13:38:22 From KAIRO : No typing directly to other people or about non-class material 13:38:41 From KAIRO : And typing only to the everyone chat 13:39:27 From KAIRO : And if typing directly, Do it to the teacher only 13:40:16 From Va'Nia Fitzgerald-Mitchell to Baba Wekesa(Direct Message) : Ayo 13:45:00 From Baba Wekesa : History is a clock. 13:48:37 From Baba Wekesa : Draw a clock and put that part of the quote under it. 13:50:21 From Ato A. Smooth : is ayo in here? 13:50:46 From Ato A. Smooth : me and my dad are trying to reach him but he wont answer his phone 13:50:56 From Ato A. Smooth to Baba Wekesa(Direct Message) : hello? 13:51:11 From Ato A. Smooth to Baba Wekesa(Direct Message) : do you know if ayo is in this class? 13:52:19 From Ato A. Smooth to Baba Wekesa(Direct Message) : looking for ayo 13:57:11 From KAIRO : The clock tells us what time it is so we know what to do 13:57:36 From Baba Wekesa : "... that people use to tell their political and cultural time of day." 13:58:39 From Baba Wekesa : "Political time of day?" 13:59:02 From Baba Wekesa : political.... 14:00:33 From KING tawyn silvers jr : Political history is the narrative and survey of political events, ideas, movements, organs of government, voters, parties and leaders. It is closely related to other fields of history, including diplomatic history, constitutional history, social history, people's history, and public history. 14:01:56 From Baba Wekesa : Politics is the way that people living in groups make decisions. Politics is about making agreements between people so that they can live together in groups such as tribes, cities, or countries 14:02:02 From KING tawyn silvers jr : Political definition is - of or relating to government, a government, or the conduct of government. 14:02:51 From Baba Wekesa : decisions, agreements, distribution of resources 14:06:43 From Baba Wekesa : History is a clock that people use to tell them what decisions need to be made, what agreements need to be made or changed, and what and how resources should be distributed. 14:08:02 From Baba Wekesa : what is culture? 14:08:32 From Baba Wekesa : Can be tradition? 14:09:10 From KAIRO : The arts and other manifestations of human intellectual achievement regarded collectively. 14:09:25 From Va'Nia Fitzgerald-Mitchell : culture - the customs, arts, social institutions, and achievements of a particular nation, people, or other social group. 14:10:26 From KING tawyn silvers jr : Culture is an umbrella term which encompasses the social behavior and norms found in human societies, as well as the knowledge, beliefs, arts, laws, customs, capabilities, and habits of the individuals in these 14:10:41 From KAIRO : May I go get water? 14:11:27 From KAIRO : I will be back in like five minutes 14:12:31 From KING tawyn silvers jr : no 14:13:42 From KING tawyn silvers jr : study and art 14:17:11 From Baba Wekesa : History is a clock that people use to decide and act to create, preserve, instill behavior, values, rules for their survival and their success. 14:21:50 From KAIRO : A compass is used to find your way 14:21:56 From KAIRO : and directs you 14:25:09 From Baba Wekesa : Memorize the History is a clock: the first 52 seconds. 14:25:20 From Baba Wekesa : https://youtu.be/njdQzyQnHeg 14:27:00 From Baba Wekesa : 2. Review what we've learned and wrote about the first sentence - political and cultural / deciding and acting. 14:27:56 From Baba Wekesa : 3. Talk to with your family or others and look words up to understand "the map of human geography," and 14:28:22 From Baba Wekesa : #4. Talk about the 3rd sentence... where they are, what they still must be. 14:28:57 From Baba Wekesa : #5. What does he mean by the relationship between history and a people is the same as the relationship between a mother and her child. 14:30:42 From Ayo Akachi : can i get the video link? 14:31:37 From Baba Wekesa : ---------------------------------- 14:31:41 From Baba Wekesa : -------------------------------------------- 14:32:05 From Ayo Akachi : all i see is -------------------------- 14:32:12 From Naima Ashae : Yea its just lines. 14:32:18 From Ayo Akachi : ok 14:33:48 From Baba Wekesa : https://youtu.be/njdQzyQnHeg 14:33:57 From Sewaa Ayanna : Scholars, please memorize "History is a Clock by this Wednesday's class (September 15, 2021). 14:34:41 From Baba Wekesa : https://youtu.be/njdQzyQnHeg 14:36:19 From Ayo Akachi : shadowayogaming@gmail.com 14:41:13 From Baba Wekesa : Wekesa@gmail.com 14:41:28 From Baba Wekesa : 1. That you were late 14:41:43 From Baba Wekesa : 2. what time you got to class or how much you missed 14:41:49 From Baba Wekesa : 3. why? 14:42:00 From Baba Wekesa : 4. What you need from them to do better 14:42:36 From Sewaa Ayanna : atilghman@my.itc.edu 14:44:07 From Baba Wekesa : http://zoom.us/j/4042012356