[Cover Image] [Title Page Image] VOX POPULI VOX DEI OFFICERS 1925 AND 1926 Officers 1925 and 1926 Ministerial Board Executive Board Trustee Board for Association Ordained Ministers who Paid $1.00 Each HONORARY MEMBERS REGULAR MEMBERS Licentiate Ministers who Paid $1.00 Each Deacons who Paid 50c Each Delegates who Paid 25c Rules of decorum of the Churches 1. We will hold at least four Conference meetings in the year for transaction of business; also special meetings whenever requisite. 2. The names of members shall be called at every regular meeting and there shall be due notice taken of the absence of those who evince a disposition to absent themselves. 3. At every Conference, the pastor in his right of office shall preside as Moderator; and in case of his absence, the conference shall appoint a Moderator pro tem, who shall open Conference with devotional exercises. 4. The Clerk shall keep a Church book, in which all the proceedings of the Conference are faithfully transcribed, and at each regular meeting the minutes of the preceeding meeting shall be read immediately after the names are called. 5. An invitation shall be given to the brethren of our faith and order to sit with us in Conference, who shall enjoy all the privileges of the meeting except that of voting. 6. Every subject for the consideration of the Conference shall be intnoduced by a motion, when seconded shall be debated and acted upon, unless withdrawn by the mover. 7. Every speaker shall arise and address the Moderator by the appellation of brother, and shall confine his remarks to the subject under debate, and shall not be allowed to speak more than twice on one subject, unless by permission of the Church. 8. No member shall withdraw from the Conference without permission of the Church. 9. It shall be required that in matters of difference between members, before complaint is made to the Church, the aggrieved party shall have duly attended to the instruction of our Lord's gospel as recorded by St. Matthew 18th chapter, 16th, 17th and 18th verses, and public offenses such as operate against the peace of the Church shall be subjects of discipline. 10. All questions submitted to the Conference shall be decided by a majority of votes, except receiving members to membership, and any question may be re-considered upon the motion of any one who voted in the affirmative. 11. The Moderator shall propound all questions for vote—shall keep the speaker to the subject under debate—may express his own views, after others are done speaking, and see that these rules are faithfully observed. 12. These Rules of Decorum may be altered or amended by a vote of two-thirds of the whole Church. Resolved, That this Association recommend the adoption of the foregoing rules to all Churches that comprise this body. PROCEEDINGS Faison, N. C., Oct. 15th, 1926. The fifty-fifth annual session of the Kenansville Eastern Missionary Baptist Association was called to order in the Hill's Chapel Baptist Church, Faison, N.C., Duplin Co., at 11 o'clock by the Moderator. After making some remarks thanking the Lord for his bounteous blessings during the year bestowed upon us, he called the delegates from Mt. Gilead and First Baptist of Warsaw to conduct the devotionals according to the program. Bro. James H. Johnson came forward and lined hymn and read as a Scripture lesson nine verses of 14th chapter of St. John and then led us in a fervent prayer, after which a beautiful selection was rendered. The meeting was then turned over to Rev. J. P. Faison to conduct the expression meeting. He led out with thanking the Lord for his wonderful blessings during the year and was followed by the following brothers: Rev. J.M. Newkirk, Deacon Johnson, Rev. H. T. Hopkins, Bro. Baskerville, Bro. D. A. Williams, Rev. E. Q. Moore, Rev. S. T. Shiver, Rev. J. N. McKnight and Bro. A. R. Middleton. We were then favored with a beautiful selection which brought this meeting to a close. The Moderator arose and after some remarks touching the expression meeting and asking the brethren for their co-operation in making this a great religious gathering, punctured with brotherly love. For, said he, we are here on the King's business and we have no time for wrangling and confusion, we are setting a pace, we are making history. Brothers, let us regard one another's feelings, he said, and then announced the house in order for business. A motion prevailed that the program be adopted as a whole and that it be the working basis for this session. Enrolling ministers and delegates followed. The following visitors were brought forward and made welcome after being recommended through the Ministerial Board: Revs. L. B. Boykin, Delway, N.C.; Rev. T. R. Cowan, Delway, N.C.; and Rev. C. T. Utley, New Bern, N.C. The hour having arrived for preaching, Rev. E. Q. Moore, the appointee, and his associate, Rev. H. T. Hopkins, ascended the rostrum. Rev. Hopkins lined hymn 423 “O speed the Christians on their way,” and read as a lesson 2nd chapter of Paul's letter to the Phil. We then bowed our heads in prayer with Rev. D. C. Fennell. Second selection, No. 422, “My soul be on thy guard,” then the Moderator arose and in befitting words presented the speaker of the hour to preach the Introductory sermon in the person of Rev. E. Q. Moore. He arose and with preliminaries thanked the association for the honor conferred on him to preach at this time and then selected as a text John 1:14, “And the word became flesh and dwelt among men.” Subject, “He is one with us.” The speaker went on to show how Jesus came into the world though uninvited and took upon himself human flesh and dwelt among men, as he told of the trials and hardships that Jesus underwent for you and I, and how he met death upon the hill on the outskirts of Jerusalem. He lifted the brothers to their feet, and when he had finished his sermon he was highly commended by all, so much so that a motion by Dr. Lewis prevailed, that he be tendered a rising vote of thanks for such an excellent and well prepared sermon. This was followed by a beautiful selection by the Moderator. Then Rev. C. R. Murray led us to a throne of grace. The Moderator then appointed the Finance Committee as follows: Deacon W. M. Faison, L. L. Lofton, C. C. Herring and Major Johnson. Revs. J. W. Williams and U. A. Carlton came forward and took the offering which amounted to $10.00. We were then recessed for one hour. “Together let us sweetly live,” was sung. Benediction by Rev. E. Q. Moore. Afternoon Session The association met according to appointment. The devotions were conducted by the delegates from Grove Street and Rainbow Chapel. Deacons D. A. and D. R. Williams and L. Glaspy sang two selections and we bowed our heads in prayer with Deacon D. A. Williams. Another song was sung and we again bowed our heads in prayer with Deacon L. Glaspy. The Moderator then announced the house in order for business. Minutes of the morning session were read, corrected and approved. A motion prevailed that the Ministerial report be received and adopted. Then a committee on Enrollment of Ministers and Deacons was appointed as follows: Rev. J. M. Newkirk, Rev. S, Shiver, A. R. Middleton, Prof. Ed Faison and Rev. S. J. Gavin. Delegates were then assigned to their various homes by the Committee. We recessed until 8 P. M. Night Session The association re-assembled according to appointment. Devotional exercises were conducted by Revs. J. Williams and Jerry Grimes. Hymn 248 was sung and then a scripture lesson read from Matt. 17 by Rev. Grimes, who also led in prayer. Rev. Williams continued by singing No 196, “Come holy spirit, heavenly dove,”. etc. At this point the acting Moderator, Rev. C. T. Underwood, announced the house in order for business. This being the time for welcome addresses, in well chosen words the acting Moderator arose and presented Rev. A. B. McPhail to deliver the address of welcome on part of church. He came forward and made the delegates feel perfectly at home in Hill's Chapel in the town of Faison; his address was well delivered and was highly pleasing to the brethren. Prof. J. N. Bennett was presented and welcomed us on part of the Sunday School; he made a fine talk and made all feel welcome in his town, church and Sunday School, which was well received. Rev. J. T. Deans who was to respond to the various welcome addresses being absent, the Moderator presented Rev. L. T. Bonds to respond. He arose and in his usual way received the addresses and in a splendid way assured the good people of Faison that we would do nothing that would bring discredit to them but on the other hand would so conduct ourselves that when the time comes for us to take our leave to go back to our various homes that they will say, surely the men of God have been with us and we only wish that you could stay longer. Other remarks by Rev. J. T. Deans. The choir then rendered a beautiful song. The hour having arrived for preaching Rev. W. H. Walker, accompanied by Rev. C. T. Underwood, ascended the rostrum. Rev. Underwood lined hymn 559, “Go preach my gospel saith the Lord.” We bowed our heads in prayer with Rev. I. D. McRae. Second selection 292, “Father I stretch my hand to thee,” then the Moderator arose and in choice language presented the speaker of the hour to preach the annual sermon of a denominational character in the person of Rev. W. H. Walker. He arose and thanked the association for this honor of coming to them at this particular time to preach this special sermon, and asked them to pray for him while he attempted to reason with them out of God's word. He selected as his text St. John 9:4, “I must work the work of him that sent me while it is day for when night cometh no man can work.” Subject, “Keep busy on the job.” The speaker handled his subject with ease and delivered a most excellent sermon which was punctured with amens and applauses from start to finish. At his conclusion the speaker received many hand shakes from his brother ministers. Rev. J. J. Howze led us to a throne of grace, followed with a beautiful selection by Rev. Crow. Deacons C. C. Graham and G. Raynor were called to take the offering which amounted to $12.20. After some announcements, benediction by Rev. C. T. Underwood. Second Day—Morning Session The association met according to adjournment with Rev. C. T. Underwood in the chair. Devotional exercises were condncted by Rev. D. C. Fennell and others. He lined hymn 422 and read as a scripture lesson the third chapter of Eph., and then we bowed our heads in prayer with John Larkin. Second selection 423, then the Moderator arose and announced the house in order for business. The previous day's journal was called for, read, corrected and approved. Some remarks were made by Rev. Howze, after which a motion prevailed that any officer absenting himself from the house while the association is in session without a lawful excuse shall be fined $1.00. Then Deacon Williams was presented to discuss the great need of Faison Inst. He came forward and made a great speech in favor of continuing the school. He was followed by Rev. R. W. Underwood, Dr. W. H. Moore and Rev. J. A. Lewis, who spoke touching the school. Following Committees were then appointed: On Education, Home and Foreign Mission, Nomination of Officers, Obituary, Place, Condition of the Country, Grievance and New Churches. A motion then prevailed that Dr. W. H. Moore be given space to speak in the interest of the State work just before the sermon at 8 P.M. A beautiful selection was then rendered and some remarks made by the Moderator. The hour having arrived for preaching Rev. B. Underwood, accompanied by Rev. J. A. Lewis, ascended the rostrum and read part of the 7th chapter of St. Matthew and we bowed our heads in prayer with Rev. K. S. Davis. Hymn 448 was sung and the Moderator arose and in choice language presented the speaker to preach the Doctrinal sermon in the person of Rev. R. W. Underwood. He arose and stated that according to the program he was to preach this sermon at night and the Educational sermon was to come at this hour but owing to press of business at home he had made a change with Dr. Lewis, then like a hero he at once plunged into his subject which consisted in the four certainties of Christianity. He handled his subject with so much eloquence and power that he swept the vast audience before him as the rushing of a mighty wind, so much so that at his conclusion a motion was unanimously carried that his sermon be spread upon the face of the minutes. (See sermon.) Then a beautiful selection was sung. Several brethren arose and complimented Rev. Underwood on his excellent sermon. Rev. J. W. Bell and Deacon Sampson took up the offering which amounted to $16.45. Benediction by Rev. Mial. Afternoon Sesssion Devotions were conducted by Rev. J. W. Bell who sang “Since Jesus came into my heart.” Scripture lesson Romans 8. We then bowed our heads in prayer with Rev. S. E. Newkirk. Acting Moderator C. T. Underwood called the house to order for business, Minutes of morning session were read, corrected and approved. Then one Mr. Stack (white) was introduced to the body by the Moderator of the Methodist Church of Faison. Report of Officers was next in order. Rev. Underwood presented the Moderator, Rev. J. N. McKnight, to deliver his annual message. He arose and like a statesman delivered his message which was highly received by the association. A motion prevailed that the address be received and a special committee be appointed to report on same. Committee as follows: Revs. L. T. Bond, J. T. Deans and J. A. Lewis. (See report.) Then the Secretary made his report, which was adopted, and a motion prevailed that he be complimented for his nice report. (See report.) The Treasurer made his report and same was referred to a committee for further investigation. Committee: Revs. J. J. Howze, C. R. Murray and A. J. Boney. The chairman of the Ministerial Board stated that they had no special report to make. The Auditor made his report and the same was adopted. (See report.) The Cor. Sec. made his report and same was adopted. (See report.) Prof. Bennett read the report of the Field Secretary, which was adopted. (See report.) The committee on Nomination of Officers made their report and after discussing same a substitute motion prevailed that the officers be elected by nomination. Rev. J. M. Newkirk was nominated for Moderator and unanimously elected. The following Officers were elected according to the report of the committee: Rev. H. T. Hopkins, Vice Moderator; T. P. McGee, Secretary; James H. Johnson, Treas.; Rev. S. T. Shiver, Cor. See.; Rev. J. H. Johnson, Auditor; Rev. S. H. Newkirk, Field Sec. Then Rev. C. T. Underwood came before the body and made an appeal for his new building at Fayetteville and was donated $5.00 for same. Association recessed until 8 P. M. Night Session Devotionals were conducted by Revs. Godwin and A. J. Boney. Hymn 465 was lined by Rev. Godwin. Scripture lesson Psalm 27. We then bowed our heads in prayer with Rev. Boney. Second selection 321, “In all my Lord's appointed ways.” The house was then opened for business. The Moderator then presented Rev. L. T. Bonds who in turn presented the speaker of the hour, Dr. W. H. Moore, to speak in the interest of the State Baptist Convention and the great program being put over by the Baptists of the State. Dr. Moore arose in his usual way and made a great plea for a great coming together of the Baptists the world over, that they might do greater work in saving this lost world to Christ. He spoke of attending the great Lott Cary Convention at Norfolk, also the great National Baptist Convention in Baltimore, and spoke of the great work being done by these bodies. After his address he was donated $50 for the Board of Promotion of the State Baptist Convention. The Moderator then arose and presented Rev. J. A. Lewis to preach the Educational sermon. He arose and without preliminaries addressed himself to the task. He selected as a text Deut. 6:3. “Hear therefore O Israel.” Subject “Man's unrealized blessings.” The speaker handled his subject with ease. He preached a most excellent sermon to the delight of all and at his conclusion was warmly greeted by the brethren and highly commended for his great gospel message. We were then carried into the heavenly land with prayer by Rev. J. J. Howze. Then Rev.J. D. McRae rendered a beautiful selection which thrilled the audience to overflow. The committee on Moderator's Address made their report and same was adopted. (See report.) The committee on Missions made their report; same was adopted. (See report.) Committee on Place made their report and after some discussion a substitute motion prevailed that when this association adjourns it does so to meet with the First Baptist Church at Warsaw. Collection 51c. Benediction by Rev. A. J. Stokes Saturday Morning Session The association met per adjournment. Devotions conducted by Revs. J. W. Jones and M. O. Wilson. Rev. Jones lined hymn 417 and read as the morning lesson Romans 8. We bowed our heads in prayer with Rev. Wilson. Second selection 396. Then the acting Moderator announced the house in order for business. The previous day's journal was called for, read, corrected and approved. The following committees made their reports: Home Mission and others. Same were adopted. (See reports.) The Moderator made some remarks touching Faison Inst. Rev. Mial was here presented to represent the Union Reformer. He came forward and said many things concerning the Reformer. A donation of $2.25 was given him. Rev. S. H. Newkirk came before the association and made an appeal for his church at Rose Hill and was donated $5.46. The hour having arrived for the memorial services of Rev. T. Parker and others, the Moderator yeilded the chair to A. R. Middleton who acted as Master of Ceremonies. Revs. G. W. Moore, J. T. Deans, L. T. Bonds, S. N. McKnight and R. W. Underwood were all called to take part in these services. Rev. G. W. Moore lined hymn 559, “Go preach my gospel saith the Lord.” Then we bowed our heads in prayer with Rev. J. T. Deans. Dr. Moore read the history of Rev. T. Parker. Rev. Deans spoke of him as a Knight of Gideon. Rev. Bonds spoke of him as a pastor. Rev. R. W. Underwood spoke of him as pastor of Hill's Chapel Church. Rev. J. P. Faison spoke of him as pastor of Six Run Baptist Church. Rev. J. N. McKnight spoke of him as a Master Mason. T. P. McGee read the history of the Kenansville Eastern Association. Then Rev. McKnight offered a Resolution in honor of Father Parker, same was adopted. (See Resolution.) Rev. G. W. Moore spoke of Rev. Parker as a pastor and minister. Deacon H. C. Wright of Rev. Parker as founder of Hill's Chapel. He said that Col. Hill (white) gave Rev. Parker one acre of land down where the colored school is located and we named the church Hill's Chapel in honor of Col. Hill. Later on Isham Faison gave us the present site and we moved our church here. In the fall Bear Swamp was organized down on said swamp and Jim Shine (white) was its first clerk. Several others spoke of the noble work of Rev. Parker back in the dark days before the smoke had cleared from the battlefield. This meeting was then suspended until Saturday night 7:30. The committee on State of the Country submitted their report and same was adopted. (See report.) Grievance committee made their report; same adopted. (See report.) The newly elected officers were then installed by Rev. J. N. McKnight who gave the charge to each in a nice and Christian-like manner. Rev. J. Mc. Newkirk made a splendid speech in accepting the gavel as the newly elected Moderator. Rev. J. A. Lewis suggested we should have three Vice Moderators instead of one and moved that the Constitution would be so amended to have three Vice Moderators instead of one. Same was adopted. Rev. E. J. Bowden was elected 2nd Vice Mod. and Rev. J. T. Deans 3rd Vice Mod. The association then adjourned until 7:30 P. M. The afternoon was turned over to the Daughters of Zion Association. Saturday Night The association met at 7:30 and after devotional exercises the memorial services were again opened and several spoke of the life and works of Rev. T. Parker, among whom were Rev. E. J. Bowden, Deacon Daniel Thompson, Sister Rebecca Boone, Deacon G. R. Raynor, Bro. H. Newkirk, Deacon Baskerville and Sister Annie Fryar. Rev. Shiver also made some remarks. A beautiful selection was then sung,“I am nearing my home today.” Thus the curtain is drawn and upon it is written the word F-I-N-I-S. And we say, Rev. Parker “Sleep on and take thy rest, We loved thee but Jesus loved thee best.” The hour having arrived for preaching Rev. D. C. Jennie lined hymn 492, “Amazing grace, how sweet the sound.” The Moderator arose and in well chosen words presented the speaker of the hour in the person af Rev. L. T. Bonds to deliver the Temperance sermon. He selected as his text Cor. 9:24, from which he preached a soul stirring sermon to the delight of all. Prayer by Rev. J. W. Bell. Dea. L. D. Middleton and Matthew Gratham were called to take the offering which amounted to $13.25. Moved that the Modertor and Secretary be the delegates to the State Convention at High Point, and they be allowed $15.00 each as expenses. Same was adopted. Delegates to West Union: Revs. J. P. Faison, D. C. Fennell and J. W. Jones. Moved that we adjourn to meet with the First Baptist Church at Warsaw Thursday before the third Lord's day in October 1926. Benediction by Rev. W. D. Wilson. Sunday Morning Session The Sunday School was in charge of Prof. J. N. Bennette and others and was nicely arranged and the lesson was beautifully taught by the teachers. Owing to the lateness on account of rain we were forced to hasten through. The hour having arrived for preaching Rev. E. J. Bowden lined hymn 417 and read as the scripture lesson part of 12th chapter and part of 17th chapter of Rev. We bowed our heads in prayer with the Moderator. Continued by using hymn 520, “I love thy kingdom Lord.” Then Dr. G. W. Moore arose and presented the speaker of the hour, the Rev. J. N. McKnight, to preach the Missionary sermon. He selected as his text Rev. 12th chapter, also part of 17th chapter. Subject “The Church in travail to bring forth converts.” Outline, a suffering church. The speaker mastered his text as a great gospel preacher; he held his audience spell bound and brought many to their feet in tears; and wound up in a great shout, followed with prayer by Rev. G. W. Moore. L. L. Lofton and Rev. E. J. Bowden were asked to take the offering which amounted to $22.25. The Executive Board then made their report; same was adopted. A Mrs. Miller was donated $6.30 to help bury her son. This brought to a close the most harmonious and epoch making sessions of the association that we have held in many a day. “God be with you till we meet again” was sung. Benediction by Rev. J. N. McKnight. Next session will be held at the First Baptist Church, Faison, N. C., Rev. L. T. Bonds, Pastor. REV. J. Mc. NEWKIRK, MODERATOR T. P. McGEE, SECRETARY N. B.—Please be governed with the following: All Churches are asked to elect your delegates in August and forward names to Secretary not later than Sept. 1st, so we can arrange our program and committees; also furnish the Committee of Arrangements a partial list of the delegation in order that suitable arrangements can be made. When the roll was called yesterday there was a name that did not answer, one we all rever, the founder of this great association, and who was the organizer of this church and pastored it until he was called from labor to reward. His seat is vacant, his voice is heard no more. That name is the venerable and sainted Rev. Thomas Parker, D. D. He is not dead but sleepeth and his spirit, we think, is hovering around here watching our movement. Sleep on. Father Parker, we will be on board by and by. The committe on Obituary will make suitable provision in their report, when we will suspend business and pay tribute to our fallen heroes. Great has been our blessing this year. The farmers have gathered wonderful harvest; they were doubly paid for the 1924 crops' failure. What shall we render unto our God for all his benefits shown us? Should not we as a body of Christian ministers and laymen give God thanks for his manifold blessidgs last year? We rhould sow much but gather little; yet some how or other he has brought us through this year, we planted little and gathered abundantly, our barns are filled to overflow. We all should sing “Praise God from whom all blessings flow.” OUR MINISTERS Bro. Ministers, to you the charge is given, as well as the solemn command, i. e., Go make disciples in my name, says the Great Commander. Baptize them in my name, and in the Father's and Holy Ghost, I am with you all the way. Are we obeying that command? Are we feedidg the flock, or are we feeding ourselves? And the flock is crying for wholesome food which we fail to give them? Are we giving God a chance to use or are we using God? God says, Try me and prove me herewith, and see if I will not open the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing that there shall not be room enough to receive it. The hinges of God's windows are not rusty, he opened them for Moses at the Red Sea, he opened them for Joshua at the Jordan, he opened them for Gideon, at one charge and a shout he routed the enemies of his people, he opened them at the day of Pentecost, and 120 could not hold their peace. and by one shot, charged with Holy Ghost fire from Peter's gospel gun, three thousand souls were converted, baptized and added to the band of believers in 1 day. Bro. Ministers, give him a chance through you and our Motto Text will be accomplished, i. e., The World for Christ, and the kingdom will hastily come and His will be done on earth as it is in heaven. II. THE LAYMEN There are many things you can do in this kingdom building program. It is your duty to keep the fires burning that are kindled by the fiery tongues of the preachers. God has never converted any one to be at ease in Zion, he wants you to bring forth much fruit. There are so many laymen in this bounds who never go to the churches except when the pastors are there; they go elsewhere. Then why not attend your own churches and help the pastors keep things in order that the mission of the church may be carried out? Hold up the man of God hands, give him good support that he may have time to go up on the mount and there have communion with God and get a vision from the Most High to bring to you without bringing you some other man's sermons. He must have time for prayer and meditation with God to do this. It is the laymen's duty to support the ministers. On account of the failure of the laymen to support the ministry we are losing some of our best men. they are going to better fields where God has provided and are providing better support. Wake up laymen, your honor is at stake. I am praying for the coming of the day when some of the laymen of this association will honor the ministry and the ministers will have more respect for themselves. Then and not until then will the Dove of Peace hover over us and wrangling cease. III. CONDITION OF THE BOUNDS It is not altogether what it could be, there is much room for improvement along all lines. There are strong churches in the bounds that have been without pastors nearly all the year, and strong ministers from other states have come among us and we extend to them a hearty welcome. There may be a reason why some of the churches are vacant, part of the fault is in the churches, you are looking for the best or none, and how can you expect the best when you fail to do your best for the best? The Ministers' Faults: You want the best of churches when you, or part of you, have not made suitable preparation to pastor this people. So you see how the condition is. I hope the day is not far distant when the ministers will prepare themselves to fill any pulpit, not only in this bounds but anywhere and at any place. For the preaching of the gospel is much needed. There are some who doubt the Virgin Birth of Jesus Christ, there are some claiming that the race of men are descendents of monkeys, but we must prepare ourselves to repell every attack on the Bible, and the only way to do this is to study the Word of God prayerfully and with open minds to conceive it, and be able to withstand the fiery darts from Satan's camps. III. OUR SCHOOL PROPERTY Brethren, this property belongs to the K. E. M. B. Association and K. E. M. B. S. S. Convention combined; it is not the property of Trustees, as per some propagandists, as is being spread in the bounds. You elected the Trustees as custodians of your property and you know they can dispose of it only by a joint meeting of the two bodies, empowering them to do so. If the property is sold or leased, or otherwise disposed of, there must be a party or parties of the first part to make such deal with parties of the second part, who can make such a transaction with public property. RECOMMENDATIONS. 1. That we pay off all bills that have been contracted by the Trustees in meeting the obligations of the last school term. 2. That at this session we donate $50.00 to the Board of Promotion at Raleigh, N. C., to help put over the Baptist State program. 3. That all money raised by the churches in the bounds for mission be forwarded to the Board of Promotion at Raleigh, N. C. 4. That this association assist any young ministers financially who will enter school to better prepare themselves to preach the gospel of the Son of God, and to enable them to defend the doctrine of the church. 5. That the school will open as soon as the association will furnish the funds to open with. We find that we need the following: $500 for equipment and repairs, and $500 sinking fund to pay teachers until the school has reached the stage of self support. Your Trustees are handicapped to operate the school until the above amounts are appropriated. And the Board further recommends that the notices will continue in force and that the Moderator is hereby empowered to secure a competent teacher and when such has been secured the Board will be called to open school. Thanking you one and all for the confidence imposed in me the past year as your Moderator, I now turn over to you the gavel you placed in my hands three years ago, and if I measured up to your expectation tell others, if not tell me, as you know I am human and subject to err. It is also divine to forgive. May the richest blessings of God rest on you all. I am ready now to come down, and whoever you may elect to this office, I assure you I will be a good follower. I believe in rotation of officers; we will never know the strength of the men of the bounds unless we give them a chance. Hold up your heads brethren, and look on the fields for they are already white for the harvest. Unless we save them they will be devoured by the temptations of this world. I am your humble servant,J. N. McKNIGHT, Moderator,Box 357, Burgaw, N. C. Recording Secretary's Report Kenansville, N. C., Oct. 16, 1925.Bro. Moderator, Officers and Members of the Kenansville Eastern M. B. Association: It is with pleasure that I submit to you my annual report. I collected during the year the following amounts: Maysville Bap. Church Rev. A. T. Pettiford 65c, Mt. Pleasant Bap. Church, Galloway Williams $3.00, Smith Chapel, rep. fee $1.50, St. John, Long Creek, Rev. J. T. Deans $3.75, Bro. Willie Boney, lic. fee $1.00. Total $9.90. Oct. 19, 1924, I received from the Finance Committee $50.00 to have the minutes printed. I secured the services of Mr. Robt. S. Jervay of Wilmington to do the work and on July 16th I had 1000 minutes printed at a cost of $41.50, including letter blank in back of minute. Express on minutes from Wilmington to Kenansville was $1.45, postage for mailing, including envelopes and twine $6.13 making a total cost of $47.63, leaving a balance due you of $2.37. On the 24th of Sept. I had 300 programs printed for the association at a cost of $7,00, postage and envelopes cost $1.32, making a total of $f $8.32 due on same. You will note that some of the Officers' reports do not appear in the minutes; it is no fault of mine as Icould not get them and was ordered by the Moderator to go ahead with the printing and leave the reports out. Now if I have measured up to your expectations tell others, if I have not tell me. I thank you one and all for your confidence imposed in me and if I can be of any future service to you I can only pledge to do my best as God gives me the light and conscience to do it. I am your humble servant,T. P. McGEE, Sec. K. E. M. B. Ass'n Corresponding Secretary's Report Faison, N. C., Oct. 16, 1925.Kenansville Eastern Missionary Baptist Association, Bro. President, Brethren, Sisters, visitors and friends: I regard it a very high source of pleasure that time permits me to stand in your presence and attempt to present you the following report. I wish however to preface this report with the following words: The time that has intervened since our last annual session has been the product of many serious changes, both by disappointments, disadvantages, changes and interchanges, and the continued existence of calamities individually and nationally, scarce does the casual sound sink down from the ear before there comes another. Grief has sperued our hearts, tears have fallen from our eyes. Death the monster that mocks at time and space, has bereft our homes, some of our beloved ones have fallen but we are here. Science with all of its rapid pace in skill and inventions by land and sea, and in the etherial cannot stun the monster; no skill can retard his progress, he still rides on. But Bro. President, those who are here are still marching onward and upward to the mark of the high calling which is in Christ Jesus the Lord. And as we march upward and onward we stlll shout the battle cry “One Faith, one Lord, one Baptism.” Therefore, Bro. President, your humble servant has visited the various bodies operating just as we are under the same title, and I find one aim and one object means the same. Yet however, I recommend that we do more for the uplift of all our people to inspire them to greater and higher aims morally, intellectually and religiously. And further, Bro. President, that we endeavor to direct new guards for the protection and uplift of our young people by directing them to grasp the possibilities that await them in the future. And not only so but to encourage them along all lines to do more and seek higher aims in this progressive and rapid age of science and intellect. And Bro, President, as we see from the rapid strides that are now being made among men and nations that from our very best advancement both by studying and by vigilance and economy. And at all we can do there can be no time to waste in order to comply with existing conditions in the future. And Bro. President, the conclusion of this report is as follows: According to your instructions given me by you, handed down from the State Foreign Mission Board, that each association in the State was specially asked to request each and every church in the bounds to take a special collection every Sunday for Foreign Mission in the great continent of Africa, and that such moneys be sent to the Cor. Sec. of these associations. Upon such notice being given me I hasten to obey. And I notified every church concerning this instruction, advising them to raise such moneys and to send whatever amount was raised to the Cor Sec. at 1112 Fanning St., and that said money would be immediately remitted to the Field Sec., Dr. C. S. Brown, Winton, N. C. This however, was of considerable expense to me. But they seem to have been deaf te these notices. I didn't receive a cent. Respectfully submitted,S. T. SHIVER. Field Missionary's Report I visited the following places: Union Chapel, collected nothing; Willard $2.01, Watha 1.50, Hill's Chapel, Duplin 2.00, Warsaw First Baptist 1.26. Total $6.77. Disbursements: Expenses to Faison $2.96, automobile hire 2.75, automobile hire 2.50. Total expense $8.21. Due me $1.44. E. P. MOORE, Field Missionary, By J. W. Bennett. Treasurer's Report "Brought forward 1923"," ","$117.20" "Received 24th"," ","254.28" "Total"," ","$ 371.48" "DISBURSEMENTS"," "," " "Nov. 1923. State Convention","$ 50.00"," " "R. A. King, stoves","30.00"," " "Nov., Prof. Brown","75.00"," " "Dec., Prof. Brown","35.00"," " "Dec. 5, Rev. McKnight","5.00"," " "Dec., A. R. Middleton","7.47"," " "Dec., J. C. Herring","10.10"," " "Dec., D. A. Williams","6.72"," " "Dec. 1, H. C. Wright","16.90"," " "Feb. 5, 1925, H. C. Wright","100.00"," " "Constitutions","10.00"," " "Return check by Hall","4.25"," " "Return check by Mod.","4.00","$ 354.44" "Balance"," ","$17.04" Balance due association $17.04 which he agrees to pay. J. J. HOWZE, J. H. JOHNSON, G. R. RAYNOR, Report on Finance We your committee on Finance, hereby submit our report. We received as follows: Churches Representation Fees Disbursements D. A. WILLIAMS, Chairman. Report on Place We your committee on place wish to make the following report: We had to come before us asking for the next session three churches, Rose Hill, Smith Chapel and Union Chapel. We recommend that the next session be held at Warsaw Baptist Church. J. T. DEANSL. H. GANIN,J. H. JOHNSON, J. H. CARLTON, H. A. MOOCTOBE. Report on Moderator's Address We, your committee on Moderator's Address, beg to submit th e following report: His review of the association over the field shows a careful study of conditions and a knowledge of its needs. We recommend that the Moderator's recommendations to this body be accepted with the following corrections: No. 1. Be accepted as recommended. No. 2. Be amended so as to send money to be paid to Dr. W. H. Moore, Field Secretary to the Baptist Board of Promotion. No. 3. As amended. No. 4. As recommended. No. 5. As recommended. L. T. BONDS, J. A. LEWIS. J. T. DEANS. Report on Home Missions Bro. Moderator and Brethren: We your committee on Home Missions beg leave to report as follows: We recommend that we as Christians and followers of Jesus Christ who is the great head of the Church, do more for missions this year than ever before. We also recommend that more efficient missionary work be done in the bounds than ever in the history of this grand old association. There is much work to be done among our weak churches. Christ says “Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel.” Let us not stop at the big churches but go to those that need us most, and among the motherless children and widows and orphans. 1f we are Missionary Baptists let us stand for strong missionary forces home and abroad. REV. D. C. FENNELL. E. S. SMITH, D. R. WILLIAMS, REV. R. M. GODWIN, REV. W. A. CARLTOM. Report on Foreign Missions Mr. President—We your committee on Foreign Missions beg to submit the following: That whereas missions is the prime object of the Baptist denomination since the great commission given by our Savior to his ministry to “Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.” And since the commission must be carried forth by you who profess to be leaders of the people and that through you we must demonstrate our interest together that God and Christianity may have a hearing. Be it Resolved, That we in connection with the collection given for missions supplement the same by whatever moneys sent up at this session. Second, Resolved that we adopt the stewardship plan of 5c per capita by each member of our churches and send same to Dr. O. S. Bullock or Dr. G. W. Moore, Treasurer and Chairman of the Board of Promotion, as directed by the State Convention. W. H. MOORE, E. P. MOORE, G. W. KENNEDY, J. W. WILLIAMS,S. J. GAVINS, L. R. WILLIAMS. Report on Obituary Bro. Moderator and Members of this Association: We your committee on memory of our fallen heroes report. Whereas Almighty God has taken from our midst members from the following churches: Bros. Geo. Wilson and C. B. Mosley of Calypso; Bros. J. R. Coel, Sr., and J. A. Brewer of Poplar Grove; Sisters Caroline Moore and Mary E. Hines of Friendship; Sister Nancy Murry of Wilson Chapel; Sister Eliza Faison of Hill's Chapel. Members of the churches we failed to get. We hope our loss is heaven's gain. We bow heads in humble submission to him who doth all things well. We are taught in the blessed Word that death is the gate to endless joy. Your Committee,K. T. HOTSTON, A. J. BONEY,S. W. HARGROVE,NOAH FAISON. Report on New Churches We your committee on New Churches beg leave to report that we have searched the field and found none. Report on Nomination of Officers We your committee report as follows: For Pres., Rev. J. M. Newkirk; Vice Pres., Rev. H. T. Hopkins; Sec., Prof. T. P. McGee; Cor. Sec., Rev. S. T. Shiver; Treas., Dea.. J. H. Johnson; Auditor, Rev, J. M. Johnson; Field Sec., S. H. Newkirk. Executive Board—D. A. Williams, C. C. Graham, K. T. Houston, Major Johnson, C. C. Herring, H. Newkirk, C. M. Knighton, M. F, Cobb. J. A. Lewis. Ministerial Board—Revs. C. R. Murray, E. Z. Moore, J. T. Dean, S. H. Newkirk, W. H. Walker, L. T. Bonds, C. T. Underwood, J. P. Faison, J. J. Howze, D. A. WILLIAMS, W. H. WALKER, J. H. JOHNSON, C. C, GRAHAM,S. H. NEWKIRK, M. T. COBB,C. R. MURRAY. Resolutions Whereas God in his all wise providence has called Rev. Thomas Parker from labor to reward, and whereas his services to this association and community and counties in which he labored, and the state of N. C. loses in his death a man, a minister and a citizen, be it Resolved, That this association will erect a monument to the memory of Rev. Parker. Whereas Hill's Chapel Baptist Church and the good people of this community have so royally entertained this association, be it Resolved that we tender them our thanks for their kindness in caring for this session. Report on Grievance Bro. Moderator—We your committee on Grievance beg to submit our report. Bro. Baskerville, the aggrieved party, and Rev. Lewis, pastor of Central Baptist Church, Wilmington, N. C., came before us and after hearing and considering both sides, we recommend: 1st, that the association sustain the action of the church and pastor; 2nd, that Bro, Baskerville be granted the privilege of a re-hearing that was first offered him by the church. Humbly submitted, REV. R. W. UNDERWOOD, REV. R. M. GODWIN, REV. J. J. FIOWZE. Report on Education Brother Moderator and Brethren—We your committee on Education beg to submit the following: We cannot without astonishment view the stupendous work that is being carried on in our state for education. The program for training as outlined by the State Supt, is enormous almost in the extreme. Modern school houses are springing up almost like magic. The cry everywhere is for trained men and women to take charge of the schools, train our children, fill our offices, improve our domestic affairs and dignify our pulpits. The last decade has brought forth wonderful achievements. Science and inventions of almost every description are galore. High Schools are springing up everywhere. Mr. Rosenwald with his millions is assisting our people in the building of fine school houses and the cry that comes even from our rural districts is education, more education, higher education, until we are almost enveloped with the idea that education is the paramount issue of the day. And we must admit that education or learning is indispensable to civilization. But at last we must admit that in the midst of all our educational progress there is a looseness somewhere, an out-of-jointness in our body politic. There seems to be sentiment against our Holy Bible in our great nation. One of the great colleges of our state declares that science proves that our Bible is a myth and its teachings preposterous. In some quarters science seems to take precedence over our Bible. To our minds this is destructive to civilization. Any education that will not acknowledge the fatherhood of God and brotherhood of man is dangerous. Therefore we recommend— 1. That this association continue the work of Christian education. 2. That every effort be put forth to maintain and support the Faison Normal and Industrial School. 3. That our great College, Shaw University, receive our unstinted support. 4. That we will aid and assist any struggling young man or woman of the association to obtain a good education. 5. That a committee be appointed to work out an educational program for this bounds and make report in next association. Humbly submitted,J. Mc. NEWKIRK, Chairman, R. W. UNDERWOOD, Sec'y. Report on State of the Country We your committee on State of the Country beg leave to submit the following: In observing the state of the country individually and generally it would seem to be drunk with pleasure seeking rather than with things that are constructive physically, educationally, religiously or morally. We further observe that taking of human life is increasing to a deplorable degree; men are shot down like brutes and lynched for the least provocation. And there are certain organizations that conceal their identity and assumed the responsibility of law enforcement contrary to constituted law. We further notice that there is a tendency among Christian professors to lead the people away from the teaching of the Bible which is the inspired word of God. Some even deny the Virgin Birth of Christ and some of the fundamental doctrines of the Christian Church which is an insult to the Christin Church and destructive to our faith. Therefore be it Resolved, 1st, that we pledge ourselves to protect the interests and demands of our country in the future as in the past. Resolved, 2nd, that we pledge our unwavering faith in the Bible, which is God's inspired Word, and that we discredit any teaching that endeavors to discredit the teachings of Jesus Christ and the fundamental doctrines of the Christian religion in the home, church or nation. A. J. BONEY,J. R. McCRAY,K. S. DAVIS,S. T. SHIVER, Sec. J. A. LEWIS, Chairman. Report of Board Bro. Moderator—We the members of the Executive Board hereby submit our report. After looking over the field we find a number of our churches that failed to send up all of their representation fees of members. We recommend that all churches that fail to represent in full the pastor or deacon will show cause of same. We further recommend that we call a joint meeting of both Executive Boards and officials of Association and Convention to plan for Faison Institute, and that the meeting shall be called by the Moderator of the association. We further recommend that this union meeting be called at the Union meeting at St. John, Long Creek, 5th Sunday in Nov. 1925. K. T. HOUSTON,C. R. KNIGHTON, C. C. GRAHAM, H. NEWKIRK,M. T. COBB, C. C. HERRING, Sec.D. A. WILLIAMS, Chairman. Report of Union Meetings from Nov. 28, 1924 to Nov. 29, 1925 Bro. Moderator, Officers, Members and Co-Workers of this grand old Association. Greetings. We the officers and members of the Ministers Conference and Ministers and Deacons Union of the K. E. M. B. Association feel that God has smiled upon our work during 1925. There has been at each meeting great Bible instruction, homiletics, theology, etc. We raised finance as follows: Union meeting with First Baptist, Wilmington, Nov. 1921, Rev. J. H. Thomas, Pastor. Total raise $45.00. Union at Hall's Chapel March 1925, Rev. J. N. McKnight, Pastor. Total raised $18.86. Union at Calypso Baptist Church May 1925, Rev. J. W. Bell, Pastor. Amount raised $76. 69. Union met with Willard Chapel August 1925, without pastor. Total raised $63.00. Union with St. John Baptist Church, Rev. J. P. Faison, Pastor. Total raised $63.00. Total raised for the year $319.55, expenses $191.55, turned over to the treasurer of the Educational Board, Bro. D. A. Williams $28.00. REV. J. T. DEANS, Moderator REV. W. D. WILSON, Secretary AMENDED CONSTITUTION Article 1. This Association shall be denominated and known as the Kenansville Eastern Missionary Baptist Association. Art. 2. The object of this Association shall be the promotion of Christ's Kingdom among men, and the means of accomplishing this shall be in strict conformity to the New Testament, to foster harmony among the churches, to encourage Home and Foreign Missions, Ministerial Education, and to aid in the establishing of a High School for education of the people. Art. 3. This Association shall be composed of ministers and delegates chosen by the churches connected with it, each church being entitled to three delegates who shall be members or pastors of that church. Art. 4. The delegates from each church shall bear a letter certifying their appointment and communicating information relative to the state of the church. Provided, however, that when any church has prepared a letter and through inadvertence the letter fails to be presented, her delegates may be received without its presentation. The letter must state the condition of the church and the amounts of the church and the amounts of money sent up for each and all purposes. Art. 5. The officers of this Association shall be a Moderator, a Vice-Moderator, Clerk, Corresponding Secretary, Treasurer, and Auditor, who shall be chosen annually from among its members by ballot, by a majority of votes cast, and shall continue in office until their successors are elected. Art. 6. It shall be the duty of the Moderator to enforce an observance of the Constitution, preserve order, decide all questions of order, give his opinion on any question under discussion after others have spoken, and give the casting vote in case of a tie. Art. 7. It shall be the duty of the Clerk to record the proceedings of each annual session and to superintend the printing of the minutes and distribution of the same among the churches. Art. 8. It shall be the duty of the Corresponding Secretary to keep in correspondence with other bodies in good standing. Art. 9. It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to receive all funds sent up by the churches and collect one-half the funds during the sessions and the other half he shall pay to the church where the Association is held, and disburse the same as ordered by the Association. He shall also make the Association an annual report of the condition of the treasury. Art. 10. It shall be the duty of the Auditor at each annual session of the Association to examine carefully the receipts, vouchers, papers and books of the Treasurer, and his certificate to the same shall be attached. Art. 11. This Association shall appoint an Executive Committee consisting of not less than five nor more than seven members, which committee shall have the supervision of the Associational missions and colportage. They shall have the power to disburse all sums paid by the Treasurer of the Association for the objects under their charge and during intervals between the meetings of this body, to receive and disburse funds for those objects, and to take such steps for their advancement as they shall deem advisable, and shall make an annual report to the Association of their doings. Art. 12. This Association shall not maintain fellowship with any of the churches which neglect to preserve Gospel order, or contribute to 25 cents per member as representative fees to the Association annually. Art. 13. This Association may invite visiting and corresponding brethren to seats and extend to them all privileges of the Association except that of voting. Art. 14. The annual session of this Association shall commence on Thursday before the third Lord's day in October, at such place as may be chosen. Art. 15. By appointment of this Association, there shall be an Introductory sermon of a denominational character, and a Missionary, Temperance, Educational and Doctrinal sermon preached. Art. 16. This Constitution may be amended at any annual session by a vote of two-thirds of the members present. Art. 17. This Association shall contribute to the support of any superannuated minister in good standing in this Association the sum of five dollars per annum. Art. 18. All ordained and licentiate ministers shall pay $1.00, deacons 50c., delegates 25c. as annual fees. Rules of Order 1. On the meeting of the Association the Moderator of the preceeding session shall preside until his successor is made known. In case of his absence, a chairman protem shall be elected. 2. Each session of the Association shall be opened with religious exercises, to be conducted by the Moderator, or whomsoever the presiding officer may name. 3. At each daily session, and previous to proceeding to business the names of the delegates shall be called, and the proceedings of the previous daily session read. 4. The members shall observe towards the officers and each other that courtesy which becomes Christians. 5. Any member wishing to speak shall rise and address the presiding officer. He shall confine himself strictly to the question under consideration and avoid personalities. 6. No member shall speak no more than twice on the same question without permission. 7. All motions seconded shall be definitely stated by the presiding officer before discussion. 8. No motion shall be withdrawn after its discussion. 9. When a question is under discussion no motion or proposition shall be received except to adjourn, to lay on the table, to amend or "CHURCHES","PASTORS AND ADDRESSES","CLERKS AND ADDRESS","PREACHING SUNDAY" "1. First Baptist, Kenansville","Rev. W. H. Walker, Warsaw","C. C. Graham, Magnolia","1st Sunday" "2. Hill's Chapel, Duplin","Rev. George W. Moore, Raleigh","W. H. Thompson, Faison","3rd Sunday" "3. First Baptist, Warsaw","Rev. L. T. Bonds, Windsor","R. B. Faison, Warsaw","2nd Sunday" "4. Six Run","Rev. J. T. Deans, Wilson","Eddie Faison, Faison","4th Sunday" "5. Eastern Chapel","Rev. J. T. Deans, Wilson","S. Sutton, Goldsboro","1st and 3rd Sun." "6. Shady Grove","Rev. J. W. Davis, Clinton","Daisy Bowden, Mt. Olive","3rd Sunday" "7. Willard Chapel","Rev. C. T. Everett, Kindford","N. L. Murray, Wallace","3rd Sunday" "8. Poplar Grove","Rev. J. T. Deans, Wilson","D. J. Hargrove, Lisbon","2nd Sunday" "9. Watha Chapel","Rev. H. T. Hopkins, Wilmington","A. J. McKinnon, Watha","4th Sunday" "10. Hall's Chapel","Rev. J. N. McKnight, Burgaw","John Carr, Burgaw","2nd Sunday" "11. Union Chapel","Rev. M. D. Stanford, Jacksonville","Terry Hayes, Burgaw","1st Sunday" "12. St. Luke","Rev. R. M. Godwin, Roseboro","J. H. Herring, Mt. Olive","4th Sunday" "13. Stephen's Chapel"," "," "," " "14. St. John"," ","T. E. Armstrong, Rocky Point","4th Sunday" "15. Friendship","Rev. G. H. Corbett, Phoenix","Major Bowder, Rocky Point","Every Sunday" "16. Mt. Gilead","Rev. G. W. Moore, Raleigh","A. T. Pettiford, Mt. Olive","Every Sunday" "17. Grove Street","Rev. E. Q. Moore, Burgaw","D. A. Williams, Kenansville","Every Sunday" "18. New Hope","Rev. W. H. Hall, Willard","W. M. Messick, Watha","2nd Sunday" "19. Bowden","Rev. S. T. Shiver, Wilmington","J. M. Bowden, Bowden","4th Sunday" "20. Peter's Top"," "," "," " "21. Chinquepin","Rev. W. M Green, Scott's Hill","Alice Pickett, Chinquepin","2nd Sunday" "22. Mt. Holly","Rev. S. H. Newkirk, Wilmington","Dolly A. Letly, Roseboro","4th Sunday" "23. Hill's Chapel, Pender","Rev. H. Parker, Roseboro","W. M. Stephens, Rocky Point","2nd Sunday" "24. Byrd's Chapel","Rev. K. S. Davis, Wilmington","S. J. Bryant, Rose Hill","4th Sunday" "25. Faison Chapel","Rev. J. M. Newkirk, Rose Hill","Willie Cooper, Warsaw","4th Sunday" "26. Man Hollow","Rev. H. Parker, Roseboro","John E. Shepard, Sloop Point","3rd Sunday" "27. Register Grove","Rev. N. H. Hall, Willard","Pearl Mainor, Magnolia","3rd Sunday" "28. Roseville","Rev. J. W. Williams, Willard","R. Beatty, Willard","2nd Sunday" "29. Pilgrim's Rest","Rev. J. W. Williams, Willard","M. E. Murphy, Kerr","3rd Sunday" "30. McAllop's Chapel","Rev. R. M. Godwin, Roseboro","Jimmie McAllopp, Turkey","2nd Sunday" "31. Shoulder's Branch","Rev. S. L. Stanford, Jacksonville","L. Nixon, Castle Hayne","4th Sunday" "32. Central Baptist","Rev. J. A. Lewis, Wilmington","E. M. Butler, Wilmington","Every Sunday" "33. Maysville"," ","Ophelia Pearsall, Mt. Olive","1st Sunday" "34. Love Grove","Rev. H. T. Hopkins, Wilmington","A. J. Williams, Topsail","3rd Sunday" "35. Wilson Chapel","Rev. J. N. McKnight, Burgaw","C. C. Herring, Warsaw","3rd Sunday" "36. Calypso","Rev. J. W. Bell, Wilmington","Rosie Williams, Calypso","1st Sunday" "37. Rainbow Chapel","Rev. R. M. Godwin, Roseboro","Charlie Moore. Warsaw","3rd Sunday" "38. Oaky Plains","Rev. Jerry Grimes, Mt. Olive","Sister M. Bryant, Wallace","2nd Sunday" "39. Hallsville","Rev. J. W. Bell, Wilmington","E. J. Williams, Kenansville","3rd Sunday" "40. Magnolia","Rev. W. H. Walker, Warsaw","I. S. Moore, Magnolia","4th Sunday" "41. Mt. Pleasant","Bev. J. P. Faison, Turkey","M. Gomble, Turkey","1st Sunday" "42. First Baptist, Wilmington","Rev. J. J. Howze, Wllmington","T. Shedrick, Wilmington","Every Sunday" "43. Murphy's Chapel","Rev. J. P. Faison, Turkey","M. L. Murphy, Rose Hill","3rd Sunday" "44. Smith Chapel","Rev. K. T. Houston, Mt. Olive","C. H. Williams, Kenansville","3rd Sunday" "45. Eastern Chapel"," "," "," " "46. Daisy Chapel","Rev. M. H. Hargett, James City","Daisy Dixon, Beaulahville","1st Sunday" "CHURCHES","Baptised","Restored","Rec'd by Letter","Dismissed","Excluded","Died","Male Members","Female Members","Total Members'ip","Rep. Fee","Home Mission","Foreign Mission","Orphanage","Church Extens'n","Money Raised During Year","Church Expenses","Pastor's Salary" "Hall's Chapel","5","2"," ","7","3","2","62","167","227","16 35","11 50"," "," "," ","477 38"," ","380 00" "Watha Chapel"," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," " "Hill's Chapel, Render","3"," "," "," "," "," ","17","25","42","6 25"," "," "," "," "," "," "," " "St. Luke","10","2","5"," "," ","1","20","60","80","10 75"," "," "," "," ","300 00","45 84","2006 58" "Manhollow"," ","2","2"," ","2","1","10","16","26","7 00"," "," "," "," "," "," "," " "Love Grove","6","1"," "," "," ","1","7","15","22","2 00"," "," "," "," ","139 39"," ","101 99" "Smith's Chapel","9","2"," "," ","1"," ","35","45","80","13 25"," "," "," "," ","224 81","16 95","180 00" "Oaky Plains","3"," "," "," "," "," ","12","10","22","3 75"," "," "," "," ","125 00","12 00","90 00" "Faison Chapel","4"," "," "," "," "," "," "," ","100","7 75"," "," "," "," "," "," "," " "McAllopp's Chapel","5","4"," ","1","2","1","30","40","70","5 75"," ","1 00"," "," ","5 75","40 60","180 00" "Shoulder's Branch"," ","2"," "," ","2","2","14","33","47","11 70","50","50","50"," ","50 75","60 00","225 00" "Rainbow Chapel","6","2"," "," "," "," ","16","20","36","8 00"," "," "," "," "," "," ","180 00" "Magnolia"," ","1","1"," ","2"," ","56","156","212","15 00"," ","2 00"," "," "," "," "," " "Bowden Chapel","4","2"," ","2","6","2","25","30","55","7 25"," "," "," "," ","200 00"," ","180 00" "Byrd's Chapel","19"," ","2"," "," "," ","52","52","104","5 75"," "," "," "," ","370 00","25 00","240 00" "Register Grove"," "," "," "," "," "," ","22","15","37","4 25"," "," "," "," "," "," "," " "First Baptist, Wilmington","28","5","105"," "," ","2"," "," ","333","30 00"," "," "," "," ","3455 20"," "," " "Maysville"," "," "," "," "," ","1","10","8","18","4 25"," "," "," "," "," "," "," " "Pilgrim's Rest","13","2"," "," ","2","1","65","89","154","15 00"," ","1 00","50"," "," ","60 00","144 00" "Daisy Chapel"," "," ","3"," ","3"," ","11","13","23","5 75"," "," "," "," ","245 80","74 00","171 80" "Roseville","19","3"," "," ","4","5","172","95","267","11 00","1 50","2 65","2 00"," ","637 13"," ","279 88" "Union Chapel","6","2"," ","1","2","2","46","82","128","11 00"," "," "," ","8 00","250 00"," ","180 00" "Grove Street"," "," "," "," "," ","4","40","15","25","6 25"," "," "," "," "," "," ","125 00" "Mt. Gilead"," "," "," "," ","3","1","137","208","405","23 00","5 00","1 70"," ","80 50","400 00","25 00","150 00" "Poplar Grove","2","4"," "," "," "," ","40","35","75","20 00"," "," "," "," "," ","48 50","200 00" "First Baptist, Calypso","25","2"," "," ","10","1","40","52","92","5 00"," "," "," ","35 00","331 50"," ","144 00" "First Baptist, Kenansville"," "," "," ","2","2","4","150","300","450","26 65"," "," "," ","4 75","337 11","75 00","240 00" "Mt. Pleasant"," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," " "Shady Grove","8","1","3"," "," ","1","24","46","70","17 50"," ","50"," "," ","350 00","45 00","210 00" "Friendship"," "," "," "," "," ","2","25","35","60"," "," "," "," "," "," "," ","132 71" "Friendship"," "," "," "," "," ","2","25","35","60"," "," "," "," "," "," "," ","132 71" "Willard Chapel"," ","2"," ","1","4","1","50","100","150","15 75"," "," "," ","50 00","400 00"," "," " "Eastern Chapel","8","1","2"," ","1","2","16","57","72","22 25","1 00"," ","1 00"," ","1000 00","320 00","480 00" "Mt. Olive"," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," " "St. John"," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," " "Hill's Chapel, Duplin","5","4","4","3","5","4"," "," "," ","5 00"," "," "," "," ","300 00","400 00","300 00" "New Hope"," "," "," "," "," ","1","13","22","35","8 00"," "," "," "," ","254 81","8 00","155 00" "Central Baptist","14","2","2","2","4","6"," "," ","250","21 50"," "," "," "," "," "," "," " "Second Baptist, Rose Hill","4"," "," "," "," "," ","9","18","27","2 00"," "," "," "," ","125 00","75 00"," " "Wilson Chapel","11","2","7"," "," "," "," "," ","180","20 00"," "," "," "," "," "," "," " "First Baptist, Warsaw","13","5","2"," "," ","2","130","170","300"," "," ","2 00","5 00"," ","1200 00","850 00","660 00" "First Baptist, Chinquepin","3","4","2"," ","6","2","35","63","98","24 50"," "," "," "," ","569 36","150 00","243 00" "Six Run","20","13"," "," ","11","8","104","172","276","35 00"," "," "," ","340 25","695 32","600 00","250 00" "Hallsville","12","3"," "," "," "," ","65","105","170","11 00"," "," "," "," "," "," "," " "Mt. Holly","2","5","2"," "," ","1"," "," ","24","2 00"," "," "," "," ","50 00"," ","50 00"