Subject: AYA Students Show What They Know: Thursday, June 5th,7:30 PM. You are invited!
From: Afiya Madzimoyo
Date: Mon, 2 Jun 2008 07:46:07 -0400 (EDT)

International Online Students Show what they Know!
Thursday June 5th, 7:30 PM and
Sunday June 8th, 5 PM EST

Please log in to support these students as they demonstrate what they have learned this year.

To attend, log into our public conference auditorium. Download and install the file; then enter the room.

Enroll for summer program today.

See AYA's New Look!

Thursday, June 5, 2008
7:30 PM EST

Sunday, June 8, 2008
5:00 PM EST

If you have interest in joining our school, utilize the coupon below for a 25.00 discount on registration for our summer and fall programs.

National and International students, apply now too.

Click here to come.

Click here for more information on AYA Educational Institute.

Give the gift of consciousness this summer season. Want your family to have a foundation in our story, our legacies, our greatness as a Black/African people. 

Learn how three self-made Black millionaires made their money -- created and built their systems to insure continual direct and passive income.

AYA Students strut their stuff next week.  Feature presentations include:
  • African Language Twi Presentation  
  • Master Keys to Ancient KMT
  • Argumentation and Falsification
  • Composition and Style
  • Origins of World Civilizations
  • Photography Exhibit
  • Thermodynamics
  • Integrated Algebra & Geometry
  • Pre-Calculus
Check them out.


Afiya & Wekesa Madzimoyo
AYA Educational Institute
Save 25.00
This coupon affords you a 25.00 reduction in your registration fee to join the AYA Summer and fall program.

You are encouraged to pass on this coupon to family and friends.  If appearing in person, please bring this coupon with you.  If calling or speaking online, just refer to it.
Offer Expires: January 10, 2008
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AYA Educational Institute | 1083 S. Columbia Drive | Decatur | GA | 30030