Which type school did your student last attend?
Registration -- Computer Set-Up Fee
You may pay in installments. Just see recurring payments below.
Full Time Monthly Tuition
A recurring payment set-up link will be sent to you. Once you set up this payment, sign our tuition engagement agreement, you will be good to go.
If you chose full-day curriculum, there is not need to choose any courses. If you are attending part-time, feel free to choose courses below.
All Full-Time Core Curriculum Subjects $149.00
Middle School
$149.00. Middle School Core Curriculum Courses. Choose only if choosing A la Carte. If full-time, do not choose.
99.00. Middle School Core Curriculum Discounted / Institutional Rates. Choose only if choosing A la Carte. If full-time, do not choose.
$99.00 Middle School Electives / Choose A la Carte
$79.00 Discounted / Institutional Rate. Middle School Electives Choose A la Carte
High School
$149.00. High School Core Curriculum.
$99.00. High School Core Curriculum. Discounted / Institutional Rate.
$99.00. High School Electives.
$79.00. High School Electives. Discounted / Institutional Rate.
Check your preferred form of payment:
Note that our preferred method is via subscription, and you may be asked to pay in this form if payments tend to run late via other methods.
When you submit your form, you will be taken to the AYA PAY page. Click on Buy Now and pay by credit/debit card or Via Paypal.
You will not be registered until you have paid in full. Thanks. Call Afiya @ 404-532-9958 for any assistance needed.
This is the description of your section break.
Further Communication
You may register to come to our OPEN HOUSES starting May 16th through September 5th, 2021.
Click here to register for the OPEN HOUSE: http://ayanetwork.com/macform/view.php?id=100
You may also get onto M. Afiya Madzimoyo's calendar and get all your questions answered. Click here to schedule: https://allthingsaya.as.me/?appointmentType=21293128