On Windows, please read this file using WordPad to format lines properly. This directory contains a short example on how to use the Win32 UnZip DLL with Visual Basic. The example code consists of a simple dialog form and a standard module containing the interface code to call unzip32.dll. The code assumes that the unzip32.dll binary is available somewhere on the execution path. The easiest way to satisfy this rule is to keep a copy of unzip32.dll in the directory where the VB executable is stored, but if it's in the command path it should be found. The example code has been edited last with Visual Basic 6, but should be compatible with VB 5. To maintain compatibility with VB5 after having modified the example project in VB6, the project file has to be edited using a standard text editor (e.g.: Notepad), to remove the line specifying the "Retained" property. This property line is not recognized by VB 5 and would prevent correct loading of the project in VB 5. This VB example makes use of the "Windows Common Dialogs" ActiveX control comdlg32.ocx, supplied with Visual Basic. Unfortunately, there are different revisions of this control available which are not binary compatible. In order to maintain compatibility of the source code with all available versions of comdlg32.ocx, the source files may have to be edited manually after the program has been saved from the VB environment on a system containing the latest release of comdlg32.ocx: Both vbunzip.frm and vbunzip.vbp should contain a reference line for the common dialog ocx reading like: Object = "{F9043C88-F6F2-101A-A3C9-08002B2F49FB}#1.1#0"; "COMDLG32.OCX" ^^^ The important section of this line is the revision number "1.1" (marked by the "^^^" signs). On a system with a more recent version of comdlg32.ocx installed, this version number is updated to "1.2" (or higher) by VB automatically. This number has to be changed back to "1.1" manually, otherwise the example code can no longer be used on systems with old versions of comdlg32.ocx. When fetching the VB example code from the UnZip source distribution, one has to make sure that the files are stored in the correct "DOS/Windows-native" text format with "CR-LF" line endings. Visual Basic does not accept Unix style text format (LF line terminators) for Form class modules (*.frm) and the project file (*.vbp). You may use unzip's -a option to convert the project on extraction. If this is a full source distribution, see the Where file for where to download the compiled unzip DLL for a specific platform which includes this example project in native format for that platform. For more information, see the comments within the VB source.