[Cover Image] CHURCHES, PASTORS AND TIME OF PREACHING. [Title Page Image] OFFICERS FOR 1919-1920. MINISTERIAL BOARD. J. D. McRae, J. MC Newkirk, D. B. Mdodona, J. T. Deans, S. T. Shiver, T. Parker, C. T. Underwood. EXECUTIVE BOARD. C. R. Murray, C. T. Underwood, K. T. Houston, D. A. Williams, J. A. Hill, D. B. Mdodona, S. H. Newkirk. ORDAINED MINISTERS AND POST OFFICES. LICENTIATES. DEACONS. DELEGATES. COMMITTEES. The following committees were appointed: On Constitution—S. T. Shiver, L. L. Lofton, D. J. Hargrove, Major Johnson, G. H. Bryant, J. N. McKnight, J. C. Herring, S. H. Wilson. On Home Missions—T. Parker, J. D. Fryar, J. B. Johnson, D. J. Faison, C. C. Herring. On Foreign Missions—G. W. Billups, G. R. Raynor, H. C. Wright, J. W. Hargroves, V. Taylor, W. H. Moore. On Education—G. W. Moore, J. N. McKnight, J. D. McRae, W. H. Walker, S. T. Shiver, D. A. Williams, J. H. Thomas. On Petitionary Letters—J. A. Hill, J. W. Jones, H. T. Hopkins, Joseph Smith, D. A. Williams, H. C. Wright, J. B. Johnson. On Place—J. D. McRae, C. D. Fennell, J. W. Larkins, C. C. Graham, James Faison, C. R. Knighton, H. W. Hall. On Orphan Asylum—A. B. Vincent, J. T. Deans, N. H. Hall, D. T. Best, W. S. Batts, E. S. Stevens. On Resolutions—J. S. Hall, S. H. Newkirk, K. T. Houston, J. H. Wheeler, J. P. Page. On Faison School—J. Mc. Newkirk, C. R. Raynor, D. B. Mdodona, S. T. Shiver, J. A, Hill, J. D. McRae, A. J. Boney, J. T. Deans, D. A. Williams. On Temperance—J. H. Armstrong, John Lassiter, C. H. Boykin, R. W. Allen, J. H. Johnson, E. P. Moore, P. H. Bryant. On Obituary—J. H. Wheeler, Loyd Bass, B. J. McClammy, D. A. Williams. Special Committee to name Trustees of Faison High School—H. T. Hopkins, J. D. McRae, J. A. Hill, S. T. Shiver, Major Johnson, Haywood Newkirk, G. H. Bryant. On Finance—S. T. Shiver. J. C. Herring, Wm. Faison, S. J. Gavins. On Program for 1920—W. H. Walker, J. T. Deans, J. Mc. Newkirk, A. J. Boney, G. R. Raynor, Joe Smith, E. N. Newton. On Condition of the Country—J. Mc. Newkirk, A. L. Pickett, Mrs. Eliza Coel, H. C. Wright, G. W. Moore, L. A. David, G. W. Moore, J. N. McKnight, J. H. Thomas. Collection $9.30. The Association adjourned. Benediction by Rev. S. T. Shiver. COVENANT. Forasmuch as Almighty God by his grace, has been pleased to call us, as we hope out of darkness into His marvelous light, and all of us have been regularly baptized on a profession of our faith in Christ Jesus, and have given up ourselves to the Lord, and to one another in a gospel church relation, to be governed and guided by proper discipline, according to God's word; we do, therefore, in the name of our Lord Jesus, and by His assistance, covenant and agree to keep the discipline of the church, of which we are members, in the most brotherly affection toward one another and endeavor punctually to observe the following rules: 1st, In brotherly love to pray for each other, to watch over one another, and if need be in the most tender and affectionate manner to reprove one another; that is if we discover anything amiss in a brother, to go and tell, him of his faults according to the direction given in the 18th chapter of the Gospel by Matthew, and not be whispering and backbiting. 2nd. We also agree, with God's assistance, to pray in our families, attend our church meetings, and not to absent ourselves from the communion of the Lord's supper without a lawful excuse. To be ready to contribute to the defraying of the church expenses, and support of the Missionary, and not irregularly depart from the fellowship of the church, nor remove to distant churches without a regular dismission. These things we do covenant and agree to observe and keep sacred, in the name of and by the assistance of the Holy Trinity. AMEN. PROCEEDINGS. Kerr's, N. C., October 16th, 1919. 10:00 A. M. The Kenansville Eastern Missionary Baptist Association convened in its forty-ninth session on the above date with the Pilgrim's Rest Baptist Church, Rev. K. T. Houston, Pastor. Praise service was conducted by Revs. Jerry Grimes and Wm. A. Dixon. During the services several brethren spoke, viz: Revs. G. W. Billups, W. H. Walker, J. N. McKnight,H. T. Hopkins, D. T. Best, K. T. Houston, J. D. McRae. Also Deacons H. C. Wright, Major Johnson, G. R. Raynor, D. A. Williams and others. The Moderator asked the brethren to greet each other. The whole Association arose and a great hand-shaking took place. How different from former occasions. Harmony is the strength of all august gatherings. Love and peace characterized our meeting from the beginning, The Moderator announced the house ready for business. Rev, G. W. Moore, former Moderator, was introduced and made some splendid remarks. He said that if you wantd a good meeting go straight and never mind the billows. If you don't want trouble don't look for it for— “If on the dark side you would look,Still darker things behind it;Experience the unsealed book,Exclaims you're sure to find it.” He said he had come from the great Baptist State Convention to bring greetings to us. He electrified our Association by his eloquence and at the close of his brief remarks the brothern voted that all funds hereafter sent up to the State Convention by missionaries would be sent by Dr. Moore as long as he could attend to it. The Moderator made some remarks concerning Brother Middleton. While he spoke a silence fell over the house. This great man was stricken down just before the Association. He was greatly missed. The brethren sent him a donation of twenty-five dollars. The ordained and Licensed Ministers were enrolled. (See enrollment.) The Association adjourned for dinner. Benediction by Rev. C. R. Murray. THURSDAY—AFTERNOON SESSION. 3:00 P. M.—The Association assembled. Praise service was conducted by Revs. H. T. Hopkins and H. W. Hall. On motion the minutes of the forenoon session were read and approved. Rev. J. H. Lowe sent four dollars to the Association as a donation. Rev. Parker made some remarks. Rev. F. E. Cobb, who was to have preached the Introductory sermon being absent, Rev. J. P. Faison ascended the rostrum accompanied by Rev. J. W. Jones and preached it, using some splendid words. A collection was taken amounting to $10.25. The various committees were appointed. (See list of committees.) The Association adjourned. Benediction by Rev. J. Mc. Newkirk. THURSDAY—NIGHT SESSION. 8:30 P. M. The Association re-assembled. Praise service was conducted by Revs. S. J. Gavins and Wm. A. Dixon. Rev. J. T. Deans announced the Association open and ready for business. Rev. K. T. Houston, the Pastor, arose and in his own way gave us a hearty welcome. Rev. C. T. Underwood responded with fervor. He said we came as a band of God's soldiers not as satan's host. Rev. Murray sang a beautiful song. Rev. D. B. Mdodona, who was to preach the Doctrinal sermon, being absent, Rev. G. W. Billups was asked to do so. He ascended the stand with Rev. W. H. Walker and preached to the satisfaction of all present. Prayer by Rev. T. Parker. Motion prevailed that a special prayer be made for Rev. A. R. Middleton. Rev. C. T. Underwood offered prayer. Rev. K. T. Houston also offered prayer for Bro. Middleton. Rev. Underwood and others sang a hymn which was dedicated to Bro. Middleton. A collection of $13.12 was taken. The Association adjourned. Benediction by Rev. G. W. Billups. FRIDAY MORNING SESSION. 10:00 A. M. The Association assembled. Praise service conducted by Rev. B. McMillan and S. H. Wilson, the 90th Psalm was read. Prayer was offered by Rev. Wilson. The Minutes of the previous session were read and adopted. The following brethren were introduced and made remarks. Revs. W. H. Moore, K. T. Houston, T. Newkirk; also Mrs. Irene Houston, of Point Caswell. Rev. G. W. Moore, Treasurer of the Great Union Baptist State Convention came forward and told of his work. He held the audience spell bound for 40 minutes. Rev. Moore surely is a man of God, a giant whose punch haven't lost its force. The holy spirit seemed to fill the house. Our cup run over. A collection was taken amounting to $26.00 which was given to him for missions. Come again thou man of God. The Moderator delivered his address. Rev. C. T. Underwood moved its adoption. The following committee was appointed on the address, viz: Revs. C. T. Undrwood, W. H Moore, J. H. Thomas A. J. Boney and J. D. Cowan. The Vice-Moderator made a verbal report. The Secretaries made their verbal reports, all of which were adopted in regular order. The Treasurer reported. On motion the report was referred to an auditing committee. Prof. J. V Highsmith was appointed Auditor protem. The Ministerial Board made its report. (See report). The report was adopted. Bro. D. A. Williams moved that the same officers be re-elected. Some objected to this course of procedure as a committee on nomination of officers was appointed. It was agreed to set a precedence however, and the same were elected to succeed themselves The Association adjourned. Benediction by Rev. T Parker. FRIDAY—AFTERNOON SESSION. 2:30 P. M. The Association assembled. Praise service was conducted by Revs. E. P. Moore and J. W. Jones. “Am I a soldier of the cross?” etc., was sung. The minutes of the forenoon session were read and adopted. Rev. C. T. Underwood offered a resolution. On motion the same was referred to the committee on resolutions. Rev. J. D. McRae ascended the rostrum accompanied by Rev. J. H. Thomas. Rev. Thomas read the 55th chapter of Isaiah. Hymn No. 248 was sung. Rev. McRae preached the Educational sermon. Text Isaiah 55th chapter and 12th verse. And the mountains and the hills shall break forth into singing and the trees shall clap their hands. Subject: Life a guaranteed success. The sermon was logically delivered and superb in construction; to comment is unnecessary. Rev. C. T. Underwood offered prayer. The Moderator made some splendid remarks. Collection $17.45. Then came the Educational Rally. A part of the rally was taken at Hills Chapel, at the Union meeting, and this may be incorrect as I was not at the meeting all the time. The Association elected a commitee of six to meet a committee of six elected at the annual meeting of the Sunday School Convention to name Trustees for the Faison High School. The committee is as follows: Revs. H. T. Hopkins, J. T. Deans, J. D. McRae, Deacon Major Johnson, C. C. Herring and G. H. Bryant. On motion of Rev. C. T. Underwood, all money hereinafter appropriated for Ministerial Education be held by the Association till such minister shall have been in school a sufficient time to justify it. The motion prevailed. The Committee on Condition of the Country reported. (See report.) It was ordered sent to one of the leading papers of the State. The Corresponding Secretary was asked to write up the work of the Association and send it to the Reformer. The Committee on Place reported. (See report). The Association will hold its next session at Kenansville, N. C., that being its Semi-Centennial. The Association adjourned. Benediction by Rev. G. W. Moore. FRIDAY NIGHT SESSION. 8:00 P. M. The Association assembled. Praise service was conducted by Revs. S. J. Gavins and D. C. Fennell. “All hall the power of Jesus' name,” was sung. The first division of Psalms was read. Rev. Fennell offered prayer. “Father, I stretch my hands to Thee,” was sung. Revs. J. A. Hill, J. Mc. Newkirk and Simon Larkins made some brief remarks. The Moderator also spoke very briefly on the work of this session. Rev. J. H. Johnson was elected Auditor. Deacon Major Johnson made some very strong remarks. Revs. J. T. Deans and S. T. Shiver were elected delegates to the Baptist State Convention. Rev. J. A. Hill was elected as messenger to the Middle District Association. Rev. G. H. Bryant was elected as messenger to the Western Union Association. Rev. C. T. Underwood with Rev, A. J. Boney ascended the stand. Rev. Boney lined hymn No. 490, “I am not ashamed to own my Lord,” &c., and offered prayer. Second hymn, “Amazing Grace,” &c., was sung. Rev, C. T. Underwood arose and preached a soul-stirring sermon, typical of this Sampson county giant. He used as a text 36th Psalms 9th verse: For with thee is the fountain of light, In thy light shall we see life. Prayer was offered by Bro. Wash. Pridgen. Revs. D. C. Fennell and J. P. Faison, two young ordained ministers, were presented to the Association. Rev. Underwood gave them a charge. Rev. Dr. A. B. Vincent, of Raleigh, and Rev. J. D. Cowan, of Garland, were introduced and made remarks. The Association adjourned. Benediction by Rev. J. D. Cowan. SATURDAY—MORNING SESSION. 9:55 A. M. The Association assembled. Praise service was conducted by Revs. J. H. Johnson and G. P. Alderman. Rev. Johnson lined hymn No. 490, Rev. Alderman led in prayer. A resolution was offered jointly by J. Mc. Newkirk and Rev J. D. McRae which was adopted. (See report.) Bro. T. B. Boykin, Mrs. Florence Connor and Rev. C. R. Knighton were introduced and made remarks. The Finance Committee reported partially $965.78. The report was encouraging. The Committee on Home Missions reported. (See report.) The report was adopted. Rev. Houston, of Tarboro, N. C., made some remarks concerning the organization of new churches. The talk was well taken. Revs. Alderman and N. H. Hall reported their work in good shape. Rev. C. R. Knighton spoke of the work at Calypso under the management of Rev. J. Mc. Newkirk. The Brethren took a collection of $10.52 for Calypso and New Hope jointly. Prayer was offered by Rev. T. Parker. The committee on Orphan Asylum reported. (See report.) The report was adopted. The Finance Committee's report was so encouraging that the following brethren paid: J. Mc. Newkirk $1.00, D. A. Williams, $1.00, W. M. Faison $1.00, J. D. McRae $1.00, G. R. Raynor $1.00, J. C. Herring $1.00, H. T. Hopkins $1.00, J. B. Johnson $1.00, Wm. A. Dixon 50 cents, J. P. Faison 50 cents, A. J. Boney, G. P. Alderman, H. Newkirk, C. R. Knighton, W. W. Dixon, S. J. Gavins, H. Parker, L. L. Lofton $1.00 each, Mrs. Florence Connor $1.25, S. T. Shiver $2.50, J. H. Johnson $1, J. W. Hargrove $1, J. W. Jones $1, W. H. Hall $1, S. B. Smith $1, K. T. Houston $1, Tom Coston $1.50, Eliza Highsmith 25 cents, making over one thousand dollars raised thus far. Rev. G. P. Alderman offered a resolution thanking the people of Pilgrim Rest church for their hospitality. The resolution was adopted. The Committee on Foreign Missions reported. (See report.) The report was adopted. The Association adjourned. Benediction by Rev. D. T. Best. SATURDAY—AFTERNOON SESSION. 2:30 P. M. The Association re-assembled. Praise service conducted by Revs. G. H. Bryant, C. D. Fennell. The Association transacted miscellaneous business, general discussion of the condition of our bounds and how to better improve local conditions. Rev. A. B. Vincent, D.D., of Raleigh, was present and made some strong remarks concerning the status of our race. Rev. Houston, of Tarboro, N. C., spoke at length on the spirit of egotism as pervades some sections of our State where old Bapist churches object to new Baptist churches being formed and yet will support any other denomination. The remarks were well spoken. Though this was the Saturday evening session yet it was the end of business and the Association having already voted to convene with the First Baptist church at Kenansville, October, 1920. the Association came to a successful close. This is what we have all prayed for lo these many years. May the blessings of God our Father and our Lord Jesus Christ be with all till we meet again. REV. J. T. DEANS, Moderator.REV. J. Mc. NEWKIRK, Secretary. REPORTS. REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON STATE OF THE COUNTRY. The mystery of iniquity doth already work. The horizon of the Nation's sky is bedecked with thunder heads of Bolshevism which forecast a coming storm of anarchy are seen; flashes of race riots and industrial cala-clysm sweep the skies of our hopes, which are forerunners of dissatisfaction and overthrow of law and order. To all of this is added general restlessness which is a symptom of fagged mentality and a melancholia Psychology. Patience is almost thread bare; recognition of human brotherhood obsolete; justice a misnomer and righteusness not on program; therefore, we, the Kenansville Eastern Baptist Association in session set our disapproval against any form of disorder whether black or white; and we disclaim any relation with those who may be guilty of stirring up ours or any other people to disorder. We ask for fair deal, ppportunity to live and merit the rights of citizens. Respectfully submitted,H. C. WRIGHT,G. W. MOORE,J. N. McKNIGHT,J. Mc. NEWKIRK, J. H. THOMAS, A. L. PICKETT, L. A. DAVID, MRS. ELIZA COEL,Committee. REPORT OF SPECIAL COMMITTEE. Brother Moderator and Brethren of the K. E. M. B. Association: We, your committee on Nomination of Conference Committee of six to meet a like number of six of the K. E. M. B. S. S. Convention, beg leave to submit the following brethren for your approval, viz: Revs. H. T. Hopkins, G. C. Bryant, J. D. McRae, J. T. Deans, Major Johnson, C. C. Herring. Humbly submitted,L. L. LOFTON,S. T. SHIVER,MAJOR JOHNSON, H. T. HOPKINS, J. A. HILL, J. D. McRAE, HAYWOOD NEWKIRK, A. J. BONEY, Committee. REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON TEMPERANCE. We, your Committee on Temperance beg to submit our report: In these days of quick impulse, when the nerves of men are unchecked by any recognition of the Most High, we feel that no better virtue than that of self-control can be practiced. Temperance means moderation, self-control. It therefore, demands, discretion in appetite, wisdom in speech and conduct as becometh saints. We set ourselves on record as being out of harmony with any form of intemperance whether it be in food, act or drink. Now that the world is being swept by a wave of prohibition we give our approval to all and any movement that tends to bring about moderation and a normal career. We set our disapproval against any drunkard in the district. E. P. MOORE,R. W. ALLEN, J. H. JOHNSON, C. H. BOYKIN, J. H. ARMSTRONG, P. H. BRYANT,Committee. REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON EDUCATION. Read from the past records of the K. E. M. B. Association or go and view the spacious buildings at Faison, N. C., built for the youth and thirsty seekers of knowledge and understanding and you will be convinced to say that this religious body and its constittuents from the beginning of its organization are friends and lovers of intelligence and enlightenment. Therefore, be it Rsolved, That this noble body do urge every family to see to it that each one therein get the proper educational instruction. And if the Faison High School can be resurrected and put on good footing let all the people of these bounds especially patronize it. Humbly submitted,G. W. MOORE,J. N. McKNIGHT,J. D. McRAE,D. A. WILLIAMS,S. T. SHIVERJ. H. THOMAS, W. H. WALKER, Committee. REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON MODERATOR'S ADDRESS. We, your Committee on Moderator's Address beg leave to report. Now that we are living in the most critical period of our nation's history and since we need the best men to guide us and sound notes of warning of impending dangers, we recommend the address in full. Yours in Christ,THE COMMITTEE. REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON HOME MISSIONS. Brother Moderator and Brethren: We, your Committee on Home Missions, beg leave to report: Whereas, we are known as a missionary body, and, Whereas, we have not lived up to this standard; therefore, be it Resolved, That we establish a home, mission spirit in our churches and Sundays schools, throughout our bounds. Humbly submitted,H. PARKER,J. D. FRYAR,T. PARKER,T. B. BOYKIN, D. J. FAISON, J. B. JOHNSON, C. C. HERRING, Secy.,Committee. REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON NEW CHURCHES. We, your Committee on New Churches beg leave to report: Two new churches come to us, viz: Oakey Plain, Rev. N. H. Hall pastor, and First Baptist church, Calypso, Rev. J. Mc. Newkirk, pastor. We, have examined into their organizations and find that they have been legally set apart as Missionary Baptist churches. We, therefore, recommend them for membership in this Association. D. A. WILLIAMS,H. C. WRIGHT,J. B. JOHNSON,JOSEPH SMITH,J. A. HILL, J. W. JONES, H. T. HOPKINS,Committee. REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON OBITUARY. We, your Committee on Obituary, beg leave to report: The following brethren have departed this life since our last Association. Peace to their ashes: Brothers R. Sidbury, Hilles Smith, Edmund Blackburn, Henry Bowden, H. D. Darden. Humbly submitted,J. H. WHEELER, E. P. MOORE,B. J. McCLAMMY, L. BASS,z D. A. WILLIAMS, J. R. BONEY, Committee. REPORT OF MINISTERIAL BOARD. Brother Moderator and Brethren of this Association: We, your Ministerial Board, beg leave to report: Whereas, we have found no competent applicants for ordination. We have not ordained any one this year. We recommend, that each minister in our bounds preach a wholesome gospel, knowing nothing but Christ and the Cross. Respectfully submitted,J. T. DEANS,C. T. UNDERWOOD, T. PARKER,J. D. McRAE,J. Mc. NEWKIRK J. N. McKNIGHT,D. B. MDODONA,Ministerial Board. REPORT OF FINANCE COMMITTEE. Brother Moderator and Brethren of this Association: We your Committee on Finance, beg leave to report: We have received from churches, Ministers, Deacons and delegates and other collections the sum of $965.78. Respectfully submitted,WILLIAM FAISON,J. C. HERRING,S. J. GAVINS, S. T. SHIVER, Committee. Final report shows $1024.38, Sunday's collection included. RESOLUTION. Brother Moderator and Brethren of the Kenansville Eastern Missionary Baptist Association: Whereas, the Pastor and members of Pilgrim's Rest church have been so hospitable, we recommend that a vote of thanks be given them for their hospitality Respectfully submitted,REV. G. P. ALDERMAN. REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON ORPHAN ASYLUM. We, your Committee on Orphan Asylum, beg leave to submit our report. The unfortunate ones without father, mother, or near of kin, call to christianity and civilization for help. Our Lord and Master said the poor you have with you always. The orphans of this country are the wards of all christians and we should remember them with our prayers and money. Therefore, be it, Rsolved, That the blank provided on our letter to the Association be not left empty. Let us do all we can for them. Humbly submitted,A. B. VINCENT,J. T. DEANS,D. T. BEST, W. S. BATTS, N. H. HALL, E. S. STEVENS, Committee. REPORT ON FOREIGN MISSIONS. We, your Committee on Foreign Missions, beg leave to report: Christ having said to his apostles, Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature, we recommend that this Association from henceforth do all it can to foster the mission spirit. We further recommend, That each church take a special collection each year for foreign missions and send to the Lott-Carey Convention. Respectfully submitted,C. B. KNIGHTON, J. W. HARGROVE,G. R. RAYNOR, H. C. WRIGHT, VIRGIL TAYLOR, SISTER FLORENCE CONNOR.Committee. TREASURER'S REPORT. Brother Moderator and brethren: Please allow me to submit my first report: Respectfully submitted,HAYWOOD NEWKIRK,Treasurer. AUDITOR'S REPORT. Brother Moderator and Brethren: Having scrutinized the above I find it correct. Respectfully submitted,J. V. HIGHSMITHAuditor protem. STATISTICAL TABLE. "Churches.","Baptized.","Restored.","Rec. by Letter.","Dis. by Letter.","Excluded.","Died.","Male Members.","Female Members.","Total Members.","Money sent.","Pastor's salary.","Money raised." "Bear Swamp","8","1","..","2","1","5","55","95","150","$22.50","$150.00","$1000.00" "Central Baptist","3","..","2","..","..","3","125","200","325","30.00","600.00","2338.35" "Friendship","4","1","1","..","3","4","46","64","104","16.00","150.00","——" "Wilson Chapel","..","..","..","..","..","4","75","60","135","20.00","185.00","——" "Willard Chapel","4","5","..","3","3","7","41","60","101","18.75","180.00","500.00" "Shady Grove","5","2","..","..","..","..","11","30","41","6.25","130.00","225.00" "Hills Chapel (D)","4","..","4","6","3","3","100","200","300","22.50","150.00","250.00" "Mount Gilead","28","7","..","..","5","2","83","117","200","50.00","200.00","1120.00" "Love Grove","..","..","..","..","..","..","9","13","22","3.75",". . . . . .","——" "Maysville","..","..","..","..","..","..","12","15","27","6.25",". . . . . .","——" "Registers Grove","3","3","..","..","..","..","13","18","32","4.80","120.00","——" "Chinquapin","5","3","..","1","4","..","25","63","88","22.50","180.00","275.00" "Watha Chapel","..","..","..","..","1","..","23","32","55","8.20","120.00","250.00" "McCallops Chapel","7","1","1","..","..","..","15","42","57","7.80",". . . . . .","——" "Hills Chapel (P)","..","2","..","..","4","1","11","46","57","8.55","125.00","300.75" "Pilgrims Rest","5","2","1","1","2","3","40","32","72","18.00","165.00","450.00" "Manhollow","5","2","..","..","2","2","20","32","52","7.80","125.00","132.00" "Hawes Chapel","5","2","..","..","2","3","64","118","182","27.00","300.00","852.20" "Shoulders Branch","..","2","..","2","..","..","23","56","79","17.85","175.00","625.21" "Grove Street","..","..","..","..","..","..","17","25","42","10.50","93.00","210.00" "New Hope","8","3","..","3","..","..","27","26","53","7.95","214.00","645.50" "Kenansville","24","6","3","4","5","4","125","225","350","26.90","172.00","500.00" "St. John","..","2","..","2","..","10","40","60","100",". . . . . .","197.00","481.00" "Beaulaville","..","..","..","..","..","1",". . . .",". . . .","18","2.70",". . . . . .","——" "Smith Chapel","4","1","1","..","..","2",". . . .",". . . .","35","9.50","150.00","150.00" "Six Runs","4","..","1","2","8","7","117","257","374","13.30","150.00","465.00" "Eastern Chapel","7","9","3","..","7","4","75","50","125","20.00","125.00","200.00" "Peters Tabernacle","..","..","..","..","..","..","14","18","32","8.00","250.00","280.00" "Faison Chapel","17","1","..","1","..","1","19","33","49","7.80","225.00","400.00" "Stevens Chapel","8","1","..","..","..","..","16","23","39","5.85","240.00","380.00" "Bowden","5","2","..","..","8","..","23","40","63","15.00","160.00","319.00" "Byrds Chapel","..","..","..","..","..","1",". . . .",". . . .",". . . .","6.00","150.00","200.00" "Union Chapel","2","..","..","2","1","1","30","60","90","13.50","220.00","238.00" "Scotts Hill","..","..","..","..","..","..",". . . .",". . . .",". . . . . .",". . . . . .",". . . . . .","——" "Poplar Grove","..","..","3","2","5","1","42","61","103","15.75","185.00","285.00" "Tate's Chapel","..","..","..","..","..","..",". . . .",". . . .",". . . .",". . . . . .",". . . . . .","——" "Roseville","4","1","..","..","1","4","45","61","106","27.25","300.00","423.00" "Mount Holly","1","..","1","..","1","1","4","10","14","4.00",". . . . . .","368.00" "Calypso","18","..","5","1","..","1","10","14","24","3.60","150.00","465.00" "Oakey Plain","3","..","5","..","..","..","5","3","8","1.20",". . . . . .","——" "Hallsville","25","4","..","..","1","1",". . . .",". . . .","123",". . . . . .",". . . . . .","——" "Magnolia","19","3","..","..","2","2","75","125","200","8.00","180.00","——" "St. Luke","13","1","..","..","2","1",". . . .",". . . .","42","8.40","115.00","182.00" CHURCHES, CLERKS AND POST OFFICES. AMENDED CONSTITUTION. Article 1. This Association shall be denominated and known as the Kenansville Eastern Missionary Baptist Association. Art. 2. The object of this Association shall be the promotion of Christ's Kingdom among men, and the means of accomplishing this shall be in strict conformity to the New Testament to foster harmony among the churches, to encourage Home and Foreign Missions, Ministerial Education, and to aid in the establishing a High School for the education of the people. Art. 3. This Association shall be composed of ministers and delegates chosen by the churches connected with it, each church being entitled to three delegates who shall be members or pasors of that church. Art. 4. The delegates from each church shall bear a letter certifying their appointment and communicating informaion relative to the state of the church. Provided, however, That when any church has prepared a letter and through inadvertence the letter fails to be presented, her delegates may be received without its presentation. The letter must state the condition of the church and the amunts of money sent up for each and all purposes. Art. 5. The Officers of this Association shall be a Moderator, a Vice-Moderator, Clerk, Corresponding Secretary, Treasurer, and Auditor, who shall be chosen annually from among its members by ballot, by a majority of votes cast, and shall continue in office until their successors are elected. Art. 6. It shall be the duty of the Moderator to enforce an observance of the Constitution, preserve order, decide all questions of order, give his opinion on any question under discussion after others have spoken, and give the casting vote in case of a tie. Art. 7. It shall be the duty of the Clerk to record the proceedings of each annual session and to superintend the printing of the minutes and distribution of the same among the churches. Art. 8. It shall be the duty of the Corresponding Secretary tt keep in correspondence with other bodies in good standing. Art. 9. It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to receive all funds sent up by the churches and to collect one-half the funds during the session and the other half he shall pay to the church where the Association is held, and disburse the same as ordered by the Association. He shall also make to the Association an annual report of the condition of the treasury. Art. 10. It shall be the duty of the Auditor at each annual session of the Association to examine carefully the receipts, vouchers, papers and books of the Treasurer, and his certificate to the same shall be attached. Art. 11. This Association shall appoint an Executive Committee, consisting of not less than five nor more than seven members, which committee shall have the supervision of Associational missions and colportage. They shall have power to disburse all sums paid by the Treasurer of the Association for the objects under their charge and during intervals between the meetings of this body, to receive and disburse funds for those objects, and to take such steps for their advancement as they shall deem advisable, and shall make an annual report to the Association of their doings. Art. 12. This Association shall not maintain fellowship with any of her churches which shall neglect to preserve Gospel order, or contribute 15 cents per member as representative fees to the Association annually. Art. 13. This Association may invite visiting and corresponding brethren to seats and extend to them all the privileges of the Association except that of voting. Art. 14. The annual session of this Association shall commence on Thursday before the third Lord's day in October, at such place as may be chosen. Art. 15. By appointment of this Association, there shall be an Introductory sermon of a denominational character, and a Missionary, Temperance, Educational and Doctrinal sermon preached. Art. 16. This Constitution may be amended at any annual session by a vote of two-thirds of the members present. Art. 17. This Association shall contribute to the support of any superannuated minister in good standing in this Association the sum of five dollars per annum. Art. 18. All Ordained Ministers shall pay $1.50, Licentiates $1.00, Deacons 50c., Delegates 25c., as annual fees. Art. 19. Any minister in good standing in his church can become an annual member of this body by the payment of the ministers fee. RULES OF DECORUM FOR THE CHURCHES. 1. We will hold at least four Conference meeeings in the year for the transaction of business; also special meetings whenever requisite. 2. The names of members shall be called at every regular meeting, and there shall be due notice taken of the absence of those who evince a disposition to absent themselves. 3. At every Conference, the pastor, in his right of office, shall preside as Moderator; and in case of his absence, the Conference shall appoint a Moderator pro tem, who shall open Conference with devotional exercises. 4. The Clerk shall keep a Church book, in which all the proceedings of the Conference shall be faithfully transcribed, and at each regular meeting the minutes of the preceding meeting shall be read immediately after the names are called. 5. An invitation shall be given to brethren of our faith and order to sit with us in conference, who shall enjoy all the privileges of the meeting except that of voting. 6. Every subject for the consideration of the Conference shall be introduced by a motion, when seconded shall be debated and acted upon unless withdrawn by the mover. 7. Every speaker shall rise and address the Moderator by the appellation of brother, and shall confine his remarks to the subject under debate, and shall not be allowed to speak more than twice on one subject, unless by permission of the church. 8. No member shall withdraw from the Conference without permission from the Moderator. 9. It shall be required that in all matters of difference between members, before complaint is made to the church, the aggrieved party shall have duly attended to the instruction of our Lord's gospel recorded by St. Matthew, 18th chapter, 16th, 17th, and 18th verses, and public offences or such as operate against the peace of the church shall be the subjects of the discipline. 10. All questions submitted to the Conference shall be decided by a majority of votes, except receiving members to fellowship; and any question may be reconsidered upon the motion of any one who voted in the affirmative. 11. The Moderator shall propound all questions for vote—shall keep the speaker to the subject under debate—may express his own views, after others are done speaking, and see that these rules are faithfully observed. 12. These Rules of Decorum may be altered or amended by a vote of two-thirds of the whole Church. Resolved, That this Association recommend the adoption of the foregoing rules to all the churches that comprise this body. RULES OF ORDER. 1. On the meeting of the Association the Moderator of the preceding session shall preside until his successor is made known. In case of his absence a chairman protem shall be elected. 2. Each session of the Association shall be opened with religious exercises, to be conducted by the Modrator, or whomsoever the presiding officer may name. 3. At each daily session, and previous to proceeding to business the names of the delegates shall be called, and the proceedings of the previous daily sessions read. 4. The members shall observe towards the officers and each other that courtesy which becomes christians. 5. Any member wishing to speak shall rise and address the presiding officer. He shall confine himself strictly to the question under consideration and avoid personalities. 6. No member shall speak more than twice on the same question without permission. 7. All motions seconded shall be definitely stated by the presiding officer before discussion. 8. No motion shall be withdrawn after its discussion. 9. When a question is under discussion no motion or proposition shall be received except to adjourn, to lay on the table, to amend or postpone indefinitely; which sveral motions shall have preference in the order in which they are stated. 10. After a motion is decided, any member having voted in the majority, may move for a reconsideration. 11. No member shall absent himself during the session of the Association, without permission of the presiding officer, and no one shall take final leave of absence without permission of the Association, and if any shall do so, their absence shall be noted in the minutes. 12. All questions, except such as relate to the constitution, shall be decided by a majority of votes. 13. This Association shall have the right to decide what subjects shall be admitted to its consideration. 14. These Rules of Order may be altered or amended at any session of the Association by a majority of votes.