ISRAEL LA FAYETTE BUTT, D.D.[Frontispiece Image] [Title Page Image] [Title Page Verso Image] THIS BOOK IS AFFECTIONATELY DEDICATED TO MY FAITHFUL WIFE ROSE ZILLAH BUTT. Preface In writing this book I have had in mind to write a brief history of African Methodism in Virginia, for the A. M. E. Church and her many readers and ardent laborers in the bounds of the State, and sketches and bits of history in the connection generally. This little volume may not comprehend all the necessary items of the work done by the Church in our State since its organization May, 1867, but it is a beginning; other historians from this, with new data gathered, may write a more comprehensive book, taking in all necessary points of progress. It seems that I was pressed into this service by Providence. The necessity for such a book came up incidentally in 1905. I said that I would think the matter over and decide what I would do. At the expiration of two weeks I had concluded to attempt the writing of this work. Seeing many of the old pioneers passing away so rapidly, I felt the need of such a publication and considered that it was the duty of some one who was contemporary with the fathers, and having spent thirty consecutive years of the forty in the Virginia Conference I undertook the task. It has been my aim to take up the main body of the work done and give sketches of the men who did it and not the organization of every individual church except in a few cases. I do not claim perfection for this little work; getting data even from the Conference Journal has been a very difficult task. I have striven hard for accuracy and have endeavored to get a sketch of every minister who has labored in the Conference since its organization, whether he is living or dead. The living whose sketches do not appear failed to send them to me for publication. It has been my aim to present to my readers the growth and all improvements as far as I was able to get correct and accurate data and also to make mention of the men who have produced and caused the growth of the Church work in the State. I desire to thank my numerous friends who have so kindly aided me in gathering data and material for this book. Especially am I obligated to Rev. Alfred J. Nottingham and Rev. Samuel S. Morris, A. B. These young men have been of great assistance to me and such was my confidence in them that I asked them, that in case I deceased before the completion of this work, to finish it. I trust that this little volume will be an incentive to others struggling for the Master's cause and at the same time add to the literature and future history of Virginia and the A. M. E. Church in general. If it can be made to fulfil this mission and at the same time pay tribute to both the dead and living pioneers of my state, and instil in the young ministry and laity of the Church a patriotic spirit and a zeal for African Methodism I shall be perfectly satisfied and amply paid for the labor and sacrifice in presenting this work. All of which I cheerfully submit I. L. BUTT. INTRODUCTION THE dark races have not been insignificant in history making; but in history stating they have been very slow. While it is true that the history stater is entirely dependent upon the history maker, it is equally true that the race class lacking either is a great sufferer and the class possessing both occupies a place in the plane of higher attainments and advantages. Had the African class of Americans possessed its own chroniclers, its own expositors, its own historians from the time it first gazed upon the new world and entered upon the bewildering life therein, who cannot see what a different place it would now hold in the body politic. If its every play of genius had made an impression on the formative pages of current history; if its every suggestive invention had been afforded time and encouragement, instead of being snatched by a more wily and leisurely class; if its grand characteristic of imagination had been given the wings of consideration and patronage; if its religious nature could have been regarded with more respect, and its sincerity have been appreciated at its real value, what an elevated place it would occupy, as compared with its actual status. If it were free from cowardly patrons, who do not hesitate to say in private, “O, he is a good fellow—but, you know,” who gouge his eyes out through the daily press, to show how loyal they, the writers, are to the false theory in which they themselves do not believe, of the impassible and indestructible distinctions between essential inferiority and superiority of races, while they force their blind captive—Samson like—round and round in the interminable circle of their mills. If the history of the Jew had depended upon the Egyptian, the Assyrian, the Roman, the English, the Russian, the German—Jew-baiters—for its statement to the world, then should we have the counterpart of the case of the sons of Africa in the United States—in the world, indeed. No other class in the United States receives so large consideration; none at so great disadvantage. It is not my intention in these lines to either complain or condemn, but to state our disadvantages, in order to congratulate the few of my race-variety who have attempted writing records, chronicles, history. In this, by common human course, churchmen lead, so far forth as number of instances go; while, by equally as common course, as concerns breadth of scope and patient proving, as well as quality of work and reliability of statement the nonsectarian, nonecclesiastical ventures of this class suffer nothing in comparison. In all classes of church denominational chroniclers there is liability to some narrowness and egoism; we rarely escape it. In the work to which the reader is herein directed there is good reason to look for truth, reliability, candor, sincerity, faithfulness and that degree of acquaintance with his topic to warrant the expectation that the author will give us his story in a style and diction at once pleasing and respectable. Doctor Butt has made what there is of his life on the very field and amid the very men and scenes that enter into his story, having to take comparatively little at second hand. The very foundations of the structure he describes were laid while he was but a looker on; the superstructure has depended not only upon his fidelity, his industry, and devotion for its height, its breath and its symmetry—to a large extent—but it has felt his artistic and constructive touch also. Doctor Butt has been the child of the church, he is now considered one of the fathers to the present A. M. E. generation. The field embraced in this sketch has been interesting from the beginning of America's life here. It has never been noted for its inclination to Methodism however but is the home of many of the best Baptist people, and most active of the black race. Yet in this field African Methodism has wrought well in respect to the evangelization of the class constituting its communion, solidifying it in Christian graces. But it cannot be said that Virginia African Methodism has accomplished in the material of its own forming as much in the line of promoting and advancing the education of its people and its ministry as other church sects among the African descendants in Virginia, nor so much as the African Methodist church in many other states. It has suffered for want of courage in this kind of work, and, perhaps from being later on the field and less popular than some other ecclesiastical bodies and some other African Methodist states; yet in respect to missionary ventures, church interests and connectional loyalty, the African Methodist Church has no superior state nor superior African Methodism. Virginia African Methodism has not been ungenerous in advancing the interests and methods for education organized by other states, but has been unfortunately constituted—it would seem—in reference to conducting educational institutions itself. A little more industry in the state on this line would have made Virginia African Methodism the pioneer of a given feature of education of our people for which and by which it would have been highly exalted. The author of the History of African Methodism in Virginia with others wrought well, but lost a noble opportunity for Virginia African Methodism to stamp upon the church the impress of an original movement in the line of education. It may be hoped that this sketch of its history may yet instigate this part of the church to a movement by which the rescuing of our girls and training them to avoid the courses of destruction to which they are urged may be aided. Lightly as this subject is treated it is the great desideratum of the present. Virginians can afford to take it up, and can well carry it to success. God bless this most attractive part of our work, and give to this book great consideration by American readers of all classes. B. F. LEE, Wilberforce, Ohio THE REV. I. L. BUTT, D. D. is a strong, logical and forceful Gospel preacher; he is indeed a model sermonizer. As a pastor, he has few equals and no superiors; when it comes to a point of systematic pastoring, he is exact, which is a strong point in any one's character and business. As a presiding elder, he indeed knows the law and government of the A. M. E. Church, and how to handle men. He is positive and firm and yet sympathetic with his brethren. He conducts his quarterly and district Conferences in a business-like manner, and with some system. Indeed, he is a No. I Presiding elder, or The Presiding Elder of the Virginia Conference at this time. As a preacher, he puts the mind to thinking, the heart to burning, and lifts the soul; as a pastor he takes good care of the flock and leads them out into green pastures and protects them and all their interests; as a Presiding Elder he looks after every interest of the church, both local and general, and brings his district up to new heights. A. J. NOTTINGHAM Contents REV. I. L. BUTT, at the age of 29 years. AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF THE AUTHOR, REV. ISRAEL LaFAYETTE BUTT, D. D. The subject of this sketch was born May 3rd, 1848, near Northwest Bridge, Norfolk County, Va. His parents were Adaline and John Wesley Butt. They were slaves, hence young Israel came into the world as chattel and was in that condition until he reached the age of fourteen years and three months, when the Emancipation Proclamation of Abraham Lincoln made him free. His father and mother were strict Methodists and their son was reared as such. His grandfather, on his mother's side, Israel Grimes, for whom he was named, was a strong, wonderful and powerful preacher in his day, as well as a consistent member of St. John's A. M. E. Church, Norfolk, Va., for many years. In 1876 Preacher Grimes transferred his membership to St. James A. M. E. Church, Eureka, to help plant a house of worship there. He was born September 25, 1779, and died November 1, 1881, in Norfolk Va. His grandfather, on his father's side, Charles Bonaparte Butt, was a consistent Methodist for many years and a man of considerable literary qualifications; he died 1864 about seventyfive years of age. ESCAPE FROM SLAVERY One night in August, 1862, Rev. Butt's father planned an escape to the Yankees who were encamped at Norfolk. To obtain freedom they had to make a trip of twenty miles that night to reach the headquarters of the Union soldiers. Late in the night when his owners were slumbering and all nature was wrapped in silence, the father, son and a little girl who lived on the same farm set out for Norfolk. They were sometimes in the woods, then in the cornfields and again on the road, seeking to shun any person whom they might chance to meet. At day-break they were only three miles from Berkley. Then the father was taken very ill and using the woods as his hospital, he halted until 10 A. M., at which time he was sufficiently recovered to travel again. Then they came out of the woods and went to grandfather Grimes' house about two and a half miles away and near the site of the present railroad draw-bridge, where they remained two or three days. Mr. Quarker Armstrong, a great-uncle who lived here, took them in a row boat and carried them across to Norfolk. At the bridge they were halted by the Yankee guards and questioned. This was the first time the subject of our sketch had ever seen a Yankee, and he fell in love with them, admired their beautiful uniforms, guns, bayonets, swords, and the bright buttons on their clothes, and wished that he was a soldier. The guards passed them through the lines and they were soon in Norfolk, and safe from their pursuers. Their next stop was to report to the government authorities and receive assignment to the quarters used to accommodate persons leaving their owners in search of freedom. Rev. Butt's father was at once put to work in the government service, unloading and loading cargoes of coal, bombshells and various kinds of war implements and ammunition that were being sent to the front for fighting. His pay was $20.00 per month. Young Butt was given a position as water boy, supplying the hands that worked there; this service he performed well until about the middle of 1863, when his father sent him to the U. S. government school which was taught by Yankee teachers in the Bute Street Baptist Church, Norfolk, remaining there three weeks. His father then hired him to a Yankee man of Princess Anne County to haul cord wood out of the woods to the wharf to be shipped to Norfolk. In this position he remained until January 4, 1864, when he enlisted in Company A, 38 Regiment U. S. Colored Volunteer Infantry. After serving three years one month, twenty-three days, he received an honorable discharge. Although a mere boy he was a faithful and brave soldier, never being punished for any crime or marked for disobedience while in the army, and even through several severe and trying marches he was never a straggler from the ranks. He was converted to God May 3, 1866, at Brazos, Santiago, Texas, while in the army. In February, 1867, he was mustered out of the army and returned home. December 5, 1867, at the age of 19 he married Miss Rose Zillah Simmons of Norfolk. Returning from the army almost wholly ignorant of books and letters and having married at such an early age made the pathway to intellectual progress seem almost insurmountable. He had almost concluded that his education was at an end, but at the same time there arose in him a craving for an education that would not be satisfied. He naturally inherited a love for books from his parents. His father, mother and both grandfathers all had a fair knowledge of books and read fluently before the Civil War; but because of existing laws in the state, they dared not teach their son and grandson for fear they might be detected and the child sold away. Besides this, his mother died when he was about seven or eight years of age, and his father having enlisted in the army October, 1863, furnished reasons, together with others equally obvious, why he could not procure an education at an early age. When young Butt went into the army he did not know his alphabet, but his tent-mate, Mr. Edinborough Foreman, while lying in his tent taught him the alphabet and how to read a little. In 1867, though there were no schools, colleges and universities such as we have today, yet so hungry and thirsty was he for knowledge that he determined to have an education. He began to study privately as best he could, getting any one who could and would hear his lessons. At this time he was working on a two-acre lot of his father's near the city of Norfolk and for a few months came into the city at noon and had one of the Yankee teachers who was instructing at St. John's A. M. E. Church to hear his lessons from 12 M. to 1 P. M. After this he took private lessons in Mr. Dempsey Ferebee's night school in Norfolk, from there he attended night school at the Odd Fellow's Hall on Bute Street, Norfolk, under Rev. J. D. S. Hall who was pastor of St. John's Church. He then studied under Thomas Bayne, M. D. of Norfolk. While attending night school he had to plow and do other farm work, walk ten miles each day and get his lessons at night. To accomplish this he often carried his spelling book and reader in his hat and a copy of the New Testament in his pocket. As it was the rule to stop the horse occasionally for rest a few minutes he would take out his spelling or reading book, get a few words or sentences, commit and try to repeat them as he ploughed on. Sometimes he would read a few verses from his Testament and commit them, taking the contents as he understood it or memorizing various passages. He worked at different times for two white Northern men, on their farms. One Mr. Kent, who was high sheriff of the County, and one Mr. Rusha Denise, who was the Clerk of the County Court. At noon while resting, he often requested them to hear his reading and spelling lessons, which they did gladly, but as they were not Christians he had to take his Scripture lessons to God in prayer. He felt very much discouraged at this juncture and the outlook seemed dark; however, he took courage and went forward resolved to improve himself. Here he began to feel that God had a work for him to accomplish, though not just certain what; he was impressed to study and prepare himself for whatever work or station that God might assign him to, so he pushed on with the work of preparation. May 25, 1869, twenty-two days after he reached the age of twenty-one years, he was elected constable of Tanners Creek Township, Norfolk County, Virginia. There he served with distinction three years and was elected Magistrate or Justice of the Peace of the same Township and served six years, until 1878. During these terms of office, he made many important arrests, and tried many important cases, with some of the best and leading lawyers of Norfolk to plead in his courts, yet there was not one appeal case from any of his decisions. His reports to the courts of Norfolk County always stood the test and he had the praise of courts and people with whom he lived and dealt. In August, 1867, he joined St. John's A. M. E. Church, Norfolk, under Rev. George T. Watkins, D. D. He was baptized and received into full membership in the same church by Rev. J. D. S. Hall; licensed to exhort in St. John's Church January 26, 1874, by Rev. W. D. W. Schureman. Licensed as local preacher in the same church March 21, 1876 by Rev. John E Cooke. He joined the Virginia Annual Conference April 12, 1877. He was ordained Deacon at Farmville, Va., April 26, 1878, by Bishop John M. Brown, D.D. and ordained Elder by Bishop Daniel A. Payne, D.D. L.L.D. at Danville, April 18, 1881. On the 30th day of April, 1876, while a local preacher in St. John's he oraganized St. James Church at Euerka in his own house, and on the same day organized the Sunday school in Bro. Isaac Lewis' house, who was then a member of St. John. The corner-stone was laid by the Masonic order May 15, 1876, the church completed and occupied July, 1876, dedicated in February, 1878, by Bishop John M. Brown. The degree of Doctor of Divinity was conferred upon him by Wilberforce University of Xenia, Ohio, June 18, 1903. He took the Corespondence Course in Theology from Payne University, Selma, Alabma, and graduated with honors June 1, 1905. MINISTERIAL CAREER He joined the Virginia Annual Conference April 12, 1877, at Wytheville, Va., serving the following appointments. "1 Norfolk Mission","1 year" "2 Chesterfield circuit","3 years" "3 Henry circuit","2 years" "4 Hampton Station","4 years" "5 P. E. Danville district","1 1/2 years" "6 Staunton station","8 months" "7 Bridgetown circuit","2 years" "8 Eastville station","6 months" "9 Capeville circuit and station","4 years" "10 Trinity station, Berkley","4 years" "11 P. E. Portsmouth district","5 years" "12 P. E. Norfolk district","5 years" WORK DONE A formal opening of this church took place Easter Sunday, April 3, 1904, conducted by Bishop B. F. Lee, D. D., Rev. I. L. Butt, D. D., P. E., S. M. Johnson, D. D., P. E., J. C. Williams, B. D. P. E. (9) On the Jamesville circuit the Mount Zion and St. Joseph Church purchased a lot and built a parsonage at Belle Haven. The Mt. Zion Church completed in 1905. VARIOUS OFFICES HELD Rev. Butt was elected secretary of the Portsmouth District conference and Sunday school Institute Sept. 13, 1886; Norfolk District Conference in 1889, then as general secretary of the Annual Conference April 1903. He has served as trustee for the following institutions, Dickerson Memorial Seminary, Portsmouth, Va.; Kittrell College, Kittrell, N. C.; Norfolk District School, Norfolk, Va.; Wilberforce University, Xenia, Ohio.; Girls Training School, Roanoke, Va. He was member of general conference in 1900 at Columbus, Ohio, and Chicago in 1904. He served as member of General Connectional Boards 1902-04; Missionary Board, 1904-08; Allen Christian Endeavor League. VIRGINIA CONFERENCE DIRECTORY From organization May 10, 1867 to April 18, 1906 ADMISSIONS May 10, 1867 "By regular itineracy","By transfer" "Bishop Alexander W. Wayman, D.D."," " "Rev. Peter Sheppard","Rev. James D. S. Hall" "Rev. John H. Offer","Rev. George T. Watkins" "Rev. Matthew Marshall","Rev. Richard H. Parker" "Rev. Aaron Pindle","Rev. Isaac J. Hill" "Rev. Jacklin Strange"," " "Rev. George Williams"," " "Rev. Lewis H. Wayne"," " "Rev. William F. Williams"," " "Rev. William H. Smith"," " "Rev. John W. Diggs"," " "Rev. Joseph K. Plato"," " "Rev. J. H. Hughes"," " "1868.","1868." "Rev. Cato L. Dailey"," " "Rev. John B. Lewis"," " "Rev. Robert Armstead"," " "1869.","1869" "Rev. George W. Pinkard","Rev. William B. Derrick" "Rev. J. E. W. Moore","Rev. Thomas M. Cole" "Rev. Richard R. Gassaway"," " "Rev. Richard W. Sylvester"," " "1870","1870" "Rev. Lemuel W. Lee","Rev. Phillip M. Only" "Rev. John H. Riddick","Rev. Shadrach Jones" "Rev. Robert Davis","Rev. Richard H. Govans" "Rev. James T. Morris","Rev. J. D. S. Hall" " ","Rev. J. H. A. Johnson" "1871","1871" "Rev. Elisha Webb","Rev. Jonathan B. Hamilton" "Rev. George D. Jimmerson"," " "1872","1872" "Rev. Felix Brown","Rev. John F. Lane" "Rev. Charles H. Hunter"," " "Rev. Robert Trust"," " "Rev. J. S. Henderson"," " "Rev. Benjamin L. Holloway"," " "Rev. Robinson Crusoe"," " "Rev. William Claxton"," " "1873","1873" "Bishop P. J Campbell, D.D., LL.D"," " "Rev. Jeremiah Cuffey"," " "Rev. Americus Singleton"," " "Rev. John W. Ruff"," " "Rev. J. H. Cary"," " "Rev. James H. Haynes"," " "Rev. Greenberry Smith"," " "Rev. Isaac J. Pindle"," " "Rev. William Claxton"," " "Rev. Charles Brown"," " "Rev. James Cooke"," " "1874","1874" "Rev. William J. Fuller","Rev. Thomas Berns" "Rev. James H. Scott** He died Dec. 25, 1906 at Carroll, Md., and was buried there, Dec. 27, 1906. He was pastor at that place.","Rev. S. B. Clark" "Rev. Warrick Rheu","Rev. John E. Cooke" "Rev. Andy F. Simms","Rev. Charles Steward" "Rev. William H. Wingfield","Rev. W. H. Smith" "1875","1875" "Rev. Abram J. Williams","Rev. Thomas H. Hurley" "Rev. William H. Gray","Rev. Wilson Beard" "Rev. Joseph C. Mackey"," " "1876","1876" "Rev. Isaac Ewer","Rev. Benjamin F. Lloyd" "Rev. Isaac C. Clark"," " "Rev. J. W. Montgomery"," " "1877","1877" "Bishop John M. Brown D. D., D. C. L."," " "Rev. Israel L. Butt"," " "Rev. John C. Williams"," " "Rev. Robert M. Cheeks"," " "Rev. William Williams"," " "Rev. J. H. Accoe"," " "Rev. Thaddeus Peeden"," " "Rev. Charles Acworth"," " "1878","1878" "Rev. Elias H. Bolden","Rev. Daniel Draper" "Rev. S. M. G. Copeland","Rev. William H. Brown" "Rev. Job H. Brown"," " "Rev. Payton M. Lewis"," " "Rev. Junius C. Ayler"," " "Rev. A. A. Bailey"," " "1879","1879" "Rev. William H. Bryant"," " "Rev. John H. Thomas"," " "Rev. Robert T. Lewis"," " "Rev. Edward Scarboro"," " "Rev. J. W. Scisco"," " "Rev. Moses C. Young"," " "Rev. Isaac Uphur"," " "Rev. Geo. W. Johnson (readmitted.)"," " "Rev. Simon P. Cornick"," " "Prof. J. A. M. Johns"," " "1880","1880" "Rev. George W. Settles","Rev. George Dardis" "Rev. John R. West"," " "Rev. Charles N. Grandison"," " "Rev. Garrett C. Vreeland"," " "Rev. Daniel J. Beckett"," " "Rev. Charles W. Woolford"," " "Rev. Felix Wood"," " "1881","1881" "Bishop Daniel A. Payne, D. D. LL D.","Rev. George T. Watkins" " ","Rev. James H. Turner" "1882","1882" " ","Rev. Jacklin Strange" "1883","1883" "Rev. Daniel Mays"," " "1884","1884" "Rev. James W. Thockmartin","Rev. Wellington G. Alexander" "Rev. Issac Ewer (readmitted)","Rev. John C. Williams" " ","Rev. George W. Nicholson" " ","Rev. Phillip T. Matthews" " ","Rev. Thomas G. Thompson" "1885","1885" "Bishops W. F. Dickerson, D. D and H. M. Turner, D D. LL. D.","Rev. William H. Hunter" " ","Rev. A. A. Burleigh" "Rev. Lemuel Sears"," " "Rev. William H. Morris"," " "Rev. Berry Wilson"," " "Rev. Charles M. Toney"," " "1886","1886" "Rev. T. C. Coston","Rev. William D. Cooke" "Rev. Jacob Fisher","Rev. A. B. Jennings" "Rev. Joseph B. Tynes"," " "Rev. Jessie C. Young"," " "Rev. Thomas A. Wood"," " "Rev. K. K. Richardson"," " "Rev. James H. Garner"," " "Rev. William H. Carter"," " "Rev. Joseph H. Duckett"," " "Rev. Peter E. Steward"," " "Rev. James Parson"," " "Rev. S. A. Rucker"," " "Rev. Z. H. Hughes"," " "Rev. James E. Blount"," " "Rev. James Carter"," " "Rev. E. T. Hickman"," " "Rev. Lewis Evans"," " "1887","1887" "Rev. Jordan Gordan","Rev. George W. Taylor" "Rev. George T. Mussington","Rev. F. F. Crawford" "Rev. R. H. Hollis"," " "Rev. William H. Lee"," " "Rev. Irwin W. L. Roundtree"," " "Rev. P. R. Reed"," " "Rev. Simon P. Cornick (readmitted.)"," " "Rev. George W. Blount"," " "1888","1888" "Rev. George Lee","Rev. Jesse Asbury" "Rev. James A. Kelley"," " "Rev. James E. Parago"," " "Rev. R. H. Miles"," " "Rev. J. K. Plato (readmitted)"," " "Rev. Jordan Lemons"," " "1889","1889" "Rev. J. A. Boone","Rev. George T. Watkins" "Rev. Benjamin J. Hargraves","Rev. Daniel J. Beckett" "Rev. William B. Sample"," " "1890","1890" "Rev. Simon W. Watkins","Rev. A. J. Nixon" "Rev. Alexander W. Twyman"," " "Rev. Paul W. Lee"," " "Rev. John T. Schofield"," " "Rev. William J. White"," " "Rev. John Briggs"," " "Rev. Robert T. Timberlake"," " "Rev. A. A. Bailey (readmitted)"," " "1891","1891" "Rev. John Offer Custis","Rev. John G. Mitchell" "Rev. Frank W. Overton","Rev. Simon P. Sheppard" "Rev. Moses Matthews"," " "1892","1892" "Rev. John Henry Robins","Rev. J. C. Duffield" "Rev. William D. Naylor"," " "Rev. J. T. Reed"," " "Rev. J. W. Williams"," " "Rev. Morgan S. Simmons"," " "Rev. Elijah M. King"," " "Rev. J. C. George"," " "Rev. A. I. Williams"," " "Rev. Pinkey L. McDowell"," " "1893","1893" "Rev. Charlas A. Holmes","Rev. Abraham L. Gaines" "Rev. George W. Harris","Rev. William R. Gullins" "Rev. John R. West (readmitted)","Rev. R. L. King" "Rev. Edward F. Hardy"," " "Rev. K. K. Richardson (readmitted)"," " "Rev. W. E. Walker"," " "Rev. Frank M. Redd"," " "1894","1894" "Rev. Levan Thomas Watson","Rev. Thomas R. Sinkfield" "1895","1895" "Rev. D. A. Twyman","Rev. R. H. Coleman" "Rev. Ovett E. Bumgardnener","Rev. W. W. Wilson" "Rev. William J. Beckett"," " "Rev. Robert H. Davis"," " "Rev. L. A. Patrick"," " "Rev. Thomas H. Austin"," " "Rev. L. W. C. Metts"," " "Rev. St. Clair Grimstead"," " "1896","1896" "Rev. P. S. Jefferson"," " "Rev. J. H. A. McClammy"," " "Rev. L. T. Barker"," " "Rev. Edward T. Bailey"," " "Rev. C. E. Lark"," " "Rev. George E. Fountain"," " "Rev. Alfred J. Nottingham"," " "1897","1897" "Rev. J. L. Jones","Rev. Daniel P. Seaton" "Rev. Fountain L. Gibson","Rev. Charles Augustus" "Rev. W. E. J. Hampton","Rev. N. F. Turner" "1898","1898" "Rev. J. R. Davis"," " "Rev. James W. Wright"," " "Rev. W. J. Miller"," " "Rev. Albert R. Montague"," " "Rev. J. B. Whidbee"," " "Rev. George R. Jones"," " "Rev. William R. Howerton"," " "Rev. T. J. Duncanson"," " "Rev. N. H. Field"," " "1899","1899" "Rev. William H. Harris"," " "Rev. Spencer J. Drummond"," " "Rev. Samuel A. Poulson"," " "Rev. Richard H. G. Jackson"," " "Rev. Levi Postler"," " "1900","1900" "Rev. James H. Fitchett","Rev. N. F. Turner (readmitted)" "Rev. Benjamin F. Newsome"," " "Rev. John H. Ross"," " "Rev. Kenneth J. Billups"," " "Rev. Lewellyn L. Berry"," " "Rev. George W. Adams"," " "Rev. Samuel S. Morris"," " "1901","1901" "Bishop Benjamin F. Lee, D. D.","Rev. John C. Williams" " ","Rev. Louis H. Reynolds" " ","Rev. Thomas A. Green" " ","Rev. H. S. Roberts" " ","Rev. P. R. A. Smith" " ","Rev. A. P. Bender" " ","Rev. C W. Cole" "1902","1902" "Rev. O. T. Day","Rev. Lemuel M. Beckett" "Rev. Samuel B. W. Trent","Rev. W. T. H. Addison" "Rev. Samuel A. Brown","Rev. J. P. Q. Wallace" "Rev. Andrew Robinson","Rev. H. Q. McClain" "Rev. James C. Wyatt"," " "1903","1903" "Rev. Richard C. Silver","Rev. D. W. Baker" "Rev. Perry Pretlow","Rev. Samuel M. Johnson" "Rev. Wilson J. Robinson","Rev. George C. Taylor" "Rev. William J. Harris","Rev. John T. Schofield" "Rev. John B. Harvey","Rev. John O. Custis" "Rev. John S. Mason","Rev. W. O. O. Saunders" "Rev. Turner L. Leggett"," " "Rev. William H. Barnes"," " "1904","1904" " ","Rev. Joseph Gwynn" " ","Rev. L. A. Wood" " ","Rev. Alex McNeal" " ","Rev. C. H. Stepteau" " ","Rev. W. H. Davis" "1905","1905" "Bishop W. J. Gaines, D. D.","Rev. Samuel S. Morris" "Rev. William H. Sawyer","Rev. S. Aikens" "Rev. Charles W. Robinson","Rev. C. R. Saunders" "Rev. Andrew A. Weaver","Rev. C. W. Mossell" "Rev. William C. McDowell","Rev. N. W. Brown" "1906","1906" "Rev. Samuel W. Fauqua","Rev. W. W. Barham" "Rev. David Wilson","Rev. A. A. Senabaugh" "Rev. Stephen B. Baptist"," " FIRST DECADE African Methodism in Virginia NORFOLK was the nest, and St. John's Chapel, now St. John's Church, the first egg laid in the Old Dominion which was but an earnest beginning of the results which have followed. Before the war clouds had passed or the echo of booming cannon ceased, the members of St. John's expressed their dissatisfaction with existing conditions, and the Official Board May 4, 1863, voted unanimously to annual the discipline of the M. E. Church South; and on October 13, the officers of the said Church having obtained possession of their property through Major General Dix, the federal officer, agreed to unite with the Baltimore Annual Conference. Professor Woodbury, superintendent of the government school in Norfolk, was largely instrumental in this congregation's choice of the A. M. E. Church, and he proffered his services to go to Baltimore and secure Rev. A. W. Wayman, an elder in the Baltimore Conference, to come to Norfolk and confer with the members of St. John. Professor Woodbury went to Baltimore, Rev. Wayman came to Norfolk, and since that time African Methodism has been a potent factor in the uplift of our people in this the mother of States. Bishop Wayman in his “My Recollections” tells us that he came to the city by the sea having received the information from the flock that was as sheep without a shepherd, glad of the opportunity to preach the text, “I seek my brethren.” Rev. Wayman was met at the boat on that memorable Sunday morning by Bro. Peter Sheppard, known throughout Virginia as “Father Sheppard”* and escorted him to the church on Bute street. At night he preached the desired text. Monday afternoon Rev. Wayman preached again from the text “We are journeying to the place of which the Lord said: I will give it thee; come thou with us and we will do thee good.” Num. 10: 29. At night the official members met and unanimously * Died in Norfolk, Va., May 30, 1907, and buried in Cumberland Street Cemetery adopted an instrument of writing prepared by Rev. Wayman affirming their allegiance to the A. M. E. Church. On Wednesday night Rev. Wayman spoke again from the text “We will go with you, for we have heard that God is with you.” Zech 8: 23. The congregation endorsed the action of the official board, and 800 members became followers of Allen with the following ministers: Revs. R. H. Parker, James Tynes, Peter Sheppard, Americus Woodhouse and Amos Wilson. Rev. Wayman having returned to Baltimore soon came again to Norfolk bringing Bishop Daniel A. Payne and Rev. John M. Brown. The Bishop preached, reviewed the situation, and appointed Rev. John M. Brown pastor of St. John's Church, Norfolk. From this point, 1864 to 1867, all of the ministers who labored in Virginia were members of the Baltimore Annual Conference, and reported their work to that Conference until the organization of the Virginia Conference. FIRST SESSION OF THE VIRGINIA ANNUAL CONFERENCE The Conference was organized May 10, 1867, in Richmond by Bishop Alexander Washington Wayman. “I love thy Kingdom Lord” was sung, prayer was offered and 2nd Psalm read as a scripture lesson. Rev. J. R. V. Thomas was appointed secetary and Rev. Wm. H. Hunter assistant secretary. The following names were enrolled. Bishop A. W. Wayman, D. D. Rev. J. D. S. Hall, transfer from Baltimore Conference. Rev. Geo. T. Watkins, transfer from Baltimore Conference. Rev. Richard H. Parker, transfer from Baltimore Conference. Rev. Isaac J. Hill, transfer from Baltimore Conference. Rev. John H. Offer. Rev. Peter Sheppard. Rev. Matthew Marshall. Rev. Aaron Pindle. Rev. Jacklin Strange. Rev. Geo. Williams. Rev. Lewis F. Wayne. Rev. William F. Williams. Rev. Wm. H. Smith. Rev. Joseph H. Plato. Rev. John W. Diggs. Rev. J. H. Hughes. VISITORS Revs. John M. Brown, Wm. H. Brown, Richard A. Hall, and Wm. H. Hunter. RESOLUTIONS The following resolutions were offered by Rev. John M. Brown and adopted by the Conference. 1st. Resolved that there be a committee of three appointed whose duty it shall be to draw up an address to our people in the state of Virginia congratulating them upon their recent success, and in the advanced position they have been placed in the several Acts of Congress, and by the impartiality shown in the selection of the Grand Jury. 2nd. Resolved, that the same committee be authorized to write an address to all colored Methodists in Virginia, defining our position and stating the points of agreement and disagreement, and urging all to unite in one common fold. Signed, J. M. BROWN and WM. H. HUNTER. This resolution shows the wisdom and alertness of the early organizers of the Virginia Conference to spread African Methodism in the very incipiency of the Christian work among our people who had so recently been emancipated. When the fourth disciplinary question was reached, “Who are admitted on trial?” the following brethren were presented: Lewis H. Wayne, William Williams, Wm. H. Smith, John W. Diggs, J. H. Hughes and Joseph K. Plato; Thornton McCoy and Thomas Wright were presented for local membership from St. John's Chapel, Bute Street, Norfolk. They came by a petition from the quarterly Conference of their Church, dated May 8, 1867, and signed by Rev. Geo. T. Watkins, pastor and brother George W. Dawley, Secretary. Bros. Thomas Hewlett and Henry Halyard of 3rd St. Church, Richmond, were presented at the same Conference for local membership. Carefulness of the early organizers in receiving persons in the ministry is shown by the following: Rev. Wm. H. Hunter presented Rev. J. H. Hughes for itinerant work, whereupon Rev. J. R. V. Thomas objected on the ground that Bro. Hughes had been rejected by the Baltimore Conference; a spirited debate followed and the motion was laid on the table. May 11, 1867, Rev. Wm. Hunter offered a motion that Rev. Hughes be admitted into the itinerancy without debate, which motion was lost, but the Conference voted that the Bishop be empowered to give Rev. Hughes work in the Virginia Conference if he saw fit to do so. He was finally admitted. At this Conference Rev. Peter Sheppard was absent on account of the demise of his wife. He sent an excuse, which was accepted and a vote of condolence was tendered the bereaved brother. The first persons to be admitted into full membership in the Conference in answer to question 6 were Revs. Richard H. Parker and Isaac J. Hill. Brothers Matthew Marshall and George Williams were continued on trial. VISIT OF THE GRAND JURY The Grand Jury of the United States Court for the District of Virginia gracing the Conference with their presence, were introduced by Rev. John M. Brown and received by Bishop A. W. Wayman, who made them welcome in well chosen remarks. It is worthy of note that six (6) members of this jury were men in whose veins coursed “Negro Blood,” three of them from Alexandria and three from Richmond. ORDINATION OF DEACONS AND ELDERS On Saturday morning, May 11, 1867, the following were recommended for ordination, and on Sunday, May 12, 1867, were ordained deacons: Bros. Aaron Pindle, Lewis H. Wayne, J. K. Plato, Wm. Williams, Jacklin Strange, Wm. H. Smith; John W. Diggs and Matthew Marshall. In the afternoon of the same day Bros. Richard H. Parker and I. J. Hill were ordained elders, and on Tuesday afternoon, May 14, Bros. L. H. Wayne, Wm. H. Smith and J. H. Offer were given elders' orders. Rev. D. A. Peterson and Drs. Nelson Head of the M. E. Church South, and Mitchell of the M. E. Church North, were among the visitors at this Conference. CONFERENCE COLLECTIONS "1","Contingent Money","$82.33" "2","Baltimore Association","12.00" "3","Missionary Money—Richmond Church","7.98" " ","Total receipts","$102.31" The meagre amount raised in those pioneer days seems now but the widow's mite when contrasted with the hundreds of dollars brought up to the Conference each year by those who have caught the mantle of the fathers. APPOINTMENTS FOR 1867-68 "I","Richmond District, Presiding Elder","J. D. S. Hall." " ","1 Richmond Station","Rev. J. D. S. Hall." " ","2 Richmond City Mission","Rev. Wm. Williams." " ","3 Fredericksburg","Rev. J. K. Plato." " ","4 Port Royal"," " " ","5 Farmville","Rev. Mathew Marshall" "II","Portsmouth District, Presiding Elder","Rev. J. R. V. Thomas" " ","1 Portsmouth Station","Rev. J. R. V. Thomas." " ","2 Portsmouth Circuit","Aaron Pindle." " ","3 Smithfield Circuit","Revs. I. J. Hill and George Williams." "III","Norfolk District, Presiding Elder","Rev. G. T. Watkins." " ","1 Norfolk Station","Rev. Geo. T. Watkins." The above is all that the record shows relative to that year's appointments. There must have been more appointments, but since the journal is silent on the matter the desired information cannot be given. The keeping of an accurate record by the Conference in its infancy was doubtless similar to the keeping of perfect records by many of our early churches; various conditions were apparent that militated against an accurate and systematic record such as is possible today, but the fathers served well their day and generation and are worthy of our unstinted praise and commendation. At the adjournment of the Conference the following names appeared on the roster:—Bishop A. W. Wayman, Revs. J. D. S. Hall, George T. Watkins, Richard Parker, I. J. Hill, Peter Sheppard, John H. Offer, J. R. V. Thomas, Matthew Marshall, Aaron Pindle, Jacklin Strange, George Williams, Lewis H. Wayne, Wm. Williams, Wm. H. Smith, John W. Diggs, J. K. Plato, Americus Woodhouse, Wm. F Williams, J. H. Hughes, Thornton McCoy, Thomas Wright, Henry Halyard, Thomas Hewlett and George Thornton. (See statistics of 1867 for comparison with Conference reports 1906.) SECOND SESSION, 1868 This Conference, like the former one, was held in Richmond, March 26, 1868, with Bishop A. W. Wayman presiding. Devotional exercises were conducted by the Bishop, and Revs. J. R. V. Thomas and Benjamin T. Tanner were elected secretaries. Brothers Cato L. Dailey, John B. Lewis and Robert Armstead were admitted into the Conference. Under question fifth: Who remain on trial? Brothers Aaron Pindle, Jacklin Strange, J. W. Diggs, William F. Williams, George Williams and William H. Smith were reported. The names of Brothers J. K. Plato and J. H. Hughes were dropped. Rev. J. H. Offer was admitted into full membership. At the ordination of deacons Rev. Robert Armstead received orders, and through a request coming from our Church at Richmond, Brothers Thomas Hewlett and Henry Halyard were also ordained. In consequence of extreme necessity Revs. Aaron Pindle, Jacklin Strange and John W. Diggs were advanced to the eldership and ordained by Bishop A. W. Wayman. Here the Virginia Conference elected her first delegates to represent her in the General Conference. The ministerial delegates were Revs. George T. Watkins and Richard H. Parker; the lay delegates were Brothers Jesse Lee, Thornton McCoy, James Smith and Thomas Wright. The maiden entrance of our Conference into the highest court of the Church was quite significant, as the General Conference met in the capitol city, Washington, May, 1868. Each delegate was allowed $20.00 for expenses. During this year St. John's Chapel of Norfolk had procured the deed of the property from the M. E. Church South, and deeded it to the A. M. E. connection through its pastor, Rev. G. T. Watkins. For this act they received a vote of thanks from the Conference. Among the many distinguished visitors who paid their respects to the Conference in session were Bishop Doggert, Revs. N. Heard, G. W. Langhorne, E. M. Peterson, J. H. Crown and L. M. Lee of the M. E. Church South. These ministers were introduced to the Conference by the Rev. George T. Watkins, and Bishop Doggert and Rev L. M. Lee, D. D., made interesting remarks to the brethren. The good Bishop referred to the transfer of St. John's property, and promised to use his influence in getting all of the churches South to transfer their property to the A. M. E. Church. A resolution was passed that the pastors of the Norfolk and Portsmouth stations and the Secretary of the Conference constitute a committee to assist the Bishop in making the appointments. The following resolutions were adopted relative to the visit of Bishop Doggert: “Whereas, Bishop Doggert, of the M. E. Church South, in company with a number of Elders of the said Church, have honored the Virginia Conference of the A. M. E. Church with a visit; Therefore be it resolved, That the Virginia Conference of the A. M. E. Church feel to honor the visit of the reverend gentlemen, and to return thanks to them in person for the very many kind offices which the Church they represent have bestowed upon us as a Church; Be it further resolved, That we invoke them to continue their Christian efforts in assisting our Church to get within its borders all the Anglo-Africans of the Republic to the end that among us at least there may be one fold with the one Shepherd, Jesus Christ.” J. R. V. THOMAS, B. T. TANNER, J. A. HANDY. The Virginia Conference in its infancy put a high estimate upon education. This is seen from the fact that the Conference heard with great pleasure of the purpose of the South Carolina Conference to establish a Theological Seminary for our ministers, and they appointed Rev. George T. Watkins to correspond with Rev. Richard Harvey, a son of Virginia, later Bishop Cain, who was chairman of the trustee board, with a view of uniting with them in this great and laudable undertaking. So from its very beginning this Conference has been on the side of education, and has since done much for the advancement of the cause. The grim reaper death began early to visit the ranks of our brethren. In January, 1868, two passed from labor to reward. One was Rev. Lewis H. Wayne, who entered the ministry from Israel Church, Washington, D. C. He was a faithful minister in the Conference, and died at his post in the full triumph of faith. His first and only appointment in the Conference was P. E. of Wytheville district and pastor of Wytheville Church, both at the some time. The Rev. George Thornton died January 8, 1868, while serving the Middleway Circuit as its pastor. He was one the most eloquent and useful men in the Conference at the time of his death. He entered our Church in Pennsylvania through Rev. William H. Gilliard, and was licensed to exhort on the Chambersburg circuit in 1862 by Rev. John M. Brown. The two brethren were the first to fall on the battle field of Virginia, to be followed by a number who have since laid down their arms and reported at Eternity's headquarters. At this session Revs. J. D. S. Hall and J. R. V. Thomas were transferred to the Baltimore Conference. The total contingent moneys received was $77.75. Conference expenses $23.25. $54.00 was divided among the needy preachers, only 50 cents being left in the treasury. Mark the improvement as we proceed during thirty-eight years. There were twenty-two charges reported at the Conference, with twenty churches. Number of full members, 3994 Number of probationers, 232 Presiding Elder districts five. THIRD SESSION, 1869 The third session of the Virginia Conference was called to order by Rt. Rev. A. W. Wayman, in St. John's Chapel, Norfolk, Va., April 21, 1869. Rev. William D. W. Schureman was elected secretary and Rev. William B. Derrick, assistant. Brothers George W. Pinkard, Richard Sylvester, Richard Gassaway and Jacob E. W. Moore were admitted on trial. The following were read into full connection: Brothers Aaron Pindle, William F. Williams, William H. Smith, Jacklin Strange, John W. Diggs, Thomas M. Cole, W. B. Derrick and Matthew Marshall. For ordination this year the record shows that John B. Lewis, Cato L. Dailey and Richard J. Gassaway were made itinerant deacons, and David I. Owens local deacon for Portsmouth Church, and Elias Hill local deacon for Smithfield. Brothers Peter Sheppard, Americus Woodhouse, George Williams and William F. Williams were given itinerant elders orders. Rev. James A. Handy, of the Baltimore Conference, and Rev. Joshua Woodlin, of the Philadelphia Conference, were introduced to the brethren and proved to be of much service in shaping the work of this young Conference body. The annual sermon was preached by Bishop A. W. Wayman from 2 Kings 4: 26. It was well delivered, and accepted by the hearers. Bishop Wayman called the attention of the Conference to the subject of the Presiding Eldership, and advised the establishment of said office. On motion of Rev. George T. Watkins the office was created and six districts formed. Ten dollars and twenty-five cents were paid over to Rev. Joshua Woodlin for the Book Concern; this amount seems small to-day, but it was like the grain of mustard seed, and has since wonderfully increased. No statistical table nor list of appointments is recorded for this year, hence we are deprived of useful information at this point. Five hundred copies of the Annual Conference minutes were ordered, and $10.00 were appropriated as part payment, but we haven't any knowledge of the work being done. Transferred to Virginia Conference from Baltimore Conserence Rev. W. B. Derrick and Thomas M. Cole. FOURTH SESSION, 1870 This session of the Virginia Conference was held in Emanuel A. M. E. Church, with Bishop A. W. Wayman presiding. Rev. W. B. Derrick was elected temporary secretary. Rev. P. M. Only, Shadrach Jones, Richard H. Govans and J. D. S. Hall, transfers from the Baltimore Conference, and Rev. J. H. A. Johnson transfer from the Philadelphia Conference, were introduced. Following Rev. Johnson's introduction, Rev. W. D. W. Schureman moved that he (Johnson) be permanent secretary, and W. B. Derrick assistant; the motion prevailed. In response to the fifth question: Who are admitted on trial? the following named brethren were presented: Lemuel W. Lee, John H. Riddick, St. John's Chapel, Norfolk; Robert Davis, Bethel Church, Hampton, and James T. Morris for itinerant work, and Edward Williams of the M. E. Church for local membership. Into the relation of full membership Shadrach Jones, John B. Lewis, Cato L. Daly and Robert Armstead. Ordination—Itinerant Deacons, George W. Pinkard, J. E. W. Moore, Richard H. Govans and Shadrach Jones. The Bishop asked if these brethren used tobacco. P. E. J. H. Offer answered that Brother Jones did use the weed. Local Deacons, Thaddeus Peeden, Robert Crusoe and Michael Brown. Ordination—Itinerent Elders William B. Derrick, Thomas M. Cole and Robert Armstead. Rev. J. H. Offer preached the annual sermon; text Ezekiel 10: 14. It was listened to with marked attention. On motion of Rev. J. Strange the following Committee on Circuits and Stations was appointed: Revs. J. H. A. Johnson, Matthew Marshall and George Williams. Here we note the first committee of the kind since the organization of the Conference. TEMPERANCE DISCUSSION The fathers put great stress upon the temperance question, and did all in their power to check the great evil of intemperance, as the following discussion apropos the temperance report will attest. The report had been read, and very reluctantly was the motion for its reception carried. Bishop Wayman said the reason for this was because the report included tobacco, and therefore was hard for the brethren to swallow. Rev. J. Strange moved for its adoption. Rev W. B. Derrick was given the floor, and made an able argument in favor of the report, as also did Rev. J. Strange. The report was not wholly concurred in by Rev. J. D. S. Hall. In course of his remarks he asked if any one was ever disfigured by the use of tobacco. He asked the Rev. Derrick to show a plant that had a poisonous quality. “Why,” he said, “the brother himself has enough poison in him to kill ten men; there is poison in every breath he draws.” Rev. Hall thought that too much was being said about tobacco, and that it tended to make men hypocrites. Rev. John H. Offer said that he felt that the use of tobacco was an evil, and but a stepping-stone to the whisky shop. Rev. Hall rose to a question of privilege, and asked if Brother Offer regarded his statement as true in all cases. The answer was in the negative. Rev. Offer then spoke earnestly in defense of the report and in denunciation of tobacco. The discussion was continued at some length by Rev. J. Strange and Matthew Marshall. At the conclusion of the debate the report was adopted on a vote of 13 to 4. The report on Circuits and Stations showed Eastville Circuit to be forty miles long from end to end, comprising seven churches. It was divided into two circuits and called Eastville Circuit, embracing Eastville, Capeville and Bridge town, and Pungoteague Circuit, embracing Pungoteague, Franktown, Belle Haven and Occohonic Neck. This arrangement showed the wisdom of the fathers, and rapid development followed. Rocky Mount Circuit was found to be fifteen miles long, and was treated in a similar manner. BISHOPS' SALARY Instead of paying the Bishops out of a general treasury as we do now, they were paid by the districts which he served, and each Conference was assessed to make up the amount of salary. This money was designated “The Bishops' Money.” The Conference at this time was assessed $385.00. The Rev. W. D. W. Schureman, chairman of committee on said assessment, reported $265.75 raised, with a balance of $119.25 due. This was in the days of organization in Virginia, and the small amount then paid our general superintendents gave satisfaction. At this point Bishop Wayman, having reviewed the mission field, said: “There was a necessity of having several young brethren ordained as deacons for the missionary work.” Still he enjoined the strictest caution on the members of the Conference in proceeding with the matter. He designated Lemuel W. Lee, John Riddick, J. T. Morris and Robert Davis. Revs. J. D. S. Hall and J. W. Diggs spoke against the ordination of L. W. Lee; Rev. W. D. W. Schureman took issue with Rev. Hall, and a heated colloquy followed between Schureman and Hall, joined in by Revs. J. H. A. Johnson and George T. Watkins. The Conference refused to admit Brother Lee on grounds of illegality. Yet the Bishop's decision was that it would be legal to ordain these brethren for the missionary field as soon as they were admitted on trial. The Bishop called the attention of the Conference to the petition and requested Rev. George T. Watkins to make a statement concerning the matter. This was done, and the members signed the petition and Brother Lee was passed for ordination. This gives us an idea of the carefulness which these early fathers exercised in advancing preachers, and the observance of the Apostle's advice in laying hands on no man hastily. The Bishop called the attention of the Conference to the publishing of the minutes, and thought it not necessary to publish the previous year or years' minutes since the time had passed. Rev. W. D. W. Schureman was interrogated as to the failure to publish previous minutes. A warm discussion ensued, participated in by Revs. Schureman, Watkins, Derrick and J. H. A. Johnson concerning the number to be printed. However, 1000 copies were agreed upon. The Book Steward reported $37.78 in hand for publication of the last year's minutes. But the work was not done, because many of the papers were scattered, and all proceedings of the Conference were not in the journal. PREACHERS' AID SOCIETY The treasurer, Rev. Schureman, reported that on June 10, '69, he deposited in the Freedmen's Saving Bank, Norfolk, $16.85 for said society, as ordered by the last Annual Conference. Here we have the first mention of a preachers' aid society, which has developed step by step into our present Connectional Preachers' Aid with its many advantages. ORDINATION OF ELDERS IN ST. JOHN'S CHAPEL The ordination of elders did not take place at the seat of Conference, but in Norfolk. Bishop A. W. Wayman preached, the ordination sermon from the text, Acts 20: 32, “And now, brethren, I commend you to God and the word of his grace which is able to build you up, and to give you an inheritance among all them which are sanctified.” Revs. William B. Derrick, Robert Armstead and Thomas M. Cole were ordained. From the very beginning the Conference imbibed a missionary spirit which has continued with increased energy and interest up to the present, as shown by the following resolutions, presented by Rev. W. B. Derrick: Whereas, There has been a missionary fund created in the South Carolina Conference for the purpose of raising a certain amount of money whereby a missionary might be sent to Africa to plant the banner of Christ, also that of the African Methodist Episcopal Church; Be it resolved, That we, the members of the Virginia Annual Conference, do hereby endorse the movement of said Conference; Resolved further, That we shall use all means that lay in our power to aid on the well-begun work by raising in our respective churches the sum of five dollars ($5.00) to aid the progress of the Word to the land of our forefathers. The resolutions passed after some discussion. Revs. J. N. Duvant of the Episcopal Church, and J. M. Nickerson of M. E. Church were introduced to the Conference. An assessment of four hundred and forty-four dollars ($444) was levied on the Conference for the support of the Bishop. The Finance Committee reported for contingent purposes "$137.50"," " "Number of full members","4589" "Number of probationers","377" "Value of church property","$48,420" APPOINTMENTS FOR 1870-71 FIFTH SESSION, 1871 The Fifth Annual Session of the Virginia Conference was held in the city of Staunton, April 12, 1871, with Bishop A. W. Wayman presiding. The Assistant Secretary of previous Conference, W. B Derrick, called the roll and Rev. W. D. W. Schureman was elected secretary and W. B. Derrick assistant secretary. ADMISSIONS ON TRIAL (1) Rev. Elisha Webb of M. E. Church, South, ordained elder by Bishop Pierce. (2) George D. Jimmerson. ADMISSIONS INTO FULL MEMBERSHIP ORDINATION—DEACONS Lemuel W. Lee, John H. Riddick, Robert Davis and J. H. Morris. ORDINATION—ELDERS, ITINERANT Richard J. Gassoway. Elder—Local, Edward W. Williams, St. John's Chapel. The annual sermon was delivered by Rev. W. D. W. Schureman. Rev 4:7. The Rev. C. L. Daly was superannuated by the Conference on motion of Rev. W. D. W. Schureman, and an annuity of $100 was granted him to be paid through the Book Steward. Brother Daly stands as the first minister to be granted this relation in the Virginia Conference. In response to the question, Who has withdrawn from the connection this year? the name of J. D. S. Hall was given. One death was reported—Deacon Elias Hill of the Smithfield Circuit. Rev. Schureman reported $195.95 collected on the Bishop's support and that there was a balance due of $99.55. The report elicited much discussion and resulted in the presentation of resolutions by Rev. Derrick urging the delinquent pastors to settle in full. FINANCES "The Finance Committee reported (contingent)","$114 40" "Number of full members","4793" "Probationers","359" "Churches","54" "Value of church property","714 50" APPOINTMENTS Rev. Jonathan B. Hamilton to Virginia Conference from Baltimore Conference. Rev. Isaac J. Hill was transferred to the New York Conference. SIXTH SESSION, 1872 Third Street A. M. E. Church, Richmond, was the seat of the Sixth Annual Session of the Virginia Conference. It convened March 27, 1872, with Bishop Wayman presiding officer. After the devotional exercises Rev. W. B. Derrick was elected secretary and Rev. A. Pindle assistant. Among the visitors at the opening of this Conference we note the following: Rev. H. J. Young of Kentucky Conference; Rev. Wells, Rev. Garlin of M. E. Church South; Rev. Troy, Second Baptist Church; Rev. A. Binga, First Baptist Church, Manchester; Mr. W. P. Powell, New York; Rev. Warner of M. E. Church and Rev. Mannly of the City High School, who invited the Conference to pay a visit to his school which was accepted for March 28, 12:30 P. M. RESOLUTIONS I Whereas, The Rev. H. J. Young, Endowment Agent of Wilberforce University is among us and his presence is hailed with pleasure, and Whereas, knowing his mission is one of vital importance, Be it Resolved, That he shall receive all help that can be rendered by us in aiding so laudable a cause. W. B. DERRICK. II Whereas, Rev. B. T. Tanner, editor of The Christian Recorder is among us and his coming is received with profound delight, and Whereas, knowing that the Book Concern is in a crippled condition by reason of past difficulties, therefore, Be it Resolved, That we, the members of the Virginia Conference, will contribute the sum of two ($2.00) each, that our church organ may be kept going. The resolution prevailed and the sum of $29.25 was immediately put upon the table for said purpose. This is but an evidence of the fact that the Virginia Conference has always stood ready to aid the departments of our church whenever an appeal was made. At 3 P. M. opening day, the annual sermon was preached by Rev. J. B. Hamilton; Text, Acts 16; 17; “The same followed Paul and us, and cried, saying, These men are the servants of the Most High God which show unto us the way of salvation.” Theme: Ministers of Christ and their work.” So excellent was this sermon, the speaker was requested to furnish the publishing committee with a copy. ADMISSIONS ON TRIAL Felix Brown, Charles H. Hunter, Robert Trust, J. S. Henderson, Benjamin L. Holloway, Robinson Crusoe. Rev. Wm. Claxton presented his parchment from the M. E. Church. After lengthy discussion he was admitted. Richard Forrester of Richmond was admitted as a local member. ADMISSIONS—FULL MEMBERSHIP Robert Davis, Lemuel W. Lee, J. T. Morris, James H. Scott. ORDINATION—DEACONS George D. Jimmerson, Wm. Williamson. ORDINATION—ELDERS Rev. Philip M. Only, Jacob E. W. Moore, Shadrach Jones, John B. Lewis, Richard H. Govans. DELEGATES TO GENERAL CONFERENCE Rev. W. D. Schureman, Rev. J. B. Hamilton, Rev. J. F. Lane, Rev. W. B. Derrick, Rev. J. H. Offer. On motion of Rev. J. T. Morris, Rev. J. F. Lane was requested to read the decision of the judges in the case which gave the church in the city of Portsmouth to the members of the African M. E. Church. The name of John H. Riddick was dropped, since he had joined another church. There was one death during the year, Rev. Cato L. Daly. The statistical table, financial items and list of appointments were left out of the journal for this year. SEVENTH SESSION, 1873 April 9, 1873, the Sixth Annual Session of the Virginia Conference convened at Emanuel A. M. E. Church, Portsmouth. The devotional exercises were conducted by Bishop Wayman, then the roll was called, after which Bishop Wayman introduced Rt. Rev. J. P. Campell, D. D., LL. D., as the presiding Bishop of the Virginia Conference. Bishop Campbell took the chair and addressed the Conference with reference to the history of the church, her administration and great mission in the world; and said his only object is to build the church and lift up fallen humanity. The annual sermon was preached by J. F. Lane; text, Matt. 6:10—“Thy Kingdom Come.” A vote of thanks was tendered the preacher and he was requested to give a copy of his manuscript for publication. The missionary sermon was delivered by Rev. W. B. Derrick. "Public collection","$15.00" "From Society","45.00" "Total","$60.00" This is the first account of a missionary sermon since the organization of the Conference. Under disciplinary question 6th, Bro. Robert Trust was discontinued. ADMISSIONS Charles H. Hunter, Phelix Brown, Benjamin L. Holloway, George D. Jimmerson, J. K. Plato and R. Henderson. ORDINATION—DEACONS Phelix Brown, C. H. Hunter, Benjamin L. Holloway. The death of the Rt. Rev. Wm. Paul Quinn was reported and the Conference convened on the third day at 3 P. M. and held funeral services in memory of the deceased prelate, which was participated in by three other Bishops, J. P. Campbell, A. W. Wayman and James A. Shorter. Bishop Campbell lined hymn 441, Bishop Shorter led in prayer; Bishop Wayman read the scripture lesson; the choir sang. Bishop Campbell preached the funeral sermon; text, II Timothy 4:6—8 ADMISSIONS INTO ITINERANT WORK Brothers Jeremiah Cuffey, Americus Singleton, John W. Ruff, J. H. Cary, James H. Haynes, Benjamin F. Holloway, Green Berry Smith, Isaac J. Pindle, William Claxton, James Cooke, Charles Brown. EIGHTH SESSION, 1874 This session was held in Danville Va., April 10, 1874, with Rt. Rev. J. P. Campbell, D. D., LL. D., presiding. The Bishop lined hymn 296, “Let us use the Grace Divine;” The secretaries chosen were Revs. W. B. Derrick and John F Lane. The following brethren transferred from the North Carolina Conference were introduced: Revs. Thomas Bems, S. B. Clark, J. E. Cooke, Charles Steward and——Smith. ADMISSIONS INTO TRAVELLING CONNECTION James W. Fuller, James H. Scott, Warwick Rhue, Andy F. Simms and Wm. H. Wingford. FOR LOCAL WORK George Rose and Aaron Nowill. ADMISSIONS INTO FULL MEMBERSHIP Robinson Crusoe, James H. Haynes, Benjamin L. Holloway and G. B. Smith. ORDINATION—DEACONS Revs. Americus Singleton, John W. Ruff, Jeremiah Cuffey and J. S. Henderson. ORDINATION—ELDERS Revs. Robert Davis, George W. Pinkard and James H. Haynes. The annual sermon was preached by Rev. W. D. W. Schureman. He was tendered a vote of thanks and requested to furnish a copy of his sermon for publication. Bishop Campbell here had occasion to speak of the danger of building churches on ground not properly deeded to the A. M. E. Church as per discipline. He instructed and urged the pastors never to build on such faulty foundations. The missionary sermon was preached by Rev. John W. Diggs. Text Matt. 10: 6-7. The collection was $111.36. Bishop T. M. D. Ward was introduced to the Conference. The brethren arose and received the distinguished visitor who made some helpful remarks to the Conference. Rev. Derrick responded in well chosen words. At this juncture the presiding Bishop addressed the Conference on the office and function of Presiding Elder. A motion to create the office of Presiding Elder per discipline was lost. These fathers felt that they were not yet able to carry this independent burden. Dropped James Cooke and S. B. Clark. The Rev. G. B. Smith at his own request was granted permission to locate for the purpose of going to school. Statistics, finance collected and appointments were omitted from the record. EDUCATIONAL ITEMS On motion of Rev. Matthew Marshall, Bishop Campbell, D. D., LL. D., appointed a committee consisting of Revs. Matthew Marshall, Geo. D. Jimmerson, J. Strange, J. E. W. Moore and J. H. Cary to present a plan by which a Conference High School might be founded somewhere within the bounds of the Virginia Conference. Thus we see that the fires of education had begun in earnest to burn in the breasts of the fathers, although many of them did not expect to obtain much by it because of their advanced age, but desired that the young men and women of the church might be benefitted. NINTH SESSION, 1875 Richmond was the seat of the Ninth Session of the Annual Conference, held April 1, 1875. Religious exercises were conducted by Bishop Campbell, D. D., LL., D. Revs. W. B. Derrick, A. Pindle and W. D. W. Schureman were elected secretaries. It was announced that Rev. Thomas Hurley had been transferred from the Ohio Conference and Rev. Wilson Beard from the Illinois Conference. At 7:30 P. M. the Rev. John E. Cooke preached what is commonly known among Methodist ministerial bodies as the annual sermon. The text, Heb. 12:28. ADMISSIONS ON TRIAL Bros. A. J. Williams, William H. Gray and Joseph C. Mackey. These brethren were required to preach a trial sermon before the Conference, prior to their admission. This plan might be well followed today in many cases. ADMISSIONS INTO FULL MEMBERSHIP Bros. Jeremiah Cuffey and J. H. Carey. ORDINATION—DEACONS Chelsa Dimmington and Wilson Beard. ORDINATION—ELDERS Charles H. Hunter. One death was reported, Rev. Benjamin L. Holloway. For the first time in the history of the Conference a report on the state of the church was read. Rev. Robinson Crusoe was located; Bro. Felix Brown expelled; and Revs. A. Singleton and C. Steward were dropped. “Rev. S. B. Clark deserted his work,” said the Bishop, and by a prevailing vote was left without an appointment. The seat of the Electoral College was fixed at Farmville, second Wednesday, September, 1875. "No. of members","6167" "No. of Probationers","417" "No. of Churches","58" "No. of Value of churches","$115,505" "No. of S. S. scholars","3963" APPOINTMENTS Rev. G. D. Jimmerson was transferred to the North Carolina Conference. TENTH SESSION, 1876 This session met in Emanuel A. M. E. Church, Portsmouth, Va., at 10 A. M. March 29, 1976, Bishop Jabez P. Campbell, D. D., LL., D., presiding, who conducted the opening exercises. Revs. W. B. Derrick and A. Pindle were elected secretaries. Rev. Benjamin F. Lloyd was transferred from the Baltimore Conference. The annual sermon was delivered by Rev. Richard Parker: Text Acts 16:19. A vote of thanks was tendered him for it. The following questions were proposed by Rev. W. B. Derrick: 1st. Are persons who absent themselves from communion for six months and are living at a distance to be considered members? 2nd. What class of people are to be withdrawn without certificate? Bishop Campbell replied. Ans. I. There are but three ways by which members can be considered no longer members of any individual church. (1) by death; (2) by expulsion; (3) removal by certificate.” Ans. II. “Persons that remove all their goods and effects with the intention of not returning. A member of the Conference asked, “What money is to be considered Church Extension Money?” The Bishop replied, “All money raised for purchasing land and the erection of new churches.” Rev. G. B. Smith, having returned from school, asked permission to enter the itinerant work again. On motion it was granted. ALLEN MONUMENT Revs. W. D. W. Schureman, W. B. Derrick and John Offer were appointed to attend the unveiling of a monument to the memory of Richard Allen. DELEGATES TO GENERAL CONFERENCE, 1876 MINISTERIAL W. B. Derrick, W. D. W. Schureman, Jacklin Strange, Aaron Pindle and John H. Offer. LAY Richard G. Forrester and Jeffrey T. Wilson. ADMISSIONS INTO ITINERANT WORK Isaac Ewer, C. Clark and J. W. Montgomery. ORDINATION—DEACONS Bros. A. J. Williams and Joseph C. Mackey. Elders, James H. Henderson, Thomas H. Hurley, Greenberry Smith and Benj. F Lloyd. Bro. Thaddeus Peeden was ordained local elder for Hampton Church. BISHOP'S DECISIONS ON POINTS OF LAW 1st. That any member has the right to an appeal to the ensuing quarterly Conference. 2nd. The appeal must be presented when the question is asked, Are there any appeals? If not presented at this time it is with the pastor whether it be admitted. 3rd. Only unfinished business can be brought before an adjourned quarterly Conference. The journal of this Conference closes without financial report, statistical table or list of appointments. Personal Sketches REV. PETER SHEPPARD Almost a century ago—September 15, 1816—at Norfolk Va. the subject of this sketch was born. He was converted April 27, 1837, 5:30 A. M. Entered the ministry in 1864, and was ordained by Bishop D. A. Payne. He joined the Virginia Conference at its organization in 1867. The following charges have been under his pastoral care: Farmville, Modestown, Princess Anne Circuit, Norfolk Circuit, Smithfield, Mt. Moriah, Savageville, Drummondtown, Capeville, Union Bethel, Deep Creek, Bridgetown. Father Sheppard built the first church at Hampton, Farmville, Prospect, St. James, Berkley, and Southampton. Churches were rebuilt and completed by him at Sewall's Point, Oak Grove, New Mill's Creek, Union Bethel and Bridgetown. Seven hundred and twenty-five (725) have been led from darkness into spiritual light and life through his efforts. He has had three hundred and seventy-five (375) persons to unite with the church. His educational advantages were obtained from the federal public schools and private institutions. This gospel veteran joined the Cumberland Street M. E. Church 7:30 P. M. on the day of his conversion. In 1844 a division of the Methodists left him in the M. E. Church South, where he remained until 1863, going then with the colored membership in the A. M. E. Church. He helped to lay the foundation of the first African Methodist Church in the Old Dominion, known as St. John's Chapel, literally laying the first brick. He raised the largest amount of the $7700.75 required to erect the church. He passed away May 30, 1907, in Norfolk, Va., and was buried in the Cumberland Street Cemetery. REV. JACKLIN STRANGE The subject of this sketch was born in Frederick County, Virginia, May 29, 1836. He was converted in 1851. He entered the ministry in the Baltimore Conference in 1867. He was ordained by Bishop A. W. Wayman; he was transferred to the Virginia Conference in 1867 at its organization. He has served the following charges with marked success: Staunton three years and built a church; Third Street, Richmond two years; Wytheville two years and completed a church; Danville three years and built a parsonage and completed a church; Presiding Elder over the then Lynchburg District four years. He then transferred to the Baltimore Conference and stayed one year, then came back to Virginia to Winchester; laid the foundation for a new church, Staunton, and built a parsonage; Presiding Elder of the Portsmouth District four years; Norfolk District four years; Danville District four years; Wytheville one year; Roanoke two years; Drummondtown one year; Richmond two years; Smithfield three years-He has had many conversions and accessions to the church. REV. JOHN HENRY OFFER * * This sketch was written by his daughter, Mrs. Ann E. Martin. In Anne Arundel County, Md., February, 1825, the above named saw the light of day. At the age of sixteen he was converted and joined the church at West River, Md. He was married in the city of Baltimore, March 22, 1853, to Miss Martha Parker. Licensed to exhort in Bethel Church 1856; to preach in 1859: joined the itineracy in 1866 and connected with the Virginia Conference 1867, at its organization. His first appointment was to the Eastern Shore of Virginia. He was ordained deacon and afterwards elder by Bishops A. W. Wayman, D. D., and D. A. Payne, D. D., LL. D., respectively. The following charges have been served by Rev. Offer: Wytheville, Portsmouth, Franktown, Smithfield Circuit, Chuckatuck Circuit, Bridgetown, Eastville, Onancock, Drummond. He served Wytheville District as Presiding Elder. He was superannuated in 1899, and passed into his rest in 1902. During his long and useful ministry eight (8) churches and one (1) parsonage built and (3) three churches were remodeled under his supervision. Hundreds of conversions and accessions to the church crowned the results of his labors. Rev. Offer organized churches at Onancock, Savageville, Bridgetown, Wytheville, Eastville, Franktown, Capeville, Drummond, Pungoteague, and Jamesville. REV. JOHN WESLEY DIGGS was born in Frederick County, Md. Aug. 11, 1832. He joined the Virginia Conference May 10, 1867 at Richmond, and served in it fifteen years. He organized the following churches: Salem, Va., Max Meadow, Cave Spring, Rocky Mount, Danville, Lynchburg, Marian, Taylorsville, Trinity, Berkley, and served at Wytheville, Suffolk, Onancock. Built Diggs Chapel. He underwent many hardships: he transfered to the Baltimore Conference in 1882 and is now a superannuate in that Conference. REV. GEORGE WILLIAMS * * This sketch was written by his daughter, Miss Mary E. Williams. was born during the days of slavery at Boydton, Va., April 12, 1835. He was born of strictly Methodist parents, who used to carry him when a child to the class-meetings where he received his first religious impressions. He was converted in 1852, and entered the ministry in 1874. He was ordained Deacon and Elder by Bishop A. W. Wayman. Uniting with the Virginia Conference in 1867, he was one of its pioneers. He served the following charges with great acceptability: Winchester, Salem, Wytheville, Berryville, Staunton, Danville, Smithfield, Roanoke, Greenville, Pleasant. Grove, Farmville, Prospect, Campbells, Deep Creek, Suffolk, St. James, Berkley, Carrollton, and Accomac Station, from which place he was called from labor to reward. REV. ROBERT ARMSTEAD * * This sketch was written by his son Mr. Armstead. was born in Winchester, Va. July 6th, 1832. He was converted in 1850, and entered the ministry in 1869, and ordained by Bishop Wayman. He served the following charges with success: Winchester three years, Summit Point four years, Suffolk three years, Princess Anne three years, Prospect two years, Greenville five years, Boon's Mill two years, Cave Spring four years, Rocky Mount four years, Harmony one year, Summit Point three years, Bedford nine months. He died January 14, 1904. REV. JACOB EDWARD WATERS MOORE * * This sketch was written by his wife, Mrs. Mary Moore. The subject of this sketch was born in Baltimore, January 26, 1847. He was converted at the age of fifteen years. He entered the schools of Baltimore City when quite young, and obtained a liberal education. He then studied theology under Rev. Dr. Geo. T. Watkins. He joined the Virginia Conference in 1869, and was ordained elder by Bishop Wayman in 1869. He taught public school in many of his charges in Va. He also took a course of study in the Pennsylvania Sunday School Institute of Norristown, Pa. from which he graduated He served the following charges in Virginia: Cave Spring three years, Winchester one year, Greenville three years, Farmville three years, Portsmouth four years, and remodeled the church, Eastville two years, and built parsonage, Presiding Elder Norfolk District four years, Portsmouth District three years, back to Portsmouth as pastor one year. He then transferred to the Philadelphia Conference, where he served faithfully to the end. He died in Philadelphia October 3, 1905. REV. ROBERT DAVIS The subject of this sketch was born in Smithfield, Va. in 1845. He was converted when quite a boy. He entered the ministry and joined the Virginia Conference in 1869. He was ordained deacon in 1870 by Bishop Wayman and elder in 1874 by Bishop J. P. Campbell. He has served the following charges: Richmond Mission four months, Mint Springs, Augusta County, eight months; bought a lot for a church and paid for it: Onancock Circuit, three years, bought a lot for a church at Drummondtown and lumber to build the church: paid off the debt at Savageville, Franktown circuit two years, P. E. of Staunton District and pastor of Staunton two years paid off a long standing debt; Duffield Circuit one year, improved the charge and taught public school, Eastville Station four years, built a church at Eastville, increased the membership and also built up Capeville, which was attached; Hampton Station one year and paid debts; Onancock Station three years, and paid off all debts; Salem Station two years, Winchester Station two years and four months, finished church which had been in course of erection for eighteen or nineteen years, P. E. of Danville District three years nearly; work built up all over the district, during which time he was caught in a railroad wreck on the N. and W. R. R.; Bridgetown Circuit four months, Eastville Station one and a half years, Drummondtown Station two years and built up the work: P. E. of the Portsmouth District three years, Farmville two years, St. James, Berkley, one year, curtailed debts; Princess Anne circuit four years, built up the charge spiritually, renovated and repaired the churches, parsonage, and premises; Suffolk, his present charge, two years, where he has greatly curtailed the indebtedness. He has had many conversions during his ministry and added many to the church. Indeed he is one of Virginia's “Pioneer Heroes,” who knows no failure. REV. GEORGE D. JIMMERSON, D.D The subject of this sketch was born near Salem, Roanoke County, Va., October 4, 1849, of a slave mother. He belonged to the estate of a Mr. Frantz. At the close of the Civil War his mother was without home and money, but his ex-master gave them the privilege of staying on his place and working the crop, agreeing to give them a part of it at harvest time. They did so; he also advised young Jimmerson to get an education, for he would need it in life; and that he would give him a chance to work mornings and afternoons for his board. This he (Jimmerson) accepted. He attended public school in the fall of 1865, taught by Mr. Crenshaw, (white), who was succeeded by Rev. Jno. W. Diggs, who was sent to Salem as pastor by the Baltimore Conference. He then went to the Richmond Colored Institute and remained until March, 1871. He was converted in March, 1869, and licensed to preach in September, 1869, under Rev. J. W. Diggs. He joined the Virginia Conference April 12, 1871, under Bishop A. W. Wayman, and was assigned to Prospect, Va., during which pastorate a great many people were added to the church. He married on July 4, 1871. He afterwards served the following charges with marked success: Franklin County, 13 miles from any railroad or Post Office; they worshipped in a log cabin; a great many souls were converted and added to the church; he also taught school here. He was ordained elder in 1873, by Bishop J. P. Campbell at Portsmouth and then sent to Berryville; here he completed the church and taught school, served two years. In 1875, he was transferred to the North Carolina Conference by Bishop Campbell and stationed at Mt. Zion Church, Wilmington, two years: Presiding Elder of the Raleigh District two years; he was then transferred to the California Conference and stationed at San Francisco and served until August, 1880, which time at his own request he was transferred back to North Carolina and stationed at New Berne one year; here he suffered with a severe spell of sickness; next St. Paul's Church, Raleigh, two years; Presiding Elder of the Morgantown District two years. He was then transferred back to the Virginia Conference in 1885, and placed at Danville, Va., at the request of that church, by Bishop H. M. Turner. He found this people heavily burdened with debt; he succeeded in curtailing the debt; 150 souls converted and over one hundred added to the church; among these was the Rev. Geo. W. Adams, A. B. of Kittrell College; he remained here three years, Richmond three years; he reduced a long standing debt of about two thousand dollars to less than four hundred dollars in three years; there was a great revival in the city and many souls were converted, from which 150 persons joined the church; among this number was the Rev. W. W. Browne, founder of the True Reformers, who proved to be a great help in managing the debt of the church. He was next sent to Hampton, but because of the bitterness and unpleasantness between the members, he asked the Bishop to remove him, which he did after three months; he was then made Presiding Elder of the Portsmouth District where he served three years and nine months with great acceptability; to Smithfield station three years; here he found a small but a very loyal membership; he remodeled the church, and entertained the Annual Conference. He was next sent to Eastville, Va., where he remained five years. Here he found the people wanting and needing a new church; he set to work collecting money for it; and at the end of the fourth year he had collected and banked three thousand dollars; and at the end of the fifth year he had completed the building at a cost of ten thousand dollars, one of the best and finest country churches in the connection. He is now stationed at Portsmouth, Va., serving his fourth year and having fair success. He has served four sessions in the General Conference: Indianapolis in 1888; Philadelphia, 1892; Wilmington, N. C. 1896; Chicago, 1904; he has been a member of the Missionary Board fifteen years. He is a born leader of men; he is indeed the leader of the Virginia Annual Conference. REV. CHARLES HENRY HUNTER Rev. C. H. Hunter was born in Montgomery County, Va., June 4, 1843, of slave parents. He was converted in 1859, and joined the M. E. Church. In 1864, he joined the A. M. E. Church under Rev William Waine. He was licensed to exhort by Rev. W. B. Derrick, (now Bishop) August 11, 1868. He joined the Virginia Conference in Richmond in 1872, under Bishop A. W. Wayman, D. D.; was ordained deacon in Portsmouth, Va., 1873, and elder in Richmond, Va. 1875, both by Bishop Campbell. He has brought a large number of persons into the church. He has pastored the following charges; Brown Hill, Maxmeadow; Cave Spring; Harmony; Deep Creek; Hickory; Newsome; Manchester; Prospect; Lynchburg; Newport News; Rocky Mount; Oceana; Mt. Moriah; Tanners Creek; Roanoke City; Oak Grove; and Holly Groove; he built the first church at Maxmeadow; remodeled church at Harmony; built church at Allen's Chapel, N. C.; organized the church at Roanoke City, and built up the work at Newport News; remodeled Hickory Grove and Mt. Moriah churches. He has married 222 couples. Rev. Hunter is one of the old men of the Virginia Conference, and yet just as supple and jolly as most of the younger men; and he thinks when the Bishop makes an appointment the preacher should go to it. He has served in the Virginia Conference thirty-four years up to this writing. He is now serving at Indika Circuit. REV. JEREMIAH CUFFEY Rev. Cuffey was born in Norfolk County, Va., January 31st., 1845. He was converted April 12, 1863, and entered the ministry April 9, 1873. He was ordained deacon by Bishop J. P. Campbell in 1874, and elder by Bishop Jno. M. Brown in 1878. He has been a member of the Virginia Conference thirty-three years and served the following charges: Summit Point two years; Blacksburg two years; Martinsville two years; Newsomes four years; Capeville Mission two years; Princess Anne Circuit three years; Chatham one year; Salem and Roanoke three years; Presiding Elder of Richmond District two years; Eastville Station two years; Wytheville one year; Suffolk one year; Onancock one year; Union Bethel Circuit two years; Deep Creek one year; Franktown. He has built one church at Matamorse, one at Martinsville, St. Matthews; Mt. Zion and St. Marks in Princess Anne County; one brick church at Roanoke, one brick church at Trinity, Berkley; repaired old Union Church at Blacksburg, Mt. Gilead on Newsomes, Capeville, St. John's, Princess Anne County, and Bethel at Salem; parsonages built: one at Capeville; repaired one at Chatham, one at Eastville; at Union Bethel; at Deep Creek, bought a lot at Blacksburg, Martinsville, Zion Hill, Roanoke City and Bedford City. He has had 968 conversions and 1018 accessions. REV. JOHN EDWARD COOKE The subject of this sketch was born in Raleigh, N. C. July 16, 1836. He was converted in 1858 and licensed to preach by Rev. G. W. Broadie, D. D. He was admitted into the Conference at Wilmington, N. C. in 1866, and ordained deacon 1867 by Bishop A. W. Wayman, and elder in 1868 by the same Bishop. This was at the first session of the North Carolina Conference. He was sent to Yancyville, Casville County, N. C. at which time he organized the church at Danville, Va. Afterwards the General Conference fixed the boundary of the Conference, thereby ceding Danville to the Virginia Conference. He was transferred to the Virginia Conference with Danville; here he bought a lot on Loyal Street and built a church at a cost of five thousand dollars, of which amount he paid all but $114.00 with a membership of 180 persons. He was next appointed to Hampton; here he added to the church 20 souls and left the church without debt: St. John's Church, Norfolk three years; he curtailed the debt from $12,000.00 to $4,000.00; added to the church 200 souls. Lynchburg two years, paid an indebtedness of $180.00; Staunton three years, reduced the indebtedness and added 26 to the church. Trinity, Berkley, four years; added 35 to the church and left $150.00 in the treasury for a new church. Salem one year, added to the church 17, Lynchburg again two years, paid the indebtedness and redeemed the property to the connection. Eastville, three years, conversions 205, added to church 150. Presiding Elder of Richmond District, which he served at different times eight years, during which time he secured the deed to the Farmville Church, which gave to the connection property worth $4,000. Smithfield, remodeled the church and added 15 souls. Savageville three years, remodeled church and added 40 souls; he is at present at Daugherty, and having remarkable success. He has served as delegate to the following General Conferences: Nashville, Tenn., 1872; St. Louis, 1880; Columbus, 1900. WILLIAM HENRY GRAY was born in Suffolk, Va., December 4, 1831. He was converted December 4, 1864, and entered the ministry in 1867, in the Virginia Conference. He was ordained deacon by Bishop Brown in 1879, and elder in 1882, by Bishop Turner. He has served the following charges: Chatham four years; Rocky Mount four years. He was appointed three times to Chatham and two times to Rocky Mount. He has built three parsonages and remodeled four. He is now a superannuate in the Virginia Conference and lives in Suffolk, Va. Number conversions during his ministry 850; accessions to the church, 893. REV. JOSEPH C. MACKEY The subject of this sketch was born in Princess Anne County, Va., April 12, 1849. He was converted in 1866, and entered the ministry in 1872. He was ordained deacon by Bishop J. P. Campbell, and elder by Bishop Jno. M. Brown. He joined the Virginia Conference in 1875, and served the following charges: Mt. Moriah three years; Hampton one year; Martinsville two years; Manchester three years; Deep Creek two years; Suffolk two years; Farmville one year; Smithville one year; Chatham one year; Trinity, Berkley one year; Smithfield two years; Berkley Circuit, St. James one year; Wytheville one year; Salem Station two years; Martinsville one year; Drummondtown one year; Savageville two years; Mt. Moriah three and one half years; and Princess Anne Circuit one and one half years, his present charge. Work done at the various charges as follows: at Mt. Moriah purchased two acres of land and built church; built church at Manchester; remodeled New Mill Creek Church; built church at Diggs Chapel; renovated church at Suffolk, paid off indebtedness and entertained the Annual Conference; organized Taylor's Mission at Farmville; organized Drakes Branch Mission at Smithville Circuit; moved Bethel Church on St. James Circuit, Berkley; curtailed indebtedness at Wytheville; bought a parsonage site at Salem; repaired church at Mountain Top at Martinsville; renovated parsonage at Savageville; renovated and beautified the church at Hampton and organized a Mission at Butler's Farm, and made repairs around the parsonage at Princess Anne Circuit, his present charge. Conversions during ministry over one thousand, and added to the church over six hundred. His school advantages were limited; he attended public school awhile and had private teachers. REV. ISAAC EWER The subject of this sketch was born of slave parents in Gates County, N. C. about 1855. His mother died when he was quite young. He was converted in 1864 at the age of nine years. During his early boyhood days his father moved to Suffolk, Va., thence to Portsmouth, Va., and then to Princess Anne County, Va., where little Isaac was converted and joined St. John's Church in that County. Those days were spent on the well known place the “Wise Farm.” He attended public school five years, and the Hampton Institute three years. He entered the ministry, and the Virginia Conference in 1876; and was ordained deacon in 1885, and elder in 1888 by Bishop H. M. Turner. He has pastored the following charges very acceptably: Penn Mission three years; Cave Spring two years; Capeville one year; Red Bluff three years; Rocky Mount one year; Union Bethel three years; Suffolk two years; Winchester three years; Staunton two years; Deep Creek five years; Savageville one year. He has built new churches at the following places: Mint Springs, Augusta County; Red Bluff, Wythe County; Union Bethel, Isle of Wight County; Deep Creek, Norfolk County; and remodeled New Mill Church, in Norfolk County. He is now serving his fourth year at Eastville, at which place he is having abundant success. SECOND DECADE ELEVENTH SESSION, 1877. THE Virginia Annual Conference convened in its Eleventh Session at Wytheville, April 12, 1877. Bishop John M. Brown, D. D. was in the chair and conducted the religious services. Rev. Derrick presented Bishop Brown to the Conference as the successor of Bishop Campbell. Revs. W. B. Derrick, A. Pindle and W, D. W. Schureman were elected secretaries. ADMISSIONS INTO TRAVELLING CONNECTION Bros. Israel L. Butt, John C. Williams, R. M. Cheeks, William Williamson, J. H. Accoe, Thaddeus Peeden, and Charles Acworth. Bro. Daniel Mayo was received as a local member. ADMISSIONS INTO FULL MEMBERSHIP Bros. Abram J. Williams and Joseph C. Mackey. ORDINATIONS—DEACONS Isaac Ewer, R. M. Cheeks and J. W. Montgomery. A motion prevailed that Bros. Charles Acworth and J. H. Accoe be ordained deacons during the interval of Conference by the Bishop. Revs. Warwick Rheu and Lemuel W. Lee were expelled. The annual sermon was preached by Rev. Aaron Pindle. Text, Psalms, 126:6. The report on Education was adopted after much discussion. Bishop Brown urged the necessity of procuring a piece of land for a school. The Randolph Macon College property owned by white people was offered to the Conference for the sum of five thousand dollars. It was accepted and a committee appointed to effect plans for the purchase. Committee: Revs. J. B. Lewis, Jno. E. Cooke and Shadrach Jones. Ten dollars was raised. Trustees appointed with Mr. P. H. Woodfolk of Richmond as treasurer. The Conference sent a telegram of greeting to Rev. C. W. Mossell who was about to sail to Hayti as missionary. On motion of Rev. John B. Lewis the office of Presiding Elder per discipline was created, and the Conference divided into three districts. This is the first attempt of the P. E. system proper in Virginia. "Number of members","4935" "Number of probationers","322" "Dollar money","$526.60" APPOINTMENTS Norfolk District, P. E., W. D. W. Schureman. Richmond District, P. E., W. B. Derrick. Lynchburg District, J. Strange, P. E. TWELFTH SESSION, 1878 Conference convened in Farmville, April 20, 1878, with Bishop J. P. Campbell, D.D., LL. D. of the Third Episcopal District in the chair, the presiding Bishop Rt. Rev. John M. Brown being absent on account of illness. He arrived on the third day. Revs. W. B. Derrick, A. Pindle and W. D. W Shureman were elected chief, recording, and statistical secretaries respectively. The following were introduced; Revs. George D. Jimmerson, North Carolina Conference, C. W. Bradwell, traveling agent Publication Department, Daniel Draper and W. H. Brown, transfers from Baltimore to Virginia Conference. The annual sermon was preached by Rev. Robert Davis. Text, Mark 7: 24. ADMISSIONS INTO ITINERANCY Brethern Elias H. Bolden, Portsmouth, S. M. G. Copeland, Portsmouth, Job H. Brown, A. M. E. Zion Church, Payton M. Lewis, Junius C. Ayler, Suffolk Circuit, A. A. Bailey. John Booker Mitchell as local member, Lynchburg. ADMISSIONS INTO FULL MEMBERSHIP Brethren Israel L. Butt, Wm. H. Gray, Robert M. Cheeks, J. H. Accoe, John C. Williams, Charles Acworth. ORDINATION—DEACONS Israel L. Butt, James H. Scott and Wm. H. Gray. ORDINATION—ELDERS Bro. Jeremiah Cuffey, Joseph C. Mackey, John Wesley Ruff and Job H. Brown. Bro. J. H. Brown coming as an elder from the A. M. E. Z. connection, it was only necessary to take our ordination vows. Rev. Lemuel W. Lee, who had withdrawn from the connection and influenced two churches to go with him, made an apology to the Conference which was accepted and he was received again into the church. DEATHS The grim reaper had not been idle, and three of the brethren had fallen victims to his scythe; Revs. Matthew Marshall, Abram J. Williams and David L. Owens. "Number of members","6573" "Number of probationers","505" "Dollar money","$632.03" APPOINTMENTS Revs. Daniel Draper and Robt. M. Cheeks transferred to the Baltimore Conference. Rev. C. E. Steward left without appointment. THIRTEENTH SESSION, 1879 The Conference held this session in Bethel A. M. E. Church, Hampton, April 17, 1879. Bishop John M. Brown presided. The Revs. Wm. H. Brown, Aaron Pindle and J. E. W. Moore were chosen as secretaries. After the organization the following brethren were given subjects to preach upon: ADMISSIONS INTO ITINERANCY Brethren Wm. H. Bryant, John H. Thomas, Robert T. Lewis, Edward Scarboro, Prof. J. A. McJohns from Moravian Church, Bro. J. W. Sisco from West India Island, Bro. M. C. Young, from the M. E. Church, Bro. Isaac Upshur, Bro. Simon P. Cornish. ADMISSIONS INTO FULL CONNECTION Isaac Ewer and John C. Williams. Readmitted, G. W. Johnson from Philadelphia Conference. INTRODUCTIONS Rev. H. M. Turner, D. D. Business Manager, A. M. E. Book Concern; Rev. Schully, M. E. Church South; Revs.—Thornton and Y. Jackson, Baptist Church; Gen. Samuel C. Armstrong, principal Hampton Normal School; Rev. Mr. Dennison, pastor of same school. Gen. Armstrong said he would like the members of the Conference to visit the school of which he was in charge, as there had been some misrepresentations made with reference to the discipline of the school. He said the object of the school was to build up colored young men and women and to teach them to take care of themselves. He also said that last May at the examination some of the former slaveholders sat with colored men and women to dine. Rev. Mr. Dennison in the course of his remarks said that the classics were not taught in the school and that there was no necessity for them. The General referred to the abuse in different newspapers directed at him. Dr. Turner said that he had made some remarks about the school in the papers, however he did not blame the General but the teachers; and since he heard the principal's statement this morning he had been led to change his opinion in reference towards his school. Dr. Turner added that he could not endorse the remarks regarding the knowledge of classics since he thought they were expedient. Bishop Brown closed the talks by referring briefly to the origin and progress of the A. M. E. Church. He said Drs. H. M. Turner and Wm. H. Hunter were chaplains in the army. Our Church is progressing throughout the United States, growing in numbers and advancing educationally. Ordination vows were administered to Revs. Moses C. Young and J. W. Scisco who came from a sister church. ORDINATIONS—DEACONS P. M. Lewis, John H. Thomas, J. C. Ayler, under the missionary rule. Rev. Isaac Ewer was discontinued. Rev. Aaron Pindle was expelled for immoral conduct. Rev. Charles Steward, an itinerant, and William Williams and Thomas Hewlett, local members, withdrew from the connection. Rev. Wm. J. Fuller was located because of his unacceptability. The deaths of Revs. Richard H. Parker and John W. Montgomery were reported. A motion prevailed that the Bishop be requested to administer the ordination vows of the A. M. E. Church to Prof. J. A. McJohns when he shall have placed in the hands of the Bishop his ordination papers from the Moravian Church, British Indies, from which he came. The Literary Society met, the Bishop presiding. Rev. E. H. Bolden read an essay on “Roman Catholicism.” Essay from Rev. Wm. J. Fuller on “Home and Foreign Missions.” The subject of the essay by Rev. Wm. H. Brown was “Faith and Hope.” Rev. W. B. Derrick asked the question, “Are all possible perfections in God an object of faith?” During the discussion the Bishop said that these subjects belonged to the school-room and should not be discussed in public. APPOINTMENTS FOURTEENTH SESSION, 1880 The Conference met in St. John's Church, Norfolk, March 31, 1880. Bishop A. W. Wayman, D. D. Third Episcopal District, presided in the absence of Chairman Bishop John M. Brown, who was late in reaching the Conference. Revs. W. H. Brown, Ed. Scarboro and J. E. W. Moore were elected secretaries. ADMISSIONS INTO ITINERANCY Felix Wood, George W. Settles, Chas. N. Grandison, Garrett G. Vreeland, John R. West, D. J. Beckett, C. W. Wolford. ADMISSIONS INTO FULL MEMBERSHIP. Wm. H. Bryant, E. H. Bolden, J. C. Ayler, S. M. G. Copeland. Discontinued—Israel Upshure. Withdrawn—Isaac Pindle and J. W. Sisco. Deaths—William J. Fuller and Geo. W. Johnston. ORDINATION—DEACONS E. H. Bolden, J. C. Ayler, S. M. G. Copeland, and Wm. H. Bryant, under missionary rule. Rev. G. W. Dardis transferred from South Carolina Conference. ORDINATION—ELDERS James H. Accoe and James H. Scott. GENERAL CONFERENCE DELEGATES Revs. W. D. W. Schureman, J. E. W. Moore, W. H. Brown, J. E. Cooke. W. M. Forrister and W. H. Brown, laymen "No. of members.","5919" "No. of probationers","446" "Dollar money","$628" APPOINTMENTS FIFTEENTH SESSION, 1881 The Conference convened April 14, 1881, at Danville. In the absence of Bishop Daniel A. Payne, D. D., LL., D. the chairman, Bishop A. W. Wayman of the Seventh Episcopal District presided at the opening of the Conference. Revs. E. H. Bolden, Ed. Scarboro and J. E. W. Moore were elected secretaries. Rev. S. P. Cornick was admitted into full membership. Bro. Isaac Ewer was readmitted into traveling relation. Shadrach Jones announced withdrawn. Rev. Geo. T. Watkins transferred from Baltimore Conference. Rev. James H. Turner transferred from New Jersey Conference. ORDINATION—ELDERS Revs. J. A. M. Johns, E. H. Bolden, M. C. Young, S. M. G. Copeland, J. H. Thomas, I. L. Butt, J. C. Ayler, P. M. Lewis, James H. Turner, and Wm. H. Bryant. Bishop Payne's instruction on the Lord's Supper. He urged the brethren of the Conference never to cut the sacramental bread for it was heathenish and contrary to the Word of God. Rev. J. E. W. Moore offered a resolution which prevailed, that the Presiding Elder system be abolished in the Virginia Conference. As the law on this point existed at that time the Bishop and a majority of the Conference had the power to establish or abolish said system. To change time of Annual Conference Rev. J. W. Diggs moved that the Conference convene hereafter in June. A warm and lengthy discussion followed; vote taken, 11 yeas, 25 nays: motion lost. HIGH SCHOOL FOR VIRGINIA The necessity for such a school had been lingering in the minds of the brethren since the early days of the Conference. This question came up afresh and Bishop Payne appointed a committee of five to perfect a plan by which a high school might be established. The Bishop suggested as a name, “The Institute of the Virginia Annual Conference.” “ORGANIC UNION” Bishop Payne in a neat speech explained the condition of the “Organic Union.” Rev. B. F. Lloyd moved that the Conference confirm the action of the commissioners on the B. A. M. E. Organic Union with the A. M. E. Church of America. There was a lengthy discussion of the question after which the vote was taken which showed only one favoring union, the remainder opposing it. "Number of members","6251" "Number of probationers","440" "Dollar money","$713.18" APPOINTMENTS Norfolk District Norfolk Station, Rev. G. T. Watkins. Hampton, Rev. W. D. W. Schureman. Eastville, Rev. Robt. Davis. Onancock, Rev. J. C. Ayler. Drummondtown, Rev. P. M. Lewis. Savageville Circuit, Rev. Felix Wood. Capeville Circuit, Rev. Isaac Ewer. Bridgetown Circuit, Rev. L. W. Lee. Princess Anne Circuit, Rev. R. Govans. Norfolk Circuit, Rev. S. M. G. Copeland. Smithfield Circuit, Rev. J. H. Offer. Mt. Moriah Circuit, Rev. Peter Sheppard. Norfolk Mission Circuit, Rev. E. H. Bolden. Richmond District Richmond Station, Rev. J. H. Turner. Portsmouth Station, Rev. J. E. W. Moore. Danville Station, Rev. J. Haynes. Suffolk Station, Rev. M. C. Young. Deep Creek Circuit, Rev. C. H. Hunter. Harmony Circuit, Rev. J. W. Ruff. Southampton Circuit, Rev. J. Cuffey. Henry Circuit, Rev. I. L. Butt Chesterfield Circuit, Rev. J. C. Mackey. Boydton Circuit, Rev. G. W. Pinkard. Jacksonville Mission, Rev. W. H. Bryant. Patrick Circuit, Rev. S. P. Cornick. Charlotte Circuit, Rev. Job H. Brown. South Boston, Rev. R. Sawyer. Lynchburg District Lynchburg Station, Rev. Geo. Williams. Salem Station, Rev. J. H. Thomas. Wytheville Station, Rev. B. F. Lloyd. Staunton Station, Rev. J. E. Cooke. Blacksburg Circuit, Rev. R. Armstead. Max Meadow Circuit, Rev. G. W. Settles. Farmville Station, Rev. J. K. Plato. Prospect Circuit, Rev. J. B. Lewis. Greenville Circuit, Rev. G. B. Smith. Rocky Mt. Circuit, Rev. W. H. Gray. Boones Mill Circuit, Rev. R. J. Gassaway. Cave Spring Circuit, Rev. R. T. Lewis. Duffield Circuit, Rev. J. H. Scott. Berryville Circuit, Rev Ed. Scarboro. Winchester Circuit, Rev. D. J. Beckett. Chatham Circuit, Rev. Thaddeus Peeden. Sycamore Circuit, Red Bluff Circuit, Rev. P. M. Only. China Branch Circuit, Rev. J. W. Diggs. SIXTEENTH SESSION, 1882 This session of the Virginia Annual Conference convened in Salem, April 20, 1882, and was presided over by Bishop D. A. Payne, D. D., LL., D. Bishop Wayman was present and assisted the presiding officer. Revs. E. H. Bolden, J. E. Moore and Ed. Scarboro were elected secretaries. Several visitors were introduced to the Conference; among them Dr. Butler of the Lutheran Church. The Bishop said, “I owe my forty-five years of learning and usefulness to the church which Dr. Butler represents.” The Dr. was asked to make some remarks, which he did in a brief and earnest manner. He assured the brethren of his deep and earnest interest and sympathy for the depressed races of the earth. The annual sermon was preached by Rev. John W. Diggs: Text, Acts 26: 22. Subject—Divine Aid. 1st. “The work is the Lord's that ministers are sent to do.” 2nd. “The work is important and difficult.” 3rd. “The unaided power of man is too feeble to its just fulfilment.” One transfer from the Baltimore Conference was noted, Rev. Jacklin Strange. ORDINATIONS Deacons—Felix Wood and Ed. Scarboro. Local Deacon—Thomas Davis, Portsmouth. LITERARY PROGRAMME Rev. Richard H. Govans arose to a privileged question, “Is it proper to divide a circuit without the consent of the people?” The Bishop decided that the people should have a voice. INSTRUCTIONS ON VENTILATION The presiding officer gave valuable instruction on this subject. He especially advised young preachers how to build churches; that the windows should not only be constructed to raise from the bottom but to be lowered from the top. "Number of members","5868" "Number of probationers","368" "Dollar money","$967.40" Deaths—Rev. Robert T Lewis, an itinerant preacher; Bro. Chelsa Dimmington, a local member of the Conference. APPOINTMENTS Norfolk Station, Rev. G. T. Watkins. Portsmouth Station, Rev. J. E. W. Moore. Eastville Station, Rev. W. D. W. Schureman. Richmond Station, Rev. W. H. Bryant. Danville Station, Rev. J. E. Cooke. Staunton Station, Rev. J. H. Scott. Wytheville Station, Rev. B. F. Lloyd. Salem Station, Rev. J. H. Thomas. Hampton Station, Rev. Robt. Davis. Suffolk Station, Rev. J. A. Haynes. Lynchburg Station, Rev. J. B. Lewis. Onancock Station, Rev. J. C. Ayler. Farmville Station, Rev. M. C. Young Savageville Circuit, Rev. Felix Wood. Capeville Circuit, Rev. Jer. Cuffey. Drummondtown Circuit, Rev. L. W. Lee. Bridgetown Circuit, Rev. J. H. Offer. Princess Anne Circuit, Rev. R. H. Govans. Norfolk Circuit, Rev. S. M. G. Copeland. Smithfield Circuit, Rev. J. H. Thomas. Mt. Moriah Circuit, Rev. Peter Sheppard. Norfolk Mission, Rev. E. H. Bolden. Deep Creek Circuit, Rev. C. H. Hunter. Harmony Circuit, Rev. J. W. Ruff. Southampton Circuit, Rev. G. B. Smith. Henry Circuit, Rev. I. L. Butt. Chesterfield Circuit, Rev. J. C. Mackey. Boydton Circuit, Rev. J. K. Plato. Jacksonville Mission, Rev. G. W. Pinkard. Patrick Circuit, Rev. S. P. Cornick. Charlotte Circuit, Blacksburg Circuit, Rev. G. W. Settles. Max Meadow Circuit, Rev. J. H. Brown. Prospect Circuit, Rev. George Williams. Greenville Circuit, Rev. R. J. Gassaway. Rocky Mount Circuit, Rev. W. H. Gray. Boone Mill Circuit, Rev. R. Armstead. Cave Spring Circuit, Rev. P. M. Only. Duffield Circuit, Rev. D. J. Beckett. Berryville Circuit, Rev. Ed. Scarboro. Winchester Circuit, Rev. J. Strange. Chatham Circuit, Rev. T. Peeden. Red Bluff Circuit, Rev. I. Ewer. China Branch Circuit, TRANSFERS J. W. Diggs to Baltimore Conference. P. M. Lewis to Baltimore Conference. SEVENTEENTH SESSION, 1883. This Session was held in Eastville, April 26, 1883. Bishop Payne called the Conference to order, Bishop Wayman again associating. Revs. E. H. Bolden, Ed. Scarboro and J. E. W. Moore were chosen secretaries. LITERARY MEETING Discussion—I. Subject, It is reported that the Khedive of Egypt says, “An ignorant people cannot be reformed, and therefore must be prepared by a system of common school education or its equivalent.” If his opinion be true, prove it by facts and arguments; if false, prove by facts and arguments. The discussion was entered into with great interest by several brethren and was closed by the Bishop with the required information. II. Subject, What constitutes the accomplished pastor of a truly Christian church? Essays on above topic read by Revs. R. M. Cheeks, Jas. H. Turner, Ed. Scarboro, J. C. Ayler, J. B. Lewis and E. H. Bolden. Bishop Payne spoke, commending the papers and said that there had been wonderful progress made in twenty years in the ministerial ranks and encouraged the society in their efforts. Mr Scott, the editor of “Eastville Herald,” gave the society five books for their library. Rev. Daniel A. Maze was admitted into the itinerancy. Rev. D. J. Beckett admitted into full membership, and ordained deacon. Bishop Payne's decision on the proper time to collect Dollar Money. “As soon as preachers reach their field of labor they should commence to collect Dollar Money. Decision on withdrawal of members. Question—If a member withdraws and holds his letter for six months can such a one be admitted in the same church? Answer. Upon the face of the same such a one could be admitted into the same chnrch. The annual sermon was delivered by Bishop D. A. Payne, D. D., LL. D. The ordination sermon by Bishop Wayman, D. D. Long before the hour of service the house was crowded to its utmost capacity, so much so that the floor gave away and the wildest excitement followed which came near resulting in the loss of many lives. There was a complaint against one of the ministers for mingling in politics; therefore Bishop Payne was compelled to make some remarks concerning it. He stated very positively that he had no confidence in the politicians of this day, for they would tell all kinds of lies, and exhorted the preachers to never neglect their calling to mingle in politics. GENERAL CONFERENCE DELEGATES "Revs. J. E. W. Moore, E. H. Bolden, J. H. Scott."," " "Number of members","6144" "Number of probationers","439" "Dollar money","$1,115.96" APPOINTMENTS Stations Norfolk, Rev. G. T. Watkins, D. D. Portsmouth, Rev. G. W. Alexander. Eastville, Rev. J. E. W. Moore. Richmond, Rev. W. H. Bryant. Danville, Rev. J. E. Cooke. Staunton, Rev. J. Strange. Wytheville, Rev. R. M. Cheeks. Salem, Rev. B. F. Lloyd. Hampton, Rev. I. L. Butt. Suffolk, Rev. G. B. Smith. Onancock, Rev. Robt. Davis. Farmville, Rev. M. C. Young. Martinsville, Rev. P. M. Matthews. Circuits Lynchburg, Rev. Ed. Scarboro. Savageville, Rev. Peter Sheppard. Drummondtown, Rev. L. W. Lee. Bridgetown, Rev. J. H. Offer. Princess Anne, Rev. R. H. Govans. Eureka, Rev. E. H. Bolden. Smithfield, Rev. J. H. Thomas. Mt Moriah, Rev. Felix Wood. Deep Creek, Rev. J. B. Lewis. Harmony, Rev. J. W. Ruff. Southampton, Henry, Chesterfield, Rev. J. C. Mackey. Boydton, Rev. J. K. Plato. Patrick, Rev. Dan'l Maze. Charlotte, Blacksburg, Rev. G. W. Settles. Max Meadow, Rev. C. H. Hunter. Prospect, Rev. George Williams. Greenville, Rev. R. J. Gassaway. Rocky Mt. Rev. W. H. Gray. Boones Mill, Rev. R. Armistead. Cave Spring, Rev. P. M. Onley. Berryville, Winchester, Chatham, Rev. Thaddeus Peeden. Red Blues, Norfolk, Rev. J. A. Haynes. China Branch, Rev. S. M. G. Copeland. Duffield, Rev. D. J. Beckett. Missions Capeville, Rev. Jer. Cuffy. Grayson, Jacksonville, Rev. George Pinkard. General state missionary, Rev. J. H. Scott. TRANSFERS Rev. J. H. Turner to Baltimore Conference. Rev. W. D. W. Schureman to Baltimore Conference. Rev. J. C. Ayler to New Jersey Conference. EIGHTEENTH SESSION, 1884 This session was held in Emanuel Church, Portsmouth, April 8th, 1884. Rt. Rev. Daniel A. Payne, presiding bishop. Revs. R. M. Cheeks, Ed. Scarboro and J. E. W. Moore elected secretaries. The annual sermon was preached by Rev. Edward Scarboro. Text, Isaiah 60: 22. Subject: “The Perpetuation of the Church.” 1st The Prophet here asserting the power of God. 2d The knowledge of his purpose. ADMISSIONS INTO ITINERANT RANKS Bro. Isaac Ewer readmitted and J. W. Throckmortin admitted. Bro. James E. Blount, from the A. U. M. P. Church, took the vows of a deacon in the A. M. E. Church. TRANSFERS Rev. Wellington G. Alexander from Baltimore Conference. Rev. John C. Williams from Baltimore Conference. Rev. George W. Nicholson from Baltimore Conference. Rev. Phillip F. Matthews from Baltimore Conference. Rev. Thomas G. Thompson from Texas Conference. ORDINATION—ELDERS Rev. J. C. Williams and Ed. Scarboro. Superannuated—Rev. P. M. Only. Withdrawn—Bro. G. Morris. Discontinued—Bro. Daniel Mayo. Death—Rev. G. W. Settles. CERTAIN OPINIONS CONCERNING AFRICA Bishop Payne said that many people are led to believe that Africa is the home of the Negro only. He said that all of Northern Africa is occupied by the white race, who hold it by the purse and the law. In South Africa a white race from Europe is settled, where they have two governments. He asked the brethren to begin a fund for the purpose of establishing a mission there. A collection of $20 was contributed for said purpose. ORDINATION SERVICE The Bishop being indisposed appointed the Rev. Theodore Gould to preach the sermon. The speaker dwelt mainly on the qualification of ministers, and said that they should be spiritually, morally, intellectually and physically qualified to succeed in the Master's work. "Number of members","6274" "Number of probationers","330" "Dollar money","$1,418" APPOINTMENTS Stations Norfolk, Rev. A. A. Burleigh. Portsmouth, Rev. W. G. Alexander. Eastville, Rev. J. E. W. Moore. Richmond, Rev. W. H. Bryant. Danville, Rev. Ed. Scarboro. Staunton, Rev. J. Strange. Wytheville, Rev. R. M. Cheeks. Salem, Rev B. F. Lloyd. Hampton, Rev. I. L. Butt. Onancock, Rev. Robert Davis. Farmville, Rev. M. C. Young. Martinsville, Rev. P. F. Matthews. Winchester, Rev. G. W. Nicholson. Circuits Drummondtown, Rev. L. W. Lee. Savageville, Rev. Peter Sheppard, Smithfield, Rev. J. H. Thomas. Mt. Moriah, Rev. Felix Wood. Bridgetown, Rev. J. H. Offer. Princess Anne, Rev. J. Cuffey. Norfolk, Rev. J. A. Haynes. Deep Creek, Rev. J. B. Lewis. Eureka, Rev. John E. Cooke. Harmony, Rev. R. H. Govans. Southampton, Rev. G. B. Smith. Henry, Chesterfield, Rev. S. M. G. Copeland. Boydton, Patrick, Rev. Isaac Ewer. Charlotte, Rev. D. B. Huston. Blacksburg, Rev. J. C. Williams. Prospect, Rev. G. Williams. Greenville, Rev. R. J. Gassaway. Rocky Mt., Rev. W. H. Gray. Boones Mill Cave Spring, Rev. R. Armstead. Duffield, Rev. J. W. Throckmortin. Berryville, Rev. J. W. Ruff. Chatham, Rev. J. K. Plato. Red Bluff, China Branch, Rev. J. H. Brown. Jacksonville, Lynchburg, T. G. Thompson. Missions Capeville, Thaddeus Peeden. Max Meadows, C. H. Hunter. Woodstock, Norfolk and Portsmouth, J. C. Mackey. State Missionary, J. H. Scott. Rev. E. H. Bolden left without an appointment to take charge of the public schools in Portsmouth. TRANSFERS FROM VIRGINIA G. T. Watkins, D. D., to Baltimore Conference. D. J. Beckett to Baltimore Conference. NINETEENTH SESSION, 1885 The Nineteenth Session was held in Wytheville, April 8, 1885. Bishop H. M. Turner, D. D. LL. D., the presiding officer, was absent at the time for opening, but he had telegraphed to open the Conference. Dr. W. H. Hunter was elected temporary chairman. Bishop W. F. Dickerson, D. D., the regular appointed Bishop to the Second District died during the year and Bishop Turner was appointed to fill the unexpired term. Revs. R. M. Cheeks, Edward Scarboro and J. E. W. Moore were elected secretaries. The Rev. J. E. W. Moore preached the annual sermon, text, 1 Cor. 15: 9. Subject, “The Gospel Minister obligated to preach the Gospel of Christ.” Bishop Turner spoke in condemnation of the manner in which some ministers presented their credentials when they enter their work. He said that when they received their appointment from the Annual Conference, the Church to which they were assigned had promised to receive them. He also said that ministers should always have money enough to enter upon a new work at once. He advised them never to send to the people for money before their arrival. The Conference at this session established the presiding elder system and divided the state into four districts, viz:— 1st Norfolk, 2nd Smithfield, 3rd Richmond, 4th Wythville Districts. TRANSFERS TO VIRGINIA Rev. William H. Hunter, D. D. from Baltimore Conference. Rev. A. A. Burleigh, from Indiana Conference. ADMISSIONS INTO ITINERANCY. Lemuel Sears, Berry Wilson, James E. Blunt, Charles M. Loney, William H. Morris, A. M., a Priest in Episcopal church, was also received. ADMISSIONS INTO FULL MEMBERSHIP Bros. Isaac Ewer and J. W. Throckmortin. ORDINATION Deacons,—Isaac Ewer and J. W. Throckmortin Elders,—Felix Wood and William H. Gray Superannuated,—Revs. P. M. Only and J. K. Plato Expelled,—J. W. Ruff Death,—Bishop William Fisher Dickerson. Trustees Wilberforce University,—Revs. W. G. Alexander, M. C. Young and E. H. Bolden; Bros. W. M. Forrester and P. O. Sayers. THE VIRGINIA CONFERENCE INSTITUTE The committee appointed by the Conference at its last session, having gone into ways and means, the following are the departments in contemplation: 1st Preparatory; 2nd Normal; 3rd Academic; 4th Theological Class to be taught on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday of each week. The following divines will lecture during the term before the class in Theology on the respective subjects: Bishop W. F. Dickerson, “Biblical Literature.” Rev. J. C. Ayler, of New Jersey,—“Ecclesiastical History and Government.” Rev. R. M. Cheeks, of Wytheville, “Pastoral Theology and Sacred Rhetoric.” Rev. B. F. Lloyd, of Salem, “Didactic and Polemic Theology.” Hon. E. A. Randolph, of Richmond, “Civil Law.” Rev. Edward Scarboro, of Danville, “Lower and Higher Mathematics.” Rev. Wellington G. Alexander, of Portsmouth, “Sacred Music.” The Virginia Conference Institute began its work September 15th, 1884, at the Masonic Temple, Queen street between Effingham and Chestnut streets, Portsmouth. The doors were opened to students from any Christian denomination; application being made to the President pro tem E. H. Bolden. BOARD OF TRUSTEES Rev. J. H. Scott, Chairman Rev. I. L. Butt, Hampton Rev. M. C. Young, Farmville Rev. J. H. Thomas, Smithfield Rev. J. E. Cooke, Berkley Rev. J. C. Williams Blacksburg Rev. R. H. Govans, Harmony Rev. Robert Davis, Onancock Rev. L. W. Lee, Drummondtown Rev. Jer. Cuffey, Princess Anne Rev. J. C. Mackey, Norfolk Rev. Geo. Williams, Prospect Rev. J. A. Haynes, Berkley OFFICERS OF THE INSTITUTE Rev. E. H. Bolden, President Rev. J. E. W. Moore, Vice President Rev. W. G. Alexander, Corresponding Secretary J. H. Offer, Treasurer STATISTICS OF CONFERENCE "Number of members","6354" "Number of probationers","565" "Dollar money","$1027.14" APPOINTMENTS Norfolk District Norfolk District, Presiding Elder Rev. J. E. W. Moore Norfolk Station, Rev. A. A. Burleigh Eastville Station, Rev. J. H. Offer Onancock Station, Rev. R. Davis Princess Anne Circuit, Rev. J. Cuffey Eureka Circuit, Rev. J. H. Scott Drummondtown Circuit, Rev. L. W. Lee Savageville Circuit, Rev. Peter Sheppard Franktown Circuit, Rev. J. B. Lewis Bridgetown Circuit, Rev. T. Peeden Harmony Circuit. Smithfield District Presiding Elder, Rev. J. H. Thomas Portsmouth Station, Rev. W. G. Alexander. Hampton Station, Rev. I. L. Butt. Norfolk Circuit, Rev. J. A. Haynes Suffolk Circuit, Rev. G. P. Smith. Deep Creek Circuit, Rev. J. C. Mackey. Mt. Moriah Circuit, Rev. Felix Wood. Smithfield Circuit, Rev. B. F. Lloyd. Blacks and Whites Circuit, Virginia Conference Institute teacher Thomas G. Thompson. Richmond District Presiding Elder, Rev. J. E. Cooke. Richmond Station, Rev. W. H. Hunter. Chesterfield Circuit, Rev. R. J. Gassaway. Staunton Station, Rev. J. Strange. Winchester Circuit, Rev. George Williams. Duffield Circuit, Rev. J. W. Throckmortin. Farmville Station, Rev. M. C. Young. Boydton Circuit, Rev. S. M. G. Copeland. Prospect Circuit, Rev. Ed. Scarboro. Fredericksburg Circuit, Gordonsville Alexandria Charlottesville Harper's Ferry Wytheville District Presiding Elder, Rev. E. H. Bolden. Wytheville Station, Rev. W. H. Morris, A. M. Salem Station, Rev. J. C. Williams Danville Station, Rev. G. D. Jimmerson. Blacksburg Circuit, Rev. G. W. Nicholson, B. D. Red Bluff Circuit, Rev. I Ewer. Max Meadow Circuit, Cave Spring Circuit, Rev. R. Armstead. Liberty Circuit, Boone's Mill, Rev. J. E. Blount. Lynchburg, Rev. J. H. Brown Martinsville Station, Rev. G. W. Pinkard. Henry Circuit, Rev. C. H. Hunter. Jacksonville Mission, Rev. Charles Toney. Chatham Circuit, Rev. W. H. Gray. Glade Spring Mission, Rev. B. Wilson. Harmony Circuit, Rev. R. H. Govans. China Branch, Rev. L. Sears. Rocky Mount, TRANSFERS Rev. P. F. Matthews to the New Jersey Conference. Rev. R. M. Cheeks to the North Alabama Conference. TWENTIETH SESSION, 1886 The Twentieth Session was held in Richmond, April 14, 1886, and was called to order on the above date by the Presiding Officer, Bishop H. M. Turner, D. D. LL. D Revs. E. H. Bolden and Ed. Scarboro were elected secretaries. The following introductions were made: Bishop A. W. Wayman, D. D., Bishop John M. Brown, D. D., D. C. L., B. T. Tanner, D. D., B. F. Lee, D. D., Jas. A. Handy, D. D., Dr. C. H. Corey, President of the Baptist Theological Institute, Richmond. The annual sermon was preached by the Rev. Jas. A. Handy, D. D. Text 1 Peter: 24, 25. Dr. Handy, then P. E. of the Washington District, Baltimore Conference, representing Metropolitan A. M. E. church, Washington, gave a graphic description of the new edifice and urged the Conference to pay for the beautiful window previously subscribed for by them. Dr. B. T. Tanner said that he had Bishop Allen's Bible and that he would have it rebound and present it to the Metropolitan congregation on the dedication of the church. A collection was lifted for said church. Bishop Turner called the attention of the Conference to the sanctity of divine worship and remarked that the brethren ought always to be in time to join in this delightful part of the service. The Bishop told the young men that they should pencil important discussions and incidents and listen to the arguments of experienced elders which would help them wonderfully. Bishop John M. Brown arrived at 11:30 and was presented to the brethren by the chairman. This was his last visit to the Virginia Conference over which he had presided and which he had helped to organize. ADMISSIONS INTO TRAVELLING WORK Bro. T. C. Coston Bro. Jacob Fisher Bro. Joseph B. Tynes Bro. Thomas A. Wood Bro. Jesse C. Young Bro. K. K. Richardson Bro. Joseph H. Duckett Bro. Jas. H. Garner Bro. Lewis Evans Bro. Wm. H. Carter Bro. S. A. Ricks Bro. James E. Blount Bro. James Parson Bro. James Carter Bro. Z. H. Hughes Bro. Peter E. Steward Bro. Daniel Maze Bro. E. T. Hickman ADMISSION INTO FULL MEMBERSHIP Thomas A. Wood TRANSFERS Rev. W. D. Cook from N. Carolina Conference Rev. A. B. Jennings from N. Carolina Conference Bishop Turner spoke relative to a Conference school, and said that it was best for the Virginia Conference to throw all of its means and influence with North Carolina and make Kittrell School what it ought to be. Upon this suggestion, Rev. J. H. Scott asked why Virginia could not have a High School. A long discussion followed for and against the Bishop's suggestion. The result was the appointment of a commission to consult with Bishop Turner and the Trustees of Kittrell School to arrange some plan of union if possible. The committee was appointed and given plenary power to act for the Conference. WILBERFORCE TRUSTEES Rev. Wm. H. Hunter. Rev. M. C. Young. Rev. A. A. Burleigh. Bro. W. H. Forrester, Richmond, Va. Bro. Green Bannester, Danville, Va. The Rev. J. C. Price, President of Livingstone College, A. M. E. Z. Church, Salisbury, N. C., graced the Conference with his presence and was introduced. CONFERENCE STATISTICS "Number of full members","6765" "Number of probationers","369" "Dollar money","$1028.95" APPOINTMENTS Norfolk District Presiding Elder, Rev. J. E. W. Moore. Norfolk Station, Rev. W. D. Cook. Eastville Station, Rev. J. H. Offer. Onancock Station, Rev. J. C. Williams. Drummondtown Circuit, Rev. Peter Sheppard. Savageville Circuit, Rev. Jas. A. Haynes. Franktown Circuit, Rev. J. B. Lewis. Bridgetown Circuit, Rev. Thaddeus Peeden Princess Anne Circuit, Rev. Jer. Cuffey. Berkley Circuit, Rev. Ed. Scarboro. Williamsburg Mission, Rev. Jas. Parson. Cape Charles City. Modeston, Rev. Jas. E. Blount. Seaside Mission, Rev. J. E. Blount. Great Neck Mission. Portsmouth District Presiding Elder, Rev. Jacklin Strange. Portsmouth Station, Rev. W. G. Alexander. Hampton, Rev. I. L. Butt. Norfolk Circuit. Oak Grove Circuit, Rev. C. H. Hunter. Suffolk Station, Rev. J. C. Mackey. Deep Creek Circuit, Rev. W. H. Gray. Union Bethel Circuit, Rev. J. H. Thomas. Smithfield Circuit, Rev. Geo. Williams. Campbell Chapel Circuit, Rev. G. B. Smith. Chuckatuck Circuit, Rev. Jos. Duckett. Blackstone Mission, Rev. J. W. Costin. Southampton Circuit, Rev. Felix Wood. Payne Mission, Wm. H. Carter. Danville District Presiding Elder, Rev. E. H. Bolden. Danville Station, Rev. Geo. D. Jimmerson. Wytheville Station, Rev. W. H. Morris. Salem Station, Rev. Robt. Davis. Harmony Circuit, Rev. L. W. Lee. Jacksonville Circuit, Rev. Lemuel Sears. Chatham Circuit, Rev. Jas. H. Scott. Martinsville Circuit, Rev. R. H. Govans. Henry C. H. Circuit, Rev. K. K. Richardson. Boone's Mill Circuit, Rev. S. M. G. Copeland. Cave Spring Circuit, Rev. Robt. Armstead. Blacksburg Circuit, Rev. Geo. W. Nicholson. Max Meadows Circuit, Rev. Chas. M. Toney. Red Bluff Circuit, Rev. Geo. W. Pinkard. China Branch Circuit, Rev. T. A. Wood. Rocky Spring Circuit, Rev. Jesse C. Young. Patrick Mission Circuit, Rev. Peter E. Steward. Chestnut Grove Mission, Rev. Geo. A. Rose. Black Lick Mission, Rev. Jas. Brown. Indian Valley Mission, Rev. T. A. Goodman. N. W. Danville Mt. Zion Mission, Rev. Lewis Civans. Mt. Airy Mission, Rev. Berry Wilson. Lynchburg Circuit, Rev. Nathan Berry. Rocky Mt. Circuit, Rev. Isaac Ewer. Roanoke Mission, Rev. S. A. Ricks Richmond District Presiding Elder, Rev. John Cook. Richmond Station, Rev. Wm. H. Hunter. Duffield Circuit, Rev. J. W. Throckmortin. Summit Pt. Circuit, Rev. Jas. H. Garner. Winchester Circuit. Staunton Station, Rev. M. C. Young. Greenville Circuit, Rev. Joab H. Brown. Prospect Circuit, Rev. B. F. Lloyd. Farmville Circuit, Rev. A. A. Burleigh. Charlotte Circuit, Rev. J. B. Tynes. Boydton Circuit, Rev. G. W. Blount. Chesterfield Circuit, Rev. R J. Gassaway. Manikin Mission, Rev. Daniel Maze. Caperton Mission, Rev. Z. H. Hughes. Bridgeport Mission, Rev. E. T. Hickman. Mint Spring Mission, Rev. John English. Richmond Mission, Rev. Henry Halyard. Personal Sketches JOHN CHAMBERS WILLIAMS. The subject of this sketch was born in Pittsboro, N. C. July 9, 1853. He was converted July 15, 1867, and entered the ministry 1876. He was ordained deacon May 14, 1882, by Bishop D. A. Payne, and elder April 18, 1884, by Bishop Payne. He joined the Virginia Conference in 1877. He attended the public schools of Danville when a boy, and then spent one year in Shaw University, Raleigh, N. C., after which he completed a four years course in theology in Howard University, Washington, D. C. He served the following charges in Virginia; Mt. Lebanon Circuit two years; Danville Mission one year; Blacksburg two years and taught public school; Salem Station and Roanoke Mission one year; Onancock two years, and taught public school; Suffolk, where he had 200 conversions and saved the church property; Wytheville three years and built the church; Presiding Elder of the Norfolk District three years, and then back to Wytheville one year; Danville Station three years, and saved the church property; Hampton two years; Presiding Elder of the Richmond District five years. He has received many persons into the church. REV. ROBERT M. CHEEKS* This sketch was given by Rev. John C. Williams, B. D. was born December 28, 1859, in Amelia County, Va. and was reared in Wytheville, Va. He was converted at an early age, and entered the ministry in the Virginia Conference in 1877. He served in the following Conferences, Virginia, Baltimore, New England, Alabama, and Georgia. In 1896 he was elected editor of the Southern Christian Recorder and re-elected in 1900, which office he held until his death, which occurred on May 19, 1900, while in attendance at the General Conference in Columbus, Ohio. REV. JAMES HENRY TURNER, M. D. The subject of this sketch, (the son of Mrs. Lucinda Allen) was born on the plantation of Mr. Strother Jones, Frederick County, Va. August, 1850. He enlisted in the U. S. Army in 1864 in the 144th N. Y. Regt. and two months later was transferred by his own request to the 43d U. S. Colored Troops, Co. D. He was converted March 11, 1874. He was licensed as an exhorter by Rev. P. C. Cooper of Ill. March 6, 1876, and as local preacher, March 3, 1877, by Rev. J. W. Malone. He was appointed to Madison and Washington Mission by Bishop D. A. Payne, August 10, 1878, and served two years, during which time he purchased a lot, built a church, and increased the membership from fifteen to forty. He was ordained deacon at Salem, N. J. April 19, 1880, by Bishop Payne. He was then transferred from Asbury Park, N. J. to the Third Street A. M. E. Church, Richmond, Virginia, August 11, 1880. While there he brought peace out of confusion. He was next sent to Salem, Va. where he finished paying for a lot and completed the parsonage. He was ordained elder at Danville, Va. by Bishop Payne, April 20, 1881. He served three years in the Virginia Annual Conference, and then was transferred West. He has pastored the following charges: Quinn Chapel, Frederick City, Md. two years; Bethel Chapel, Macon City, Mo. at which place he bought and paid for a lot, built a parson-age, and paid the church out of debt; Leavenworth, and Ottawa, Kansas, renovating the church at each place; organized St. Paul Mission at Leavenworth with ten members, and one at Quinnamore, Kan., St. Paul, Houston and Bryant, Tex.; St. Paul, Columbia, Tenn., three years. Served as statistical secretary of the Virginia, Baltimore and North Missouri Conferences seven years; chief secretary of the Kansas Conference one year; and first recording secretary of the East Tennessee Conference; District book steward two years. He served as P. E. over the Wyandotte District, Kan. one year, and five years over the Chattanooga District, Tenn. He is also Trustee of Turner Institute, a delegate to the last General Conference, and a member of the Historical and Literary Committee of the General Conference. He has attended the following schools: Howard University, Washington, D. C.; Schofield's Commercial College, Providence R. I.; Drew Theological Seminary, Madison, N. J.; Central Tenn. College, Nashville, Tenn., and National Medical School of Chattanooga, Tenn. REV DANIEL MAYS was born in Amelia County, Va. December, 1848. He was converted in 1864, and entered the ministry in 1882. He was ordained deacon by Bishop H. M. Turner in 1887; elder by Bishop A. W. Wayman, 1891. He entered the Virginia Conference in 1883 and served the following charges: China Branch one year; Berryville two years; Greenville two years; back to Berryville three years; Duffield, W. Va. four years; Prospect three years; Summit Point four years; and then to Berryville one year; and Duffield five years. He has built three new churches and remodeled four. He has had 350 conversions. REV. LEMUEL SEARS was born in Currituck County, N. C. July 15, 1856. He was converted in 1869, and entered the ministry in 1880, and was ordained deacon in 1887 by Bishop H. M. Turner, and elder in 1892 by Bishop A. W. Wayman. He joined the Virginia Conference in 1884 and served the following charges: China Branch two years; North Danville one year, built church there; Henry County, built church at Ridgeway and bought a lot at Fall Creek; Harmon, Halifax County, built one church, and remodeled one church and parsonage; Blacksburg, bought lot for parsonage and planned for a new church; Lynchburg, reduced the old debt of church; Bedford City, built a church; Manchester, Goochland, paid church out of debt; Charlotte C. H. built parsonage, and began a church at Germantown. He has added 525 members to the church. JOSEPH BROADNAX TYNES The subject of this sketch was born near Smithfield, Isle of Wight County, Va. in 1849. He was converted in the year 1867, and entered the ministry in 1885. He was ordained deacon and elder by Bishops H. M. Turner and T. M. D. Ward. Joined the Virginia Conference in 1885 and served the following charges: Charlotte C. H. four years; Winchester three years; Salem three years; Franktown four years; Savageville one year; Roanoke four and one third years. He has built two churches; finished another; bought church organs, pulpit suites, etc., etc. He has had about 190 conversions and about 240 accessions to the church. Rev. Tynes is a graduate of the Hampton school and an undergraduate of Payne University by correspondence. He taught public schools during the first years of his ministry in each County in which he held charge. He was the Conference statistician for nine years. REV. JAMES HENRY GARNER* * This sketch was given by his wife, Mrs. Annie Garner. The subject of this sketch was born in St. Mary's County, Md. December 18, 1859. He was converted in 1874, and entered the ministry in 1885. Ordained deacon 1887, by Bishop H. M. Turner D. D., elder in 1891 by Bishop A. W. Wayman: He joined the Virginia Conference in 1886 at Richmond. He pastored the following charges with untold success: Chesterfield, and built one church; Smithville, bought lot and built church; built parsonage at Deep Creek; built magnificent church at Newport News; at Suffolk paid part of indebtedness, finished paying for the first parsonage at St. James, Berkley; began the church at Winchester. He was sent to this place in 1885, by Rev. J. E. Cooke, to assist Rev. Geo. Williams, the pastor who was sick at that time. His last charge was Princess Anne Circuit from which he was called from labor to reward in August, 1905, while in the midst of a glorious revival. REV. JOSEPH H. DUCKETT The subject of this sketch was born in St. Mary's County, Md. in 1859. He was converted in 1874. He entered the ministry and joined the Virginia Conference in 1885, and was ordained deacon in 1887 by Bishop H. M. Turner, and elder in 1891 by Bishop Wayman. He has served the following charges; Chuckatuck Mission four years, and built a church; Franktown Circuit one year; Onancock Station two years, and bought house and lot for parsonage; Franktown Circuit two years, bought lot and built a parsonage; Savageville Circuit three years, bought lot and built a parsonage, renovated both churches and secured deed for Pungoteague Church; Drummondtown Station two years and curtailed indebtedness; Caperville Circuit four years, reduced the debt and put new pews into the church: Campbell's Chapel Circuit, three years, renovated the church, finished paying for the parsonage and bought one acre of land in Rascoe Neck on which to build a church; Mt. Moriah one year, his present charge; planning to build a new church and raising money for the same. Conversions during ministry 850. He graduated from the public schools, studied two years in Norfolk Missions College, and studied theology and science under Rev. W. H. Hunter, D. D. for four years. THIRD DECADE TWENTY FIRST SESSION, 1887 THIS Session of the Conference convened at Suffolk April 13, 1887, with Bishop H. M. Turner, D. D., LL. D. in the chair. Revs. Edward Scarboro and James H. Scott were elected secretaries. Dr. William H. Hunter preached the annual sermon, text, John 8 : 29. ADMISSIONS INTO TRAVELING WORK. Brothers Jordan Gordan, George T. Mussington, R. H. Hollis, William H. Lee, Irwin W. Roundtree, Simon P. Cornick, P. R. Reed and George W. Blount. INTRODUCTIONS. Rev. B. T. Tanner, D. D., Editor A. M. E. Review. Rev. J. C. Embry, D. D., Manager A. M. E. Book Concern. DISCONTINUED. Brother James Parson. TRANSFERS. Rev. G. W. Taylor from Kentucky Conference. Rev. F. F. Crawford, from Tennessee Conference. ADMISSIONS INTO FULL MEMBERSHIP. William H. Carter, Peter E. Steward, Thomas A. Wood, Charles M. Toney, Joseph Duckett, James H. Garner, Joseph B. Tynes, Daniel Maze and Lemuel Sears. ORDINATION—DEACONS. Charles M. Toney, William H. Carter, James H. Garner, Joseph B. Tynes, Daniel Maze, Peter E. Steward, Joseph Duckett and Lemuel Sears. UNDER MISSIONARY RULE. George L. Mussington, I. W. L. Roundtree and William H. Lee. DEATHS. Rev. Thornton McCoy, local deacon, St. John's, Norfolk Rev. William H. Davis, local deacon, St. John's, Norfolk Rev. Michael Brown, local deacon, Deep Creek Church Rev. Elisha Webb, local deacon, Emanuel, Portsmouth Brother S. A. Ricks, pastor Roanoke Mission. Bishop Richard Harvey Cain, D. D. WILBERFORCE TRUSTEES. Revs. I. L. Butt, E. H. Bolden and W. H. Hunter. CONFERENCE STATISTICS "Number of full members","7278" "Number of probationers","517" "Dollar money","$ 1116.11" APPOINTMENTS. Norfolk District Presiding Elder, Rev. J. E. W. Moore. Norfolk Station, Rev. W. D. Cook Eastville Station, Rev. J. H. Offer Onancock Station, Rev. J. C. Williams London Bridge Circuit, Rev. Thaddeus Peeden Princess Anne Circuit, Rev. L. W. Lee Berkley Circuit, Rev. Edward Scarboro Bridgetown Circuit, Rev. Richard R. Govans Franktown Circuit, Rev. John B. Lewis Savageville Circuit, Rev. James H. Haynes Drummondtown Circuit, Rev. Peter Sheppard Norfolk City Mission, Rev. W. H. Morris Mt. Calvary Mission, Rev. J. Z. Gordan Modestown Mission Seaside Mission Portsmouth District Presiding Elder, Rev. Jacklin Strange. Portsmouth Station, Rev. W. H. Hunter Norfolk Circuit, Rev. T. A. Wood Hickory Circuit, Rev. C. H. Hunter Sleepy Hollow Mission, Rev. A. A. Bailey Deep Creek Circuit, Rev. W. H. Gray Suffolk Station, Rev. J. C. Mackey Newsomes Circuit, Rev. Felix Wood Hampton Station, Rev. G. B. Smith Smithfield Station, Rev. George Williams Mt. Moriah Circuit, Rev. W. H. Carter Union Bethel Circuit, Rev. I. Ewer Campbell Chapel Station, Rev. J. H. Thomas Chuckatuck Circuit, Rev. Joseph Duckett Richmond District Presiding Elder, Rev. J. E. Cooke Richmond Station, Rev. E. H. Bolden Duffield Circuit, Rev. J. W. Throckmortin Summit Point Circuit, Rev. James H. Garner Berryville Circuit, Rev. Daniel Maze Winchester Circuit, Rev. Robert Davis Staunton Station, Rev. M. C. Young Mint Spring Mission, Rev. William H. Lee Greenville Circuit, Rev. J. H. Brown Prospect Circuit, Rev. B. F. Lloyd Farmville Station, Rev. I. W. L. Roundtree Charlotte Circuit, Rev. J. B. Tynes Boydton Circuit, Rev. Felix Reed St. John's Mission, Rev. R. J. Gassaway Chesterfield Circuit, Rev. C. H. Toney Goochland Mission, Rev. P. W. Lee McDowell Mission, Rev. R. H. Hollis Sugar Grove Mission, Rev. S. S. Gwinn Danville District Presiding Elder, Rev. I. L. Butt Danville Station, Rev. G. D. Jimmerson Wytheville Station, Rev. G. W. Taylor Salem Station, Rev. J. H. Scott Blacksburg Circuit, Rev. G. W. Nicholson Red Bluff Circuit, Rev. James E. Blount Max Meadows Circuit, Rev. George L. Mussington Cave Spring Circuit, Rev. R. Armistead Boone's Mill Circuit, Rev. P. E. Steward Lynchburg Circuit, Rev. G. G. Vreeland Amherst Circuit, Rev. George Lee Martinsville Station, Rev. F. F. Crawford Jacksonville Circuit, Rev. Lemuel Sears Chatham Circuit, Rev. Jeremiah Cuffey Harmony Circuit, Rev. G. W. Pinkard China Branch Circuit, Rev. George Rose Rocky Mount Circuit, Rev. A. B. Jennings Penn's Store Mission, Rev. J. C. Young Bland County Mission, Rev. —— Mitchell New Haven Circuit, Rev. Jordan Lemons Grayson Circuit, Rev. George W. Blount Glade Spring Leatherwood Circuit, Rev. S. P. Cornick TWENTY SECOND SESSION, 1888 Bishop H. M. Turner, D.D., LL. D., convened the Twenty-Second Session of the Virginia Annual Conference, in Norfolk April 28, 1888. The session was held in a temporary building on Cumberland street, as the Church building was in course of erection. Secretaries chosen were Revs. Edward Scarboro and George W. Nicholson. The commissioners appointed to arrange plans and effect a union between Kittrell Normal and Industrial School and Dickerson Memorial College of Virginia read their report. A lengthy discussion followed and many questions were asked and answered; one of which was, whether the deed had been properly drawn securing the property to the Virginia and North Carolina Conferences and whether or not the North Carolina Legislature had granted a change in the charter of said property so as to include the Virginia as well as North Carolina Conference. An affirmative answer was given by the Virginia Commissioners and a motion unanimously prevailed which ratified said union of March 30, 1888. TRANSFER Rev. Jesse Asbury from Tennessee Conference ADMISSIONS ON TRIAL Brothers George Lee, James E. Parago, James A. Kelly, R. H. Miles. Re-admitted—Rev. J. K. Plato. ADMISSIONS INTO FULL MEMBERSHIP Brothers Irwin W. L. Roundtree, George T. Mussington, Jesse C. Young, George W. Blount and Felix Reed. ORDINATION—DEACONS Felix Wood and Jesse C. Young. ORDINATION—ELDERS Revs. Issac Ewer and James E. Blount. Discontinued—R. H. Hollis. Permission to attend School of Theology was granted Brother I. W. L. Roundtree. Suspended—Brother Job H. Brown. Located—Brother Simon P. Cornick. Expelled—Rev. Jesse Asbury. DELEGATES TO GENERAL CONFERENCE Rev. J. E. W. Moore Rev. George D. Jimmerson Rev. E. H. Bolden Rev. Jacklin Strange The following deaths reported—Bishop James A. Shorter and Rev. J. F. A. Sisson on “Grove Circuit,” who died March 18, 1888, in Mississippi. Attack on new version of Holy Scripture by Rev. J. A. H. Johnson, D. D., Baltimore Conference:—“On last Sunday morning the new version of the Holy Scriptures was read from the sacred desk of this Church. I have never heard it read in any of our churches before and think it a matter of such grave importance as to demand an expression from this Conference. The new version has not been accepted by any of the Evangelical Churches. It has been repudiated by the Presbyterians and not adopted by our General Conference. I think some action of condemnation ought to be taken by this Conference.” TRUSTEES TO WILBERFORCE Rev. W. D. Cook Rev. G. B. Smith Rev. J. H. Scott Brother Jesse Waits, Norfolk, Va. Brother R. E. Jones, M. D., Richmond, Va. INTRODUCTIONS Rev. J. C. Embry, Manager Book A. M. E. Concern. Rev. B. T. Tanner, D. D., Editor A. M. E. Review. Rev. W. D. Johnson, D. D., Secretary Education, A. M. E. Church. Rev. W. D. W. Schureman, Baltimore Conference. Rev. J. A. H. Johnson, D. D., Baltimore Conference. Rev. George T. Watkins, D. D., Baltimore Conference. Rev. J. G. Fry, North Carolina Conference. Prof. B. B. Goins, Kittrell Normal and Industrial Institute, N. C. Hon. J. C. Asbury, Commonwealth Attorney, Norfolk Co. Rev. B. W. Arnett, D. D., Financial Secretary A. M. E. Church. CONFERENCE STATISTICS "Number of full members","7333" "Number of probationers","598" "Dollar money","$1053.45" APPOINTMENTS Norfolk District Presiding Elder, Rev. J. E. W. Moore Norfolk Station, Rev. W. D. Cook City Mission, Rev. E. W. Williams Princess Anne Circuit, Rev. L. W. Lee London Bridge Circuit, Rev. Thaddeus Peeden Berkley Circuit, Rev. J. E. Cook Eastville Station, Rev. Edward Scarboro Bridgetown Circuit, Rev. R. H. Govans Franktown Circuit, Rev. J. B. Lewis Savageville Circuit, Rev. James A. Haynes Onancock Station, Rev. John H. Offer Drummondtown Circuit, Rev. Peter Sheppard Northumberland Mission, Lancaster Portsmouth District Presiding Elder, Rev. J. Strange Portsmouth Station, Rev. W. H. Hunter Norfolk Circuit, Rev. T. A. Wood Deep Creek Circuit, Rev. J. H. Garner Suffolk Circuit, Rev. J. C. Williams Newsomes Circuit, Rev. C. H. Hunter Hampton Station, Rev. G. B. Smith Newport News Mission Smithfield Station, Rev. George Williams Mt. Moriah Circuit, Rev. W. H. Lee Union Bethel Circuit, Rev. I. Ewer Campbell Chapel Station, Rev. J. H. Thomas Chuckatuck Circuit, Rev. Joseph Duckett Walston Mission, O. J. Brown Hickory Circuit, Rev. Felix Wood Surry and Southampton Mission, J. C. George York and Warwick Mission, W. H. Carter Danville Circuit Presiding Elder, Rev. I. L. Butt Danville Station, Rev. George W. Taylor Wytheville Station, Rev. George T. Mussington Salem Station, Rev. Jeremiah Cuffey Martinsville Station, Rev. J. K. Plato Lynchburg Station, Rev. F. F. Crawford Harmony Circuit, Rev. George Lee Leatherwood Circuit, Rev. Lemuel Sears Taylorsville Circuit, Rev. J. C. Young Fall Creek Circuit, Rev. Jordan Gordan Chatham Circuit, Rev. W. H. Gray Rocky Mount Circuit, Rev. Robert Armstead New Haven Circuit, Rev. R. R. Reid Cave Spring Circuit, Rev. Jordan Lemmons Blacksburg, Rev. E. G Goodman Max Meadows, Rev. George W. Pinkard Red Bluff, Rev. James E. Blount Elk Creek Circuit, Rev. P. E. Steward Speedwell, Rev. George W. Blount Harris Creek Danville Mission, Rev. G. W. Nicholson Richmond District Presiding Elder, Rev. M. C. Young Richmond Station, Rev. G. D. Jimmerson Duffield Circuit, Rev. R. J. Gassaway Summit Point Circuit, Rev. C. M. Toney Winchester Circuit, Rev. Robert Davis Berryville Circuit, Rev. James H. Scott Staunton Station, Rev. E. H. Bolden McDowell Greenville Station, Rev. David Maze Pamplins Mission, Rev. Washington Stiff Prospect Circuit, Rev. James E. Parago Charlotte Circuit, Rev. J. B. Tynes Chase City Circuit, Rev. A. J. Kelly Boydton, Circuit, Rev. R. R. Mouzon Manchester Circuit, Rev. R. H. Miles Manikin Mission, Rev. P. W. Lee Front Royal Circuit, Rev. Thomas Jackson Sugar Grove Circuit, Rev. N. L. Gwinn Farmville Station, Rev. J. C. Mackey Staunton Mission TWENTY-THIRD SESSION, 1889 The Twenty-third Session was held in Staunton, Va., May 1, 1889. Bishop T. M. D. Ward presided at the opening of the session, the presiding Bishop Rt. Rev. J. P. Campbell, D. D., LL., D., being absent on account of sickness. He arrived however during the session. Revs. Geo. W. Nicholson, Ed. Scarboro and Geo. T. Mussington were elected secretaries. The annual sermon was preached by Rev. John H. Offer. Text, Romans 4:4. Subject, “The power of Christ. At the second day's session Bishop Campbell was in the chair assisted by Bishop Ward. The venerable chairman was very feeble and had to be carried to and from the church and his stopping place on a chair borne by four strong men. This was the last annual Conference on earth over which he presided. Bishop Campbell's decision on grant of time in the itinerancy. “No person can be granted the advantage of a year of the itinerancy except by the action of the Conference, after such a person had been first properly admitted.” Pending the report of Summit Point, some irregularities were referred to which had occurred in the removal of some pastors from their charges in the interval of the Annual Conference sessions. Bishop Campbell said respecting his policy, law and order that fair play would be accorded every man, regardless of rank or character; and when he appointed a man to a work he expected to find him there whenever called for, and further, no presiding elder had the right to remove a preacher from any appointment for any cause whatever without first conferring with the Presiding Bishop. PETITION FROM ST. JOHN'S CHURCH The petition coming from the officers and members of Bute Street A. M. E. Church, Norfolk, praying the Conference not to appoint any presiding elder over that charge was referred to the General Conference to convene in Selma, Ala., May, 1892. ADMISSIONS ON TRIAL Benjamin J. Hargrave, John A. Boon, Wm. B. Sample. ADMISSIONS INTO FULL MEMBERSHIP Felix Reed and William H. Lee. SUPERNUMERARIES Felix Reed, R. R. Monzon, Geo. W. Blount, Geo. Lee and S. S. Quinn. SUPERANNUATE Philip M. Only. DEATHS Lemuel W. Lee, Princess Anne Circuit. OBLIGATIONS Rev. B. J. Hargraves took the ordination vows of the A. M. E. Church. TRANSFERS TO VIRGINIA CONFERENCE Rev. Daniel J. Beckett from Baltimore Conference. Rev. Geo. T. Watkins, D. D., from Baltimore Conference. TRUSTEES TO WILBERFORCE UNIVERSITY Ministerial: W. D. Cook, G. B. Smith and Geo. W. Nicholson. Laymen: W. T. Waits, Norfolk and Wm. G. Forrester, Richmond. INTRODUCTIONS Revs. L. J. Coppin, D. D., Editor A. M. E. Church Review. Rev. James A. Handy, D. D. Rev. C. C. Felts, M. D., P. E. of Philadelphia Conference. Rev. John W. Beckett, of Philadelphia. Prof. John R. Hawkins, Kittrell Normal School. CONFERENCE STATISTICS "Number of full members","7194" "Number of full probationers","374" "Dollar money","$1,125.05" APPOINTMENTS Norfolk District Presiding Elder, Rev. Jacklin Strange. Norfolk Station, Rev. W. D. Cook. London Bridge Circuit, Rev. Thaddeus Peeden. Princess Anne Circuit, Rev. S. M. G. Copeland. Berkley Circuit, Rev. John E. Cooke. Eastville Station, Rev. Ed. Scarboro. Capeville Circuit, Rev. Peter Sheppard. Bridgetown Circuit, Rev. I. L. Butt. Franktown Circuit, Rev. Joseph Duckett. Savageville Circuit, Rev. J. B. Lewis. Onancock Station, Rev. John H. Offer. Drummondtown Station, Rev. John H. Thomas. Norfolk City Mission, Portsmouth District Presiding Elder, Rev. J. E. W. Moore. Portsmouth Station, Rev. W. H. Hunter, D. D. Norfolk Circuit, Rev. T. A. Wood. Hickory Ground Circuit, Rev. Felix Wood. Deep Creek Circuit, Rev. Geo. Williams. Newsomes Circuit, Rev. C. H. Hunter. Suffolk Station, Rev. J. C. Williams. Chuckatuck Circuit, Rev. J. W. Throckmorton. Hampton Station, Rev. G. B. Smith. Campbell Station, Rev. R. H. Govans. Mt. Moriah Circuit, Newport News Circuit, Rev. A. J. Kelly. Smithfield Station, Rev. E. H. Bolden. Union Bethel Circuit, Rev. Isaac Ewer. Richmond District Presiding Elder, James A. Haynes. Richmond Station, Rev. Geo. D. Jimmerson. Duffield Circuit, Rev. R. J. Gassaway. Berryville Circuit, Rev. Geo. W. Taylor. Winchester Circuit, Rev. J. B. Tynes. Staunton Station, Rev. D. J. Beckett. McDowell Circuit, Bro. W. I. Kennedy. Greenville Circuit, Rev. Daniel Maze. Prospect Circuit, Bro. Joseph Parago. Charlotte Circuit, Bro. J. C. Mackey. Boydton Circuit, Rev. F. F. Crawford. Chesterfield Circuit, Rev. Jas. H. Garner. Front Royal Mission, Thos. Jackson. Sugar Grove, Rev. W. J. White. Farmville Station, Rev. Geo. W. Nicholson. Charlottesville Mission, Danville District Presiding Elder, Rev. Robert Davis. Danville Station, Rev. Geo. T. Watkins. Harmony Circuit, Rev. Lemuel Sears. Traylorsville Circuit, Rev. Jesse C. Young. Martinsville Station, Rev. R. H. Miles Danville Circuit, Rev. Wm. H. Lee. Rocky Mt. Circuit, Rev. Robt. Armstead. Panellow Circuit, Rev. J. C. George. Cave Spring Circuit, Rev. Jordan Lemmons. Salem Circuit, Rev. Jer. Cuffey. Blacksburg Circuit, Rev. W. H. Gray. Pocahontas Circuit, Rev. J. H. Boone. Max Meadow Circuit, Rev. Wm. H. Carter. Red Bluff Circuit, Rev. Jas. E. Blount. Elk Creek Circuit, Rev. W. B. Sample. Speedwell Circuit, Rev. Geo. W. Pinkard. Wytheville Station, Rev. Geo. T. Mussington. Lynchburg Station, Rev. Jordan Gordan. Harris Creek Circuit, Stewart Mission, Chatham Circuit, Rev. Benj. J. Hargraves. Bro. Felix Lee at his own request left without appointment to attend school. Bro. R. R. Monzan left without appointment because of absence from work and failure to attend the Conference. Rev. Irwin W. L. Roundtree transferred to New Jersey Conference. TWENTY-FOURTH SESSION, 1890 Lynn Street A. M. E. Church, Danville, was the seat of the 24th Session of the Virginia Annual Conference, April 9, 1890. Bishop Thomas M. D. Ward presided in the absence of Bishop Campbell, who was ill. Bishops W. B. Arnett of the Seventh and B. T. Tanner of the Eleventh Episcopal Districts were present. The secretaries chosen were Revs. E. H. Bolden, Edward Scarboro and George T. Mussington. Rev. I. L. Butt preached the annual sermon, text, John 17: 22: Subject—“God's Glory to His Church through Christ.” ADMISSIONS ON TRIAL. "Brother A. A. Bailey","Brother John T. Schofield" "Brother Simon W. Watkins","Brother William J. White" "Brother Alexander Twyman","Brother John H. Briggs" "Brother Paul W. Lee","Brother Robert T. Timberlake" TRANSFER TO VIRGINIA CONFERENCE Rev. A. J. Nixon from North Carolina Conference. ORDINATIONS Deacon—Brother Simon Peter Cornick for local work. Obligations—Revs. J. H. Briggs and Alexander Twyman, both coming from the Baptist Church, took our ordination vows as elders. ORDINATION—ELDERS Revs. Joseph B. Tynes, James W. Throckmorton, George T. Mussington. SUPERANNUATE Rev. Phillip M. Only EXPULSION Rev. R. H. Miles WITHDRAWALS Rev. T. A. Wood. He sent a letter to the Annual Conference stating that he had withdrawn. It was received and spread upon the minutes. DEATHS Rev. James A. Haynes, P. E. of Richmond District died at Winchester, September 14, 1889 and buried at Pungoteague. INTRODUCTIONS Bishop W. B. Arnett, D. D. Seventh Episcopal District. Bishop Benjamin T. Tanner, D. D., Eleventh Episcopal District. Rev. J. C. Embry, D. D., Manager A. M. E. Book Concern. Rev. James A. Handy, D. D., A. M. E. Financial Sec'y. Rev. C. H. King, P. E., North Carolina Conference. Rev. J. E. C. Barham, P. E. North Carolina Conference Rev. R. H. W. Leek, Greensboro District, North Carolina Conference. Rev. N. J. Nickson, North Carolina Conference Dr. W. E. Bryant, Editor Southern Christian Recorder Prof. John R. Hawkins, Kittrell Normal School. Dr. D. A. Robertson Rev. W. H. Giles, North Carolina Conference. CONFERENCE STATISTICS "Number of full members","7543" "Number of probationers","443" "Dollar money","$1175.47" MARRIAGE OF BISHOP Bishop Ward closed the session of Conference sooner than usual because he had to be in Washington on Monday to perfect arrangements for his marriage during that week. APPOINTMENTS Norfolk District Presiding Elder, Rev. Jacklin Strange. Norfolk Station, Rev. John G. Mitchell, D. D. London Bridge Circuit, Rev. John H. Thomas. Princess Anne Circuit, Rev. Jas. E. Blount. Berkley Station, Rev. J. E. Cooke. Eastville Station, Rev. Ed. Scarboro. Bridgetown Circuit, Rev. I. L. Butt. Franktown Circuit, Rev. Thaddeus Peeden. Savageville Circuit, Rev. J. B. Lewis. Onancock Station, Rev. Jos. Duckett. Drummondtown Circuit, Rev. J. B. Hargraves. Sewell's Point Circuit, Rev. R. T. Timberlake. Portsmouth District Presiding Elder, Rev. J. E. W. Moore. Portsmouth Station, Rev. Wm. H. Hunter, D. D. Norfolk Circuit, Rev. John H. Offer. Deep Creek Circuit, Rev. Geo. Williams. Hickory Circuit, Rev. J. A. Boone. Suffolk Station, Rev. Isaac Ewer. Newsome Circuit, Rev. C. H. Hunter. Hampton Station, Rev. Geo. T. Mussington. Chuckatuck Circuit, Rev. W. B. Sample. Newport News Mission, Rev. J. W. Throckmortin. Campbell Station, Rev. R. H. Govans. Union Bethel Circuit, Rev. Peter Sheppard. Smithfield Station, Rev. E. H. Bolden, B. D. Mt. Moriah Circuit, Rev. Phelix Wood. Moonfield Mission. Richmond District Presiding Elder, Rev. G. B. Smith. Richmond Station, Rev. G. D. Jimmerson. Duffield Circuit, Rev. R. J. Gassaway. Winchester Circuit, Rev. J. B. Tynes. Staunton Station, Rev. D. J. Beckett. McDowell Circuit, Rev. C. M. Toney. Greenville Circuit, Rev. S. M. G. Copeland. Charlotte Circuit, Rev. P. W. Lee. Port Royal Circuit, Rev. Thomas Jackson. Farmville Station, Rev. Jas. H. Scott. Boydton Circuit, Rev. J. C. Young. Smithville Circuit, Rev. Jno. T. Schofield. Manchester Circuit, Rev. Jas. H. Garner. Manikin Circuit, Rev. S. W. Watkins. Sugar Grove Circuit, Rev. Wm. J. White. Prospect Circuit, Rev. Jas. A. Parago. Danville District Presiding Elder, Rev. Robt. Davis. Danville Station, Rev. Geo. T. Watkins. Harmony Circuit, Rev. Lemuel Sears. Martinsville Circuit, Rev. Geo. W. Nicholson, B. D. Rocky Mt. Circuit, Rev. Robt. Armstead. Cave Spring Circuit, Rev. Jordan Lemons. Salem Circuit, Rev. Jer. Cuffey. Panello Circuit, Rev. Alexander Trayman. Harris Creek. Traylorsville Circuit, Rev. W. H. Carter. Chatham Circuit, Rev. J. C. Mackey. Blacksburg Circuit, Rev. W. H. Gray. Pocahontas Circuit, Rev. J. H. Brown. Max Meadow Circuit, Rev. J. H. Briggs. Red Bluff Circuit, Rev. Geo. W. Taylor. Elk Creek Circuit, Rev. A. J. Kelly. Speedwell Circuit, Rev. Phelix Reed. Danville Circuit, Rev. A. J. Nixon. Amherst Circuit, Rev. Geo. W. Pinkard. Wytheville Station, Rev. J. C. Williams. Lynchburg Circuit, Rev. F. F. Crawford. Rev. W. D. Cook transferred to Philadelphia Conference Bro. J. Z. Gordon left without appointment. TWENTY-FIFTH SESSION, 1891 The Virginia Annual Conference assembled in Bethel A. M. E. Church, Salem, April 8, 1891 for its Twenty-fifth Session. Bishop A. W. Wayman, D. D. presided in the absence of Bishop Campbell, who continued ill. Revs. E. H. Bolden, Ed. Scarboro and Geo. T. Mussington were chosen secretaries. The annual sermon was preached by Rev. John Offer, Text, Romans 10:15. Topic “The Christian Ministry.” ADMISSION INTO TRAVELLING WORK Bro. John Offer Custiss, Rev. Frank W. Overton from A. M. E. Z. Church; Bro. Moses Matthews, St. Luke Baptist Church. TRANSFERS TO VIRGINIA CONFERENCE Rev. John G. Mitchell, D.D., from Baltimore Conference. Rev. S. P. Sheppard from Indiana Cenference. ADMISSIONS INTO FULL MEMBERSHIP Bro. John T. Schofield, Benj. J. Hargraves, Wm. B. Sample, John A. Boone, Lemuel Sears. ORDINATION-DEACONS. MISSIONARY RULE George Lee, James E. Parego, Wm. J. White, Paul W. Lee, Simon W. Watkins, John T. Schofield, John A. Brown. DEACONS-ORDINATION, REGULAR Wm. B. Sample, Jordan Lemons. Rev. Frank W. Overton from A. M. E. Z. Church took ordination vows as deacon. Deacon Thomas Nichols from Washington Conference M. E. Church, Bedford City, brought credentials which were received. Forty members came with him to our church. ÖRDINATION-ELDERS Rev. Daniel Maze, Jesse C. Young, Joseph Duckett, Jas. H. Garner, Charles M. Toney, Lemuel Sears. Moses Matthews from Missionary Baptist Church took our elder's vows. LOCATED—Rev. Wm. H. Carter and Job H. Brown. SUPERANNUATES—Rev. P. M. Only, Rev. R. J. Gassaway. WITHDRAWALS—Rev. S. M. G. Copeland. DISCONTINUED—Rev. A. J. Kelley. DEATH—Rev. James W. Throckmortin. GENERAL CONFERENCE DELEGATES Revs. J. E. W. Moore, Elias H. Bolden, Geo. D. Jimmerson, Jacklin Strange. LAY DELEGATES Bros. Edward Holland,——Almond. THIRD DAY, AFTERNOON SESSION, APRIL 10. The Conference assembled with Bishop Alexander Washington Wayman, D. D., presiding, for the purpose of celebrating the seventy fifth anniversasy of the organization of the A. M. E. Church at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Several ministers spoke on the occasion, among them Rev. Jas. A. Handy, Financial Secretary, who furnished the Conference with valuable information concerning the organization of the church. Dr. L. J. Coppin sang by request “The Church is moving on” The occasion was one of spirited and patriotic enjoyment and demonstration. Sunday services in the various churches were excellent. Bishop Wayman preached a wonderful sermon at the M. E. Church (white). It was a grand effort and impressed the brethren with the fact that the colored brother knows how to preach. INTRODUCTIONS Rev. Jas. A. Handy, A. M. E. Church Financial Secretary; Rev. L. J. Coppin, D. D., Editor, A. M. E. Church Review; Rev. C. S. Smith, D. D., Secretary Sunday School Union, Prof. John R. Hawkins, Principal Kittrell School. Rev. E. H. Bolden, B. D. having been appointed some years prior to this Conference, the historian, the following resolution was adopted: Resolved—That we the members of the Virginia, Conference do pledge ourselves to take half the stock of $600 in publishing the “History of African Methodism in Virginia, its men and memories,” with the understanding that we shall receive from the sale of the book one half of the benefits. Resolved—That whatever proper plans may be arranged by the Rev. E. H. Bolden to raise the above mentioned $600 will have our hearty approval. Signed. G. D. Jimmerson, Ed. Scarboro, R. H. Govans, Thaddeus Peeden and E. H. Bolden. APPOINTMENTS Norfolk District Presiding Elder, Rev. J. Strange. Norfolk Station, Rev. John G. Mitchell, D. D. Princess Anne Circuit, Rev. Jas. E. Blount. East Norfolk Circuit, Revs. J. H. Thomas & J. O. Custis. Sewell's Point Circuit, Rev. R. T. Timberlake. Berkley Station, Rev. J. C. Mackey. Eastville Station, Rev. I. L. Butt. Bridgetown Circuit, Rev. Robt. Davis. Franktown Circuit, Rev. Thaddeus Peeden. Belle Haven Circuit, Rev. Wm. J. White. Savageville Circuit, Rev. John H. Offer. Onancock Circuit, Rev. Joseph Duckett St. Luke Circuit, Rev. Jno. A. Boon. Drummondtown Circuit, Rev. B. J. Hargraves. Portsmouth District Presiding Elder, Rev. G. B. Smith Portsmouth Station, Rev. J. E. W. Moore, Portsmouth Circuit, Rev. C. M. Toney. Norfolk Circuit, Rev. R. H. Govans. Deep Creek Circuit, Rev. Geo. Williams Centreville Circuit, Rev. A. J. Nixon. Suffolk Station, Rev. Isaac Ewer Newsome Circuit, Rev. P. W. Lee. Hampton Station, Rev. G. D. Jimmerson. Windsor Circuit, Rev. W. B. Sample. Campbell Station Rev. J. B. Lewis. Smithfield Union Bethel Circuit, Rev. Peter Sheppard. Mt. Moriah, Rev. Phelix Wood. Newport News Mission, F. W. Overton. Moonfield Richmond District Presiding Elder, Rev. Wm. H. Hunter. Richmond Station, Rev. Geo. T. Watkins, D. D. Berryville Circuit, Rev. Daniel Maze. Summit Point Circuit, Rev. S. P. Shephard. Winchester Station, Rev. J. B. Tynes. Staunton Station, Rev. J. H. Garner. McDowell Circuit, Rev. Jas. E. Parago. Greenville Circuit, Rev. George Lee. Prospect Circuit, Rev. S. W. Watkins. Farmville Station, Rev. D. J. Beckett. Taylor Mission Manchester Circuit, Rev. C. H. Hunter. Manikin Circuit, Rev. A. A. Bailey. Smithville Circuit. Boydton Circuit, Rev. J. H. Scott Danville District Presiding Elder, Rev. Edward Scarboro. Danville Station, Rev. E. H. Bolden, B. D. Martinsville Station, Rev. Geo. W. Taylor. Traylorsville Circuit. Chatham Station, Rev. Geo. T. Mussington. Rocky Mt. Station, Rev. Robert Armstead. Cave Spring Circuit, Rev. Jordan Lemons. Salem Station, Rev. Jno. E. Cooke. Ronoake Station, Rev. Jer. Cuffey. Blacksburg Station, Rev. W. H. Gray. Pocahontas Circuit, Rev. Geo. W. Pinkard. Max Meadows Circuit, Rev. J. H. Briggs. Wytheville Station, Rev. J. C. Williams. B. D. Ivanhoe Circuit, Rev. J. C. Young. Speedwell Circuit, Rev. Moses Matthews. Danville Circuit, Rev. John T. Schofield. Panello Circuit, Rev. Alex. Trayman. Lynchburg Circuit, Rev. Wm. H. Lee. Harmony Circuit, Rev. Lemuel Sears. Grayson Circuit TWENTY-SIXTH SESSION, 1892 The Twenty-sixth Session in 1892 was held in Winchester, April 14. This session convened with Bishop Abraham Grant D. D., of the Episcopal District, in the chair. Bishop J. P. Campbell, the presiding Bishop, having died during the year, the House of Bishops appointed Bishop Grant to superintend the work until the meeting of the General Conference in 1892. Revs. E. H. Bolden, J. E. W. Moore and Geo. T. Mussington were elected secretaries. General Morris Chester was unanimously elected as the stenographer of the Conference. The annual sermon was preached by Rev. E. H. Bolden, B. D. Text, Isa. 2:11, Ps. 72:8, and II Tim. 11:2. The sermon was full of thought and instructive, and all who heard were made to rejoice. INTRODUCTIONS Gen. Morris Chester. Rev. R. H. W. Leak of North Carolina Conference. Rev. L. J. Coppin, Editor A. M. E. Review. Rev. B. F. Watson, Kansas Conference. Rev. Jas. A. Handy, D. D., Financial Secretary. Rev. C. S. Smith, D. D., Secretary Sunday School Union. The Missionary sermon was preached by Rev. John G. Mitchell, D. D. Text, Romans 1:16. It was well handled and delivered as with a tongue of fire. ADMISSIONS INTO ITINERANT WORK Bros. John H. Robins, Elijah M. King, Wm. D. Naylor, J. C. George, J. T. Reid, A. I. Williams, J. W. Williams, Pinkney L. McDowell and Morgan Simms. TRANSFER TO VIRGINIA CONFERENCE Rev. J. C. Duffin from Philadelphia Conference. ORDINATION—DEACONS A. A. Bailey, J. C. George, J. T. Reid, W. D. Naylor obligated. ORDINATION—ELDERS Rev. Wm. H. Lee Rev. Morgan S. Simmons from Baptist Church was obligated. SUPERANNUATE—Rev. Philip M. Only. SUSPENDED—Rev. John A. Boon. DEATHS Bishop J. P. Campbell, D. D., LL. D., Revs. R. J. Gassaway and Rev. Phelix Wood. DISCONTINUED—Bros. George W. Blount and George Rose. Vacancies in the Trustee Board of Kittrell School were filled by the election of Revs. Ed. Scarboro, J. C. Williams and Geo. D. Jimmerson. In the fifth day's morning session such was the religious and spiritual condition of the Conference, that Dr. Geo. T. Watkins arose and remarked that of all the annual Conferences he had attended this was the most spiritual and pleasant of them all. Two souls had been happily converted to God and scores had come forward to the altar to be prayed for. Rev. R. H. W. Leak of N. C. made a similar statement. MEMORIAL SERVICES Several spoke at this service and paid high tribute to their dead heroes—Revs. Richard J. Gassaway, Felix Wood and Bishop J. P. Campbell, D. D., LL. D., who was the presiding Bishop of the Conference at the time of his death. The Rt. Rev. Jabez Pitt Campbell, the son of Catharine and Anthony Campbell, was born Feb. 6, 1815, at Slaughter Neck, Sussex County, Del. CONFERENCE STATISTICS "Number of members","7623" "Number of probationers","108" "Dollar money","$1,333.90" APPOINTMENTS Norfolk District Presiding Elder, Rev. J. Strange. Norfolk Station, Rev. J. G. Mitchell, D. D. Princess Anne Circuit, Rev. J. H. Thomas. East Norfolk Circuit, Rev. J. H. Robins. West Norfolk Circuit, Rev. J. C. George. Berkley Station, Rev. J. Cuffey. Capeville, Rev. I. L. Butt. Eastville, Rev. Robt. Davis. Bridgetown Station, Rev. G. B. Smith. Franktown Circuit, Rev. Joseph Duckett. Belle Haven Circuit, Rev. Wm. J. White. Savageville Circuit, Rev. John H. Offer. Onancock Station, Rev. F. W. Overton. St. Luke Station, Rev. P. W. Lee. Drummondtown Station, Rev. B. J. Hargraves. Portsmouth District Presiding Elder, Rev. Geo. D. Jimmerson Portsmouth Station, Rev. Elias H. Bolden, B. D. Norfolk Circuit, Rev. C. M. Toney. Deep Creek Circuit, Rev. Geo. Williams. Centreville Circuit, Rev. Thaddeus Peeden. Suffolk Station, Rev. James H. Scott. Hampton Station, Rev. J. C. Duffin. Smithfield Station, Rev. J. C. Mackey. Newsome Circuit, Rev. J. B. Lewis. Windsor Circuit, Rev. Wm. B. Sample. Campbell Station, Rev. Jas. H. Garner. Union Bethel Circuit, Rev. Peter Sheppard. Mount Moriah Circuit, Rev. James E. Blount. Newport News Mission, Rev. R. H. Govans. Moonfield Portsmouth Circuit, Rev. John O. Custis. Richmond District Presiding Elder, Rev. Wm. H. Hunter, D. D. Richmond Station, Rev. Geo. T. Watkins. Duffield Circuit, Rev. Daniel Maze. Summit Pt. Circuit, Rev. S. P. Shephard. Winchester Circuit, Rev. Isaac Ewer. Staunton Station, Rev. A. J. Nixon. McDowell Circuit, Rev. James E. Parago. Greenville Circuit, Rev. George Lee. Prospect Circuit, Rev. S. W. Watkins. Farmville Station, Rev. D. J. Beckett. Taylors Mission, Rev. Jas. T. Reid. Manchester Circuit, Rev. C. H. Hunter. Manikin Circuit, Rev. A. A. Bailey. Smithville Circuit, Rev. E. M. King. Boydton, Rev. W. D. Naylor. Danville District Presiding Elder, Rev. Edward Scarboro. Danville Station, Rev. W. R. Gullins. North Danville Circuit, Rev. John T. Schofield. Harmony Circuit, Rev. Robt. Armstead. Chatham Circuit, Rev. W. H. Lee. Martinsville Circuit, Rev. Geo. W. Taylor. Traylorsville Circuit, Rev. R. T. Timberlake. Rocky Mount Circuit, Rev. W. H. Gray. Cave Spring Circuit, Rev. J. C. Young. Roanoke Station and Bedford Mission, Rev. Geo. T. Mussington. Salem Station, Rev. J. B. Tynes. Blacksburg Circuit, Rev. Lemuel Sears. Pocahontas Circuit, Rev. J. W. Williams. Ivanhoe Circuit, Rev. Morgan S. Simmons. China Branch Circuit, Rev. Geo. W. Pinkard. Max Meadows Circuit, Rev. J. H. Briggs. Wytheville Station, Rev. J. C. Williams. Panello Circuit, Rev. P. L. McDowell. Lynchburg Circuit, Rev. John E. Cooke. Bluefield Circuit, Rev. A. I. Williams. Transfer to Philadelphia Conference—Rev. J. E. W. Moore. TWENTY-SEVENTH SESSION, 1893 This session convened in the city of Portsmouth April 12, 1893, with Bishop W. J. Gaines, D. D., presiding. Revs. I. L. Butt, James H. Scott and George T. Mussington were elected secretaries. The annual sermon was preached by the Rev. Jas. H. Garner. Text, Isa. 52: 1-7. Subject—” The strength of the Christian Church.” The sermon was well prepared and well delivered and several persons came forward to be prayed for. INTRODUCTIONS Bishop Moses B. Salter, D. D., 7th. Episcopal District. Rev. J. C. Embry, D. D., Manager Book concern. Rev. L. J. Coppin, D. D., Editor A. M. E. Review. Rev. G. H. Giles, P. E. North Carolina Conference. Rev. W. D. W. Schureman, Baltimore Conference. Rev. C. T. Shaffer, D. D. Sec. Church Extension Society. Rev. J. W. Brockett, North Carolina Conference. Rev. J. M. Armstrong, D. D., Financial Secretary. Rev. C. S. Smith, D. D., Secretary S. S. Union. Rev. Wm. D. Johnson, D. D. TRANSFERS TO VIRGINIA CONFERENCE Rev. A. L. Gaines, from North Georgia Conference. Rev. Wm. R. Gullins from Macon Georgia Conference. Rev. R. L. King. ADMISSIONS INTO ITINERANCY Brethren C. A. Holmes, Edward F. Hardy, G. W. Harris, W. E. Walker, John R. West, and K. K. Richardson readmitted. ORDINATION—DEACONS Robert T. Timberlake and Edward F. Hardy. LOCAL DEACONS Elisha Overton, John Williams, Wilson J. Robinson, Wm. B. Holden. DEATHS Bishop John M. Brown, D. D. Scholarships were granted to Bro. George W. Adams of Danville to Wilberforce University; to Mr. Lewis Morrison of Chatham to Kittrell Normal School. CONFERENCE STATISTICS "Number of full members","7876" "Number of probationers","777" "Dollar money","$1516.35" APPOINTMENTS Norfolk District Presiding Elder, Rev. J. C. Williams. Norfolk Station, Rev. A. L. Gaines, B. D. Berkley Station, Rev. Jeremiah Cuffey. Princess Anne Circuit, Rev. J. H. Thomas. Oceana Circuit, Rev. John Robins. West Norfolk Circuit, Rev. R. T. Timberlake. Central Norfolk Circuit, Rev. Wm. J. White. Capeville Station, Rev. I. L. Butt. Eastville Station, Rev. J. E. Cook. Bridgetown Station, Rev. S. P. Shephard, A. M. Franktown Station, Rev. Joseph Duckett. Belle Haven Circuit, Rev. Geo. W. Harris. Savageville Circuit, Rev. J. H. Offer. Onancock Station, Rev. F. W. Overton. Only Mission, Rev. John R. West. Daugherty Station, Rev. Paul W. Lee. Drummondtown Station, Rev. Robt. Davis. Portsmouth District Presiding Elder, Rev. George D. Jimmerson. Portsmouth Station, Rev. E. H. Bolden. Berkley Circuit, Rev. C. M. Toney. Deep Creek Circuit, Rev. Peter Sheppard. Oak Grove Circuit, Rev. Thaddeus Peeden. Suffolk Station, Rev. Geo. Williams. Newsomes Circuit, Rev. John B. Lewis. Hampton Station, Rev. J. C. Duffin. Smithfield Station, Rev. J. C. Mackey. Campbell Circuit, Rev. Jas. H. Garner. Union Bethel Circuit, Rev. D. J. Beckett. Mt. Moriah Circuit, Rev. Geo. W. Pinkard. Newport News Mission, Rev. R. H. Govans. Richmond District Presiding Elder, Rev. Ed. Scarboro. Richmond Station, Rev. Wm. H. Hunter. Summit Point Circuit Rev. Jas. E. Blount. Winchester Station, Rev Isaac Ewer. Staunton Station, Rev. A. J. Nixon. McDowell Station, Rev. J. C. George. Greenville Circuit, Rev Robt. Armstead. Duffield Circuit, Rev. Daniel Maze. Chesterfield Circuit, Rev. C. H. Hunter, Farmville Circuit, Rev. R. L. King. Prospect Circuit. Rev. S. W. Watkins. Lynchburg Circuit, Rev. Jas. E. Parago. Berryville Circuit, Rev. C. A. Holmes Manikin Mission, Rev. A. A. Bailey. Danville District Presiding Elder, Rev. Jacklin Strange. Danville Station, Rev. Wm. R. Gullins. N. Danville Circuit, Rev. E. F. Hardy. Harmony Circuit, Rev. W. H. Gray. Chatham Circuit, Rev. W. H. Lee. Martinsville Circuit. Rev. B. J. Hargraves. Traylorsville Circuit, Rev. Jesse C. Young. Rocky Mt. Circuit, Rev. George Lee. Panello Circuit, Rev. P. L. McDowell. Cave Spring Circuit, Rev. Jordan Lemons, Roanoke Station, Rev. Geo. T. Mussington. Salem Station, Rev. J. B. Tynes. Bedford City Mission, Rev. J. T. Schofield. Blacksburg Circuit, Rev. Lemuel Sears. Pocahontas Circuit, Rev. Moses Matthews. Simmons Creek Circuit, Rev. J. W. Williams. Max Meadows Circuit, Rev. Geo. W. Taylor. Ivanhoe Circuit, Rev. Morgan Simmons. China Branch Circuit, Rev. J. H. Briggs. Smithville Circuit, Rev. E. M. King. Boydton Circuit, Rev. W. D. Nailor. Moriam and Rye Valley Mission, Rev. A. I. Williams. Wytheville Station, Rev. T. R. Sinkfield. TWENTY-EIGHTH SESSION, 1894 The Twenty-eighth Session in 1894 was held in Roanoke, April 18. Rt Rev. W. J. Gaines, D. D., presided at this session of the Conference. Revs. E. H. Bolden, Ed. Scarboro and J. C. Duffin were elected secretaries. INTRODUCTIONS Rev. C. T. Shaffer. D. D., Secretary Church Extension Society; Rev. L. J. Coppin, D. D., Editor A. M. E. Review; Rev. J. C. Embry, Manager Book Concern; Rev. J. C. Armstrong, Financial Secretary. TRANSFER TO VIRGINIA CONFERENCE Rev. Thomas R. Sinkfield from Baltimore Conference. ADMISSION INTO TRAVELLING WORK Rev. Levan Thomas Watson ADMISSIONS INTO FULL MEMBERSHIP John Henry Robins, Frank Milton Redd. ORDINATION—DEACONS John Henry Robins, Frank Milton Redd, Levan Thomas Watson, under missionary rule. ORDINATION—ELDERS Benjamin Joseph Hargraves, Frank Warren Overton. SUPERANNUATED—Phillip M. Only. EXPELLED—R. L. King. The Annual Sermon was preached by Rev. Geo. Williams. Text, Luke 18:1. The sermon reflected great credit upon the preacher. TRUSTEES TO WILBERFORCE UNIVERSITY Revs. E. Horace Bolden, B. D., Wm. H. Hunter, D. D. A. L. Gaines, B. D. TRUSTEES TO KITTRELL COLLEGE Revs. E. H. Bolden, B. D., Geo. D. Jimmerson, Jacklin Strange, Wm. R. Gullins. LOCAL CHURCH EXTENSION BOARD Revs. A. L. Gaines, B. D., Geo. D. Jimmerson, J. Strange, Bros. Geo. W. Dawley, R. E. Jones, M. D. APPEAL FROM BOOK CONCERN Rev. J. C. Embry, D. D., Manager of the A. M. E. Book Concern brought before the Conference the financial embarrassment of the Concern and asked that the Conference render whatever aid possible that it might tide over its difficulties. The brethren responded with alacrity, led by father Peter Sheppard and gave substantial aid both in cash and by subscription. DEATHS Bishop Daniel Alexander Payne, senior bishop of the Church, was born February 24, 1817, Charleston S. C. died December, 1893, and was buried December 5, 1893, Baltimore, Md. His parents were London and Martha Payne, both of excellent character. At the age of nine Daniel was sent to school by the Minor Moralist Society. At twelve years he was put as an apprentice to the carpenter's trade, which was very much to his liking. In 1829 he opened a school to help his race. In 1835 he left the city of Charleston and remained for thirty years; he then returned a Bishop of the A. M. E. Church to which high office he was elected in 1852. Bishop Payne was a stalwart, intellectually, among his brethren and was regarded as the pioneer of education in the A. M. E. Church. CONFERENCE STATISTICS "Number of full members","7742" "Number of probationers","583" "Dollar money","$1555.53" EDUCATIONAL NOTES Norfolk District School In 1894, August 13, this school was organized under the auspices of Rev. John C. Williams, B. D. who was presiding elder of the district at the time. Prominent ministers and laymen of the district were interested in the movement. The school was conducted very successfully for two years at St. John's A. M. E. Church, Norfolk, and known as The Bishop Gaines Normal and Biblical Institute. APPOINTMENTS Norfolk District Presiding Elder, Rev. J. C. Williams, B. D. Norfolk Station, Rev. A. L. Gaines, B. D. Berkley Station, Rev. I. L. Butt. Princess Anne Circuit, Rev. J. H. Thomas. Oceana Circuit, Rev. J. H. Robins. West Norfolk Circuit, Rev. R. T. Timberlake. Central Norfolk Circuit, Rev. Wm. J. White. Capeville Station, Rev. Jno. H. Offer. Eastville Circuit, Rev. J. E. Cook. Bridgetown Station, Rev. F. W. Overton. Franktown Station, Rev. S. W. Watkins. Savageville Station, Rev. Jos. Duckett. Onancock Station, Rev. J. C. Young. Only Mission, Rev. Jno. R. West. Daugherty Station, Rev. P. W. Lee. Drummondtown Station, Rev. Robt. Davis. Portsmouth District Presiding Elder, Rev. George D. Jimmerson. Portsmouth Station, Rev. E. H. Bolden, B. D. Getty's Circuit, Rev. R. H. Govans. Berkley Circuit, Rev. J. C. Mackey. Deep Creek Circuit, Rev. Peter Sheppard. Oak Grove Circuit, Rev. Geo. W. Pinkard. Suffolk Station, Rev. Geo. Williams. Newsomes Circuit, Rev. Thaddeus Peeden. Hampton Station, Rev. Ed. Scarboro. Smithfield Station, Rev. W. W. Wilson. Campbell Circuit, Rev. Jas. H. Garner. Union Bethel Circuit, Rev. D. J. Beckett. Mt. Moriah Circuit, Rev. F. M. Redd. Newport News Mission, Rev. C. M. Toney. Moonfield Richmond District Presiding Elder, Rev. Jer. Cuffey. Richmond Station, Rev. Wm. H. Hunter, D. D. Duffield Circuit, Rev. Daniel Maze Berryville Circuit, Rev. C. A. Holmes. Summit Pt. Circuit, Rev. Jas. E. Blount. Winchester Station, Rev. Isaac Ewer. McDowell Circuit, Rev. Moses Matthews. Greenville Circuit, Rev. Robt. Armstead. Manchester Circuit, Chesterfield Circuit, Rev. A. A. Bailey. Farmville Station, Rev. W. H. Lee. Prospect Circuit, Rev. C. H. Hunter. Lynchburg Circuit, Rev. A. J. Nixon. Union Hall Circuit, Rev. Jas. E. Parago. Staunton Station, Rev. Geo. T. Mussington. Danville District Presiding Elder, Rev. Jacklin Strange. Danville Station, Rev. J. C. Duffin. North Danville Circuit, Rev. Lemuel Sears. Chatham Circuit, Rev. Geo. Lee. Harmony Circuit, Rev. W. H. Gray. Boydton Circuit, Rev. W. D. Naylor. Martinsville Station, Rev. B. J. Hargraves. Traylorsville Circuit, Rev. J. H. Briggs. Rocky Mt. Circuit, Rev. S. P. Cornick. Boone's Mill Mission, Rev. J. W. Williams. Cave Spring Circuit, Rev. Jordan Lemons. Roanoke Station, Rev. W. R. Gullins. Bedford Mission, Rev. J. D. Hall. Salem Station, Rev. J. B. Tynes. Blacksburg Circuit, Rev. E. F. Hardy. Simmon's Creek Mission, Rev. Geo. W. Harris. Ivanhoe Circuit, Rev. Morgan Simmons. Knob Folk Mission, Rev. Thomas H. Austin. Bedford City Mission, Rev. W. B. Sample. China Branch Circuit, Rev. A. I. Williams. Max Meadows Circuit, Rev. L. T. Watson. Wythevile Station, Rev. T. R. Sinkfield. Abingdon Mission, Rev. L. A. Patrick. Smithville Circuit, Rev. E. M. King. TRANSFER FROM VIRGINIA CONFERENCE Rev. Geo. W. Taylor to Pittsburg Conference. TWENTY-NINTH SESSION, 1895 The Twenty-ninth Annual Session of the Virginia Conference convened in Norfolk, April 17th, 1895, with Bishop W. J. Gaines presiding. Revs. Elias H. Bolden, Edward Scarboro and J. B. Tynes were elected secretaries. INTRODUCTIONS Bishop Abraham Grant, D. D., Sixth Episcopal District Rev. J. C. Embry, D. D., Manager Book Concern. Rev. L. J. Coppin, D. D., Editor A. M. E. Review. Rev. C. S. Smith, D. D., Secretary Sunday School Union. Rev. H. T. Johnson, D. D., Editor Christian Recorder. Rev. D. P. Seaton, D. D., Baltimore Conference. Rev. C. T. Shaffer, D. D., Church Extension Society. Rev. C. W. Preston, D. D., St. Louis, Mo. Rev. — Robertson, D. D., Georgia. Rev. W. D. Johnson, D. D., Secretary of Education. Rev. M. M. Moore, D. D., Florida. Prof. John R. Hawkins, Kittrell School. Rev. W. B. Derrick, D. D., Missionary Secretary. Rev. R. M. Cheeks, Georgia. Rev. W. J. Brockett, North Carolina. The Baptist Ministers' Association of Tidewater came in a body and Rev. R. H. Bowling, D. D., represented them as spokesmen and in a short and neat speech expressed the sentiments of the Association. Rev. W. W. Brown, president of the True Reformers, was present and donated to the Sarah Gormans Mission in Africa $25.00. ANNUAL SERMON Rev. I. L. Butt performed this task from the text, I John, 5 : 4; and I Cor. 15 : 57. Subject, “The Christian Triumph and Victory.” The speaker was requested at a late hour to arrange his discourse so as to embrace the Masonic Order in Norfolk which had turned out that evening in uniform to be addressed and to pay respects to the Virginia Annual Conference. Mr. Brooks, their spokesman, made a short speech welcoming the Bishop and Conference to the city and its hospitalities. They presented a donation of $10.00 to the Conference TRANSFERS TO VIRGINIA Rev. R. H. Coleman, from New York Conference. Rev. W. W. Wilson from Baltimore Conference. ADMISSIONS INTO ITINERANCY Brothers D. A. Twyman, Ovett E. Bumgardner, W. J. Beckett, Robert H. Davis, L. A. Patrick, T. H. Austin, L. W. C. Mettz and St. Clare Grimstead. ADMISSIONS INTO FULL MEMBERSHIP John R. West, George W. Harris, James W. Williams, Archie I. Williams. ORDINATION—DEACONS Brothers John R. West, George W. Harris, O. E. Bumgardner, James W. Williams, Archie I. Williams, L. W. C. Mettz. ELDER—Rev. C. A. Holmes from Baptist Church, took obligation as Elder. GENERAL CONFERENCE DELEGATES Rev. A. L. Gaines, B. D. Rev. E. H. Bolden, B. D. Rev. W. H. Hunter, D. D. Rev. G. D. Jimmerson LAY—Brothers Wilson F. Foreman, Norfolk, and Levi P. Johnson, Richmond. DEATHS Bishop Thomas D. Ward, D. D., who departed this life since the last Conference session, was born September 28, 1823 at Hanover, Pa. He was converted at the age of fifteen. Licensed to preach at twenty. Joined New England Conference at twenty-three. Ordained deacon at twenty-four. In his forty-fifth year, 1868, he was elected and ordained Bishop. Rev. Richard H. Govans was born Oct. 6, 1833, at Masses Cross Roads, Md. Transferred from Baltimore to Virginia Conference. A faithful and ardent worker for the Master. Rev. J. B. Lewis, a hard worker for many years in the Church of his choice. He departed this life July 23, 1894. Rev. J. H. Briggs, having recently come into our branch of Zion, he died in full triumph of faith September 14, 1894. Rev. R. W. Sylvester, a local deacon of Emanuel Church, Portsmouth. Died November 1894. A faithful and consistent disciple of Christ. SUSPENSION—Brother L. A. Patrick. EXPULSION—Rev. C. M. Toney. CONFERENCE STATISTICS "Number of full members","9051" "Number of probationers","1039" "Dollar money","$1976.78" APPOINTMENTS Norfolk District Presiding Elder, Rev. J. C. Williams, B. D. Norfolk Station, Rev. A. L. Gaines, B. D. Berkley Station, Rev. I. L. Butt. Kempsville Circuit, Rev. R. T. Timberlake. Parago Circuit, Rev. William J. White Oceana Circuit, Rev. Edward Scarboro. West Norfolk Circuit, Central Norfolk Circuit, Rev. William Lee. Eastville Station, Rev. J. E. Cook. Capeville Station, Rev. J. C. Young. Bridgetown Circuit, Rev. F. W. Overton. Franktown Circuit, Rev. J. B. Tynes. Savageville Circuit, Rev. Joseph Duckett. Onancock Station, Rev. S. W. Watkins. Drummondtown Station, Rev. J. H. Offer. Daugherty Station, Rev. J. H. Robins. Only Mission, Rev. J. R. West. Portsmouth District Presiding Elder, Rev. Robert Davis Portsmouth Station, Rev. E. H. Bolden, B. D. Hampton Station, Rev. D. J. Beckett. Suffolk Station, Rev. George Williams. Smithfield Station, Rev. George D. Jimmerson. Campbell Circuit, Rev. J. H. Thomas. Union Bethel Circuit, Rev. P. W. Lee. Berkley Circuit, Rev. J. H. Garner. Newsomes Circuit, Rev. Thaddeus Peeden. Deep Creek Circuit, Rev. Peter Sheppard. Oak Grove Circuit Rev. F. M. Redd. Mt. Moriah Circuit, Rev. George W. Pinkard. Newport News Mission, Rev. C. H. Hunter. Getty's Station, Rev. L. W. C. Mettz. Macedonia Mission. Richmond District Presiding Elder, Rev. Jeremiah Cuffey. Richmond Station, Rev. W. R. Gullins. Winchester Station, Rev. J. C. Duffin. Staunton Station, Rev. Isaac Ewer. Farmville Station, Rev. W. W. Wilson. Lynchburg Station, Rev. Lemuel Sears. Berryville Circuit, Rev. C. A. Holmes. Summit Point Circuit, Rev. Robert Armistead. McDowell Circuit, Rev. Robert H. Coleman. Greenville Circuit, Rev. M. A. Matthews. Chesterfield Circuit, Rev. A. A. Bailey. Harrison Creek Circuit, Rev. D. A. Twyman. Prospect Circuit, Rev. Daniel Maze. Roundhill Mission, Rev. J. W. Wallace. Manchester Mission, Rev. E. M. King. Smithville Circuit, Rev. J. E. Parago. Bedford Mission, Rev. L. A. Patrick. Danville District Presiding Elder, Rev. Jacklin Strange. Danville Station, Rev. William H. Hunter, D. D. Neapolis Circuit, Rev. J. D. Hall. Chatham Circuit, Rev. George Lee. Harmony Circuit, Rev. W. H. Gray. Boydton Circuit, Rev. A. J. Nixon. Leatherwood Mission, Rev. C. E. Lark. Traylorsville Circuit, Rev. R. H. Davis. Martinsville Station, Rev. George T. Mussington. Oak Grove Mission, Rocky Mt. Circuit, Rev. S. P. Cornick. Boone's Hill Mission, Rev. Jordan Lemons. Cave Spring Circuit, Rev. J. W. Williams. Roanoke Station, Rev. T. R. Sinkfield. Salem Station, Rev. B. J. Hargraves. Blacksburg Circuit, Rev. E. F. Hardy. Bluefield Mission, Rev. O. E. Bumgardner. Simmons Creek Mission, Rev. M. Simmons. Radford Mission, Rev. John Dent. Knobfork Mission, Rev. T. H. Austin. Ivanhoe Circuit, Rev. W. H. Nailor. China Branch Circuit, Rev. A. I. Williams. Abingdon Mission, Rev. L. T. Watson. Wytheville Station, Rev. J. C. Mackey. Max Meadows Circuit, Rev. D. W. Harris. THIRTIETH SESSION, 1896 Richmond, April 8, 1896 The Rt. Rev. W. J. Gaines presided at this session of the Virginia Annual Conference. Revs. E. H. Bolden, C. A. Holmes and J. B. Tynes were chosen secretaries. INTRODUCTIONS Rev. J. C. Embry, D. D. Manager Book Concern. Rev. L. J. Coppin, D. D., Editor A. M. E. Review. Rev. W. W. Brown of the True Reformers, President of the Bank, addressed the Conference on money saving in a very happy mood, which was timely and profitable to all. The Annual Sermon was preached by Rev. Robt. Davis. Text, Acts 4:16, 17. The speaker did credit to the occasion. ADMISSIONS INTO ITINERANCY P. S. Jefferson, C. E. Lark, J. H. A. McClammy, G. E. Fountain, L. T. Barker, A. J. Nottingham, E. T. Bailey. ORDINATION—DEACONS J. H. A. McClammy and Peter F. Jefferson, under the Missionary Rule. ORDINATION—ELDERS John Henry Robbins, Paul White Lee, Simon Wilson Watkins, Robt. Thomas Timberlake, Aaron Almoson Bailey. The Ordination Sermon was preached by Rt. Rev. W. J. Gaines, D. D. Text II Cor. 12:8-10. LOCATIONS Revs. J. D. Hall, E. M. King, Simon P. Cornicks. DEATH Rev. Phillip M. Only. Missionary Sermon preached by Rev. A. L. Gaines, B. D. Educational Sermon preached by Rev. E. H. Bolden, B. D. Text, Prov. 9:1. TELEGRAM Boston Mass. April 11, 1896. Bishop W. J. Gaines, D. D. and Conference at Richmond Va. Accept congratulations on your defense of a pure ministry and sacredness of the marriage vow. Signed W. P. Roberts. TRUSTEES FOR KITTRELL COLLEGE Revs. E. H. Bolden, B. D., W. H. Hunter, D. D., T. R. Sinkfield. CONFERENCE STATISTICS "Number of full members","10,515" "Number of probationers","728" "Dollar money","$1820.31" APPOINTMENTS Norfolk District Presiding Elder, Rev. E. H. Bolden, B. D. Norfolk Station, Rev. D. P. Seaton, D.D. Princess Anne Circuit, Rev. R. T. Timberlake. Oceana Circuit, Rev. B. J. Hargraves. Central Norfolk Circuit, Rev. R. H. Davis. Berkley Station, Rev. I. L. Butt. Capeville Station, Rev. J. C. Young. Eastville Station, Rev. Jer. Cuffey. Bridgetown Station, Rev. Peter Sheppard. Franktown Station, Rev. J. B. Tynes. Savageville Circuit, Rev. Jos. Duckett. Onancock Circuit, Rev. S. W. Watkins. Drummondtown Circuit, Rev. J. H. Offer. Daugherty Circuit, Rev. J. H. Robins. East Norfolk Circuit, Rev. A. J. Nottingham. West Norfolk Mission, Rev. Morgan Simmons. Cape Charles Mission, Rev. W. J. Beckett. Pinners Point Mission, Rev. J. C. Williams. Portsmouth District Presiding Elder, Rev. Robt. Davis. Portsmouth Station, Rev. A. L. Gaines, B. D. Getty Station Circuit, Rev. W. W. Wilson. Berkley Circuit Rev. Jas. H. Garner. Deep Creek Circuit, Rev. J. H. Thomas Oak Grove Circuit, Rev. F. M. Redd Suffolk Station, Rev. Geo. Williams Newsomes Circuit, Rev. T. Peeden. Hampton Station, Rev. D. J. Beckett Smithfield Station, Rev. B. D. Jimmerson Campbell Circuit, Rev. F. W. Overton Union Bethel Circuit, Rev. P. W. Lee Mt Moriah, Rev G. W. Pinkard Newport News Mission, Rev. C. H. Hunter Chuckatuck, Rev. E. T. Bradley Richmond District Presiding Elder, Rev. John E. Cook Richmond Station, Rev. W. R. Gullins Farmville Station, Rev. J. A. Robins Manchester Mission. Chesterfield Circuit, Rev. J. E. Parago. Duffield Circuit, Rev. P. S. Jefferson. Berryville Circuit, Rev. W. J. White. Summit Pt. Circuit, Rev. Robt. Armstead. Winchester Station, Rev. C. A. Holmes, A. B. Staunton Station, Rev. Isaac Ewer. McDowell Circuit, Rev. R. H. Coleman. Greenville Circuit, Rev. A. A. Bailey. Lynchburg Circuit, Rev. Lemuel Sears. Harris Circuit, Rev. D. A. Twyman. Prospect Circuit, Rev. Daniel Maze. Taylor's Mission, Rev. J. N. Wallace. Smithville Circuit, Rev. M. A. Matthews. Danville District Presiding Elder, Rev. Jacklin Strange. Danville Station, Rev. J. A. Brockett, D.D. Chatham Circuit, Rev. W. H. Gray. Neapolis Circuit, Rev. G. E. Fountain. Harmony Circuit, Rev. Geo. Lee. Boydton Circuit, Rev. W. H. Harris. Martinsville Station, Rev. L. T. Watson. Traylorsville Circuit, Rev. L. T. Barker. Oak Grove Mission, Rev. Fred Wade. Rocky Mt. Station, Rev. E. F. Hardy. Boone's Mill Mission, Rev. Jordan Lemons. Cave Spring Circuit, Rev. W. J. E. Hampton Vinton Mission, Rev. J. R. West. Roanoke Station, Rev. T. R. Sinkfield. Salem Station, Rev. J. C. Mackey. Blacksburg Circuit, Rev. A. I. Williams. Bluefield Mission, Rev. J. H. A. McClammy. Keystone Mission, Rev. J. E. Blount. Simmons Creek Mission, Rev. J. E. Blount Pulaski Mission, Rev. R. J. Boland, M. D. Ivanhoe Mission, Rev. J. W. Williams Redbluff Circuit, Rev. W. D. Nailor China Branch Circuit, Rev. C. E. Lark Abingdon Mission, Rev. J. M. Ruffin Max Meadows Circuit, Rev O. E. Bumgardner Wytheville Station, Rev. J. C. Williams. Personal Sketches REV. GEORGE LEE Rev. Lee was born at Parisburg, Va. Aug. 15, 1849, and was converted in 1865. He entered the ministry in 1880, and was ordained deacon by Bishop A. W. Wayman in 1891, and Elder by Bishop J. A. Handy in 1900. He joined the Virginia Conference in 1888, and has served the following charges: Lynchburg, two years; Harmony two years Greenville two years; Rocky Mount one year; Chatham two years; Max Meadow one year; Halifax, Blacksburg, and others. His labors have been blessed with 1142 conversions, and 251 accessions to the church. While serving one charge in 1898, he reports having walked 144 miles each month of that year. REV. JORDAN LEMONS was born in Franklin County, Va, December 7, 1842, and converted in 1859. He entered the ministry in 1888 in the Virginia Conference. He was ordained deacon in 1891, and elder in 1900 by Bishop Jas. A. Hardy. He has served the following charges: Cave Spring six years; Harmony three years; Chatham three years; Grayson one year; Boones Mill five years. He has had 225 conversions and accessions to the church. He has built one parsonage and repaired one. SIMON WILSON WATKINS The subject of this sketch was born in Charlotte County, Va. May 10, 1855. He was converted May, 1878, and entered the ministry in 1889. He was ordained deacon 1891 by Bishop Wayman, and elder 1896 by Bishop W. J. Gaines. He joined the Virginia Conference in 1889 and pastored the following charges; Mines; Prospects three years; Franktown one year; Onancock two years; Mt. Moriah two years; Chuckatuck three years; Blacksburg one year ten months; Cave Spring. He has completed one church and partially built two parsonages. Conversions 225 and 50 accessions. He attended the public schools only. REV. WILLIAM JEROME WHITE was born at Norfolk, Va. July, 23rd, 1852. He was convert, ed July 7, 1878 and joined the Virginia Conference in 1890. He was ordained deacon in 1891 by Bishop A. W. Wayman, and elder in 1897 by Bishop J. A. Handy. He has served the following charges; Speedwell Circuit ten months, remodeled pulpit and put new seats in church Sugar Grove, Modestown, seven months, increased membership and curtailed indebtedness; Belle Haven two years and laid corner-stone for new church, and made repairs at Jamesville; Central Norfolk Circuit, two years; Campbell's Chapel one year; Berryville one year, organized a new Sunday School; McDowell two years, and built one church at Monterey; and one at Franklin, Pope mission seven months; Greenville, made repairs and partly built new church at Midway, organized a mission at Portland; Smithville; Blacksburg, paid off old debt; this is his present charge. He attended private night school, and private teachers. Number conversions 98 and accessions to church 76. REV. ROBERT THOMAS TIMBERLAKE was born in Norfolk, Va. Sept. 7, 1864. He was converted in 1884, and entered the ministry in 1888. He was ordained deacon in 1892, and elder in 1896 by Bishop W. J. Gaines. He joined the Virginia Conference in 1890 and has served the following charges: Norfolk Mission two years: Eureka Circuit two years; Traylorsville one year; Sewell's Point four years; Princess Anne Circuit four; Union Bethel four years; Deep Creek two years; Daugherty Station two years; Capeville Station two years, which is his present charge. He remodeled churches at Sewell's Point; St. James, Eureka; Leatherwood in Henry County; he completed the Ebenezer Church in Isle of Wight County, and paid off its debt. He also paid the indebtedness on Union Bethel Church, Isle of Wight County, and Mt. Zion Church, Princess Anne County. He raised and banked money for a new church at Daugherty, and Norfolk Mission. Number conversions over 1600 and accessions to church over 1000. He attended public and private schools. Married twice and has three children. REV. JOHN OFFER CUSTIS The subject of this sketch was born at Bridgetown, Northampton County, Va. Dec. 15, 1866, of very religious parents. He was converted November 8, 1888, and entered the minstry in 1890. He was ordained deacon in 1894 by Bishop W. J. Gaines, and elder in 1898 by Bishop Jas. A. Handy. He joined the Virginia Conference in 1891 and served the following charges: (Supply at Cape Charles, Jamesville, and Birds nest.) St. Marks Church, a (Mission in Norfolk) Campbell's Chapel, Princess Anne County, and Portsmouth Circuit. He remained in the Virginia Conference three years, and was transferred to the Baltimore Conference in 1893, his present Conference. He reports over ten thousand conversions during his ministry. He attended the public school of his county, attended Morgan College, Baltimore, Md. and employed private teachers. Present charge is West River Circuit, Hardesty, Md. REV. FRANK WARREN OVERTON was born in Hertford, North Carolina, April 10, 1856. He joined the Virginia Conference in 1890, coming from the A. M. E. Zion Church. He was ordained deacon in 1892 by Bishop J. W. Hood, D. D., of the A. M. E. Z. Church, and elder by Bishop W. J. Gaines in 1894. He served the following charges with results: Newport News Mission two and one half years; purchased a lot, built church and added many members thereto; Onancock, two years, made repairs and renovated the church; Bridgetown Circuit two years; renovated and made repairs at Jamesville, completed church at Mt. Zion, purchased lot and built mission at Trehernesville; Campbells Circuit three years, made repairs to church, bought lot and built parsonage, and repaired the Macedonia Mission; St. James Station eleven months, rebuilt the church and furnished it, and repaired and enlarged the old parsonage. He died here March 13, 1900. His life was a fruitful one. This sketch was given by his widow, Mrs. Sarah E. Overton. REV. ARCHIE IVORY WILLIAMS was born in North Carolina in 1854. He was converted in 1875, and entered the ministry in 1888. He joined the Virginia Conference in 1891, and was ordained deacon in 1895 by Bishop W. J. Gaines, and elder in 1899 by Bishop J. A. Handy. He has served the following charges: Bluefield two years; Rye Valley one year; China Branch two years; Blacksburg three years; Cave Spring three years; Martinsville two years; Ivanhoe three years. He is now serving at Ivanhoe. He has had only public school advantages. REV. ABRAHAM L. GAINES, D. D. The subject of this sketch was born in Washington, Ga., May 8, 1865. He was converted in 1882, and entered the ministry in 1887. He was ordained deacon and elder by Bishop W. J. Gaines. Transferred to the Virginia Conference from Georgia in 1892, and served the following charges with great acceptability: St. John's, Norfolk, four years; Emanuel, Portsmouth, four, years and Presiding Elder of the Norfolk District three years. He has raised $90,000 for local and general purposes in the A. M. E. Church, and has had 750 conversions, and received into the church 900 persons. Dr. Gaines is quite a scholarly young man, being a graduate of the collegiate Department of Atlanta (Ga.) University, and of Gammon Theological Seminary. The degree of D.D., was conferred on him by Wilberforce University in 1898. He was transferred to the Baltimore Conference in 1903, and stationed at Bethel Church, Baltimore, Md. He was a member of the General Conferences of 1896, 1900 and 1904. REV. LEVAN THOMAS WATSON. The subject of this sketch was born in Onancock, Va., June 15, 1865. He was converted in 1890, and entered the ministry in 1893. He was ordained deacon in 1894 by Bishop W. J. Gaines, and elder in 1899 by Bishop Jas. A. Handy. He joined the Virginia Conference in 1894, and served the following charges: Chase City, and reobtained possession of church property and organized a Sunday school; Max Meadows and obtained a two-room parsonage; built foundation for church at Fair View, and added 32 members; Abingdon one year; Martinsville two years, remodeled parsonage, and added many to the church; Red Bluff, Ivanhoe, remodeled church, and at China Branch began two churches; Salem station four years, paid off debt, remodeled church and built parsonage; Staunton, paid old standing debt, and remodeled church, and added over 100 persons to the church. This is now his present charge. REV. THOMAS R. SINKFIELD The subject of this sketch was born in Singersville, Loudon County, Va., May 28, 1854. He entered the ministry April 17, 1884, and was ordained deacon in 1886 by Bishop A. W. Wayman; and elder in 1887 by Bishop Wayman. He transferred to the Virginia Conference from the Baltimore Conference in 1893, and served the following charges: Wytheville Station two years, finished new church and decreased the debt; Roanoke City three years, curtailed indebtedness; Presiding Elder of Roanoke District four years; Hampton Station two years. He was then sent to Farmville Station, but he left that charge, and in September, 1904, was transferred back to the Baltimore Conference. He was educated in the Theological Department of Howard University, Washington, D. C. WILLIAM JAMES BECKETT was born at Capeville, Va., November 15, 1866. He was converted in 1883, and entered the ministry in 1894. He was ordained deacon in 1898 by Bishop J. A. Handy, and elder in 1901, by Bishop B. F. Lee. He joined the Virginia Conference in 1895, and served the following charges: Cape Charles five years; Daugherty five years; two years at Capeville. He organized a Mission at Cape Charles; repaired the church and parsonage at Daugherty; repaired church and paid off old debt at Capeville. He has had 392 conversions and 256 accessions. He attended a District school in Norfolk, but could not finish on account of failure in health. His present charge is Savageville Circuit. REV. ROBERT HENRY DAVIS The subject of this sketch is the son of the well-known Rev. Robert Davis. He was born in Hampton, Va., May 7, 1868; he was converted September 15, 1886, and entered the ministry in 1894. He joined the Virginia Conference in 1865, and was ordained deacon by Bishop James. A. Handy. He has served the following charges with some degree of success: Central Norfolk Circuit one year; Oak Grove, Chuckatuck, Gettys, Berryville and Summit Point. He has purchased three church organs, helped to build two churches, and saved one from being sold at Summit Point. His labors have been blessed with 200 conversions. His school advantages have been very limited; he attended the free public school, and private school awhile. He is aggressive. REV. JAMES HENRY ALFRED McCLAMMY Rev. McClammy was born in Wilmington, N. C., July 9, 1866, and was converted May, 1888. He entered the ministry in 1896, and was ordained deacon by Bishop W. J. Gaines, and elder by Bishop B. F. Lee. He joined the Virginia Conference April 18, 1896, and has served the following charges: Bedford City one year; Chatham two years; Ivanhoe two years; Indika two years; Tanner's Creek one year, and his present charge, Accomac Station, one year. He has built one church at Bedford City, completed Lee's Chapel at Indika, and Jackson's Chapel at Chuckatuck. He studied in public schools seven years, one year English course at Bluefield, W. Va., one year in Norfolk Mission College, now is a third year student of Theology in Morris Brown College. During his ministry he has had 267 conversions, and 176 accessions. REV. ALFRED JAIRUS NOTTINGHAM The subject of this sketch was born at Eastville, Northampton County, Va., August 18, 1868. He was converted September 10, 1883. He attended the public schools of his county and then entered the Hampton Normal and Agricultural Institute, graduating in 1891 with honors. After graduating he taught in the public schools of his own county for six consecutive years, and one year in Nansemond County, Va., he was denominated by his County Superintendent as the leading and one of the best teachers of his county. He is now taking the correspondence course in Theology of Morris Brown College. He entered the ministry in 1895, joining the Virginia Conference in 1896 under Bishop W. J. Gaines; he was ordained deacon in 1898 by Bishop Jas. A. Handy, and elder in 1900 by Bishop Handy. He has served the following charges: Tanner's Creek three years, and increased the membership; Oceana Circuit two years, built a new parsonage at Oceana and increased the membership; St. James Station, Berkley, diminished indebtedness, and built new parsonage, greatly increased the congregation; he served this charge very acceptably five years. He is now serving Third Street A. M. E. Church, Richmond, Va., with much credit and ability. He served as recording secretary of the Conference for four years, and its chief secretary for four years, and served with great competency. It is said by good authority that he was one of the best secretaries in the connection. He has had about 130 conversions and added about 140 to the church. MR. WILSON F. FOREMAN The subject of this sketch is a very prominent layman, and is a member of St. John's Church, Norfolk, Va. He was born in Norfolk, Va., September 8, 1870. He was converted April 3, 1888. He is a very active worker in church and Sunday school; he is now teacher and assistant secretary in the Sunday school, and president of Y. P. S. C. E. His only school advantages were the public schools of the city. He has represented the Sunday school in District convention; the church in Christian Endeavor at Nashville, Tenn., in 1898, and a member of the General Conferences of 1896, 1900, and 1904. He is a very aggressive young man, and a lover of African Methodism. FOURTH DECADE THIRTY-FIRST SESSION, 1897 THE Thirty-first Annual Session of the Virginia Conference convened at Wytheville, April 8, 1897 with Presiding Elder Jacklin Strange in the chair. The presiding Bishop, Rt. Rev. James A. Handy, having been taken ill suddenly after his arrival, was not able to be present at the opening of the Conference. Revs. C. A. Holmes, George D. Jimmerson and J. B. Tynes were chosen secretaries. On the second day the Bishop had sufficiently recovered to be present. INTRODUCTIONS Rev. R. M. Cheeks, D. D., Editor Southern Christian Recorder. Rev. H. B. Parks, D. D., Secretary of Missions. Rev. T. W. Henderson, D. D., Manager Book Concern. Rev. C. T. Shaffer, D. D., Secretary of Church Extension. Rev. C. S. Smith, D. D., Secretary Sunday School Union. TRANSFERS TO VIRGINIA CONFERENCE Rev. Daniel P. Seaton, D. D., from Baltimore Conference Rev. Charles Augustus, from Louisiana Conference Rev. N. F. Turner, from Mississippi Conference The annual sermon was preached by Rev. W. R. Gullins. Text, John 12: 32. ADMISSIONS INTO TRAVELLING WORK Brother Fountain L. Gibson Brother William Penn Brother W. E. J. Hampton Brother J. L. Jones. Ordination vows were administered to Revs. Fountain L. Gibson and W. J. E. Hampton. Rev. William J. White was ordained an elder. The Bishop was assisted in this service by Revs. E. H. Bolden, A. L. Gaines, G. D. Jimmerson, W. R. Gullins and D. P. Seaton. SUPERANNUATE Rev. John H. Offer WITHDRAWN FROM CONNECTION Brothers J. W. Wallace and J. A. Robbins WITHDRAWN FROM CONFERENCE Brother D. A. Twyman RELIEVED—Rev. Joshua A. Brockett Rev. George T. Mussington asked to be allowed to withdraw against his desire but because of circumstances. The request was granted. DEATHS The death of Rev. George W. Harris was reported. When question nine was reached, Father John H. Offer, arose and asked to be placed on the superannuated roll. This threw a chill and a silence over the session, because Brother Offer was among the oldest members of the Conference, a pioneer in the Virginia ranks. After some discussion of regrets, a motion prevailed granting his request. Monday April 12, Conference Woman's Mite Missionary Society organized. The afternoon session of the Conference was given to the Women, and Dr. H. B. Parks, Missionary Secretary, was tendered the chair to preside. The following officers were chosen: Mesdames Carrie J. Bolden, President, Minnie Gaines, Secretary and D. J. Beckett, Treasurer. The report on Mite Money was received. TRUSTEES OF WILBERFORCE Revs. A. L. Gaines, E. H. Bolden, D. P. Seaton, Layman Wilson F. Foreman. EDUCATIONAL BOARD Revs. J. C. Williams, B. D., J. Strange and Jeremiah Cuffey. LAYMEN—Brothers R. E. Jones, M. D., Richmond, and William M. Reid, Attorney, Portsmouth. Rev. George D. Jimmerson was elected to fill the vacancy in the Trustee Board at Kittrell caused by the transfer of Dr. William H. Hunter. CONFERENCE STATISTICS "Number of full members","8824" "Number of probationers","744" "Dollar money","$1907.26" APPOINTMENTS Norfolk District Presiding Elder, Rev. E. H. Bolden, B. D. Norfolk Station, Rev. D. P. Seaton, D. D. Tanner's Creek Circuit, Rev. A. J. Nottingham. Capeville Station, Rev. J. H. Thomas. Eastville Station, Rev. Jeremiah Cuffey. Franktown Station, Rev. J. B. Tynes. Bridgetown Circuit, Rev. Peter Sheppard. Savageville Circuit, Rev. W. W. Wilson. Onancock Station, Rev. W. H. Lee. Drummondtown Circuit, Rev. Joseph Duckett. Daugherty Station, Rev. George W. Pinkard. Belle Haven Circuit, Rev, John R. West. Modestown Circuit, Cape Charles Mission, Rev. W. J. Beckett. Lambert's Point Mission, West Norfolk Mission, Portsmouth District Presiding Elder, Rev. Robert Davis. Portsmouth Station, Rev. A. L. Gaines, B. D. Smithfield Station, Rev. G. D. Jimmerson. Berkley Circuit, Rev. George Williams. Deep Creek Circuit, Rev. Isaac Ewer. Oak Grove Circuit, Rev. Robert H. Davis. Union Bethel Circuit, Rev. P. W. Lee. Campbell's Circuit, Rev. F. W. Overton. Mt. Moriah Circuit, Rev. S. W. Watkins. Chuckatuck Circuit, Rev. E. T. Bailey. Getty's Circuit, Rev. A. R. Montague. Berkley Station, Rev. I. L. Butt. Princess Anne Circuit, Rev. Rev. R. T. Timberlake Oceana Circuit, Rev. C. H. Hunter. Richmond District. Presiding Elder, Rev. J. E. Cooke. Richmond Station, Rev. C. A. Holmes, A. B. Staunton Station, Rev. J. C. Young. Winchester Station, Rev. R. H. Coleman. Duffield Circuit, Rev. P. S. Jefferson. Berryville Circuit, Summit Point Circuit, Rev. Robert Armstead. McDowell Circuit, Rev. William J. White. Greenville Circuit, Rev. A. A. Bailey. Lynchburg Circuit, Rev. Lemuel Sears. Harris Creek Circuit, Rev. F. L. Gibson. Prospect Circuit, Rev. Daniel Maze. Taylor's Mission, Rev. George Jones. Manchester Mission, Rev. L. T. Barker. Chesterfield Circuit, Rev. James E. Parago. Smithville Circuit, Rev. J. R. Davis. Farmville Station, Rev. W. R. Gullins. Suffolk Station, Rev. B. J. Hargraves. Hampton Station, Rev. D. J. Beckett. Newsome Circuit, Rev. Thaddeus Peeden. Newport News Mission, Rev. James H. Garner. Roanoke District Presiding Elder, Rev. Charles Augustus. Roanoke Station, Rev. T. R. Sinkfield. Danville Station, Rev. J. C. Williams. Salem Station, Rev. J. C. Mackey. Wytheville Station, Rev. Jacklin Strange. Rocky Mount Station, Rev. Edward F. Hardy. Danville Circuit, Rev. J. W. Williams. Chatham Circuit, Rev. W. H. Gray. Harmony Circuit, Rev. Jordan Lemons. Boydton Circuit, Rev. J. M. Ruffin. Rangely Circuit, Rev. A. J. Nixon. Martinsville Circuit, Rev. L. T. Watson. Farrum Circuit, Rev. Fred Wade. Boone's Mill Circuit, Rev. James E. Blount. Mt. Lebanon Circuit, Rev. J. L. Jones. Cave Spring Circuit, Rev. J. H. A. McClammy. Blacksburg Circuit, Rev. A. I. Williams. Red Bluff, Circuit, Rev. W. D. Nailor. China Branch Circuit, Rev. C. E. Lark. Max Meadows Circuit, Rev. O. E. Bumgardner. Simmons Creek Mission, Rev. Morgan Simmons. Bluefield Mission, Knob Fork Mission, Pulaski Mission, Abingdon Mission, George E. Fountain. Roanoke Mission, William Penn. THIRTY-SECOND SESSION, 1898 The Thirty-second Session in 1898 was held at Smithfield, April 20. Bishop Jas. A. Handy presided at the opening of this session. Revs. C. A. Holmes, A. B., A. J. Nottingham, J. B. Tynes were chosen secretaries. INTRODUCTIONS Revs. T. W. Henderson, D. D., Manager Book Concern, J. T. Jenifer, D. D., Secretary Connectional P. Aid, Dr. Jolly, M. E. Church South, Hon. W. D. Folk, ex-mayor of Suffolk, Rev. James Dean, D. D., P. E. Newbern District, N. C., Rev. H. B. Parker, D. D., Secretary of Missions, Prof. H. T. Kealing, Editor A. M. E. Review, Prof. John R. Hawkins, Secretary of Education, Rev. R. H. W. Leake, P. E. Western N. C. Conference, Rev. M. M. Moore, Florida Conference, Rev. P. A. Hubbard, D. D., Conference. The annual sermon was preached by Rev. John. H. Offer. Text, Tim. 3. ADMISSIONS INTO ITINERANCY Bros. J. R. Davis W. J. Wright W. J. Miller Albert R. Montague J. B. Whidbee George R. Jones W. R. Howerton T. J. Duncanson N. H. Field ORDINATION—DEACONS William J. Beckett, Robt. H. Davis, Edward T. Balley, Alfred Jairus Nottingham, Charles E. Lark. ADMISSIONS INTO FULL MEMBERSHIP E. T. Bailey, L. J. Barker, R. H. Davis, Wm. J. Beckett, A. J. Nottingham, C. E. Lark, J H. A. McClammy. The following elders from the Christian Church were given our ordination vows: Rev. J. R. Davis, J. B. Whidbee, N. H. Fields. SUPERANNUATE Rev. John H. Offer. DROPPED Rev. George E. Fountain. DEATHS Bishop J. C. Embry, D. D., Bishop J. H. Armstrong, D. D., Rev. W. D. W. Schureman of Baltimore Conference. The ordination sermon was preached April 24, by Bishop W. J. Gaines, D. D. Text, Mat. 26:8. It was an able and profound address. Bishop Handy preached at 8 P. M. an instructive sermon from the text, Heb. 7:16. TRUSTEES FOR KITTRELL Revs. J. E. Cooke, E. H. Bolden, R. T. Sinkfield, Geo. D. Jimmerson. CONFERENCE STATISTICS "Number of full members","8766" "Dollar money","$2013.42" APPOINTMENTS Norfolk District Presiding Elder, Rev. E. H. Bolden, B. D. Norfolk Station, Rev. D. P. Seaton, D. D. Eastville Station, Rev. Geo. D. Jimmerson. Franktown Station, Rev. J. B. Tynes. Daugherty Station, Rev. Geo. W. Pinkard. Capeville Station, Rev. W. H. Lee. Bridgetown Station, Rev. Peter Sheppard. Onancock Station, Rev. E. T. Bailey. Savageville Circuit, Rev. W. W. Wilson. Belle Haven Circuit. Modestown Circuit. Cape Charles Mission, Rev. Wm. J. Beckett. Lambert's Point Mission. West Norfolk Mission. Hack's Neck, Rev. Samuel Poulson. Poulson's Neck Rev. S. J. Drummond. Only Mission, Rev. John R. West. Portsmouth District Presiding Elder, Rev. I. L. Butt. Portsmouth Station, Rev. A. L. Gaines, A. M., B. D. Smithfield Station, Rev. Wm. R. Gullins. Berkley Circuit, Rev. Geo. Williams. Deep Creek Circuit, Rev. Isaac Ewer. Oak Grove Circuit, Rev. Wm. H. Gray. Union Bethel Circuit, Rev. R. T. Timberlake. Campbell's Circuit, Rev. F. W. Overton. Mt. Moriah Circuit, Rev. S. W. Watkins. Chuckatuck Circuit, Rev. Robt. H. Davis. Getty's Circuit, Rev. A. R. Montague. Berkley Station, Rev. D. J. Beckett. Princess Anne Circuit, Rev. P. W. Lee. Oceana Circuit, Rev. C. H. Hunter. Tanner's Creek Circuit, Rev. A. J. Nottingham. Richmond District Presiding Elder, Rev. John E. Cooke. Richmond Station, Rev. C. A. Holmes, A. B. Staunton Station, Rev. J. R. Davis. Winchester Station, Rev. R. H. Coleman. Farmville Station, Rev. Robt. Davis. Suffolk Station, Rev. B. J. Hargraves. Hampton Station, Rev. John H. Thomas. Duffield Circuit, Rev. Robt. Armstead. Berryville Circuit, Rev. James E. Parago. McDowell Circuit, Rev. Wm. J. White. Greenville Circuit, Rev. A. A. Bailey. Lynchburg Circuit, Rev. Lemuel Sears. Summit Pt. Circuit, Rev. Daniel Maze. Harris Creek Circuit, Rev. George Jones. Prospect Circuit, Rev. P. S. Jefferson. Chesterfield Circuit, Rev. Thaddeus Peeden. Smithville Circuit, Rev. J. C. Young. Newsome Circuit, Rev. J. D. Whidbee. Newport News Mission, Rev. Jas. H. Garner. Taylors Mission. Manchester Mission, Rev. F. L. Gibson. Midway Mission, Rev. Wm. J. Miller. Yale Mission, Rev. Charles Richwine. Roanoke District Presiding Elder, Rev. Thomas R. Sinkfield. Roanoke Station, Rev. Jacklin Strange. Danville Station, Rev. J. C. Williams. Salem Station, Rev. Charles Augustus. Wytheville Station, Rev. Jer. Cuffey. Rocky Mount Station, Rev. E. F. Hardy. Danville Circuit, Rev. J. W. Williams. Chatham Circuit, Rev. W. J. E. Hampton. Harmony Circuit. Rev. Jordan Lemons. Boydton Circuit, Rev. W. D. Nailor. Rangeby Circuit, Rev. O. E. Bumgardner. Martinsville Circuit, Rev. J. C. Mackey. Farrum Station, Rev. W. R. Howerton. Boone's Mill, Rev. J. M. Ruffin. Mt. Lebanon Circuit, Rev. J. L. Jones. Cave Spring. Blacksburg Circuit, Rev. A. I. Williams. Red Bluff Circuit, Rev. L. T. Watson. China Branch Circuit, Rev. C. E. Lark. Max Meadow, Rev. Geo. Lee. Simmons Creek Mission. Bluefield Circuit, Rev. M. S. Simmons. Knob Folk Mission. Pulaski Mission, Rev. N. H. Fields. Abingdon Mission, Rev. A. J. Nixon. Roanoke & Battle Creek Mission. Bedford City Circuit, Rev. J. H. A. McClammy. THIRTY-THIRD SESSION, 1899 The Thirty-third Session in 1899 was held at Portsmouth, April 26. Emanuel Church was the seat of this session of the Virginia Annual Conference, Bishop Jas. A. Handy, presiding. Revs. C. A. Holmes, A. J. Nottingham and J. B. Tynes, secretaries. INTRODUCTIONS Rev. J. T. Jenifer, Secretary Conference Preachers' Aid. Rev. P. A. Hubbard, P. E. of Colorado Conference. Rev. N. J. McCracken, of Illinois Conference. Rev. M. M. Moore, Financial Secretary. Prof. John R. Hawkins, Secretary of Education. Rev. T. W. Henderson, D. D., Manager Book Concern. Rev. James Dean, P. E. of New Jersey Conference. Rev. C. H. Stepteau, Louisiana Conference. Rev. H. B. Parks, D. D., Secretary of Missions. ANNUAL SERMON This duty was laid upon Rev. E. Horace Bolden, B. D., whose text was Jer. 3 : 9. Ps. 126 : 3, 4. It appeared to many who had heard the speaker before that it was the sermon of his life. The Holy Ghost dwelt with him. The missionary sermon was preached by Rev. D. J. Beckett. Text, Mark 16 : 5, Isa. 9 : 2. Subject, “God links Divine Agency with human, to carry on His work of saving souls in the world,” which subject was handled with the power of the Holy Spirit. GENERAL CONFERENCE DELEGATES Rev. A. L. Gaines, A. M., B. D. Rev. D. P. Seaton, D. D. Rev. John E. Cooke, P. E. Rev. E. H. Bolden, B. D. Rev. I. L. Butt, P. E. LAY DELEGATES Bro. Wilson F. Foreman, and Bro. A. B. Campbell. The educational sermon was preached by Rev. T. R. Sinkfield. Text, Dan'l, 12:3. Theme “Locomotion and Learning.” He satisfied his hearers upon the thought of Education. ADMISSIONS INTO TRAVELLING WORK Brethren Spencer J. Drummond, Samuel A. Poulson, William J. Harris, Richard H. G. Jackson. Rev. R. H. G. Jackson came from the United Methodist Church and Rev. Levi. A. Postles from the Baptist Church. ORDINATION—DEACONS Bro. Calhoun Harold Stepteau, of Louisiana Conference for said Conference under Missionary Rule. Bro. George Washington Thomas, local deacon for Brown's Church, Smithfield. ORDINATION—ELDERS Rev. Ovett English Bumgardner Rev. William Daniel Naylor Rev. Levan Thomas Watson Rev. Archie Ivory Williams Edward Frank Hardy Rev. James Washington Williams Rev. Calhoun Harold Stepteau of Louisiana for said Conference under Missionary Rule. K. J. Billups, from Christian Church, obligated. SUPERNUMERARIES Bro. J. L. Hamilton Bro. N. H. Fields Bro. M. A. Matthews Bro. George W. Thomas Bro. Thomas Davis Bro. M. S. Simmons Bro. S. P. Cornick Bro. James E. Blount Bro. W. J. Roberson Bro. Wm. J. Harris SUPERANNUATES Revs. John H. Offer, and Peter Sheppard. WITHDRAWN Revs. Frank M. Redd, L. W. C. Mettz. DEATHS Rev. John Williams, local deacon Emanuel Church, Portsmouth. DISCONTINUED Bro. William Penn, and Bro. Fred Wade. The ordination sermon was preached by Bishop James A. Handy. II Tim. 3:16-19. SUPERANNUATION Rev. Peter Sheppard addressing the Conference said that he could not follow the army any longer, and asked that he be retired. Regrets were expressed and tears were shed. Speeches pro and con made, finally his request was granted. KITTRELL TRUSTEES Rev. Geo. D. Jimmerson. Rev. C. A. Holmes, A. B. Rev. J. C. Williams, B. D. MINT SPRING SALE There was church property owned by the congregation in the A. M. E. connection at Mint Spring as per discipline. The trustees of said church sold the property with the supposed consent of the General Conference. At the next session of the Conference the matter was reviewed and by unanimous vote the transaction repudiated and the sale of the property condemned. A committee of three was appointed to enter into ways and means to reverse the transaction if possible. The committee did not succeed however in doing this. CONFERENCE STATISTICS "Number of members","7893" "Dollar money","$2,021.27" APPOINTMENTS Norfolk District Presiding Elder, Rev. E. H. Bolden, B. D. Norfolk Station, Rev. D. P. Seaton, D. D. Eastville Station, Rev. G. D. Jimmerson. Capeville Station, Rev. Jos. Duckett. Bridgetown Station, Rev. Geo. W. Pinkard. Franktown Station, Rev. W. W. Wilson. Onancock Station, Rev. Edward T. Bailey. Drummondtown, Rev. Jos. C. Mackey. Daugherty Station, Rev. Wm. J. Beckett. Savageville Circuit, Rev. Jos. B. Tynes. Kellor Circuit, Rev. S. P. Drummond. Cape Charles Mission, Rev. John R. West. Hack's Neck Mission, Rev. Samuel Poulson. Portsmouth District Presiding Elder, Rev. I. L. Butt. Portsmouth Station, Rev. A. L. Gaines, D. D. Getty's Circuit, Rev. Robt. H. Davis. Berkley Circuit, Rev. F. W. Overton. Deep Creek Circuit, Rev. Isaac Ewer. Oak Grove Circuit, Rev. W. H. Gray. Princess Anne Circuit, Rev. P. W Lee. Oceana Circuit, Rev. A. J. Nottingham. Tanner's Creek Circuit, Rev. A. R. Montague. Berkley Station, Rev. C. A. Holmes, A. B. Smithfield Station, Rev. Wm. R. Gullins. Campbell's Circuit, Rev. Geo. Williams. Union Bethel Circuit, Rev. R. T. Timberlake. Mt. Moriah Circuit, Rev. C. H. Hunter. Chuckatuck Circuit, Rev. S. W. Watkins. Richmond District Presiding Elder, Rev. John E. Cooke. Richmond Station, Rev. Daniel J. Beckett. Suffolk Station, Rev. Jeremiah Cuffey. Newsomes Circuit, Rev. J. B. Whidbee. Newport News Mission, Rev. Jas. H. Garner. Duffield Circuit, Rev. Robt. Armstead. Berryville Circuit, Rev. Jas. E. Parago. Summit Pt. Circuit, Rev. Daniel Maze. Winchester Station, Rev. J. C. Young. Staunton Station, Rev. P. S. Jefferson. McDowell Circuit, Rev. Geo. B. Jones. Greenville Circuit, Rev. A. A. Bailey. Harris Creek Circuit, Rev. W. H. Lee. Lynchburg Circuit, Rev. J. R. Davis. Prospect Circuit, Rev. Thaddeus Peeden. Farmville Station, Rev. Robt. Davis. Smithville Circuit, Rev. W. J. White. Chesterfield Circuit, Rev. Wm. J. Miller. Yale Mission, Rev. L. L. Berry. Manikin Mission, Rev. Lemuel Sears. Brucetown Mission, Rev. L. T. Barker. Taylor's Mission, Rev. James Hines. Roanoke District Presiding Elder, Rev. Thomas R. Sinkfield. Roanoke Station, Rev. Jacklin Strange. Danville Station, Rev. J. C. Williams. Bedford City Circuit, Rev. J. L. Jones. Chatham Circuit, Rev. J. H. A. McClammy. East Danville Circuit, Rev. J. W. E. Hampton. Harmony Circuit, Rev. Jordan Lemons. Boydton Circuit, Rev. E. D. Bumgardner. Martinsville Circuit, Rev. E. F. Hardy. Rangely Circuit, Rev. Jas. W. Williams. Farrum Station, Rev. R. H. Coleman. Rocky Mt. Station, Rev. Wm. D. Naylor. Boone's Mill Circuit, Rev. J. W. Ruffin. Cave Spring Circuit, Rev. A. I. Williams. Salem Station, Rev. Charles Augustus. Blacksburg Circuit, Rev. W. R. Howerton. Freeman Circuit, Rev. C. E. Lark. Bluefield Mission, Rev. A. J. Nixon. Pulaski Mission, Rev. A. J. Harris. Abingdon Mission, Rev. A. I. Williams. Ivanhoe Mission, Rev. Geo. Lee. Red Bluff Circuit, Rev. L. T. Watson. Max Meadows Circuit, Rev. J. W. Wright. Wytheville Station, Rev. B. J. Hargraves. THIRTY-FOURTH SESSION, 1900 The Virginia Annual Conference of the African Methodist Episcopal Church convened in St. John's Church, Norfolk, April 11, 1900, with Bishop James A. Handy in the chair. Revs. C. A. Holmes, A. B., A. J. Nottingham and J. B. Tynes were chosen secretaries. INTRODUCTIONS Rev. H. C. C. Astwood, Missionary to Cuba, editor of “The Defender.” Rev. T. W. Henderson, Manager Book Concern. Rev. C. T. Shaffer, D. D., Sec. Church Extension Society. Rev. S. C. Hatcher, M. E. Church South. Hon. T. C. Walker, Collector of Customs, Gloucester County, Va. Rev. James Dean, P. E., Western N. C. Conference. Prof. John R. Hawkins, Secretary of Education. Rev. Mark C. Hayford, West African, who made some interesting remarks. The Woman's Mite Missionary Society reported having raised $371.45 during the year, an increase of $154.37. ANNUAL SERMON This duty devolved upon Rev. Jacklin Strange who selected as his text Matt. 24: 14, Subject, “The Gospel of the Kingdom.” It was noted for its power and earnestness throughout. ADMISSIONS INTO ITINERANCY Brothers James H. Fitchett, John H. Ross, B. F. Newsome and Rev. K. J. Billups, from the Christian Church. Brother Samuel S. Morris (a student in Gammon Theological Seminary, Atlanta, Ga.) member of Emanuel Church, Portsmouth, made application to enter the itinerant rank. A motion prevailed that it be granted provided he sustain the required examination before the faculty of his Seminary. Rev. N. F. Turner and his Church in W. Va., was received on motion, with their standing. TRANSFER FROM VIRGINIA CONFERENCE Rev. John C. Williams, to Pittsburg Conference. ADMISSIONS INTO FULL MEMBERSHIP Revs. George Jones, W. R. Howerton, A. R. Montague J. W. Wright, William J. Miller and N. H. Fields. ORDINATION—DEACONS W. R. Howerton, J. W. Wright, George Jones, W. J. Miller, A. R. Montague, Spencer J. Drummond and Edward Hines. ORDINATION-ELDERS Revs. Alfred J. Nottingham, George Lee, James Ephraim Parago and Jordan Lemons. SUPERANNUATED PREACHERS Revs. John H. Offer, Peter Sheppard, George W. Pinkard. WITHDRAWALS Revs. J. L. Hamilton, J. R. Davis and Morgan S. Simmons. DEATHS Rev. Frank W. Overton. Rev. Henry Halyard, local elder, Third Street Church, Richmond. Rev. John G. Mitchell, D. D., Dean of Payne Seminary and Wilberforce University. Sister Fletcher Lee Holmes, wife of Rev. C. A. Holmes. Sister Emma Timberlake, wife of Rev. R. T. Timberlake. TRUSTEES FOR KITTRELL Rev. C. A. Holmes, A. B. Rev. James H. Garner. Rev. George D. Jimmerson. Rev. William R. Gullins. The ordination sermon was preached by Rev. I. L. Butt. Text 1 Tim. 2: 26-28. The Bishop, assisted by Revs. Butt, Seaton, Bolden, Dean, Cooke and Sinkfield ordained seven deacons and four elders. Revs. Kenneth Japheth Billups and Benjamin Franklin Newsoms were reobligated. CONFERENCE STATISTICS "Number of full members","8415" "Dollar money","$2081.18" APPOINTMENTS Norfolk District Presiding Elder, Rev. A. L. Gaines, D. D. Norfolk Station, Rev. L. H. Reynolds, D. D. Eastville Station, Rev. George D. Jimmerson. Capeville Station, Rev. Joseph Duckett. Bridgetown Station, Rev. B. J. Hargraves. Franktown Station, Rev. W. W. Wilson. Onancock Station, Rev. Edward T. Bailey. Drummondtown Station, Rev. Jacklin Strange. Daugherty Station, Rev. William J. Beckett. Savageville Circuit, Rev. Joseph C. Mackey. Portsmouth District Presiding Elder, Rev. I. L. Butt. Portsmouth Station, Rev. D. P. Seaton, D. D. Berkley Circuit, Rev. Robert Davis. Deep Creek Station, Rev. Isaac Ewer. Oak Grove Station, Rev. Kenneth J. Billups. Princess Anne Circuit, Rev. Paul W. Lee. Oceana Circuit, Rev. A. J. Nottingham. Tanner's Creek Circuit, Rev. A. A. Bailey. Getty's Circuit, Rev. W. H. Gray. Berkley Station, Rev. C. A. Holmes, A. B. Smithfield Station, Rev. J. E. Cooke. Campbell's Station, Rev. George Williams. Union Bethel Circuit, Rev. R. T. Timberlake. Mt. Moriah Circuit, Rev. C. H. Hunter. Chuckatuck Circuit, Rev. Simon W. Watkins. Richmond District Presiding Elder, Rev. Daniel J. Beckett. Richmond Station, Rev. W. R. Gullins. Suffolk Station, Rev. J. H. Thomas. Hampton Station, Rev. E. H. Bolden, B. D. Newport News Station, Rev. James H. Garner. Winchester Station, Rev. Jesse C. Young. Staunton Station, Rev. P. S. Jefferson. Lynchburg Station, Rev. Samuel Poulson. Farmville Station, Rev. Jeremiah Cuffey. Newsome's Circuit, Rev. W. H. Lee. Duffield Circuit, Rev. Robert Armstead. Berryville Circuit, Rev. James E. Parago. Summit Pt. (W. Va.) Circuit, Rev. Daniel Maze. McDowell Circuit, Rev. George R. Jones. Greenville Circuit, Rev. J. B. Whidbee. Harris Creek Circuit, Rev. A. R. Montague. Prospect Circuit, Rev. Thaddeus Peeden. Smithville Circuit, Rev. L. L. Berry. Chesterfield Circuit, Rev. W. J. Miller. Manikin Mission, Rev. Lemuel Sears. Taylors Mission, Rev. Edward J. Hines. Pope's Mission, Rev. William J. White. Phoebus Mission, Rev. John Ross. Brucetown (W. Va.) Circuit, Rev. L. T. Barker. Roanoke District Presiding Elder, Rev. Thomas R. Sinkfield. Roanoke Station, Rev. Joseph B. Tynes. Danville Station, Rev. N. F. Turner. Martinsville Station, Rev. E. F. Hardy. Rocky Mount Station, Rev. William D. Nailor. Salem Station, Rev. L. T. Watson. Wytheville Station, Rev. Charles Augustus. Chatham Circuit, Rev. Jordan Lemons. N. Danville Circuit, Rev. George W. Pinkard. Harmony Circuit, Rev. William J. Harris. Boydton Circuit, Rev. E. O. Bumgardner. Rangely Circuit, Rev. George Lee. Ferrum Circuit, Rev. N. H. Fields. Boone's Mill Circuit, Rev. A. J. Nixon. Cave Spring Circuit, Rev. A. I. Williams. Blacksburg Circuit, Rev. W. R. Howerton. Freeman, Rev. B. F. Newsom. Bluefield, Rev. James H. Fitchett. Ivanhoe, Rev. J. H. A. McClammy. Red Bluff, Rev. J. M. Ruffin. Max Meadows, Rev. J. W. Wright. Bedford City Mission, Rev. J. L. Jones. Abingdon Mission, Rev. Robert H. Davis. Eckman Circuit, Rev. J. T. Gibbons. THIRTY-FIFTH SESSION, 1901 The Thirty-fifth Session met at Roanoke, April 18, 1901, in the Mt. Zion A. M. E. Church, with Bishop Benjamin Franklin Lee, D. D., presiding. Revs. C. A. Holmes, A. B., A. J. Nottingham and Joseph B. Tynes, were elected secretaries. The annual sermon was delivered by Rev. A. L. Gaines, D. D. Text, Gal. I:II. Theme, “The Authorization of the Gospel is Divine.” The speaker reflected credit upon himself in the matter and delivery of the sermon. The officers of the Mite Missionary Convention were installed by the Bishop. INTRODUCTIONS Rev. M. B. Sheppard, W. N. C. Conference. Prof. John R. Hawkins, A. M., Secretary of Education. Rev. B. F. Watson, D. D., Secretary Church Extension. Rev. R. H. W. Leak, Manager Book Concern. Rev. G. E. Taylor, D. D., Editor Southern Christian Recorder. Prof. H. T. Keeling, A. M., Editor A. M. E. Review. Rev. K. C. Holk, North Carolina Conference. Rev. C. H. King, W. North Carolina Conference. Rev. J. T. Jenifer, D. D., Secretary Con. Preacher's Aid. Rev. W. D. Chappelle, D. D., Secretary Sunday School Union. Rev. J. C. Derry, P. E., Morgantown District, W. N. C. Conference. Rev. W. H. Hunter, D. D., P. E., Potomac District Baltimore Conference. Rev. A. Stroud, P. E., Wilmington District, North Carolina Conference. Rev. G. W. Nicholson, B. D., Baltimore Conference. Rev. W. J. Jordan, P. E., W. North Carolina Conference: Rev. J. W. Telfair, Rocky Point, North Carolina Conference. Rev. D. G. Hill, D. D., P. E., Hagerstown District Baltimore Conference. Rev. George W. Pearson, W. North Carolina Conference. Rev. John H. Collett, D. D., P. E., Eastern District Baltimore Conference. Miss E. M. Carter, of Louisiana. Rev. F. D. Greenlea, P. E., Rocky Point District North Carolina Conference. TRANSFERS TO VIRGINIA CONFERENCE Rev. P. R. A. Smith, from New England Conference. Rev. A. P. Bender, from North Carolina Conference. Rev. W. C. Cole, from Texas Conference. Rev. H. S. Roberts, from W. North Carolina Conference. Rev. L. H. Reynolds, D. D., from Louisiana Conference. Rev. Thomas A. Green, from Pittsburg Conference. ADMISSIONS INTO FULL MEMBERSHIP Revs. George W. Adams, Lewellyn L. Berry and Edward J. Hines. ORDINATION—DEACONS John H. Ross and Lewellyn L. Berry. ORDINATION—ELDERS Edward Thomas Bailey, William James Beckett, James Henry Alfred McClammy. SUPERNUMERARIES J. W. E. Hampton, James Fitchett, S. B. Trent, S. A. Brown, Thomas Davis and Thomas Miller. SUPERANNUATES Revs. John H. Offer, Peter Sheppard, and George W. Pinkard. WITHDRAWN Rev. J. B. Whidbee. DEATHS Revs. P. S. Jefferson, R. M. Cheeks, D. D., Editor Southern Christian Recorder, and Bishop M. M. Moore, D. D. DROPPED Brother Richard H. G. Jackson. DIVISION OF THE CONFERENCE In May, 1900, the General Conference at Columbus, O., granted permission to divide the Virginia Conference. During the Conference year a committee of eight, two from each district, was appointed to draw a proper line for said division and present at the Annual Conference. The Committee read their report on the division. There was a long heated debate on the subject pro and con. To effect a settlement the following was decided upon: 1st. That the vote taken should be by ballot. 2nd. That two speakers for each side be selected and given fifteen minutes each to prevent his side of the case. For Division, Revs. E. H. Bolden and J. Strange. Against Division, Revs. George D. Jimmerson and A. L. Gaines. The Conference listened with great attention and eagerness to the strong speeches on both sides that were delivered by the combatants. At the close of the debate, like a jury the Conference by their ballot decided the matter in the negative. Tellers appointed were:—Rev. J. T. Jenifer, D. D., Profs. H. T. Keeling, A. M., and John R. Hawkins, A. M. The roll was called. Total vote cast (70) seventy. "Yeas, or for division","31 votes" "Nays, or against division","39 votes" There was no division. The ordination sermon was preached by Bishop Lee. Text, 1 Chron. 21:13. The message was filled with thought and with the Holy Ghost. The Bishop, assisted by several elders, ordained two deacons and three elders, after which the Lord's Supper was administered. TRUSTEES TO WILBERFORCE UNIVERSITY Revs. E. H. Bolden, B. D., I. L. Butt, A. L. Gaines, B. D. Laymen, W. F. Foreman, Norfolk, R. J. Boland, M. D., Roanoke. TRUSTEES TO KITTRELL COLLEGE Revs. Geo. D. Jimmerson, James H. Garner and Wm. R. Gullins. SUPERANNUATION When the disciplinary question, who are the superannuated preachers was called, Rev. George Washington Pinkard arose and asked to be superannuated, stating that his active work in the ministry was finished. After several speeches of regret by some of the brethren the request was granted. REPORTS Mrs. M. L. Gullins, president of the Woman's Mite Missionary Society reported for her society. Rev. C. A. Holmes reported for the Deaconess Home. APPOINTMENTS Norfolk District Presiding Elder, Rev. A. L. Gaines, D. D. Norfolk Station, Rev. L. H. Reynolds, D. D. Eastville Station, Rev. George D. Jimmerson. Capeville Station, Rev. Joseph Duckett. Bridgetown Station, Rev. B. J. Hargraves. Franktown Station, Rev. E. T. Bailey. Savageville Circuit, Rev. J. C. Mackey. Onancock Station, Rev. Jeremiah Cuffey. Drummondtown Station, Rev. P. W. Lee. Daugherty Station, Rev. William J. Beckett. Hack's Neck Mission, Rev. John R. West. Jamesville and Poulson Neck Mission, Rev. S. J. Drummond. Elizabeth City Mission, Rev. O. T. Day. Eastern Mission, Rev. E. J. Hines. St. Mark Mission, Rev. Andrew Robinson. Portsmouth District Presiding Elder, Rev. I. L. Butt. Portsmouth Station, Rev. L. M. Beckett. St. James Station, Rev. A. J. Nottingham. Deep Creek Circuit, Rev. Isaac Ewer. Oak Grove Circuit, Rev. K. J. Billups. Princess Anne Circuit Rev. Robert Davis. Oceana Circuit, Rev. Charles Augustus. Tanner's Creek Circuit, Rev. A. A. Bailey. Getty's Circuit, Rev. S. B. Trent. Trinity Station, Rev. W. R. Gullins. Smithfield Station, Rev. John E. Cooke. Campbell's Station, Rev. George Williams. Union Bethel Circuit, Rev. R. T. Timberlake. Mt. Moriah Circuit Rev. C. H. Hunter. Chuckatuck Circuit, Rev. S. W. Watkins. Brighton Mission. New Bethel Mission, Rev. S. A. Brown. Taylorsville. Pinner's Point. West Norfolk. Richmond District Presiding Elder, Rev. E. H. Bolden, B. D. Richmond Station, Rev. Jacklin Strange. Suffolk Station, Rev. J. H. Thomas. Hampton Station, Rev. John C. Williams. Newport News Station, Rev. James A. Garner. Farmville Station, Rev. Thomas A. Green. Prospect Circuit, Rev. Thaddeus Peeden. Lynchburg Station, Rev. H. S. Roberts. Staunton Station, Rev. W. T. Addison. Winchester Station, Rev. William H. Lee. Newsome's Circuit, Rev. William J. Miller. Duffield Circuit, Rev. Robert Armistead. Berryville Circuit, Rev. Robert H. Davis. Summit Point (W. Va.) Circuit, Rev. Daniel Maze. McDowell Circuit, Rev. A. J. Nixon. Greenville Circuit, Rev. William J. White. Harris Creek Circuit, Rev. A. R. Montague. Smithville Circuit, Rev. Lemuel Sears. Chesterfield Circuit, Rev. P. R. A. Smith. Manikin Circuit, Rev. James E. Parago. Taylorsville Mission, Rev. Moses A. Matthews. Phoebus Mission, Rev. John R. Ross. Western Mission, Rev. N. F. Turner. Roanoke District. Presiding Elder, Rev. Thomas R. Sinkfield. Roanoke Station, Rev. J. B. Tynes. Danville Station, Rev. C. A. Holmes, A. B. Martinsville Station, Rev. Edward F. Hardy. Rocky Mount Circuit, Rev. George R. Jones. Salem Station, Rev. L. T. Watson. Wytheville Station, Rev. W. W. Wilson. Chatham Circuit, Rev. Jordan Lemons. N. Danville Circuit, Rev. H. I. McClain. Harmony Circuit, Rev. W. J. Harris. Boydton Circuit, Rev. E. O. Bumgardner. Rangeley Circuit, Rev. J. H. A. McClammy. Ferrum Circuit, Rev. William H. Gray. Boone's Mill Circuit, Rev. W. R. Howerton. Cave Spring Circuit, Rev. A. I. Williams. Blacksburg Circuit, Rev. George Lee. Freeman Circuit, Rev. B. F. Newsom. Eckman Circuit, Rev. J. T. Gibbons. Ivanhoe Circuit, Rev. J. W. Wright. Red Bluff. Max Meadows Circuit, Rev. N. H. Fields. Abingdon Mission, Rev. J. L. Jones. Bedford City Station, Rev. C. E. Lark. Rev. R. H. Coleman transferred to the Baltimore Conference. THIRTY-SIXTH SESSION, 1902 The Thirty-sixth Session met at Danville, April 17, 1902, in St. Paul's A. M. E. Church, Rt. Rev. J. F. Lee, D. D., presiding Bishop; Rev. A. J. Nottingham, chief secretary; Rev. Geo. W. Adams, recording secretary; Rev. Jos. B. Tynes, statistical secretary. INTRODUCTIONS Bishop Levi J. Coppin, D. D. Rev. C. A. McGee, Commissioner, Pittsburg Conference. Rev. Geo. F. Woodson, D. D., acting Dean, Payne Theological Seminary. Rev. R. D. Stinson, D. D., Finance Commissioner, Morris Brown College. Rev. John H. Collett, manager Book Concern. Miss M. E. Carter, agent A. M. E. Review. Rev. K. C. Holt, P. E. Raleigh District, Western N. C. Conference. Rev. A. J. Corde, Western N. C. Conference. Rev. R. H. W. Leak, D. D., Western N. C. Conference. Rev. W. E. Walker, Western N. C. Conference. Rev. W. G. Pearson, Western N. C. Conference. Rev. John Tate, Western N. C. Conference. Rev. P. J. Jordan, Western N. C. Conference. Rev. L. E. Edwards, Western N. C. Conference. Rev. Daniel Beckett, N. C. Conference. Rev. D. S. Bentley, D. D., Commissioner from Pittsburg Conference. Rev. A. G. Scott, D. D., P. E., North East Texas Conference. Mr P. H. Boisseau, City Marshal. Captain Wooden, Mayor of the City. The annual sermon was preached by Rev. Thos. A. Green. Text, Luke 9:2. The speaker acquitted himself with credit. ADMISSIONS INTO TRAVELLING WORK Bro. Oscar Theodore Day, a local preacher who was recommended from Allen Temple Quarterly Conference, Cincinnati, O., and taken up by Bishop Lee. Revs. Samuel B. W. Trent and Samuel Anderson Brown, both from A. M. E. Zion Church, Oscar T. Day, Andrew Robinson and James Christopher Wyatt. TRANSFERS TO VIRGINIA Rev. Lemuel T. Beckett from Baltimore Conference. Rev. W. T. H. Addison from Baltimore Conference. Rev. Henry Q. McClain from N. C. Conference. Rev. J. P. Q. Wallace, (who never reached Va.) N. Ohio Conference. ADMISSION INTO FULL MEMBERSHIP Rev. John H. Ross. ORDINATION—DEACONS Oscar Theodore Day and Andrew Robinson, under Missionary rule. ORDINATION—ELDERS Revs. George Washington Adams, James Walker Wright, and George Robert Jones. SUPERANNUATED PREACHERS Revs. John H. Offer, Peter Sheppard and George W. Pinkard. DEATHS Rev. James M. Ruffin, April 14, 1902. Rev. L. T. Barker. Rev. P. A. Hubbard, D. D., Financial Secretary. At this session Rev. Wm. H. Gray asked to be superannuated. It was granted after some expressions of regret. Rev. C. A. Holmes, A. B., by his request was granted superannuate relations because of physical inability to continue in active service. At 11 A. M. on the Sabbath, the ordination sermon was preached by Bishop Levi J. Coppin of South Africa. Text, Acts 1:8-9. The discourse was forceful and instructive. At 3 P. M. Bishop Lee read Ezek. 3rd and 4th chapters and Ephesians 3rd chapter and commented on same, after which he ordained two deacons and three elders. Contention concerning the relation of a certain number of charges in West Virginia held by the Virginia Conference. VIRGINIA COMMISSIONERS Revs. Elias H. Bolden, B. D., and Thomas R. Sinkfield. PITTSBURG COMMISSIONERS Pittsburg Conference, Revs. C. A. McGee and D. S. Bentley, D. D. For more than thirty years the Virginia Conference has been working in West Virginia and had organized six or more pastoral charges and operated them; but the General Conference sitting in Columbus, May, 1900, changed the boundary, giving to the Pittsburg Conference all of Virginia's organized work in West Virginia except the work in Jefferson County, West Virginia. This action caused a dispute, and commissioners from each Conference were appointed to confer and settle the matter and at an appointed time during the Conference the matter was presented and each of the commissioners spoke in defence of the interests entrusted him. PITTSBURG CLAIM Danville, April 21, 1902“To the commissioners of the Virginia Annual Conference, A. M. E. Church. Dear sirs:—We the commissioners appointed by the Pittsburg Annual Conference, A. M. E. Church present the following claim which includes all the A. M. E. Churches in the state of West Virginia now held by the aforesaid Virginia Annual Conference except Jefferson County. Signed, D. S. BENTLEY C. A. MCGEE Commissioners. VIRGINIA'S REPLY “Whereas, The Pittsburg Conference has paid no attention to our suffering people in this section of the state of West Virginia, and Whereas, This Virginia Conference has invested money and means as well as settled pastors therein, therefore be it Resolved, That the Virginia Annual Conference will take the matter concerning the claim that the Pittsburg Conference has made and report in April, 1903. The report in 1903, shows that the charges under dispute were ceded to the Pittsburg Conference. SCHOLARSHIP A scholarship was established in Payne Seminary by the Virginia Annual Conference. Rev. I. L. Butt recommended Bro. Edward Spratley, a local preacher of Emanuel Church, Portsmouth, as a suitable person for said scholarship, which was given him. WILBERFORCE TRUSTEES Revs. A. L. Gaines, D. D., E. H. Bolden, B. D., I. L. Butt and Layman Wilson F. Foreman. KITTRELL TRUSTEES Revs. Geo. D. Jimmerson, L. H. Reynolds, D. D., Jas. H. Garner, W. R. Gullins, D. D. DEACONESS HOME AND GIRLS' TRAINING SCHOOL TRUSTEES Revs. A. L. Gaines, D. D., I. L. Butt, E. H. Bolden, B. D., Thomas R. Sinkfield, and Mr. R. J. Bolden, M. D. CONFERENCE STATISTICS "Number of full members","9116" "Number of full probationers","830" "Dollar money","$2634.88" APPOINTMENTS Norfolk District Presiding Elder, Rev. A. L. Gaines, D. D. Norfolk Station, Rev. L. H. Reynolds, D. D. Bridgetown Station, Rev. B. J. Hargraves. Eastville Station, Rev. G. D. Jimmerson. Franktown Station, Rev. Ed. T. Bailey. Drummondtown Station, Rev. Paul W. Lee. Capeville Station, Rev. Joseph Duckett. Onancock Station, Rev. N. F. Turner. Savageville Circuit, Rev. Isaac Ewer. St. Mark Mission, Rev. Andrew Robinson. Daugherty Station, Rev. W. J. Beckett. Jamesville Circuit, Rev. S. J. Drummond. Tanner's Creek Circuit, Rev. C. H. Hunter. Alexandria and Manassas Mission, Rev. P. R. A. Smith. Wirewood Mission, Rev. J. C. Wyatt. Portsmouth District Presiding Elder, Rev. I. L. Butt. Portsmouth Station, Rev. L. M. Beckett. Hickory Circuit, Rev. O. T. Davy. Chuckatuck Circuit, Rev. J. H. A. McClammy. Berkley Circuit, Rev. A. J. Nottingham. Deep Creek Circuit, Rev. R. T. Timberlake. Oak Grove Circuit, Rev. K. J. Billups. Princess Anne Circuit, Rev. Robt. Davis. Oceana Circuit, Rev. Charles Augustus. Getty's Circuit, Rev. Samuel W. B. Trent. Smithfield Station, Rev. John E. Cooke. Carrollton Station, Rev. Geo. Williams. Berkley Station, Rev. Wm. R. Gullins. Mt. Moriah Circuit, Rev. Jos. C. Mackey. Union Bethel Circuit, Rev. Jer. Cuffey. New Bethel Mission, Rev. S. A. Brown. Richmond District Presiding Elder, Rev. J. C. Williams, B. D. Richmond Station, Rev. Jacklin Strange. Newport News Station, Rev. E. H. Bolden, B. D. Suffolk Station, Rev. Jas. E. Garner. Hampton Station, Rev. T. R. Sinkfield. Staunton Station, Rev. W. H. T. Addison. Winchester Station, Rev. E. O. Bumgardner. Farmville Station, Rev. Thos. A. Green. Lynchburg Station, Rev. H. S. Roberts. Greenville Circuit, Rev. Wm. J. White. Phoebus Mission, Rev. John H. Ross. Summit Pt. (W. Va.) Circuit, Rev. R. H. Davis. Duffield Circuit, Rev. Daniel Maze. Newsome's Circuit, Rev. Wm. J. Miller. Smithville Circuit, Rev. Lemuel Sears. Harris Creek Circuit, Rev. L. L. Berry. Chesterfield Circuit, Rev. A. R. Montague. Prospect Circuit, Rev. Thaddeus Peeden. Taylor's Mission, Rev. M. A. Matthews. Monterey Circuit, Rev. A. J. Nixon. Roanoke District Presiding Elder, Rev. Wm. H. Lee. Roanoke Station, Rev. Jos. B. Tynes. Danville Station, Rev. John H. Thomas. Wytheville Station, Rev. W. W. Wilson. Salem Station, Rev. L. T. Watson. Rocky Mt. Station, Rev. Geo. R. Jones. Bedford City Station, Rev. Robt. Armstead. Martinsville Station, Rev. A. I. Williams. Blacksburg Circuit, Rev. S. W. Watkins. Max Meadow Circuit, Rev. N. H. Fields. Farrum Station, Rev. C. E. Lark. Boone's Mill Circuit, Rev. W. R. Howerton. Chatham Circuit, Rev. Jordan Lemons. Harmony Circuit, Rev. Wm. J. Harmony. Graham Station, Rev. Ed. F. Hardy. Rangely Circuit, Rev. A. A. Bailey. Abingdon Mission, Rev. J. L. Jones. Boydton Circuit, Rev. G. W. Adams, B. D. N. Danville Circuit, Rev. H. L. McClain. China Branch Circuit, Rev. J. T. Gibbons. Freeman Mission, West Virginia, Rev. B. F. Newsome. Eckman Radford Mission Cave Spring Circuit, Rev. George Lee. Red Bluff Circuit, Rev. James W. Wright. TRANSFERS FROM VIRGINIA Rev. James H. Fitchett to the Baltimore Conference. J. E. W. Hampton to the N. C. Conference. THIRTY-SEVENTH SESSION, 1903 The Thirty-seventh Session met at Berkley, April 23, 1903, in Trinity A. M. E. Church, Bishop Benjamin F. Lee presiding. Secretaries, Revs. A. J. Nottingham, Geo W. Adams and Joseph B. Tynes. INTRODUCTIONS Rev. Geo. F. Woodson, Payne Theological Seminary Prof. John R. Hawkins, A. M. Rev. G. E. Taylor, Editor Southern Christian Recorder R. H. W. Leak Rev. L. B. Simms, West Kentucky Conference Wm. M. Reid, Esq. Portsmouth, Va. Mrs. Ruth M. Collett, representing Book Concern Miss M. E. Carter, representing A. M. E. Review Mrs. M. E. Lee, wife of Bishop Lee. The Annual sermon was preached by Rev. Isaac Ewer who announced St. John 8 : 12, text. Theme “Source of Spiritual Light.” The preacher electrified his hearers with the truth. GENERAL CONFERENCE DELEGATES Ministerial: Rev. Geo. D. Jimmerson, Rev. A. L. Gaines, D. D., Rev. L. H. Reynolds, D. D., Rev. I. L. Butt, D. D. Laymen: Wilson F. Foreman, and Thomas Trayham. ADMISSIONS INTO ITINERANCY Bro. Richard C. Silver Bro. Wilson J. Robinson Bro. John Russell Harvey Bro. Turner Lee Leggett Bro. Perry Pretlow Bro. William J. Harris Bro. John Simpson Mason Bro. William Henry Barnes ADMITTED INTO FULL CONNECTION Andrew Robinson, Oscar Theodore Day, Daniel Webster Baker. ORDINATION—DEACONS John Russell Harvey, under Missionary rule Daniel Webster Baker Henry Henderson, local for Bethel Church, Eastville. ORDINATION—ELDERS John Henry Ross William John Miller John Thomas Schofield Lewellyn Longfellow Berry William Robert Howerton DISCONTINUED Bro. Samuel A. Poulson SUPERANNUATED PREACHERS Rev. Peter Sheppard Rev. Wm. H. Gray Rev. Geo. W. Pinkard Rev. Robt Armistead EXPELLED Samuel B. W. Trent DEATHS Rev. Charles A. Holmes, A. B. Died May 24, 1902, at the home of his mother, Clinton, N. C. Joined the Conference April 12, 1893, Portsmouth, Va. Rev. John Henry Offer. Died June 10, 1902, at his home near Eastville, Va. Was born 1826. Interred at Eastville. Rev. Elias Horace Bolden, B. D. Died July 10, 1902 at Newport News, Va. Interment at Portsmouth, Va. Rev. Moses H. Matthews. Died December 5, 1902. The ordination sermon was preached by Bishop Lee. Text II Cor. 6: 10. The deacons and five elders were ordained. The afternoon session of the Fifth Day was held in Norfolk, Va. After routine business, the memorial service was held. LECTURE Mr. Wm M. Reid, Attorney at Law, Portsmouth, delivered to the annual Conference an instructive lecture on the “Rights of the Church and Ministry before the Civil Courts.” SUPERANNUATION Rev. Rob't Armistead, because of feebleness, asked the Conference to retire him. After the usual regretting remarks his request was granted. WILBERFORCE TRUSTEES Revs. A. L. Gaines, D. D., I. L. Butt, D. D., E. H. Bolden, B. D., and Layman Wilson F. Foreman. KITTRELL TRUSTEES Rev. Geo. D. Jimmerson Rev. James H. Garner Rev. L. H. Reynolds, D. D. Rev. Wm. R. Gullins DEACONESS HOME AND GIRLS TRAINING SCHOOL TRUSTEES Rev. A. L. Gaines, D. D. Rev. E. H. Bolden, B. D. Mr. R. J. Boland, M. D. Rev. I. L. Butt Rev. T. R. Sinkfield CONFERENCE STATISTICS "Number of full members","9563" "Number of probationers","654" "Dollar money","$2793.49" "Scholarship in Payne Seminary was given to Rev. John"," " "Russell Harvey of the Virginia Conference."," " APPOINTMENTS Norfolk District Presiding Elder, Rev. Israel L. Butt., D. D. Norfolk Station, Rev. L. H. Reynolds, D. D. St. Mark Station, Rev. Andrew Robinson. Eastville Station, Rev. Isaac Ewer. Franktown Station, Rev. Ed. T. Bailey, Bridgetown Station, Rev. S. J. Drummond. Drummondtown, Rev. Geo. Williams. Capeville Station, Rev. P. W. Lee. Daughtery Station, Rev. Wm. J. Beckett. Onancock Station, Rev. Oscar T. Day. Savageville Circuit, Rev. John E. Cooke. Jamesville Circuit, Rev. Kenneth J. Billups. Tanners Creek Circuit, Rev. N. F. Turner. Keller Mission, Rev. John R. West. Wirewood Station, Rev. James C. Wyatt. Mallorytown Station, Rev. Richard Silver. Portsmouth District Presiding Elder, Rev. Samuel M. Johnson. Portsmouth Station, Rev. Geo. D. Jimmerson, D. D. Berkley Station, Rev. B. J. Hargraves. St. James Station, Rev. Alfred J. Nottingham. Smithfield Station, Rev. Jacklin Strange. Carrolton Station, Rev. Joseph Duckett. Indika Circuit, Rev. J. H. A. McClammy. Mount Moriah Circuit, Rev. J. C. Mackey. Oak Grove Circuit, Rev C. H. Hunter. Hickory Ground Circuit, Rev. J. L. Jones. New Bethel Mission, Rev. S. A. Brown. Portsmouth Mission, Rev. P. R. A. Smith. Deep Creek Circuit, Rev. R. T. Timberlake. Portsmouth Circuit, Rev. L. L. Berry. Oceana Circuit, Rev. Charles Augustus. Princess Anne Circuit, Rev. Robt. Davis. Union Bethel Circuit, Rev. Jeremiah Cuffey. West Norfolk Mission, Rev. Wilson J. Robinson. Payne Theological Seminary, Rev. John Russell Harvey Richmond District Presiding Elder, Rev. J. C. Williams, B. D. Richmond Station, Rev Thomas A Green, B. D. Newport News Station, Rev. Geo. C. Taylor, D. D Hampton Station, Rev. Thomas R. Sinkfield. Suffolk Station, Rev Jas H Garner. Farmville Station, Rev. Jno. H. Robins. Staunton Station, Rev. Geo. W. Adams, A. B. Prospect Circuit, Rev. Thaddeus Peeden. Smithville Circuit, Rev. Lemuel Sears. Newsome Circuit, Rev. Wm. J. Miller. Greenville Circuit, Rev. Wm. J. White. Chesterfield Circuit, Rev. A. R. Montague. Berryville Circuit, Rev. Daniel Maze. Summit Point, (W. Va.) Rev. Robt. Davis. Monterey Circuit, Rev. W. T. H. Addison. Harrisburg Mission, Rev. Turner L. Leggett. Phoebus Mission, Rev. John H. Ross. Richmond Station, Rev. John L. Mason. Boykin Mission, Rev. Wm. H. Barnes. Manchester. Roanoke District Presiding Elder, Rev. Wm. H. Lee, A. B. Roanoke Station, Rev. Joseph B. Tynes. Danville Station, Rev. John H. Thomas. Wytheville Station, Rev. John T. Schofield. Salem Station, Rev. Levan T. Watson. Lynchburg Station, Rev. H. S. Roberts. Bedford City Station, Rev. O. O. Saunders. Blacksburg Circuit, Rev. S. W. Watkins. Boydton Circuit, Rev. D. W. Baker. North Danville Circuit, Rev. N. F. Fields. Boone's Mill Circuit, Rev. Jordan Lemons. Rocky Mount Station, Rev. W. J. Harris. Cave Spring Circuit, Rev. Geo. Lee. East Radford Circuit, Rev. C. E. Lark. Harmony Circuit, Rev. G. R. Jones. Abingdon Circuit, Rev. J. W. Wright. China Branch Circuit, Rev. A. A. Bailey. Max Meadows Circuit, Rev. W. Wilson. Harris Creek Circuit, Rev. A. J Nixon Red Bluff Circuit, Rev. Ed. F. Hardy. TRANSFERS FROM VIRGINIA Rev. A L. Garner, D. D. to Baltimore Conference. Rev. L. M Beckett, D. D. to Baltimore Conference. Rev. W. R. Gullins, D. D. to New England Conference. Rev. Benjiman F Newsoms to Pittsburg Conference. Rev. Perry Pelton, to Pittsburg Conference. Rev. Ed. J. Hines, to Pittsburg Conference. TRANSFERS TO VIRGINIA D. W. Baker, from North Carolina. S. M. Johnson, from Baltimore Conference. W. O. O. Saunders, from Baltimore Conference. G. C. Taylor, from Baltimore. J. O. Curtis, from Baltimore Conference. S. T. Schofield, from Ohio Conference. THIRTY-EIGHTH SESSION, 1904 St. John's A. M. E. Church, Norfolk, was the seat of the Conference session, April 7, 1904. Bishop B. F. Lee, D. D., in the chair. Revs. Alfred J. Nottingham, John H. Robins and Joseph B. Tynes, secretaries. The Bishop delivered his annual address along the line of the religious life of the race. He said, “The only safe place for the Negro is in the Christian Church.” ANNUAL SERMON This duty fell on Rev. James H. Garner, who gave satisfaction to his hearers from the text, Rom. 1:16. Theme, “Not ashamed of the Gospel.” TRUSTEES OF WILBERFORCE Rev. A. J. Nottingham. Rev. John C. Williams, B. D. Rev. Thomas R. Sinkfield. Layman Samuel L. Tucker. Layman R. J. Boland, M. D. TRUSTEES OF KITTRELL Rev. James H. Garner. Rev. Joseph B. Tynes. Rev. Benjamin J. Hargraves. BOARD OF MANAGERS FOR GIRLS' TRAINING SCHOOL Rev. I. L. Butt, D. D.; Rev. L. H. Reynolds, D. D.; Rev. George D. Jimmerson, D. D.; Rev. B. J. Hargraves, Rev. Thomas A. Green, B. D.; Rev. James H. Garner, Rev. John T. Scofield, Rev. Charles H. Stepteau, B. S.; Layman W. F. Foreman, Norfolk; Layman George Colden, Portsmouth; Layman E. J. Johnson, Richmond; Layman A. B. Campbell, Salem; Layman W. H. Boyd, Finchley. INTRODUCTIONS Rev. W. D. Chappelle, D. D., Secretary S. S. Union. Rev. R. D. Smart, D. D., M. E. Church, South, Rev. George F. Woodson, Dean Payne Theological Seminary. Rev. J. B. Smith, North Carolina Conference. Rev. J. G. Bannister, North Carolina Conference. Rev. L. A. Wood, North Carolina Conference. Rev. R. H. W. Leak, D. D., North Carolina Conference. Rev. A. Stroud, P. E., North Carolina Conference. Mrs. R. M. Collett, agent for Publication Department. Prof. John R. Hawkins, Secretary of Education. Rev. B. F. Watson, D. D., Secretary of Church Extension. Prof. H. T. Kealing, A. M., Editor A. M. E. Review. Bishop A. Coke Smith, M. E. Church, South, made some pertinent remarks of suggestive helpfulness. Rev. William McKirahan, Principal and Pastor of Norfolk Mission College. Mrs. Georgia E. Brooks, Editor of Lodge Journal and Guide of Norfolk. TRANSFERS TO VIRGINIA Rev. Joseph Gwynn, B. D., from Baltimore. Rev. L. A. Wood, from W. North Carolina. Rev. Alexander McNeal, W. North Carolina. Rev. C. H. Stepteau, Baltimore Conference. Rev. W. H. Davis, from Baltimore Conference. ADMISSIONS INTO FULL CONNECTION Brothers James C. Wyatt, William J. Harris, John S. Mason, Richard C. Silver. ORDINATION—DEACONS Brothers James C. Wyatt, William J. Harris, Alexander McNeal, John S. Mason, Richard C. Silver. REOBLIGATION—ELDERS Rev. Robert Jersey Butt, from the A. U. M. P. Church, reobligated for the local relation and work at John M. Brown Church. Rev. George E. Harrington from Freewill Baptist Church also reobligated. LOCATED Rev. John R. West. SUPERNUMERARY PREACHER Rev. Wilson J. Robinson. SUPERANNUATED PREACHERS Rev. Peter Sheppard. Rev. George W. Pinkard. Rev. William H. Gray. Rev. Robert Armstead. WITHDRAWN Rev. W. O. O. Saunders. DEATHS Rev. Robert Armstead. Born in Winchester 1834, joined Virginia Conference April, 1868, at Richmond. Died January 14, 1904. Age 70 years. He was a good and faithful Christian gentleman. Served in the ministry thirty years. Superannuated one year. Rev. Thomas Miller, local deacon Third Street A. M. E. Church, Richmond, died December, 1903. Sister Martha Duckett, wife of Rev. Joseph Duckett, died October 4, 1903, at Franktown. A good woman given to hospitality and Christian work. The ordination sermon was preached by Bishop Lee. Text, 1 Peter 1:25. Theme, Everlasting Gospel. Two Elders were reobligated and five brethren ordained to the diaconate. Rev. Charles Augustus offered a resolution to appoint a committee on boundary line and division of the Virginia Conference into two annual conferences. After argument pro and con a vote was taken with following result: Affirmative, 43; negative, 38. Motion lost. The Committee on First Year Studies recommended that since Rev. John Harvey Russell was a student in Payne Theological Seminary the Ohio Conference be requested to examine him in first year studies and send results to the Virginia Annual Conference. CONFERENCE STATISTICS "Number of full members","9117" "Number of probationers","531" "Dollar money","$2,850.14" APPOINTMENTS Norfolk District Presiding Elder, Rev. I. L. Butt, D. D. Norfolk Station, Rev. L. H. Reynolds, D. D. Eastville Station, Rev. Isaac Ewer. Bridgetown Station, Rev. S. J. Drummond. Franktown Station, Rev. N. F. Turner. Onancock Station, Rev. O. T. Day. Drummondtown Station, Rev. George Williams. Daugherty Station, Rev. R. T. Timberlake. St. Mark's Station, Rev. Andrew Robinson. John M. B. Memorial Station, Rev. C. H. Stepteau, D.D. Capeville Station, Rev. William J. Beckett. Savageville Circuit, Rev. John E. Cooke. Jamesville Circuit, Rev. Thaddeus Peeden. Farmers' Creek Circuit, Rev. J. H. A. McClammy. Portsmouth District Presiding Elder, Rev. Samuel M. Johnson, B. D. Portsmouth Station, Rev. George D. Jimmerson, D. D. Berkley Station, Rev. John T. Schofield. St. James Station, Rev. A. J. Nottingham. Smithfield Station, Rev. Jacklin Strange. Carrolton Station, Rev. Joseph Duckett. Deep Creek Circuit, Rev. Jeremiah Cuffey. Princess Anne Circuit, Rev. Robert Davis. Oceana Circuit, Rev. Ed. F. Hardy. Union Bethel Circuit, Rev. Charles Augustus. Mount Moriah Circuit, Rev. J. C. Mackey. Indika Circuit, Rev. George Lee. Oak Grove Circuit, Rev. C. H. Hunter. Hickory Circuit, Rev. K. J. Billups. Pinners Point Circuit, Rev. W. W. Wilson. New Bethel Mission, Rev. S. A. Brown. Portsmouth Mission, Rev. Thomas E. Wise (supply). Macedonia Circuit, Rev. A. A. Weaver. Richmond District Presiding Elder, Rev. J. C. Williams, B. D. Richmond Station, Rev. Thomas A. Green, B. D. Newport News Station, Rev. George C. Taylor, D. D. Hampton Station, Rev. Joseph Gwynn, B. D. Suffolk Station, Rev. James H. Garner. Staunton Station, Rev. L. T. Watson. Winchester Station, Rev. E. O. Bumgardner. Prospect Circuit, Rev. B. J. Hargraves. Farmville Station, Rev. T. R. Sinkfield. Chesterfield Circuit, Rev. A. R. Montague. Newsomes Circuit, Rev. John H. Thomas. Greenville Circuit, Rev. R. H. Davis. Berryville Circuit Rev. Daniel Maze. Summit Point Circuit, Rev. James W. Wright. Richmond Mission, Rev. John S. Mason. Harrisburg Mission, Rev. J. C. Wright. Boykin Mission, Rev. William H. Barnes. Monterey Circuit, Rev. L. T. Leggett. Smithville Circuit, Rev. Lemuel Sears. Phoebus Mission, Rev. W. J. Miller. Roanoke District Presiding Elder, Rev. William Harrison Lee, A. B. Roanoke Station, Rev. J. B. Tynes. Danville Station, Rev. John H. Robins. Salem Station, Rev. P. W. Lee. Wytheville Station, Rev. John H. Ross. Martinsville Station, Rev. W. R. Howerton. Lynchburg Station, Rev. H. S. Roberts. Rocky Mount Station, Rev. W. H. Harris. Chatham Circuit, Rev. H. O. McClain. Harmony Circuit, Rev. George R. Jones. Boydton Circuit, Rev. D. W. Baker. Cave Spring Circuit, Rev. S. W. Watkins. Blacksburg Circuit, Rev. William J. White. Ivanhoe Circuit, Rev. A. I. Williams. Max Meadows Circuit, Rev. Alexander McNeal. China Branch Circuit, Rev. A. A. Bailey. Ferrum Circuit, Rev. R. C. Silver. Boone's Mill Circuit, Rev. Jordan Lemons. Bedford City Circuit, Rev. W. H. Davis. Rangely Circuit, Rev. C. E. Lark. East Radford Mission (supply), Rev. R. B. Maze. Abingdon Mission, Rev. J. L. Jones. TRANSFERS FROM VIRGINIA Rev. W. H. T. Addison, to Baltimore Conference. Rev. John O. Custis, to Baltimore Conference. Rev. Ed. T. Bailey, to W. North Carolina Conference. Rev. L. L. Berry, to W. North Carolina Conference. Rev. N. H. Field, to Pittsburg Conference. Rev. John T. Gibbons, to Pittsburg Conference. TRANSFERS TO VIRGINIA Rev. Alexander McNeal, from W. North Carolina Conference. Rev. L. A. Wood, from W. North Carolina Conference. Rev. Joseph Gwynn, D. D., from Baltimore Conference. THIRTY-NINTH SESSION, 1905 The Thirty-ninth Session convened in Salem April 26, 1905, Bishop Wesley J. Gaines, D. D., presiding. Revs. A. J. Nottingham, John H. Robins and Benjamin J. Hargraves, secretaries. Under the new law the first lay delegates were present at an annual Conference:—Roanoke District, Brother James L. Hill, of Martinsville, and Brother C. W. Traynham of Roanoke. The annual sermon was preached by Rev. George C. Taylor, D. D. Text, St. John 8: 32. Theme, “Truth the Source of Freedom.” It was a forceful sermon and delivered to the satisfaction of his hearers. INTRODUCTIONS Rev. W. H. Heard, D. D., Secretary C. P. A. Mrs. Ruth G. Collett, agent Book Concern. Miss E. Marie Carter, agent A. M. E. Review Mrs. G. E. Brooks, editress Lodge Journal and Guide. Professor J. R. Hawkins, Secretary of Education. Rev. George F. Woodson, Dean Payne Theological Seminary. Mr. W. W. Allen, representative Southern Christian Recorder. Rev. J. N. C. Coggins, representative Negro Young People's C. and E. Congress. Mr. R. J. Boland, M. D., Roanoke. Rev. Mr. Anderson, M. E. Church. Rev. J. T. Gibbons, Pittsburg Conference. TRANSFERS TO VIRGINIA Rev. Samuel Solomon Morris, A. B., from Atlanta (Ga.) Conference. Rev. S. Aikens, from W. North Carolina Conference. Rev. C. R. Saunders, from North Carolina Conference. Rev. Charles W. Mossell, D. D., from Baltimore Conference. Rev. N. W. Brown, from Baltimore. ADMISSIONS INTO ITINERANCY William H. Sayer, Charles Wilson Robinson, Andrew Adolphus Weaver, Rev. William Christopher McDowell from the Baptist Church. ORDINATION—DEACONS Charles Wilson Robinson, missionary rule. Andrew Adolphus Weaver, missionary rule. ORDINATION—ELDERS Oscar Theodore Day, Andrew Robinson, Daniel Webster Baker, John Lewis Jones, Charles Edward Lark, Albert Rogers Montague. SUPERNUMERARY PREACHERS Wilson J. Robinson, Sandy Aikens, P. R. A. Smith, A. P. Bender, L. A. Woods, William H. Sawyer. SUPERANNUATED PREACHERS Rev. Peter Sheppard, Rev. William H. Gray. WITHDRAWN John Russell Harvey. DEATHS Rev. George Washington Pinkard, died summer of 1903. Entered ministry in active relation 1868. Superannuate 1900. He departed this life in peace. Rev. William Harrison Lee, A. B., born in Richmond, 1855. Joined Virginia Conference 1887, at Suffolk. Died at Roanoke June 19, 1904. Had served several charges, and was presiding elder at time of his death. He passed away in peace with God and his fellow man. Rev. John Thomas Schofield, born in North Carolina. Coming to Virginia he joined Emanuel Church, Portsmouth. Joined Conference in 1890. After serving a few years he felt the need of more thorough educational preparation for the Master's work, hence he transferred to Ohio and took a course in Payne Seminary. Having graduated he returned to Virginia in 1903. Was appointed pastor of Trinity, Berkley, 1904, and died September of that same year. An excellent Christian brother, he died in the full triumph of faith. The interment took place at Portsmouth, Virginia. Rev. George Williams, born in Mecklenburg county, died Monday, April 24, 1905, at Drummondtown, while serving Macedonia Church. Buried at Drummondtown. Mrs. J. H. Thomas, wife of Rev. John Henry Thomas. Born in Dover, Delaware, 1849, converted in 1861, married 1862, died in Norfolk July 28, 1904. A minister's wife in deed and truth. She rests in peace. Mrs. Fannie P. Bowser Schofield, the wife of Rev. John T. Schofield. She was a public school teacher for many years and a member of the A. M. E. Church at her home in Abingdon. She was married March, 1904. Died February 15, 1905, at her home. Mrs. Lucy Williams, wife of Rev. George Williams, died April 25, 1905, at Drummondtown, on the day after the death of her husband. She was a faithful church worker, and prominent in the Woman's Mite Missionary Society. A good woman. TRUSTEES OF SCHOOLS WILBERFORCE Revs. A. J. Nottingham, Jacklin Strange, J. C. Williams, B. D. Laymen—Mr. Samuel C. Tucker, Norfolk; R. J. Boland, M. D., Roanoke. KITTRELL COLLEGE Revs. George D. Jimmerson, D. D., I. L. Butt, D. D., N. F. Turner, George C. Taylor, D. D.; N. W. Brown, O. T. Day, I. Ewer, T. A. Green, J. B. Tynes, W. J. Miller, S. M. Johnson, D.D.; L. H. Reynolds. D.D.; J. E. Cooke, B. J. Hargraves, J. H. Garner, A. J. Nottingham, W. R. Howerton, J. Strange, J. C. Mackey, D. W. Baker, J. C. Williams, B. D.; Joseph Gwynn, B. D. Laymen—A. B. Campbell, Salem; Wilson Foreman, folk; L. Burroughs, Hampton; C. W. Traynham, Roanoke; F. M. Porter, Norfolk. CHURCH EXTENSION BOARD Revs. Israel L. Butt, D. D.; George D. Jimmerson, D.D.; Robert Davis, Joseph Tynes, Mr. Samuel B. Tucker. FRATERNAL DELEGATES Rev. I. L. Butt, D. D., and G. D. Jimmerson, D. D., were elected fraternal delegates to all the other annual conferences in the Second Episcopal District. The ordination sermon was preached by Bishop W. J. Gaines, D. D. Text, I Tim. 6: 20. A powerful and thoughtful sermon, after which he ordained two brethren to the diaconate and six to the eldership. CONFERENCE STATISTICS "Number of full members","9147" "Number of probationers","548" "Dollar money","$3,070.53" APPOINTMENTS Norfolk District Presiding Elder, Rev. I. L. Butt, D. D. Norfolk Station, Rev. C. W. Mossell, D. D. Capeville Station, Rev. William J. Beckett. Eastville Station, Rev. Isaac Ewer. Tanner's Creek Circuit, Rev. S. S. Morris, A. B. Bridgetown Circuit, Rev. S. J. Drummond. Franktown Station, Rev. Jeremiah Cuffey. Jamesville Circuit, Rev. A. R. Montague. St. Mark's Station, Rev. Andrew Robinson. Savageville Circuit, Rev. J. E. Cooke. Onancock Station, Rev. O. T. Day. John M. Brown Station, Rev. L. H. Reynolds, D. D. Accomac Station, Rev. J. H. A. McClammy. Daugherty Station. Rev. R. T. Timberlake. Norfolk Mission, Rev. W. C. McDowell. Portsmouth District Presiding Elder, Rev. S. M. Johnson, D. D. Portsmouth Station, Rev. George D. Jimmerson, D. D. St. James Station, Rev. A. J. Nottingham. Trinity Station, Rev. N. W. Brown. Smithfield Station, Rev. Jacklin Strange. Carrolton Station, Rev. Joseph Duckett. Deep Creek Circuit, Rev. P. W. Lee. Oak Grove Circuit, Rev. N. F. Turner. Princess Anne Circuit, Rev. James H. Garner. Oceana Circuit, Rev. Ed. F. Hardy. Union Bethel Circuit, Rev. C. Charles Augustus. Mount Moriah Circuit, Rev. J. C. Mackey. Indika Circuit, Rev. C. H. Hunter. New Bethel Circuit, Rev. K. J. Billups. Portsmouth Circuit, Rev. S. A. Brown. Macedonia Mission, Rev. A. A. Weaver. Richmond District Presiding Elder, Rev. J. C. Williams, B. D. Richmond Station, Rev. T. A. Green, B. D. Newport News Station, Rev. G. C. Taylor, D. D. Hampton Station, Rev. Joseph Gwynn, B. D. Suffolk Station, Rev. Robert Davis. Staunton Station, Rev. L. T. Watson. Winchester Station, Rev. B. J. Hargraves. Prospect Circuit, Rev. E. O. Bumgardner. Farmville Station, Rev. C. W. Robinson. Chesterfield Circuit, Rev. W. W. Wilson. Newsome's Circuit, Rev. J. C. Thomas. Greenville Circuit, Rev. R. H. Davis. Berryville Circuit, Rev. Daniel Maze. Summit Point Circuit, Rev. J. W. Wright. Smithville Circuit, Rev. George Lee. Richmond Mission, Rev. John S. Mason. Boykin Mission, Rev. W. H. Barnes. East Richmond Mission. Roanoke District Presiding Elder, Rev. J. B. Tynes. Roanoke Station, Rev. C. R. Saunders. Bedford City Station, Rev. W. H. Davis. Lynchburg Station, Rev. George R. Jones. Chatham Circuit, Rev. H. I. McClain. N. Danville Circuit, Rev. A. J. Nixon. Danville Station, Rev. John H. Ross. Harmony Circuit, Rev. Thaddeus Peeden. Boydton Circuit, Rev. H. S. Roberts. Chase City Circuit, Rev. Alexander McNeal. Martinsville Station, Rev. W. R. Howerton. Rangely Circuit, Rev. R. C. Silver. Ferrum Circuit, Rev. C. E. Lark. Rocky Mount Station, Rev. W. J. Miller. Boone's Mill Circuit, Rev. Jordan Lemons. Cave Spring Circuit, Rev. S. W. Watkins. Salem Station, Rev. D. W. Baker. Blacksburg Circuit, Rev. William J. White. Ivanhoe Circuit, Rev. A. I. Williams. China Branch Circuit, Rev. A. A. Bailey. Abingdon Mission, Rev. J. L. Jones. Wytheville Station, Rev. John H. Robins. Max Meadow Circuit, Rev. William J. Harris. TRANSFERS FROM VIRGINIA Rev. Calhoun Harold Stepteau to Baltimore Conference. FORTIETH SESSION, 1906 The Fortieth Session of the Virginia Annual Conference was held in Richmond, Va., April 18, 1906. This Conference was opened in Third Street A. M. E. Church on the above date with Bishop Wesley J. Gaines, D. D., presiding. Rev. W. R. Howerton was elected secretary; Brother W. H. Wilkins recording secretary, being the first layman to hold such a position since the organization of the Conference. Rev. S. S. Morris, A. B. statistical secretary. ANNUAL SERMON Rev. Alfred J. Nottingham delivered the annual discourse. Text, St. Mark 16: 15. Theme: “The preaching of the Gospel and its desirable effects.” It was outlined thus. SUB-DIVISIONS To say that it was a grand, well prepared and delivered sermon, is but speaking mildly; the unanimous vote to publish it in the Conference Minutes, which was done, is the best evidence of its worth. INTRODUCTIONS Rev. W. H. Monokee, North Carolina Conference. Rev. W. D. Chappelle, D. D., Secretary A. M. E. Sunday School Union. Rev. R. H. W. Leak, D. D., P. E., Western North Carolina Conference. Rev. W. H. Heard, D. D., Secretary C. P. A. Society. Prof. John R. Hawkins, Secretary Education A. M. E. Church. Mrs. J. H. Collett, Agent for A. M. E. Book Concern. Miss E. Marie Carter, Agent A. M. E. Review. Mrs. M. D. Hunt, State Lecturer and Corresponding Secretary Woman's Mite Missionary Society, Virginia Conference. Mrs. Georgia E. Brooks, Editress Lodge Journal and Guide, Norfolk, Va. Rev. W. R. Gullins, D. D., Philadelphia Conference. Rev. J. H. Jackson, North Carolina Conference. Rev. E. J. Gregg, D. D., Secretary Allen C. E. League. Rev. E. Q. Plumber, Missouri Conference. Rev. J. H. Collett, D. D., Business Manager, A. M. E. Book Concern. Rev. George F. Woodson, D. D., Dean Payne Theological Seminary. Mr. W. W. Allen, representative Southern Christian Recorder. Rev. B. F. Watson, D. D., Secretary A. M. E. Church Extension Society. Rev. A. G. Scott, D. D., Texas Conference. Rev. George W. Adams, B. D., Dean Kittrell Theological Department. Rev. J. O. Vick, New York Conference. Rev. John O. Custis, Baltimore Conference. Rev. A. J. Wilson, North Carolina Conference. ADMISSIONS Samuel W. Fuqua David Wilson. Stephen Buff Baptist, from Christian Disciple Church. TRANSFERS Rev. A. A. Senahaugh from N. Alabama Conference. Rev. W. W. Barham from Baltimore Conference August, 1906. ORDINATION-ELDERS Spencer J. Drummond, Robert Henry Davis and William McHenry Davis. SUPERNUMERARY PREACHERS Revs. Sandy Aiken, P. R. S. Smith, L. A. Woods, W. H. Sawyer and David Wilson. SUPERANNUATE PREACHERS Revs. Peter Sheppard and William H. Gray. DEATHS Rev. James H. Garner died in Princess Anne County, Va., at Mt. Zion A. M. E. Church, August 23, 1905; was buried at Hampton, Va., August 28, 1905. Rev. William J. Harris died at Max Meadows, Wythe County, Va., September 3, 1905, and was buried there. Mrs. Cornelia Mossell, the wife of Dr. C. W. Mossell, departed this life February 6, 1906, at Norfolk, Va., and was buried in Washington, D. C. She was a woman of deep spirituality, of great force of character and an ideal minister's wife. The Committee on Special College Fund made its report, and as Kittrell College had under contemplation the erection of a new dormitory, the report was so amended as to pledge the Virginia Conference to assume one fourth of the needed sum for said building. By this act it is manifest that our Conference has lost none of its interest in the cause of education fostered and advocated by the fathers in the days of our incipiency. MISSIONARY SERMON This discourse was delivered by Rev. E. J. Gregg, D. D. Text, Mat. 28: 19. Subject “The world for Christ.” He delivered a forceful, logical and impressive sermon. A motion was offered by Dr. George D. Jimmerson, which prevailed, allowing Rev. I. L. Butt, D. D., access to all Conference records and papers of the Conference and that he be regarded as the Historian of the Virginia Conference. The Committee on Allen C. E. League recommended that in Norfolk, at St. John's Church during the month of August, 1906 a League Institute be held and a state organization perfected. The same was approved. Revs. I. L. Butt, D. D. D., George D. Jimmerson, D. D., L. H. Reynolds, D. D. S. M. Johnson, D. D., and Rev. A. J. Nottingham were named as a committee to fix date and prepare program for said organization. In this they are historic, being the first committee appointed for this society. SUNDAY SERVICES At 11 A. M. April 22nd, the ordination sermon was preached by Bishop Wesley J. Gaines. Text, 11 Cor. 2: 16. “And who is sufficient for these things?” The sermon was full of thought and inspiration, well delivered to the great satisfaction of all who were fortunate to hear it. Then followed the ordination by the Bishop to the Eldership, of Revs. Spencer Joseph Drummond, Robert Henry Davis and William McHenry Davis. Rev. Stephen Buff Baptist, of the Christian Disciple, Church was reobligated as an elder. Drs. L. H. Reynolds, George D. Jimmerson, I. L. Butt and S. M. Johnson assisted in ordaining these brethren. CONFERENCE STATISTICS "Number of full members","8909" "Number of probationers","384" "Number of churches","106" "Dollar money","$3,485.06" "Number of conversions","819" "Amount raised for general purposes","$5,727.60" "Amount raised for local purposes","5,5847.37" "Amount raised for all purposes","16,574.97" APPOINTMENTS Norfolk District Presiding Elder, Rev. I. L. Butt, D. D. Norfolk Station, St. John, Rev. C. W. Mossell, D. D. Capeville Station, Rev. R. T. Timberlake. Eastville Station, Rev. Isaac Ewer. Bridgetown Station, Rev. S. J. Drummond. Franktown Station, Rev. Jeremiah Cuffey. Onancock Station, Rev. W. W. Barham. Accomac Station, Rev. J. H. A. McClammy John M. Brown Station, Rev. L. H. Reynolds, D. D. Daugherty Station, Rev. John E. Cooke. Savageville Circuit, Rev. William J. Beckett. Belle Haven Circuit, Rev. Alfred R. Montague. Portsmouth District Rev. S. M. Johnson, D. D., Presiding Elder. Portsmouth Station, Rev. George D. Jimmerson, D. D. St. James Station, Rev. O. T. Day. Trinity Station, Rev. N. W. Brown. St. Mark Station, Rev. Andrew Robinson. Carrolton Station, Rev. W. W. Wilson. Deep Creek Circuit, Rev. Paul Lee. Great Bridge Circuit, Rev. N. F. Turner. Princess Anne Circuit, Rev. Joseph Mackey. Union Bethel Circuit, Rev. Charles Augustus. Mt. Moriah Circuit, Rev. Joseph Duckett. Indika Circuit, Rev. C. H. Hunter. New Bethel Circuit, Rev. K. J. Billups. Tanner's Creek Circuit, Rev. S. S. Morris, A. B. Macedonia Mission, Rev. A. D. Weaver. Portsmouth Circuit, Rev. George E. Harrington. Norfolk Mission, Rev. Graham. Richmond District Rev. John C. Williams, B. D., Presiding Elder. Richmond Station, Rev. A. J. Nottingham. Newport News Station, Rev. G. C. Taylor, D. D. Hampton Station, Rev. Joseph Gwynn, D. D. Suffolk Station, Rev. Robert Davis. Winchester Station, Rev. B. J. Hargraves. Staunton Station, Rev. L. T. Watson. Oceana Circuit, Rev. E. F. Hardy. Manchester Circuit, Rev. George Lee. Newsome Circuit, Rev. R. H. Davis. Greenville Circuit, Rev. J. H. Thomas. Berryville Circuit, Rev. Daniel Mays. Summit Point Circuit, Rev. James W. Wright. Charlotte Circuit, Rev. W. J. Robinson. Phoebus and Butler Mission, Rev. J. C. Wyatt. Richmond and Manikin, Rev. John S. Mason. Boykin, Rev. W. H. Barnes. Roanoke District Rev. J. B. Tynes, A. B., Presiding Elder. Roanoke Station, Rev. C. R. Saunders. Lynchburg Station, Rev. George R. Jones. Danville Station, Rev. J. H. Ross. Salem Station, Rev. D. W. Baker. Wytheville Station, Rev. John H. Robins. Martinsville Station, Rev. W. R. Howerton. Rocky Mount Station, Rev. J. L. Jones. Bedford City Circuit, Rev. William H. Davis. Harris Creek Circuit, Rev. A. J. Nixon. Chatham Circuit, Rev. H. Q. McClain. N. Danville Circuit, Rev. S. B. Baptist. Boydton Circuit, Rev. H. S. Roberts. Harmony Circuit, Rev. Thaddeus Peeden. Chase City Circuit, Rev. Alexander McNeal. Farmville Station, Rev. C. W. Robinson. Prospect Station, Rev. O. E. Bumgardner. Rangley Circuit, Rev. R. C. Silver. Ferrum Circuit, Rev. C. E. Lord. Boone's Circuit, Rev. A. A. Bailey. Cave Spring Circuit, Rev. S. W. Watkins. Blacksburg Circuit, Rev. W. J. White. Ivanhoe Circuit, Rev. A. I. Williams. China Branch Circuit, Rev. Jordan Lemons. Max Meadow Circuit, Rev. S. W. Fuqua. Abingdon and Bristol, Rev. W. J. Miller. East Radford, Christianburg and Pulaski Missions, Rev. L. Sears. Personal Sketches JAMES WALKER WRIGHT was born at Hixburg, Appomattox County, Va. in 1866. He was converted in 1876 and entered the ministry in 1898. He was ordained deacon by Bishop Handy, and elder by Bishop Lee. He joined the Virginia Conference in 1898 and has served the following charges: Bluefield, West Virginia, one year; Freeman, West Virginia, one year; Max Meadows, two years; Ivanhoe, two years; and Summit Point, two years. He completed the churches at Freeman, West Virginia; Newhope, Wythe County, Va.; at Grayson, West Virginia; Middleway, West Virginia; remodeled Union Bethel at Summit Point. He has had 110 conversions, and 85 accessions to the church. He studied four years in Whites Normal School in Kentucky, and graduated from Davis Industrial College, Roanoke, Va. REV. ALBERT ROGERS MONTAGUE The subject of this sketch was born at Oxford, Granville County, N. C., December 23rd, 1866, and was converted August, 1879. He entered the ministry in 1890; was ordained deacon by Bishop Jas. A. Handy and elder by Bishop W. J. Gaines. He joined the Virginia Conference in 1898, and has served the following charges: Getty's Station, one year; Tanner's Creek, one year; Harris Creek, two years; Chesterfield Circuit, three years. He finished the Getty's Church; rebuilt St. James, Atlantic City, Norfolk; repaired Payne's Chapel, County Street, Portsmouth; made some repairs on Chesterfield Circuit, and built a parsonage at Jamesville Circuit, his present charge. He has had 209 conversions and 117 accessions to the Church. His only school advantages have been to attend public and district schools, and a private teacher two terms. REV. WILLIAM R. HOWERTON This young man was born in Virginia; he entered the ministry in April, 1897 He was ordained deacon by Bishop J. A. Handy and elder by Bishop B. F. Lee. He joined the Virginia Conference in April, 1898, and has served the following charges: Ferrum, one year; Blacksburg Circuit, two years and built church; Boone Mill, two years and built parsonage; Chatham, one year and Martinsville Station three years, which is his present charge. He has added to the church 38 persons. He attended the Bluestone Mission School, Abbyville, Va, (a Presbyterian School); read theology under private tutors, later began a correspondence course at Kittrell College. He has been secretary of Roanoke District Conference eight years, and chief secretary of Virginia Conference one year. SPENCER J. DRUMMOND The subject of this sketch was born in Accomac Co. Va. Dec. 25, 1864; he was converted in 1884; he joined the Virginia Conference in 1900 and was ordained deacon in 1900 by Bishop Handy and elder in 1906 by Bishop W. J. Gaines. He has served the following charges: Kellar Mission, one year; Jamesville and Poulson Neck, four years; Bridgetown, four years, which is his present charge. At Keller he purchased a half acre of ground for a church and organized a Sunday school. At Jamesville he paid off all indebtedness and made necessary repairs; at Bridgetown, remodeled church and put in bell and made all necessary repairs to church and premises; at Mt. Zion built a new church at a cost of $1200. REV. KENNETH JAPHETH BILLUPS The subject of this sketch was born in Hertford, N. C. March 15, 1851. He was converted in 1861, and entered the ministry in 1884. He was ordained by Bishop Hilliary of the A. M. E. Zion Church. He joined the Virginia Conference in 1900 and served the following charges with credit: Oak Grove Circuit, three years; Jamesville, one year; Hickory, one year; Bethel Circuit. He built a new church, at Oak grove; purchased land and built a new church at Money Point. He has had about 200 conversions and about 150 accessions to the church. He only had the opportunity of attending the “Old Butler School,” at Hampton, for a short while. REV. LEWELLYN LONGFELLOW BERRY Rev. Berry was born in Hampton, Va. February 26, 1876. He was converted at the age of thirteen, September, 1889. He entered the ministry in March, 1894, and was ordained deacon and elder by Bishop B. F. Lee, D. D. He joined the Virginia annual Conference in 1899, and has served the following charges with acceptability: Yale Circuit; North Danville, Harris Creek, and Portsmouth Mission. He has built one church and repaired two. 110 persons have been converted during his ministry, and he has added 97 to the church. He attended Kittrell College, N. C. and graduated May 23, 1899. He was transferred in 1904 to the Western North Carolina Conference. He is now stationed at Winston-Salem, N. C. REV. SAMUEL SOLOMON MORRIS, A. B. The subject of this sketch was born September 2, 1878, Portsmouth, Va. His parents were loyal Methodists, and his mother, who is now an active official in Emanuel Church, Portsmouth, has for nearly forty years labored in Sunday school and church. He was converted at the age of fourteen, and joined the church during the administration of Rev. E. H. Bolden; was licensed as local preacher July, 1899, joined the Virginia Conference in 1901; transferred to the Atlanta, Georgia Conference and was ordained deacon December, 1902 by Bishop H. M Turner, and elder 1903 by the same prelate. He has served West End and Thomasville in the Atlanta, Georgia Conference; was Superintendent of the Industrial Department, Morris Brown College, Atlanta, two years. In the Virginia Conference he is finishing his second year at Tanner's Creek Circuit. The work has enjoyed marked prosperity under his guidance. He is a graduate of Morris Brown College and Gammon Theological Seminary, Atlanta, Ga. He is at present statistical secretary of the Annual Conference, chief secretary of the Portsmouth District Conference, Secretary of the General Local Commission, corresponding secretary Virginia State Allen League, and trustee of Kittrell College. REV. HENRY STANDUP ROBERTS The subject of this sketch was born at Drake's Branch, Charlotte County, Va. He was converted 1884 at Boydton Institute, and entered the ministry in 1888, at Greensboro, N. C. He was ordained deacon and elder by Bishop W. J. Gaines; was transferred to the Virginia Conference in 1900 and stationed at Lynchburg, at which place he paid about $700.00 on the old debt of the Church, and built a parsonage, thereby improving the property by $475.00. He remained in this charge five years. He was then sent to Boydton Circuit, his present charge; he has built a parsonage at this place. He attended Boydton Institute two years, Bennette College, Greensboro, N. C., three years. He has had about three hundred conversions during his ministry and two-hundred and twenty-five accessions to the Church. REV. OSCAR THEODORE DAY was born in West Mansfield, Logan County, Ohio, July 29, 1865. He was converted February 13, 1894, and entered the ministry in July, 1901. He was ordained deacon by Bishop B. F. Lee and elder by Bishop W. J. Gaines. He joined the Virginia Conference in April, 1902 and served the following charges: Elizabeth City two years and completed the church; Hickory Circuit one year; Onancock three years, and built church at Poulsons Neck, and remodeled parsonage at Onancock; St. James Station, Berkley, one year, which is his present charge. He has had one hundred and three conversions, and added one hundred and ten to the Church during his ministry. He attended the Normal and High School at Cincinnati, O. REV. HENRY QUINNIE McCLAIN was born in Fayetteville, N. C. He was converted in February, 1883, and entered the ministry in 1893. He was ordained deacon by Bishop James A. Handy. He was transferred to the Virginia Conference in 1900, and served two years at North Danville, Chatham Circuit, two years. He built a church at Ringgod, Va., and remodeled one at Chatham, his present charge. His labors have been blest with one hundred and ninety one conversions during his ministry and two hundred and eighty three accessions to the Church. He attended Johnson High School at Raleigh, N. C. REV. RICHARD CHARLES SILVER Rev. Silver was born in Halifax County, N. C. in 1866. He was converted in 1884, and entered the ministry in 1902, and was ordained deacon in 1903 by Bishop B. F. Lee. He joined the Virginia Conference in 1902 and has served the following charges: Fearum Circuit, two years and built one church there and repaired one. He has had six conversions and seven accessions during his ministry. His only educational advantages was the common school. He now serves at Rangley. REV. WILLIAM JAMES HARRIS Brother Harris was born in Princess Anne County, Va. February 12, 1861. He was converted in 1882 and entered the ministry in 1898; he joined the Virginia Conference in 1899, and was ordained deacon by Bishop B. F. Lee. He served the following charges: Pulaski Mission five months; Danville Station six months; Harmony Circuit three years; Rocky Mount two years. He had eighty-five conversions during his ministry, and fifty-nine accessions to the church. His last charge was Max Meadows, from which place the Master summoned him to the land of rest in August, 1905. BROTHER WILLIAM HENRY BARNES was born in Southampton County, Va. He was converted in 1885; licensed to preach in 1902, and joined the Virginia Conference in 1903. He is stationed at Boykin Mission. He has had twenty-five conversions. REV. GEORGE C. TAYLOR, D. D. The subject of this sketch was born in Milledgeville, Ga. He was converted at Sparta and entered the ministry August, 1885; was ordained November 1888 at Elberton, Ga., by Bishop L. H. Holsey, C. M. E. Church. He joined the Virginia Conference in May, 1903 and is serving his fourth year at St. Paul A. M. E. Church, Newport News, Va., where he has succeeded in managing the large debt successfully. About 2,350 conversions are accredited to his ministry, with 964 accessions to the Church. Dr. Taylor is a graduate of Payne College, Augusta, 1888, and of Gammon Theological Seminary, Atlanta, Ga. 1894. REV. ALEXANDER McNEAL was born in Robinson County, N. C., July 4th, 1856. He was converted in 1874, and entered the ministry in 1887. He was ordained deacon by Bishop B. F. Lee, in 1904. He joined the Virginia Conference in 1904, and served at Max Meadows one year, and Chase City one year, and repaired the church. He has had about 300 conversions and about 350 accessions. REV. WILLIAM McHENRY DAVIS The subject of this sketch was born in Orange County, Va. His father died when he was three months old, and his mother when he was one year old. He began working on a farm when only nine years old, going to school in the winter. He has studied English, Normal Course, and Theology. He was converted in 1885, and entered the ministry in 1896; ordained deacon by Bishop James A. Handy. He joined the Virginia Conference in 1903. He has served as pastor one year in Henderson, N. C., while in school; three years in Maryland and three years in Virginia. He finished one church in Maryland and built one at Montvale, Va. He is now pastoring at Bedford City, Va. REV. ANDREW ADOLPHUS WEAVER Brother Weaver was born at Windsor, Isle of Wight County, Va. August 5, 1880. He was converted August 17, 1892; entered the ministry November 25, 1901; he joined the Virginia Conference in 1905, and was ordained deacon (1905) by Bishop W. J. Gaines. He is stationed at Macedonia Mission, where he has built a Church worth $900.00. He has had thirty-three conversions, and 30 accessions. Completed the high graded school course in Camden, N. J. REV. WILLIAM WALTER BARHAM was born at Wake Forest, N. C., February 15, 1869. He was converted in September 1879, and entered the ministry in 1899; he was ordained deacon by Bishop B. F. Lee. He joined the Virginia Conference in 1906 and was and is stationed at Onancock, his present charge. He transferred from the Baltimore Conference. He spent one year at Shaw University, Raleigh, N. C., Wayland Seminary, Washington, D. C., one year and graduated from the Theological department of Howard University. Societies and Organizations EASTERN SHORE VIRGINIA MISSION WORK AND ORGANIZATION Rev. James H. A. Johnson, of the Baltimore Annual Conference, was the first missionary to this field, beginning in 1865, soon after the close of the Civil War. He was appointed missionary to this field by Bishop Daniel A. Payne, presiding bishop of the Second Episcopal District. This appointment was made upon the advice of Rev. John M. Brown, who was pastor at this time of St. John's Chapel, Bute Street, Norfolk, Va. Rev. Johnson received his appointment in the early autumn, 1865, and on Wednesday A. M. December 20 of the same year he landed at Cherrystone, Northampton County, Virginia. The first meeting for African Methodism was held Thursday evening, December 20, 1865, about one-half mile from Eastville. The congregation was composed of colored and white people, including U. S. army officers. Forty (40) persons enrolled their names for organization and membership, but no organization was effected at this time. Rev. Johnson preached from the text St. John 4:24; “God is a Spirit and they that worship him must worship in Spirit and in Truth.” He visited Drummondtown, and on Wednesday, December 27, he organized the First African Methodist Episcopal Church at Drummondtown, Eastern Shore Virginia, with eighteen members. Among these were Henry and Rachel Wharton and George Custis. The sermon on this occasion was from the text 62d Psalm, 8th verse. The First Quarterly Conference convened January 2, 1866, at Drummondtown. Returning to Eastville, Rev. Johnson organized the Eastville A. M. E. Church January 7, 1866, at Deep Branch in a schoolhouse near Eastville. This was the first A. M. E. Church in Northampton County. The text of the sermon at this time was Acts 16:29, 30; “Then he called for a light and sprang in, and came trembling and fell down before Paul and Silas, and brought them out and said: Sirs, what must I do to be saved?” January 22, 1866, the First Quarterly Conference was held in Eastville. April 9, 1866, Rev. Johnson organized the Modestown A. M. E. Church with eight (8) members. This concluded the earnest, faithful and successful labors of our missionary, and April 10, 1866, he left for the seat of the Annual Conference, Washington, D. C., Bishop Daniel A. Payne presiding. Rev. John Henry Offer succeeded Rev. J. H. A. Johnson, and by herculean effort he succeeded in fostering and spreading the already well begun work. During all of this period, December 1865 to April, 1867, this work, as did all the work in Virginia, belonged to the Baltimore Conference. "No of Churches Eastern Shore 1865,","0" "No of Churches Eastern Shore 1906,","14" "No of full members 1906,","1662" "No of probationers 1906,","109" "No of Sunday school pupils 1906,","769" "No of Superintendents 1906,","16" "No of Teachers 1906,","62" "Books in libraries","547" "Value of Churches and Sunday school property","$35,800" "No. of parsonages","9" ORGANIZATION OF THE NORFOLK A. M. E. PREACHERS MEETING. Norfolk, Va., June 2, 1896. A meeting was called of all the A. M. E. ministers of Tidewater Virginia, comprising a part the Norfolk, Portsmouth and Richmond presiding elder districts. At 10:30 A. M. the meeting was opened by Rev. A. L. Gaines and prayer was offered by Rev. Geo. D. Jimmerson. By mutual consent Rev. Gaines was made temporary chairman and Rev. I. L. Butt, temporary secretary. The object of the meeting, to take into consideration the advisability of organizing a Preachers Meeting, was stated by the chairman. It was discussed by Rev. F. W. Overton and others. A motion by Rev. Charles H. Hunter that those present should organize prevailed, and the following officers were elected: L. Gaines, I. L. Butt and D. J. Beckett. This committee reported their work June 9, the Constitution and By-Laws were adopted and the organization launched for business. COMMITTEES MEMBERSHIP Revs. D. P. Seaton, A. L. Gaines, I. L. Butt, D. J. Beckett, J. H. Garner, A. J. Nottingham, F. W. Overton, R. H. Davis, C. H. Hunter, B. J. Hargraves, Geo. D. Jimmerson, E. H. Bolden, W. W. Wilson, F. M. Redd. THE WOMAN'S MITE MISSIONARY SOCIETY OF VIRGINIA At Wytheville, Virginia, April 12, 1897, this Conference Society was organized in Bethel A. M. E. Church at the session of the Virginia Annual Conference by Rev. H. B. Parks, D. D., Missionary Secretary of the A. M. E. Church. The following persons were elected the first officers of the Society: This organization met annually with the Virginia Conference for five (5) consecutive years until Bishop B. F. Lee, D. D., called a meeting at Richmond, November 9, 1900. At this meeting a resolution passed divorcing the time of meeting of the Missionary Society from the Annual Conference session to take effect after the Annual Conference to be held at Roanoke, April, 1901. The date of meeting was fixed for the latter part of September or first of October in each year. Number of societies in 1906, October 10: "1","Norfolk District","13" "2","Portsmouth District","17" "3","Richmond District","7" "4","Roanoke District","5" "Number of members:"," "," " "1","Norfolk District","463" "2","Portsmouth District","396" "3","Richmond District","264" "4","Roanoke District","202" " ","Total membership","1,325" Amount of money raised in 1906: "1","Norfolk District raised","$340.70" "2","Portsmouth District raised","246.53" "3","Richmond District raised","113.49" "4","Roanoke District raised","89.11" " ","Total","$789.83" COMMITTEE ON THE DIVISION OF THE VIRGINIA CONFERENCE Richmond, Va., November 8, 1900. Rt. Rev. Benjamin F. Lee, D. D. presiding Bishop of the Conference appointed the following brethren on Conference divisions: BY DISTRICTS The committee deliberated on the subject and reported to the Annual Conference which met in Roanoke, April, 1901. The committee in its session produced two lines, as follows: 1st That the Virginia Conference be composed of all that section of Virginia east of Potomac river as far as King George and the western boundaries of the following counties:—King George, King & Queen, King William, New Kent, Charles City, Prince George, Sussex, Southampton, together with the six counties of North Carolina attached to the Virginia Conference by the General Conference of 1900. That all the territory west of the western boundary of the Virginia Conference, as above described in the boundary of Virginia, together with the counties of West Virginia now embraced in the Virginia Conference, as described in the discipline of 1896, for the Southwest Virginia Conference. This line may be called the A. L. Gaines and I. L. Butt line. 2nd Rev. E. H. Bolden and Wm. R. Gullins' line. That the line dividing the territory be the Elizabeth river westward to the James river, up the James to Henrico county, the line thence between Henrico county and Charles City, New Kent, Hanover and Goochland counties, back to the James river, and from thence to the James river, west-ward, be the line to the point Amherst and Nelson counties; from thence the line shall run between the counties of Amherst, Rockbridge, Nelson, and Botetourt, Alleghany and Botetourt, Alleghany and Craig counties to Monroe in West Virginia. The territory east of said line, or running from east to west including Norfolk county (except Portsmouth Station, or Emanuel Church, Getty's and Deep Creek Circuits.) Also including the counties of Currituck, Camden, Pasquotank, Perquimans, Chowan and Gates in North Carolina, be known as the Southeast Virginia Conference. Further, it is understood that the counties in West Virginia are also a part of this territory constituting the Southeast Virginia Conference. The remaining territory to remain in the Virginia Conference. A heated discussion took place in the committee meeting as to which line to adopt for presentation to the Annual Conference. Agreement was not effected. Revs. Bolden, Gullins, Sinkfield, Strange and J. B. Tynes voted to adopt the Bolden-Gullins line. Revs. Butt and Gaines held to their line and decided to present it with a minority report to the Conference. Rev. John E. Cooke was not present until the work was finished. However, before the convening of the Conference the sentiment was so strong against the division it was clearly seen that a minority report was not needed. Hence the Bolden-Gullins line was presented to the Annual Conference and defeated. THE TIDEWATER WOMAN'S MITE MISSIONARY SOCIETY—ORGANIZATION The Mite Missionary Societies of the A. M. E. Church in Tidewater came together September 24, 1905 and organized into a Mass Meeting. This organization took place in Emanuel A. M E. Church, Portsmouth. Mesdames Fannie Reynolds, President and Nannie Morris, Secretary. The organization is very simple, yet important. It has but few officers, for the reason that the meetings are held alternately from church to church each month, and the finance raised is left with the local society where the meeting is held. Its object is to instil a knowledge of the need for active missionary work among its members and the Church generally and to create greater enthusiasm for the mission work of the Lord Jesus. THE FIRST MASS MEETING ON EASTERN SHORE, VIRGINIA This meeting was organized December 8, 1906, in Bethel A. M. E. Church, Eastville, Virginia, by the State President Mrs. M. D. Hunt, assisted by Miss Mary E. Nottingham, Norfolk District Lecturess, Mrs. M. J. Ewer, president of local W. M. M. Society of Bethel Church, together with the presidents of Bridgetown, Capeville and Trehernesville churches. This organization embraced Bethel at Eastville; Shorter Chapel at Bridgetown; Ebenezer at Capeville; and Mt. Zion at Trehernesville. It was a most inspiring occasion with about eight hundred persons present. ALLEN CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR LEAGUE Organization of the Allen C. E. League of Virginia by Rev. Elias J. Gregg, D. D., General Secretary of Allen League A. M. E. Church. The first committee appointed to fix date and arrange program for the organization of the State Convention, was made by the Virginia Annual Conference in its regular session in the city of Richmond, Va., Third Street A. M. E. Church, April, 1906. It was composed of Revs. I. L. Butt, chairman, L. H. Reynolds, D. D., George D. Jimmerson, D. D., S. M. Johnson, D. D., and A. J. Nottingham, secretary. The date for holding the convention was fixed for August 29th and 30th, 1906. Norfolk, Va., August 29, 1906. At 9:45 A. M. on the above date, in St. John's A. M. E. Church, Bute Street, Rev. I. L. Butt, D. D., called the Convention to order and opened the first meeting of the State League, by announcing and lining hymn 606. The Rev. J. C. Williams, B. D., P. E., of the Richmond District led in prayer. Scripture Lesson, Romans, 12th chapter, read by Rev. E. J. Gregg, D. D. Ritualistic service conducted by Rev. George D. Jimmerson, D. D. The chairman declared the meeting open for business and presented Dr. E. J. Gregg, the General Secretary to preside, who declined, requesting Dr. Butt to remain in the chair until the temporary organization was completed. TEMPORARY ORGANIZATION Rev. I. L. Butt, D. D., President. Mr. Joseph F. Church, Franktown, 1st Vice President. Mrs. M. D. Hunt, Portsmouth, 2nd Vice President. Mr. W. F. Denny, Richmond, 3rd Vice President. Miss Eliza Watts, Portsmouth, Secretary. Miss Mary Rankin, Norfolk, Assistant Secretary. Mr. William A. Noel, Norfolk, Treasurer. Rev. E. J. Gregg, D. D., Organizer and Director. Under these officers the business proceeded and the State Organization of Allen Endeavor was put in motion. Another adjunct to the Gospel Ship in Virginia was launched for the spread of the Redeemer's kingdom and the uplift of humanity. The following ministers were present and took part in this organization:—Revs. George D. Jimmerson, D. D., J. C. Williams, B. D., C. W. Mossell, D. D., L. H. Reynolds, D. D., A. J. Nottingham, J. H. Thomas, L. T. Watson, S. M. Johnson, D. D., K. J. Billups, A. R. Montague, R. T. Timberlake, J. H. A. McClammy, S. S. Morris, B. D., Charles Augustus, C. H. Hunter, O. T. Day, N. W. Brown, S. J. Drummond, Isaac Ewer and E. F. Hardy. There were many eminent, energetic and faithful lay-women present who took active part in the League work. There were several well prepared papers read before the Convention on various phases of League work. These were among the number:— Paper, “How can we secure new members?”—Mrs. M. D. Hunt. Paper, “How can we win young people for Christ and His Church?”—Mr. James M. Collins. Paper, “The importance of the per capita tax for the support of the Departments.”—Mrs. Estella Hawkins.” Paper, “How to interest the children in the League.”—Miss Mary E. Nottingham. Illustrated Lessons,—Dr. C. W. Mossell. Address “The relation of the League to the neglected children, aged, sick, and indigent, and ways of helping them.”—Rev. L. H. Reynolds, D. D. Paper, “The relation of the League to local Church work, and ways of helping it.”—Rev. J. C. Williams, B. D. Paper, “The relation of the League to the Presiding Elder and ways of helping him.”—Rev. B. J. Hargraves. Paper, “How to secure a local League Union in each city.”—Rev. N. W. Brown. Paper, “May not the Deaconess system be inaugurated in our large cities, if so, how supported?”—Mrs. Alice V. Elliott. Paper, “Problems in our committee work.”—Mr. James W. Davis. The papers and subjects were discussed by different members of the Convention, and gave life and impetus to the Convention. There were a number of Leagues reported or represented in the Convention which contributed to the same. A list of these historic Leagues by districts is as follows Norfolk District SCHOLARSHIPS AWARDED BY THE VIRGINIA ANNUAL CONFERENCE IN WILBERFORCE COLLEGE "1 Bro. J. E. Brickhouse","1881" "2 Bro. Geo. W. Adams, Danville, Va.","1893" "3 Bro. William Edward Spratley, Portsmouth, Va.","1902" IN KITTRELL COLLEGE "3 Bro. Lewellyn L. Berry, Hampton, Va.","1895" "4 Sister Ruth L. Jenkins, Smithfield, Va.","1900" "5 Sister I. Christian Bluford, Smithfield, Va.","1900" "6 Bro. James L. Hill, Martinsville, Va.,","1902" "7 Rev. Robert J. Butt, Norfolk, Va.,","1906-7" "8 Bro. William H. Sawyer, Tanners Creek, Va,","1906-7" "9 Bro. Lewis Morris,"," " COMPARATIVE STATISTICS, VIRGINIA CONFERENCE, FOR FORTY YEARS " ","May 10, 1867","1906" "Number of full members","3516","8909" "Number of full probationers","244","384" "Number of full exhorters"," ","1" "Number of full churches"," ","107" "Number of full parsonages"," ","42" "Number of full schoolhouses"," ","6" "Number of full Sunday schools","3","106" "Number of full superintendents","3","106" "Number of full teachers","26","467" "Number of full scholars","184","5928" "Volumes in library"," ","4822" "Value of church and school property","$21,650","$250,950.50" GENERAL CONFERENCE, 1904 CHURCH STATISTICS "Number of Bishops","13" "Number of General Officers","11" "Number of Presiding Elders","254" "Number of Travelling Elders","3106" "Number of Travelling Deacons","999" "Number of Travelling Preachers","1073" "Number Superannuated","163" "Number Local Elders","189" "Number Local Deacons","524" "Annual Conference membership","6332" "Local Preachers","7377" "Exhorters","5018" "Probationers","56,273" "Members","759,590" "Church membership","828,258" "Membership, grand total","834,590" "Total adherents","2,921,060" Total support and travelling expenses per year $1,040,858, divided as follows: " ","Per Year","Per Quadrenium" "Bishops","$26,000","$140,000" "General Officers","12,300","49,200" "Bishops' widows","1,200","4,800" "Presiding Elders","176,868","707,472" "Ministers","830,490","3,321,960" "Grand total","$1,046,858","$4,187,432" TOTAL MONEYS RAISED FOR ALL PURPOSES OTHER THAN REPORTED ABOVE IS: "Per year","$2,632,613.06" "Per quadrenium","$10,530,452.24" ANNUAL CONFERENCES "No. Annual Conferences in United States","56" "No. Annual Conferences in Africa","4" "No. Annual Conferences in West Indies","5" "Outside of British Possessions","3" " ","68" THE PUBLICATION DEPARTMENT is the oldest department in the church, and the “Christian Recorder,” a journal published at this department, is the oldest Negro journal in the United States. VIRGINIA'S REPRESENTATION IN THE GENERAL CONFERENCE "Time and place.","Ministerial Delegates.","Lay Delegates." "May, 1868","George T. Watkins","Thornton McCoy" "Washington, D. C.","Richard H. Parker","Thomas Wright" " "," ","J. A. Smith" " "," ","Jesse Lee" "May, 1872","W. D. W. Schureman"," " "Nashville, Tenn.","J. B. Hamilton"," " " ","John F. Lane"," " " ","William B. Derrick"," " " ","John H. Offer"," " "May, 1876","William B. Derrick","Richard G. Forrester" "Atlanta, Ga.","W. D. W. Schureman","Jeffrey T. Wilson" " ","Jacklin Strange"," " " ","Aaron Pindle"," " " ","John H. Offer"," " "May, 1880","W. D. W. Schureman","William H. Forrester" "St. Louis, Mo.","J. E. W. Moore","William H. Brown" " ","William H. Brown"," " " ","John E. Cooke"," " "May, 1884","J. E. W. Moore"," " "Baltimore, Md.","Elias H. Bolden"," " " ","James H. Scott"," " "May, 1888","J. E. W. Moore"," " "Indianapolis, Ind.","Elias H. Bolden"," " " ","George D. Jimmerson"," " " ","Jacklin Strange"," " "May, 1892","J. E. W. Moore","Edward Holland" "Philadelphia, Pa.","E. H. Bolden","E. Almond" " ","George D. Jimmerson"," " "May, 1896","A. L. Gaines","Wilson F. Foreman" "Wilmington, N. C.","E. H. Bolden","Levi P. Johnson" " ","William H. Hunter"," " " ","George D. Jimmerson"," " "May, 1900","A. L. Gaines","Wilson F. Foreman" "Columbus, O.","Daniel P. Seaton","A. B. Campbell" " ","John E. Cooke"," " " ","E. H. Bolden"," " " ","Israel L. Butt"," " "May, 1904","George D. Jimmerson","Wilson F. Foreman" "Chicago, Ill.","A. L. Gaines","Thomas Traynham" " ","L. H. Reynolds"," " " ","Israel L. Butt"," " HISTORICAL TABLES SESSION OF THE VIRGINIA CONFERENCE "Session","Time","Seat of Conference","Bishop Presiding" "1","1867, May 9","Richmond","A. W. Wayman, D. D." "2","1868, April","Richmond","A. W. Wayman, D. D." "3","1869, April","Norfolk","A. W. Wayman, D. D." "4","1870, Mar. 23","Portsmouth","A. W. Wayman, D. D." "5","1871, Apr. 23","Staunton","A. W. Wayman, D. D." "6","1872, Mar. 27","Richmond","A. W. Wayman, D. D." "7","1873, Apr. 9","Portsmouth","J. P. Campbell, D. D." "8","1874, Apr. 15","Danville","J. P. Campbell, D. D." "9","1875, Apr. 1","Richmond","J. P. Campbell, D. D." "10","1876, Mar. 29","Portsmouth","J. P. Campbell, D. D." "11","1877, Apr. 12","Wytheville","John M. Brown, D. D." "12","1878, Apr. 10","Farmville","John M. Brown, D. D." "13","1879, Apr. 17","Hampton","John M. Brown, D. D." "14","1880, Mar. 21","Norfolk","John M. Brown, D. D." "15","1881, Apr. 14","Danville","D. A. Payne, D. D." "16","1882, Apr. 20","Salem","D. A. Payne, D. D." "17","1883, Apr. 26","Eastville","D. A. Payne, D. D." "18","1884, Apr. 8","Portsmouth","D. A. Payne, D. D." "19","1885, Apr. 8","Wytheville","H. M. Turner, D. D., LL. D" "20","1886, Apr. 14","Richmond","H. M. Turner, D. D., LL. D." "21","1887, Apr. 13","Suffolk","H. M. Turner, D. D., LL. D." "22","1888, Mar. 28","Norfolk","H. M. Turner, D. D., LL. D." "23","1889, Mar. 6","Staunton","J. P. Campbell, D. D." "24","1890, Apr. 9","Danville","T. M. D. Ward, D. D." "25","1891, Apr. 8","Salem","A. W. Wayman, D. D." "26","1892, Apr. 14","Winchester","Abraham Grant, D. D." "27","1893, Apr. 12","Portsmouth","W. J. Gaines, D. D." "28","1894, Apr. 18","Roanoke","W. J. Gaines, D. D." "29","1895, Apr. 17","Norfolk","W. J. Gaines, D. D." "30","1896, Apr. 8","Richmond","W. J. Gaines, D. D." "31","1897, Apr. 8","Wytheville","James A. Handy, D. D." "32","1898, Apr. 20","Smithfield","James A. Handy, D. D." "33","1899, Apr. 26","Portsmouth","James A. Handy, D. D." "34","1900, Apr. 11","Norfolk","James A. Handy, D. D." "35","1901, Apr. 18","Roanoke","B. F. Lee, D. D." "36","1902, Apr. 17","Danville","B. F. Lee, D. D." "37","1903, Apr. 23","Berkley","B. F. Lee, D. D." "38","1904, Apr. 7","Norfolk","B. F. Lee, D. D." "39","1905, Apr. 26","Salem","W. J. Gaines, D. D." "40","1906, Apr. 18","Richmond","W. J. Gaines, D. D." NECROLOGY ITINERANT MINISTERS FROM 1867—1906 "Name","Month","Year" "Rev. Lewis H. Wayne"," ","1868" "Rev. George Thornton","January 8","1868" "Rev. Cato L. Dailey"," ","1872" "Rev. Benjamin L. Halloway"," ","1875" "Rev. Matthew Marshall"," ","1878" "Rev. Abraham Williams"," ","1878" "Rev. Richard H. Parker"," ","1879" "Rev. John W. Montgomery"," ","1879" "Rev. William J. Fuller"," ","1880" "Rev. George W. Johnson"," ","1880" "Rev. Robert T. Lewis"," ","1882" "Rev. George W. Settles"," ","1884" "Bishop William Fisher Dickerson(At Columbus, S. C., buried at Woodbury, N. J.)","December 20","1884" "Rev. S. A. Ricks"," ","1887" "Rev. Lemuel W. Lee"," ","1889" "Rev. James A. Haynes","September 14","1899" "Rev. James W. Throckmortin"," ","1891" "Bishop J. P. Campbell, D. D., LL. D.(In Philadelphia, and was buried there.)"," ","1872" "Rev. Richard J. Gassaway"," ","1872" "Rev. Felix Wood"," ","1872" "Rev. John Bascom Lewis","July 23","1894" "Rev. John H. Briggs","September 14","1894" "Rev. Philip M. Only"," ","1896" "Rev. George W. Harris"," ","1897" "Rev. Frank Warren Overton","March","1900" "Rev. P. S. Jefferson"," ","1901" "Rev. George W. Ruffin","April 14","1902" "Rev. L. T. Barker"," ","1902" "Rev. Charles A. Holmes, A. B.","May 24","1902" "Rev. John H. Offer","June 10","1902" "Rev. Elias Horace Bolden, B. D.","July 10","1902" "Rev. Moses A. Matthews","December 5,","1902" "Rev. William Harrison Lee. A. B.","June 19","1904" "Rev. John Thomas Schofield"," ","1904" "Rev. Robert Armistead","January 14","1904" "Rev. George W. Pinkard"," ","1905" "Rev. George Williams","April 24","1905" "Rev. William J. Harris","September 3","1905" Necrology LOCAL CONFERENCE MEMBERS "Rev. Elias Hill, Deacon of Smithfield"," ","1887" "Rev. David Owen, Deacon of Emanuel, Portsmouth"," ","1887" "Rev. Thornton McCoy, Deacon"," ","1887" "Rev. William H. Davis, Deacon"," ","1887" "Rev. Michael Brown, Deacon,"," ","1887" "Rev. Elisha Webb"," ","1887" "Rev. Richard W. Sylvester","November","1894" "Rev. John Williams, Deacon of Emanuel, Portsmouth"," ","1899" "Rev. Henry Halyard, Local Elder"," ","1903" "Rev. Thomas Miller","December","1900" ITINERANT MINISTERS' WIVES Sister —— Only, wife of Rev. Philip Only July 1890 Sister Fletcher Lee Holmes, wife of Rev. C. A. Holmes 1900 Sister Emma Timberlake, wife of Rev. R. T. Timberlake 1900 Sister Martha Duckett, wife of Rev. Joseph Duckett. October 4 1903 (Buried at Franktown, Va.) Sister Elizabeth Thomas, wife of Rev. J. H. Thomas July 28 1904 (At Norfolk, and buried there.) Sister Fannie P. Bowser Schofield, wife of Rev. J. T. Schofield September 15 1905 (At Abingdon, Va., and was buried there.) Sister Lucy J. Williams, wife of Rev. George Williams April 25 1905 (At Drummondtown, Va., and buried there.) Sister Cornelia Mossell, wife of Dr. C. W. Mossell February 6 1906 (At Norfolk and buried at Washington, D. C.) APPENDIX BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF JOHN ANDERSON LANKFORD, B. S., M. S. The foremost Negro architect and builder and business man of the race. The subject of this sketch was born in Potosi, Washington County, Mo., December 4, 1874. His parents were poor, but his father, Andrew Lankford, was known throughout Washington County as an excellent farmer and miner, and a man of high integrity. His mother, Nancy Lankford, was of some of the best blood of the State, and a woman who was known in the community to possess refinement, culture and exceptional natural ability. She was a devout Christian and temperance worker. Young Lankford spent his early life in the mines and on the farm, except when he was in the public schools of his native town, which were very meager at that time. After finishing the public schools, he left his home and went to Crystal City, Mo., to work in a plate glass factory in order to obtain enough money to pay his way to Jefferson, where he was to enter Lincoln Institute, the State College, and School of Mechanical Arts, for the Negroes in the State of Missouri. He had only been there a short time, before he received a letter from Prof. I. E. Page, President of Lincoln Institute at that time, stating that he would give him work on the school campus as one of the assistant janitors, which job would give him sufficient money to pay his board. Young Lankford had scarcely made enough money to buy his school books and comfortable clothing for a school year, but being full of energy and will power, he set out to find a way to fill his new position. He went to St. Louis and was lucky enough to meet a porter, who was running from St. Louis through Jefferson City. When he arrived at the Institution, Prof. I. E. Page gave him work as promised as the assistant janitor. Under these circumstances he began his college career; working as assistant janitor to pay his board; as an agent of the Plymouth Rock Pant Co., to procure his clothing, and a solictor for a steam laundry to get his laundry done. In the College and Industrial work he had little difficulty in out-stripping his fellow students as his mind was ever on the alert to seek out the little, yet the important facts that distinguish the extraordinary from the ordinary personages, and at the end of six years he had finished a course in mechanical drawing; as a machinist, blacksmithing, woodturning, carpentry, engineering and a course in natural and chemical science with an enviable record. Ever anxious to be his own master, young Lankford opened a blacksmith shop after leaving college. Although his shop was in an excellent part of St. Louis, he saw that he did not have the opportunity to demonstrate the great knowledge that he had worked so hard for in college, so he decided to look for other fields. JOHN A. LANKFORD, M. S. At this time he received a letter from Dr. Booker T. Washington of Tuskegee, making him an offer. Ever ready to grasp an opportunity, Mr. Lankford accepted. He finished two trades at Tuskegee Industrial School, Tuskegee, Ala., 1896, also took a special course in Physics and Chemistry. He took a course in Architectural and Mechanical Drawing at Scranton, Pa., 1897. Mr. Lankford received a degree of Bachelor of Science at Shaw University, Raleigh, N. C., in 1898, Master of Science, Morris Brown College, Atlanta, Ga., Master of Science, Wilberforce College, 1902, Wilberforce, Ohio. He was at one time superintendent of the blacksmith department of the Foulton Cotton Mills, Atlanta, Ga. He was the head engineer of the National Ice Co., which made all the ice for the National Exposition. He was elected superintendent of the machine department and instructor of architectural and mechanical drawing of the Agricultural and Mechanical College, Normal, Ala., and was master mechanic of the Coleman Cotton Mills, Concord, N. C., in which he put over $80,000.00 worth of cotton mill machinery. He was elected superintendent of the industrial department of Shaw University, Raleigh, N. C., also instructor of natural and chemical science, Shaw, Raleigh, N. C., 1900. In 1902 The Grand United Order of True Reformers of Richmond, Va., employed him as a designer and supervising architect for the construction of True Reformers' Hall, located in Washington, D. C., which building is said to be the largest in the country designed, owned and built by Negroes. He established an architectural and builders office on one of the principal business streets in the city of Washington some six years ago and to-day he has branch offices in thirteen different states, and at present has under construction the largest, finest, and most expensive churches, office buildings and dwellings owned by Negroes. In the State of Virginia alone, he has more than three hundred thousand dollars worth of work under way. Some of his best work in Virginia is the St. Johns A. M. E. Church parsonage, Norfolk, Va., and the overhauling and beautifying and decorating of the large St. Johns Church, where the great General Conference will be held in 1908. It is said that this parsonage is the most artistic, costly and largest in the connection. At Portsmouth, Va., he is overhauling and decorating Emanuel A. M. E. Church; in Richmond, he has under construction three, three-story flats and a twenty-six room residence, belonging to Dr. W. L. Taylor, Grand Master and President of The True Reformers bank and order. This is the largest and most costly Negro residence in the United States. He also has in Richmond, Va., the office and business building for the Southern Aid Insurance Company, and many other buildings in Virginia and throughout the country. Mr. Lankford stands to-day as the most known and famous Negro architect and builder of the race. He is not only an architect and builder of National reputation, but a public spirited business man. He organized the Local Negro Business League of the District of Columbia and has been its president for the past three years. He is a life member of the National Negro Business League and at the last meeting of the League which was held at Topeka, Kan., in 1907, Mr. Lankford was elected one of the vice presidents of that great National organization. He is a past officer and prominently connected with the True Reformers, and St. Luke's organizations; the largest stock-holder and treasurer of the Columbia Benefit Association of Washington, and a director of the Colored Y. M. C. A., also a business man who has accumulated quite a deal of property, having designed and built several houses and flats in the District of Columbia for himself. He is a man of great energy, ability and personality. In 1901 he married the refined and cultured grand-daughter of Bishop H. M. Turner, in this union one daughter was born, Miss Nancy Josephine Turner Lankford. The firm of J. A. Lankford & Bro., is located at 317 Sixth street, N. W., Washington, D. C. Mr. A. E. Lankford, his brother, is connected with the firm and is a mechanical engineer and an excellent architect. H. W. D. (Written by Helen Davis, Detroit, Mich.) Front Elevation of St. John's A.M.E. Church Parsonage Norfolk, Va.