Historical Catechism I. ANCIENT CHURCHES SECTION I.—THE CHURCH OF THE CANAANITES. 1. Among what people was the first Church of which record is made in the Bible? A. Among the Canaanites. 2. What tribe of the Canaanites? A. The Jebusites. 3. Who were the Canaanites? A. Descendants of Canaan, one of the sons of Ham 4. When was the Church first made known? A. In the time of Abraham, probably two thousand years before Christ. 5. What is a Church? A. A number of people united for the worship of God. 6. In what city was the Canaanitish Church located? A. In the city of Salem on Mt. Zion. 7. Who was the priest in Salem in the days of Abraham? A. Melchizedek, who was also King. 8. What is a priest? A. One who directs the church in the worship of God. 9. What great religious man recognized the priesthood of Melchizedek? A. Abraham the founder of the Israelitish Church. 10. When did this recognition take place? A. When Abraham returned from the slaughter of the kings. 11. What caused Abraham to slaughter the king? A. They had taken Lot captive. 12. Who was Lot? A. Abraham's nephew. 13. What Canaanitish king honored Abraham on his return from battle? A. The king of Sodom. 14. What other king also honored Abraham? A. Melchizedek, the king of Salem. 15. What was Salem afterwards called? A. Jerusalem. 16. How did this name originate? A. It was probably Jebus-Salem. 17. Why so? A. Because the city was in the country of the Jebusites, and may have been called Jebus-Salem to distinguish it from some other city called Salem. 18. In what way did Melchizedek honor Abraham? A. By bringing with him bread and wine and pronouncing a blessing upon Abraham. 19. What authority had Melchizedek to confer a blessing upon Abraham? A. He was a priest of the most high God. 20. How did Abraham recognize the priesthood of Melchizedek? A. By paying to him tithes. 21. What were the tithes? A. A tenth part of all the goods captured from the four kings. 22. What name in the scripture denotes the church of God? A. Zion. 23. Give scripture proofs. A. Praise thy God, O Zion. Sing us one of the songs of Zion. The Lord hath founded Zion. 24. Repeat a verse of a hymn that teaches the same truth. A. “Sure as thy truth shall last, To Zion shall be given The brightest glories earth can yield, And brighter bliss of Heaven.” 25. Of what was the Canaanitish priesthood a type? A. Of Christ. See Heb. 5:10. 26. Of what was Canaan a type? A. Of Heaven. It is called the Promised Land. SECTION 2.—THE CHURCH OF THE ISRAELITES. 1. Where was the second church mentioned in the Bible organized? A. In Arabia, near Mt. Sinai. 2. Who organized the Church? A. Moses, a prophet and Aaron, a priest. 3. What is a prophet? A. One who proclaims the will of God. 4. When was the Israelitish Church organized? A. About 1500 years before Christ. 5. Who were the members of that Church? A. Israelites, Midianites and Egyptians. 6. By what name are the Israelites now called? A. Jews. 7. Who were the Israelites? A. Descendants of Shem who had been slaves in Egypt. 8. By what other name is Egypt sometimes called? A. The Land of Ham. 9. Whose descendants settled in Egypt? A. The posterity of Mizraim, who was a son of Ham. 10. Where was the Church of the Israelites organized? A. In a wilderness in Arabia. 11. What was the cause of its organization? A. The Exodus of Israelites from Egypt. 12. Whom did God choose to organize that Church? A. Moses. 13. What occupation had Moses? A. He was a shepherd. 14. How did God make his will known unto Moses? A. First, by causing a bush to be in flames, but not consumed. Second, by speaking to Moses in an audible voice 15. What did the voice of God say? A. I will send thee to bring forth my people out of Egypt. 16. Where is the conversation recorded? A. In Exodus, third chapter. 17. What religious feast marked the departure of the Israelites from Egypt? A. The Passover. 18. Where were the laws given which were to govern the Israelitish Church? A. On Mount Sinai. 19. How were a part of these laws given? A. To the whole people assembled at the foot of the mountain. 20. What were these laws called? A. The Ten Commandments. 21. What do these Commandments contain? A. The Moral Law. 22. What other commandments were given on Mt. Sinai? A. Those which relate to the government of the Church. 23. What were those commandments called? A. The Ceremonial laws. 24. Name one of the Ceremonial laws? A. The law of circumcision. 25. What other laws may be called ceremonial? A. Those relating to the offering of sacrifices. 26. What were the officials of the church? A. Priests, High Priests and Levites. 27. What was the work of the Priests? A. To slay the animals brought by the worshippers. 28. What was the work of the High Priests? A. To have oversight of the Priests and to perform special duties in the Holy Place. 29. What was the duty of the Levites? A. To take care of the Sanctuary and to teach and to become Priests when needed. 30. Name one of the Moral laws not in the decalogue. A. Thou shalt not muzzle the ox that treadeth out the corn. 31. Name another such law. A. Thou shalt not glean thy vineyard, neither shalt thou gather the fallen fruit of thy vineyard. 32. What reason is given for this law? A. Thou shalt leave them for the poor and for the sojourner. 33. Where are many such laws recorded? A. In Leviticus 19th chapter, 9th to the 17th verses. 34. Repeat the Ten Commandments. A. (Ex. 20:3-17.) 35. What other office was held? A. That of Prophets. 36. What was their duty? A. To declare the will of God in matters not covered by the law. 37. What book of the Bible tells mainly of the work of the Priests? A. The book of Leviticus. 38. What benefit did such worshippers receive? A. They were pardoned of sins and brought into th favor of God. 39. Why were their offerings acceptable to God? A. Because they prepared for the coming Messiah. 40. Of what were the ancient Israelites a type? A. Of the Church of God in all ages. 41. Of what was Jerusalem the type? A. Of Heaven, the dwelling place of Christ and His glorified saints. 42. Of whom was David a type? A. Of Christ, the King of Saints. 43. When did the prophets of the Israelitish Church return to earth? A. When Jesus was transfigured on the mountain. 44. Who were those prophets? A. Moses and Elijah. 45. What is the Israelitish Church also called in Scripture? A. The Church in the Wilderness. 46. Are any other churches named from the place where they were organized? A. Yes, as the A. M. E. Zion Church in America, the Presbyterian Church in the United States, the Church of England, etc. SECTION 3.—THE CHURCH IN JERUSALEM. 1. When and where was the first Christian Church organized? A. In Jerusalem on the day of Pentecost. 2. What day of the Christian era was this? A. A. D. 30, May 28th. 3. Who organized the Church? A. Peter and the other Apostles. 4. What is the name by which that Church is known? A. The Catholic or the Apostolic Church. 5. What is the meaning of the word Catholic? A. It means universal or general. 6. Were the Ante-Christian Churches universal? A. No, the Canaanitish Church was confined to the land of Canaan. 7. What was the scope of the Israelitish Church? A. It was mainly confined to the Jews. 8. What is the destiny of the Catholic or Christian Church? A. To spread all over the whole world. 9. What Scripture proofs of this can you quote? A. “As I live, saith the Lord, every knee shall bow to me and every tongue confess. The earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord. I will give thee the heathen for thine inheritance and the utmost parts of the earth for thy possession.” 10. What organization has been formed to promote fraternal union of all Christian denominations? A. The Federal Council of the Churches in Christ. 11. How many of these denominations are represented at that Council? A. 31 denominations and about eleven million members. 12. When and where was the last meeting held? A. In Philadelphia. 13. How is their influence increased? A. By meetings of its Executive Committee which are held annually. 14. How often does the Council itself meet? A. Every four years. 15. What body meets every ten years? A. The Ecumenical Conference. 16. What does it comprise? A. All the denominations of Methodism, about 25 in number. 17. Was the Catholic Church Episcopal in form? A. Yes, Titus ordained Elders and was a Bishop. 18. Who was the first Bishop in Jerusalem? A. James, brother of our Lord Jesus Christ, and author of the Epistle by that name. 19. Who was the spokesman of the Apostles? A. Peter, to whom Christ said “I give thee the keys to the kingdom of Heaven.” 20. Who else received the same authority? A. The whole group of Apostles. 21. Who became an Apostle after the ascension of Jesus to Heaven? A. Paul, born at Tarsus. 22. Who are the officers of the Christian Church? A. Apostles, Bishops, Elders, Deacons, Evangelists and Preachers. 23. What is the work of these officials? A. To preach the gospel of our Lord, and perform special duties. SECTION 4.—THE CHURCH IN PRIVATE DWELLINGS. 1. How does a church promote the worship of God? A. By various agencies, called means of grace. 2. Name some of these agencies? A. Preaching the Gospel, teaching the Scriptures, administering sacraments and conducting love-feasts, prayer-meetings and class-meetings. 3. Did people worship God before any church was organized? A. Yes, Adam and Eve worshipped God. 4. Did their children worship God? A. They did. 5. Name some of Adam's sons that worshipped God. A. Cain, Abel and Seth. 6. Did Seth's children worship God? A. Yes, the Bible says, “Then began men to call on the name of the Lord. 7. What is meant by that Scripture? A. That in those days men not only worshipped God privately, but they began to worship Him publicly also. 8. What private house was used as a church in St. Paul's day? A. The house of Nymphas and doubtless many others. 9. Why do you think so? A. Because Christians did not need separate buildings for public worship until their number and influence increased greatly. 10. Does the church now worship God in private dwellings A. Yes, in neighborhood prayer meetings. II. CONCERNING THE NAME OF THE A. M. E. ZION CHURCH. SECTION 1.—ZION CHURCH. 1. What is the name of the Church to which you belong? A. The African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church in America. 2. What is the name by which the first Church belonging to that Connection was called? A. Zion Church. 3. Why did the Founders call their first church Zion? A. To distinguish it from all other churches, or societies organized for religious worship. 4. Why did they choose the name “Zion” rather than any other? A. Probably because that is the name most frequently used in the Bible to designate the church of God. 5. Have any other local churches chosen the name of Zion? A. Yes, many particular churches of different denominations, but no other distinct denomination has chosen such a name. SECTION 2.—AFRICAN. 1. By what name was Zion Church incorporated? A. The African Methodist Episcopal Church, in New York City. 2. What class of people organized Zion Church? A. Colored members of the first Methodist Episcopal Church in New York. 3. Why did they withdraw from that Church? A. That they might better enjoy religion and do more to save their fellowmen from sin. 4. Were there any other reasons for so doing? A. They were not treated with the same consideration and respect as their white brethren. 5. Why then is the word “African” prefixed to the rest of the title of the Church? A. Because the Church is controlled by descendants of Africans, in the interest of humanity, regardless of race, color, sex or condition. 6. What doctrine is therefore especially characteristic of the A. M. E Zion Church? A. That no distinction should be made in the Church on account of race, color or condition. 7. What scripture teaches this doctrine? A. Galatians, 8:28. “There is neither Jew nor Greek, bond nor free, male nor free, male nor female, in Christ Jesus, but all are one.” (Church.) 8. What other doctrine is also especially emphasized by the A. M. E. Zion Church? A. That no race has the right to claim jurisdiction over any part of the earth to the detriment or exclusion of any other race. 9. Where is that doctrine taught in the Scriptures? A. In St. Paul's sermon to the Greeks at Athens where he said “God hath made of one blood all nations of men to dwell upon the face of the earth.” SECTION 3.—METHODIST EPISCOPAL. 1. Did the founders of Zion Church retain the doctrines of the Church from which they withdrew? A. They did. 2. What part of the title adopted shows the doctrine and form of government? A. Methodist Episcopal. 3. What is a Methodist Episcopal Church? A. It is a Methodist Church which believes in the Episcopal form of church government. 4. What is peculiar to that form? A. An order of ministers consisting of Elders who by a third ordination are authorized to perform certain duties. 5. What are some of these duties? A. To ordain other ministers and to hold certain meetings of the ministers and laity called conferences. 6. What name is applied to ministers who are ordained and authorized to perform those duties? A. Bishops. 7. What were Methodist Bishops at first called? A. Superintendents. 8. Who were the founders of the Methodist Episcopal Church? A. John Wesley, Thomas Coke, Francis Asbury and other ministers of the Church of England. 9. When was the Methodist Church organized? A. In 1739, in London, England. 10. What is peculiar to the Methodist Church? A. An itinerant ministry appointed for a limited time to the pastorate by the Bishop or presiding officer of an annual Conference. 11. What else is characteristic of the Methodist Churches A. Exhorters, local preachers, class-meetings and love feasts. 12. What else is characteristic of the Methodist Churches A. The observance of certain regulations of conduct called the General Rules. 13. Are there any Methodist churches which are not Episcopal in their form of government? A. Yes, such as Wesleyan Methodist, the Protestant Methodist, the Congregational Methodist, etc. 14. What may all such churches be called? A. Non-Episcopal Methodist Churches. 15. When was the first Methodist Episcopal Church organized? A. In 1765, in New York City. 16. Was that the same church from which the founders of the A. M. E. Zion Church withdrew? A. Yes, Peter Williams, of Zion Church, was one of the original members of that Church. III. HISTORY OF THE A. M. E. ZION CHURCH. 1. When was the first A. M. E. Zion Church organized? A. In the year 1796. 2. Who were among the founders of the Church? A. James Varick; Abraham Thompson, June Scott, Francis Jacobs, Peter Williams, William Brown, William Miller and William Hamilton. 3. Where were their first meetings held? A. In a rented house on Cross St., between Mulberry and Orange Sts., N. Y. City. 4. Did they leave with the consent and good will of the Church from which they went? A. Yes, they received permission from Bishop Asbury of the M. E. Church. 5. Did the church remain in the fellowship and under the jurisdiction of the General Conference? A. Partly so, for necessary reasons. 6. In what respect were they partly under the control of the M. E. Church? A. They agreed to receive the ministers of the M. E. Church as pastors and to continue in the doctrine and discipline of said Church. 7. In what respect were they independent of the M. E. Church? A. They made a special contract with the General Conference, or its representative for the supply of their pulpits. 8. What else showed that Zion Churches were independent of the M. E. Church? A. They incorporated their church under a new title which the mother Church could never adopt. 9. What further showed their independency? A. The stipulation in the contract made with the M. E. Church that the trustees would hold the property. “Likewise for our African Brethren and the Descendants of the African Race.” 10. Who was chairman of the Board of Trustees of Zion Church? A. Francis Jacobs. 11. What other noted men were made trustees in the act of the incorporation? A. George Collins and Peter Williams. 12. Where was the act of incorporation recorded? A. In the office of the city of New York, book No. 1 of the Record of Incorporation of religious denominations. 13. Who were licensed preachers at that time? A. Abraham Thompson, June Scott and William Miller 14. When was their church edifice erected? A. In 1800, on the corner of Church and Leonard Streets New York City. 15. What was the second African Methodist Episcopal church organized in New York? A. Asbury Church, on Elizabeth Street. 16. In what year was it organized? A. In 1813. 17. Were these two churches united under one form of government? A. They were. 18. When did they form a more perfect union? A. In the year 1820. 19. In what year did these and other African Methodist Episcopal churches cease to receive ministers from the M. E. Church? A. In the year 1820. 20. What became the title of the Connection of churches thus formed? A. The A. M. E. Zion Church in America. 21. Why was the name Zion inserted in the original title? A. Because another connection organized in 1816 in Philadelphia, Pa., had assumed the name adopted by Zion Church in New York in the year 1801. 22. What was the name of the first A. M. E. Zion Church organized in Philadelphia? A. Bethel. 23. What attempts have been made to unite these two A. M. E. Churches? A. By General Conferences of both Churches at three distinct times or occasions, viz: in 1864, in 1885 and in 189 24. What prevents the union of these Churches? A. A considerable minority in each. 25. When may such union be effected? A. When the Bishops of both Churches agree as to the expediency of so doing. 26. When was our form of Discipline adopted? A. In October 1820. 27. Who were the compilers of the book of Discipline? A. George Collins, James Varick, Charles Anderson, Christopher Rush, William Miller, Abraham Thompson and John Dungy. 28. Who was the first Bishop of the A. M. E. Zion Church? A. James Varick. 29. What can you say of him? A. He was born in Newburg, N. Y., in the year 1750; was elected District Chairman or Presiding Elder in 1821, and Bishop or General Superintendent in 1822. He died 1827 30. What further can you say of him? A. He was remarkable for his prudence, energy, patience and integrity of character. By it he succeeded in firmly establishing against much strong opposition, the Church which chose him as their leader. 31. Who was the second Bishop of our Church? A. Christopher Rush, elected May 15, 1828, at the third session of the General Conference. 32. How long did he remain in active service? A. Twenty-four years. 33. What more can you say of him? A. He was born in Newbern, N. C., in 1777, joined the A. M. E. Zion Church 1803 and died at an advanced age. 34. What was the first annual conference organized? A. The New York Conference, June 21, 1821. 35. What was the second annual conference district set off A. The Philadelphia Conference, organized May 25, 1829 36. What institution of the Church was established in 1841 A. The Book Concern under the management of Rev. Jacob Thomas. 37. Where was it located? A. In New York City. 38. When and by whom was the first History of the A. M. E. Zion Church written? A. Bishop Christopher Rush, in 1843. 39. What was the third conference organized? A. The New England Conference in 1843. 40. When were the fourth and fifth annual conferences formed? A. The Allegheny Conference in 1849, and the Genesee Conference (now Western New York Conference) in 1849. 41. What Bishops were elected on the retirement of Bishop Rush in 1852? A. George A. Spywood, George Galbreath, Wm. H. Bishop 42. What secession took place in 1853? A. Many Churches withdrew and organized the Wesleyan Methodist Episcopal Church. 43. When and where was the ninth General Conference held? A. In 1856, in the city of Williamsburg, New York, at which time the book of Discipline was revised. 44. When were the two divisions of the A. M. E. Zion Church reunited? A. On the 6th day of June, 1860, in the General Conference session held in Zion Church, New York. 45. What led to this reunion? A. A convention of leading men from both churches who met in Newburg, N. Y., May 25, 1860, and adopted a plan for reunion. 46. What was the first newspaper established in the A. M. E. Zion Church? A. The Anglo-African, edited by William Hamilton. 47. When and where was it published? A. In 1860, in the city of New York. 48. What were the statistics of the Connection in 1864? A. There were seven annual conferences, with 378 preachers, 13,340 members and 131 churches. 49. Who were the Bishops in charge of the work at that time? A. William H. Bishop, J. D. Brooks, Samson Tolbert and J. J. Clinton. 50. What further can you say of Bishop J. J. Clinton? A. He was born in Philadelphia, Pa., October 3, 1823; was elected Assistant in 1856, General Superintendent in 1860, died May 24, 1881. He organized ten annual conferences and received into the Connection 700 itinerant preachers. 51. What additions were made to the Board of Bishops at the General Conference in 1868? A. J. W. Loguen, J. J. Moore and S. T. Jones. 52. What was the membership of the church in 1876? A. There were about 225,000 members and probationers. 53. What accounts for the enormous growth of the Church after 1864? A. The abolition of slavery which permitted the extension of the Church into the South. 54. What Bishop became prominent in the movement for the abolition of slavery? A. Bishop J. W. Loguen. 55. Name some noted pioneers in the work of extending the Church in the South. A. J. J. Clinton, J. W. Hood, T. H. Lomax, W. G. Strong and Joseph Sexton. 56. Who was added to the Board of Bishops in 1872? A. J. W. Hood. 57. When was the Star of Zion established? A. In 1877, at Newbern, N. C., by certain members of the N. C. Conference. 58. Who was the first Editor? A. Rev. John A. Tyler. 59. When did the Star of Zion become Connectional property? A. In 1880, at the General Conference at Montgomery, Ala. 60. Who was then placed in charge of the newspaper? A. Prof. A. S. Richardson, as Editor, Rev. C. R. Harris, Business Manager. 61. Who have been eminent editors of the Star of Zion? A. Rev. J. Mc. H. Farley, D. D., Hon. J. C. Dancy, Rev. G. W. Clinton, D. D., Rev. J. W. Smith, D. D., Rev. G. C. Clement, D. D., Dr. J. Harvey Anderson, Dr. W. J. Walls. 62. What newspapers were previously published in the interest of the A. M. E. Zion Church? A. The Zion Standard and Weekly Review in New York, edited by S. T. Jones, and the Zion Church Advocate in Washington, D. C. 63. Who were the founders of Zion Wesley Institute? A. Rev. W. H. Thurber, Rev. C. R. Harris, Prof. A. S. Richardson, Bishop J. W. Hood, and Rev. R. S. Rives. 64. Where was it first located? A. At Concord, N. C., in 1879. 65. When was it removed to Salisbury, N. C.? A. In 1882, the site having been purchased with money raised in England by Rev. J. C. Price, A. M. 66. What name did it then assume? A. Zion Wesley College, afterwards, Livingstone College. 67. Who formed its first faculty at Salisbury, N. C.? A. Rev. J. C. Price, Rev. C. R. Harris, Prof. E. Moore and Mrs. M. E. Harris. 68. Who was the author of the second history of the A. M. E. Zion Church? A. Bishop J. J. Moore, who published it in 1884. 69. When was the Woman's Home and Foreign Missionary Society founded? A. In 1880, at the General Conference, by a resolution offered by Rev. M. M. Bell. 70. When was the Sunday School Union established? A. In 1889, by the Board of Bishops, at Asheville, N. C. 71. Who was its first Superintendent and Editor? A. Rev. R. A. Morris, D. D., the author of the Juvenile Catechism. 72. Who was its Financial Secretary? A. Rev. T. A. Weathington, D. D. 73. Name three distinguished laymen of the A. M. E. Zion Church? A. Frederick Douglass, J. C. Dancy and T. Thomas Fortune. 74. What further can you say of Frederick Douglass? A. He was born a slave in Maryland; joined the A. M. E. Zion Church at Bedford, Mass., in 1838; was licensed to preach in 1839. He became a famous abolition orator, and aided greatly in the overthrow of slavery. After the war he became Recorder of Deeds in the District of Columbia and Minister to the Negro Republic of Hayti. He died in Washington, D. C., in 1895. 75. Name three eminent educators. A. William Howard Day, Joseph C. Price and Robert Harris. 76. What can you say of Rev. Joseph C. Price, D. D.? A. Next to Frederick Douglass he was the most eloquent and popular orator in this country. He was the first president of Livingstone College, which he did more to permanently establish than any other man. 77. What can you say of Robert Harris? A. He was a Secretary of the General Conference in 1872 and 1876, the founder of Howard School, in Fayetteville, N. C., and the first principal of the pioneer normal school in the State of North Carolina. 78. Who were added in 1876? A. J. P. Thompson, T. H. Lomax, and W. H. Hillery. 79. For what was Bishop Thompson noted? A. For his ardent support of the Book Concern. 80. What is the latest history of the A. M. E. Zion Church? A. One Hundred years of the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church, by Bishop J. W. Hood. 81. When was the law enacted which prohibits ministers who use tobacco from entering our Church in full connection? A. In 1880 at the General Conference held at Montgomery, Ala. 82. What else distinguished the legislation of the General Conference of 1880? A. A law was made to elect the Bishops for life. 83. When were the Superintendents styled Bishops? A. In 1864 and onwards. 84. When was the word “male” stricken from our Discipline? A. In 1876, at the General Conference held at Louisville, Ky. 85. Who was the first woman ordained a deacon in our Church? A. Mrs. Julia A. Foote, by Bishop J. W. Hood, in New York Conference, in May, 1884. 86. Who was the second woman ordained deacon? A. Mrs. Mary J. Small, by Bishop A. Walters, at York, Pa., in May, 1894. 87. When was the general fund for the support of our general Church established? A. In 1882, by the Board of Bishops, at Chester, S. C. 88. What gave occasion for this action? A. The General Conference of 1880 required the Bishops to rotate after two years without equalizing the episcopal districts. 89. What was done with the general fund in 1884? A. About one half of it was appropriated for General Connectional claims. 90. What were these new claims thus provided for? A. $6,000 was appropriated to Livingstone College; $1,500 to the Book Concern; $1,000 to the “Star of Zion;” to African Missions; $1,000 to superannuated ministers; and $1,500 to salary of General Secretary and General Steward. 91. What was the result? A. These institutions became permanently established. 92. Who proposed this plan? A. The Board of Bishops at the suggestion of Bishop J. W. Hood. 93. What other event marked the General Conference of 1884? A. The suspension of Bishop W. H. Hillery. 94. For what cause was he suspended? A. For excessive indulgence in intoxicating drinks. 95. What was the result of that suspension? A. Bishop Hillery was expelled by the Tennessee Annual Conference. 96. What day is observed as an annual holiday at Livingstone College? A. The birthday of its illustrious President, Joseph Charles Price. He was born in Elizabeth City, N. C., February 10th, 1854, and died in Salisbury, N. C., October 24th, 1893. 97. When was the ceremony of ordination or laying on of hands inserted in the book of Discipline? A. In 1888. 98. Who were added to the Board of Bishops in 1888? A. Charles C. Petty and C. R. Harris. 99. Which of our Bishops died afterwards? A. Bishop Charles Calvin Petty, who died in Clio, S. C., Dec. 8, 1900. 100. What were some of the prominent traits of his character? A. He was a deep theologian, a great educator and a persuasive orator. He was one of the founders of Petty High School, now Lancaster Institute, and its first Principal. 101. What other eminent divine died a few days before the date of Bishop Petty's decease? A. Dr. William Howard Day, of Harrisburg, Pa., who died December 3, 1900. He had been for many years the General Secretary of the Church and a leading educator and platform speaker. He was noted for his high literary culture. 102. What executive body was created by the General Conference in 1900. A. The Connectional Council. 103. Who compose the Connectional Council? A. The Bishops, General Officers and the members of the several Boards elected by the General Conference. 104. How are the said Boards constituted? A. Each board consists of one or more members from each Episcopal district together with the Bishop who is a member ex. officio. 105. Name the Boards elected by the General Conference. A. (13) The Board of Publication. (2) The Board of Education. (3) The Board of Home Missions. (4) The Board of Church Extension. (5) The Board of Foreign Missions. (6) The Board of Managers Western Star of Zion. (7) The Board of Finance. (8) The Board of Ministerial Brotherhood. (9) The Board of Harriet Tubman Home. (10) The Board of Appeals. (11) The Varick Christian Endeavor Union. (12) The Board of Audit. (13) The Board of Connectional Trustees. 106. How often does the Connectional Council meet? A. Once a year, at the time and place of the meeting of the Board of Bishops. 107. What can you say of Prof. F. H. Noble, late treasurer of Livingstone College? A. He was for many years Professor of Mathematics and Natural Science, a remarkably efficient teacher and a profound scholar. He died July 21, 1900. 108. What other serious loss did the College sustain? A. The death of Prof. B. A. Johnson, which occurred April 20th, 1901. 109. What can you say of him? A. He was principal of the Normal Department, a most valuable coadjutor of the President of the College, and a leader in the religious and literary life of the Institution. 110. Who was the first Superintendent of Missions in Africa? A. Rev. Andrew Cartwright who migrated there from Virginia, U. S. A. 111. In what part of Africa did he labor? A. In Liberia, which was colonized by Negroes from America. 112. What further can you say of him? A. He was abundant in labors and lived long to preach the gospel in the “Dark Continent.” 114. Who was the first Bishop to visit Africa? A. Bishop John B. Small who visited Liberia and the Gold Coast. 115. What can you say concerning him? A. He aroused a great interest in the A. M. E. Zion Church concerning the religious welfare of Negroes in West Africa. 116. How did he show his deep interest in their enlightenment? A. He brought several natives to America and maintained them mainly at his own expense and sent them to College. 117. When did he die? A. January 15, 1904, in the 59th year of his age. 118. Who were elected Bishops in 1892? A. Alexander Walters and I. C. Clinton. 119. What can you say of Bishop I. C. Clinton? A. He was distinguished for business integrity and unblemished morals. 120. Who were elected Bishops in 1896? A. Geo. W. Clinton, John B. Small and Jehu Holliday. 121. What can you say of Bishop Holliday? A. He was one of the most noted preachers of the Church and made lasting reputation as a financier and church builder. 122. When did he die? A. March, 2nd, 1896 in Little Rock, Ark. 123. Who was elected Bishop in 1900? A. John W. Alstork, by acclamation. 124. Who were the Bishops elected in 1904? A. J. S. Caldwell and John W. Smith. 125. What can you say of Bishop Smith? A. He was a voluminous and forceful writer who gained great popularity as Editor of the Star of Zion. 126. When did his decease take place? A. October 14th, 1910, in the 49th year of his age. 127. Tell me something of Bishop Thomas Lomax. A. He was born in Cumberland County, N. C., 1836, and died in Charlotte, N. C., on the 31st of March, 1908. 128. What more can you say of him? A. He did a great work in building up the interests of the A. M. E. Zion Church in the South and in Canada. 129. What institution was greatly aided by him in securing a location? A. The Publication House in Charlotte, N. C. 130. Who was the Manager at that period? A. Rev. G. L. Blackwell. 131. What business managers succeeded him? A. Revs. J. M. Hill, John F. Moreland, and Rev. F. K. Bird, J. W. Crockett, a layman, and Dr. S. D. Watkins. 132. What can you say of Rev. B. F. Wheeler? A. He was a distinguished clergyman, who wrote a Life of Bishop Varick and his family. 133. When did he depart this life? A. February 18, 1909, in his fifty-sixth year. 134. What prelates entered the bishopric in 1908. A. Geo. L. Blackwell, M. R. Franklin, and Andrew J. Warner. 135. Where did this take place? A. In Philadelphia, Pa. 136. What can you say of Bishop Franklin? A. He was an excellent gospel minister. He died May 13, 1909. 137. Who compiled sermons of Bishop Singleton T. Jones? A. His son, Rev. Edward D. W. Jones. 138. What can you say of Bishop Jones? A. He was an eminent Bishop and preacher of the Gospel, who did much to shape the affairs of the Church. 139. When did his death occur? A. April 18, 1891. 140. What can you say of Bishop J. J. Moore? A. He was a learned theologian, the author of a catechism and history and a brilliant preacher of the gospel. 141. When and where did he die? A. In Greensboro, N. C. Appendix 1. Where is the Publication House located? A. In Varick Memorial Building, Cor. Brevard and Second Streets, Charlotte, N. C. 2. Who is its Business Manager? A. Rev. S. D. Watkins, D. D. 3. Where is the Sunday School Department located? A. In Varick Memorial Building. 4. Who is its Superintendent and Editor? A. Dr. J. Francis Lee. 5. What is the law respecting Sunday School Day? A. “A collection shall be taken up in all of our Sunday Schools Easter Sabbath for the Publication House, which money shall be sent to the Manager of that Department, Charlotte, N. C.” 6. Where is the Star of Zion published? A. In the Varick Memorial Building. 7. Who is its Editor? A. Rev. W. J. Walls, D. D. 8. What is the law regarding the Star of Zion? A. No minister shall receive an appointment who is not at the time a subscriber to the Star of Zion or the Western Star, Quarterly Review and Missionary Seer. 9. What provision has been made by the church for Theological training. A. The establishment of Hood Theological Seminary, which is a department of Livingstone College. 10. What amount has been appropriated by the General Conference for a building for the use of Hood Theological Seminary? A. Two thousand dollars a year out of the appropriation to Livingstone College. 11. What building has been purchased by the A. M. E. Zion Church? A. A valuable three story brick building, located at No. 420 South 11th Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 12. Who is the President of Livingstone College? A. Dr. D. C. Suggs. 13. Name the other Connectional Schools. A. (1) Eastern N. C. Industrial Academy, Newbern, N. C. (2) Lancaster and Clinton Institutes, in South Carolina. (3) Edenton Normal and Industrial College. (4) Lomax-Hannon Normal and Industrial College. (5) Dinwiddie Normal and Industrial School. (6) Greeneville College, Greeneville, Tenn. (7) Atkinson College, Madisonville, Ky. (8) Walters Institute, Warren, Ark. 14. How are the Connectional Schools supported? A. The above named schools are supported partly by the General Church. Livingstone College receives an appropriation of $12,000 from the general treasury of the Connection? 15. What arrangements are made for the collection of Children's Day money? A. The fourth Sunday in June of every year is set apart as Children's Day. 16. Who is General Secretary of Education? A. Prof. J. W. Martin, Madisonville, Ky., to whom all money collected on educational assessment must be sent. 17. Who are the officers of the Woman's Home and Foreign Missionary Board? A. Mrs. Daisy Johnson, President; Mrs. S. D. Davis, Vice President; Mrs. Annie W. Blackwell, Corresponding Secretary; Mrs. Lizzie Evans Pierce, Recording Secretary; Mrs. Ida V. Smith, Treasurer; Mrs. M. L. Clinton, Supt. of Buds of Promise; Miss Victoria Richardson, Secretary of the Young Women's Branch. 18. What Society aside from the Sunday-schools, has the Connection for the benefit of its young people? A. Varick Christian Endeavor Society, with present headquarters at Pensacola, Fla. 19. Who is its president? A. Mr. Aaron Brown. 20. What high-class magazine does our Church publish? A. “The A. M. E. Zion Quarterly Review,” established by Rev. Geo. W. Clinton, 1891. 21. Who is its present editor? A. Rev. C. C. Alleyne. 22. What paper is published in the interest of holiness, by one of our ministers? A. “The Zion Trumpet,” edited and published by Rev. E. George Biddle, B. D., New Haven, Conn. 23. Who is our General Statistician? A. Bishop G. L. Blackwell. 24. What are our latest statistics as a church? A. Bishops, 7; General Officers, 24; Annual Conferences, 48; Presiding Elders, 126; Church Organizations, 3, 711; Value of churches, $4,729,567; Ministers and Preachers, 5,748; Members and Probationers, 576,271. Sunday-school Teachers and Scholars, 245,892; Colleges and High Schools, 12. 25. What is the latest book published by Bishop J. W. Hood, D. D., LL. D.? A. A commentary on the Book of Revelation, entitled, “The Plan of the Apocalypse.” 26. What books were published by Bishop J. B. Small, D. D.? A. “The Code on Discipline,” the “Practical Pulpiteer,” and the “Human Heart Illustrated.” 27. When does the next General Conference meet? A. On the first Wednesday in May, 1924. 28. Who is our Financial Secretary? A. Dr. W. H. Goler. 29. Who is our Church Extension Secretary? A. S. G. Atkins. 30. Who is the General Secretary of our Church? A. Dr. F. M. Jacobs. 31. Who is the General Missionary Secretary? A. Rev. W. W. Matthews. 32. Where are the offices of these General Secretaries? A. At 420 South, Eleventh St., Philadelphia, Pa.,—the Financial Headquarters of the Connection. 33. Where are our foreign missions located? A. In Liberia and Gold Coast, Africa; in Belize, Honduras, in Hayti, and So. America. 34. What Bishop has charge of these missions? A. Bishop Geo. C. Clement, A. M., D. D. 35. What is the organ of the Missionary Department of our Church? A. “The Missionary Seer,” edited by the General Missionary Secretary, and issued by the A. M. E. Zion Publication House, Charlotte, N. C. 36. What book has been published by Bishop J. S. Caldwell? A. A book of sermons. 37. What book has been published by Bishop George W. Clinton. A. He is the author of “Christianity under the Searchlight,” a book of Sermons. 38. What books have been published by Bishop Harris? A. A Phonetic Sunday-school Primer and a Bible Catechism. 39. What organization was effected in Washington, D. C., in January 1908? A. The Federation of Bishops. 40. Of what was this organization comprised? A. Of all the Bishops of the A. M. E. Zion Church, the A. M. E. Zion Church, the A. M. E. Church and the Colored M. E. Church. 41. What is its object? A. Closer fraternal union of these Churches. 42. How many Bishops were elected at the last General Conference? A. Two. 43. Who were they? A. J. W. Wood and P. A. Wallace. 44. What other important Sunday School officer was elected and who? A. Prof. J. W. Eichelberger, Corresponding Secretary of the Sunday School Union. 45. What protection have the ministers of the A. M. E. Zion Church? A. The Ministerial Brotherhood. 46. Who is its Secretary? A. Dr. C. S. Whitted. 47. Where was the General Conference held in 1920? A. Knoxville, Tenn. 48. How many Bishops were elected? A. Two. 49. Who were they? A. Dr. J. W. Wood and Dr. P. A. Wallace. 50. What general officers were elected? A. Dr. S. D. Watkins, Manager of the A. M. E. Zion Publishing House; Dr. W. J. Walls, Editor of the Star of Zion; Dr. W. W. Matthews, Secretary of Missions; Mrs. Daisy Johnson, President of the Woman's Home and Foreign Missionary Society. 51. Who is our present General Secretary? A. Dr. F. M. Jacobs. 52. What new and great movement was projected at the Knoxville General Conference? A. The Ter-Centenary Movement. 53. Who were sent as commissioners to South America? A. Bishop Geo. C. Clement, Dr. J. W. Martin, Secretary of Education, Dr. A. A. Crooke, pastor of Rush A. M. E. Zion Church, New York City. 54. Who was left in South America as a missionary? A. Dr. A. A. Crooke. 55. Who is our representative in Africa? A. Dr. Frank Arthur Pinanko who was given power to ordain and superintend African work. 56. With how many Bishops did we leave Knoxville? A. Eleven. 57. Who were they? A. Bishops Geo. W. Clinton, (deceased), J. W. Alstork, (deceased), J. S. Caldwell, Geo. L. Blackwell, A. J. Warner, (deceased), L. W. Kyles, R. B. Bruce, (deceased), W. L. Lee, G. C. Clement, J. W. Wood and P. A. Wallace. 58. How many living Bishops has the A. M. E. Zion Church? A. Seven. 59. How many Bishops died during the first year after the Knoxville General Conference? A. Four.—Bishops Warner, Bruce, Alstork, Clinton. 60. What Literature has been published in our Zion in the past five years? A. “Standard Historical Catechism,” by R. A. Carroll, “Reminiscence,” by W. J. Walls, The Vest Pocket Commentary on the S. S. Lessons for 1922 and “Building The Sermon,” a work on Homiletical studies by J. Francis Lee. Our Bishops 1. J. S. Caldwell, Philadelphia, Pa. 2. G. L. Blackwell, Philadelphia, Pa. 3. L. W. Kyles, Winston-Salem, N. C. 4. W. L. Lee, New York. 5. G. C. Clement, Louisville, Ky. 6. J. W. Wood, Indianapolis, Ind. 7. P. A. Wallace, Brooklyn, N. Y.