[Title Page Image] EXECUTIVE BOARD. TRUSTEES OF FAISON SCHOOL. On the Part of the Association. DlSTRICT SUPERINTENDENTS. LIFE MEMBERS. Rev. W. B. F. Kornegay deceased, Rev. N. Moore deceased, Rev. A. C. Moore deceased, Mrs. Annie E. Jones deceased, Mrs. Mary A. Jones, Rev. T. Parker, Rev. D. T. Best. Rev. A. D. Kerr deceased, Mrs. R. A. Spears. SCHOOLS AND THEIR DELEGATES. COMMITTEES APPOINTED. PROCEEDINGS. The Thirty-Ninth Annual Session of the K. E. M. B. S. S. Convention met with the M. B. S. S. at Poplar Grove Baptist Church and was called to order by the President, Rev. J. N. McKnight, at 12 m. The distance being so far from the railroad he asked Revs. A. J. Boney and — Alderman to conduct the praise services. Rev. Alderman lined hymn, “I love thy Church, O God,” etc. Read 17th chapter of Matthew and 5th verse and offered prayer. Hymn sung. Then the following persons spoke encouraging words for Jesus. Sister R. A. Spears led off, Rev. C. R. Murry, Rev. H. T. Hopkins, Sister L. C. Manly, Rev. S. Newkirk, Sister C. A. Boney, Rev. D. C. Fennell, Rev. G. H. Bryant, Rev. W. A. Dixon, Brother E. J. Stokes, Rev. J. D. Fryar, Rev. A. T. Boney, Rev. J. P. Faison, Rev. J. D. McRay, Rev. S. T. Shiver, Mrs. O. W. Mdodona, Rev. Grimes, Mrs. I. M. Smith, Rev. K. E. Edwards, Brother Nixon, Mrs. Mary C. Newton, Bro. H. L. Middleton, C. W. Kenan, Bro. C. J. Morrisey, D. A. Williams. The remarks by the President co-operated with what had been spoken. Then the President introduced Rev. C. R. Murry to preach the Introductory sermon, Rev. J. R. Cole alternate. The first Division of Psalms was read, and Rev. S. Newkirk led the Convention in prayer. Rev. Murry used for a text the 29th verse of the 9th chapter of St. Mark. Rev. Murry gave the Convention a witted sermon. Rev. J. R. Cole led in prayer. A collection asked for amounted to $6.25. The Convention took a recess for dinner. Benediction by Rev. C. R. Murry. This left the day up to this hour well spent. AFTERNOON SESSION. At 3:30 the Convention reconvened with short devotional exercises. The President announced the Convention in order for business and requested its members and delegates to observe gospel order. The following names paid their annual dues. See list of persons that paid. At this late hour the Convention took recess so as to place the different delegates at their several homes as most of them had to go as far as two miles or more. Benediction by Rev. J. R. Cole. FIRST DAY—EVENING SESSION. The Convention was called to order by the President. Bro. J. N. McKnight at 9 p. m. Devotional services were conducted by Revs. J. H. Johnson and S. H. Newkirk, by singing No. 463, “Blest be the tie that binds our hearts in Christian love,”& c. Rev. S. H. Newkirk read 2nd chapter of St. Matthew to the 15th verse. Rev. R. T. Boney led in prayer. Then Rev. J. R. Cole introduced Rev. Nicholson, of Battleboro, as he knew him. Rev. Nicholson read the 55th chapter of Isaiah, and also used for a text the 12th and 21st verses of Isaiah. Rev. Nicholosn is a young man but he is a bright man and handled his text wisely. He held his congregation intact for the space of 45 minutes. J. M. Newkirk was billed to preach but failed to be out. Closing prayer by Rev. S. J. Gavin. Then Rev. J. R. Cole and A. J. Boney lifted a collection amounting to $11.16. Benediction by Rev Nicholson. The Convention took a recess until Saturday morning at 9 o'clock. SATURDAY MORNING SESSION. July 19th, 1919, the Convention was called to order by Rev. J. N. McKnight, President. Revs. Murray and Grimes conducted the devotional services. Rev. Murry lined hymn No. 340. Rev. Grimes read the 4th chapter of St. John to the 10th verse. Rev. J. D. McKoy offered prayer. The Convention was announced in order for business. On motion. the proceedings of yesterday afternoon and evening sessions be read. They were read, corrected and adopted. Then the appointment of all the committees was announced. See list of committees. The Commitee on New Schools reported one application for membership from Calypso. Representative fees $1.00. Then the welcome address on the part of the Church by Rev. S. T. Shiver. He said many things. Said last year we invited you to hold your next session with the Poplar Grove Sunday School and you are here in great numbers, near the numbers that John said. Our beds are yours, our tables are yours, while you are here. Welcome on the part of the Sunday School by its Superintendent, who said so many nice things to us. Responded to by Prof. T. P. McGee who held up the pledge given and addressed his remarks to the young lady delegates. He invited them to stay in the Convention and learn what is going on for the uplift of those whom you are representing. The next in order was the President's address, and it was received and referred to a special committee on President's Address. See list of committees. Then in order Rev. J. T. Deans preached the Ministerial sermon. Rev. Thomas Parker lined hymn “On Jordan's stormy banks I stand,”&c. Rev. Deans read the 5th chapter of Galatians. Rev. Parker offered prayer. Rev. Deans used for a text Acts 8th chapter and 8th verse. Words: They that were scattered abroad went about preaching the miracles.The sermon was followed by an Educational Rally. The following paid the amounts after their names: Rev. J. N. McKnight $1, Rev W. A. Dixon $1, Rev. K. E. Edwards $1, Rev. J. H. Johnson $1, Rev. A. J. Boney $1, D. A. Williams $1, Rev. J. T. Deans $1, Prof. T. H. Sneed $1, Rev. J. H. Bryant $1, Rev. C. R. Murry $1, Prof. T. P. McGee $1, L. R. Williams $1, Rev. Jerry Grimes $1, H. C. Wright $1, Rev. J. M. Newkirk $1, Rev. J. R. Cole $2, Mrs. M. C. Newton $1, Mrs. W. O. Mdodona $1, Rev. R. T. Boney $1, Loyd Best $1, E. S. Stevens, $1, Rev. W. G. Kenan $1, M. C. Middleton $1, Mrs. R. A. Spears $1, Mrs. I. M. Smith $1, Rev. J. W. Jones $1, R. C. Conner $1, Mrs. Hannah Miller $1, Hon. A. R. Middleton $1. Rev. J. C. Herring $1, J. F. Middleton $1, Miss Willie Mae Middleton $1, Rev. S. J. Gavin $1, Rev. S. H. Newkirk $1, The Woman's Missionary Society of Grove Street Baptist Church, Kenansville, $1, Miss Minnie Flowers 50 cents, The Union Society at Faison 25 cents, Kenansville First Baptist Home Mission Society $1, Rev. C. R. Keighton $1, Mount Gilead Mission Society $1, Mrs. Fannie B. Wright $1, Rev. J. D. Fryar $1, Rev. J. D. McKoy $1, Rev. H. T. Hopkins $1, Duplin and Sampson Home Mission Society $3, one dollar representation fees, 50 cents annual fees. Sisters F. N. Conner, Hannah Miller, Willie Mae Middleton, Ally Wilson, Mattie M. Fryar were given a vote of thanks. The amount of collection was $50.02. Then the Convention took a recess for dinner. Benediction by Rev. Thomas Parker. SECOND DAY AFTERNOON SESSION. The session met at 2:30 p. m. Devotional services were conducted by Rev. C. R. Keighton and Rev. E. J. Stokes. Rev. Keighton read the 13th chapter of Romans, 9 verses. Rev. E. J. Stokes led the Convention in prayer. Sang hymn No. 216. “Blest be the tie that binds,”&c. Rev. Keighton led in prayer. Then the Convention was called to order and announced in order for business. Proceedings of the afternoon session read and approved. Then the District Superintendents reported as follows: M. C. Middleton $1, L. H. Gavin $1, Mrs. H. V. Gattison $1, Mrs. R. A. Spears $21.50, Bro. C. C. Herring $8.75, County Missionaries—Mrs. Hannah Miller $1.25, Bro. D. Nicholson $1 for Bro. J. S. Boney 50 cents, D. A. Williams $2.25. Then the officers reported. The President had read his address. Vice-President made no report, Secretary said his report had been made and read, Corresponding Secretary reported, Mrs. L. V. Manly turned in $2.85, D. A. Williams, Treasurer, reported, the Auditor made his report. See reports. All reports were received and referred to the Finance Committee. Then the President announced the hour had arrived for the election of officers. Rev. J. M. Newkirk arose and said he had come here to change the officers but since he had gotten here he had changed his mind and saw the best thing was to elect the same old officers, therefore I put in nomination Rev. J. N. McKnight for President; the Secretary was ordered to cast the unanimous vote for Rev. J. N. McKnight for President; for Vice-President the following brothers were put in nomination: Revs. H. T. Hopkins, Prof. T. H. Sneed, Rev.. G. H. Bryant, Rev. Bryant declined to run. Rev. H. T. Hopkins received a majority of votes and was elected Secretary; A. R. Middleton was re-elected for Corresponding Secretary; Mrs. L. C. Murry was reelected Treasurer, Bro. D. A. Williams was reelected Auditor, Bro. H. C. Wright was reelected, and the Convention decided to elect a Missionary to travel in the Eastern bounds to work in the interest of education, and nominations were in order. The names of D. C. Fennell 5, G. H. Bryant 24, J. P. Faison 25. J. P. Faison was declared elected. Rev. J. N. McKnight and Hon. A. R. Middleton were elected delegates to the Baptist State Jubilee Convention to meet in Raleigh, August 24 to 26, 1919, Rev. J. M. Newkirk and Mrs. L. C. Murry were made delegates, to the Baptist State Sunday School Convention. Then the following reports were made: H. C. Wright, District Superintendent, had not collected anything; Commitee on Temperance Mrs. C. A. Boney Traveling Agent, with $1.00. The Rev. J. M. Newkirk moved to appoint a committee to elect Trustees for the Faison Industrial Educational Institute at Faison. He said the amended section said do so at this annual session. A. R. Middleton said it would be best for the Convention to wait until the Act of the Legislature had been ratified and then let us get a copy of the same and then we could see better what the amendment said and we would not be misled by anyone. The Convention decided to wait and get a bill or a copy of the act of the Legislature, before appointing said committee. The Convention took a recess until 8 p. m. for the musical concert, but on account of the rain many did not go out to take a part. On Sunday morning the committee on Sunday School work failed to take part and the delegates were in a rush to get to the train. A distance to go of near six miles put everybody in a rush. The President Rev. J. N. McKnight preached the Missionary sermon, Rev. J. P. Faison alternate. Rev. McKnight used for a text Matthew, 24th chapter and 14th verse. The Convention was lifted in mind, arose in part and was filled with the spirit. Rev. A. B. Vinson led the Convention in prayer. Collection amounted to $12.16.. This closed the Convention. The next session will be held with the Smith Chapel Sunday School, July 16th, 1920. REV. J. N. McKNIGHT, President. HON. A. R. MIDDLETON, Secretary. PRESIDENT'S ADDRESS. Faison, N. C., July 18th, 1919.Mr. Vice-President, Officers and Members of this Great Body of Sunday School Workers for Christ and Humanity: Once more the wheel of Revolution has brought us together in a S. S. Convention, to give an account to Him who rules the universe, and submit to each other our work done in the Master's Vineyard. Since we met last in the historic town of Kenansville there have been many changes in this World's history. In 1918 the cannon was roaring in Europe, and our young men were being called to the colors to defend our Nation's honor. Yes the war cloud was hanging heavy over our horizon, and our statesmen were almost at their wits end, and the paramount question of the day was, What next? Men were called from their schools and seminaries and colleges, to take up arms to fight one common foe, the devil. I said the devil, and why: He it is that stirs up nations to wrath; he it is that tries to hinder the progress of Christianity; he it is that opposes all good work, and marshals his forces against God, and wicked men and nations are his agencies employed to carry out his nefarious plans. This should not be but God suffers many things to come upon His church to try their faith. But God be thanked that this body of Sunday School workers have stood the test. We haulted in our last session and subscribed to War Savings Stamps to the amount of $10.39 as a token of our patriotic spirit, our prayers ascended to the Throne of Grace for our country and her allies, and for the young men who went from us, that victory might be ours, and on the 11th day of November, 1918, the glad tidings were flashed on cables and telephones, and other devices to convey news, that the armistice was signed by the enemies, and peace was at the door. Thus prayer did what guns and warships and submarines could not do. Thank God for teaching us to pray. The Condition of the Field. We too have been like Europe in one sense of the word; we have had our wars within and without; we warred against sin, flesh and the devil. We have exclaimed like the Apostle Paul, O wretched man that we were, who shall deliver us from the body of this death? What death is it we want to be delivered from? The death of misunderstanding. We did not really understand each other, and caused a war in the bounds for seven years longer than the war in Turope. And on the 5th Sunday in March, 1919, we stacked arms and signed our treaty of peace, to never engage in another battle against each other, but to fight the enemy. I think the bounds are in the best condition, that they have been in for many years. I have visited some of the schools in the bounds and find them hard at work, but there is room for improvement. One of the greatest setbacks is the delay of the minutes coming from the press and getting in the hands of the Sunday School workers. We think if the minutes could get out sooner the success would be greater, as the District Superintendents would know their fields and Missionaries would know their counties, and for fear of another set back on the part of the minutes I have prepared the commission for the D. D. Superintendents and County Missionaries, that they may have their authorities to work with. We are passing through one of the perilous times of the age, which time the Apostles warned the Church and S. S. Workers would come. And in this hour of reconstruction we must have the best prepared men and women to lead the race. In Church, in Sunday School and in State, men and women who are born again, and again. I said born two times; yes born of the Spirit, and of the water, and who live the life they profess to teach in our Sunday Schools, who are God's trustees and have the keys of the kingdom, and know how to use them in unlocking the Kingdom, then walk into God's treasury and bring out things new every Sunday, for them they are teaching. And I believe we have them in these bounds. Let us use them to the Glory of God and His Kingdom. Recommendation. 1. Whereas, the Baptist Family of North Carolina have awaken to the sense of their duty, and on the 22—24th days of this month, will celebrate their 50th year of achievement, (better known as the Year of Jubilee). We recommend, that this Sunday School Convention will represent in this celebration by delegation and in a Finacial way. 2. That we maintain our allegiance to the Baptist State Sunday School Convention by delegation and finance. 3. That this Convention will elect from its body a competent young minister as its General Missionary to travel throughout its bounds, to lecture and preach, organize B. Y. P. U. in the Sunday Schools, to assist the D. D. Superintendents and S. S. Superintendents, in keeping the work and objects of the Convention fresh in the minds of the people. Our School at Faison, N. C. This school has done a great work for the race and the cause of Christ and since we have paid off the notes which were against it, and she is now ready to open school this fall, we recommend, that all applications for teachers be made to the Board of Trustees, and approved by the Association, and Convention; and the Corresponding Secretaries of both bodies be instructed to notify all schools and Churches in the bounds of the number of teachers employed, and the salary of each teacher per school month, that the bounds may be awakened and rightly informed of the action of the Board. I will not make any further recommendations, as the Committee on President's Address may vetoe the same, thus destroying the foundation of one year of study of our leader, and count this work as nothing. May God's blessings rest on one and all of you. Thanking you for the confidence imposed in me for the past ten years, with this I also tender you my resignation as President and whoever shall be your choice, I will assure you that he will have my hearty support. I am yours for Christ and humanity,JOSEPH N. McKNIGHT, President. ANNUAL DUES. REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON FINANCE. We, your Committee on Finance beg leave to make our report: REPORT OF TREASURER. Mr. President and Convention: The following is my report from July, 1918, to July, 1919: Respectfully submitted,D. A. WILLIAMS, Treasurer.July 18, 1919. REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON NEW SCHOOLS. Mr. President and Co-workers: We, your Committee on New Schools, ask to submit the following report, to-wit: The Baptist Sunday School at Calypso Duplin County. Respectfully submitted,W. A. DIXON, K. S. MURPHY, HELEN COSTEN, H. T. HOPKINS, DAISY B. STALLINGS, Committee. REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON TEMPERANCE. Mr. President: We, your Committee on Temperance, ask to submit the following report, to-wit: The word Temperance as we understand it means more than strong drink. It means in talking, eating, acting and in fact, not to indulge in anything unbecoming a Christian gentleman or lady; it means virtue, morals, truthfulness in all of our conduct to God and man, if we will define ourselves to these, we will wipe out the question of strong drink. Respectfully submitted,G. P. ALDERMAN, K. E. EDWARDS, JERRY GRIMES, E. J. STOKES, C. J. MORRISEY, Committee. REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON DORMITORY. Mr. President and Co-workers of this great Baptist Convention: We, your Committee on Dormitory, beg leave to make our report. Our dormitory needs repairing and painting, so let us all join hearts and hands and make it a school second to none. Whereas, our uprising generation will need more education than we have to keep pace with the times and we must give our children a better education. We need to prepare our boys to help make laws and all obey them, and to keep pace with the laws of Democracy by steadily advancing to a higher civilization. We your committee recommends that all the churches and people unite as one man and one body and as one race and raise more money for the improvement and comfort of our dormitory, both for girls and the boys and see to it that they have better attenion in school. Respectfully submitted,JNO. C. HERRING, MRS. EMMA COLE, M. T. BUTLER, J. W. HARGROVE, H. L. MIDDLETON, Committee. REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON CONDITION OF THE COUNTRY. Mr. President and members of the K. E. M. B. Convention: We, your Committee on Condition of the Country, beg leave to make the following report: The Goddess of War has had its wrath abated, its lusts appeased so far as the surface is concerned. Our spears are now ready to be beaten into plow shares and our swords into pruning hooks; nations have signed an agreement to not lift up their heels against each other, neither study war any more. Our heavenly Father has kept us by his hand and we are demobilizing, our boys are coming home; see them coming. Our flag still floats over the land of the free and the home of the brave. Our boys have gone over the top. Victory is ours. We met the enemy and they were ours. The hydra-headed monster Lynching appears here and yonder and it seems as though our federal government has no power to stop him. But there will be a Sir Knight greater than Percival, Launcelot or Sir Galahad who will come to the white house and lynching and mob law will be like Banquo's Ghost, who would not down will at last go down and peace will reign once more. God is right though all men have fallen down. Our Baptist forces are marching on. The year of Jubilee has come. Yours for success,J. T. DEANS, S. T. SHIVER, D. C. FENNELL, J. Mc. NEWKIRK, Committee. REPORT OF EDUCATION AGENT. Mr. President and Co-Workers of this Convention: I was appointed agent for Education. I have been busy working for my Sunday School and other work until I have not had the chance to collect anything for the Convention until since I have been to this Convention which is the small sum of $1.00. I am glad that I can go back from this Convention telling my Sunday School that the Convention is working in union once more. It has been a war within the Convention for seven years and have been divided; so with our school. The war seems to end in the Convention. March 5 and a month later our Sunday School seemed to be united more than ever before and now our Sunday School is doing more, both spiritual and financial than ever before. We have raised since our last Convention $71.00. Sent to the Convention $13.25. Let us as members of the Convention stand together and work together. I am sure that our Sunday Schools will send in good reports from year to year. Yours in the great work of Education,C. A. BONEY, Agent for Education. REPORTS OF DISTRICT SUPERINTENDENTS. District Superintendent of No. 20. School Central Baptist, Wilmington, N. C.,Mr. President: I am glad indeed to say that the Central Baptist Sunday School is in a progressive condiion I visit it every Sunday therefore I know the great interest they are taking in the Sunday School Convention. They are anxious for the school to begin again at Faison, N. C. Find $1.00 from Central Baptist Sunday School. Yours for Education,H. V. GATISON. District No. 23 - Mr. President and Co-Workers of this Convention: I your District Superintendent beg to submit the following report: I held a Union at Wilson Chapel the first Sunday in June and collected $7.25. I went to McCallop Chapel the 2nd Sunday in June and collected $3.00. Total $10.25. Expenses $1.50; To the Convention $8.75. Yours for the cause,C. C. HERRING. Mr. President and Co-workers of this Convention: The following is my report for the year 1919. My schools are all in line with the Conventional Educational work. I have not done much work this year; have not been able to get around. Please accept $1.00 from Dobson Sunday School. M. C. MIDDLETON, District Superintendent. REPORT OF MRS. MARY J. BRINSON. Mr President and Members of the Convention: I was appointed by the District Superintendent, Mr. M. C. Middleton as an Agent for Education of the Convention. I was late to start so you see I have not done much but I am sending in $1.00. Hope to do more in 1920. I am yours in the work,MARY J. BRINSON. STATISTICAL TABLE. "Schools.","Bible Readers.","Catechisms.","Adults.","Children Attendants.","Total.","Converts.","Adults non-attendants.","Children non-attendants.","Total non-attendants.","Superintendent and Address","Clerk and Address." "1. Kenansville"," ","10"," ","25","40"," "," "," "," ","C. C. Graham, Magnolia, R.F.D","J. D. Middleton, Kenansville" "2. Shoulders Branch","10","7","15"," ","32","2","40","5","45","H. Nixon, Castle Hayne","R. L. Pender, Castle Hayne" "3. Hills Chapel, Dup","40","10","15","35","50","30"," "," "," ","H. C. Wright, Faison","D. A. Williams, Kenansville" "4. Grove Street","10","5","10","5","25"," "," "," "," ","J. H. Dobson, Warsaw","D. A. Williams, Kenansville" "5. Smith Chapel","42","6","5","10","28"," "," "," "," ","J. H. Smith, Kenansville, R.F.D.","Mrs. M. Williams. Kenansville" "6. Dobson","15","10","6","18","29"," ","25","44","19","M. C. Middleton, Warsaw, r.f.d.","Minnie Green, Warsaw, r.f.d." "7. Band of Hope","15","10","9","14","56","4","9","8"," "," "," " "8. Poplar Grove","28"," ","20"," "," "," "," "," "," ","M. T. Butler, Faison, r.f.d.","E. F. Hargrove, Faison, r.f.d." "9. Stanford","15","5","10","15","25","18","15"," ","15","J. W. Brinson, Magnolia","Armittie Monk, Magnolia." "10. Hills Chap., Pen"," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," " "10. St. Luke","3"," ","5","35","48"," ","10"," "," ","T. Pettiford, Mount Olive, r.f.d.","Bertha Conner, Mt. Olive, r.f.d." "11. Central Baptist","20","45","20","40","65"," "," "," "," ","Willie McLaurens, Wilmington","Maggie Murphy, Wilmington." "12. Mount Gilead"," ","10","10","30","20","5","8","12","20","Julius McKinsey, Mt. Olive","Bessie Raynor, Mt. Olive." "13. Chinquapin","27","11","27","11","38","5","40","50","90","C. W. Kenan, Chinquapin","Alice C. Pickett, Chinquapin" "14. Willard Chapel","20","5","2","15","42"," ","7","12","19","N. L. Murry. Willard","P. L. West, Willard." "15. Watha Chapel","10","18"," "," ","28"," "," "," "," ","P. H. Bryant, Watha","A. J. McKinnon, Watha" "16. Deep Bottom","12","8","8","12","28"," ","37","20","67","T. Teachey, Sloans","E. Savage, Sloan." "17. Base Swamp"," "," ","10","15","25"," ","15","18","33","B. Gavin, Warsaw","D. C. Best, Warsaw." "18. Birds Chapel","10","15"," ","15"," "," "," "," "," ","Jas. T. Williams, Rose Hill","Susan L. Bryant, Rose Hill." "19. Roseville"," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," " "20. Union Chapel","12","10","15","15","52"," "," "," "," ","S. Fennell, Rocky Point","H. Lamb, Currie." "21. Bowden"," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," " "22. Stephens Chap.","6","10","4","12","16","14"," "," "," ","R. P. Faison, Goldsboro","Pearl Beckton, Goldsboro." "23. Moril Grove","8","15","8","25","33","15"," "," "," ","L. J. Best, Warsaw","Nettie Gain, Warsaw" "24. New Hope","5","4","6","5","28"," ","8","7","15","J. H. Wheeler, Watha","Bertha Herring, Watha" "25. Faison Chapel"," "," ","14"," ","14"," "," "," "," ","Will Cooper, Warsaw","Brooker Williams, Warsaw." "26. McCalop Chapel","9","13","22"," "," "," "," "," "," ","Horrell Williams, Warsaw","J. A. McCallop, Warsaw" "27. Pilgrim Rest"," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," " "28. Calypso","15","10","12","13","25"," "," "," "," ","C. R. Keighton, Calypso","Mary Robinson, Calypso." "29. Register's Grove","10","5","3","4","12"," "," "," "," ","A. J. James, Rose Hill","Annie James, Rose Hill" "30. Number 4"," ","3","8","10"," "," "," "," "," ","L. Boss, Mount Olive","Catty Colton, Mount Olive." "31. Six Runs","15","10","15","40","55","","100","75","175","C. R. Thompson, Turkey","G. W. Faison, Turkey." "32. Halls Chapel","12","4","4","6","16"," "," ","9"," ","K. S. Murphy, Burgaw","Emma Johnson, Burgaw." "33. Shady Grove","5","4","3","4","15"," ","25","15","40","Frank Bowden, Mount Olive","Pearl Anna Wood, Mt. Olive." "34. Maysville"," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," " "35. Wilson Chapel","5","20","5","12","20","10"," "," "," ","C. C. Herring, Warsaw","M. P. Gavin, Turkey." "36. Friendship"," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," " AMENDED CONSTITUTION. Article 1. The name of this body shall be the Kenansille Eastern Baptist Sunday School Convention. Art 2. Its object shall be to establish and improve and aid Baptist Sunday Schools throughout the bounds by awakening an interest in the Sunday School work and leading the young ones to Christ; also to help the work of Home and Foreign Missions as far as possible. Art. 3. This body shall be composed of Life Members, Annual Members and Delegates. No one can be a life member unless he or she at the time of his or her election, is a member of some Baptist Church and in good and regular standing; such person may become a life member by the payment at $2 at any one payment, or annual membership by the payment of fifty (50) cents at any one payment, or be elected as a delegate by some school. Each school is entitled to three delegates. Art. 4. The officers shall be a President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, General Superintendent and an Executive Board to consist of not less than five members nor more than nine earnest Sunday School workers, also a Superintendent for each school district. Art. 5. The President shall be elected by ballot unless otherwise determined by the Convention, the other officers by the majority vote. Art. 6. The President shall preside at all meetings of the Convention, decide points of order, and perform such other duties as is usually required of all presiding officers. The President may call any one to the chair he chooses; he may give his opinion on any question after others are done speaking. Art. 7. In the absence of the President, the Vice-President has the right to preside in his stead. Art. 8. The Secretary shall keep the proceedings of each meeting, shall print or cause the same to be printed, and distribute them among the several schools. Art. 9. The Treasurer shall receive all monies belonging to the Convention, paper or other values as monies and pay it out by orders of the President, signed by the Secretary and hold the orders as a receipt for the same, and make his report annually at the Convention, and shall faithfully account for all monies coming into his hands subject to orders of the Convention. Art. 10. The Corresponding Secretary shall have supervision of the schools in charge of the District Superintendents. He shall travel and lecture in the bounds and shall gather the Statistical Table, and shall take collections to assist in paying his expenses. Art. 11. The Executive Board shall assist in raising money for mission purposes and assist the missionary in the district and neighborhood, and in distributing literature, and make a report annually to the Convention of their doings. Art. 12. The District Superintendents shall have charge of the schools in their district to encourage lectures and assist the schools the best he can. Each Superintendent shall notify the school and officers of his coming. The officers shall make every effort to have the parents present to hear him. A collection shall be given him for the lecture and he shall make report to the Convention of the same. Art. 13. Any regularly organized Baptist Sunday School may become an annual member by the payment of one dollar. Art. 14. This Convention shall meet each year on Thursday before the Third Lord's Day in July. Art. 15. At each session there shall be an Introductory Sermon, Temperance Sermon, Educational Sermon and Missionary Sermon preached. Art. 16. This Constitution may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the Delegates present at any session. Art. 17. Each School may elect one student, and pay Five Dollars as Representative Fee, and send one scholar to the Faison School. FORM OF LETTER. Name of School . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bible Readers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Catechism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Adults that attend . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Children that attend . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Total number that attend . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Converts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Adults who do not attend . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Children who do not attend . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Total number of non-attendants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Superintendent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Secretary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Number volumes in Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Number of Officers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Value of Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ . . . . . . . . . . Money raised during the year . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ . . . . . . . . . . Sent to the Convention . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ . . . . . . . . . . Orphan Asylum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ . . . . . . . . . . Home Missions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ . . . . . . . . . . Foreign Missions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ . . . . . . . . . . Educational . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ . . . . . . . . . . Total amount raised this year . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ . . . . . . . . . . DELEGATES: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .