Afrikan Language Study: To study Afrikan languages is to study our people and our culture. To learn to speak in our "tongues" before our captivity and brutality by Arabs and Europeans is to heal. It's the healing that allows us to re-create from our cultural strengths and world view. Far deeper than learning just how to ask for change, AYA's language courses have you talking to your ancestors and loved ones without the oppressor mediating the exchange! This is another step in our re-Africanization journey -- a next step to nurture the Afrikan spirit as it seeks to subdue the brutally imposed European one. Join us as we start once again- speakin’ in tongues - the tongues of our Ancestors. Other Tongues: For a historically oppressed people to study the oppressor’s language in order to communicate with brothers, sisters and historic enemies is a sober reminder of what we still me become and still must be. If we are to become a force in the world for our people’s and the world’s good, we need to speak our meaning and work our purposes through other tongues to reach other ears, hearts and minds. Click to learn more about the courses: Twi: Ayinde Madzimoyo (Weekend Shule) Swahali and French : Sister Yapende (Weekday school) of High Merr International