of downright hard work, both during the services of the Church and sessions of the Schools, and all the time that follows. The preacher must study the Bible so as to know what to preach, and should read regularly some good paper and books. (5) There should be union among us and the reasons for union: A number of excellent reasons may be given why all the Baptists of the New Bern Eastern Missionary Baptist Association of North Carolina should stand together. 1st. That the Atlantic and North Carolina Industrial Institute of James City, N. C., belonging to this Association needs to be built up. It is a serious reflection on us that we have no adequate provision for the education of our ministers. 2nd. We have allowed this work to drag along until all interest in it seems to be lost. We should provide financial aid to worthy young men who are called to preach, so they may be properly educated for their work. We can not in this day tolerate an incompetent ministry, and many who desire full preparation needs help. 3rd. And we should also aid worthy young Christian women to be educated. Our race has much talent that is not used. The Master has need for this talent. Let us lay hold of it, improve it and consecrate it to the Master's use. In order to do this I recommend that the Atlantic and North Carolina Industrial Institute of James City, N. C., shall run at least three months with the privilege of five months each year. I also recommend that the fifty-two cents per member shall be paid annually, and also be made constitutional. I further recommend that each Church belonging to this Association shall send one or more students to the Institute at James City, and shall pay half of their expenses for the first year. I further recommend that each Minister, Licentiate or Ordained belonging to this Association, shall attend the Institute at least one month during session. And we are asking the Churches to stand by us in this, and should they fail to observe this, that the said Churches of which they are pas duty of all of the officers of the Association shall be prescribed by the Association in its Constitution. Art. 6. It shall be the duty of the Moderator to enforce an observance of the Constitution, preserve order, appoint committees, decide all questions of order, give his opinion on any question under discussion after others have spoken, and give the casting vote in case of a tie. He shall be ex-officio chairman of all the boards. The duty of the Moderator shall be performed by the Vice-Moderator in the absence of the Moderator. The Vice-Moderator shall assist the moderator in presiding. Art. 7. It shall be the duty of the Recording Secretary to record the proceedings of each annual session, and to superintend the printing and distribution of the minutes, to receive and take account of all monies sent up by Churches at the Association, turning over the same to the Treasurer. All monies received by the Secretary shall be turned over to the Treasurer of that fund for which it is designated. He shall report to the Association at its annual session the business he transacted in the absence of the body. Art. 8. It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to receive all funds sent by the churches or collected during the session of this body, and disburse the same as ordered by the Association. He shall also make to the Association an annual report of the condition of the Treasury, and he shall give a bond of security of the same. Art. 9. This Association shall appoint an Executive Committee consisting of not less than seven or more than nine members; which committee shall have the superintendence of Association missions and colportage. They shall have power to disburse all sums paid by the Treasurer of the Association for the objects under their charge and during intervals between the meetings of this body to receive and disburse funds for those objects, and to take such steps for their advancement as they shall deem advisable, and shall make an annual report to the Association of their doing. They shall have power to take up all grievances of the Churches and Pastors composing this Association, and call them to trial, and give them a fair and Scriptural trial, and if they fail to hear the advice of the Executive Committee, then they shall pass their judgment upon them, or they may withdraw the right hand of fellowship from them, and refer their charge to, the Association. The expenses of the Executive Committee in taking up grievances of the Churches and Pastors shall be paid by the parties concerned as far as possible, and shall not be borne by the Association General Funds, unless in the opinion of the body, the matter was of general interest to the Association. Art. 10. This Association shall not maintain fellowship with any of her Churches which neglect to preserve Gospel order, and if any Church patronize with the said Churches that are out of Gospel order, this Association shall call them to trial, and if they fail to hear to the Association, this Association shall deal with them according to the 18th Chapter of St. Matthew. Art. 11. This Association may invite visitors and corresponding brethren to seats, and extend to them all the privileges of the Association except that of voting. Art. 12. The Annual Session of this Association shall commence on Thursday before the 3rd Lord's Day in October, at such place as may be chosen. Art. 13. By appointment of this Association there shall be an Introductory Sermon, a Temperance Sermon, an Educational Sermon, a Doctrinal Sermon. and a Missionary Sermon. The Introductory Sermon shall be preached the first day at 10 o'clock a. m., before organizing. Art. 14. This Association shall not fellowship any Church or pastor that shall receive lawfully excommunicated members from any Church of the same faith and order, and the pastor of said Church that compose this Association shall give a letter of dismission to any member of their Church or Churches, to unite with any other Church of the same faith and order. Art. 15. This Association shall endorse three modes of dismission. 1st. By Letter —A member may receive a letter of commendation or dismission from the Church of which he or she is a member and with the same unite with any other church of the same faith and order, and when so united he or she is no longer a member of the former Church. 2nd. By Exclusion — When the Church in the exercise of its lawful discipline withdraws the hand of fellowship from any one of its members, he or she is thenceforth no longer a member, and no Church or pastor of this Association shall receive them. 3rd. By Death —The death of a member of course dissolves their connection here on earth. Art. 16. This Association recommends to her Churches that the Churches this Association is composed of shall from this date henceforth not elect or ordain any Brother to deaconship that cannot read the Scriptures distinctly. No Church and pastor shall license or ordain any Brother for the Ministry of the Gospel except he can read the Scriptures distinctly. Art. 17. The Woman's Association and the Woman's Old Aged Society, working under the auspices of this Association, Resolved, that they be made a part of this Association. Art. 18. The Trustee Board shall have the power to enter into articles of agreement with any corporation, individuals or friends for the success of the Atlantic and North Carolina Institute, provided however they shall not deed away the property of the Association without the consent of the body. Art. 19. The Executive Committee shall have no power whatever of the Trustee Board, and shall not in any way interfere with it in the discharge of its duty, nor any other general officer of the Association. Art. 20. There shall be no money paid out by the Association aud Institute Treasurers only by an order drawn by the Secretaries and signed by the Chairmen of each Board, and then endorsed by the Moderator and Secretary of the Association. Art. 21. Any Church or Churches who have been granted a letter or letters or petition, to join another or organize another Association, and when that has been done such a Church or Churches are entirely out from under the jurisdiction or watch care of this Association, and before they can have any voice in this Association again, they must bring a petition or letter of recommendation from the Association they joined to this Association to join as though they had never been members of this Association. Art. 22. That the incorporators herein named and their associates shall be and remain Trustees for the Institution, until their death, resignation, removal, or until their successors are elected. The incorporators shall be elected by The New Bern Eastern Missionary Baptist Association as follows: —One-third of the members of the Board for a term of two years, one-third of the members of the Board for a term of four years, and one-third of the members of the Board for a term of six years. The annual meeting of the Trustee Board shall be held after each annual sitting of the Association, and the Board shall not have power to change any restrictions put on the Institution by the Association. Rules of Order. Rules of Decorum for the Churches. Resolved, That this council recommend the adoption of the foregoing Rules in all the Churches that comprise this body. Order of Business. STATISTICAL TABLE. "CHURCHES.","CLERKS.","DELEGATES.","PASTORS.","ADDRESS.","Pastor's Salary.","Church Extension.","Baptised.","Rec'd by Letter.","Restored.","Dis. by Letter.","Excommunicated.","Deceased.","Male Members.","Female Members.","Total Members.","Amount sent Association.","Value Church Property.","S. S. Scholars.","S. S. Teachers.","State Missions.","Foreign Missions.","Sun. P. Present.","Money from S S.","SUPTS." "Macedonia","C P Benton","J R Hill","T T Williams","R F D New Bern","$125 00","$","1"," "," "," "," "," ","25","35","65","$ 5 00","$1500 00","30","3","$","$","12"," ","A H Humphrey" "St Stephens","Eliza E Moore","G W Simpson","P Tuton","Bonnerton"," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ","13","1 35"," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," " "Pleasant Oak"," "," ","C L Davis","New Bern"," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ","1 00"," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," " "Mt Sinai","Lucile Ernuld"," ","H Jenkins","Bridgeton"," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ","10","15","25","2 00","1000 00","25","3"," "," ","12"," "," " "Mt Olive","Amoo Jones","J R Credle","S Borrow","Messic","138 00","150 00"," "," "," "," "," ","1","45","55","100","8 00"," "," "," "," "," ","12"," ","J R Credle" "St Galilee","A B Stancil","W H Jones","C C Gillett","Maribel","150 00","50 00"," "," "," "," "," ","3","20","30","50","3 00","600 00","35"," "," "," ","12"," ","G A Jones" "Green Hill","R L Carmer","P C Sanders","C C Gillett","Bayboro","150 00"," ","1"," "," "," ","5","2","10","8","18","9 36","2000 00","50","4","18 00","6 00","12"," ","S W Sanders" "Bethel","S P Pender","Daniel Tulon, D M Moore","John Murry","Edwards","108 00","15 00","26"," "," "," ","1"," ","1"," ","122","5 00","2500 00","60","2"," "," ","52"," ","Jos Ward" "Mt Zion","T E White","J R Howard","T M Gaskill","Arapahoe","96 00"," ","3"," "," "," "," ","1","12","16","28","13 19","500 00","36","3"," "," ","12"," ","T E Wright" "St Luke","Mary Richardson","J H Richardson","W M Anderson","James City","100 00","50 00"," "," "," "," "," ","1","15","27","42","4 20","3000 00","25","3"," "," ","24"," ","P Foy" "St John","S Rodman","E M Hardy, C S Smallwood","E S Gibbs","Aurora","120 00","15 00","10","4"," "," "," "," ","16","34","50","5 00","1500 00","60","2"," "," ","12"," ","Wm Ebron" "St Luke","Wm Gibbs","Wm Gibbs","P Tuton","Edwards","120 00"," ","6"," "," "," "," ","1","13","31","26","2 00","800 00","34","2"," "," ","12"," ","Wm Gibbs" "St Andrew","L M Moore","R F Moore","E S Gibbs","Blunt's Creek","85 00","50 00","6","2"," "," "," "," ","20","25","45","4 50","90 000"," "," "," "," ","12"," "," " "Mt Pilgrim","Obelin Joyner","M C Everett","W A Green","New Port","96 00"," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ","20","4 00","500 00"," "," "," "," ","12"," ","Eliza Jones" "Pine Grove","Lou Waters"," ","R Murry","Edwards","75 00"," ","3"," "," "," "," "," ","7","8","15","1 50","500 00"," "," "," "," "," "," "," " "St Peter's","A Rodman","A Rodman","E S Gibbs","Royal","96 00"," "," ","2"," "," "," "," ","10","25","35","3 50","600 00","20","2"," "," ","12"," ","A Rodman" "Antioch","Nero Crooms","James Crooms","T T Williams","Bach lor","133 00","1 00","4","1"," "," "," ","1","37","23","60","11 00","1500 00","23","2"," "," ","12"," ","Nero Crooms" "Pilgrim Chapel","Ellis Keys","M Keys","T M Gaskill","Oriental","282 00"," ","7"," "," "," "," ","3","40","60","100","21 00","2500 00","75","41"," "," ","24"," ","W A Perkins" "Maple Grove","J C Hargrove","H Gay","P Tuton","Blunt's Creek","77 00"," ","2"," "," "," "," ","2","20","44","64","5 00","900 00","32","3"," "," ","12"," ","Stephen Moore" "Spring Garden","Thos Tooley"," ","Wm Anderson","Bogue","110 00"," ","3"," "," ","1"," ","2","13","14","27","2 70","100 00","46","3"," "," ","12"," ","Henry Allen" "Heath Chapel","Jos Daniels","S Heath","J R Respass","Vanceboro","150 00"," "," ","3"," "," "," ","1","15","12","27","5 00","500 00","15","3"," "," ","12"," ","Shade Heath" "1st Baptist","R H Jones"," ","R Gaskins","Maysville"," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ","16","16","32","10 00","1500 00","44","2"," "," ","12"," ","G E Jones" "St Paul","J J Murphy"," ","W H Pender","James City","120 00"," "," "," "," ","3"," ","1","17","28","45","10 00","500 00","34","4","2 50"," ","24"," ","R H Hill" "Bethel","J T Henderson","A Couch","T T Williams","Riverdale","187 00"," ","5"," ","1"," ","3","3","39","79","108","17 00","900 00"," "," "," "," "," "," "," " "St Stephens","T G Whitney","T G Whitney","N H Hargett","Oriental","192 00"," ","3"," "," "," "," ","1","30","34","64","13 00","1400 00","45","4"," "," ","24"," ","W H Borden" "Clay Bottom","G R Parker","O J Carter","I S Branch","Blunt's Creek","75 00"," ","1"," "," ","1"," "," ","16","40","56","5 00","700 00","25","2"," "," ","12","100","O J Carter" "Mt Olive","Carie Jordan","A Jordan","Wm Tuton","Edwards","60 00","50 00"," ","2"," "," "," "," ","4","13","17","1 00","100 00"," "," "," "," "," "," "," " "St Hooker","W A Moore","Romola Little","E S Gibbs","Edwards","75 00"," ","5"," "," "," "," ","2","10","26","36","3 60","700 00"," "," "," "," ","12"," "," " "Mt Tabor","James Smith","Dempsey Fisher","W H Pender","Beaufort","96 00","125 00"," "," "," "," "," ","4","18","20","38","4 30","1000 00","20","2"," "," ","12"," ","Daniel Benson" "Antioch","John York, Jr","Matthew Griffins","A Griffins","Riverdale","145 00"," ","5"," ","2"," ","1","3","22","33","55","10 27","900 00","32","3"," "," ","48"," ","John York, Jr" "Queen St","Sarah Pigott"," ","T T Williams","Beaufort","250 00","800 00","2","4","1"," ","4","2","42","36","78","9 04","1000 00","36","3"," "," "," "," ","Courtney Jacobs" "Mt Shiloh","W F Sawyer","W F Sawyer, R R Davis"," ","James City"," "," "," "," "," "," "," ","4","32","118","150","10 00","5000 00","70","6"," "," "," "," ","M F Sawyer" "St Monica","L D Howard","L D Howard"," ","Grimesland","120 00","50 00"," "," "," "," "," ","1","20","10","30","15 60","1500 00","26","3"," "," ","12"," ","L D Howard" "St Luke","Amos H Dudley","Amos Becton","A H Dudley","Morehead City","360 00"," ","3","15"," "," "," ","2","35","86","121","19 00","58 00","4"," "," "," ","24"," "," " "Star of Zion","A T Moore","G C Moore, H C Coval","M B Spruell","New Bern","600 00","350 00","15","3"," "," ","2","5","125","275","400","50 00","3000 00","1 35","9"," "," ","52"," ","W H Gorham" "St John's","R F Green","W F Bell, S F Faison","W H A Stallings","New Bern","480 00"," ","1","1"," "," ","2"," ","50","230","280","30 00","5000 00","69","9","15 00"," ","24"," ","Giles Moye" "Bethel","C C Green"," ","A H Dudley","Merritt's","148 00"," "," "," "," "," "," ","3","21","50","91","3 85","1000 00"," "," "," "," ","12"," ","J D Davis" Statistical Table of the Woman's Auxiliary of the N. E. M. B. Association 1918 "CHURCHES.","SECRETARIES","DELEGATES.","PRESIDENTS,","Amt. Sent.","POST OFFICE." "St. John","Hannah Harrison","Easter Everett","C. C. King","$ 6 40","New Bern" "Mt. Pilgrim","Obelia Joyner","M. C. Everett","M. C. Everett","9 35","New Port" "Bethel","Rebecca Whitehead","Rebecca Whitehead","Carrie E. Fisher","10 00","Riverdale" "Antioch","Pearlie Prichard","James Crooms","Eliza Jones","7 30","Bachlor" "St. Paul","Harriett Douglass"," ","Clara C. Hill","2 00","New Bern No. 4" "Bethel","Jennie Minor","Jennie Minor","Bettie Williams","1 00","Edwards" "Antioch","Robenia York","Cora Steward","Philis Coleman","10 00","Riverdale" "Pilgrim Chapel","S. J. Keys","S. J. Keys","Cora Sanders","40 00","Oriental" "St. Luke","Effie Johnson","Della Hill","Precina Becton","45 00","Morehead City" "St. Peter"," "," "," ","2 00","Royal" "Mt. Shiloh","Rachel Jones","S. F. Williams","Gertrude E. Faison","10 00","James City" "Macedonia","Maggie Patrick"," ","Maggie Hill","1 00","New Bern No. 2" "Queen St","Sarah Pigott"," ","Lina Fulford","1 00","Beaufort" " ","Maggie Sanders"," "," ","10 00","Morehead City" "Total"," "," "," ","$155 05"," " [Advertisement Image] [Back Cover Image]